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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I 7 A 4 cootaeftjdilaphtfe and firm intripidity exhibited on the oc cafion Refolved That Lieut Col leury and Maj'crSteward who by their fituatiori in leading the two attacks had a nv yvi ixvnu in liUv maiivwiui unn vi'WJlinigUUlUIJg lUClBlCIVCty jHh other obftruflidns rendered the approaches have by their perfonal atchievements exhibited a bright ALa A A A A A X' 1 1 1 I A A I I ftns been the unanimous fentimept to evacuate the ircpun ai oiuuy rwnir remove cne cannon ana it ores Befitpythe work? which was accompliftied op the itottnr lain one piece orneavv cannon on exceot Ijor want pf proper tackling within reach to tranfport kuDORvyjanat wc wer? oou2cCi to lend ihtm to the feiiater The movements of the veffels ere ijone untdiiiicis on ineir account 'ana inaucca me to peofths pieces for their protection which firialiy OOc ocorqvgnt tr without rwing more tor its pre: irnan irwas worm vv a in wntrn uowtj cover toe pnatk one got under way rtturfftbeifternoon of the 18II1 The enemy be xevere ana continued cannonade uuon hr fmm received feme in jcry which difabled het pejjeeaiDg me was nmamore Not eing aide to get rar uu Mtc cneiioon line ana one or two cm tre SyV vefiete under favor oftiienight having pafled a wo iPr zn a Hir trt a MiprbljableCoJgrefs will be plefed to bettpwTome ttoiconnaeraaon uuon thote othiers who ddtinrmilh mtnfelves iippq this occafio'n Every officer and man corps oeierves great credit big there were particu tarfl convenient lift Ston Point taZv Y'? T7fr ff ft iw tire fioftor of giving yoii a full and particular re rcaunion ot tins point by the light infantry mvc'ommand flie jtfi infant at twelve we took up our suircui ryuinoangy tseacn dittant 14 piles from tae roads being exceedingly bad and narrow to hafs rtVr hitrh mmtntfHnc A rT vmuumwj VM44( Rijand difficult defiles' we were obliged to move in ct rne greaten parr ot the way At eisht oc ock livening the van arrived at Mr With alf miles tf andTormed ntoce fWW'4Uaft as they came up agreeable to the order of iMyflexed yit Colonels arid regi fbiladelpbrti July 4' be 5 Jby Public krendilet On Monday the fecond div of Aumift Tipyf ntt' fka rp A valuable trail of Land knon by the name of Doctor EckstiniV fituated in Briftol town fliip fix miles from the city one from and within a quarter of a mile of two grill rajUs con tainiijg twenty fie acres eight of winch are wclltiin bered eight acres ef watered meadow equal to ivy in he Stile the remainder good tillable land and chiefly planted with a variety of the Uft kind cl fruit trees There are alfo upon the prcmifes three dwelling houfer two of which are of ifehe a barn fcr pleafant fltuation and diftanceTrem the citj affords an azreeahlfc remit for a entlm'jn rInrJniv tk trn11S A A ll a aCTivsi jjv rinuuE au ucvin aw wo ctLMjc jrn revious to winch 1 placed myfelf at the head of United otatvv ditions made known at the 'time of fU he Kttoiveo 1 iidi uonpreis varmiv flnnmvp anri jnniooH a rOtl CYlIaiC riftf tr Awh awi nnw Kat rrxl 4 ntvrth ikL I 7 il 7 uut HiavC kuvwviuvuMwHujM4k UHJVU JLlUU V71WUUIJ9 SUU Lieut Anoxiea on tae toriorn nppe braving danger and frk ir Min' ef fhetr rAiinSt fi lfftaJ Sjyarttrt Ntwiiilf9rt it 1779 ft ie iaftaut Thad the honor to inform goagrefo itstutattacK npontne enemy pofttubtbny roint ir proceeding night By rizAd'ar' General 5 sauigu ju iurumi tnccinnon arainu trmaiiKi i 1 1 rt rr no a a a 1 ITre romt and forced them to cut the cables of their Ihiomhrf fotir voices ji nrnDcrauoni in wnicnx wf? nav nen nava A 7 1 9f ana run aown the river vj iAnr tt niir nt frr nnwr in rrammit tno nrwCrtw 7 mev will how BeTouii? in a0 Ctitudewas I to omit mentio of the weather wastMerrtd aftd the mating adioum tQinntereiung nejrwiii nowfounq ntoz Capt ifhbutriaad Mr Archermv two a dsdecamoi ed to the nw'Ti vnH fV wfao on every occafio'n fliewed theieateft intreoiditv and ftoufe Yard at ii oMorlr hf Zhirh'thfa rftoea 'J i jneffirnmiiims nt? na flfc MMHr nt nnun vw 4 iBODOrtcdnie intn thfi wnrVfisiiyr wrnnrt irt liAhTfPT DOtJoncdTi omcerf and men under ins command it giver me ifire to add1 that his own cohdtfdtfirou2hout the whole i '11 ct Hl muuvw incr uaiuc approudiiou pngreis ne improved upon tne pwn recommended ana executed it ir a manner that does lienal ho hjs judgnient and to I is bravery In a critical md ttof tbeaffsiiit he received wouhd in the head i mvfket ball but continued leadinebn his men with mkea firmnefs ffldw beg leave tor the private latisuttioii of Congrefs ne mouves which induced me to direct tne at 'p a 1 Pbiladehhia TM a aftionbe Af I flruck That one of told be prefented to Rriadicr A be wid at Public Vendue on the wventh day ot Augult at the Coffee houfe in the city of Phila a certain trad or piece of Land lituate in Li rnerick townffiip in ihe county of Philadelphia con Hnmf forty acres adjoining lands of John Koplin and Philip Yort Tate the eftate of George Crows deceafedy The fate to begin at Ten o'clock in the morning CHRISTIANA CROWS Adminiftrattix rr 1 Jair a4 rTA AKEN out of 2 chair at Mr Livery Stablei on Munday morning lff two bundles containing one yard and a quarter of mininet hwa three ards ot net lace and a double caj fico wrapper Whsever will bring rny cr all of ths above articles to heriof ffiall be bendldn? rev aided swtr W2V St fhp nftfnf fhfl Ls ir4nnl columns meeting in the center'of the ene Gibbon? and Lieut Knox nearly at the (ame initant Too much prana to Lietft Col leury (who ftruckthe' Hwpaaaard Kith his own hand) and tojMajor Stew 3'29ttxnxnsnded the advanced parties for their crave ggycocduaf Ver ai ebiger conduced them that coolnefe bravery end perteverence that RhS' l' Lieut Col Hay was wounded in 1 it at vi ins UdlLcuiwile A Wuvi nao iwUuLvvly IU Zuvli lUluiJC yp too such of your time was I as the Commander in Chief (hall prescribe txtraajromibf iamutgf9 A 0 3 0 Secretary reriamdir of of the weather w2sdfe red aftd thering adjourn 7 unwiKL jkuuckv ka Chairman jo every is rccjUkoiica to utimd Mr DU NL Total killed Serjeants 13 Privates Lieutenants 10 Serjeants Corporals 64 Privates ky of the Central BENJAMIN A Camp ort Montgomery July 211779 Copy 7 General return of the prifoners taken at Stony Point Officers Tent to Ration' on parale Lieutenant Colonel 1 Affiltant Surgeon Officers and Privates wounded and Tent in 2 Lieuts wo (X jof Let to wbrij I gm mdebfed Tor frequent and very ufeful intelligence 'vwhih contributed much to tle fucCcis InGenent Town Meeting 4 held tAi diy' the plap of the enterprise arid it is with the greatefl pieafure I ac for flopping the emtffionand raffing ja rescue bydub knowledge to ydu I was fupported in the attack by all fcription was unapuroufly approved xf and agreed to theofficers and fiddiers nnder my command to the utmpft tm n' 'f wiflies The officers and privates of rhe artillery ajTociafion for likewifo CXrted themMvM in fawnin'! fhnrannnn aoainO Vmlanlft a V5VSMI WMS ISVTJ JL 19c lUVUgUL uut uiurc luau afta run aowij the nyer mould be wanting in gratitude was' I to omit mentio twnnA4Arl ipafling the lafi abbatis the light infantry a alfo of the enemy1 together vithjthe nAk I I xLI 1 ving in your lafl Paper feme jefleflions I forgot foinforip ytff ExcellencV thStpviow to my arching I had drawn Gen 'Muhlenberg my rear whith heayfhe does not 9 2f fn ihfArni btM rhMith inould he think fit to pub'ifli what vdl pleafe him it fllall tl be laid before thc' at theirjntir meeting' aid doubt nut it will Have iisZ weightie puling his name theet and he reft alfbred there flnll no aid be foli cited from PraiaJjsnia to expafe it er his lje perfortn an A £5 A A I 0 A Headct Eli ij i a per fens whom Hwy concern are'df fifed Ti notice That JOHN HOLK'ER Efquire i Commiffioned Cnnffil of rance in the port oi Philadelphia by the Minkler Plenipotentiary of HiaMoft ChriflianMa jefly By order of the Manne Committer 'cf CfiUttfe 1 'B Secretary A i S' Board have received 7 li atiurt from Colonel Biand commanding fonyrnticn Barracks ntar CbarlotteviHr in Vir that confidc rtbls dcferiiona have' taken olaca arneng the trrs ths Convent icn man of whom leave Ihv TWh in intent in rei dn ike All fav ut tJu Minted are thrfnr it et to totbc k) dit flin ar apprehending tier trtarr tom ttivfe rps he civil officers jntke refpec live Scaias drferten may br fouDflireearneft r'quftea and the vwli' fL drd inhabitants wi 1 do ffcntiaf feiice to their count tkir6 rito cultody ail ritiih deferters tcu'dlinx iom the lonthwxid and dcliveririg 1 fl i tn ir t1 ft a aVHXj VI VJX1 HJJl I l'K US total wounded i Lieutenant Colonel 2 Captains 3 to the neareitfiu A of adminiiterinii the btate oath or dfogiapee to deierters teem the convention troops and tiun applying thesp withppflec ha herZf tofore beta too prey Jent arid preduftusof ciuj coueuenct' by 1 ifri rdjng thvm 3 fafe and eafy method of reaping to pteoesin the peffi ftfon of the Bri tilli vrmy Thote rriagiflrettn ard ot er officers of jufl tice wh bavo been rrtfutttd to receive facb oaths' 'and Tjairtp'iffte io ccnfcduence tbereof: are carneftly called upon to xliicornintie a pi afltce fo injjjrious to the Stare's And as ili jie fles have beai attained mrely with 'tefig! touckitae their efcap to rhe iii my thefoldiws them notwithftirdirg to' and treated as detertew They at generally dad in flioft coarfe linen coats or coatees and lipen overalls and Carry their regimental coats in knapucks The corps under the rocfntion of Saratoga confift of the 9 th toll' tit 24th 47: an! 6if regiments a deiacnmsrt of te jjd regiment Lord corps and royal arbiter Biiiih and ot the Brunfwick dra juris regiments of Rvidsfel Bajiier Rhetz Spscbr Heffe Hanau Ileffiin tilery and battalion of grena diers Gcrnfin The regiments and corps'kie particu larized is tfye numbers abd devices on buttons of many of their uniforms may tenjd to discover tha defer tion of the owners By order of thr jaid flecietarp 'the printer 1 in the different State are def nd to tiferl' tbi advent fement in tbetr papin 4 M' I 1 wv 4UV ulip YVUfivQ AHCr CwCiVCM JzJf WvUUi 1X1 Incldfed are the returns of the killed' and wounded of number of prifohefs taken like wife of the 'ordnance and (lores found fa the garrifon A marching who with three hundred men of his brigade took the oppofite fide of them irfltfoas to be in radinls either toiiipport meor to 6ver a retreat in cafe of accident and I have rio doubt of bis faithfully rnd effectually txecutirig either had there been any for him The humanity of opr brave CJdiery' who coined to take the lives of a vanquiflted foe callingor mercy reflects the hibeft on them and accounts he the few of the eijetny killed on tjie oecafion fiivisfiedwith be manner in which I have men cqndpCl of Lieutenants Gibbons and Knox the two gentlemen who led advanced parties of twenty bien their djflinguiflied bravery deferves the high eft the fir ft belongs to the lixth Pennfyi vania reg merit arid loft imeri killed and wounded In the attack tlie lafl beldrigs to the ninth ditto who was nibre fortunate favfnj his men tho notlefoexpofed I haVe the honor to be with great refpeft Your moft obedient humbie fcrvaijt A lv 1 JN A ven Washington A return of the kilied'and waunded Of the at the ftorm of Stony Point under rhe command of Mna nrigaaier ueneral wavne HVKno Js'aKs'tAwc TJ I aviusSJl AIIIVU uvijum vatjs Wounded 7 Serjeants 1 Corporal 29 Privates LO one Kilt vr a A WVi''ClULt A 11 whofe fituation placed them foreinofl in danger vatel Wounded i Lieutenant Colonel 2 Serjeants 2 I conaucr mon contpiaious Lieut colonel 25 rnvaies rj( BW Major steward comman Jeu the wo attacks eoione meig's regiment Killed 3 Privates Wound IMnAia I lKAna nAo a A Wl rp I 1 1 A iunlunnn A IcwauwuiMV'Juaauu uhua ivuiiijauuca inc auvaivea 4 xcucMauid 1 ucrjcdNi rnydiEb ar ter tent AaSrand all acauirtpfi themfolwc waII Major detachment Kills I oPrivttes riJas ppffibie ihefe officers have a claim to be more eJ Lieutenant 4 privates jtariv noticed Archer who will have Hie honor of deli vering thefe ies is a voiunuer Atae to Vrtnerai wavne and a iman of merit His zeal aflivit and Tpiri ara uuo uwun every uccdiionz inave rne nonsr rn ne itfllhe PfftAteft rfhpfland pjlppm? 7 Your mofl obedient feumhle forvant 1 i a rfofrfot fltetlfionl that fvtn flacra and twn 0flrt4nw4 fe (ormer belonging tojhe'garrifdn and the 4 aptams iz Lieutenants 4 Enfigns 1 Conduftor of crW5w jty ucic xuau ue iem to vorigreis oy nninwi 1 nniiitni ourgcon firftconvenient opportunity Officers aud Privates wounded and lent in nants Enfign Surgeon 39 Privates Left at dail 9 Privates 2 Attendants Sent to Ea ft on 44: Privates 25 Servants to Officers Total 541 ABRAHAM DINNER Com Prifoner Soften July 20 1779 (Copy) Return of the killed 1 Captain 1 Lteiitenant 8 Serjeants 3 Corporals 50 Privates 4 Tctakej Publifted by jorder of Congrefo CHARLES THOMSON Secretary (The return of prdnamceand ftores taken at Stony Point'will'be in our next) I Blwith Major detachment forme I the right Refolved unaimou fly that the thanks of Congrefs be gMjCoL regiment and Major two given to his Excellency General Walhfagtw for the vi Hfflfietbe left The troops remained in this pofitiori wifdom arid magnanimity with which he hath Hmitfalf the principal officers with niyfelf had re conduced the military operations of thefe States andfromredoBnoitgriDg the works Half after eleven whicn are among many other fignal infiances manifefted BtVbeing the hour fixed on the rftoved for iri hk orders for the Ipte glorious enterprize and fuccefsful tbe vari of the right confi fled of one hundred arid attack on lie fcrtrefs on thebantes riverjUpteCTSb properly officered who with Refolved that the thanks of Congrefs be prefented to VMa oufitrits arid fixed havonets tinderfhewimmanrl Ttriaadier General Wavne for hi hrave HmUnt gyffifEfeury i thefe wire preceded by twenty pick dieciy in the (pirited and well conduced attack Mrawviguant ano Drave officer tq remove the ab otbtony romt IffjpLMier obfiruOipos The van of the left confined Refolved That Congrefs entertain a proper fenfe of the ggfflbdftd volunteers under the command of Major good conduft of the officers and foldiers under the com Wgiaijitfi unloaded mufkets and fixed ba yonefe alfo mand of Brigadier General Wayne in the affault of the gMliy a brave and determined officer with twenty works atv Stony and highly cammehd the' ggfT auv aa luc vHjrr the aflaelt was to' begin on the right jTOygksjoftte enemy's works whflfl Major Milft thrn in front jbut a defpnbra(s covering front and at this time overflowed bv the tide iL ai ict A HMwCult than were at firft apprehended fo that it to their brother foldiers and merit in a nartim minutes after twelve before tKe afiauk larmanner the approbation and acknowledgement of the' ieafon A IVl I A aMk 1 a A A YT A A 1 A a A a ws regt rignt column and gave the troops ths 'BHWVaU 2 on thfi bavnnfih whirh nrrfar wac 1 "9 uw rswa mmu iii firiin nnevn fx Asmas rn a Aaan vrv rnu mnip nr rnAtr rniinpn teffK': 9 bXJV VIW uuaili IUIHVAUVIV wi MVM VWUJIUjr rtgiWinDie finn tillhPrnuvcnl nhrwhc lM front rLH'! flanl1 Vwilrl At ft Iz rxna rifvnlrl honpaAntU wuiu uaiu Hiv muuw viin( juwxct a lhv vu ui i vituicu LU UC" uo the face of a mod tremendous arid inefflant heral Wayne ahd a filver one to Lieut' Col leury and and frpmeannon loaded grape (hot Major Steward ESafe at the point of the bayonetfihro? every Refolved Thata brevet of Captain be given to Lieut That die brevet of Captain be given to Mr Archer thebearer of the letter and volunteer Aid toBrigadier General Wayne That Congrefs approvethepromifes of reward made by Brigadier General Wayne with the concurrence of the Commander in Chief to the troops under his command That the value of the military (lores taken at Stony Point be afeertained and divided among the gallant troop by whom it was reduced nr fuch manner and proportion Wdwidpd who defer ves it for his Extrati jrom th 1 I cannot however omit Ma A 0 3 0 Secretary ri rT3 i rWx a I 4 BP 5 JI i a TS ir iUi S2 4 kf 1b.

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