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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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MBIAT MEW: LAST EDITION FAIR AND WARMER. Sunrise. Sunset. First Seren Months Daily average circulation City and CountyiO.3 Grand TotaL. 1 00.GS7 VOL.


ARBITRATION IS CONSIDERED CARRETSON IS SPOKESMAN FOR union MEN. TENTATIVE AGREEMENT TALK MANAGERS COUNTER PROPOSALS ARE DISCUSSED. Employes Say They are Surprised at President's Familiarity With Rail road Sltuatlorr-Views are Ex 'changed In Greinroom While Crowd Waits Outside to Learn Result of Conference Representatives of Ecth Sides Are In Washington by Invitation President. WASHINGTON, August 14 Aft-er Intrcducing the committee of man-gcr to President Wilson, W. L.

Chambers, of the mediation board, said: "The ice appears to be melting a little." lie added that he was more hopeful that a strike would be averted than he was when he came here from New York. There were nine teen managers In the party and all were silent over the development of the conference cf the men and the rrcsid nt earlier in the day. WASHINGTON. August 14. Prospects for averting a nation-wide railway strike or at least for the formulation of some tentative program which "will be the groundwork for further negotiation, brlMned today after President Wilson conferred with thirty-five chiefs of tiie our great brotherhoods.

the conference at the White Jumna the brotherhood men declared the I': -Mint's of the situation and the jokUIoti of the men result in an und. being reached, and -others In tu ih with the conference said the representatives of the men showed a dis- position to co-operate to avoid a strike. After hearing the leaders of the men two hours, the President sent for the munaci-s for a conference this afternoon. What progress was made at the conference with the men toward averting a break could not be determined until after the President conferred with the managers' committee. Wilson Knew Conditions.

The President, according to those who attended the conference, showed a familiarity with the' situation that surprised the men. Pie-riJent was most sym pathetic," said one of the brotherhood leaders, "and his surprising knowledge of the situation, and of our position, may result In an understanding being irnea The President, it was said, submitted no counter-proposition to the men. but he held out hope for an adjustment by legis lation, ir neceary. The Impression prevailed among the brotherhood leaders that as a last resort the Pi'f-Hdent misht ask the congress for eight-hour day legislation. Arbitration Considered.

The discussion with the trainmen, It 'was It nrned, "centered largely about the possibility of roachlng an agreement on some form of arbitration and articular -attention was paid to the subjects, to be i ai't'lti ated. It whs rtK'irded as possible that a tentative eminent wow ptovide for arbitration the lcmaiids of the men for an mht-hour and for time and a half overtime, with tne elimination of the of the emplovers. Tne raliriads have wished to arbitrate thtir ounter-propotsats, and that the men reMs-t. They were first Inclined to arbitrate their own demands, but later Indicated their disinclination to arbitrate any tiling. Opposed to Arbitration.

The leaders explained to the President their etund against arbitration by saying that they vere carrlng out the. wishes of the tX delegates who sat with them at their meeting with the federal mediators In New York. The delegates, the President was told. In noting on whether they sh-MiM accept or retevt the media torn' proposal to arbitrate, voted unanimously tor rejection. The brotherhood -Htieis presetited to he President detailed reports of the vote cast In favor of a Tpenertil strike.

One Wader of the four brotherhoods, after leavlmc the White Houae. charac- lerireil the conference with the President as "ii ost encourasinK" and declared scut looic for the prevention of a general strike wa. hopeful." A. 15. Grreton.

head of the conductors, was aked whether the nefrotiations were lie replied: "Absolutely jjou" Invited by' Wlison. Pcpresentatlves of the trslnmen and the railroad managers came to Washington from New York today, at President "Wilson's request, to present the threatened strike situation to the President from their respective sides. The trainmen yest rday, in New York, rejected the arbitration proposal made by the arovern-rnevi KJird, of mediation. President Wil-mh I st evening sent a mesaee to the men an-! managers in New. York by Secretary Tuinultv pointing out the dinners of a trik at this time.

Secretary Tmul. tv returned, to Washington early today. The men are ackin for an eisht-hour day and time and a half for overtime. -Knapp Remains In New York. "wiP.Sam I Chamhers.

commissioner of tho t'nited states board of mediation and conciliation, said on his arrival here to ee the President, that he believed the chsnces for th President settling the contr'oversv wee brighter-than were the chapee of tie Mr Chamors nr rivei niily todv from New York with Tumimy. The representatives of tle railroad tranagerx and employes preceded Mr. Chamber here, but Martin Knapp. MEN! i I If a tn. 0j (yio to 2 day.

I.v, Su Si. St. New New FLOOD TORRENT WEAKENED! Water Let Loose From Lake Toxaway Does Little Damage. ATLANTA, August 14. Water let loose from Lake Toxaway when the dam roles Jast night and swept down the did noaSause much damage and no casualties iiae been The torrent was weakened by every bullet from the valley and by the time It reached Anderson.

S. today1 had spent much of Its force. i When the water reached- Anderson It caused only a two-foot rle In the Seneca river at Fortman dam and within a short time the river was falling. Jt was believed here- that by thei time the food reached Ausrusta It would cause only a little rise in the Savannah river. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF BIG R.

R. STRIKE IS GALLED FOOD SUPPLY AT LARGER CI WOULD BE CURTAILED. IES MAN, PLANTS WOULD CLOSE NEW YORK. August J4. If President Wilson falls to persuade the railroad men end their employers to settle their differ ences and a general strike Is called, it will be directed from headquarters In this city.

This announcement was made tcay as the leaders of the four! big railway brotherhoods and the railroad managers reached Washington for a con ference with President Wilson. At brotberncoo r.eaaquarters It was tald that all preparations had been made for tutting Into effect a strike that would stop every train, passenger end freight in z- railroad systems. The critical state of affairs was indicated hy the anxiety displayed In every big industry which would be crippled by the failure of transportation. i Uniexs tne i'resiaent can nni a rnaa out it means a strike." said A. B.

Garret i son, president of the Order of Railway ford. Albert Bradford. John Sheets, Conductors and Official spokesman of the Jerry Landers, former treasurer of Mor-employes, as. he boarded the train for gan county; Flora Matthews, Otis H. Washington at midnight.

Major, Mattle E. Morgan. Grace Harvey, Lee. chairman of the conference tomnitte of railroad managers, also was with the eighteen members of bis committee who went to Washlrpton on the same train that carried the thirty repre-stntatlves of the brotherhood, placed responsibility on the men for the failure of attempts at mediation. air.

Garretson said that the unbending attitude of the railroad managers was to blame for the break. i Called to Washington. The conference committee of the rail roads and the leaders of the four broth erhoods went to. Washington in answer to summons from the White House hrouaht here last night by Joseph P. Tumulty.

the Prealde-it'e secretary. President 'Wilson In his letter, pointed out that a areneral strltce at this time would have a dlstastrous effect on the country and said: "I feel that I have the right, therefore, to request, and I do hereby request, as the head of tlTe government, that beforeany. final decision Is arrived at, may have a personal conference with you here." Authorities here declared that while the national labor laws gave the President no right to Interfere officially, the broad police powers vested in mm gave him authority to put soldiers on the trains and-even to declare martial law he believed the peril of tne situation called for soich drastic measures. Attention was called to the last national rail- frv.d tnke in lsy. when -President Cleve land used the regular army to guard ioco-n-oiives and cars.

The tension in bustness circles here today showed a realization of the acute danger of a national calamity. The aggregate of financial losses, running Into hundreds of millions, labor Idleness and food privation, were some-of the possi bilities which a strike presented, All Depends on Railroads. It was to be business men said, that there Is scarcely a factory of any Importance which does not depend on railroad for Its products. A strike, for instance. 'would mean that the steel mills of Plttsburif would be cut off from their ore supplies In Mlchlsan and Wisconsin; the automobile Industries -of Michigan from supplies ol steel from Pittsburg; the rotton mills of New Ensrland from their cotton from the seuth; the garment makers or iew i om irora inejr cioin from New tngland.

and every industry vervwhere would tie cut oft from coal their furnaces. of more immediate seriousness would be the Question of food supply. The large communities which receive the bulk their f.od from long distances would be forced to re on wni ijiwuhb cuuiu be prouKht in by wagon, automobile. rAm.i vessel, Tho suspension of the country's exports, pnncMtinn of imports at coast cities. the stranding of hundreds of thousands travelers anu aunimrr i eawi far from their homes these were other possibilities wnicn ins sinae situation presented, to say nothing of its effect on the railroads themselves and their ero- JnvlL i The total capitalisation of the railroad in the country amounts to "more than and their gross revenue has been estimated at more man rvki nn the basis of recent reports.

The latest estimates available show that the ruilwavs operate miles of tracks and transport annually 1.033,673.Cs) r-assenuers. The passenger cars have been computed at and other cars 2.393.S0& 1 WEATHER IHDICATIOHS. STATES WEATHER BUREAU. Indianapolis. Aupirt 14.

HIS. Temperature Auxuat It. 1915 a. m. 5 3 I Aui a.

Jg-ust It, 1S1. to 13 in 7 p. 1 p. TJ Barometar a. m.

p. nv JO.f SO.M 2l.V9 Local Forecast D. Iocal forecast vicinity for the 1ns p. Aui forecast for Indianapolis and twenty-four hours end-i gust 15: Fair and warm tonight, becoming unsettled wlta showers Tuvs-i Forecast for Indiana: Fair and warmer to- nigbt; Tuesday showers. Foreoast for Illinois: Showers tonight and probably Tuesday; with slowly rising tsrr.pera-tuts.

Weather In Other Cities The following (able shows tbe state of the watner in otner rmw st sv. fetation. Har. Temp.Vtta. Amartllo.

TS. luimin'k. N. 73 Clear 0 2 tt 2 TS Cloudy lioeton. Man.

Z.TS Clear chioaso. 111. l-iiK-iunatl. -04 rtCldy l-r Cloudy I'tCUy Clear Clear Rain Cloudy Clcnly Clear Clear FtCtdy Cloudy Kaln Clear Clear Clesr Clear Cloudy Clear rioJy lifcver, Colo. lorise City.

Helena. Mont .92 Jaokstinville, F1a Kansas City. Mo l.Utle RocH. Ark Aivseles. Cal Zi.vO Mobile, Ala.

Hi Cltv. S. 9 to (2 Antotiio. Tex li.M liuis. Fsul.

asbinton. P. trieen. York, N. klhon.a.

Okla. Omaha. Neh. J'oiiUftl. Ore .00 MOO Sd.OJ J.

H. ARJ11NUTOX. Meteorologist. Hourly Temperature. a.

a. a. a. 6 1 i 70 Ti 74 TS in. m.

Ji a. r.t.i 10 a. m. 11 m. 1 p.

m. 2 in INDIANAPOLIS SUED FOR FOULING RIVER Nineteen Suits for Total $299,000 Filed by Morgan County Farmers. BUSINESS FIRMS INCLUDED City and Packing Houses Accused of Polluting White River by Dumping Refuse Into the Stream. Special to The Indianapolis Nw MAltTINSVILLE, August 11- Nineteen suits against the city of In Z.TJlTrVi court late Saturday afternoon by nine teen farmers and business men of Mor- Sn county, who own farms along 1 White liver and In White river valley In Mor gan county. The plaintiffs demand judg ment for damages against the ucfendanta for a total of Jiw.lKw-because of tne lol lution of White river, which the plaintiffs charge the defendants have brought about by the continued dumping of refuse and putrid water into that river.

it also io charged that the defendants 'are still flumping reruse matter-into- vvnite river. therefore the plaintiffs ask that they be enjoined from further dumping filthy matter into the river. Names of the Plaintiffs, v. The plaintiffs who filed the suits. are: Thomas F.

Creed. George R. Scruggs, William Sheets, Samuel Wilson. Dr. George B.

Breed Joye. Larkin EL Stone. Reuben, O. Aldrtch, Fred Barnard, John uiaric ana sister, iuibs iuiu Clara; John Lewis. Perry Bradford.

John Brad William J. Dorman and Joseph W. PauL Six thousand actes of the best land In Morgan county is the acreage represented by ttieso suits. Paul V. McN'utt.

attorney, of'thlsclty roan Matthews and Wiley Van Bnggle, of Indianapolis, -are the attor neys for tbe plaintiffs. The sums de manded by tbe plaintiffs range from Uo0 up, Outgrowth of Long Agitation The suits are the outgrowth of the agitation that has continued for several years to stop the pollution of White river. The condition ef the stream has been so filthy. In summer time that people along the river could hardly remain in thelr-homes, the stock would not drink the water and the fish died in great num bers. Only a few days ago it was report ea that great piles of dead nsh were dy Ing on the shoals and sand bars of White river this side of Indianapolis on down this way lor several miles.

Land owners affected by the filthy con dltion of the river have held public meet ings to aeciiie on some plan or oroced ure with a wiew of stopping the pollution of the stream. Forty or fifty farmers rrora near waveriy met with the com misaioners cf Morgan county a few years rko. ana a little later a public meeting was neia at waveriy. tne waveriv meeting being attended by many Morgan county people, a number of Johnson coun ty farmers -and wmc Indianapolis citt sens who own land along river south or Indianapolis. Suits Brought Under the Common Law The subject of the pollution of the stream and methods of putting a stop to the practice were discussed freely, and at that time it was decided to employ counsel and begin letral proceedings, but no action was taken till Saturday.

The suits aro the result of renewed agitation mat was oegun a few weeks auo by tarmers in juorgan county, ana are orougnt unner tne common law. and not under the McGinnis anti-stream pollution law enacted by the legislature a few years hko. The defendants. besides the.eitv of Tn dlanspolis. are Klngan the Butch ers' r'acKing company, tne Indianapolis Abhatoir Company.

Moore Co. Worm Frank Hilsremeier Brother, the iMeier facKing company and Brown Brothers. The complaint recites that before the construction of -a system of sewers by me city or jnaianapoun, ana be Tore the acts of the other defendants complained of the suit, river was a stream or pure water ana was used by the nlain tiffs and persons cultivating their land along the river for the purpose of watering their stock, and they also obtained nsn rrom tne stream ror their household At the time of freshets the river would overnow some or tne land and leave de posits tnat wouia enrich the land. No oonovious nor Offensive odors then arose from the stream and It benefited fend beautified the lands of the plaintiffs and Continued on Page Fourteen. IS DELEGATES WILL DEMAND WHITE PAPER INVESTIGATION.

EXPECT TO VISIT WASHINGTON BALTIMORE. August 14. The sixty- aecond annual convention, of the Inter national Typographical Union opened here today. After a brief business ses sion for organization and appointment of opmmitteea, adjournment was taken until Wednesday. -The delegates and visitors this after noon attended a crab feast at eiver resort.

Tomorrow they will go to Washington, where they will be guests of the Washington union. Demand on Congress. Something more substantial than per functory Investigation" of the increased cost of white paper waa demanded of the congress at the opening session of the convention. The ajnp of the rising saner market throttling the life of many struggling newspaper and commercial printing houses." President Marsden O. Scott said In his annual report.

1 hat hundreds of schools are giving instruction in printing which is harmful to che pupil and the trade, was charged by deietrates. I'rinters in the year earned net wages of 1.041.1S. according to President Scott. Two Thousand Others Attend. Besides the 230 delegates to tbe convention, of the union, there are here about 2.000 others.

Including members of their families. The event 'of Sunday was an excursion to- Tolchester beach. About went down on the steamer, nd for every passenjjer there was at least 'one large lunch box containing chicken, crab and other delicacies. The indications are that' the 1317 convention w'll be held in Colorado primes. Colc, year will be the anniversary of the founding of the Union I'rititers' home there TYPOGRAPHICAL UNO CONVENTION OPENED to at of ing the In can 9S7 raid Parliament May Be Extended.

LONDON. August 14. -Premier Asquith Introduced a bill In the house of commons today to extend the life of the preeent parliament for eight months, or FARM LOAN BOARD WILL STOP AT INDIANAPOLIS SECY. M'ADOO MAKES PROMISE TO SENATOR TAGGART. OTHER CITIES DESIRE BANKS TSpclaIxto Toe Indianapolis NewsJ August 14.

William O. McAdoo. secretary of the treasury, and ex-officlo member of the federal farm loan board, has given to Senator Thomas Taggart his definite promise that the board will visit Indianapolis on Its trip to determine the places where the twelve hvnd -banks provided for under the "rural credits law will be Secretary McAdoo told Senator Taggart that there were applications from several cities for these banks, but that Indianapolis would receive fair consideration. The present Itinerary of the board doesvnot include Indianapolis, but Secre- I v. v.

i tii iutAuw buu tin i. two vumu wuuiu stop at' Indianapolis on its way back from the west. The board will start August 21 on lour of the country to determine the places where the twelve land banks, con templated tr.e ruyrai credits law, shall be situated. The members of the board will jto from Augusta. to Concord.

N. Hartford, Springfield, Litica. ti. lansing, Madison, Wis; Des Moines. Sioux Falls.

S. Helena, Mor.t, and Spokane. where a hearing will take place Ser tern her 4. The detailed Itinerary from Spokane has not been arranged out the board will so Oregon and California and return east across the central part of the country After its return here a trip will be made through the south, establishing a fed eral land bank in each district. INDIANA IN DIVISION REVIEW Eleven Thousand Men Take Part in vLlano Grande Spectacle.

Special to The Indianapolis News LLANO GRANDE. August 14. The first division review was held in camp 11 clock today." Major-General O'Ryan, In command of the New York troops; Brigadier-General James Parker. commanding the Brownsville district: Brigadier-General Hulen, of the Texas troops, and Brigadier-General E. M.

Lewis, commanding general of Llano Grande camp, were the reviewing officers. Eleven Uiousand men and several bands took part, and Indiana was in the front the picture. SAYS THE COURT CAN NOT ENJOIN SEARCH WARRANT PROSECUTOR WISHES RESTRAIN ING ORDER DISMISSED. DRUG STORE RAID STOPPED ISpecisl to The Indianapolis News MAR.I0N. August 14.W.

E. Wil liams, prosecuting attorney, today filed motion to dismiss a temporary restrain order issued by Judge Atta Saturday night, when a search for Intoxicating liquor was In progress at W. A. Dugan drug store. The mo tion, was based on the "ground that the Grant superior court lias no Jurisdiction such eases, and that the injunction not Issue against a search warrant.

Jucge Van Atta said he would hear and determine the question presented on Wednesday morning. In the meantime, quarts of liquor seized before the was stopped be held by the sheriff. t' Statement by WIIHama. The court and all connected with this injunction are guilty of obstructing legal processes," said Mr. "Williams today, in discussing the procedure Saturday night.

It developed today that the search warrant for rugaris place was Issued at the instigation of Harry G. Long, of Indianapolis, an inspector for the state board of pharmacy. Although a citation for contempt of court was Issued against Chief of Pohce Phillips, the Judge said today he would not consider the citation further until he rules oa the motion to dismiss the injunc- Hoa, 4 MERCURY DOWN TO 53. Shortly before 8 o'clock this, morning, the official temperature at the weather bureau, on top of tbe Lemcke annex, was hammered down to 63. At the weather foundry It was said this was the lowest temperature ever recorded there on any 14th day of August since the keeping of weather records started In this city.

The nearest approach to this low mark on the 14th of any August was 66 degrees, which occurred In 1SS3 and 1893. Lower temperatures, however, have been reported during the month of August, as- shown by the records. On August .31, 1915, the minimum was 44; and on August 1830, It was 46. DEMOCRATS CALL CAUCUS ON THE REVENUE BILL EXPECT TO CONSIDER FURTHER WINE AND STAMP SECTIONS. SENATORS ATTACK PROPOSAL WASHINGTON, August 14.

Senate Democrats planned to caucus again tonight to consider further the finance committee's amendments to the revenue bill, including the wine and stamp sections. At yesterday's caucus the Democrats agreed on stock license on corporations to yield about 20.000.000; elimination of most of the objectionable stamp taxes wnicn once had been accepted and approved; an amendment of tbe munitions section which would reduce the net profit tax oo manufactures entering into muni tlons of war from 10 per as pro posed by the finance committee, to per cent- -Southern and western senators bitterly attacked the committee proposal, con tending that it would result in a heavy tax on cotton and copper entering into the manufacture or munitions. In addition to passing on what stamp taxes shall be retained, the caucus is expected to, vote on Senator Lewis reso lution offered yesterday, to defer action on the revenue bill until the next session of the congress and to authorize a Panama canal bond issue to meet the govern ment's expenses up to that time. Adop tion of the resolution Is regarded as im probable. Senator Hitchcock fDem.) today sub mitted art amendment to.

levy a duty on forelcn or domestic bonds and certificates of stock imported to the United States. WEEKS CONTINUES ATTACK. Gallinger Says Ship Bill Is Declaration War on Industry. WASHINGTON, August 14. Senator Weeks, Republican, today continued his attack on the ship bill, assailing partic ularly the provision which will admit for eign built vessels to the American coast wise trade.

The senate continued worn on the bill. This bill constitutes a virtual declar ation of war by the government on the American ship building industry." Senator Gallinger. Republican leader, said. "This determined attempt to force the grovern- metit Into the commercial shipping business is a startling and dangerous step toward socialism. DISCUSS CAMPAIGN FINANCES Wilson, Marsh and Morgenthau Have Luncheon at White House." WASHINGTON, August 14.

Financing the Democratic national campaign was discussed today by President Wilson, W. w. Marsh, treasurer ot tne national committee, and Henry Morgenthau. chairman of the finance committee. The President entertained the members of the campaign committee at luncheon.

BODY OF SOLDIER IS FOUND. Member of Third Infantry Believed to "Have Been Drowned. WASHINGTON. August 14. Official dispatches from Eagle Pass report finding of the body of a private soldier of the Third infantry, believed to be a son of M.

H. Ltmbocher. of Vanderbilt, Mich. He Is supposed to have been drowned In the Rio Grande river. FIVE KILLED STORM, Others Injured, Probably Fatally Edmundson.

Ark Hit. MEMPHIS. Tenn-, A rust it Five persons were killed and seventeen Injured, four probably fatally, when a tornado swept over eastern Arkansas last nigfar. lowing down twelve Dutiaings at tomund-son. seventeen miles west of Mem phis HUGHES HAS BUSY DAY SPEAKING AND VISITING DOWJ FOR TWO SPEECHES AND LONG AUTO TRIP.

SPOKANE WOMEN'S MEETING SPOKANE, August 14. Charles E. Hughes today planned to spend one of the busiest days of his campaigning trip. He was up early to lead an auto mobile parade, arranged so that those who would be unable to attend the two later meetings could see him. Ills forenoon program'.

Included a motor trip to Coeur- D'Alene. Idaho, twenty-five miles away, through a country of scenio In terest. Thre he was to address an open air meeting, remaining for luncheon. Two speeches were on his day's program here. Tha first at 3:30 p.

was to be a meeting for women voters only, the first of its kind arranged for the nomT I nee. The second, at 7:30 p. waa to a genera meeting. Mr. Hughes's next stop will be Tacoma.

Mr. Hue best spent Sunday In Spokane. restlnK from the activities of the week and preparing for the second week of his campaign. Mr. and Mrs.

Hughes attended the First Baptist church. They went fcr i long. motor rfde Sunday afternoon. be second week 'of the nominee's campaign will carry, him to Los Angeles through racoma. Seattle, Portland and Sad PENROSES'S RESOLUTION.

It Calls for Investigation of Appointments Under Civil Ssrvice Waivers. WASHINGTON, August 14. Senator Penrose carried the Republican attack on President Wilson's appointments a step further today" by introducing resolutions calling for Investigation of appointments with waivers of civil service requirements. GETS FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. Elkus to Make New Representations tc Turkey in Behalf of Syrians.

WASHINGTON. August 14. New representations to Turkey In behalf of starv ing Syrians will be taken to tht porta by Abram Elkus. the new American ambassador, who received his final in etructions today from President Wilson and Secretary Lansing before leaving for Constantintple. The United States does rot accept -as sufficient Turkey declination to permit outside a-'d on the ground that the harvest Is ample.

FEWER CASES OF BABY PARALYSIS REPORTED EPIDEMIC IN NEW YORK TAKES TURN FOR' BETTER. USE OF SERUM IS ORDERED NEW YORK, August 1L The epidemic of InfantJe paralysis took a turn for the better t.vlay. The number of new cases reported to the health department wens under the 100 mark, for the first time In several weeks. In the twenty-four hours ending at 10 a. the disease killed thirty-one children and ninety-five new cases were reported, forty-three cf them in Manhattan anC thirty-one In Brooklyn.

This compares favorably with yesterday figures, when there were Ul new cases and twet'ty-two fatalities. The falling off cases was attributea to in cooier weather. Use of Serum Is Ordered. Physicians employed by the health de partment to Investigate reported cases of Infantile paralysis hereafter win be equipped with serum maae rrom me biowj of persons who have recoverea rrom ine disease so that In every true case an In- Jectlon may be made Immediately before the patient Is removed to a hospital. This action has been decided on by the heal department because the best results of the serum have been obtained cases where the disease wss in the premonitory stages, when the symptoms mainl) aie htarh fever and restlessness and before paralveis has developed.

Physicians engaged in field work have been Instructed to watch closely the other children in the family, one member of which has been stricken, and to treat them with the serum at the first appearance ot aj symptom ol the disease. REROUTING SYSTEM IN EFFECT Car Company Offlclala Announce Plan Worked Successfully. The new street car rerouting schedule went Into effect Sunday and according to officials of the Indianapolis Traction and Terminal Company the plan -worked euc- A trolley, wire fell near Crown IT11I cemetery early In the morning and for twenty-six minutes the cars running to rum rairview para stood Idle on the tracks. Some trouble was experienced by these cars in making up the schedule, Officials of the company said the real test of the rerouting changes -will be to- nlgnt during the rush hours between 5 and 7 o'clock. It is xrtd that hun dreds of persons employed In the business aisinct win attempt to board the cars at the comers where they customarily boarded the cars.


Perrott, chief of to the police district including East Court street, where Immoral resorts have been operating without were charged today "with neglect of duty In. an affidavit signed by Claude M. Woriey. special Investigator for the criminal court, and filed in the criminal court by Alvah J. Rucker, pros-ecng attorney.

Jfcdge James A. Collins fixed the bonds of Gaughan and Smutte at 1100 each. Capiases for the arrest of the policemen were placed in the hands of the sheriff, George Coffin. This action by Prosecutor Rucker was one of the developments of a raid of illegal resorts conducted Saturday night by constables under the direction of Woriey. Indictments charging violation of the law against illegal resorts and "blind tijrers" were returned by the Mar-Ion county grand Jury Saturday morning.

Three Counts in Affidavit. The affidavit against Gaughan and Smutte is In three counts. It is charged In the first count that Gaughan and Smutte "unlawfully, wilfutlv. knowlnclv and corruptly neglected to suppress all uniawiui ana disorderly conduct by failing and refusing to take Into legal custody Grant, who was then and there unlawfully keeping a house of ill fame. The second count charcrea that Gaughan and Smutte unlawfully neglected to arrest the women Inmates In the Grant place, and the third count charges unlawful neglect to arrest those frequenting the Grant house.

Woriey said that while the constables were surrounding the Grant house and he was standing at the front door, the Grant woman and Gaughan and Smutte appeared at the door. The policemen. Woriey says, started to step out of the house when he asked them to wait a minute. lie told them the house wan U. in raided.

i "We are officers. Worlev said one of the policemen said to him. "I am an officer, too." Woriey said he replied. What kind of an officer are you" the1 policeman inquired, according to Woriey. My names Worlev." he tie "Oh.

you're from the rrlmlml Mirt one of the policemen exclaimed, accord- rolicemen Hurry Down Woriey said the policemen then passed mm and hurried down the street. The statute under which the action Is hrought against Gaughan and Smutte pro vides that on conviction there shall be a line i'L not less man HO and nor mnr than $500, and imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months. For a second offense the law provides, in case of conviction, imprisonment in the state prison not loss than one year and not more than three years, and that the defendant be disfranchised and rendered incapable of holding any office of trust or profit for any determinate period that may be determined by the court. Prosecutor Ilucicer also filed a motion in superior court, lioom 6, where he recently obtained a temporary restraining order prohibiting Myrtle Burkha.rdt nn of the alleged keepers arrested Saturrfnv nisht. from operating a reuort- In this motion the prosecutor sets forth the arrest of the Burkhardt woman, and asks that she he cited for contempt of court.

ine county grand Jury returned the tndictments last Saturday. Kollowlnai the return of the Indirtment and the Issuance of bench warrants a squaa ot twenty constables, under. the direction of Claude M. Woriey. special.

Investigator attached to the criminal court raided four of the Ave resorts and arrested thirty-nine persons, including fifteen inmates of the resorts. The constables arrested four alleged keepers of resorts on bench warrants Continued on Page Fourteen. SALOONS? WELL HARDLY NOT NOTICEABLY, WHEN POLICE KEEP EVEN TENOR OF WAY. SUNDAY LARGE DAY, AS USUAL Brewery wagon drivers In this no mean city learned Sunday that they can not tell downtown saloon keepers what to do about keeping their places open on Sun day. Brewery wagon drivers made the rounds of downtown saloons' Saturday night, and Informed the saloon keepers that they were to keen their saloons closed on Sunday.

This was regarded as a strange performance on the part of the drivers, but they itave no intimation in regard to the source of the order. Saloon keepers who had been In the habit of regularly keeping their saloons open on Sundays fear of molestation by the police department were nearly stunned by the word that was passed around bv the drivers. Their were un able to figure where the drivers obtained authority to deliver the order when there had been no such order from the police department and none was expected. Police In Even Tenor of Way. The police kept on In the even tenor of their way Saturday night, and they did not glv'e any orders to the saloon keepers to close up on Sundav.

-Kvery-thing was running along smoothly and as usual. But during: the evening the brewery wagon driver appeared. The scene was about the same in each saloon. The saloon keeper got th tip froni a driver evidently authorized by some one to give out the word: "Something; aoin tie wnisperea conn- -Here's the dope. Any Ki that opens up tomorrow gets no reer on And still bear Monday.

rawnioP. ing his Important air he walked out. Results: Ohf None at All. Had it happened to one It would' have been startling. But It Is generally reported that It happened to a number of downtown saloon keepers.

Iteiuilts? Oh. none at all. The saloon keepers downtown most of them at lest opned as usual and did a lively No brewery wagon driver can them what to do wnen the police force does nothing. No beer for those who disobeyed? Oh. Ayes, Just the same as usual.

BEER DRIVERS CLOSE RUSSIAN ATTACK NETS Ml GAli 'S Austro-Cerman Forces Continua to Fall Back From Strong Positions Along tha Stripa River. INFANTRY AND COSSACK CAV, ALRY STRIKE AT WINGS. GERMANS RETAKE TRENCHES COUNTER-ATTACK ALONG LINE WEST OfPOZIERES. ADVANCE MADE BY ITALIANS GAINS REPORTED ON 'CARSO PLATEAU NEAR G0RI2IA. Petrograd Says Advance Has Deen Made By Czar's Soldiers on Upper Sereth While fo the South General Letchitzky is Continuing Thrust Up the Dniester Marlampol, Seven Miles From Hallcz, Captured French Push Ahead In Somme.

tor. BERLIN (via London), August 14. The following account of fighting: on the western front was given out here officially today: MSouth of La Bassee canal ther-was lively fighting. Enemy patrols fre quently showed great energy, especially northwest of Rheims, where strong reconnoitering detachmentssd- vanced after extensive artillery prepa rations. Their operations were with out success.

"East of Bapanme a British aero plane was compelled, after an aerial encounter, to make a landing." LOXDON, August U. Russia" troops continue In their sweep alone, the clan front toward Lemberg, according to an official announcement from retrograd today. Compelled to retire the strorg positions along the Stripa fiver. General Count von Bothmer's Austro-Uer-man army is falling steadily back on the ZIota Lipa, eighteen miles to the we.t. Russian forces, however, already rave crossed the Zlota Lipa north of Stanislau and both of the enemy's flank are ender heavy pressure.

Its centers, forced from the line of the Strips, alo la accounted by military observers In entente capitals to have none too secure a position -In Its rear along the upper Ziota Lipa. Petrograd announced new gains on the northern wing of this front, on the Sereth, while to trie oiHh General Ketchitxky is continuing his thrust ti th Dniester in the vicinity of which has been captured and hich is sevei miles from Halie. The armies in the center sNo a nt pursuing the Austrians In middle Strife -and Korpice regions. Was Regarded as Untenable. General von Bothmer's position has been regarded as untenable for days and the only wonder In military circles here" is that he has had the courage to stand fast for so long.

It is stated semi -offi cially that the Austrians evacuated the Stripa line without a battle. Tbe Russians are systematically send ing forward thel-. Infantry to pound the enemy front, while Cossack xcavalry attacks and demoralizes the wimcs. One regiment of Orenburgers alone took two thousand Austro-Gerrnan prisoners. The proportion of Germans amors' both prisoners and enemy killed anl wounded is steadily Increanimr.

This is believed to be due to the fact that the Austrian have practically exhausted the'r reserves and that German reinforcements being brought ip in large, to stinen their line. Vienna announces that the Husflan nrp logins; many men In killed and wouriijf in their advence and that many of the i-portant attacks have been rtpulsed. In part a statement says: of Vorocht troops neain-tained their positions in the face of violent attacks by the enemy, which failed completely. In the district Just west of Stanislau two Russian divisions were repulsed in violent fighting which is continuing oy day and nlRht. Kast of the Dniester only detachments of small force are engaged on our side." Progrs on Cars? Plateau." Continuing their advance from Gorizia on the Isonio front, the Italians have made further progress on the Carso plateau to the southeast.

Rome reports the piercing of a strongly defended Austrian line east of Hill 12. and the capture cf-about S00 additional men. The Austrians have attackid sharply along other sec tors, but were repulsed in all attempts, the Rome war office says. Descriptions of the fighting In this region say the Austrians are resisting obstinately on the San Gabriele line and the San Marco highta but it is improbable that this is their real line of defense as they have a new point of resistence on the hih plains of lialnslzza overlooking the Gorizia plains. interferes with the free movement of Italian troops.

The Austrians. although taciiy deteit- ed-at Gorizia. still are strong and full Of fight. General Cidorna'a further progress probably wlil slow, as every l.ncn of advance is be lost contested. An official Austrian statement the Italians have advamv-s Ti several districts, but thai others were repulfed with heavy losses.

The claim Also is made that the enemy' lost 5.000 prisoners since tne Gorizia offensive began- Line West cf Pczieres. Following the usual courso the Gerrr.ars have sharply counter-attacked the line west ef Fozieres in France, whtc'n London last r.lht reported tve British have carried to a df ih cf or 10 yaru.i on a front of near'y a The attack was partly successful, the iri a foothold In a r- of the trenches. The French, after sr a fcothcM yesterday on the of II ly. southeast cf trt-n hf 3 on the Kft Vr.ii road in the J- ct r. Ccntinued en Pe-.

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