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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 26

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.51 1 froi tha Th the br sky tors tmi I tni t'Or net a I aor Jrf by ln tin. fir rill rir 11 iS In TWELVE PREPARATION HELD ONLY WAY fO STOP tUSE OF WAR GASES tjtMf Officer Says Then All Will Know Thy Are Ex posed to bt yiAj. r. wifniM. LONDON 11.

8loei tlie ub itr.t of the. use of poison, gae In rarfare monter) at thla yeafe meeting of tha British association. titers has been murH discus Ion In tbe press, and I flnil thnt a nti'rdber of scientists. bve deflnrcrl that tha tire ot pi'lann as ta In ttfelr opin ion not inhuman, or atrenst not more Inhuman than thai explosive ehel) or other forma destruction. 1 desire to rnmbst thla view he TOES THfS SOUND 5 nom Mily.

modern tinntp rentrnl port of town, llnf nir 'tifre; $1,000. Terms cnrvJie nrmnet'tl. SPR1X0FIELD COMPANY Thflne'397 A Wonderful Farm II acres, 4 miles from city, all fenced and all In cultivation. Mas excellent water supply, consisting of two springs, and well on bark porch of tha good nine room house. Three barns and a tone milk and house fnrnlsh splendid accommodations for stock and grain.

It la on a food rock road anutheaat from Springfield. It Is now occupied by a tenant who mme here from Illinois and who nay It la as good land as 1400 to HM per aare land In his home state. Immediate possession. We are of fering It for only 1171 per ni ra. Address all Inquiries tn BUY THIS FROM tONE ON THI 2358 r.

SQUARE pf Burtons Bargains Six room rpsidoncc, northwest. Excellent location for men employed in west shops $500.00 down, luilanee in monthly pay me its. Strictly modern five room uniralow, soiithwcst. Three blocks from car line. Price terms.

Six room strictly modern huiiRiilow close to Teachers College. Full hiiscmcnt: hnrdwood floors, hn nkfast mm paraRC. Price $. $2,000.00 cash, l.iilnnce monthly. Seven room modern residence, soirthwest two blocks from car line; $200.00 down; balance $10.00 per month.

Eight room strictly modern home, southeast. Good corner lot. Only one block from Pickwick car line. AVc have several new homes in Ranford Tlaee and Pickwick Place almost, ready to move into. Phone ns and one of our representatives will call and show them to you.

Burton Building Investment Co. 209 Holalnd Building rhonn 3209 TART YSTEMATIC AVING Cartlfleata payahla $7 aO per month for 1J0 earns II.OOA, Certificate payabla 111.00 per month for lit mo, earns 18.000 11,009 Cartlfleata payable 121 SO per month for 120 earna tl.tOO 14.000 Certificate payabla IJO.OO per mnnth for 10 earna M.000 IS.000 Certificate payabla IJ7.S per month for ISO earns (CcrtiCenlca IsHiied in denominations of $1,000 to $100,000) Certificate holder have privilege of borrowing face value of their ccrtillcateH for purposes of building or buying a home or other reul estate. Such loans to be repaid tin easy monthly payment plan, 1 Call ot office for further information or phono for ap pointnunt with one of our rcprcHentattvcH, Great American Home Savings Institution ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI DWIOHT 15. 8HULT7S, Manager K.iuthweat Missouri Territory Office, 301 lliillund HulldW 'In eonnactlon with BPfllNOr IKLn HKCtrRITr CO.

1'honea 107 iH cauia I ballava that tha possibilities of limiting tha una of poleon In war itcper(1 largely ifpon tha scientists. My opinion has "now been 'Indorsed by the Assembly of the League of Natlona. whl haa. adopted tha report of Its third commission on tha reduction of armarrtVnte. That report conlalns the following passage; it haa bean elated that Invention! have been, made or perfected alnca the war whereby wholesale de etrutHton of tha civil population would be pom hie by the dropping of poison bombs and the like, from the nor ii there any renson'to suppose trie limits of Invention In these fiendish devices have been rearacd.

And If. an "'nil possible to the enfnmlttee to be arguable, the employment of these weapons Will he rendered Impracticable" if there were no eeerery about them. the possibility of obtaining com I P' puniiciiy inr. acicniiiio re nearrhnt In'ihls domain crtnlnly Wyrth rxplnrlntr. Appeal to ftclrw.

Acrordlncly the commuted ommemlr rl thnt (he temporary I mixed rnmmlMt.on shouUl ake1 'to cnUlrr whether' an appeal not bn nrtdrennd to nil nrjrritinc n.n In the world, 11 cr ime them tr publjith to thto.worM the rexultii of their dfucoverlei In nijch mnttTn, to that the know, efle of them, having become pub lice property, their uae nn wenponi of war by any mnrle state may be rendered Improhahle. Clearly, any number of aclen tints do not consider the line of pnlnnn Inhuman thli prnponal of the Ieajrt.e of ationn will not bn of much value. Hut there la no doubt that the tint of (m by the ermana In the aecnnd battln of Vprea waa rexarded aa a harbarlty, So much wtta thla the raae that many dlatlnirulahed aoldlera were doubtful whether we ought to una na tn reply. By The Hn rue declaration of which waa alrned by both Great llr.taln and Germany, "tho aljrnatorlea attree to abataln from the uae of projectile, the anle object of which la the diffusion of aaphyxlaf tnj? or deleterloua In The Untrue convention of 107 1 both Hrltaln and Oermanv nereed I pot to nolaon or poIiond wnf). on a.

Germany rot around tneae aareementfl herauae the paurr uecd In tha second battle of Ypree, strictly epeaklna. not poison, and thev were disrharsred from cylin ders, not from projectiles, but she was universally reasrded as havlns; evaded the spirit of her end wnj condemned acrordlnif ly. There Is no flonht, therefore, thnt thn nee of polaon aa was held, he fore and onrlnir the war h' hun en Why should there be any TRADE Two good resilient1 i Tulsa faming $130.00 per month tnonin. Value about $12,000. Will tr.adc onr or lioth "for Sprine fiold Income property.

Auk for particular. SprlnR floU Security Company. Phone 397. O. L.

MiUfir, Roal Estate Dept. 1 i I 0UND Al'E UBSTAXTIAL THE Sr'KINGPIELD EVERETT. TRUE YOUfi VACAfON. HAVE. Yow Me at mom ou(e rllEkJO ShniTH ZrrHf j.V" 5 UN Hl VA rhnnRe of opinion now? Tho peculiar inhumanity In the use of polimn Ran, roinpiirrj with other wetipona war.

ie thut na iiho may, iim the report oi ihe or nnuons iays. 'Involve M'holfsBie ilon of hi Ivll populntlnn Arroidene Peril. Karly In r.115. the flfimiim nisde their aer tnil wen ill Vpree, emt)nvtnr a. far crent.

i vn: nme of rhi. lii 'li int 'ni'k. reiin mtier tbi.t enrly in ttie nmrnlliK. wh.Mi lull r'n'ml iirl I wm rl.Ilnir jin i 0111 ciof jtniis. tirouok.

when tnv iMilli ti'l'iivil to yj 11 yard further, eii'l after 1 l't my own uy. irnaiiinir. When I rof hv to my offtee I rer' ivrrf a teleirrum with the news of the attn 'k nnrt reallael thnt my h.ree Imit f. lt the bus 51 mtleu from the titnce where It tied heen illeihat'ltrd. If that es had been really polnnons the thousands of women and children In llaneehrourk that day mlarht nave hern, killed.

A neai ox arrnpianea now carry for aeveral hundred mllea us murh aas aa the Hermans dli lmrged on that nersaton. snd If the en, were really pnlsonmts, and the breeaa carried It tnr a dlstanea of i mllea from the plaee where it' was NEW BUNGALOW SOUTHKAST 1 rooms, strietly tiiiishrd liiiseiiii'ilt parii're. 'irn rlss little li'itiii'. just finished; $1.000,00. Sprintrfield Security fompimy, Tj.


CARft I. KKVH'K RTKU.lItT AMI ItttK IMione 3141 TO BORROW BUILD OB. BUY ati ns cAV IIERR IS A RAR0A1N 5 room bunRiilow, clos in, south wpftt, with hot water heat. Ample Rpacn for more rooms on second floor; $4,750.00. SPRIXGFIEIJ) SECURITY COMPANY Tlione 307.

O. Miller, Renl Estate Dept IJ CWV Goes Owlhwuffi We have a few pood cars to oner at much less than new car pricfes. Ask us about them, i McCutcheon Bros. Motor Co. 57 V.

(Omnirnial Stirct I STKv: JJ ih Srr. 1 I rt DAIIT rStftfD AT 20, 1D21; 'i 1 BY CONDO SehJtJIvJfi MS SOMCE CHCSAP SowveNiR VO ST i COT LOTS Cm COUGH, tuT WASTING NTY OP tlioptrd. the dtHtrmtlun of ilvll ppuhit Inn would indeed wholennle. It la pfflblt arcue that enn heat 8tuppd by inukinic It innuutnr. timt no one.

will dare tO leCOIHSn KullSllv It 1 possible ti.i srKlte that It le best I make ai h.i Itthtim in as poail while. II III order that 1 1 I.I This In it't. the thst r.j tlu ilerli.iu,, lsu. irl.

'i i niel hiiils of irfare then did nut h'irten the war: th, made Ihu i ifermsny mote de rvilson inn the nl. I in m.m. imhI hll. d'Mi in a louo in ,101 ni. i.nv ai.liited nation in admit defeat: It te more likely tn make It ill tei mined destroy poisoner, and It fr tlie.e reneons thnt the use pol.oiied cas more Inhu innn thnn the nee of aplnslva shell.

The only ivnv that I see of prs. ventlna; the nee of Ihe former at leut until II, t.raKue of Natlona ee In nbollehlna war. Is every nation tn know how tn make It, and to have the mean a of makln It. so that anv government thlnklna of emnlovlna tii know that an aqnally deadly ama roav used tn reply an1 that by nalna rm. ft Is eino.ln its elvll 'Inn wnciioajki, deatran.

JA ht the Wont Ad. r.rn.ii. notices. Tut Tf.t: mi r. te.

.1 3rd th. "iinty. r.lo iru.i.., ih, lend ln (tron (. qunty to rlh an nrlhwes corner on snd Ad d. Itla or aald lot a line nf lid In.

WM 'h" seine I Ilia 511 theni north i.n Hie ia Ih north line of said lot St. tl.ene, west th. nor'h line of ..,1.1 lot St 111 ret t.j the place of beiinnlns. the aine lirlnir nnnh en feel of lot n. auld Iin.l omianyi Addl.

Hon to the of Sprlnirneld. eourl And Whenns, eald deed of trust WS" Slvei, the purpnxn of iirlns note therein fully and aold nole end Intoreet thereon are row poi Hue; And h. reae. the envenent In eald dee,) i ir, of lex's on tld ln.l pan not fully Kept; Now Therefore, nt the retillrat of Sh eal owner of e.uH nolo, 1 will on Men 2th. ISil.

ticlween Ihi hour. trn o'eloek A. end three oay, ni me soutn front il.ior of ih" Court Hoiite. in o' rinrfl.lil. Vleaeurl, aelt the sb ye de.

lhed land lo Hie lllwheat bidder for c. II. tn auti.fy ihe terms of suld deed of trU4'. U. A.

Flintltflni. Trn.tee. r'rst pulillehcl N'oveinlier IK, last. xai.k. lircnumt of tltf.iuU in ihm imyment if errtnln nni (l.

in nirMl.hy il fl cf itimt d.t( Mny U'th, r.i?l, Rfvcn mihI by J.l). Irri: K. rirnwn nml Nora Hrown, hl wlfi. rul rcfonW In Hi rToMrr'ii oT Ho of (In one) rounty, Mlmiourl. In bofk I' rnr.

thr utuiricnnl tru hAvttiR bin r'Mjiifniwi to do hy lh li ffiil holder of alil not, will ns pro il, by tKi( iniBt m. 1 1 At pubtic vonrtu (o th hlyhrrt bidder for nn.wh, oti Wnalur. 7lli, 1951. bptwin thit bmim of itlno A. unil flv P.

M. of mM lAy, tit ttie iviiitb front toor of th" Hfnlf Circuit Court Hnuil In th City of Qrf ftno Conn fv, Mlrtetritirl, for tlm ptirtnt nf utta fylnic mUI dlit, truM and co tnv tha profirty ilrtrrlli i In aal'l rtwd of 1 iim. lo wltj All of thfl North half of tint Ih Thlrt Hi In John H. Vhlia Kirat A'Mllion to Ih City of SrMntffl.M. MlHi nurl.

Halo of anl 1 prop ry will nind ail.JTt to a prior ii nf tru it tmn an Intiehtwdneiia of und Iritrrfatev FIUNK i.B PTtC, TruatM. r' rn'tlNh'Ti yriv TO EXCHANGE 23 apartment building for farm or ranch, $1500 INCOME EVERY MONTH rain or shine. from my modern brick, stone and steel constructed building In fine residential unction Chicago. Price: $150,000 ClCarTY EDW. HURTUBISE I the .1 I I 190 Clark Chicago, DL yitpmortanb ANI INFoKMATloy On Innrtl4a Pe nT Two in.ertlone w.

pr wore Thra inawrtinne e.periw'" Pen tnrrttnnw per Thirty laaerilnna ...108 rer wore MJNLMt'M CHAKOBO. 118 Bflo Two1 dava "itn daya jnonth CI.OOTNO nornr Wrelt day. I o'clork. Per tindy adlttrttt. 4 p.

m. Baturrlay. 4dvertUmrnta will arefpt'd until 10 p. Raturflay, Vint claiairtcatlon net auarantad after HMfA Advertliemanta with key numhr rnuat be answered by mall, FRROItA On etra eorrrid Inaertten will be fivn for errora mad In prlntlna. Tht t.uder afaiamee no responsibility for etror afttr flrat Inaertlon.

The raaarvea the riant te renrrana wording and to dtrmlne the clenltlcatlon of advarttiement. TOM.KTTIOM rRAKOK He. A collection aerv.i' charae cf loo la eed on charted want a1. Thte will bi rebated If payment Is m1 Iead er nffira ni five dave. Otharwlae It r.a rofflft i part of tha Mlj and nvi iaid hy the advarileer to cover coat miifMltt FATHKRd A NO MOTH ilatv totlay, Rundny.

Nov. JOlh, nt 4 p. m. The vrvlcea wHI hK1 nt riret Baptlal ehun h. lr HIIlT tht All friend ut he order of I.

Mnlav Invltftd. All mrh.n of )ay are rffjuNtd tn afeVMnhl at Temple hyp 31 4S p. m. J. H.

Uft ATT Maeter Councilor. i LA rauNCO J.E.BRADDYiSwi LA LEO Ah NOTICES. SI.R. iln mr, l.w .1.1 nt Iruit deled May I. 1321.

given, hr I'herleii N. 11 etosl men. reenrded to the re I "reen. Comlr. MIS iir ui" WIl'O ,1,1,1 IB OoW Ml title Bd PA)' Ht.lo.

I will, the 1, sitl hIiler retieetinK. jMoo.dsr. lXemn I. Isl beiween orlnrk B. m.

nd oriork 1 in at the eoulh front dour ot Iho i urt house anrlns tl ld. iireene ropsity In eald d.ej 4. ln pilnsfie'd. MlNHiiurl. In euid ountr.

to Mt.ftfy eald trul. I.INfMI.S, Truetee. 'iiei lenerllen Nov. lH. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW Rmitheast, now beitift finished 6 rooms all on one floor, not including the breakfast room, with ample room for two more on second floor if wanted.

Hardwood floors throughout except bath which will be tiled. It has a fireplace and an extra larpe basement. The lot is 7." feet wide, east front'. This is a home you should in. Vf.stijrate.

l'hone 397. SPRINGFIELD SECURITY CO. Mtl.l.KTt. Re. I lilili Dept.

Buy home. Hiillrl a house. I'ny Invent for profit. 3 MONEY IT UK IOXK. National Loan and Savings Trust Phone 3367, 403 Woodruff i I I i i business lofiessional Directory ClKASI.KS ilMI I'KKSal Frank B.

Smith Ledry. Co, Cleaelnx antl Dyeing. flu i arcel poat sollclte4 I'bon. Ill 1'Ul'Ni: lit FAMOUS CLEANING CO. for eidnilve dry etanlni and as port dvlnjr.

Keathra rTnnetl, ourlail anl dyed. Mall ordara aollolted. O. WEIGLE, Successor 6ortnsn.s riesners snd Pre.elnr Ca. HKI'Alll WOBK MY SPECIALTY.

1 Collet. Bt. Pbone 111 8CI1ATZ FUEli CO. assoriruanut of cos) and. wood.

Tour orders eollcltecL lOo North Buulevsrd and Ratlread Tracks. Phone 174 COAL WOOD UNITED FUEL CO. Vnow; THR iNDICl'ENDKNT COAL, CO. Operators dl.trlnutor. of coal of duality, dirLv.

from oar. to home. I'ben. 111). 14t W.

Mill St. WU1TTAKEK COAL CO. "1'hona ua your fuat wanta." Jafefraon and Vatr. bona 1311 PHONE 89 COAL WOOD I10EY ICK AND FUEL CO. PUONE 4000 PRODUCERS FUEL CO.

Cord wood, ureen wood, lJry wood. Chunk wood. Hunt weed, any Kind of wood, Wholeeal. and retail. WAT EH AND JByyKRStiN.

Ki SXTUlCAi. SERVICE ELECTRICAL CO. Contractor, for home wiring snd elae trleal repair work, ooly Union Shop la town. Before wiring filar, with us. l'Soo.

lilt. 401 Commercial. ICleetrlo Wlrlnc and Rapalrlni. JNO. OOHS, Phene 44II J.

tool W. atadlooa. WESTERN MOTOR CAR COMPANY All kind, of Hllh Orsds AUTOMOUII.h; WOHK 411 434 S. J.If.r.en Ave. 3.

A. Walts, Prop. fheass lll t4l TEE SPRING FIELD UELP WANTED k. CJ: PCflfTTON 'THAT TAT WFILU AND ARB ALWAYS TO Vti HAD. The perfarttlna of tyueaettlnf ey bearde hae brourht new end anun.l arportunitlea tn the primlni buelneea.

the Huilne that five development te frint pilnd. FoettloTiu eftrtu hind have alweya well and lierhapa alwaya Will, end rinuMlrii they will ftlwer he plentiful. beau of the printing hulne pnrMi rlvtlltatlon developa, Anybody who cnuld learn to operate a typewriter ren learn to opera'e a tvpeeltln ma ehlne, If yo want to learn hnw to 1o the work of a monotype If you want to learn tn do the w'k of ya tntertypa or a linotype mfhinlt: ynu wani io lenm in an 'e wins hee mtirhlnee. If you went to learn the work ofeth buelne offlra If wrnt to ret Into a work thil will al "fcTa pey you well, and If you enn pre three 'o for monthe for preparation, write fr rroepoetitaj to American PnhMhre and Ron hem PuMlehre TYrrsFTTINQ fiRPARTMENT ef the OROTtOTA ALABAMA BtJSIVKr'S OI.LKtlK.' Macnn. Qa All t( F1VR BAl.B.'MKS Or Vonien "to nrk hprlnanelii, money every nlijlir, eppll rania era O.

rnnner nil day Hinlny, antj after I wefk dna Oran I Hn. tel. AB in 11 AN on WOMAN' WAN'TKP, full time, T.r an hour epare ituie, a'll Mnf runrnntced rtoel.ry to tanrwr. Kx pf cii' tinnecfieary, lnlf luiinl loeiuiy Milt, It 1.3, N'orrUtown. I'a AH WoitK fnr avrnnir nt.

Mh wninn, evVr 17. 8tr'1y. porinnnent. plmeant aiirk. to tl0 month.

Common eft u'tlrn euffl( tnt. T.U( oeitlfHiav oi rn free. Write Immediately. Franklin loitltute, ttept. Horheater, N.

V. I 1 AB 1 MALE HELP WANTED WANTKll Two ihre more men of apresrence ni eflleenien for pld AMthhlUheii lire Ineorenre oimpnny, Ki erlenre an met but n( eientlsl. fi you. J'ermanrnt lennectloe, fhotie fir spitotnlinenl. At st.N I.eern esrtoer trefle.

$nni prortl nl.le hiiKlnms. Sprlnsttelit'ier ol I'm. 1:3 Ii.m. 11 villi, Ave. Spfintll.m.

Mo A tf Pl IA 110V over la, Duckworth fltere lnis A II ItANri MEN wsnted for tldij lvltowV Inriil. l'hon 1147.1. A 1101 MdVEfl" enred le imnll buildings St our lisHuwsy l.line Apply to Mr. O. O.

Proetor. fhonn Hum). MIPS A Flltfrr CLASS MAl'lllNICT mint uo.lerT Mined die nmktna. Amrve Melnl Product lo th 'ne 4141 er St wiiiMtruir A I MKN Wrillte.1 tit finality flieinen. In lkt lllell, eiperlenoe uine, i sBai 1''iiiiiii lallon fiirnlwlied.

Write vt. HnKSi Ht. J.onle. A HuT li.lle7n:e7yT"y"wllll lie7T Apply Van Malre tlrtts HollRnd ItliiK AlKNAaed IT to Sit, experlftitee onrieiv. ei nry Truvell make llive.

llrittlnna, tepurls ttalartm; liMtnii a. Anierlrsti Potelan Deteetlvi Agency, 4i St. A I KM wanted, for tive work. Ki perlanea; unneoeaary. Write J., former Oev't Urteetlve. St I.ouls. A WANTEU Sadies men oVr 17. wlnhTnV heroine mall ramera or poet elerka llt to 110 month. Steady.

C'limitien edui ntlon stiff t'lent. Amsrr ImmeVliBl ly. this efflre. A nVR.n.NMRNT naMto railway mail clerks tilt te tlvt mnnth. Write for tree stieelmen qtieatlooe, dumbu Inetttute.

CQlUhibua. ohle. A IRBM nTakTmenT' heslnnr "RT Ister 1210 monthly care Leader. REI.UBIH UKS winl 4 It, oh (own fnr eola work irrU unn cmary: Ubtrs) py; opjmr tunttv for firo iirttlon rvfitrencoa rn qu'r(, A1f1tfei Knntfrn compiirif, IIuk 117.

North IWnI Htft liotttin. TWO nut mft.tr1nf rurg mn wnnt fur wrk. Tn truvl with munar)' In rur, mm 1 fn 12. m'rlnfa unnft Mury, ruo1 iironit 'all ffm tr 4 attttl to ft I'tilo nlal Hntl, Jtrn.m 3:7 A "if 1 1 HTI.KHS, t.0 Dirlattnair rnrk tlfftmnt) 1P0 per eMt Trofl. Rl Cn.

Chltno. A HR A pRTKi'TirK. "f'ufl tioo )tly; trnvl over worM rii' unnfcM. ur A'nnrlcn LifrtlVB AINicy, I urn, Ht, A nit Tnpl.vnii"nt or wfnt.lrf Int rftetf ftrmt jit Infflnif rommunl crtf with ''hutftftttm Conimorrlial Agn 'y, Y. A MONEY To loan on farms, rltv and anb.

urban property. Current rates and terma. SPRINGFIELD SECURITY CO. 205 Hullnnd W. H.

Henderson. Mr. A UAI IM ISRI.Iliiu a. anil mails ov.r. Our bat d.yurtm.nt I.

largeat moat JlJlnuHhone. 1470 1101. li.MiiyKa" Frank B. Smith Edry. Co.

uou.r; Ho, Springfield7 laundry Co! 11. .1, Ll X.ast" St. Ph. TO i.OAJ PJJCNTY OF MVEY LT. waniaijr lla mwiu uian to lT it: JiiS0.

rati rauua CHATTEL LOAAS Loana tnau. On lUlllllUra looaoo.l.., Ub.rty, etc. N.w Bias! IUMi wail HOGG. t'hj. Blag.

MO.NtCy TO LOAfl ON iitAatONMf j.w.liy. Bay. Uom 4 wr t.ui on uui.dn.m.4 u.aoioou. and watcuofc uuiias and overcoats. III si. W. i.UA.1 CO i'lioo. ill I'LAamitKIUI pissisiiua, Sauiuuuuliil, bnoa poiuutil, a fiua. ana fir. a.lli! wuick i liu, Artn JuM Uh.t, J.e l.ailAad, UtuaoT t.iuia, ruiinua r.uaiinui ut i prices, mauumaa.

VV. muu bon, uuu Loilloi.l'uial. I'honM WlKtTall4rA', HO UK i4.iai Wurka 111 Will Oliv. BU 1'bou. UJ.

Agenta for Americau Steal suroaoa, VV'. also do r.palriui. STOVK MKl'AJltls. STOVE J. K.

BARNES btiup f'bone UIIW STOVE lIKI'AIHINU. JNO. UOHM, Phene Ull J. mo, w. afsdlaoa.

ItJlAKf.lti Paisou Undertaking Ambulance, Funeral Chapel, 410 Houth St rhona II. Ely paiaon, Prasl4.nt, I 6 tup spmNorraLD leader OMH CftMT A WORD FBR IMBCUTIOM MALE nElP WANTED WANTKIJ, three younc nies to sell Cohimbts Ornfnnoln, oti th n.laai kurloC ciinlrert, late ImlldHy ixiuiitiiiiiee Ut rood mon.y. Api'ly floor, Uee Btor t'oniiisny. A FEMALE HEW WANTED nRl.IAm.IC WOMAN wnttl In ir 1. 1 Invelltl.

(all et 4S H. Mnllt Ave. nut Oini.s. WASTRD Tn Ol'KHATK rOWKIl KRWIMl STKADT WOliK tilt MiMININOS D. I iBK.KMA rn.

00 nClONVII.l.B bTHI.F.T. 1 Rl. A NYK'! For grn rrvl holt" work. ITrtfer will B't hnili hlKht Kim lMion, II. SAI.KH Haul ftj t'tr wit.

r.iM,.itKni. in vt r' hinr, I'tc if Vi Mr. WllllR r.lay moinhiK, 1 uooiirtirrr nirtc. i' I.AIXKH W.i Ifii. you e.iit nirrlinir.

heautly iju' KU tilit. i.iiHiin fiirnl 'l ritti tt rflulot: jolttk. 11. Si I.imiIh. V'OM AN VA.vTi:i ft.i iMil voik, iio Mituhlrnr.

'f. K'it wmni.t. I'hfiK i. VVANTKIl riHr t. 1 wmk.

AMriM 235.4 ri Vv A NTKU I Kl A TI.l tTh .1 tuioil mhi Miii.Tfo, i riM n'tc tiin Mtlli hnrN. We urn In mat riitlti. a Ittv lUientlly fnr in tn r. HiitupP' tl fn Vrlt)if I i jr irt u'rti. Aft i)o.

ion 'o I "til tawnoi'th, 'hi" 1 i AT ONi'K. Kl hrtnlit U.lif tii tntvcl, ft a rut t1 em. tft ITS wt k. PaM Writs 4Vt iH i m. trl0 1 uK Hi.

Omitli I.r It 1 tlM KN 4 Ml.N. i l'ft n.atllnr clrrulnraa, 'l 1 nri lltn'. I'lg iktv itvunn ulnewrsj ii utinr r. IrSplfH ll't Af'tv I'oinnnrrrtm Mu.f lfpt NntelU WK 1 SCC Iden. n.ed.,1 t.oritinc nf! paid iio.immi fur worlhleaa.

Il.talia fre Wilts 1'roducers sue. Jit Kt Ion. lj l.Af'lKA fo tk nrrtTii, Inl'v. froMf HI rnnMnr' you If nrv Sulci. Htnn1nrd 1 fUvflmnI.

o. I I AI.K.SV.iMA,N open In Nn rinetlr or p'tl I il'lr Ut.rkriu rn iniit i a 1 ml up lltv full purtii 11 nto'f I Hi 1 V'T Inl Vie '1 'I I 7 T.t Ml at.f ihM i 1,1 in tn i 1. I i.inf Id tit her lit In resird Inve tment 'o lieu tie hurt cle.a iiropo.ltlml en a fiflv i fifv hue A.ldre.a hinlll I Side Stalli.n. City I 1 1 i pMiitii.i. loill.l wera.

i nm" .1. I aiV einerlencad dlpp. r. rrml Matldav prepared to work. Male! 'andy lo 111 K.

Walnut St 11 I SALESMEN WANTED at KllAUTT HAI.KKMAS wllh e.r etc It. y. elunts ooery. lel. Buoday.

It cnlllns ul on Ih meal trade te tarry bi Uutchur. spot telly a. a tile a.uuil.. to carry. Jlla uonmilaalon to rlshi man Ilile Pitrth CT.

tut ki.n) wni I'lllatiurCB, I'a. C. MALK8MAN H'ANTKUi ar lo KlDir fur aJamn now making ud ur mura a yr vi who wniti ii innk niur ni'MP y. Wo ar tnaintf mc tin irs uf hat.k aiiitihe'S, ilik iuU'Ip, ym txiukfi, urt inlt lrtr Mnl lunria alxntlMrn. nlvirlij1r apt la.

kii. IttMthT KDll i I' lllFl I'Dtl tru't. niunt httvti A 1 rri( a. ftf i ilt''M mi lit. httrikiTa Ailvr i hi: A Hii))ly Co loW i Ity, ti.

(' MAKK IJftit'( iv iTTr ifTutih (I.MtrlttJtlllf Ofll HI" iy, x'rilltl nent worii tualv tTrif.trj nt.mM. 1,11 fra. Wrtt Hi1i lUtf )pl. ti.t IxiUmh. 'JViun.

I 'MTKEi'nil tvT blidr aa(4i country lln wh lflr. i.tliht nU'. m. No 'on ry ir'ti mi ilura bti. Ulfi rotaliilw.ion.

Wntn lo iluy. uteraiilt' yw (ort i 4 i. Ctn In nut f. lVAN'TKI Man ar to iil In thla Orrllurv adv inre to trlt manuitiT if in Tli C. Hmlth Ho nth hcn l.

Itul. i'i AN HtKh i.tiittoaiUAn' hiffh (1 Mint urt Kriinmh Hmilcl only by fff.irt 'invf ttftl Ai Mia ait lumiriftl wi.rH fulur. trriVflliiK. All In fin inn'lon tonll dntlal. Aillrea mm ailor.

I fki.u wo.mktiunii vorbol nut hnii. irMj thl line ovtr atr iln nnd nol thnt c.tit1 MISTt, It in un in I'. 8. prolf rli'd urtAilivi. nil Hy bafJiiHr of ifnrernmt'nt riti.iir.

wllh arlv r. in n(. ownvil mu rnnin.Mftl by im if irf nn oritur lakfr jou obuul.l makes to lift a i If Vu uro nn aml.lf toua Um tnHti you will cl' or ujmnrd of $4. Mm it lrHbt. with fulurt? for tiM who n'inlify.

JT'iin I.amjt, Ho. Iteaihirn CbJrMffo. 1 1 rTsA RsVlK nTa tn nk. r7 a rV loo rfini Amt rlrmi uluyina i anl. If you want food aidflinn itnavrf r.

a'at Inir Una now liamlllntf and lrrltorv vou ovar. Hoot riaytnK Card Co, Kitnaaa City, Mo. cl RX to vlilt aniail towna and onll nn irfnral atnrR, Onit with prlnf: prrrrd. I.llierly v. raite Ht.

Loula Mo. i KAl.F.fl.MFN WANTED. City and roun tiy tnlaamen. Roll atornira bnttrla and battery aorvlca to dfalora and tmerts Lara; rommliiloni, an unuauat nptnr. tunlty for lira anlnamnn.

Wa fu bnda. I'hotif i mode In thra. week, by one men aelllna eur per cent llmne Culldlna to 120ft prollt Fxcltialva territory. Wrlta quick, IJI1 Odd Fellow. St.

Louie. 1 SAI.RSM AN, experienced Ili.uranco. esn make bla money eortrsots. If you can deliver themoda wrltenos Jill, rednr rtnpl.1., loive. MEN' VVANTKI) Til HMljl, tflioi 'Kit I KXl'KItlKNi NOT NRt'KiWAIir One Of the world', lorseal

frocery hoii aa (cnpllnl over wanl. ambitious men hi your locnlliy lo sell direct to con. umnr nntlon.iiy known brand, of an extensive Una of ocerles, roofings, liibricnllng stock eto. No cepltnl r. quired.

Cnmmlealona advnni erl. Write today. Slate ss. and county John Sexton A II.

w. Illinois hlcsao, Ut. i SAI.KSMEN. Hell enarile or eduction, l.tliernl pro I imn. Kxciuaive lerrllnry.

HI. to II nion Hchool Fnrnl.hlng lnji Van fluren Chicago. r. itvANrreo, sole. rere.on'iillve.

tv. soveruaen patented i sg carton Client side line. Knowle.l.e of print. Ing desirable. Relf tirklng Carton Co K.

Illinois 81., Chimin. r.i VI ANTKI). to sell tot.tiara, burdware, garage, aecejaiory er. In Missouri. Ills money.

The Me Gs.t Syracuse SAI.ERMKN WAXTKI1, wTri build up permanent hn.lneaa In eingflaM snd vicinity. Now rloslnr 1.22 territorial contract Hlsrt work at on.e. JtiHN COMPANY Itandolph snd Og'len, Chlcaso E.tsbllahed m.

nilfai't slvo and convrlirhteil Art Direct Adecrtlsing Service. I I'I i THE SPRINGFIETiD EADES 0M. CKNT A Wa WWJWWJtjiraJ SALESMEN WANTED monthly deinnii.lrlilli,, ,4 rnarveluiis fluee pteund ae.ti!!! iinhlne. Hell, no alaht fur UK t. woik uf niore ro.lly machines eily.

aieurate, uai onlced. tcry open Wrlle ijul.k u( tl'VX. CT, tiraiid Itu ch. 0 4 ACKSTS WANTED tl to AN roiuiu In advance. ,0 or ml lectins Mi t'ana tit" Via Waller, avrmaes i line IIP.

iiimtillialliin coal. I it ni Hi r.v.ry nmii, "o.n, i hiiiL 1 iiKpect. llutlll und lllll'ie Will iw. l.llirlly foal l. ni I lll'ls, tun, tlhlo lP.

AUK.NT.t make I. a w. Yy 7iicVr ke ia a Out. Nc deliyi cliis. I a fn Mftl I'll, Ill, A.hiBlld.

O. SM.KS A'IKiiTH inn III.H.. 1 10 lo ilny illus IVesia Newle.lhrr etcr.r,...f mD.TJ 1 A.l.l.nd. Ohio. KiT' itKN 'ai mox! h' tl It.

nut lot s.u plea lloll.Ton. Jll Suulh l.nti:., Mo r. I.lii I 1K 1XM IM.1V. toipr ueai: I.IU. tM OM ftu0.

ai.M. 'lve di.t.iliu. Ilia t. eiio onuhB. p.

l.H AHIOMM wanted in h.ii."'t,i: tin. the er is Watklo. yro. A rial I ui.ll y. W'tlt.

Ire, rumple and lui Hi ulara. ft Wut. kina r.iii.,iii.. ticpi. Wlnuna.

lllnlb lv; lt i K.Vf net, mn uid wanw tun. If ekly. StW W.i Im'k roinpioind Wond.rfui tellar, prater; nnluie. tell el her u.ea yr.a Mil. lull 0 K.

II. llept, D.J A 1 1 I' HHV l't it loset her "wlHi our uniilua Trsrl cklare prnpo.ti.t 'lit to Mtent. who 1 maka rul lu.iliei n. Mil jt, San CUB.

nlif. I A III SINfKH i.y yot nnjf Make erjtllllns Iltn pl.te., his llluslratrl m.n.iiinii. hook free, u. (Aill.MH W.lNTI li l) cn.i.i. and distribute fre.

i ii. ur nni. for full nq OhK I wnvi.KMFl'i". Kriu.Kn "tie profit ry tl.llir n' Il.tvr on m.n, I lirnut, untiT xnn Hatnplfi ft "it.

Mit 4 Mi lit, A vrv pr fltat Pfi.f f.i Mii rur(ititi1 it i Mantis or op I ipo i1! i I. TMll' ti c.t a'. tftnrel 0 prulltn. I il or ei' rleni tluei iir.ei'M an he a 'f eat lui.tne repeal order, eiu.n terittnry rit. Ptdersl I'tlii rut a ll ml re, I ttlrarn KTMIT Till' i.r, eftrnela, pert.

toilet da, i artuitlnn i'a, I'cpt at, iiui.i BTAJ'T Ti'f without a dnllaeT Ho. I. perfunte, totle soad ir.n m. ti int i 1 SITUATIONS 'yJ Vff 0 afatant whara ilrn. tQ i.d lrn will count rathar than fa tal tialuinr.

Any ranaonabla offay lM. ilu.t b.y. wurhi Wft "VM "A NTKI. by n. nr Of bM.kk nar miit'hlM itf tu r.

Atldri aa JIojl of I' A Till) aa 'anglnVr off ir. ut. htv. hn. yMfa 'tp'U n.

an I liaLlf. AJlr i'lt;. b.j KM if I A II 'opfion; 4 rn tti'f l'hon 173 W. I A I A u'y hint "con Id i I ht. LOST AXD FOUSD TAhKS I I U.uae on lllsh ro.4 a mm.

mny have 1.1 ii. i. i Po, i eiKi l. I. Ilnza.

Kiiiil. 14) yi I Mie ruorli t.os "OI." i'i t'houe iii4J so.l re. cent, r. wat l. l.ii.

Kii.p, Al.iia rralr7altypin! It ward. W. u. Lajolieth joPi Fit I.l 'XT. BMVBOH'.

at lleer oi Tin nt sdillf.a. to. Mr ilraulile, call Mlas Metier, Setter. I'llniaiiH. li I.i eT i.

O. Toln)olJlie tlirea'diu vice on liver road, amp, Allae lif. omiiierclHl. Knivarii. S.l.ii rer A.

Hon. 117 Kern c'olli iin.ri in I. 1 Pone mot. it I.I eT Athletic iui'iler Jleaav retiim lo Iloonvllle ie pio.ny (te riird. iA IlrileM drain plna can" from lailltlse car, bet worn Mcli.nlel farm er.i i street ami South return to hii South Ave for reward.

l.oST, liroe hand continuing chm knook, note book, check, liewaid J' Andeison. J0 I.oST. on Atisntla at roet "car or bV. tueen new shop, and Melville re.d, mood ring lit box. hol j(io.

)ie w.rd. jp I.OHT. Jeweled NlKiit. fralernitv plo, ensfftve.l on liH.k, K. 3 It Iteiurn Itolllln Moore a.

Ji ffci.on end receive rev iird. llo I.tioT jear mi itevard. 1'hona 1, rur gauniei on VN'mi al. rut street Hatutday Phono ll or return lo 3no Eaet Walnut Ht. rooms fur rent Two niid.MH furni.tTHTfor fTgTTtioiia ue.

tl 1I1K1IK IiuiiMH. "liiree or fo'uf modern except Ileal. phone 4ITIJ. 0 If'l AND llOAftij InTnodeVn good home cooking wllh home prlv lleges. Ilis Klmhrnugh Ave.

Phone SiiSSJ II' I HKKKKPINli litViMS for rentTnd IH.O IV.I, Itllfornl.lteil a "Pie itphell. Ii ali i idng In modern' In. 4 1 ...14 Harrleon HI PllOlie (l la TWO 1 1 I 1 1 'v. i ii i m't private fnmlly. n.oilir,, hoine; walking djsi.nco of 601 Ku.t Hsrrunn Phone 3IQ2J.

I.MHI1KI) HEo HOOM for aoiithea.t part of city, doe. In with home modern. Phone loatw. DA.NTjv hi him for hoii.ekceplng, close N' Jelfcfeoil. NfoS genlleineii oiv.

niniiite. welk iiunre or. Elm car Una. Phone i "'S llOOMSTitTod. rn xccnt heat, 7l fiouth street.

n.i. Tiikek furnished for rent 1031 Dlnln. street, hona H24W. THB! i "if h'X" SI I Tilt irict call Kin: rren TWn met vsr in tn.i k.p TH lul li'T Kl ii reo TTF cioi i km c.i TTi Kl ten 7) Ft rc ii bo Ft in.

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