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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 7

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

41 (I. For 10c Lay you can 1 21 Mr i 1 1. 1 'L 'I a 1 ffr Dealers. Pkr: lb 1 1 ri A. Cc I.i U'l 1 1.

aaic dal ar.d 10c a become owner i a "A I AH rane. heir sr. delivered and connected free; where the as pipe has l.c:n brought up through the floor. HEADQUARTERS cu I CL BAKER 1122 i i rar. for ijj ii FOR SEED i (Ii! picture) patent colt, kid r.d dull leathers, at TC.OO, and l.VA).

Some with 1 or 2 trap. al cro.s strap. i apclis Cister Ti's Vcws. (o 1 In ar.ap. II.

ril :3. The the "la re ttnu.tery In was tf tt re of an lmr.ros.s! tl.i.H hen two In r. graduates cf St. A it tofik thp order lire Hi vn r.n ri of i 1 i il y. pf nod i a Lw4 41 THAN SOD) YOU JUDGE A MAN i I Kit An Ideal Kodnk for the soldier' kit la the Vest roc't A i Ofcf rn ili i KO'Uk.

80 rompart that It will slip into th it inxk't, strontrly built metal, yet weighing? 9 ou'i: it I exceptionally hany ard durable. Takes ar.d eatllv enlarged picture. We are will withr thc Kodaks at and HlO. The H. Lieber Company 24 West Washington St.

lOc Down lOc a Day Puts This Kanse In Your Home. 1 irr.i.le and In excellent condition. if the price of a new one on th win nke yoi old piano or furniture BROS. Don't Dcly Cuyinn Your I 1 I ,11 tn i 1 1 all. Cirri.

are 1 'I'M tl pinup 1 er I. to .1 ri i 1 1 I i lie feri.i Is. i vr I r. i re (. 'j 1 1 r.

e.i er .1 ore i nary aiMrt or vrlte and our ret. res and mc estimate. lorn 1 1 and i 1" if form; Xi a i i uaMty. 1 i HARDWARE CO. 120 124 E.

Yf ashing on Su FOTATOES Grass Seed odorless fertilizer "ill Kt Vr Grc rt.i TH I i.i nt Almost Evergreen. and czld conn All Af.ot How Ilaht and When ta trite for I. i ortl'l Ilia tdc i.ted the nnm of Sister Mary i (ipr a. Mjn man was cele r.rnt 1 bv th Kev. J'ather IIa.s, of st.

The parents and several relatives of th two s.sters were here from to attend the tere I 'Th. Ut "Uvn't worry ho et tl ma H. Consolatory, American ajr men cf brains llv longer than yni may be one of tha ex. II II I III IS I 111 Baa i i a I I i (rim htr 1 to or e.t i i.nn We 1 if Jl or I i Ufa. You Opposite Court Hoaae.

work, stitac why our nre more nttive will rout iivuing Co. 117 119 East Washington Street Fine Granulated Suar (7 A A I One Dollar I'urrliasr rlra 10c; 10C! 1 To 1 th I 1 rrDARD Irvii.h 4 i JIM. .1 part .1 rr I'" I I ri "tie 1 Vn 1 can t'ii tw.w,' U8c H5c GROCERY I'M 41711 tie 1. Ciuif I U'l i. I 4.

1 I ft '4 I i nt. 'na. I ri''. i. V.

rxi 'IV Mrn in. I i.S. 1 1 a ln 1 bent Mr. tar. a i.i r.

M.lns. plvK. pure lireak f.t cocoa. It, pkes. rolled lo.

sack ajil Sd CO. ie. Mim 25c 10c 10c 21 ah. ir mrT 'If M. lir.

N.rlh U. h. iiiin earl. rvm I j. I'rop.

plate er' is yilEKCll STEAM DYE WORKS ci i VM. i. rci. tiii. Ant.

ji AflMLOON LEAGUE OFFERS ITS PROGRAM DEMANDS LIQUOR BE BARRED FROM MOBILIZATION CAMPS. PART OF DEFENSE PLAN The Indianapolis wi ft arena. S3 Iluilding. April 16. The legislative committee of the Antl Sdloon Lracue of America submitted a legislative program to the conrs today.

The I leas of the committee may lummirlzeJ as folloirs: 1. The iiaie of or providing liquor as a beverag to any soldier or Kailor fof flcer or enlisted man In uniform and the sale In any military station or naval camp or other places which are used for training or rnoMltzinir the military or naval forces should he prohibited. To prevent the liquor traffic from preying on soldiers and sailors in training and mobilisation camps a rone should be established around these places. Limit Power for Harm. 3.

Further to limit during the war the power for harm of the beverage liiuor traffic, either prohibit the Interstate shipment of all intoxicating: liquors and all rralns to manufacture such liquors, or let the mnrrfm Include lntoxlcatlna liquors In Its designation of narcotics. habit forming drugs, agreeably to the mem under the provisions or thejlarrl son anti narcotlo rue act. 4. The coneress has cower to provide lor the "winmon oefense and ceneral welfare." It is believed that under this power th congress may prohibit rrain ani roon material from being uaed to make liquor during the war, as well as conaerve the fiKhtinar power of the na tlon by effecting tha prohibition of the liquor trhfic. I'nder this and eKDerlnl ly tne taxing power of the federal government a prohibitive tajc may he levied on tne manufacture and saJe of liquors Experience of Allies.

The committee makes this statement: mittee appointed from the Franchise league, whs elected to the office. The election or onloers. which will take place Thursday morning, will see many changes In the administration. Dr. Amelia Keller, president for fix years, refuses to Ur considered for the ofTice again, and Mrs.

lieores Mj Henderson, aecretary for the eame length of time, will not be a candidate for re elfK tion as she his made plans for taking up other activities. DELEGATES BEGIN TO COME FOR MISSIONS CONVENTION Women's Ooaid of Northwest Dis trict of Presbyterian Church to Be gin Annual Convention Tuesday. The vanguard of delegates, offlcers and missionaries of the Women's Board I of Foreign Missions of the northwest district of the Presby terian church arrived tcday to becin the three day ses sion of their annual convention this week at the First Fresby teria church. of will take p. ace i uesiay niornlne.

and the regular work will proceed In the afternoon, the yciuue department to meet at 2 o'clock, with addresses by Mrs. Martin D. Hardin on "Vision and Service." and Dr. James W. McKean.

of Slam, on "The Mystery and Charm of an Oriental Kingdom." Mrs. Mary Traub Hunch will sing. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Miss Henna Clark will present the foreign work in the form of a steroptlcon lecture, and the Hev. William Datter will talk on "The Story of the Church at Ori Wednesday morning at 8:3 o'tioclc there will be a young people's conference in the 'undav school room At o'clock talks will be given by Thomas Uradlev, on "Th. Mrs.

Dee F. Clark, on "Our li. Carter Mil'ikm. on "An African Trull" srd S)r James W. Mc Kean, on 'The New Siam." The mission study cla.xs will meet from to in the Sunday school room, and in the auditorium at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. Cle Und McAlee will talk on "The; Young Fetjple's I artmont." Miss Hdlth 11. Moss on "The Kdui at ional arid Miss Hilde I lable on "Kvangells lic Work in Africa." On Wedne1av wnir'g nt the 8 o'clock session. Kobe it Fi.iott ti l. I will talk on Imprest ions of the Far Ir.a st." The nilss UMi study ill meet morning at o'clock and at Miss Margaret Fat tcrson, of I ill tali on "Niirsini in Mirsil I loypital.

and Mrs. Charles S. il i lia run, of South Ari'eri. a. on "Our Columbian Sisters." The mission study I ism will convene from 1 fo ard at i o'ilock Mrs.

Martin I), llardm i will t'tik on "Misuonar' and Candidate 1 Hour," ar.d communion service wiil bj held. The studv class denonsf rn ions I ill be given by U. Carter Milllkin. educational ecretat y. The list of speakers comprises men cf International reputation and veteran mission rtcs.

many of whom(bave been driven from their field of lat'or by hos I Ih urmies In the orient ii Africa. I r. Sneer, traveler, aiitlior and mis unn.irv, rmvle a to ir of Isitation In the orient in IV of Soutn Arnerta in uml in the tar e. sst in He la tl i author of a is. ore cf I Of).

and on Christian ri's' ns and missionaries. Dr. McKeiii, of am. ii doing notable work anon.i the leners there. "lie cUers of the board are Mrs.

OMver president; Mrs. I Thomas it. F.ra Hev. treasurer, and Mrs. C.

15. McAfe Mrs. Martin D. Hardin, i Mrs. F.

W. Crosby. Mrs. II. C.

Tlllnian ani Mrs. I'errv leach. secretaries. Amorvr tho present at the conven i tion will he: i.ionries Africa. Mis Hild tie.

tr Dev. William it Daeer; Cbm. iies Margaret Ouatemala. Mrs. II.

Ind.a. Mrs. A. T. Ke so.

Margaret Patterson; Siam. Dr. Jn" W. McKean; South America. rs.

Charles The car accepte.l and appointed 1 bv the New York board; 4'htna. Miss i Martha Davis: Japan. Miss I a sen; orensen; vm. Mies Martha Taj lor. Recommended to the New Tork board for acreptiirce Mis In (e Hammond.

Mrv' Klrhy. M'ss Anna MorTet. Ida Ftephens. Miss Harriet Stroh. Victim cf Auto Accident Dies.

Sr.e. to The Tn 3ianarxU NewJ NOV, Ir.d.. April 2i Onil'e Sratcn. ace TTly. c.e at a local hos frred Ut rrotn injuries he s'tf 1t autorrc.hue aecjder.t on the or I a ra vi

near Trad era Siati James HoKir.cs worth we dm'" when a ro 1 i tr. o( r' sr. the ma ran tli J.f i h. Roth riert were rnnel ber.eath the car, but Itrrswcrth was unirjurd. leaves a wldjw ar.d or.s daughter.

THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1917. further war conditions reaulre a nation to at us oeat i ne experience or our allies proves intoxicating liquors not only Injures the health, efflriencv and endurance of the soldiers and sailora. but decreases Wie resources and the power or the peyje at home to furnish ine necaea supplies, iijis confirms our own expedience durlntr the Spanish American war." Franchise League Opens Convention Tomorrow A constitutional convention confer ence, led by Betsy Kd wards, of Shelbyville, will open the sixth annual convention of the Woman's Franchise League of Indiana in Indianapolis to morrow, and the part that the women will play In the coming election will be the principal issue during the three clays the league will be in session at the Clay pool hotel. An important ouestion will come ud Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke, chairman the Joint committee of the Franchise Leasrue and the Indiana Kqual HufTrage Associa tion, will report on the work done by the committee which met last May to discuss tiie question of the amalgama tion of the two organizations.

Airs. Clrke will present the (Constitution drawn tip at this meeting. The two committees were appointed a year asro, and met to elect Miss Harriet Noble, of Indianapolis, as Joint chairman. Owing to Miss Noblo's lllneos, Mrs. Clarke, who was chairman of the com SOCIETY The Utility Club will meet Wednesday wun Mrs.

Airred liay. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mooney, are at rrencn idea for ten days.

The Richardson Kmbroidery Chib will meet Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Rlggs. Mrs. I Goldstein and Miss Florence Coidsfeln. of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs.

rZ. Ietxter. Miss Mary Hendricks Hart will rive a dancing party tonight, from 7 to 10 cluck, for twenty four members of her dancing class. Mrs. S.

J. Kuoua and daughter. Miss Faullne Kuqua, have returned St. I'eteraburg and St. Augustine.

wnere iney apent the winter. Hannah F. Kahn and son, Charles Kahn, have gone on a trip to New Orleans. San Antonio and Galves ton. They will be gone until May.

Mrs. James A. Allison and daughter Cornelia hare returned from Atlantic city. Joseph C. Morrow, of Chicago.

was the uest of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Sunday. The Martha Washington Art Club will meet Friday with Mrs. O.

P. Ohere There will be an election of officers, and Alra. O. V. Lane will cive the local council report Members of the Catherine Merrill Club win celebrate the club birthdav Satur nay with a luncheon at the home of Mrs.

Fdward Dean. The luncheon is for members only. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank K.

McKamey an nounce in marriage or their daughter. Klna Myrle, snd Arthur W. Lockhart. which took place at 8 o'clock Saturday evening at tneir home, the itev. Fugene a.

iwer oniciaung. At the guest meeting of the Indiana pons women a Club Friday. Mrs. Hudson will talk on "Cruelty to Literature." and Mrs. Alexander Jameson wlil lea.

a me discussion. irs. a. Jameson will ntertain at jmner njesaay evening tor the speak r' mi opening meeting or the con tention of the Woman's Franchise ieague or Indiana, which begins Tues cay. niinn, oi Mn caL.

ar nvea Sunday for the wedding cf his niece. Miss Cora "Kohlen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I). Hohlen.

and vnnin paine of Chicago. wnicn win iaKe place taturday. Miss Mabel Sherman was hostess for a tea feunday afternoon to announce tne engagement of her sister Helen ana Clarence p. Kottlowskl son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles F. Kottlowskl. Miss Slier man is a' daughter of Mr. and Mra. oscar iu.

bhermau. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atjfderheide announce the msrnage of their daurh ter Alildred and Cordon S. Griffin, which took place Saturday evening nt the Central Avenue M.

E. church. The at home announcement is for Wash ington boulevard after May Professor Claude Mlchelon. of the Paris School of French: Professor Ha dulo. of the Spanish school, with twelve members of the Alliance Francaise, will be entertained Tuesday evening by Mrs.

K. M. Collins. Music and recitations in trench and tpanisii will be given. Auction bridge, euchre and will be played at the public card party to he ictven Tnursday afternoon at the Propylum by the Helping Hand Club The proceeds will be used in carrylnS on the charity work of the club, a spe cial benetictary being the Florence Crit tenden home.

At a meeting of the Pi Beta Fhl Alum nar Club hel Saturday afternoon with Miss Kuth Tharpe, the following officers were elected president. Miss Tharpe; vice president. Airs. J. Cllfrord Dewls corresponding secretary.

Mrs. K. C. Beeler; treasurer, Mrs. F.

F. Haskell; press reporter, Mrs. C. Bachelder. Mr.

and Mrs. Miio Tucker announce the marrias of their daughter Irene and George W. Carter, which took place st the home of the officiating minister the Itev. George S. Hennirsrer, Sunday afternoon, at o'clock.

'The at home announcement is for the Forest apart ments. Illinois street. alter May 1. Mrs. Frank S.

Wells and Mra Harrv 1 Hammond gave an informal tea this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wells for Mrs. C. K. Cope, who will leave ednesday to join her husband.

In I Denver. for permanent residence. 1 he reception rooms were arranged with yellow spring blossoms and in the ainlng room were baskets of pink sweet peas ilea wun pink tulle and ink shaded tapers. The hostess was assisted In receiving by Mrs. ltaymond Cook.

Mrs. A. V. Skinner and Mrs. John Wall, and in the dininar room bv Mrs.

William Hyde Pearl. Mrs. Farl Wells. Miss Gail Hammond and Miss Floiss iartner. During the afternoon a music al program was Bivcn by Miss Ksther and Miss Margaret Skinner, pianists.

and Mrs. Frederick Crosstreet, vocalist. One of the most delightful club affairs given recently was Hie party given this afternoon on the entire second floor of the Y. W. C.

A. by the iTesent Day Club. S. members and their guests being entertained. The parlors were attractive with baskets of daisies, whicn were also used with palms to decorate the stage in Hollenbeck hall, where a program was given by Miss Kuth Hem enway, of Chlcaso.

who read "What Fvery Woman Knoaj," and Rosemary Burt, who danced "The Vestal Virgin" and "Water Dance." Receiving with the club president. Mrs. Lynn D. Hay. were Mrs.

11. Mlllikan and Mrs. F. I Pettljohn. The uaiierw were: Mrs.

A. I Thurston. Mrs. Alta Pugh. Mrs.

X. A. AiJison, Mrs. S. K.

Lone. Mrs. T. A. Mov nahan.

Mrs. Fugene, Foley and Mrs. T. Groninger. Presiding at the punch i hpip dks iveene Madjre Hmkiw and Helen Selvage Christie Straus.

Mary Jane Smith, Rosamond Kittle and Rosemary Hurt. dressed in nurry lingerie trocks, pre sented the guests with daisies from dainty baskets. Among the out of town guests were: Miss Josephine Wilson, of Greenfie'd, and Mrs. L. Lee, of Alex drla, with Mrs.

Thurston and Mrs. Ku pene Pnlliam, of franklin, with Mrs, Midikan. Franchise Club to Meet. The Second Ward Franchise Club wlil meet Tuesday afternoon at o'clock ith Mrs. S.

Artman. 9rXi1 North New Jersey street. Mrs. Isaac Hum, president of the Indianapolis tiruncn. wiu talk cm the new constitu tion.

Lea K. I eMer. courity auditor. will talk to the women on Toting. Miss Alma Sickler.

orjranizer, will be pres ent, airs, roiwam win provide mtislc. Mrs. William Perry, the rresiaent. wm preside. To See New Picture.

ne poara oi maorsers ror junior pictures is inrited to see the new picture. "The Modern Mother Goose. to be given Tuesday morning at 9:20 o'clock at the Tacoma theater, in Fast ashington street. MRS. E.

F. WHITE HONORED. Elected Chairman of Political Science Committee of Federation. Mrs. Edward Franklin White, of Indiana polls, who has filled efficiently the position of ciiatrman cf the political sci ence committee of the Indiana Federation of Clubs, was elected to th5 same nice me general leneration st A rneetin of the hoard of directors, held Studies i aiuruay ijrieans.

at tne Close oi me rontri.iK'n ui (ie leoeration. Mrs. White succeeds Mrs. Katherlne Wauch McCuliovigh. of Mrs.

Felix McWhtrter. director from Indiana, nominated Mrs. White, arid toll of tiie active work which she nas carried on in this state since the passage of the part sufTraRe measure, in conducting studr classes and in other wsvs promoting educational work more the women who will vote. Mra. jjAtVr.i.e was opposed by four candidates i rc.ii Fiiitr in an ui wnn ri ine federation has been established loneer and has more members than In ln ana.

Fatally Hart in Fall From Ladder. Terry Hayes, ace forty two. a laborer, was fatally injured early Sunday when he from the top of a ladder xter.dinn t. a window on the second or of a rootninc at ZlJ West Tarylnd street. He died before a physician co summoned.

liayea. It is said, had locked hlmeclf out of bis room and had placed the ladier to the wir In order to set hack in. Hi foot f'rri le reached the top of, ti lad ler, to fall hack 1 snard. I)r. Itivhard A.

I'oole. Coroner, i of St denth was fj 1 causeil by frai Moiey at Church, "re theft of Ts cents nas discover 1 the Trinity rjee erl I'lri'nt streets. e.trdav r. uen the church was The ney stolen from furl bcs. or ower This is the Utility Sale News of Tuesd The Butterick Quarterly For Summer An authoritative forecast of the new modes for summer every one of its SS pages full of interesting style news for I'rice.

25c. DELINK ATOR FOR MAY is ready. Price. 1.1c. Main Coor, aisle Jhree, i Parts Farmer's Satin Sport Lining 32 inches Wide $1.00 a Yard This novelty lining has heavy crepe finish and beautiful satin luster.

It is admirably adapted for making1 sport coats as "well as for lining. Colors are rose, gtld, electric blue and apple preen. Utility Sale price, a i 8 l.OO Lining Sateen at 25c We have just stocked a fine satin finish sateen in twenty frood colors as well as black and white. Choice in the Utility Sale at this special price, a yard 25 Main floor, west aisle. The New York Store.

All Wool Storm Serge, 75c 40 inches Wide At the price dinary bargain, price a yard of wool today this is an extraor Shades of brown and navy. Sale C9c Cream Mohair Brillian tine, 69c 42 inches Wide This is another prood purchase, as the price is rapidly advancing and white is in bijr demand. Specially priced in the Utility Sale, a SHEPHERD CHECKS, black and white, with overplaid of lavender, frreen, cardinal, blue and brown; very serviceable for misses' or chil OCT dren's school wear; 36 inches wde, a rOv SltiVERBLOOM MOHAIR, washable, the ideal summer fabric. Our new patterns have just arrived and they are? really beautiful; broad stripes in three and four color combinations, plain 7Cr colors to match; 32 inches wide, a yard sJL ALL WOOL CHALLIS, small rosebud and flowered patterns on cream, jrray, blue, pold and wistaria gTounds; 7 and GO inches wide, a yard Main floor, west aisle. The New York Store.

10 to 20 Yard Lengths of fine Zephyr Gingham Three thousand yards of this fabric that every woman knows can be put to countless uses in the making" of er dresses, aprons, dust caps, children's dresses, etc. Of fine, soft 2Ht A YARD quality, fast colors, 27 inches wide. All in lengths cf ten to tweiity yards, but we will comply with any reasonable request to cut the pieces in the lengths desired. In the Utility Sale a yard.l2Vc Tilaln floor, west aisle. The New York Store.

You'll be Delighted With the Hats We are Showing at $2.75 and. $3.75 i Of fine hemp and lisere straw, in black, gold, gray, chartreuse trimmed with flowers and novel ornaments. A black hemp sailor with a brim which rolls upward toward the back, is faced on top with white silk crepe and has a white wing affair and two long black feather tendrils which are immensely effective. A clever turban of shiny black straw turns sharply up on all sides and is touched off with a beaded ornament. And dozens and dozens of other pretty hats, becoming hats, new hats at these low prices.

In the Utility Sale at $2.75 to $3.75. i Second floor. The New York Store. "Home Taste" Baked Goods DOUGHNUTS, a dozen DEVIL. FOOD chocolate COFFEE CAKES.

fresh and raisins KAISIN A D. Icing plain with crip. i rt CAKES, with '20c with lOe white NUT BREAD, whole wheat flour, with nut meats lOe HOME TASTE BREAD, and large as ever at. a loaf Fifth Store. Utility Com bination Sale of Madame.

Yale Toilet Preparations This $1.00 Combination One Jar Mme. Yale's Almond Complexion Cream Two cakes Mme. Yale Soap Main floor, Store. HORACE B. HITCHIKGS DEAD.

Was Rector Emeritus of Denver Cathedra! Graduate of Trinity. imperial to The Indianapolis News SOUTH BEND. April 15 The Rev. Horace II. HitchinRS.

D. rector etreritvs "t'f the cathedral cf Denver. and at one time assistant pastor Trinitv church. New York city, d'ed Friday afternoon at the home of his r.ephew. J.

Alvin Scott, in Mishawaka, with whom he had made hs home for the last three years. i Dr. Hltchlnjrs was eighty seven years old. having been bom in Boston. January SI.

He was well known in the Episcopil denomination, ar.d was eradiated from Trinitv college. Hartford. the class of II? was ordained a in the tpisooj al i hi.rch at school 8t r. with the class of lr. HitcHrg was sert to I'erver.

1 3. at a time when Indian riaarre had to be feared. lie ioi.r reved n.i'.es in a stace rni.1i to arrive hi town. His kts r.ii 'at her. I'eter Mclrtosh.

was ore of tie men who helped throw the tea overlcard at the historic Boston tea party. Blossom oOc Complexion Tefal value 8 l.OO aisle five. The New York New York lTe New York Store Gall PETTIS DRY GOODS CO. Indiirap lis EST 1853 Ma nrh tier Quoted at $29.50, $39.50 and $45.00 as good floor. The New York 42 SEWER FOR W.

TENTH ST. Will Drain Larce District Streets to Ce Improved. The bonrd of public works today adopted a resolution providing for the count met of a mam sewer in YV est 1 Tenth street, from Bismarck avenue to: ITiMm avenue. The sewer will cot ap proximatelv f.Vt.o and tviII drain a larce district In the rorth western part! of 1 ndiarifi clis. Resolutions were adopted, by the board for the permanent improvement1 of the following streets: Macl'herson street, from Twenty eighth street to1 Thirtieth street: the second alley north! of Covner avenue from Samoa street to Jefferson avenue: California street, from Washington street to Court street.

Josct A. Rir.k. president of the hoard, said it probiib'e the city will rot spr'lnkle the streets with r.ii this ear. but that the old method of ( vaster be resumed. is itc st a pa Hon.

and the' tot of procur're rrcuali to sprinkle a7i the sreers of i itv nould prohi i ve. If the price of I "is 'vver later in the season. Mr. Rink saij. street olir.s may be reijnud.

Swift sales of hef tn Indiar.a for week endlns: Saturdav, It, 1.17, averaged I3.C.: per pound. Adv. Also Eigh I New Models in Men's Wear Serge The suits of higher price are ones, twos and threes of a kind and come from assortments rendered incomplete by an unprecedented pre Easter business. Plenty of the high spring shades, plenty of navy blues and blacks. Suits, both fashionable and serviceable both smart in style and practical in 50c Correspondence Cards, 25c Twenty four card3 ia mined initial and twenty four envelopes such as rejruUriy LOc; sale fit Tuesday. floor, mr. Utility Sale of Pettis Specialized Suits Including Suits That Wet AVomens Pure Silk Hosiery For men who want comfort and well garments. In white, fine jersey ribbed, smoothly tailored seams, some have slight imperfections; qualities that would otherwise sell for $3.00, are priced in the Utility Sale at $1.75. PIRE SILK HALF HOSE for men, sole hifrh spliced, in black, taupe, tan, gray, slight im perfections reduce these 60c qualities to 35c ME.V.1 SHIRTS of fine prade materials, as well tailored as custom made shirts: all perfect fitting, color and wear guaranteed, laundered 1 1 cuffs OJ Just Inside east Mad am i mode and material. Suits with large cape collar.

Suits with braid trimming. Suits with belt and suits without belt. Suits strictly tailored. Suits in the new, popular high waist effect. Suits that we put forward now because exceptionally low priced fcr their quality at regular price, $24.50.

Womens' Coats From Groups at $24.50 And $29.50 On Sale at WOMEN who desire to choose from coat3 of distinguished design, that are serviceable and fashionable in fabric and beyond criticism in tailoring and fit, can not do better than to select from these we have underpriced in the Utility Sale at 10.50. Fabrics include wool poplin, wool velocr, fine tweeds. Knit Kloth serge, diagonal covert and gaberdine. Colors are rose, raspberry; apple green, coral, Kelly green, navy, Ed; royal, gray and plaids. Other groups in every good style and of every wanted coating at 3.

$24.50 and up to $49.50. From The $1 and $1.50 Grade inn. 0, NEW VOILE BLOUSES, white, with large collar, frilled or pane: front, hand drawn hemstitching, embroidered dots, lace insertion r.r. edging, piearl buttons and fine tucks. Sale price vC PORCH JrVND HOUSE DRESSES, made of standard percale and ham, guaranteed color fast.

One may choose from various prctt styles hvdresses in pencil and cricket stripes, checks and figure? grays, blues, pinks and heliotrope. Sale prices. ri.t; Second floor. The New York. ore.

We have just received a new shipment of this excellent it is in all the wanted plain shades as well Mack and noi.nn sunns Sdr, made of madras, repe rep. cut full atid lored, color effects are ri; blue, pray, tan. green an all colors fast; the Utii price or incse ji.uu qualities is MK.VS I'XIOV St'IT. lected cotton, ecru onl ribbed. or short entrance.

The Now Tork S.s i I.i i cf sleeve and ankle From the Nemo Hygienic Fashion tute is Here at "Nemo Hcadquari Her skill in corsetry well known to nundrc ds and her va! known to thousands of women in the 1 country. She is here by courtesy cf th corsets and r.o extra charge v. ill Le rr.a (ne New PETTIS DRY Anvthini to Sell cr GCODS CO. a. i 1 1 er And Don't Forget the Utility Sale of the Carload of Chinazvar ry, strongly reinforced and with double welt garter tcp.

If rrrlV.t these would retail at from $1.00 to $1.50, but flight imperfect; cause them to be placed in the Utility Sale at yrr BOYS HOSIERY, of strong cot ton yarn black only, smoothly linished. nigh spliced sole, heel and toe 25c BOYS' UNION SUITS, of whits best quality. Jersey ribbed, wing sleeve and knee length SILK BOOT HOSIERY for women, full fashioned, wearing points strongly reinforced, va riety of plain colos. also white and black 65 65c lili: IIORIKI: Y. black and whit, made from n.

lected yarn, will give eicfpiin wearing service, strongly refnforced J. Finnn no. of pood iiuality. with reir torrt 1 parter top and hi eh el and toe. Colors inci sky.

champacHe, also xhite. This hosiery during the Utility Hale. Main floor, alaie five, Vork irtore. ,1 eel The Men's $3.00 Silk Lisle Union Suit 1 i.

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