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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VI 1 TOL. XLI.NO. 155. E4 rm4ar-Ti Row O.B.eriM Uoctilao. flaturyiaalMattMiMil a i Nifr rM, till last madt KDiMriai Mduit a lit Ltbttvtt It tut ef mn.

Tta aaoaia of th Prat JRUtot bar ao m( yialdad tha ar.Dt damaiKla of th. clan Oliiaouj la Hi ttoota, that Iba latiar hai Oooi to Ihlak llomowrT UFBwaauro aaal it, 10 nwllar Kiwdanraduii it to Uia shaiMMr of tb lit IKaim nan of lb inur if tb Soolhan I'lvabslilari war ectUnird loLava uieir "bairuui ebitlala" arotaoiad IsihattiaiM wharaibir aaidiMm. fww" Iban deiran ld And awurad JIm 't. SlAtoa, nonu.aiiadtiniiorr. (Loaiaiana, Florida, Pre tHUaa bav aaoarad wi, luva and Oal I (on it, Kixl.

Iba Miara pnwar it mind'd all th tarrtt rlaa, aKanart Coa, omua, wk ok a-M'd a put ol tNiaa iprilwa to fia lalwc. Axr, Uiar damaiidail ih mbl to aum into th AM fulaawllh tiiair atva. whaoavar lliaf (boot. And. lore aa lhar i and Ui Ucliad Htttel CoorU aam alMiut To ild Iham, tod iraat Uui aaiaiaouadamaod.

Hut lha iaif. Il.a fMMiat. tha if 'aatffral aainma. I. ihl Vlavart no to rbuad In ih Nurs rata, but maat ha mtda to loo'aoa lrai MOttlf mn Tbu doolnua, wblob Haoaiooairotjaaodahiek.

ii almnat lo tra uoioCiua, Ibuwpo1j avo4 drfn. dd hi ain tha awiaa.aa.a aad ui pnblio man of tha DoathtbAt iupao.1 Jam. -iSl ama Ba- Ntilijjpbwaaariaflhaio.cidlnitioaar. ua a.4iriM alio aruoiaimaa aua tMll fUjC I foatk. 'Jo 1 aamalif witk 'h bo'dptaa aa lo tht akuw tha rt aitaal and aatvra of Ikit doctrua of mWartaf WktU Vh f.iilovini ai-triiia Inua llnolaoia ataara.ALd from Iba aaaha afJlBOhiiiaa mm.

aia ilva i Tn lobromd Kumiuar. on of th Iwllut Daim-ara aaaara in Vinm A. Aidautlr aupaurtu Mr. UueliaiAn holdatha follow uu lauiuaaa majala jaioaj I'uili raoaour, uia utiraoa 01 D.avarr llll r00lir. Uia utirnoa Ol D.avaTF wwiww tiaal diiloaltiaa, KMaa apnloaitla wk wariroandi.

Thar oaha4 th dalaooaofH A-to atv axar xiaTafj i Iharabr I ivmc Iba arary priactf laauiuaf aiitar iwuiaviswifir of dafme, kmw. la sow akaac ad. Boatk now naixlaina that Slavara nill, Miai. aa maliltr. aaal aati ar-i a coarLamon.

Tha lAwa of tha a. bUWI Canlna, lara i pla.rT la tka nAtarai and nornm nnditioa of tka latortai mm, whaihar whit or tlaA. Th iroat vil ol norihata rna aooiwp ia, wu Hiaooraanaa th a unili alaaa of Micauaica ted LaaoBaaa. avil of Norihata ftai aooi. tuMttt HV imnMinl.

and pat olmkad wilt ikaai. tritiniaaiDd anaaraof oil iaaa. Maatar and alara la a lataiioa la aoaialp a aaMratrp i Ibat of paraat and a ana tn rnvaara maw. am pai airaio loro. auca it.

Thau Ibaorp of baa ovraaaaai la Adala. Ibara'a Pmoftrati" doo'rji far poa, vilk nirano our Ihaorp of fraa lorarnniant a d. a-oa'1 l.tariap mm, whethar wAira rr biaok, to Tam auB' Vrrilr. aiauati ai aonunf loa frattp aaal TI a'Vlotimoed (V.) Fnoolrar. Mr.

Bathanu'l iaI orian. And aiuaidarad bp th. Datno-ontio atitp a. ita ab pipap la lava Boatk, aaaaA j'lowa ia raorot aaaibar i Kapaalrdlp bar aakod ta North, Bm not (ba.jaarlTiantof aairarwu uhrt raiLtbf Ara not thaarniot raaa iocibtt iBioaraaaaLtr Aaddant mo. I liilnaini aioa amaf po prnaoaa to taaeari aaa Conaibvotllf' Bull ao ana war.

Tbia loj nttm laanrthar annalauva arnnf. aaMad to manvothar H.luilr aridan. wa har. faroiahad. that Irtt it- tutu in ih.

iaar raa ia aa imartotioabiA ioria of aool. it laaTarpwoiraatatTlni, ajaawralfaad aad ia larrrrltoiMry, WaiaBtat than. Ibat aollar and kaamaitT Allka fatbit laa i zoaata of Ui mil tljnt laeuap IS aaw tf.m a anil atMn.n "Twonaaoara and sictliotiM fornii of anaittr aa not, arwini ivi liad nan. oo-aaiat aad andor. Ta nival aiv wap tad to aalat.

Tkaetbaib r'ina aaiTanau liraa awiiv o. a-asarait imaanrai, aariBilia. Hmiiat lall, and aia wap loaalan imuii-i i.aial Ipafrm aid aa laa trirlaf, waioaraau aa mia." Baoianta pa par in wbna ad i tor waa ana. him in rowia mo a iMiBJorai. aaoinar aroraiBan a.ifO Piim lor lb.

Ho ol H.praaantai a lrmo-ii of tb Goon liraa, br raa F. U. Valor, of Mam, Arnvuf Uui aaaa ararp tkiiii PaiBiflaTtnia itplai Ms ihtraaiil tohaiim ararrlhlni With lha prat I ran, in i ir Alotui ania Bow a aaa ap thmaia tba wiiola lanna, aaaa labor, aaaa aooi aMp, raaa w.ll. raaa ihinkitK, raaa unarm, paia aob.n i all t.romini to to ana brood ol riaiaM iitiu. Bat Iba worat of a-l thai aboBiii oua lalbamufaia apaum of raaa arnooLa.

pa niati. aftti iiam ua iraa lannoa bm oara ua nuaa and nlifi. ronrolof lb. midrl liaa tod trat Ba i rm Bar. iBi nao ouirB idio wgurrn boo wo-nr rraha.

aaa bar land kin Lha aomiaoa aaatlioa alaoa of bowilna badiaBiiiaa. IFa aaamiaau IA rpliaaa Pa. caM luiaara rrra," laa waaaiiiaiaa uaina, in aaiioBai arfan ot ia umrioraia" partp. aata inat ia aoaaataofl aarot riae Laaoaiaa Man of km AraaMiiiBkBi.i Laaa bwalranaianaailko aa auai cattli lolbAtaoaa- ttf. lb Nv York I lap hkx, oa or in two pa pan ia Ymk Ul aapport Jajnaa Rashaaw, to Lalr aonr aMaaicaaa, Uiianai aod laiaB.

Who Biap fail lata aoranr And biaiablaui aappuii 'k'ir laaillira. Hataar. lha Dap Book' I ax lot wwda uaataaiofortnapooi wntra pairia i Fail th aaraata of tbaa a'l dran into aLaraaT. Irt oar Liia tiara paas a law thai wboarar will taka in para lib bm lata aara or urn aaa wail orr- Braiao, IB B.aaLaraa bio la nit-iini ura.ini ihrm, and koaia Uam-ail ka (apalla aoiiifad ia lrtr and lat tha aam Lial'ardrorw Ikal whnavair tanaivaa tL ivaiti and thalr I L- tiaaN.andobtAioa thalr larrioaa, abtU Uka atra of loam a. lohb aa tbbt t.ira a.

Bomaoa I. iroiarrom rj-amnonuio-- awwaaa. aar- Now fir a faw from Damooratia apaaaaaa. maa, aa aUhormta aid aarafallp praaaraA apaaak. ww iiuwH.

aia rniws a. i a iibimi iw I rum ujrai. aK UMfl la laa wmiuc bi wjioaa. wrmwa I rail a ana tka aaaiaaaiia of aavarr to aror that IhAava.wa ijuiiii tf lha North ara aa haaav. aa ona'aatad, ar aa acwfurtaM, ta tba la of tba Boa ik.

lalhaHnak Aiiaraaaomla.B'aroo tantk Of tk mli andarsd bp th whit laborer. of lb Norta. Foranp ia aj koowa toih BuatAara aakvr for aa anoa aa lha a. aataw nf alaava harmtaaa InA ar or la Brorlda for Iham. ha bbllb tbam as orhata.

who aaa taka Mr of tor aa. i iaonai iaaaoiiaoifla oi and ika ih aaaarior aoaditloa of lb rootnara aiaraovar in.noatnarn waira ibo rar." Aoooilini to Mr. Down. Ibaa, linnd Damoara'la tnlhoritp.) All Ihat tba Nartbara arkilf laaarar ra- aunaa hi anmatinria ao aaii wnaa aa tii'a man ao r.rtp. AduurAUa pajlA-Uuopj I Baauuioi Daaw- VatatoT Clrmajna, of A laharna, dtwtaiwd, hi apaaak iha II aj.

tama'a. thanaa'atiraa of Maw KlK. SfhT JJ'h; wtraaotaawaii anntua aa nmiortavron a ar that aa.Uvata in no ana outs B. Mlh In a rrnant aaaar. hr Mr.

arto'da. Ttarsi-Baaka ta Urmooratio oandidat for (Jontraaa fruaa MiamarU that lanilaanaa dia matlp taaartad that I aa aaaua aoaatrratloa ol th owr of Corbrrawj to raoaaUa abvrarp front a Unilad HlAta. Urjitorr. woaal luatifp tha Bovainmant in axrjiaoina lo ana onrn ci'iaaaa aaai aub laiaa aa wuaaa Bar a MlMirrt fjaiMnrat atawn. anaiAR) in Mr.

I. Jl. ijhnd, anotliar Atohuna Uamawtl of Miaaocri, la laoaal apMok aa uom ta rr ajtaw maa a Rinaa. daaoBDsd tba nkoaiaa men aa WB1VB laa.tna RnTi.n. fthA anal af ABaaaaln Bro.a, I a ahmit i liird tba Damrwratia aap.

d- aa ib a aaaar ia ua i'biibo Dfaaa una aaaaiow That awm bar ao riihl In roTl aalaaa thai ar aoairsaad of Bn.aati aa naaircd bt Iba ConetituUia of Mouth Carolina. TLaia to maa aaa rot aalaaa a owaa laa a.araaa, oi raal talat Ir Ui salat af laa taaaaaaa ttlitri Aad ihia ia Ik aastrlna which fa tAlltA. maid intrrtfluAa ut Pannaalraaia. Jmit HDcaaaaR, in rraaiuaatiai oaaaidara ot ina aaa and rf lha aarlr wbnhold tbaaaodtoairiawiadrv. aalad lha dnatrlaa ib Iba U.

8 kVaU of ndaalni Iba waaka or Abiikab pai ativb aid LABoaaa. to lb. Aaranaaa alaaaanl. whiobt. Hon tobaabmt tab caitra a it.

What a ti aaadidtla Mr. foi una who woaul patka wBiia aa.r laraaf JoHa U. raanoHT, lb rraa arpanuou Baa irna IliNiaerai. who haa workad hia own wr frojB aorattr to ar.alaaaa. aava lha followiflB hrah tributa to tha OI riia LkBoa, aoa pst n'B an.nuaa naw uia annaaa ao aaaatt ituk no ib a rBTaniuotw.

J1, rw bk i aaa-rr own, a oni'ar ib laaavt u.aA. utar wbai ha aaaa ahAnt r.aa lihar I'l ti. I Tha aataral eaartal WhtaNaimatl. ti'aa tna rroi ivariA of Ihta araat (uunut. aid arrataa tnti taalf r.rai paver ia ia.

anajsra, aiwa id oa tw litaoaaainanaiwanoi raaa I lAt ararr inrar nf a ooualrr rammhap Ihlt af ui Ii Iba pjararol Cooarria, ta will ba anuwa bp K'tinw atrf ulhoial tta R.pablioaa (Ft Brrrti pirta hara mtnd to rinlata ilia it aolama fa'ie Tl ia taa vaiua ma aa wiia ina I aoiaiia. lhw kava inl, A wuilatn lh Mimaial arlth Trxaa, np whioh tb IJi Hod Uta'aa parabaaadall Ihat Birt orTaxaa una or A) and inn ndn ft la Nbw Mas. an with tha aaarajitaa that whan Bit. muiaa aa flat ih a imi rarriiorp, or any portion of Iba aama, lha 1 ba reoeiv.d in'o th Unloa with or Witnoal alavtry, aa lhair aonalitalioe map arasarib ti Ih. tim of admia loa." I Thai tbap hv, bp tiiair rotas, npnfittsd tht mprumia m'aauraa of lloft, wblob aootunrd Ui lUAraale la raaaect to th Ttrrlioriaa of Naw piaxiooaia uma.ina to ta aapponoi waionwvarp Wbit avsrp Demurat aloud ldid bp tk lha twnpraAt aa'tiaam llrj.

4 That they bTBv4r.d to leahw aad saMiakh-pailitarp ilkvr ry ra Ih whole of Hanaaa, ana to intra. dsoe and eitA9liah.aiarerp In a put of Naw Maxioo, and to deolira Ihat ahild en who aball hnraiftae b)rn to b. aiavaa pnr hi, aoa poa atny aiiar them, la rlolalioa of th Brant BnnolHaaof alf-o-rrnmrnt and Mataaaoalitp, wbia aid laare'h saopaol aaok flat and renllory. --pariwiy irea to form aoa leta ata iliair domaatta luaiitationa ia lhair owa wap, aubjsol oalp to tk OoustitulKie aaf Ik United elalaa." Thai that bar rotad fcr a bill whiah raoctnlt. validity and baidirn foroa of all lha wa anaatad by tna leniinriu laamvurw ta nwau awi whioit, la tnair apsscnaa, mar narr prw i a miA wa.iH and harliamal.

1. That Ihta lata VolrHl in lha KB. bill that all thru a Ranaia rniolmn ba eiforoad and oarried into faitl ful eieoutuu. kioept lha enininal Jd, whioh pror idea for the of murJar. robbsip.

utrranr, ata omrt oiii.iww luuHww -J oodta of all oivi Ixedo mntrlaa. a. Li ail Barmni aailtr of lhaia eriniaa a irwaral pardon past, aid a fall liornaa lo pmecuta thir bmolp deads wi laaAl-Ucd impunity ia tha futsr. at IbatakiMUiMtbAt thsy fn tai that thaaa onni hate all base parpeuated bp Arrndpro.a,kvary maa and twrdar Biriu aaollaoiiuiji tnd reaoaau i.a otaaa ttie aama WH.

la, I.Jai.fTV"'1 "iahd In RaM for l'-lep ai votins. fur n. r. rraud la aiiriof maiuiB u.i,. or ina.

onanoaa aratatd thai lame i tba hb.t of in- dilvinaawaw lhu-V M'lt'ua oi ana ra at SBWB l-OimalHtalA- SpW'paiidK'ey I 'uaia of Ilia wiahea Ana In violiUno of ih jo Jt iti. al riikti of lb djVaid thai wuiuw uiaa uoa- Id, 1 hat ik ap lav refWd to ptaa a hill whiok had baaa lwiaaauMd hp the T2Jmll normm la Kaaawl in rlolaiii.nof irraftard of ipaaoh or ant otbar araat a inolplaof lioertp and Jntiir. iniakd-d tnbiniiiir.l and proteoted by Iba Onal tulu.a of tb Umtnd and th ouai la Bat, at lha aama tima that lhay thair piny in ina to tu runaiiiuind auiborumi a'ld riiaa tlaa'an. daidr.f rebellion aaairiti Un tarritorial fovarunnt eaiahliihad hp aid aaaua aa thatr axouia in. asisienoa tneao aam oon rxioui laws.

wii.oh tbap raluaa to auoeai iu la eauua ui annul ini II. 1 hat they have Toted tmendmenta on tha ran. mlentn pnat on billlft the ptyiuontol tbao vilex-pnnana Uia hnTBrnniflLt, Iblriiidrd tud.almp Iba nl tl.a Julieiarr. And oorrujt tb ju.lraa, by maku.K the pnynienl nf their ak'mriei depend ai. at tha particular wap ia whioh thap ahoaid daoul ear-lain otuaa pwdiDt in their ooarti.

I tpprrBriatioa bill, providinf tfeal Ih omwraaad enl- I era of lha army ahoaid Bot.raasiva the pap, trl IB. na.1 llntp aav riMaa aTramnnttmui oa ina army to All IB hp to aatUa.UwJMl mrpfcA 7 .1 KlkllHBDITiai HOIK III fS (axcrpT erasere,) at ruu LKueia buildingi, ocmat of tbiu An nun! itiiiti, it SWAIN JLBELL mm wrralag a I Barm. MP Its Idara, 04. ibm fa ftHfl Ott ftrul liiMta tit mJtmmm Traa Tha ft Uua Muliia, payabia la advaaoe. NOTICES.

Ol IVKCeMKTKitV -Tha AnnsalMeat- riwra in tbe Olive I amMari II1MIMU of B.avd of Dlremora, will be bald oa MONDAY KVKNINQ. BaBt.M,el a'oioak, Ihnir LOMIIA.RD rk.lwlow 8.rMHhT bbib ninrnisn Dltll rn, rr I. THK 1)M0CK TIO NATURALIViA II irj.COM Ml if TKK, will lllltli Gobi sLflXIH butt. bsloW Oliasnnt. dii i.r,a uliI Ui Klaatkab ilf Order of i)muo liia xaou-ll Cornnuita.

osittfim ATURAL1Z iTION U-d COMMITTER WUI mit every Kvaniruj. on. filih ImIii n. tka bout of P. BOONS.

No. Sot g'BANRFORD Bosd.BbnvaMaaiaT at Mil SfT ten 1 COoMlf Uoinintt- I Will (II IM UT Btratt, ahuv flxlh, am MONDAY. Uia 164 tUota uul oreif day UiataaiUi antil the Eleo-Ujt, a.16 m'm mi OoLLKBFior MKDI- rm. imiow UKNK-IC'i'llRV lollia Winter H.nti. Bill ivm at laa tioiH EVbNING, MM oroloo.

Tb Regular Leoluree ictoa tha following dap, and euatmue Vofebar ISUl. 4 Will oommaDC BJllil '0h. in rumnw rasskia wi'l eosaaaoe rlU) March, aid larn ntt is Julf, A well nrmaj ArmadAiT luhud Jt. ia Trn IH i.i,i?I.if i L'liV" lalKH I Vl aajiajmr IT I ia a traa, Oratluiua, loc MuwuaoMiMabjor lm mi aaal to It. b'OWAPD lANp.M.

D. "li ttNioiln At tka Collar, MRU, IWI Wl oal Walnut. Land com pany-wo- lingtTmMtmior ilia 8tookk id-ra 11 laid oa MONDAY r.VKNINU, Oct. 13 h. I o'ojool, at th Ofcol of Ik Haortlarp.

No. Til VoaihPuUalTii.miaat,wbaaMlaotiua Ibr Praau aaot, Trarr, Tan tad (toliol-- AUinuoa la to and oArliold of IhoBf-lAwa. I.gMCTHEJT.Boj.. Vt LAIip8UOVN LAND parauioo IW or a aa auoad bf aiarat tstookhnldar. a -i ItMtiai of thaOomptsir will kld on MON-1)A Oot.

k. at I p'okoH. at Ui Omo of th Baaro-iff, No. UBouih FOURTH Btraal, fut tha aaraoa of takiat taloauaaidanilins lha proanatr of awkiuf Mm. tU.

AW ffSttMAS Ba'T. all-twWt fv-T" THKRa! NOT MAN ia lha Cuwou. Ik i Pkiladalahla bat AaaYll hinv. VTbf HfM If drain a-Th FLANK. ftOAb AND HAkaoWBATtt IjANU CfOdPANV Kbit aVTa oa MONDAY, thfM of twrMsow, at oa to iroaod, a iiaabfr of AoM ttUILDlNS LOT oa aaok tarma aa ktra aarar baaa ousraa Di aai aaal CtlAt Uwnatnr la fhUadalphla.

"lha ia iMtuliiallT ailaAtad oa Bia Flioi HuAd ramiina fro a Fhi adalphia lo Frank- turd. ooiinuoiB( UarrowfAta 14UM, raaainf Durlh, uviai a a lha Flaiik Kutd of or aitlaoa ban-drt faat, lha nail daauabli oaiu. fur Cotia that Ma foaiid 10 th aptii Oiwaululiiad Uup, Th auirou wiu ua nuwvoaa oaxt awjuia, MauroAd Com mar. I bar lot lb ajwtar a jw FrUiikxd lo FhiladalphiA. II will rat dowa oa ma uf lha Flank Iliad, whiok will auka It withia IfVaaa oimatra' ridaof Uia ait Baiiaaat iiiaaduluA IB Ih knart if tba ilr, aa atal from lkar I and at thatr plaaa vl baainaaa la Ifkkaa au- kaiaw, 1 bar a ta a mora katllhp liaaaaa to fuaad bod rarp iDdaoaoMvt oPJarad that ao aaraoa aaa d.

tiro, lb li Bia wai auakaaanil plaoalt la tb raaak of Trp oa who daalraa a haa. baalthp Aad Aaairmbla plaoa of laaidanoa. Tarma mal. kauwn tuaa ol I atrral. oppoalta iaitrl AM k.M tllltk r.

ai nra Fronkford Riiad and CaintiartAnd at. Afl'lM. (AHKIKMH UamOiatelp at 41 BoalhTfelilD bt. aaiHW HI VaNID-A NIKI, fiat I to P-ao4 aa. Ii apppaaat a Pt.

aaii ii-tei TUH.) RE Ji I I. Chun IwniakMl and Waitar. AppipalSO VVKtJT LotiAN ba.aara. I t'A -rr-r-ii i. Wara ir i)- uau irowawiaitifio. Brraat. aall-JfllO AN IKli-A ...1 UaNDLK Nonk FlFTta Btra.1. n.H. at ttfd latDooa rr araaa hoi vu, narrunari aalp It -loa VI AN TF Two aoud BOX AllbMa), No. Ill HUDSON'S Altar laalt it'lltli.

lap laall wiiaj J. at rkalrlj APaTkl) A HOT. far A Wararoom. Oaa aaaua. uimad to tut aaad aaair aiNo.

Ill MAIktvTM. aaiti44 ftMNMAN WANTKD- HAND to to to Wonda. 1 toa.M.J. Applpat No, I NotjHKUoND CtroM, aaii st ai VV4NTKD-rJaaal AFFRINl'IDK to lava II liihlAnd arvbuUilabuinaia. Applr (if Nor TBI It KF.NTtf ahna Pariah.

mi, tfaa iwtS ANTk.l-Ai.arBanra HOUH, I tjtlfcbaw Sirarl. I Bait-iTI I I ana aa Appraauoa, at bnra 'I kird. OUNU LADY, wuk vd rafaranoa, aaa obtai taja tiAPiiiatuan. w. TrVkLPfH aad tITWa.

aai. n-xa a 1 ACUINiara Aaoaaloanad uhl anwk. i LIAlO YALK, Jt.AOO.. jutm J. Walaal at.

aaia ai'ui rr Hooiawa foalkrIPlH I KD-AB Amaicanor earmia Willi, to do awork iBtanwlilaaillr. Aialri at no. t.i Biraat, balow uiaibAra, alt It'anH ANT tD-At 8. K. aornar of 8F.

VK.N TtHilii and VINE a aapaUa U1KL for ianaral HoMwk, trd Child ka.aa. aalt tt'li VV AN TKD-A FrulJMUal Woiaaa. aa COOKi i II ajaal ndarataui Bar Baaiaaaa and aira km far Ma. Call at l7W. aoraar Fl.NKAnd NlN IH oa BaWKlap Bkantua, ia avtk ipjal Mwara atoll.

aan-g Aj AN kV A aood COOa, Waahar tad Iroaari if Pnawlaal araJarrad: a.iti aaad aaplp aaUta. wall raaoramaadaa. Apr'P ia vaatwl auaw, taira onor vmit i aaia. nuria nur, air a IL WANTS A SITUATION laaaasaJl pniip. to ao aanarai itiiBBarrora.

appir at do a Hat ANN lift 'H. rll.llKRtairaot.bIW. waotr aaa. 4 ui twiolp-Uuid, il. B-tMl Jlp ralararaa taiHt-IK VfJ ATK ll-Hp a lilRL from lb rf TUATIOM aaCh iil Naiaa.

Oaai oaatrr.a ol- Ua do alaia aaw- IM. A ppir at luibatt af it ftiat kouaa abora aou of Iral rata Paok loar.wa.lid. afiw taoaaand FF.A)tl aaiii-a IKtAD, ari'raaifllDvnunivarAaa. tbaCaaadar urn, la BtaaaOaa Nak, Cawl Oounip, aall-lfW frvipTAIMlBai TwoMKiM waaUdoa FantaJjooa. i.

Totbabiat workman atraJp amplopmant will lira I aiaMotkar aaaaappip, at aa n.eiAia ot alwra Arok, wal 4.. a I IfiraT FPU WAN fc ArTLBTOM. ANTkD-Two aood Juarnarman 8MOKMA- itbWil oa oa oraraa and on oa laa Biota. at fo-t Kiaa-wionaf. Iaai-Vi'ij7l B.CRAMMKt.

WAM'PD Aa Ntflfaai, fiom two iuar-boraa aawar, la wi rbiap ardari on with crank oa tba aaata abaft, airtai a allot of kfwaa Inaha, air ao arraatad tbu a aiank aaa ha pat oa. A pair at Ih BoBaa of Raluaa, WhHa DaawUaaot, TWKNTY-BhUOND ana FARIIIHH B'a, aaitpfaodap AN I. XPFRIKUkD BOOK khKFER doair tBI tUAIION bjlba tat i IXoambrr or JaaaArp V'lT raiarano iirwo.ij in aiiuaai laiaooi. bllilf. Addrm B.

Blcial't Da pa.lah. iii 4 fulfill yVANTKD-PuraajiltOUNDIIKirf of 5t)UUU ihat arniact. wall aMarad br Boa Ita. Bimanual, apoa proaailp wortk a) Akbaral wu. -PV aril It I PI Cr, girardaraaaaaod klaraatk at.

lw WANl Chawiui aUaat, bi Ulwaa Fiiblh aid Flara.U'. Addiiaa, for on rKk.COsFIDkNci;, Blood'a kl St' aa. HOIJFK Hnoaa of madiam aiaa, I Jrrul taw, will ha wailal bp a pood laaant aWalaioat latkOM, Hwwawa Broad and Twanliaik and kta aaa pjpraa ttalarrad. Aduraaa B.

arm WA.MIaD TO Ub.Nf-A WKLLI Unnlli'K, witk modaiB nnrniBBOM, bat aaa Fooribaod p.lrra.h. aad Markat aa I Aaraoa at, appiy ai no. a rtroaL aa.ii at'iap TVVUBMAlJUHOUohilJ WANTB.D Bp two Il partn a ta linainaai, witbia taa rqava of otaonid ana a bob tuaata, a oar aaa n. ana isirsr Offio. titm DWAN tFD ill onmpawat paraaa.

wiuioal Inrurebrano, a HUUrlll auilab Im brarufn I laaiukii in board arafarraa, Aaaraaa'M. WAN t'H Bp onmpawat ponoa, withoat Blood allaapaioh, aa.k-at all two para ma. on lr two pa Fl or two rY irata ntrt ion. bstwana k-Aiirrwa and Rao. Irrma, 1 mall ptoofiirj, lath and Third atrwatl.

LrBr 0a.lH Si? ara WanTKD-, VaM tU-A iwd Famllp UOHalt. mnt il. IA haiulahlah. A handanma ManUi Mir. LTlta aor uvea ia part payment.

Ik, aooraaa, wnn p.ica,vVaaaiipuoa, Aa "aV at lb tVMrar I- aaiBM-iai 1NB.N THRKAD, far t)wwir MMhJAe, OB lataa AU aawaUbaa Bnmiiara, lor aa or rt aia amwAa Adlmnina Maaonit Hall. LTTBAM ENGINE AND BOiLKRa) FOR BALE. A 11 bora pnwar Bieam Kin na, with two Bui- ar. aaoh faat lone by au luohai la dia malar, ir frunt, iraa bar. aornpleteordar.

Willi a-id vary akaap pur oaa. Apply 01 No. CHKSN PJIrawt. aall'Bl lais factorirs. no.

IV abora FaritorTna are au to (all oaa ration, vva nava always oq biid at oar raoloriaa S3 CUKB. No. 40 North e'otlRl ui puJ P.rfBm.ry Ware of UI dew tplions. Porta, JoT tiaa, aaiaaiA1. Win and Jara of all aiaas, laidaMra.

dt.l Alan, Window Ulaai of all aiaaa. of a rilliaaiop. any araaoa and alraiialh. FwUoulAr Attention paia Frlrtt MovJda, B-lAinm kj kUaT, UugaaA a taa. aa.ll a i RKA BARGAINS IN CARFK riNli-Twwup iMurand tardi Csrpetinr from tka rooent lam lea ib n.w ore ana ronn'm piua,

ayruuiaaua nnaaaaoep-rw 1'-" Uaraata ai DUmLA P'S Btor poa will aar IVom 1 14 per ornt, Yoo hav. Ih. privilaf. of aelertinf flora an ol Ilia at pats auHiaaininB our. anu an nvw 0 tarn aid wnl "id ata vary small advano ot jnaiiulaotarera' anoas.

Ban Iful Chambor Car finmSDH loU aia. par yard. Ail Wool from hi tnta noli. Thrr Flr tnn HopMhoea at low prion, tin nonurrii aiano velvet irint Ao Mi iw aieoe. Tapaairp from f)l 10 1 allVnw'iah Oil iutha In araat rrlatv.

frc IL.U A ft IIUNLAP. aelt-lt'STI Mtrkat Btrviel. ayf their namarvas onatimiera reaulina; in the northera an oi ui cur, a im AiVtH a iwna LlGUlH BiiaaL alv. Hprinf Oanleaatraot. Anv Artlnla nf larliaa' tw llnntlainaa'a Wartrt Aaaarar.

laft Ihara for dialn rw amManaa. Will ba Bl- outrd witkdnauatoh.aud with that aieaanaa la iaiah aul riolinaaa in lor wutoA tbap aara ea)aured ao deaenred amputation. a-, thwy rarvMrarl ad their prranob (ju fiur tb kaWUt ianwa arrara). aaaMmtiam'Tt Aa.lan-l. Tied, rrf Fh. Jervia I Anr loa, of F. Ill i. arrj llrtiat am, of Fall Hirer, hav line Oay niaalvea t. letber, fn l'i am n-a of amnar.nt.ii: a I'liAL and 1NIIN aJt ALMlUA, liir.

New ink e.n'e, tl' I end Iba Norll.wr II." rl'inuf At I.a Mt. a. I I LF JKR At L.r. tw atu i wtTir7 KrMtlUAU.r. fWalphla, Brboi 1.

ikral. For amvaulenr. th aomntarotll rlraarirr of tha -h. VVH.KK, pevaiils Weekly to the darn rioj AvmwIjM FOUR DOiXARS are Dollars fi in months, at Uu Dollar B. HaRV, A.aa.

A ranik lS And American trKAM BYklNO and "COIIH-' JNe KiaTABLIotLVlKN r.Nua, tt.Mand VlGH'l'H Hlroet. Uiow Wslant, And No. l.i Bnath su I NTH Htraat. hava oaanail. f.a tha to gar od atar til Aaa.

In And tha andr half Varl Th ral am IM onr ta at) I on 1 I PHILADELPHIA, Which lbr an aelitlad br law. whaa otnplorad la aid of lb anloraimant of tb aaaotaMata of la Kai-aaa laaialalaro, wuchthai kara laoorniaad ta ralid, rtqairaal lo ba aafuraad bp tka bill for wkitk Uiap roll d. II. Ihat thp brttiAv Trtaa, bitntatad tha Plaaidrnl of tba Uaitad Slat to ptoolAiai nartial Itw Ih. Term at of Ktaa and oa lb Batmntl kuk-wara laadina to Ii, and to protaat paraona and ptiaartr Witk tbabaprnct and thaawi rd, BAkina: kiiowowill tha law of lb laid for that paipuM, At Iba aaiua tin Ihatibapaap In thtir aaaaahaa aad nawaaap ara Uitt i Frraidcnt bia rhowa hioiaaif traitor to all hi frra tMaiai, Ao furfaUad iba oa of lb a hoi etutiT.

14. 1 it A aumharrd aad proolAimtd ariwhr) ltcnbtf fha abiiva atatamant. and aaaaikaaiiona tra aa'ab'aiad bp Ua jjaroaia aul Arahlvaa af IA tvoHuuaraof aaoonaintivalp prtrren tha (wrpd'i-ttciu icaoida, tba txulkof Wbiohno bia maa win daai. it. 1 1 1 it aJan ba lavambarat Ihat Wt aa thp dia rovirrd tht lha.

obtioBioua and anooualitattonal tmatdaimu 'o tha apamriaiwa Ulla mual aaoaaaa rilr rwalt is lha dafaal of tbrna bill, and ttua aioa th. whiala if iov.ri.mant. (allhouih Ibar tnala'Ad hrlran.xridmatKlobolh il a ara alikaaaaantAl to tha aaaa of fraatani in Kanaka, tbap inmadiatalp tMk th back axi. antadoMd Uialr aliwtd Ui ei vii hill lo bnoon.aiAW.wb oh ootaird a appr opri' lun f. (tair tin pay And lha par of ail a'viluBVaiaaid aw plot' a who aad ao'aaioiiraat tbaatiauuia lctu na, bt.1 at lb aam tima apoa lhair aaHidnatita to to nap bill and thai di-fatd iba ftp ol Iba offcotra Aad aoldiora wka bad no Total lo ia.

Tka Frlaada af nillard rillatoro raa-plranla. Tha AmaneairPMImraa aait In PMmav'vinla. whi traoal aponloToi. for tha Franonl Htala tiakat, Ill a lo Iba A marwan il nora 0r4r- rcatont oo. IBfltBUa hawlna lu loa of on oomani loa that annoonasf Aavriua doo -alaaa asal aaoihar uut anvwiul t.m tmA lo eloaa lhair araa lo Ih faol ibat In a ran of Iba aaeoaaaof tb Framiiii Rtktalinbat a uniimr, taip pari, (omlai KUi bt IA AMtiia nual, fiBjMaJ, trraa.

aa. (iarrwaa Ct. Tb Fll Dm National Conraatlon ha'd nva a law Oaja wo wa aa hooaat raaj mnrararnt. acid avarrtbinp. wna dona tnara to IndioaX that aaok waa ih trn taaiini.

It laaaiBB lo ba aaaa, lbn. Whaihar th illmor ma la Fannar Irani will ha a Iba Fremout partp la Ih oalp wap that ou now ba a did that la, bp halpinc to alaol th Prcmool etat lokat In F.narmnia oo tbo Mia of Ootubar. Tha Naw York Harm d. Barak inr hi aalhnrlta fhr tta Framoctpajlr, foil. waapUraalap'aooaalatt aba.

a of lha landa of Filiawr un Tharadap laat, Drat, It, F.Tll aMoa.ailona awiuat a jnd Bnaanara tn and u. m. m.w iu. in om mi, a whim axirmot i Ih ant to wblob thi wi ka. baao arored br tna aaanoalKmaof riarptaol maa with tb Kaawzotainc Lulirals BHiat ramwlabl.

It haa mtda Iba aaiuv. blaMr, PibmorabiBUll a batharini di.uauniat. ALd hiioriAi Ik. BMit aluidni.a of rac abond aaaaa, Thi ara Bianr raeaaoubla and tooorabia dfladadl Biaa in tha Know Nothiuar rama: but ita araval mar Atmotphtr la ladolanl ot bad wh.akep and rowdpum. vv a oar aar inai in ma mmp, a rnora naaarip, oratai-laad, tor arid diaffaatiog faotioa baa Crrr.ii.icdinaniam il'dtoonnaq it.

'ihalaaaat noajaof bruUl.iadkumaanatara-liaina.niatini Ti ail aaaaionaaiid pralndina.of tba pnrfaaa onal Ihiaf, krr Aid a.iBhood ara Ih aaibti tpoo whiah thia Brnaiar of hooa Nnthuapiaia faedi. From tb iinnmr, tba utiearawAa laraaiad with aoiaaof too Irawitao! a paWio auiaaoea, tnaa ahieb nip anltavo ad to H'jaia'aUi bat fruaa omprul, II haa aaroewlad to tb loaa4 laral of tub and dotiadnmo. i'a laadlof oiaana and orator to i boat ilka lotrrnitaia no cutr, aril tarrp aiiauMa fia ot'ora of aoaranaara." Thu lha aort of la-aawa aaallad to tka frianda af Mnlai Fillowra lb F.anariTanla, who araaaaMted at lha tam tlrtia to aaaiat an oulrai acaadliuuioont to tn Fraaidacr, ui to aabnut to lha daft auatina of kalpma into pnwar tbir owa alaodarara, Aaaorlcaaal Frlaada t'tllaiaral Po or lnrlBaaord br inndioas. eaaakim ataaa'a tanVatrtcui rJma Hckit.

aa thina IbakiLd u.or Bill oa. BBUmr laa anv oar iubitii uaa. Tha oaf Btol Ibaaa Irainliaal aannaiiaa aaua ba Ii I aarl ana. ro.ri 'Trnta n.wri, rwitT rmLAiiBirMiA. Irarior taaaaoaarBBAt IS it i r.

a. a I r. ARBIVKD. Brit. TarrpNrt.

Band, Llrpin. CB. Ildai ktorikv viVf vvinnri i.ww iwi.auij 1 a dall, do, oos CbaaH.aUi, Ooana.d.t. di rniallBT, Fall Rim, Oil I KtUi not, Ada. ma, Dunaiar, Naw York aaai aanoaap, ttao- I Anpiar, ia Pkiattn LiiRt, iPrar.

urraa, un, liaapai aaa. (lord, Varh. la da; Ctoloaa, Dall, Naw id.ddapail) Brnrd, Bofaaa. Cabua.lodat Onr do. pbaw, how pur I Almoo, Baooa, irna, Ihia Moor, laaaraoll, dar o.

4 da; uaaalio, JubaPar-baktr, Frank A Ball, Caia Porta-i. NH Idat Jika Fnow, Tonar, al Caulk, Rally, do, ida-i; Biooktoa Iraland Irnltnd. aa. dni Kaliralja A aata, 1'oio, do. do: labrooa Fori.

El wall. VVilmina- Fa, I oar Jata Bator, anna man,'arai Ckiaf. Dill, N.w Barm. 4 d'l MUnaaota, Hakar, aiwi. arm, nia ajawvo.

a annul a. naaar, ton, 5 da; Franaii Artrtniaa, Eaton, Naw York, I 5, Jl oa. ranaia r.ranaiiaaa aanin. nav rora, ara; aarar, iamra Rirar, 1 dapai F.I I Birnmiaja. Puth, do, da: Job Uraam.

fc'aaaa. Fm.rt. dar: Barlp ftppla, Prrdarwa, dt Ooktan tint. om, do do: T.iMraph, Traiu, Cam-dan, Ida: fcmma, Wruht, N.w Caatla, 1 sail KaaV lop, Pmp, Urnwn)h. I da.

8ttar Tboanaa j.tOrant, pjohalllncar. Da I war Oilr, A koaia, kanai la low llhana, and tnwml thnrato what-, bound to Uarra dA Btaana, ajAdad wttk biobb. nr in irxarior. FUamar law ara, Oofta, Nrw York, It koart, rm Cip Aiap 7 paaaaniara. ubaaaku, Hrlaa lamnan.

ArrBBta. fiantwaraara. ft, nrma. gakrr, arw Badfurd; aarl LIlbbII, Portland; Ckaa rath. CMana, Hra'otiitJU Kuosdp, Raodail, dot la wr ni air, omo ttrhia C.

Ma'ana. 1 jaada rmvir)arnai 9 KMmnra. FaiHh. do: Tbo. Connor, Brdfrer.

MaJf.rn!; Worth, 1. WllmiDiloa, Ci Juki Snow Toriar. Bjb- ymi loa'iar. ixirur. an: ntraa wailiap.a! aim Baona, W' ill ia ma.

ChArlaatoani Karl mo, Farrp, llclmra, Fowlar, do; tjapmoar, Kallr. tuoaatiPf Wclmra, Kowlar, Co; I BBarrooar. Kail fawbarpporl; Barai Malta, Rowley, rYwurt Ko Mroer. Callaa.lkaiaaai Jaa Ward. llakarCaii brioaai Wm iajnaa.

Jaiaaa. Naw Kawatii bu a. an ion, do, blaaunor rArBav.Dauia. htaluaurw. (Br (Cortvaoi)aao of th Pa bile IadVar.

Uifl lal.AMB. Haat la.lfaf.a Tk aleaiaiblp Cltpof Dal mora, for Liverpool, ah, ohwaad har ttlolataaaaaadloaaaa.t M. saaUr. dap. Wadhlowmc Birorii Bnalhward.

P. M-Two all i pa aad a bB'k are nowininf aid baik la aaaa i oal. 1 a wmd OuaUnuti liooa th aouthward. morWrata. (vmae.i ios.

e. uiiais. CorTapotlia Ih PaiMle Lodrar VI VMB. OVA fbe mlaowlnf bokts Mt har. tins avarnint lor Phiia dalabia, la low of ihe ataaaar, Tbev war.

tadon tod ouTMiinaa a loiuwa, riar asba Mrp, whaai, and blot ma lo Fan a Bio; Baystoa ata, Ml onal to nanoBi a at ibtiov arm at am, iB BUoriB oaoa, MixwelTa Wnptrarna; Bonner do to itworoaa. ebealat Col Hilay, iloNornatawai Waavor.dotoVomhie Arhaw; Hookp Hill. Jaa lyrrs, Fitak Wjka aad rt Lailar, MrtkooaitJ lel.Cliv. IIAJR DYKTb beat TrlaJr Dy bow aaa, at tl ami' iavrmd National Jaar Ufl. He il tl erliinal torantor aad mruinfliolarr, Ba limor.

Bold bpW. IJ.wLIN.aHltVwlkKOCCl'HBt. .10 paw COAL FOR THB MILLION, AT fl It PF.R TON tntiralp fraa from alata and dirt, anitaiil tri-rmllBwvaasjidlaii(ea. WILLIAMS TlLkcII, 41 Boulh POURti Ulow Utaaaal aadTweatp-kral and Willow. 1 ae ll'p JriNO AOSKCJ for N.

araat A Zino Com pa Prodastai warraaiad para, amlai iiM lia-fartaia, aad tha "aalr" aara Zinaaold araoa, JVaa run Fatal! at lAa ray irmry, RBNCb. RICHARDS 4.CII., oe7r Cor. Tantk tod Market FbUa. PUlLAr.Ll'HlA HOrSflTAL Poa DlfKA-arl 1 HK Cfl KBT 8. VV ewrnor CH bVStSUTacvl PARR MLraaU.

Want Fhiuwialabia. AaalloaliaBas tms tiirauuion amp ba road to tb attandiof Fbtawaak wj.ily,(ruriT!.airiexl.) flxaoUUUo'elooi. Vf iiiars agmiuag trom a to a r. at. mat sall'r IMPROVED PATTKKN SHIR T-Caotnns wirhina atod Itiinr bltla.

should pruou a aot of 01 J) FIN ay. at ti 11 A TAGh AR T. UN. PllllHTtl Sir not, above Cherry. Tint ar eat oa eotentift pru ioi plea, axd warranted tb beat Ittuif Fhu-t tn aiir.

or aoaal. Ikaaataiiili oa kaott, tea laiwat trle of Pari Faaoy Bairiinaa. sodo '4 WINDOW BIIADK8 AND WALL PiPFRaV-Parohasars ean Rod Alarxa, splendid, and oaaa, aaantrnant al our auailahiitnt, Paparini dim bp aiFiaNDn nnaHIBIu BOOT! BOUO, BOaU Ol rTy 04- a I a. rt itr mm iinvi rtwanirgna l.tSN. at, balow R.tne, POTAfja.bal FVhU aad Beieratas, cheap eaara Cnrdeated fouih, at ISHota perlKby Ikaertan.orltparlh; Matall Waah an aoaaii parpnaid, reiail, Did.

bp tb bar-pal, Tk. ia th B'aoe for barrain in Ih-ara, Prun tnd Viniabwa, I. JaVARRttBt above Klerrntb, se.O k'r 17IRFNCH PLATK aaonoy in. Fai-r bwdolnnia ofz raawtau11 French Plato, at rS load prtoea, thai will ma lha oloaeat barerra. We Ar Bar, rnoeivinf atook in atora.

Also, JkuAlato And lialAltJ raaa wuava, a ayw anoawj. frLncA. RicnAHPfj oo- iw. I'onta and Market FbiUk, IVANCY ANDrrAPLF: DHl'HtS TKIMVilNwB-1? MMW AND XLFUANT BTYLIS, J. 9.

MtXWKLLfcBON, I MDTvj.a96CHkSNUT BU.4doora bsl. EtoTOBtk tod rloatk rJKCOND rM.TVrow faewwina, ijojiiey nrui, ana OfKloaa near urrtxa. rrdors rrwlsat a lew bourr' BiOoa, aeyto vp'r l.hM.iVAU-lri. Omo of tha Wk.HTF.HN SA aa. Ulnar uratr rttjis.1iv, ia remnreummi at INS la remni SlJ ili At? CbesBBl toth erwrtar of ALN UTand KN fvirnnta.

tiara damalta eoatinna ta rnrntivnd i CbesDB BrwMllI aar oast, uiieraat, and pAyioaal satda daily froni I I o'olook. ail on DIWIi Bal'U UU MONDAY tnd THURPDAY, from I to P. M. I Inr Bpaiolai Depoaila raoanveid. IIOLKriAN Cfll.K VAN FISHER.

BAMTJEL 0. KNfZ V. 9. and traa. oclfr fiih.Y.1 fADIKM' FANCY AKbirtA, No, hVd AA pa a a ir, I NreaH, a nova Irov tul hth has now ope and liar sal bt Ii Bloekof FANOY FURB, Lad ia and Cbiidraa, Merchants tad frratrad.

a aerMB. raily ar inrlttd lo eall. Btraer ara ia the oity inteod-buj to raake a purolnsa of are tut Iherosalvoa al frirnrls, will do wall lo oail, aathev Will ba sura to por-ehna from the trr ham. as I sell no Furs but what i import and manufacture myself, tod Uwrefnr ei at Bianalaoturerr's mora only. aso tr IVBlGU't'B SOUW BOX f.y aal by ir at a.

ranivtro tiarifoj. aa a a rtiv tr larit dj, 403 Market ll abvv Thirteenth. AN VILBr-Stnaia Mnar aaj. by M. T.

STAN DB Hi DUB. BAH PUI.LlKt-Aio doaen Amarloao, OJmiooa 'KrfrANDBRIDOK. -Bi ltT 49 Market at, ahnr Tbtrtsmih. 1 lni t08 No. 1 BUPLK-PnOpPliATB lUUl) OmineJ and G.nam wairantod of stipsrior

akeaoaat manor, i tL world. Faraiaraaud dolors snppbad at low prioa IxTtfA WUAL1TY LAND PLMTkR. to I of old am Ii iMrreiiaaiiaaaauiy Aaaaraaatw, aaaata 111 inrtilisiuf aaalitp. lioabalsofiamem ball. o.i..ihnrreis beat a aaJity, ordinary Lwd PlArer-.

equAl b.iibeart wnalip aoW, at the few an af K) por biubol. at fl pp barrel, with A daduoltta for iAg ap.a. aaata In balk. t. bai.eCaloinadFaawa.

l.i-O Caallbl I'eiil lo.o-e a. r-lrfn hrua rl.anaa PKRUVIaN UUANO. Tina ami o.i.ieoo lo cuf eurtniaer ta aanrtl lupuilsd, aud bar aa pat air I mna; ia ib Butrkni, leo rmea nf phi, "aaoo, ma at Ihe "wawlm aelralna, AoaHPeadrtaMAiaaUBOv wood Cuarsunl. A a. Ri "ii.rf.

inarRnl A I 0r. kwknaad SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1856. LEDGER AND TRANSCRIPT. Pklladalpkla, Batardap, tu no, 1B, PiaBBTAL larLoiBraiThera are but fw marilrtl Bcople, wbo do aot at tltnea bring brfora each other tba antnplea of Ihrlr oara patenta, ta madeli of aooie rxcrlirnce which they wish gently taa diaolracy of in tbrlr own partner. ne BuaDana wbo daa marries ua onip child or aoma tcadep father, will appreclata Ibla ii Mm aiair aaed to do iabp and pa." And on lha tiibet band tba younn lady who martlea the aon a rrtiiy neat, tnairaiijaoia Bouaekernrr of tb achool, may ipeak French tnd Italian, may play and paint lo perfectioa, but If Iba piano not duBlrd or ll a cloth aoura tna awry, or tb room dltoideily, or the dloner 111 cookrd, aha mar baue her harp upon tba willow, for bit only accompanlmenl will be Up aiukar nerrr kept boiua In Ibla ilyle." when the children grow up, il nillar aetnea aniue reipectlng Ihelt mk- It la true Ibat peraona or relnement tna atli- CAty of feellnR will uiunlly trold drawing men.

anitracloua and often Irrl itlng oontraiu, but in laliaf will lemalo equally alrokg In auch aa bar been bletatd with excellent parenU, ana tbe moat deroted conjugal affacllon will acarcely aerr to efface It In many lnatAnoe. In fact a deep pblloaopby Ilea underneath It, Inraluable ia III renuita on au the famlllea or tha eatlh. Il la Ihat during the long yean of youth tnd home life, Iber baa been gradually maturing within each heart a bean-Ideal eoncepiioa of family govern ment or what a lather is bt, and what a mother ooghi to ba. I a proportion aa the family la well regulated, each child look upoa hi owa falber aa th moat perfect of all fathera, and hla ewi mother aa the moat excellent of all mother. Silently Ibla eonrlction haa grown nncoaicloualr onlll breuKht la contact with Ih conflicting Idea of ber family arraoirementa, and each aettlea dowa to do jual aa hla paienla did, except where he eta or thlnka he can Improve.

That ii aot a wiae or well governed family ta which the child doea not begin by eooaiderlng hia father the brareat. moat noble, luat and iieneroui of men and hla mother the most lender, wiae and Judl- clou, or women. II mar net be tbaolulely true. but It la true lAar cAiof, aa far aa all practical pnrpoaea are concerned. And all through lire, Ibla Intuitive dlapoeltioa to look back lo the modela of our joutb In til point and follow them twill wa bare found better modela by which la part we modify onr bean-Ideal of excellence, la lb grand cortiervatlve force by which all the.

reaulla of pail experience In the moat Important affaire of life la preeenred. And further, tbe very atlifttaa or differ' nt rlewa wisely managed cnwtritrui the beat eipe- rlence of twofamllla In lb beau-ideal of parental government banded dowa to the next ge-teralion. Tbui the errora and mlatakea of each Indlrldual and family ar aoflened and auper ceded by a larger experience. It la la thlt way Iba! each generation la Intended to improve upoa tbe preceding, combining all variolic, of put experience with Indlrldual progreia and modification. Ofcouree, II la eaay to gather from thla, the moat Important of all poaalble motirea In a very parrot, to cultivate auch habit, of family government aa aball arrrt aa useful and not ta Injurious modela to hla children hereafter.

II may, per. hapa, ba a new thought lo aome, the degree to which the rfitsMiitms tbry manifest In their fa mlllea, particularly those which they Indulge moat wben trr their guard, win assuredly rrpro duce themaelree, and go to form or deform not only the personal characters of Ibelr children, but also their Ideal of a perfect parental (baracler laraa woicn will Dfj aanaea aown to auunt II la tbna on a larger ecale Ihat the diversities of national character ar In great measure formed and perpetuated It la thus that Ihe iniquities of the fathers are aometlmei rial ted upon the children to tha third and fourth genera-lion of Ih wicked, and thna that mercies and blessing descend lo Ihontanda of generations In those who lore God and keep bis command- menu. It Is upoa tbta principle, In fact, that lha whole progreia of aoclety dependa. Perbapa too mar perceive both the truth tnd the erron often fallen Into by many about coming of good family. In aome parti of thla country, aa In Great Britain, It ia not a little amntlBg at lime to aee the' maiden aunt of aome feeble, awkward, portlonlesa girl, Riling her nelca'a head with the notloa that, coming aa the doea of one of the flrat famlllea of honest, mfnly, open-hearted young man, how ever well educated, well mannered or well principled, la good enough for her, nnleaa hla ances tors cava oeea tor generations a Idle, tnd aa achemlng, aa overbearing to all beneath, and Tcopnanuc to au above, aa her owa.

Bach fa mily connection! ar aaongh to ruin any bone at maa, ana inouia oe areaaed ta won tbaa the Klagne or the peallleaca. On the other hand, It i the fhmlly circle Ihat moulds the disposition, tnd a wise maa will in ill hla friendships tnd connections, look for the ttgna of the eteady cultivation of truthful, timple tad harmonious disposition! la Ihe home life of Ihoae with whom be much associates. Xa proportion as these ate found, aad aot tha lore of faahloa and Pa rade of wealth, or of fame, they will constitute Ihe moat excellent of all earthly anceitrlea and Inheritance. Riroictao in ABTiciraiieB Maivr of th F.aropean papers ire ipeoulatlng upon tb con dlllon of iffaln in Ban Francisco and In Kanata, tnd teem lo irgard them aa Indication of an tppoachlng dissolution of Ih Union, an event which a majority of them doubtless would regard with aaliifaclion. The examples are bad enough, for they atrlk directly at the principle upon woicn our government ia lounnea toe capacity of maa for aelf-gorerament but the enemies of republican rule need aot taller them selrra that they In any wise endanger th liability of the Union.

The usurper In Baa Francisco will be compelled lo glre back to th peo ple the authority which Ihey ao rlolently robbed them of, and Kanata win yet hare a government founded upon the flea choice of th people. Bosh disturbance aa tbeae are only temporary departure fiom eonaUtulloaally ealabllahed older, and loon correct themselves. They ara not like the opbeavals of political aoclety ia Europe, where I popular sense of wrong and op piaasloa la Ihegoveraineat la continually exciting to revolution oa the part or the maasea, requiring armlet ta keep Ihe latter In aubjectlon to the ruling peweta. A political outbreak there la the beginning af a general eruption which dettrnyi thtonei, and overturns dynaitlea. Here th ruling power ara the people themselves, and the agents to conduet the gorernment ate of their owa choice.

Faction may attempt to usurp the au thority ot tbe people, by tasuming to represent the majority, out the deception la soon discover td, and the efort alwayt recoils upon Hi Tbe only revolutloni.recognlieU her are effected tbrouiYh th ballot-box, and the only eatbreake against authority ttlie from lootl causes, easily ana coaatliuuonaiiy remedied. Captain Jamba HaraoLns The friends of thla gentlemen, whoa melancholy death at Baa rranciaco waa reported by the laat itaarner. will be (rallied lo learn thai every honor which rerpect and fiiendahlp could anggeat ware paid to hla remains by lha ofnoera and operative af th Branch Mint la California, and nurnereni circle of acquaintances in Ban Francisco. Letters hare been received by hla family hers, from th friends referred to, expressing their desire and intention to irect a aullable monument to hla memory, anlr aa hla family ahonld determine on removing hla remain to Philadelphia. The latter eourae his been resolved upon, and will be enroled without delay.

The early reports of tha death ofCiptaln Reynold, were hastily given tad oonlalxad aoma Inaccuracies. Hut rentrrvkl or withdrawal from th Mint waa attributable solely (o fome warm expression! of opinion re-lallre to the action ef Uia Vigilance Committee. Ill re-appointment bad been effected through the Intercession of frlemla on the day before hla untimely end. Wounded pride, with Its conse. quent depression of spirits, anticipated and frus-IraU their generoue action.

Captain Reynolds hid been absent tbont three years, tnd during Ibat time conducted htmaalf In in exemplaiy noaneer, and, beeldea making ample provision for tba anpport tnd education of a large family here, with whom constantly maintained as lAVoiioaate ceriespoadeaee, he was lsying the foundation of future wealth, and anticipated a aperdy reunion with hit wife tnd children. Wa Inceiely aympathlee In Ibelr bereavement. JrjDOB LicoHPra, who haa endured I large amount of newspaper TlllllciUon for hla acta la Kan aaa, haa thought It necaiaary to reply to aome of these partisan attache. He ahowe Ihat hi acta ar In accordance with hla awom duty, tnd that baa not atepped a line beyond that. lie eall upon those who will doubt Ihli atatemant to examine the record! of the Court of hla dlt-trlct, to ra-opei hla Judgment aad re hear every criminal trial.

Ha aioa aak Ih majority ll Ih House of Congreai to Impeach him, He doe pot arena to fear the result. Advakci op FiaioHTi tna Wxit It tppeara laat aeatly all lha a tarn railroad al Ike present lime are overrun with freight Irene. portaUoOj, tnd so serious la the Inconvenience rami Hog therefrom, that a general rise in freight, both upon the road, and rivers, la antic ipated or baa already taken plae-p. The captilns of iteam-boe ta aUo, In Iba same oity, hare put th price of fnight re at is a (1 60 per handled pound for the Mlsriislppi river and New Oileaaa freights, and to (1 for Ohio river freights. VkLDABLa Caor.

ho ciop or blarkberrle oi Lon lalaad, waa sold la New York, for about BotlK). Tbe groceriee paid (Jfe. per qeart, atd, al tbla pile, aome peraona rewired, for black be rile aold from their land, mora Uuui tha land llaell would fetch If fat ap let ii. waa in for Ob trn me p. ia for la a i LOCAL AFKAIKB.

ra H.rtjtwliwral Jti-ioroaa The annual exhibition of the Pennsylvania Hoitleulturai Bo- eiety cioara en Tkarioay aigni. bo uiapiap ana of tha Ineit ever alrea by tba So ciety, aid arenred to give general satisfaction lo Burnerou. peraona wao rianru ii. saw prw-niiunia awattd were twenty fur planta, amount-ln to ias and for three apeclal premlumil Deilini, Bau-keta and Bouquets, twenty pre- mtuuifl amounting to vnci xao ominiucw wa Grapriawaidtd trenly-lhre io4. TLB Comaiiilee on Feicbes and Peara iwaididtwenty-nveptemtuine amounting to 175, arisii an iptciat preunuma anaouniiaaT 9,1 App'es e'ght premlumi amonntlng lo llB.

vrgriaoiea ininy loar preniiunniaiiiouBtiui to lur. Tbe Committee reporud that several new Wa'er Id riot, were eihlblird lor tbe kr.t time. Tbe r-outer axd Fomula origin 'ed la South Carolina, are ratletlet of the kigheat merit. Thrlr aixe Ib large, ilnd remarkably tbla, Resh red to centre, narr sugary and aenoious ntim rial Is i mill foraark' purposes, but In otber rropexia equal to ine laro pieceaing. ajaeii Large White la rery larre.

round la film, the r.iid cot ao thin and the tteah a piler red, quality rery Rne. Thla variety la eald to keep longer after bting puled from tbe rlne than any othrr. anmaer year we nor nave exbts.trd the Bradford, Bumpten or Dark Speckled, and soma ether new kinds, eqnal In all reapecla lo the Son-ter, Imperial aon Poinarla, and auperior to th Mountain Street. Tbe entire amount granted premiums waa Friday afternoon a fruit banquet waa given is the main lent Two tebles, each HJO feet la length, were tiled with dellctoua apples, peara, water melona, which were enjoyed by aome 6(0 ladle and gentlemen. The Hon.

Jimee Buchanan rielted tbe Fair during the afteraooo, company With General Patteraon and aereral dlatlagulahed gentl.mea. There was no apeak lug on Ibe ocoaaloa, la eenarqiienc of the aa ao af most of th ppeakera that had beta la: rllt'dtebepicaent. PAilad.ljiflla Few pprsois In pasting throng a the area', thorouehfaies of our city and rlevr- Ins the teiutllul eJiflces that adora her. the great wtalih and prosperity by which ahe la characterised, and the deatlny Ihat la future awaits her, think Ihat 173 years ago her alle waa ouiawiiaeiniaa, ana mat unesnui street, bow crowdtd wlib beauty and faahloa, wis thri tb haallng ground of tbe Indian. If the 'Plui jJineai" viewed wlib aatonl.hment theelladrla of the rising CankAge, what would hare been hla utter amit-meif to behold our city her ereat Institutions, easily and Improvemn ti on a grand scale, which th.

diurnal hlatorlaa. true a. ahe auo. fattbfuUr "poeta up1' la the page of Che Ledger Tbe city now extending fiom South war to Richmond and fram the Dels are to the Schuylkill which haa ceased to be tbe limit ouce held the wig warn the ted man, and listened tolhe war cry of ib aarage. one ptaaege in the mute aaa been rented which prom Is- a tee wildnraeaa and tbe aolltaty plice ahall be glad, and Ibe desert aball rejoice ana oiootomnt toe roae a niB iv iiw ally true la every sense of ibe word, and abloom-log loa.

might be Itlr adapted aa tbe beautiful ana appropriate emblem of Pbll delphlt Bo long aa her cltliena ara dlitlnjiul.bed by their Falriotlim and benemlecce, their eultlvatloi of be iclinoea, and their protriency In the art! ao long aa laata Ihe commerce of nations, our unlri rati wealth the Penmlvanla coal telda, ibe rauroco, uia eaectro miKoetio leiegrapn, ib tteam proa, ao long ahall Philadelphia see no nrocdri eltr. aor the America ratrl oart hla wings over a fairer, ar our coantiy' bannr ba cieratea in one more prosperou in tna wiae apace bounded by the Atlantic and Paolte Cftnrrk Ceaiacraiioa. -Oa Tuesday, Ihe li'h, Ihe lew ediSce erecud br Ibe Piotsttant EdImo- pallani, at Chen.ut Hill, for aSnodar School and Leo.uie Room, waa consecrated by ftlabop Potter lo tbe woiahlp and acrvlce cf God, the Bishop of Tentieieie, the Rer Dr. and many otner citrtymrn nemj preaent ana esMiung. Tb bnlldfi.g Is a rery be.ntlful one, of rough gray mib'e, la the early ticthlo atyle, wiih lancet wtnaowa.

cBanori, oaiirrBBea oeii praoiw, and every needful appointment for worship. Tbe Interior wrnd wirk ja. will ta the outer porch) Is of our natlia pine, wnbhed, and haa great rlchnaa of appearance. Th whole forma a rery attiactlte addition lo ihe num. roue beautle of thla rlekeat lubuib of Philadelphia; and from 11 Perfrit proportlona and admirable design, mual prime a model for future butldlnga of the kind.

It doe equal credit to the la-te of the archl'ect, i. A. Cairer, aid to tbe energy of the Infant congregation by which It haa been gotten np. Utspilat Cfl. Jamea 9eott, lid 18 rears ot age, employed it a refretUmenl atand la the Second meet Market, near South, yesterday morning fell from the arall while in the act of putting np a curtain, tad received a levere wound la the breast by falling igaln.l one of the hooka.

Ha wa attended by Dr. Beld and eubeequently takea to tba Pennsylvania Hospital. Cbarlea Lee was alio admitted yesterday with hla right arm fractured by bar of Iron falling on him. The accident occurred oa lha Baltimoi railroad, near Wilmington. Ana Banna was admitted lolhe Episcopal Hospital yesteiday, serloaely Injured by I fall.

John Roona, a plasterer, while employed yee-terday In Dr. Jayne's new hall, la Chesaut street, below Seventh, fell from a a height of thirty feet, aad waa takea to tha Pennsylvania xioapiiat, areaaiuuy irrjarca. SrplktI lYartgalioa Csaf IVata. Quantity of Coal aent by ibe Canal for lie week ending 1 nuiioay, oepi. isia, idoo i Tona.

Cwt 8,671 00 11 10 From Port Carbon, a PotUvllle, Bobuylklli tUrea, a Port Clinton, Total for week, Previously thla year, a Tobtl, a To same time laat year, M.T77 744,183 770,000 777,118 EecrrsAc, i 1S7 13 CAarrp A mil wia arretted. Tester- day morning, charged with setting Rr to a crate of altaw In aa alleyway bet wee two frame Boaar, ia anaravi sueei, Between ciKuiean.e and Nineteenth, with the Intention of Bailing aald bout. It was alleged, by officer MeLaugk-lla, Wto mtdethe arret 1, thtt the accu.ed aad bib wrie were unng apart, aaa ibbi ana aaa lor. bidden him to ever vlilt her, tnd that the accused waa aeen to go Into the yard of hit wife's ncuaei lewn maiea aerore ine are waa aiaeo-rated. He wa held In ball by Aid.

Knur. Jtforimiaf Mr. Ba Aaaaa. Throughout yeaurday, Mr. Buchanan was rlilted by hi rlecds.

From early la lb moralng antli late in the afternoon, hie eMrtmente la Ihe Merehaal' Hotel were crowded with ta old and young ill seeming aniloua la see one of the eandldatee for the Presideaoy. To-day Mr. B. will lea re for hlabrothtr'a residence, Ihe Twenty third Bia, ana on oaooaiy return egtm to ine aoui. After spending a ft hour al that placer, he will leave for WheaUtad.

Mow men Lieut. Col. P. Wrartr and slat will rliit, to day, by Invitation, tha military eacatTpmeni at vaney rorge. a general parade of the companlci eompeilng the ea- oamnment win taae niace.

A ptizt meaat ia ia oe aria tor, en ne wm hf- lw.M, itawn. urtwwn mery uuarae, or new yore, tna me Bion'go- ii mere uuBia, oi lataeiiy. ianrrrrtaiisiM. Dorinr veiterdav. there urtrtd It tbu jort from New Bedford, 11,000 gallons of bleached and 01 lallons of winter auerm oil pound wbaJebcne, and boxea aperm candles From Boston, IM) bace laltpelnj, 01 ball tobicco.

lit bundle of paper, and 4iip bun dies tall-rod lion. From Calala, MO.nw) laths ana 71,010 fret joist. Fiom Linfai, V. JJ abaldron eoal. wan a our rte of at a fxprrtr.

The exports from Philadelphia to foreign porta, for lb week ending oa Tkuiaday, amoanted to Tka prlocipal ailicltw wer (lot barrel flour, 1000 do. bora aaeil, 34,031 bushels wheal, and 43,700 do. core, 80 bogabeada baik, 7 packagea lea, tl do duaaea-Ilea, 740 barrel! ahlpbread, it bales cotloa, and Iron TaJued at tU 4M. Pmtiing Spuriom Cin Alderman Moore iesterday fx milled two Germans, la default of lotiO hill each, to anawer the charge of patelng apurloua gold cola of ike United Bums, purpoit-Ing lobe one dollar pleora. Over one hundred Were found upon them i eThey alao had a boras tnd wagon, wh'ch It lupposed to hare bee a atolea.

They will hare another hearing before the U. B. Oommlialoner. Jtrrp. Yesterday morning, a window curtain tnd bed took Are la the house of Mra Hick man, In Vine street, below Eighth.

The Harries were extlngul.htd before much damage waa done. A Ire occarred yesterday morning In the basement of the Academy of Natural Science. George tnd Broad streets, whioh waa extinguished without much damage. JrVaaat Draanwd Coroner Delaraa held aa In-que at laat evening upon Ihe body of an unknown man, found drowned In Ihe Delaware at 8 backs. Biaioa itreel wbAif.

The deceased was apparently a Germaa by birth, aad about Soyeaiaof age. Hawaadteaoed In etriptd pants, dark rest, and gaiter bootAV He Wa tikea to tha gieea house. Fi(rjfjIt John'Bomme'h'ne, mentioned yesteiday aa baring been wouaded by the tool-di ntal ddebarge of hla gua. died al tbe Peansyl-ranli Boaplttl about 10 o'cirek yesterday morning. Aa Inquest wne held by Coroner Delavau, The general adoption 'of the trigger guArd, recently Invented, would prevent the occurrence of auch accident.

FadDaf. Coroner Dt laraa held aa Inquest reatetday, apoa the btdy of Patrick Bathe, agd 4o, who wa found deid In the wood tear tba Ccuulv Lin Hotel, oa lha Old Yoik Ha was of intempeiata habile, and th evidence la tbe ease warranted the jury In bringing In a verdict of deaih from Intemperance tnd exposare. Payer Sral TVatsirt. Th teachers In th High aaa Normal and the UI to tbe 11th lections Inclusive, will receive their warrants to day, at tbe OrSc-e of the Controller. Thettackeia fiom tbe Uibloth t' th sestlona Incliiiiv oa Monday, and th remaladef ea Teeaday aext.

JFlaar Inivlelio Ojnit, of Floor and Meal, for Ihe week ending September IHlh, 18 Half bbla. Bupertae 3ne bbls. efsuporitne, do toe, do. mid filings, os do. coin meal, Wt; eoadimned, 03, Total, 18,308.

Cerratrioa In the report of the Interview of the Kay. lone Club wiih Mr. Buchanan, It waa atnlrd that Mr. Caaaldy, the Preaideal af tha Club, arged upoa Mr. Bnchaaai to make a speeek.

Mr. Caasldy, we waa act present at Ih Intel view: and, furthermore, he aot tha Pro-aldeafaf the Re, atone Club. Ml. Kankla la th President of that body. i PRICE ONE CENT.

Hrliilae Except aelf enltnrw. then I. perhaps, no eoltur so interesting, betBllful aad aeallby as ibis, aaa awning ladleauw aa ad- ot atate oi aivaiixaiioa anor taaa a last lor fare and lovely towers, prodactloa of plant and regetab'ee In high perfectioa, and tk tea thou. land heaotlee that olaate roand a well-arraage-d ana weu aipt lower pa aea. sue mina wui eftra forget ihe earre of life.

In eontemplatloa of 10 lovely, and the moral perceptlana ara readered mora acute by Indulging habits of Innocent aad pure "teen alloa while health I laa- prorea, ana aaiB-ai, moral aaa pavsicai aeaita almallaaeoaaly participate In th eihlla'atlng lmulua aopplli by horticulture. WUllam th Third dellpbted In the btaulLful gardeae of Hampton Court, aad hit laata la byne aaeaaa aia- nnlar. afnea It baa beta abnrid hv Sana atf thnn sands alio Ike dare of Wnlaey; and It Is moat liaely tone of an ineae oei eia a Hirer euibltlea tbaa onr elllzec wltneeard it Pai Sonar, where waa area a collection highly creditable to city, and the eountiy at large. Drtttut A man, named Jno McUraw, golnu toClet'er laacanal atlaslSundaymornlng.f ortiooaia aaa arowaea. am ooay aia aot oaten overt d.

CahbiI Arrataa Waieaee Fir Caipaaw. Tbli oompanp are making arrangemenl.for Ibelr annive-rrary aupperen Ihe 7th Oct Tbe pre-oeede of Ibe eupper are lo be applied to keeping their eppeiatiie In repair foi active tbry are uaable ta do with tha aum now appro- piiaica oy tjiiy voanciut. Amariraa narration The American pally of Gloucester county will meet la convention at Carpenter's Landing, sept X7tn, ror me far poa nominating a Bberlt and three Coroners. Also, tbe same lime and puce, ine aaa eeoona Assembly District Conveatloa will be held for Use purpose of ncmUullng tw candidate for Aasemblr. Bad Want For two date peat the water In thebydrrnu haa had a alckrnlng, putrid laate and smell, which unltted It for cullnaiy purpose.

What occasions it has aot aeca aaotr-talntd. BY MAGNETIC TtCLF.GRAPH FOB THE rtJBLIU HUCER. Mahbatic TaLiaiara Orrtca, I K. to CAuaat glr.n, Ltdgtr JwtfaliBgl.) ClarlBBBII Hallraad t.av.Btla. Cipciiiuti, sept.

It Tbe Railroad Coarea-tloa Ib aeaaioB la this cltr resierdar reaolrad Ihat Ihe pasienger fare from New York to point reached br all tbe roada Weat, ahall Ib aeeaa exceed lit cent per mile for through passenger. Aa adraiice of about (per cent, waa agreed upon to continue from lb tial rf November to th Brat of April. A slight advance on freights was also agietd upoa between the lal of October and the comu.ekc.meat of lha winter Tha Con-reation anjourned to meet at Cleveland oa Ihe 1st ednesday of October. Allaire la Kaaaae. Ft.

Lena. Sent. Ill Goverior Ueerr delivered brief speech it IeocmptoB on the lllh. He ceprecaiei the coetlnaaaco of the atrife caused by Ihe Illegal and anlu.tltabl Interference of ine ciusens ei otner Pistes, aia promisee to ao Justice, ltrespectlve of party. He expects obe- aienoe to ice lawa ot tae Legislature, uatu tncy are repealed.

A prociamatirra, laiuea on ine inn, oraere in roiunUer Billlila to be dllieharged, and com-mai da all armed bodies to dlabaid or quit tha wrriMry. V. 1. Oraad Ladae al tha I. O.

af O. W. Baltihobb, Sept It At the eeaaloa of th Grand Lodae ibla afletaooB, th eaaeof P. Knox Morion, who appealed from Ihe decision of the Grind Ledge of Penaavlranla. contesting the seat of tbe Grand Treasurer of Pennsylvania, Cam up, wbrt the Grand Ledge adopted lha report of tbe committer, eastalning the Peaaivlvajila uiai.d Louie in tne.iectioauiM.

attcaaraa Hat- Ale, as their Tteaiurer, by a rote of 71 to it. Ilea. Hawaii Cobb la eal theater; ID Tib- Unm Un-Mll Cobb, of ia spesalng here it night Tbe Rrnubllctaa turned sat tnd tiled tbe Hill lo orei flowing, but lUbrned atteatiraly aad without dls.arbanc. Repabllraa Gatharlag. ColtJBBrjs, Bept.

Ill A Republican meeting was held here yesterday, whioh le said to have been the largeit political assemblage that haa occurred here ilnce Ihe campaign cf felO. Health of Ckarlia. CaAlLlsroH. Sent. It Th Board of Health reports four deaths from yellow lever.

There bare heel all tees deaths dorlrg tbe peat week. Markets. Baltimoi, Bept. ID. Flour baa dee' load 11 cents.

Sales of Howard atieet al Chy Mill are offered al 7i. Wheal alto lower. Bale of Red al SI 33 i IS, and whit it SI ii ltd. While Coia sells at St a 3c, and Yellow it (Di loo. CniBLiiroB, Btpl.

It. Tb aalei of Cotton for the week hire been liuo blea, with an advance of X. Gcod m'ddllrg tad middling ara quoted at lt a It Wbiai liacarcAandadvaa-cIng pjilea of red at 110 a U4o aad white at IM a 165c. Ihe trateeie of near race haa been made tt4Xo.foiM.ttleroB. Naw Oilbabb.

Sept. 18 The Cottoa tnarket le unchanged to day ta ta price, but 4000 balea bare beta aold Com la quoted at 711 1 71 coats. Lard tim. Fielah'e centime dull at 7- laths. Naw Oilbabb.

Bept. It. Tk cottoa avarket la uaebAnged, with salea of balea. The Bales of th wt ire ll.KKI bale, and the tecet pta 17,001 balea. Tbe Block, exclusive of Ihat en ahlp board, la balea.

The doorcase la the re ceipts this year la balea. Coffro la la fair deraind, arlea of bag during th week at 11 If He. for fair. The receipts of ibe week aia 41.000 kaga, and the stock 00 Out bag against nigs wsi year. Lard la ateedr al ether article ara no- changed.

BY THE 11 LOT LIMB. CorteapoBdeaee of tha Publle Ledger. TUIK6B im nsw roa. Maw Yon, Bent. 11, lt.

The tuddea drath of LorecxiB.Bheoard. taa bu ereaUd a painful aeaaalloa among all ci Bates of th eomnjualtr, far among all classes he was long and favorably knows. He had bee ailing tor some aaye paat, ana aiea Between ana o'clock, thla morning, Ii a baik, at hli owa nous. 11 complaint wa apoplexy, 10 of which he had frtqurntly been subject. Deceased had tiled many publle atatloae.

Beeldea the outre of Counsel 10 Ihe Corporation, wblch oe neta at tee time 01 nia aeatn, ne was o. District Attorney Curing the latter Dart of Praal dintPolk'a administration, aad, at a liter pe ilod, District A Heme for tb city aad eosxty of lNew York Mr. Shepard wt active Demecrstle ivil Ill- clan, and waa looked upon aa one of the rleiag men of that party. was a leading Barnburner daring the ButaioFne Soil some years ince, ana ai a later ay a soil At ine time of hla deala ha was alao Grand Baehsm of Tammany Hall, aid Chairman ot the Demo-eiatle Gneral Committee. The ire at half mi at in leaped to hla memory.

A air aiea 01 jeuow rerer in vvu-Uin ibuigh, n-ornlng He wast well known snercuarii, taa partner ia toe arm 01 uenrter at ataie. n. witiuruitcaaun. nil inioenni ta in South Eighth atreet. Piwalblr thla may be rrrortidto morrow as a cue ol blllo'ia congei.

live phyalciaaa amy la I well Biaikid eaae cf Tellow It vet. A abero eomn unlestloa wna reeeired br erar Health Couinilaaleni to-day, from the President of the Ds It In or Board ol Health, remna- atratlng agaltat tnorring Ihe quarantine law Bsalirttveisels arriving prnm Ball mora, wher mere bis tot oeea a iinpie eate of lie disease, The Baltimore people alio remind a that. al. thong we hare fever here, New York Teasels re ant quarantined In lbs Chsaaprtke Miror ara bibs in noara give in commnaicAiioa a Jinerai o'BsiaerailOB. Tb Health Otnoer, Brooklyn, efnrlajly pernrfa one ratal case of bilious malignant fever la Water street, (not the one alluded to above).

One new case la repot ltd at Fort Hamilton, In the Belief Mospllil, and another la the Military Hospital. Dr. Bailey aad Mr. Charles Sear ate Improving. All otbera.

with on exception, doing well. The old line Whlga are making arrangemente lo respoad to tbe adoption of Millard Fillmore by the Baltimore Generation. There Is to be a sort of formal re-nrUt, between the Whlga ta auch, and th Ametlcatia, on Monday ironing. Rer. Dr.

Fiiebeit, leceally arilnd from London, ia lo preach hla iBtroduetoiy sermon In this country, alio Jewel Bynagnue, Crosby atreet, to-morrow. The pastoral ev re of thlscougrega lira has beed In the ear of Rer. J.J. Ltoi.a, during the laat 17 jeata, A maa named Jsoiea Wllllama waa terribly beaten, oa Thursday night, by a party af boatmen, at tbe foot of Thirty fourth street, Noith River. After the affm; he waa eonrejed to Ihe Hospital, where he lingered until thla morning, when death put an end lo hi tuffsrlnge- Hi mnrderere are still at large.

Mayor Weed I to deliver a lecture en Alexaa der Hamilton, en Ibe Hth of October, before tb Hamilton Literary Unlna; tha aame diaoours which bed. liven al Richmond a few months llnoe. Btttmiblp Blcek Warrior, from New Orleans, to-day, report eaaelng large quaallllee of ship timber, keree, broken spar, maaia planks, done fanela, barrel tnd boxea. evidently from die. abled vesaela, or ressela wrecked diulng Ih recent hurricane In Ihe pulf.

Bteaaablp Fulton, lor JUrre, to morrow, haa about Irtw.dtO in engaged aa freight. About aeventy pe.aentera will go Tketransao. tlona In Forrli'n Exchange have bean tew. but rale ar rery 1-m. On Lcodoa, 10D a lit for bankere, ard HI a IIK r.

commereial. TkemllowlngekariattrmeaeaioilatedtAvdiy) a Freack barqne, hen lo Bordeaax, with grain, alls eta. per bnahel, shipper', bag; a barqi from Hlncitoa, Jamaica, to Liverpool, with cuf. fee, ali3J, tad 1 reaael to Opot to, with g'alrt, It about 10 eta. fti4ro.v-Tke market la a Utile more actlva, wlraaa upward trndeney.

Balea abont IM) balea. FLoea la a little better, and demand more aetive, mainly for home trade. Sale ar atut bbli. at ti75SJJ for eommonto good State 1 It 80 for exU Sut 6 IJ.6 45 Tar aupaila Ind'asa aid Upper Lake) to Ml Pnr auiuaoa lognod.urertn Ohio; n0 foroommaa la fair eitra Ohio 7('n fr St Louis bmnd and 7a0fot extra Genesee. Southern Flour ttrmer, Balea olPnO bbla, at t7a7H for oilieil to good etaxdard bratda Ballltaore, Alexandria, Ac, Aid fl s4a7 bt for favorite and f-ney brands.

Gbaib The dematd 1 fair for Wheat, medium qualities are lower; sale are 35 OnO alll (0 for red Bouibem, 1 Mai estop White do ll to for red llll tola. Rye la belter and la fair demand, at 0 a 96 far lew. Oats are lower. BaUt at Stale at 1 460, and Western at 43 a 470. ai ern Pork a Ben wi 87 aald I-7X 1 The and hall t.

of 10 a I i tasvarr Adam tuaaniit. hi axAot aioaortjaa. aaal mm ar liraa anlaraal. r-y-aa, aw AaTrtaarma ilia aiarat ba raoairad by aJaloak. Cora eaaler, demand fain aaMiof bush.

sw a 7 aor wearers qmv act 49 for Bala- yellow: 71 a 53 for while dv Ftorisioas lha market la avail hwtrlar fita. demand good ssleaj toe at tap 17), for mi a and 117 7 a 18 for pelnve. is arm.aad It fair request, at a IT foe prime, ttl a Si for eouatry mews, aUleM 'or repacked mess Lard Is bet tar 1 atocat aaieaaM ODIa at a I4t6 Waiaair Tha aaarkaa la fl. aa.r...A aVbr-. "Ii? 5 bbl 'or Ohio aad Priaow.

Tha Stock markat did Bat exhibit aa moats buoyaaey te-day as for aome lias paat. Tkawaj large salea of Rf. Y. Ceatrai. Readme.

K.lw. Krte efesed at Read-lag bt) Cl. andTslid ta. ViBtraI 1 Cumoerlaad tMuO Stat Blocks at 03 for Tesn. ts, of 'M 1 MKaOljk Va 1 tor Mo Is, aad 74 for CeiUorate 7e of 7t' aw nnaraiaoBB in raiiroaa aoaoa aid Bat ai oat prlBelpally Illinois centrali, at OAK.

market elosed wiih a dowaward leetlag. At Ihe Beeoed Board, Ihe market waa heavy closed with a downward tetdeacy. Erie ra-eededJotiH- Per the Pi bile Ledger Americas Pkarmacaatleal Aeaealatlea. Maiaaa Emroaa-The Aaatrloaa Paaraaa- oeutlral Aaaiaelallo held It aanual eesslaa la lave of Ihe UalTrratty ef Maryland, Baltimore Th meeting waa called ta order by Ihe Pre at. dent.

Joha afeakla, of New York. W. i. Af. uoraon, secretary Oa tnotloa.

1 1 ommttlee ea credentials wt fiolnted, consliilor of Edward Parrlsk, of Pkl-idelpbla; 8. Wajne, of ClBjalaawllj Da- puv, 01 new iorB. 1 ne loiiowing uouegea or raarmaey were rer-prtseattd, aad below a list of delegate Maasachusrtta Callege of Pharmacy Daniel Henchman, Wm. A. Brewer, hi.

W. Llaooia Cbarlta P. Cerney, A. P. Melaar.

New York Callege ef Pharmacy John Mra-klm, Eugene Duppy, H. T. Rleaated, O. I. -Gatbrle.

PblisdeljihU CoUege ef Phtnaaey-Chtrled Kills, Blair, Wm, Proctor, B. Gar- 1 rlpma, P. L. Joka. ClnclnssU College af Pharmacy A MV Bte-rena, it Banna old.

W. J. H. Gordon, B. B.

Wane. 1 Maijland College of Pharaaaey Geo. Aa-. drew, Cbarlea Caspars, Israel 1. ttrahame, i.

Smith, F. Moor. Waahlnsioa College ef Pkirmaer V. Har baogh, JohaL. Rldwell, Jehn W.

Nairn, F.B, TVSISB, TV JX VlimBB. A large number of aimee wai neswated tar memberahlp, and duly elected Tbe report of Ihe treasurer, also the reports of tbe exeeutlreacommlttee. committee of eeriiecaio. membership, committee oa etaadard of qajallm ties for diogs, eeamlite ea svatlatloa ef phar macy 11111 aer reporur, were reaa. Aiunng ine urea in wbkb in asaooiaiitrav aa la seaalcB.

much latertatlag matter waa dlacuated, la regard la tba profesaleae of taa pkermaeawtisi aad drurgtat, aad their relatloaaj ib paysariaa aia puoiie ib gtafrrai. rta-iva--UtenMia were read by ParrUb.J Maiaeh and B. B. Ganlguea, of Pklladelphla, aad B. B.

vtaite, ox Cincinnati, vaanuiuees were pr-polntrd to report, al tbe meeting ta be held mat year la Philadelphia, apoa heme adulteration, ataadaid for Wrights aid measures, BiaibBilaBV 01 pnaimacy, acuniiaa papeia, aaa regnutieas la repaid I the sale of poisaa. Oreat eiedll la dna to Profeaasr Pieotor, of Philadelphia, for the andlminUhrd Interest ha hM ia thai tdrtKemtnt ef thla Association. A ipleadld enleilalnment waa glrea by tha dtuggiata and pharmaceutiata ef the eily of Bal-tlmore ta the visiting da ley area, al the Gllmora House. 1 aula Tours, truly, B. tt.

Hoi'e B11 CTiiaoai Paiariae Paen ta Lena boat. Among the paaaengers lathe which abcAturhlp arrlrrd al thla port yestarday moralng, was Mr William Conquest, a fwatlo-mai connected with IhaeelebratrdettabllsbmeBt of R.M. Ho A Co. New York. Borne three or four months since Inr.

Conauest went lo Loaaloa. having la hla chirge oaeof Ho 'a Six Cylladef -Preesee," for the purpose of pottlag the aaas la peraiiwa ia a.ay wseaipr jvawapaprsw am am. be pre as waa af the Mm nattera a thai ea which- lb B.aiea Journal la nrintrd. and waa aul an aad eel to running la lie aama werkmaallke, ileal aad Iboraugh manner Ihat eharaeteiiaea every lob" aadenakea by Mr. Conquest, aad aw atw wi.ia, ai, kj in 1 The impmiira, aot oa th paper, but ea tha minds of our brother neaapaja-w paopi la Loa.

doa. which Ibe eperalloa at Uix CyUader Pre made, waa moat IntebaV auch, that haidlr bad Ihe Irst edition been worked ef apoa oeiore me proprwtorB ox sjawe's rrcaBip; rt'aaa- aaa wriuea aa order to atesere ata ca. for iBother press sf tk mm lort.a' Nearly every aewanaper proprietor la London. i aa well aa bona of other persons Interested la tha printing bailor ss, vlae( Lloyd' dtoe for tha purpose of Bering the Yankee mecalia" wwrk, 1 andaileipreaaedibelraitonlsbmentallheamotiBt olweik whkh llaeoomplishtd la a hilef space) of lima. Tha London Tisui la a.w arlited a arraa which works liavaa Ikawnaal lanprasa lasts aatr Boor, requiting MBsanyasMa men us tend 11.

I aa proprietor of that paper, apoa examtnlag iaoe'a BU O) Under at Lloyd's, nd being eye witaeoaea -to Ita woiklag at tha rele fAiaaa lAaaumad lot- preaaloaa per hour, with but asesa Al Baea, (iacladlng tke engineer and Ireman) tetrad It, wrote their order to Meaare. Una ft Co for oaa; Tea Cylinder Press ef ilmllarpattera aad six aa Ihat wh eh tha. Boa to Jtarnal and Lloyd 'a We. kip rVaaupepir ar printed ea. Tfwoerthr.e' other etleea la London hare alao gleea their order to Mean Ho ft Ce tut ptlallag pram.

ee-lea Jtvmal. Taa ViatLsaca CobwiTTia Much hae beer paid af lit abcut the adjournment and diabaad- -men! of the Vigilance bommil'ee, ea aad after at oaa ap atar. aa were a- rma a aar nV fha ataalu rk body, wa kava takea (onr. lltUa pa taa to aseer- tela their real objects. We are aa.urcd that their Inlenllca la lot to idioua or disband, al ore seal.

at all en nte, but oa Monday text, lo glre large portion the if ace ef rooana they bars 1 beta tccupyiag. lad ge late their original qoar- twta. aja waa vmiaiBW, wana lory at Brwa eaoeB-' pled aad where Ibrlr ama ar Incited Much of' the lime alnca Ih rgaBlxatloa, they bar beeai conrpeUed ta eoeapy two or tart aatjolnlBprt auiidiag, oa eeeouai of taa targe somber sf pitsoaera ea band and Ihe leeesaarilr largo guard cotitnuaiiy ai ine leetna. a mtil guard wilt Bow be engaged for tha prnteetloa of lb Cora-, mmee a neaa-iduariara, aaa uu rieeaiire wui held Ita irguiar meeting, and as ofteaaa mer. genclea require It, but aot so eontinuuuily as for-, PterlJ, iraaa lit ilia Catfbrniam.

a. Cailtlb, It la aald, I ibeot lo writ a life of Washington. 11 could not aelecn aobler nsi Jectfof hlspei'. mmm VAAJIATIIUI. Coaieve Ferae or SittwoiMa A alrrnlsr elrcumstaare ha said to hare occarred In the silk fae'ery of M.

Garibaldi, al Ciemeaa. ItUpjal. lively lUtid thai, la that factory, a quaatlly of Ilk wornii, Isitiad ef fnrmlag the eoeooa, aa. usual, aotually wore a ktnd of aiik ribbon, of tha b.eadthbf aa lach.snd tha leagih ef upward ol twylre la the course of lha Inqnlrlea mane la tbla matter, It haa beea ellcltrrl that a aimitar ea a much larger aeale, twB piaB Bt ataraaaaiia ia icn, ia tae sua rac tnii ol Di. Gnllo, where the silk warma arara a 1 rlbhoa two lacbea bteeak aid upwards of e'kiT fret In lerglU, part of which Ii aow preaerrtd la Ihe Muacum of Ktiural lUslory al Tatla. re Maiiain. A fog bell of peratda-Wtlght. hss beea placed ea the bluff, la front of the Hall bene lower, on Point Bonite, filth Hud, S. a FmBelace Bay, California, whkh will be atiuek during thick wctiher, at. I blows at Intervals of alxttea eecond.

folloared by a pauae of ferty four treonda. The bell la elevated 170 firt aberaiea level. The I'lng ef the fog gua will be ooaiiaoed natU fnither ae- Uee, RaILoa ExTtwstoai Th Eaafera Extra-'1 aioa ot Ihe Peoria aad Oquawka Raliread, froea Peoria, east thiny-lhrie mUeaaada half ta -Panola, as on tke nraia lite of the Ililanl Ceclral Ral road, was trains com-neared nmalng regnlarly over It en the liih laateat. The line has been tabled beuia frrlm Bt LauU, Tl the roads tamed aad tha Tan Haul and AltoaRtllicad. Aa lapioarTf Pita.

At a recent collision, I colored eeamn en hoard the ateamrr Creisent City wt nt Into the held lo tnd the leak, and aeea Ing rhe walar rushing la Ursogb a large be ha without healtatloa plurgtd hi lea late tk eillce. Fltdiag Ihia etnedlenl lasuOoleat ka taatt. and iccetttcd la keepiag Ihl leak under until tnd mere effect sal mean were proeuiid. -a TBI In ton Tbe Charle'fon (8. 0 Evening ftrwa sayai No man should go to Waahlagioa ecuimltli loor pridevrrmin-d npo either lha I'nles or Dlsusloa, CoaantldAvtaa or leeietaloa.

Hla lite nl should a bad Iks S-H Al laafal aa. afar lla iinasml! to do It piudemiy, bnt decisively, ai tn hold klmaelf leaAy to meet lha tiaergeDoy, whether ar net It lavolvaa aaUoaal or individual danger. Tiasi or CixcmiATty Ohio. The Claola-Bltl (Onlo) Pile Current publishes 1 statemeat of Ihe tiav1 of that ally for the year endlag 3 at Avgual, ldfO. lha UUI value of principal Im-coita for the year, waa Pol.

sgalnat 314 the previous rear and of i porta to against 3 4 the previous year. stowlug an kcrnae la tbe walae of Impnrta of i value or "Tbb LiaaiAt, Piaee of Parle ta atthla monaat 1 In great bauble la omtaerjoenoeof Ua having pub- lathed the iddteaa of Ml ttudenta of avru- rathlalng with their fcHow studei.taof Tu loia heir aeplmloaa for Ibe leg-n-raiiim of Imly. It ba Uaderateod that prosecutions have baea toirrreneed against the Steclf. the fratx, and th i na. ita.

Post Oinri Mattbis ThePottmsaler fie 4 hirst haa made tha fnliowlrg aprmia'uirn'a for Pennaylvaala: Atehilitld bleAlil-tr. p--i- ler at Spiltgfl.ld Furnace, piialr 1-1 Tlce Samuel Rct.era, di-ce'r-d. 'i I roaUiiatter at Ninth Star, a.hli ci 1 Pi rite Jarojta Duutliiaoa, resikutui. 1 Frvaa There were four fever deaihs In Ctsrleu.S C.durinr day and Snndar lat- At New l- during tie wrek endlai toe 6 lral lueie Wrie Ira deaths froaa the miuo diaee.

Tbb Nrama or Vnri In New Ymk 1 10 an a latem-nl from Ibe cn ii 0 -Bent. 61I f-w. of whom 610,741 lie n.iva rotrsa, ud ISO 076 oaturaliied. ResienATioB or A Aiwt Orrice. The) petlgralie of Capi, Joha Infnni'v, laa beea area pled, hr lha Prealdeat, lake lik Bepleaabef, Itjo..

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