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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • 6

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PLYMOUTH. 7yvTvOm now the department of the Interior baa not even a copy for the census office tt-elf. Bnt the laif presiding for the twelfth census makes no special provision for 'an Indian census, nor does It authorize such a report as was made ten years ago. It is at this point that tbe real difficulties of the census office regarding the Indiana begin The Indian population, tnen, cannot be treated by itself and described in a separate report. It also aeema Illogical to -class the Indians among the ordinary population of the United States.

The Indian tribe is in many respects a distiuct nationality, although since 1871 congress baa been doing its best to' destroy all traces of tribal Independence or self government Moreover, the tribal Indians are-not citizens of the United States. The rcocTratioDs upon which they live- are not legally parts of the state or territory which surrounds them, and state and territorial laws do not apply to the" or to the Indians upon it Acta of congress do not apply to reservation Indians unless such application la explicitly authorized In the acL. Under such conditions it seems impossible for the census office to class Indians as a part of the ordinary inhabitants of tbe states and territories. 1.1 llri li Ira Utl hi -v: 8 CASH OR CREDIT, is; Not 41 EAST MARKET fjlviii Connor, of Hudson, haa returned from Htileiou after an aoeeuoe -oTTtwo years. John Stein fcaa eecureJ a position In New York city.

Jobn Monsn and Richard Lavali were visitors at Pittaton FrWay evening. Wrar Lycolir Wiis-Birre. waa the irueet of Der aister, Mrt. Michael Vloran, on Friday. lira.

Jorrle, of Wgnainie. la 111 at tbe home of her son, lticnard Jetvia. Mr. and Mrs, Jobn Hopkins bare Issued invitations for tna ruarrag of tn-ir daughter, Ruth, and Davit Howells, to take plana at tbe reidei ca oa luureday evening, March 22, at 8 o'cock. At tbe meeting held Tuesday evening by the member of Sacred Heart congregation there waa a large attendance.

Rev. Fattier Hunl. tha pastor, was preeejit and tbe object of lbs laeetfiiit was reitivaTo tee debt on the convent property, a ieao-lutlon waa adooted transferring tha pro perty to Right lUv. liisnbp tloluu. bad.

previously ben in the name of the late tsisnoo tiara, mauoo iiooan now eaieel the debt, tut tna confrro here will aeaume tha ohlicktion of its (ay. njant. Bultiia process the property will be secured to tbe ohurcn and ba free from encumurauce. PARSONS. Council should da something nowta clean out certain diain pipe-, iit eewers.

I-i soma p'acs In town there is standing water io the cfliara to adepth tftwofe't. ,411 tbisndioatea ti neces-ity for a taor 'tiirh eyswiu of sewerare whiou pome In time and we might as well get Tandy for it. The city of Ilkee-UefTirwTTi this ooming summer instruct a hewer to drain the uorth'-rn part of the city. The oiiie will be laid in the bed of Mill Creek passing BrooBhlde. It will an easy matter fur Prons to connect witu thie eewer.

Tbe cost will run Into the thou stands a few. Now do not get the Idea that we cannot get hidd of at leant five thousand for health, lliink it over carefully. Sleep on It, dream It and may in time you k-en; elf men of counoMI will se your wny clear to tpiiug thla pleaaaut ouprise on a long sudyriug piop e. Thomas Lockman and Jonee, of Miter's Sltll-'T were iiinrried Thiitdy evfl17 log, Rev. Mr.

of tha Baplisl "quroli, of this place, oliiciating. Cards are iSHUed for ttie wedding of David Uowelis ami Ruth Hopkins. The cironer'H inquest on the death of Clarence Everett will bu held Monday at the office of the coroner at iikes-liuire. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. An Addreaa and Oihr Features at the Meeting of I'riaoe of i'eaos Comrnaadery.

After tbe regular order of business at 'he convocation of Prince of 1'micj Coui-itiandeiy, 63, A. and I. O. Knights of HVlarta, at their allr-Soiitfr- Main street; Fiinay evening, a very entertaining aud ln- fiructive program was reudered Sir Knight Rev. 8.

J.Austin delivers I a lecture in America's To-morrow. It was an able effort and much appreoatd by the nuin-bers. Sir Knigiiis Prof. T. Jonee, Harry O.

Jones and T. Lewis rendrtrd musical selections and Sir Knight John liorsoh recited. There was au attendance of about 150 memriers at the meeting. Tne cfliuera iustalled at tha previous meeting to serve for the enxuiug term are: sir knight oommand-r, B. 0.

Vincent; tfenerallssitno, L. L. Evana; captain gen eral, W. H. Sniber; prelate, George Davis; recorder, J.

w. Hogert; asaiHtant recorder, J. H. Green: treasurer, Wiitrart Ban wiijt; senior y-arden, Thomas GatiiBi junior warden, n. (ieldart; standard la j'lor; baarer, S.

M. Knaus; warden, Erneht Johnaon; BButi-HrGrM Ham mood fl st p. a rd llllainaon; seoond guard, Stanley J. Iarber; renresentativa to Grand Oom- mandnry, A. W.

AJoaa. Tbe ooinmamiery Is In a flourishing condition and ranks among tha high-st In trie state. A ciass of njSiiibers la eon to be initiated. IJG IITMNG MACHINE BURSTS. ictor Royal Stout of Toole'a Company Badly Mutilated.

Piny goers remember the fine comedian. Jr Lt.Toole, who vielie tbi city every sea son. He has an excellent reportoire com pany that always co.nes up lo expectation Among his actors, and a leading man at that, ia Royal Stout, who will be recalled by This gentleman met with a serious and lamentable accident the other evening during the performance of the company in the Opera House at Greenville, Pa. Tbe machine for making artificial lightning exploded with terrific foice, a part of it striking the actor named, tearing off oue of his hand and Injuria him in other wave. His face waa badly cut and the Ir juries will lay him un tor noma time.

Pieces of metal went flying into theaudieuoe and Miss Kale Cerulle was wounded on the band. Great exoite-meut resulted and tbe large audience was for a time panic-stricken. Toole wlil probably adopt the older and eafr method of supplying electrio Hashes iu the future. CAPfUKEI) IN Til IS CITY. A PhtUdelphlan VVbo Looted a Scran-ton Hoarding Home.

Charles Flshburn, who eluims Philadelphia as bis home, was arrested Friday night by Officer Jefl Ruddy on tet Market street. A description of a man wanted at had been asnt to looal poliae headquarters and it was on this that the arraot was made. A search of tna pfltumer proved him to be tha right party. Fiah-burii left a board in if houua of a Mr. Morgan at- Serantou.

Friday morning and ft lot of jwelry was missed shortly afterward. A number of the mlasing articlns were tout 'ijii the piraon of the prlaoner and heacauowledged having sold slot in Pittetoa. The missing articles Inol tided two ladles' gold watcbee, two men's gold watches.two necklaces, a gold ring, fountain pen and other smaller artiolea. Tbe prisoner was taken to Scranton by an officer. It it believed tne polloa have made an Important capturn.

POLISH Clilitdl OCIISI Causes a Split In tbe Congregation and Independent Frfcilon Will Worship In Auother Ittilidlng. A number of Polish residents of tbe Heights and Georgetown liave purchase I the Primitive Methodist church on Sheridan) street and will occupy it t.odiy. It was slated that the riiiciimls in tn purchase were until a abort t'ine ago mem Iwb of St, Mary's Polish Cuthoilc cnurcli ou rk avenue, and tliy It I left the ohurch bacame of some co 11 ci between the pator, T. Father Klonowski, and one of the societies of the cliurnti, Rev. Klmiowsti clalrae the putohasers of the.

new churuti were members of no nhu oh and will net un a br.mcii cnurch of the Iii'lepen Jetit Polisn ciinruh ef.scian. toit. It will not be under Bisiiop Htinn's ai rmivlbiun and consequently non-Catliu- llo. AM A I II It PlloroGKAPIIY. Tbe Public Exhibit Mill he in the WTIkrk.llarre VI he clinr ua Hooui.

The public' extiihttlori of amnteur plio-tngiaphy to be givun at ttni club rooms of the Wllkeiy-BHrre Wheelmen, Miiroh 29. 30. and 81 promisee to ba Intciett-log. Tbsoommittee In ctmrge has dread received LOOO pictures from camera clubs In nearly avery stale iu the Union. Local amateurs are expected to contribute 'their share before the opening of thn'exulb t.

A Handsome catalog of the pii'tnrat. will ba issued and the public la invited lo at. tsud tbe exhibit on the dat- meiitloiieil. Th priies amount to about THE TWELFTH CENSUS WILL TELL OF OUR COUNTRY'S GREATNESS. ot an Euf Proposition For Tkanae In tliorae of the Work Som ZtheZDifTicaiHle iol Be Overeaae.

Cbi TaVioi; In the I.ob if, ISpectal Correepondence.J WiEnisGTox, March A Tislt to tbe census office and a glimpse at Census Director Merriam's busy force will disabuse the mind of any one who thinks that census taking Is a political piciilc. Few persons appreciate the magnitude of the work. The eleventh census cost more thnn $11,000,000, and In th? twelfth census Brfllce-fofce of over 000 for about two years and a field force of over 50,000 for from two weeks to a month will be employed. The Hollerith tabulating machines, by which the population is counted and CENSUS DIRECTOR MERRIAM. the returns are tabulatod, makes census taking a huge Industrial The census office becomes a factory and the director tif-eensus a captain of indus tiT- The United States was the first nation of modern times to order and execute a periodical national census.

The ancient Hebrews, while In the wilderness, before" reacnin'K the promised land, by direction of their leader, Mom, made an enumeration of their fightiug men between the ages of 20 and of whom there were 000,000. In Palestine there were occasional enumerations of the people for taxing and military purposes. The Greeks and Romans also had the system of enumeration of population and ascertainment of Individual wealth for like purposes. But for lack of facilities the methods necessarily employed in' those times gave far from satisfactory results and did not approach the accuracy ani completeness that are possible today. In this country there was some doubtful guessing as to population before the first census was taken in 1790, but such has been the uniformity of the rate of Increase as shown by successive census returns that a safer rule for determining the population of the colonies at any particular period would be to apply, by a reverse process of calculation, the rate of increase since ascertained.

-T-he-fiTst-act-of congress, dated March 1, for taUiug tiie census Is drawn in rigid conformity with the constitution and directs the United States marshals to came the number of inhabitants within their respective districts to be taken. The enumeration was to begin the first Monday In August aud close within nine months thereafter. The free persons were to be distinguished from others males from femalesand Indians' not taxed were to be omitted from the enumeration. Free males of 10 years and over were to be distinguished from those under that age. The report of the first census Is comprised in a pamphlet of 52 pages.

The marshals made their reports to the president by the 1st of September, 1791. There was no superintendent of the census or census olfjee located at tho seat of government. The president was not specially authorized by law to publish the returns of the marshab. The first report was printed by William Duane in 1802. The aggregate population of the states was 3,029,214: that of the Southwest territory, 35,091.

Thomas Jefferson, then secretary of state, certified to the correctness of the schedule of population Oct. 24. 1791. The second census was taken in 1800, and they have followed by decades ever since. There lias always been more or less opposition to census taking on the ground that it was prying into the private affairs of the people.

Sometimes it has been more, sometimes it has been less, but opposition has always lurked In the pathway of the census taker. The chief difficulty In the way of obtaining free and ready Information has been, strange to say, an admixture of fear and superstition. It will be remembered by students of the Bible that an enumeration of the people of by Joab, acting under the orders of King David, was followed by a three days' pestilence which carried oil some 70,000 of the recently counted individuals. It was thought at tho time that David and bis superintendent of census had no authority to do this thing, and the nation suffered for their supererogation. That Impression flourishes today with all Its pristine vigor in the minds of Mohammedans and other oriental peoples and Is not altogether extinct In some parts of the United States.

The act mitborizlng the twelfth cen sus provides that It shall be restricted to inquiries relating to the population, to mortality, to the products of agricul ture and of manufacturing and me chanical establishments. The only volumes that will be prepared and pub lished In connection with the twelfth cenMis, excepting several special reports, will relate to the foregoing topics, and these volumes will be designated as nnd constitute the census report and must be published not later thnn the 1st day of July. 1902. There nre ninny, difficulties which must be overcome by the census office which Sre only fully realized by those In charge of the work. Legal questions continually arise.

As a sample of the troublesome, problems to be Bolved take the Indian census, which fairly bristles with legal difficulties. In lhOO the census law provided that a "special report upon the Indians should be nmilo. A volume of seven hundred odd pages wns published, profusely Illustrated and touching every point of tbe Indian problem. For onco Iu hialory "Poor Iai" was accorded Jus tice. The volume was so pretty that rf e.

af. TL: Barrios at tbe German Reformed ohurob, Willow atreet, to-morrow will be fol-low: In German at 13 a. ra. In English, 7 p. co.

buudiy acuonl at 3 p. to, 8. Mecial, paator- Mrs. Twodore B. ShafTer.

daughter ol Mrs. Josbue OoitcBtty -of tbia seriously iU at bar home lo Forty fort. A poem eompoeed by out young townsman, Artbor Drew, waa read o. ror tne Gladstone Literary ciub, of Cnioao, recently and it won tti i.tghast honor and the decision of tbe judges. The poem wai r-ol by Mise liai.u Graver, of Columbus, ODlo, Tbe will of tne late J.

C. Hallecc- waa probated last week. It was prepared in ISae. To tiisdaucDWr, kira. Calhoun, a piano, one half of d'lxwd'i litrary aod 91,000.

To til irraouiUutfbier Sara out liaif of Lis library to bis aoa YVUilaai-fita large law library and to iiia widow the balance ut lbs real estate. Tno Delaware and Huttson Coal company have awarded tbe contract of tink-iug Nn. I shaft to Dare? and Waaler ami tney will cjmoieuci tbe work iu few days. the township emnmlBSlnnera met In the Second eabt ni-ttriot polling place last Monday evening and elected bairlson Ne'nit president and 1 tin in as Gately, vice rrealiient. Ttey will meet acail) In a "few days nd pern-e Tna eornniif-eioners are Harrison Neebitt, William Mm-'nr-.

Will la tnJV lejiWiJja id E. Jones, '1 nomas Oateiy auT George Hart. The fuceral of Ralph W. Woodbury took place tti afternoon from the bmn of air. and Mrs.

Ihotnae Eaten of East Mam street. Tbe cortege waj a leugtiiy one. many frtenrla from Nmitlnolte and other towns betnir present to psy tbeir tribute of respect to the memory of The floral offerings were beautiful in deiitfn ana iiuiueJouin quantltr. The pall bearers were C. Munc.

Aoubroee Web-, Jamer-lieaoham and "Samuel H. Hiow from due S33 F. and A. M. ami V.

U. Kelly and J. II. Hhuptng from the Lk(I at Aaheville, H. who accumranin tie retnairm here, ttelilous services w-r oonducted at ths timise by Rnv, E.

Flaisi, pastor of the First Presbyterian cnureii and tbe Maeonia cerernonlea by- Vornii fill Matter, Jonathan R. Davis, assiated by V. itansotu, tuarles id wards and il liam Davis. Shawnee avenue Is numbered among trie fine thoroushfarea of the town. It is wide, evenly traded and Iimm hundrads of band some residences all aloni; each side.

The owners of property trwe have not as yet done anythlhit toward ireitinar out of the mud, wricli ie several inches deeo from one end to the other. Within the pat fw day, bowever. William Weir and Ambrose West, who are possibly tbe larirt property owners hi that vloinity, have circuia ted a petition and secured tha neumiry signers to hare that portion betwan Academy street anil Centre avenue pared with vitriaed brlok. Shortly after midnight Thursday nllit occuned the death of Levi Grffflth at bis home on Hhawnee avenue. Plymouth after an JHnesa of six jlays oLpneumonia DeceiiBed was S4 year of ace.

He whs an old resident of Plymouth, where he w-employed in the general store of the Par rlsh Coal OJinpiny for the pant twenty-' lour year-. eiultfen which he waa man Her. He wa a war'u friend, kind neighbor and a od, citizen, and his dnith ir ileel ly revr-t ted especially by his fatui! and -in; W.ver, U. 11. Aellley, who bad his ability and Intecritv.

wns a mmnber of the Kuiithts of MitltJ. blcti orwai iz itlou will meet to-m6rrov evHfllnjf to arrange for the fu-tiRral. He iSHUrvived dye widow and six 'Children, as foilowe: Mrs. Georee Carey, Jlra. pnniB Prlo, May, W'sltei and Annie, tun tatter a teacher of elocution ft Vmehantostrurir.

The fuuoral will take Pihimmui Monnay afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ivrvlc will be conducted ut the house br lve, (J, W. Harvey and Jouii Hiiirue. In. will be made at tie Shawnee cunetery.

Sirs. Jo'in 8 uin 1 1, tiled Thursday nlcht at, the botue of her sister, Sim. John W. 'J ho'iia-, on Reynold street, P)yiu utr, artr a brief illueiw. Decsel was 83 ear of age and a lady highly respected in the co-vmnnlly.

Sho la eurvived by a liiiobhiid and two o'uidren. The funeral will take place thiit arternoon at 2 o'clock. 8ervicn will he conducted at the borne of Mis. John W. Tnoina-t by Reva.

Thorpe and Evans. Iblerment will ba at be made at tue Shawnee cemetery. The I'lll family and their famous rook band appeared to a crowded house at the CbiHt i church Jaal eveniug. cert elven was an excellent oue and wall worth tbe prioe of admission. Mrs.

M. T. Tobin bas opened her millinery store at 147 Main street, tbe building adjointnic Lynou's liquor store, until her own property Is repaired. Bernard Williams, of Avondale, a whole-souled fellow and workihguian'd friend announces nimsalf as candidate for to Republican nomination, for representative from tbia district, The parents of Thomas J. Evans received telegram from -Harrieburit stating that their son Thomas J.

passed a very euooeia- ful examination iu pharmacy befur the stale Mr- Evan a it tbe yoinnt mmr who was employed at Durban's Keystone pharmacy until he went to college, OUB DOCTORS RECOMMEND The American Silver truas in all sizes and en lea, light, durable and easy to wear. If rou are ruptured and need a trues you will make no mistake In examining It. Gbimes tf Biook, An Inquest was bela at the offioa of Squire Walters, Friday evening, nn the late Patrick Foley. Arter hearing several witnesses a verdict was rendered as follows: "lhat he came to his death through bis own careleasneea In pulling eprsire from a oar which stood on a switch, let-ting; it run down and hitting him." The Jurors were Philip Walters, Richard Meiss, Thomas Morri, George W. Harrison, Thomas Anthony and John Mangan.

Oswald Moore returned home last evening from Philadelphia, whence be went last Sunday to purchase oamages. Misses Amy Lee and Katie Knouie, of Ashley, were the guests of Mies Lee, one of the township teachers here yesterday. People will no doubt be pleased to hear that Patrick Foley, formerly employed as cutler at MoOann'e clothing houee here, but tor tbe past few yeait a resident ol Philadelphia will embark in business fur bimeetf on Mondays-ilia stora will be centrally looated. The death of William Curhara and Herman Leets Is noted elaewhere. Owen Jones will oocupy his old store on Friday with a full and complete line of groceries, fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs, cheese, elo.

tf Tbe White Front. Good substantial and wholesome meals eerred at the White Front Oyster and Dining Parlors. Oystera, ciarni, loi cream, eggs, butter cheeae, etc, wholesale or retail at the lowest prlo. Delivered to any part of the town. Call, mane a purchase and be oonvinoed.

T.P. Xoo. v. Prop. MINER'S MILLS.

James Msyook, son of Michael Mayoclt, some twelve months ago Huatalned au In-Jmy to one of hie ktieee by falling on some ojeier ehella widen penetrated tbe flrtsh, euietiig him oonalderablpaln an I anuoy-ance. SHtunlny he was oprt(t on hy Lr. X. O. i'Hzttimmons, of Wiiina J'a re, atalated by Dr.

Hyslop, of this pUo The operation will result in a complete rtouv- i children of tbe public sohool paid f'r and creoeuled tha publls schools I riidaouin flag on Waablugtoa's birthday, itefiaclsexiainslss. A Pastor Called Rev. B. W. Wilson, of Hantleoke, bit ra-elveda call from tbe Cast End M.

hurcii to become Its pastor for tbe next year, lie will prsach to that eongriuotien t)4uUajr STsalng. On the otUor" hand. It Is equally lmposr siblc to ignore them and omit them entirely, for the constitution of the United States says that "representatives shall be apportioned among the sever- tl stales according tbelf respective 1 numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state; excluding Indians not taxed." All these- points are subjected to the ruost careful examination in the census office, and when a decision as to the legal obligation of the office has beeu reached the statisticians turn their attention to the economic and social aspects of the question in hand. Experts are consulted, the Important tinesfUTWtigation areTnapped out, and inquiries are so framed as to bring out the desired Information in a form In which it can be handled with the Hollerith machines. At tbe same time these questions must be put in such a way that they will neither be misunderstood nor likely to evoke antagonism or false replies.

No pains are spared to interest the public in the work and to secure general and hearty co-operation. Without that the most careful work at Washington or by the enumerators must prove fruitless. The census office at Washington has not a monopoly of the difficulties In the work of enumerating. Many of 'the 50.000 enumerators, who will be placed uuder a time limit not exceeding a month, will have many obstacles to overcome. They will have to move with celerity and along well defined lines, which the natural conditions will sometimes oppose.

For instance, our new possessions will furnish roads hitherto unexplored by the census taker. The law directs that the census of Alaska and Hawaii shall be taken this year, and, while the latter may not present extreme difficulties, it can be easily understood that there are many troubles iu store for the operators in Alaska. Tbe great stretches of almost uninhabited between the towns the scattered cabins of the diggers and placer miners, which must frequently be reached by new and imperfect roads over bleak mountains and Icy streams, will make the work of the enumerator exceedingly difficult and sometimes perilous. The census office has sent out circulars to various interests appealing for prompt and full replies to the printed CEKSI7S TAKIN'G IX ALASKA. questions asked, and tbe people generally' are urged to give such assistance to the enumerators as will insure the expeditious and thorough performance of the duties assigned the office of the twelfth census.

If the solicitations and requests of the director of the census are met by the people In the same spirit as they are we may be assured of such a compilation of facts and figures as to our population, wealth and resources as the nineteenth century closes as will give every American just cause for pride in his country. SamTKL HrBBARD. Queer Auctions. A Putch auction at Cape Town is ire-quently exciting. If a house is to be sold, the auctioneer offers "50 golden sovereigns fenhc man who first bids Nobody bids.

A pause, and then "Fifty golden sovereigns for the man who first bids 4.900." This is kept up until a bid is secured. Rut it by no means follows that the house is sold to this bidder. No. the auctioneer is then at it agniu. Say that 4.400 is the first bid.

Tbe auctioneer cries: are, 25 golden sovereigns for the first nan who has tbe courage to bid 4,000." Perhaps no one has it Then 25 is offered for a 4,550 bid. If there Is eventually no bid above the the man who made that bid is saddled with the house. Otherwise he pockets bis bonus and gets off free of tt all. NAVAL NOTES. Tbe Intent proposed French battleahip of 12.410 toiis cost Japan will soon receive from Clydebank one of the largest battleships afloat -iThe Nymphe, the new fourth class German cruiser, bas a speed of 21.5 knots ao hour.

Thirty-five warships, not including tor-pedo tioat destroyers, were built iU ''-y Britain last year. ATTOHNBT9-AT-LA If. -tUAS, B. UENAHAN, AlTORNEy-AT-LAW, 84,85 and Stt Bennett Building, WiLKES-lUaaK, P. UAS.

E. TERKY, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, 15 8. Franklin 'UkesBarre, Pa. 1, JCUONK. ATTORNBT-AT-LAVT.

0. ssoutb Frankuo WUkes-Uarra, Pa. orrioai First Floor, end of Halt. jQ E. BAXTER.

A'lTOUNET AND COUNSELOR, Bbknbtt Bmr.DtNi. "T71KANK P. BLATTERT, 1 A Simon Long; Building. B. F.

QOVKUN, JOHN P. 8HKA, Atlorneys-at-Law. Eooms 24, 25 and 26 Bennett Building (Jor. Main and rublio Hquare. L.

O'NEILL. ATTO UNE Y-AT-IjA K4 Public Square, Willies-Barre, Pa B. EEPLOQLK, ATTORXKT. tes-4 Hears Bniiatnff, Scrantoa, Pa. Patents a Specialty.

71 RANK W. JLAKHUD, AITORNEY-AT-LAW, 14 North Franklin St, Wlikea-Barte, Fa. Money to Ixan. EO. K.

rOWLL, ATTORN EY-A'f. LAW, Harvey Building, WilUea-Barre, Pa AME3L.LKNAUAH, ATTOKNtr-AT-LAVT. Bennett Building. -I OllNTLKNAUAN, ATTORN RT-AT-L AW, Kooaell, 13 innt lantrf Fiillfllnf, rublo Sqiiar. TAMi.8 31.

FRITZ, ATTORN ET-AT-LAV7. Lanlag Bulldlak, Publlo Square, 0 WUkea-Barra, Pa. Main street. Nantlooka, Pa. t'SU TKK8COTT, AlTORNElr-AT-LAW, Room S'i Bennett Building, Wjikee-Bar Pa.

lEUX ANSART, ATTOIiXEY-AT-LA No. 15 South Franklin St, Wllkes-Barro, Pa. WILLIAM 8. McLB AN, W1LUAM R. auoKare itl.icf.aA:4 i'lTO IfN YS-AT-LA illooma aad 61, 5Mi fov, oel Ktcliaoio Bulldluj, tor.

ltiver aad itrj)t William 1 Raefler. Attornoy-at-Law. Ileal Estate and Mortgages It and 12 People's Wilkes-Barrb, Penn'a STREET. 3SCXS- BAXIXQ BOUSES. First National Bank, PUBLIC SQUARE.

5,000 Surplus, $223,000 niRKCTOHS. vi m. s. Mor.eiiii t'ha. P.

nnnt, Samuel H. I.yneS, H. II. Asliley, haa. sreirmaler, M.

Wartha Beadle, tteorge-faveland, John Himce, Vim. H. CouyagU a Win. S. McLean, President.

H. H. Ashley, Vice President. P. M.

Caraarc CaVitur fnterest pnM oa savings deposits. A lldepost ta parable on demand wltuout aotlo. Bnstness accounts solicited. t-Q' relate deposit botes tor reat. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARE, Pa.

Capital $450,000 Surplus Allows interest on savings de-posits. Will pay all deposits on demand without notice ta the bank. Solicits business accounts People's Bank. raid Surplus and Undivided Earniuss. DIRECTORS.

W.Hollenback, John It. Lee, A.J.Davis, F.J. Leaven frortlu W. A. Latliron, 1.

P. Hand, Iwac M. Tiioiaiia, Thomas II. ACUerCoa, tUwurd Welles, A. A.

Hterliag. J. W. Ilollaabnck, Presuienu F.J. Leavenworth, Vloe PrejlJeaC A.

A. blerllag. Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits, Safe deposit boxes for rent. STiTt CHABTKa IS-JO, NiTtOMr.

CBiaTCa 13U ftlfllllNS NiTIDNiL BANK Capital Surplus BOAItDOlf DlItEOTOrW. (leorfre 8. Bennett, Andrew If. MoCllnlojtt. 'lias.

A. Miner, li. Reyaolda, Diaries I. Foster, B. M.

iisiiy, Wm. U.Payne, K. A. Pneipj, Irvln? A. Mtearns.

tieorge 8. Bennett, Charles A. Miner, Vice President, -o. II. Flunanjan.CasUIar.

tw-collclia Business Accounts. Interest paid on sh elngs (lepaslts. All deposits paaUie ou deiuaud wltUoae ai I MINERS' SAVINGS BANK Nob. and 4 Houtu Franklla stroae. rnld tip Hurplus Funa And Undivided Prodts Juu.

ibt I'ajs three per cent, interest oa Uavlags Accounts. WILKES-BARRE DEPOSIT INI) SAVINGS BANK. No. 117 PUBLIC SQUARE. Capital $150,000 Surplus DIRECTORS.

A n. VanHoru. Htunrlce ('. Bralil. Vi'onrtvrnrfl ran Jos.

Ulrbeck, J. Roberts, Jr M. B. A. H.

Vnn Horn, President. Morgan B. Williams, Vl President. J. C.

Tliree percent. Interest paid oa sivlari 1j-posits, onen dully rrom a. nx. to I p. ul bale Deposit Botes tor Rent.

10 Publia Square. Capital and Surplus $232, 000 Business Accounts Solicited. UBSCR1BE FOH The Leader; Wyoming: Valley Trusl Company Oliver's Powder. A Superb POWDER, made from selected chemicals and cele brated lot iu fine quality and lieedoai from siaota. A SPECIALTY OF Mining Powder OF ALL' GRADES Meteor Dynamite, extra strength for heavy rock worlc.

Oliver's Flameless Dynamite will not ignite gas or coal dust, does not shatter the coal. Send orders to Oliver's Mills, Telephone No. 3050, or to Penn-sylvania Supply 60 South Canal Street. E. I.

Da Pont de Neinoars Co Mining, Blasting and Sporting POWDER. Maiinractured at the Wapivaliopeu Ullli, 1 u-teruecouuty. Pa and at WUialugtoo, utl, HENRY BELIN, General A geot for th Wyomlni DUcrlas, -it jib Wyoming avsuue, Tuui UUulmI uulldlnt, iJorautou, fa, LOCAL AQMn; B. W. MULLIGAN, second Nutloual Uaiit, WILK.B.3-UAUUU, I A liso iossT roa tbi Hepauno Chemical MANPr AOTORKBS Or Atlas Powder and Nitro-Glycerine COAL DKA.LBRS.

MM VALLEY GOAL CO, Best Prepared i Delivered to Auy Part of the City at Short Notice. Team stars supplied from "Dorraatf Baltimore Vein), or old raliakle "Mak iin." Special retail ehutes. No delay, OFFICESi Room I Coal Ezohange. Dorranee Colliery, Water StreC. Franklin Coiliery, Blaoktaao Street, Peter Clark, 2C3 Blaokniaa Street GET THE LEHIGH WILKES BARRE OLD DIAMOND 123 Prompt Delivery.

I'clc nhone. I F. J. Leavenworth, 0 3 Veterinary Hospital, Jand Sorth Canal 8t.fwnkS-Barre, Ta. Drs.IIoss&riiipps.

Telephone 171a. No. 63 Public Squire. to tint National ful (llMlaf tne euitiou was soon exuaustea. ua ,7.

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