The Bury and Norwich Post from Bury, Suffolk, England • 3
- Publication:
- The Bury and Norwich Posti
- Location:
- Bury, Suffolk, England
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
It i- -tated that her Majesty will return to Windsor in about ten (lays or a fortnight, subject, however, ir, jilt. -ration from the arrival of Prince Alfred, and the date fixed for the departure of the Prince of Wales for the Laud. The Queen removes to Windsor in onfcrto be nearer to the metropolis, and to enable the Ministers to communicate more rapidly with her. her bereavement the Queen has lived in the IjffiMs retirement. Her Majesty only has one of her children as a companion at dinner.
Even the King of the Belgians near as he is in blood, ami intimate as he ha- been with her Majesty from her childhood has not been excepted from this privacy. All the members of the Royal family dine together with those relatives or connexions who may be staying on a visit at Osborne, and one is in turn selected to bear her Majesty coin-i any in her private apartments. Morniuif Paper. It is stated that the Prince of Wales will leave England fati Trieste on his way to the Levant about the Pith or 14th of next mouth, and that his stay in the Last will I xtend over about four months. It was anticipated that he Prince would have taken the nmst prominent part v.
the inauguration of the Great Exhibition but it is not probable that lie will return to tins country for some vveks after that event has taken place. The Admiralty yacht Osborne is expected to sail from Portsmouth to-morrow for the Mediterranean, to be at the Prince of ales's disposal duriiiLrhis tour. The PlUXCE-w of Pucssia. The Berlin correspondent of the iic Gazette says "The Crown Princess intend to visit her Loyal mother in the latter half of this month, and her Royal Highness will stay in England for some time. It is necessary, however, that the Crown Princess should be in a satisfactory state of iit-ahh to allow her to undertake such a journey in the winter; and it would appear that her Royal Highness has been sadly prostrated by the sudden and early death of her beloved father.
The inferences which have been drawn from the absence of the Crown Princess from the f-i le of her Royal Consort on the occasions on which lie has appeared in public of late, and the hopes which have arisen of an expected increase in the domestic of the Royal pair, do not appear to have any indatiou at present." 7" The Crown Princess of Prussia has despatched to the Llruicijiality of Perlin a reply to the address of con-dol-nee which she received upon the death of Prince Ai -'-rt. "For the sympathy you have expressed towards me," writes the Crown Princess, "after the stroke of fate which has afflicted the Royal family and the people, of England, and which has been the bitt rest sorrow of my life, I return to the Ma.ais- rates and Council of Berlin my most sincere thanks. In such a calamity the mind lifts itself above earthly thins, and seeks for consolation in sources which are imperishable, if anything earthly could diminish the Weight of this heavy affliction, it would be the thought that ihe irreparable loss is acknowledged as such in every iMrele and that the rare and lofty attributes of my dear father, so prematurely removed, will be embalmed in an enduring em ry The Comforter" in- the Palace. At a ivceut Special Meeting of the Irish Presbyterian Assembly, held in Belfast, an address of Condolence to the (i was voted. of the speakers narrated interesting anecdotes respecting the Royal family.
The Rev. Alexander Henderson, Chaplain at the Curragh imp. bore warm testimony to the deportment of the Prince of Wales while serving with the troops there. And iye (he continued) I will notice a circumstance which lias come to my own knowledge. In the ancient town of Kildare lives one the best of men as curate the -v.
T. 1). Harper. He has established a private and carries on all the work of printing; partly by his own hands. From his press are issued a great many valuable little works, and amongst these, me which he has prepared and published, and called by him "The Silent Comforter." It is printed in three parts, in large clear type for the aged to read it.
The first part con tains hymns, the next texts, and the last, 'Green pastures, or precious promises." Last summer this little work was brought under the notice of her Majesty, and she procured three copies of it. One of tli was sent to Prussia to the Crown Princess, another to another exalted individual, and the Princess Alice carried the third copy with her own hands to a fdek jirl dying near the Palace from consumption. Since ths death of the Prince Consort, the R- v. Harper li.ts an order direct from the Palace for a number hi- little work The Sihut Cviitfurfcr ami an Order for a larger number for the use of all the household in the Palace. Queen has directed b-t'ers patent to be passed ir tie; Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Ban met of the United Kingdom unto Charles Wentworth Dilke tie yiniwger, of Sloane-street, and.
his hi-irs male. The desiring to per the remembrance i tie- Pr'mec Consort's connection with the Itiiie Brigade a it- Colomd-in-Chief, has commanded that it shall beat in future the ihsLguation of "'The Prince Consort's Own RiHe lirigaile." Paki.i ov A report that Sir If. W. i had retired from Ihe contest for Oxford-si. is and a liberal subscription has been re.
I into the purpose of carrying on the contest. Mr. Helietlge has retired from the representation of Litieohi, and become a candidate for Crisiisby, vacant by the Succession Lord Worsh-y to the House of Is. Mr. .1.
iiinde Palmer and Mr. Pramley Moore offered themselves to the electors of Lincoln as mdldates for the vacant seat. Sir Percy Burrell is cainiidatv for New Slioreliaui, and is expected to be without opposition. The Aueuicas Wau essei.s at K. ivth amptox.
The Jl -uian steamer Congivs, which put into Southampton a Week or two ago, left on Saturday for New York. ammunition being amongst her cargo it was i pee ted she would have been convoyed some short distance by the Federal war steamer Tuscarora, lying here, 1 without such convoy. The movements Of the Tuearora are as mysterious as ever. She left her ioriug.s on the last occasion so suddenly that two of lier officers were left ashore. Even her first lieutenant -es not appear to know the intentions of the commander Until the orders of the latter are given.
Another Federal man-of-war is expected shortly. Pilots live and sleep on board the Tuscarora, Nashville, and H.M.S. Dauntless, so as to be ready to take their respective ships out to sea at a moment's notice. The officers of the Nashville have expressed themselves indignant at the rumour that their ship is sold, because she will not be able to get away from Southampton under the Palmetto flag. Tlie Confederate ship Sumter was on Saturday ordered 10 1 Cadiz within six hours, and quitted that port tie- same evening for Gibrah ThE Pa ran a.
Much anxiety has mm felt during the week respecting the ana, one of the transport ships employed in conveying troops to Canada, and which had on board 1100 tin of the Scots Fusiliers and Artillery. These fears, which were increased by a port from New York that the vessel was said P. be i are now retinae I by the iuiehigeiiee of her arrival siduey, Cape Breton, on the tith, whence she was to will f.a- St. John's on the lOih insfc. The report adds is well." The following arrivals are also an- 11 The Asia at lLdifax on the 1st instant with head -quarters and one battery 10th Brigade, Loyal Artillery, and Lhe "Military Train.
The 3b sriMeUa on the 1th, wrh the 2nd Battalion Ifiih Regiment and Artilleiy. The Melbourne mi the 5th. 1 Australasian landed 1 PJ' men at St. New7 Brunswick, about the 4th. The (Viud Regiment, 800 strong, from Halifax, having arrived at St.
John's, pro-C -ded overland Uebec. but could proceed no further than oodstock owing t. the had state of the weather and tiie roads. Jt proceed when the. weather improwd.
TI) Canada, with Loyal Eninueers and Artillery, arrived on the Nth: the Cleopatra, with the lud Lattahon th Leimeut, and the Adriatic, with Lord William Paulet and the Guards, on the mi Orpheus arrived at Halifax on the Nth. he Himalaya reached Bermuda on the 6th, and, after l.uiMiug troops, proceeded on the 'Jth for Jamaica and b.u badoes. TkLEUHAPHIO CoMMUMlATIO.V WITH INDIA. The with the new cable for the repair and restora-C ii 4 the eastern divi-hm of the India telegraph, -tweeii Aden and Kurracln-e, left London on the 1st of January. Attention will be first directed to the laud Uei'iuging l(, Cmnpanv between Alexandria, I aim Suez, which will be at once made available, a temporary station mav be established about JVlurch next at the entrance of the Cult of Suez, upon cie-of the islands of the Shadwan or Jubal.
at which telrgraplnc messages to and from India, China, and JMraha will be received and despatched. This line. distance of miles frla Alexandria, will orten the time by about to -Itl hours. It is further s. that the cost of amessa-e between auv part of l.n-dand ami any of the following places, at which the Company have agents, will not exceed Hi.
for a simde Aden, Bombay. Galle. Madras, Calcutta Shanghai, King(ieorge's it f1 ,1 7UiK' Mauritius, and Letvnio. a have Milfoia Havvi. f.
Hal. lax. by flll. 7TfJK Vi' oneean (: 5fKi4ET7T embankment Oftheuorthern bank of the Thames has been printed Vn i for the embankment of from erbn.l,.e to Hhtckfriars-bridge. occ.ij.png the bed of river to iheex-eut of about PiO Lvt, and forming a (way W.studnsi to ihe leuiple of tyOcet ni br-adth.
troUi the Temple eastward a breadth of iO feet only. I he bridges of the river are oe iniei -o in, out the formation of the ciubaiikm--nt will ma onh a lyw street in itself, but ym and extcnd'uc Vi, 111 iW busier pans of the town. The P.oar.l into eib is Kt'l'lT, i '1e1til'- haoman and four u.embcrs of the M- ttopobtau if)1d two to be Ch cu I -J the orati.u of tli- City of Loudon sev.rn 111 a 1. lliey ale b.if.1wi...r Xe. lie lso l'c,:mei.i m.i to the approbation th- but buildings ar to be ai-owcc! in ii of the Temple, Mr.
Thw.ii'.es, I OC ilU Mil 'I lili .,,,1 i i I i i -i HliallkmeM Chairman of the Board of Works, has issued. a minute on the subject, in hich he proposes to provide for the expense caused by the proposed embankment, in excess of the revenues ascribed to the project by Parliament, by a small tonnage duty in goods entered outwards and inwards in the port of London. DlsTKKSS IN THE ANTFACTTRING DISTRICTS. A meeting was held at Rochdale last week to consider the distress prevailing in that town, as in other parts of the manufacturing districts. Mr.
Bright attended, and took a more sanguine view of the state of affairs than most of those present, stating that the distress was not yet so great as it had been in some former years aud as to the supplies of cotton, he was confident that if other nations would let America alone the North would subdue the South in the course of the next six months. To relieve the immediate pressure, he suggested that the Guardians of the Poor should apply to the Poor-law Board for permission to make loans to the factory hands out of work, on the understanding that these loans should be repaid in better times. His firm had occasionally done this with their workmen, and they seldom, if ever, came to any loss. A deputation was appointed to wait upon the Poor-law Board, and it was suggested that collections should be made' in the churches and chapels every Sunday for the poor. At Blackburn the deepest distress prevails, and hundreds of poor women and children are daily to he seen soliciting alms of the more wealthy townspeople.
The homes of the unemployed, who number from 5000 to GUOO, are described as wretched and comfortless, void of most necessities, and in some cases of bed and bedding. It is, however, satisfactory to state that, with all this poverty, there is very little crime. A public subscription "is being made for the distressed, aud from S00'. to 1000. has been already collected.
The last week's returns show an increase of 2300 in the recipients of parochial relief, TriOO being relieved, of whom 3045 belonged to Blackburn. Distress in Ireland. A deputation from the parishes of the counties of Sligo, Roscommon, and Gal-way, comprising the Rev. Dr. Gilooly, titular Bishop of Elphin; the O'Conor Don, M.P.
John Woulfe Flanagan, D.L., Drumdoe, and several other gentlemen of those counties, has waited upon the Lord Lieutenant for the purpose of representing the actual and impending distress of those localities and urging the timely adoption of means of relief. The O'Conor Don read a memorial in which it was stated "That very great and general distress exists among the poorer classes in the West of Ireland, both from the want of fuel and food, there being in many districts a total absence of the former, and an increasing scarcity of the latter. That there has been an extraordinary failure of the potato crop, and that the oats and other cereals have yielded a return inferior in quality, and in not a fewr districts diminished in quantity. That, in consequence of the insufficiency, as well as the unwholesome nature of the half-cooked food now partaken of by the poor, much misery and disease are to be apprehended. That the present Poor-law returns cannot be taken as a criterion by which to judge the state of the country, as the small landowners are excluded from any relief, unless on the condition of relinquishing their holdings and entering the poor-house, and that it is unjust ami impolitic thus to force them into utter pauperism.
That the repeal of the clause known as the 'Quarter Acre' clause was most desirable, and that a loan from the Treasury to the more distressed unions would, with advantage, be granted." A great number of petitions to the same effect were presented by the gentlemen composing the deputation. His Excellency replied that the matter deserved the most serious consideration of the Government, but that the Government had reason to believe that the distress would not be so formidable as had been apprehended. The proposed change in the limitations of loans under the Landed Improvement Act would require legislation. In conclusion, his Excellency assured the deputation that the Government would bestow their serious consideration on the matter brought before him. The National Rifle Association.
The annual report of this Association, which has just been published, congratulates the members on the continued success of the Institution. The principal changes which the Council have thought it advisable to make in the rules are the reducing the number of ranges in the All-comers' Competition from seven to six, the reduction of the number of shots from ten to seven in the competition for her Majesty's and the Prince Consort's prizes, and the adoption of 200 yards instead of :00 for the off-shoulder shooting. The balance-sheet shows a surplus, after payment of all charges, of 2179. Ss. 10.
the total income from all sources amounting to about 10,043., and the total expenditure to Volunteer "Navvies." At Burlington House fatigue parties of different strength, belonging to the South Middlesex Volunteers, are busy lowering a huge earthen embankment on the northern side of the quadrangle, destined for the site of a new iron drill shed (120ft. by 50ft.) for those companies of the Corps which muster that locality. The noble commandant stands pick-axe in hand, conspicuous in the work, hilst all classes of the community take au active part in the work, trundling wheelbarrows and plying shovels with the energy, if not with the skill, of railway navigators. Gaslights in Railway Trains. Mr.
Ne.vall, of Bury, has recently applied to several of the passenger trains of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Company his method of lighting railway carriages with gas. The Loddon and North-Western Company are also about to avail theuiselyes of this mode of lighting some of their fast trains, and among others the limited between London and Holyhead. By means of compression by hydraulic power the quantity of gas required for one of these trains is contained in a box of small size in the guard's van, and the advantage aud comfort derived from these lights by the passengers arc spoken of in high terms. The Bilston Savings' Bank Failure. Mr.
Tidd Pratt arrived at Bilston last week and made an official examination of the books of the Saviugs' Bank, preparatory to convening a meeting of the depositors, and advising them as to the best course to adopt, and also of instructing the Trustees upon the course for them to pursue. At the meeting on Thursday, he stated that the Rev. H. S. Fletcher, the Incumbent of Bilston, who was appointed treasurer and actuary in 1848, had for several years defrauded the bank of about 1000.
a-year. He had returned falsified accounts to the National Debt Glfice, his practice being, in making up the Bank books, to omit about 1007. of the moneys received each month. ami to add about 100. to the amount of money paid out.
He was sorry to say that there did not appear to have been any meeting of either Trustees or managers for either appointing a Committee, in accordance with the rules, or for auditing or settling the annual accounts, until January, 18oT and although the false accounts were usually signed by a manager, it was evident that he could not have examined them. The result was that, while the claims on the bank amounted to 25,242. 5s. the cash and interest in the hands of the Commissioners for the Peduction of the National Debt were but 10,425. 15a showing a deficiency of 8Slb7.
9a 3c. The amount in the Commissioners' hands would pay a dividend of rather more than 12.y. in the pound, and he thought. the Trustees and managers should make good the rest. The assets which the trustees hope to realize consist of a policy of assurance on thelife of the Rev.
Mr. Fletcher, for 4000. Mr. Fletcher's age is about 55, and the payments are a)-ut 130. a year.
The living is worth about 700., and it it should be sequestrated, it is expected that between 300. and 400. a-year may be realised from it. The household furniture and the stock and implements upon the farm, are computed at 700. Standard Conservatism.
The Southern States of America have revolted from the Constitution to which the- had bound themselves, and made war on the North for liberty to wallop their own niggers, and as man' more as they can steal, over all the unincorporated regions of America. The Standard (which is but the shadow of the Herald) urges that we should recognize their independence before they have achieved it because we want their cotton. The Northern States have outraged humanity, it is true, by the stone blockade of Charleston harbour, but the Standard would have outraged international law Iry instructing our Admiral to sink the stone fleet on its way. Sir Henry Dashwood comes forward as a Liberal candidate for Oxfordshire. The Standard says Sir Henry Dashwood is with John Bright and the republicans.
If he supports the Liberal cause he must be And therefore it counsels every elector, if he should unwarily have pledged himself to Sir Henry Dashwood, as to" a moderate Liberal," to "remember that in Parliamentary conduct there is no such nondescript politician: the plain duty of that elector then is to withdraw his support from a candidate fighting under false colours." New Comet. On the morning of the 0th instant a telescopic comet was discovered by Dr. Winuecke, at the Imperial Observatory of Poulkova, near St. Petersburg. Its approximate position at 2b.
35m. a.m. was in right ascension 14h. ami north declination 25' 22' the diurnal motion in R. A.
appeared to be about and that in declination about 4 both increasing. Extension of the Monet-order System to Victoria and Western Australia. On the 1st February, and thenceforward, money-orders will be issued by all money-order officers in the United Kingdom on Victoria and Western Australia, at a charge of Is. for any sum not exceeding 2. for any sum above 2.
and not exceeding 5. 'is. for any sum above 5. and not exceeding 71. and 4..
for any sum above 11. and not exceeding 10. beyond which latter sum no single money-order will be issued. Similar orders will also be issued in Victoria and Western Australia on any money-order office in the United Kingdom. Arrangements are now in progress for extending the Post-office Savings' Bank system to Ireland.
A Liverpool Merchant and TnE Italian Cause. At Signor Mario's lecture in the Concert Hall, on Thursday, Mr. Peter Stuart, shipowner, who presided, aunounced that it was his intention to give 50U. to the soldier who should first plant the Italian standard on the walls of the Capitol at Pome, here he (the Chairman) hoped to meet Mazzmi himself. Liverpool Mercury.
Forty guineas per cent, have been paid at Lloyds to ertect fresh msurances on the screw steamer Nicholas oo, winch is no w.considerably overdue frota Venice ant Gibraltar. MEMORIAL TO THE LATE PRINCE CONSORT. On Tuesday a public meeting, convened by the Lord Mayor, was held in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House, "to consider the propriety of inviting contributions for the purpose of erecting a lasting memorial to his late Royal Highness the Prince Consort, and to adopt such measures for carrying out the object as may then be decided on." The meeting was numerously attended, and among those present were the Marquis of Breadalbane, the Marquis of Salisbury, the Earl of Coventrv. t.llft r.mnlnn T.awI VTA 1 Strattord de Redclifl'e, Lord Elcho, M. P.
Mr. Walpole, M.P. Sir Hugh Cairns, M.P. Mr. Seymour Fitz M.P.
Mr. George Cubitt, M.P. Mr. H. Lewis, M.P.
Mr. S. Gurney, M.P. Mr. Lyall, M.P.; Mr.
Somes, M.P. Mr. G. Smith, M.P. Mr.
Murray, M.P. the Dean of St. Paul's, most of the Aldermen, the Sheriff, and numerous other gentlemen. The Lord Mayor took the chair, and after stating the object of the meeting, read a letter from the Secretary of the Society of Arts, stating that the Society will subscribe 1000 guineas towards the erection of a national monument, the design of which may be approved by her Majesty; and intend also to aid in founding an industrial University, and iu establishing travelling scholarships in honour of the Prince, both of wdiich objects his Royal Highness their President had deepl' at heart. 'Ihe Bishop of London moved the first resolution, which was as follows That this meeting, deeply deploring the irreparable loss the country has sustained by the lamented death of his late Royal Highness the Prince Consort, whose powerful and well regulated mind and great abilities have for more than twenty years been unceasingly devoted to improving the condition of the humbler classes, and to the development and extension of science aud art, and to the judicious education and training of the Royal family, is of opinion that a lasting memorial should be erected, commemorative of his many virtues aud expressive of the gratitude of the people." His Lordship, in moving the resolution, said that he presumed that it was intended that they should have a monument which should speak of but one thing a monument which should speak of our deep sorrow sorrow caused by the real worth of him whom they were lamenting.
No doubt it had been customary of late to give some sort of secondary utility to the monuments wdiich they raised but he thought they would be wise not to do that on this occasion. It would be better, as far as his judgment went, that it should be a monument, and a monument alone. His belief was, that even if they were to look to utility, nothing would be found more truly useful than a simple monument, which should proclaim to the nation how they loved and honoured the memory of hi in whom they had so much cause to love and honour. It was not every man who was able to serve his country on the field of battle, or by achieving great victoriesit was not every man who was able to take his part in the conflicts of the Senate, or win for himself a dis-inguished place in some of the honourable professions of the land but every man could learn to do his duty well in the station to which God called him to do it well, especially in domestic life, for, from a due discharge of domestic duties, our political life gained its strength and nothing else could have so well earned for him whom they they that day mourned the love and veneration of Englishmen as the simple discharge of his duty in domestic life. They would point, their children would point, to that monument iu time to come, and say that it told the story of a young man who came to this country from a foreign land and Englishmen were peculiarly unwilling to learn lessons from foreigners who soon won his way to the best affections of the country into wdiich he came wdio, knowing that nothiug was so dear to Englishmen as the due discharge of duty in domestic life, first won their hearts in that simple way, and then was able to go forth into a wider sphere, and perform great public duties, the advantage of which they would reap for many generations.
He thought they could not over-estimate the force of the lessons of wdiich that monument would speak to the young men of that generation. They would learn from it what was the reward of those, who resisted temptation, under which many thousands of others had fallen who sought quietly and modestly to dedicate all the powers that God had given them to those duties, be they great or be they humble, which Cod had called them to perform. Certainly they could not at that moment estimate how groat was their loss, and scarcely would they estimate aright how great also had been their gain from these twenty years of faithful service. But that the gain had been great they all knew. It was something to live in an age when our nation was united by that feeling of loyal love to the Throne which bound us together as one family and to no one more than to him hom they had lost were they indebted for that great characteristic of Englishmen, which made all the nations of the earth at this moment understand how glorious a iosition it was to be the Queen of this free and loyal people.
Col. Wilson, the senior Alderman present, seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously. Lord Stratford de Redcliffe moved the second resolution, as follows That the memorial recommended should be of a monumental and national character, and that its design aud mode of execution be approved by her Majesty the Queen." Mr. Western Wood, M.P., seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, M.P., moved the third resolution That Committees throughout the Ciotod KiiiSdom be formed to raise subscriptions to the proposed memorial, and that her Majesty's subjects be invited to subscribe." The Hon.
George Denman, M.P., seconded the resolution, which was also agreed to unanimously. Mr. H. Lewis, M.P., moved, aud Mr. P.
Le Neve Foster seconded the next resolution, appointing a Committee of noblemen aud fgentlemen to carry the resolutions into effect, the Lord Mayor to be President of the Committee and Treasurer of the fund and on the motion of the Earl of Coventry, seconded by Mr. S. MottLEY, the thanks of the meeting were given to the Lord Mayor for convening and presiding over the meeting. The sum subscribed at the close of the proceedings amounted to about 4000. Among the largest donors were The Society of Arts, 1050.
Messrs. Baring Brothers, Messrs. Rothschild, and Messrs. Coutts anil 210. each the Marquis of Ormonde, 105.
Messrs. Gosling aud Sharpe, Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Smith, Messrs. ones Loyd and Messrs. Glyn, Mills, and Messrs.
Overend, Gurney, and the Lord Mayor, Lord J. Russell, Lord Kingsdown, the Bishop of Exeter, Mr. George Cubitt, M. and Mrs. Cubitt of Denbies, 100Z.
each. A meeting of the inhabitants of Birmingham was held ou Friday, the Mayor in the chair, to consider the propriety of erecting a memorial of his late Royal High ness. The meeting, which was a numerous and influential one, were unanimously of opiuiou that the memorial should be solely devoted to the commemoration of his Loyal Highness, and that there should be no objects of mere utility associated with it. A Committee was appointed to collect subscriptions. The late Prince Consort and the Scotch Free Church.
The late Prince Albert, about two weeks before his death, signed a lease of a piece of ground at Crathie, near Balmoral, for the erection of a church and manse in connexion with the Free Church of Scotland. Witness. The Sanitary State of Windsor. A full meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Windsor was held on Friday. The Mayor reported to the meeting that he had called them together in consequence of having received a letter from the Medical Department of the Privy Council Office, requesting to know what had been done to provide against the danger arising from the sewers ot the town not being properly ventilated.
The surveyor's report stated that, at the time of the investigation made by the late Mr. Austin, in December, 1853, several suggestions recommended were at a very considerable expense carried out under the superintendence of the surveyor. In the spring of 1800 Mr. Austin again visited the borough, aud expressed a desire to have ventilating shafts iutroduceu at the head of each sewer immediately in front of the flushing tanks, but it having been shewn that this plan would be in many cases needless and imtiractieablf thp Tionnl nfiui- consideration, deemed it not advisable to introduce any more ventilating jnpes the main trunk sewer had several shafts brought up to the surface during the construction of the works bv lr. John Pup wliiOi considered sufficient for the purposes of allowing the gases to pass on.
xne surveyor Had frequently been in the habit of passing through the main trunk without experiencing any ill effects therefrom, and in the lamp used, exposed to the atmosphere, no difference was discernible in the burning of a light the flow of w-ater was sufficiently rapid in the flushings to carry away all deposits and no complaint had been made of gases finding their way into the dwelling-houses. The Council unanimously resolved that Mr. Roe should be requested to assist the surveyor in inspecting and reporting as to the ventilation of the main sewer and branches and house drains of the district, to enable the Board to reply to the letter from the Privy Council. Memorial to the late Mr. Braidwood.
A handsome tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Braidwood has been raised at the expense of the Southwark division of police, consisting of a monument of Portland stone, designed and executed by Mr. S. H. Gardiner, of the New Kent-road.
A wreath of laurel, round which entwines a fire-hose, encircles the following inscription To the memory of James Braidwood, superintendent of the London Fire Brigade, who was killed near this spot in the execution of his duty, at the Great Fire, on J2d June, 18(51." At the foot of the wreath, forming the base of the memorial, is carved a fireman's accoutrements, and ou the plinth is inscribed the following '-4 just tnan, and one that feared" God, and of aood report among all the Acts -22. Erected by the or Southwark Division of Police." In the background is a house on fire, the spreading flames and volumes of rolling smoke completing the upper part of the memorial, wh 1st an engine stands ready to dash towards the fire. The monument wdl be placed against a wall in such a position as to mark the snot where Mr. Braidwood was so suddenly buried in the ruins caused by the great calamity in Tooley-stieet, gerald, M.P. Mr.
Hankey, M.P. Baron Rothschild, M.P. Mr. Crawford, M.P. Mr.
Tite, M.P. Hon. H. Denman, M.P. Mr.
Western Wood, M.P. Mr. Gregson, M.P. Mr. Kinnainh M.P.
Mr. Hanburv. LAW INTELLIGENCE. The Bank of Deposit. Re Peter Morrison.
At the Court oi Bankruptcy on Saturday a meeting was held under the 185th section of the Act in the case of Mr. Peter Morrison, wdiose connection with the Bank of Deposit has rendered him sufficiently notorious to render further description unnecessary. An ingenious proceeding was resorted to. The creditors having been called together for one purpose that specified by the 185th section, were used for another that specified by the llOthsection, and under its general words, "anymeet-ingmay resolve," if they think it beneficial to the creditors, that the proceedings in bankruptcy shall be suspended, a resolution to that effect was conic to, and the meeting adjourned to the 1st of February next for confirmation. The Eastern Bank.
In February last William Henry Stephens, designated as a newspaper proprietor, formerly residing at Upper Bekrrave-place, in the county of Middlesex, and now residing at Dr.uoon, in the county of Argyll," obtained sequestration at his own instance. Iu his statutory examination the bankrupt said, "I came to Scotland for sequestration, partly to avoid exposure in London, aud partly because I understood that the matter could be carried through more cheaply in Scotland, and this was of importance to me, as my father had refused to make any advances for the purpose unless I came to this country." The bankrupt was discharged on the 17th of September, but meantime a petition for recall had been presented to the Court of Session iu behalf of two non-concurring creditors, and the case was disposed of last week. Lord Justice Clerk, in giving judgment, said the present was a strong case for recall, and it seemed most expedient that the bankrupt's estate should be distributed among his creditors according to the law of England. The bankrupt was an Englishman who had no connection with Scotland, wdiose creditors, with trifling exceptions (if any), were English, wdiose estate (if any) was in Englaud, ami whose avowed object in coming to Scotland was to obtain sequestration, not for the benefit of creditors or for the distribution of the bankrupt's estate, its sole object being to obtain his discharge. The claims of the creditors who had been certified as concurring had not been ranked on the estate, or even properly lodged in the sequestration the fact of a discharge having been obtained under these circumstances could therefore not be much regarded.
The more he examined into the case, the more satisfied he became that this had been a mockery of the process of sequestration. The One Farthing Damages Case. Seddon v. Scddon and Boyle. Our readers will recollect that in this case the petitioner, who is a clerk in an extensive cabinet manufactory in London, instituted a suit for a dissolution of marriage on the ground of his wife's adultery with the co-rtspondent, aud the Jury returned a verdict that she had been guilty of the adultery pleaded, that the petitioner had also committed adultery with another female, aud that by his own immorality he had conduced to her misconduct.
Damages were claimed, which the ury assessed at one farthing. On Tuesday Dr. Phillimore, on behalf of the petitioner, moved for judgment, and also for costs, against the corespondent, and contended that, notwithstanding the finding of the Jury, the evidence showed that the corespondent was aware that Mrs. Seddon was a married woman at the time hen he cohabited with her. Mr.
Hawkins then applied for the costs of the co-respondent; and Mr. Hannen made a similar application on behalf of the resjiondent. Sir C. Cress well Were I vested with authority to deal with persons guilty of crime, when brought before me, I should certainly inflict a fine on the petitioner, for nothing could be more cruel than his treatment to his wife, who had been forced by his misconduct to throw herself into the arms of Doyle. I cannot grant the petitioner his divorce, and as his wife has been guilty of adultery I cannot entertain her application, and permit her to retain the custody of the children.
I consider that the petitioner has no right to his costs, he having been proved so great a delinquent himself, and he must pay the wife's costs, it being necessary for the ends of justice that husbands should do so, their wdves being without means of their own. As regards the petitioner aud Mr. Doyle, they must each pay their own costs. A Lunatic Respondent in a Suit for Divorce. In the Court of Divorce, on Tuesday, in a case Baudcn v.
Baieden, Sir C. Cresswell said that the wife, who was the respondent in the case, as a lunatic aud confined a pauper asylum. The question was whether the petitioner should be allowed to proceed with his suit under these circumstances. It was no doubt a hardship on his part if he could not do so, but it would also be very hard on the respondent to have the case tried when she was not iu a position to defend herself. He was informed that in a similar instance Sir Ifeibert Jenner Fust refused to allow a case to be heard, and he (Sir C.
Cresswell) thought he must adopt the same course. An M.P. Without Means. At th Bruhew.Ver County Court, last week, a case was heard in hich oi. Tynte, one of the borough Members, was the defendant.
It was an adjourned judgment summons, and at a previous sitting the relatives of the Colonel were called to prove that he was without any source of income, and that the whole of the effects at the family mansion, Hals well House, near Bridgwater, belonged to Lady Cooper, a sister of the Colonel, having been bequeathed to her by her late father. Colonel Tynte was said to have left England, and it was not known where he then was. The Judge deferred his decision until next week, when he 3aid it w-as quite evident that the only source of income the defendant possessed was derived trom the benevolence of friends, and therefore the summons was dismissed. The Enameller of Ladies' Faces. In the Insolvent Debtors Court, on Friday, Rachel Levison, the young Jew-ess, who, under the name of Madame Rachel, carried on the business of a ladies' enameller in New Bond-street and at Brighton, appeared to undergo unadjourned examination.
The account of Messrs. Burgoyne, chemists and druggists, for ingredients supplied within five months, amounted to more than 140., and included items for castor oil, olive oil, attar of rosesj bismuth (11. worth), orris root, lavender oil, white and yellow wax, oils of berganiot and lemon, and various assorted essences and oils. Mr. Commissioner Nichols said it was clear from the evidence that the insolvent, when she filed her petition in August last, was a minor, and that she did not become of full age until the 4th of January, 1802.
It had been held that an infant could not petition the Court, and therefore he was of opinion that the petition must be dismissed. The insolvent was then remitted to Whitecross-street Prison, baring been at large upon bail for some months. Alleged Infringement of the Copyrioht of a Drama. In the Court of Common Pleas, on Friday, an action (Readc v. Conquest) was brought for the infringement of the plaintiff's copyright in the drama of Gold, which had a considerable run, and on which he afterwards founded the novel of Never too Late to Mend, which also became very popular.
The defendant dramatized the novel, and wrote a drama called Never too Late to Mend, which was performed a great many times at the defendant's theatre the Grecian. This was complained of as au infringement of the plaintiff's copyright. The defendant contended that he was as much the author of the drama of Never too Late to Mend as Mr. Reade himself was the author of the drama of Gold. The defendant's drama was compiled from the novel, which afforded materials to which he had a right to resort, and contained five characters and three scenes which the drama of Gold did not, while the drama of Gold contained nine characters and three scenes which the defendant's drama did not.
The Court took time to consider its judgment. Business of the Divouce Court. This Court commenced its sittings on Tuesday, for the first time this term, and though the list has not been published, it is understood that over 100 cases stand for hearing. In the Bankruptcy Court a further adjournment for four months has been ordered iu the disastrous case of the Mitre Assurance Company, the accounts being incomplete. The bankruptcy took place upwards of fifteen months ago.
The liabilities are supposed to be between and 50,000., and there appear to be no assets. At the Court of Bankruptcy last week, Sir Henry Chudleigh Oxenden, who had petitioned in fonnd pauperis, was released from custody in Whitecross-street Prison. In the Insolvent Debtors' Court, on Tuesday, Mr. Commissioner Nichols adjourned a case without protection, on the ground that the insolvent, a bookseller named Haggard, living in Endell-street, Bloomsbury, who applied under the Protection Act, had not done all he could to give up to a lady named Locke the possession of a house which he had hired at 40. a-year, and re-let at 2.
a-week, and wdiich had been converted into a brothel. Another house which he had hired and re-let under similar circumstances, had been again taken possession of by the owner, the Marquis of Salisbury. An Australian Contribution to the Great Exhibition. Among the contributions from Australia is a portable obelisk, dull gilt, so as to look like native gold, and to present to the eye the exact bulk of all the gold raised in Victoria in 10 years. 'Phis pyramid in 10 feet square at the base, and is 42 feet high, and is stated to be of the exact mass of yU0 tons of gold, of the value of 104,000,000., produced since August, 1851.
The auriferous land in Australia has yielded about 1000. per acre, and it is calculated that only one-fiftieth part of it has been worked. Arrangements have been finally made by which visitors to the coming International Exhibition may pass to aud from the gardens of the Horticultural Society. Season tickets, giving admission to the garden as well as to the Exhibition, will be issued at 5 guineas season tickets, admitting to the Exhibition only, will be 3 guineas each, without distinction as ladies or gentlemen. At the time of the Exhibition of 1851 the railways having their termini in London were capable of daily delivering and returning 40,000 pasengr ra but the Exhibition of 1862 will find the capabilities of the London railways so extended that, instead of 40,000, upwards of 140,000 people may be carried to and fro every day.
An opposition building," to hold some of the goods rejected from the International Exhibition, is talked of. Disappointed exhibitors are said to have raised a sum of 50,004 and to be organising an independent display. the unfortunate man, but without effect. Tin re can but little doubt that the deceased met with his death before reaching the water, by striking against the pier of he bridge. No cause can at present be assigned for the rash act.
Fracas in the Theatrical Would. At Bow-street Pohce-court, in Tuesday, Mr. Augustus Harris, lessee of the Princess Ihcatre, appeared to answer a summons charging him with an assault on Mr. Frederic Lalsar Cha'terton, the acting manager of tin- Lyceum theatre. The evidence showed that a few nights ago Mr.
Chatterton was riding home in a cab with Mr. Ryder, the actor, when the former told the latter that Mr. Harris had obtained protection from the Lcnkr ruptey Court under the Private Arrangement Act, and on Mr. Lyder saying that he did not believe it, the plain-tift" said that he knew it to be so, Mr. Lyder told Mr.
iddiconib. and on ti night of Monllav, the 13th it having ached defendant's ears, he ent to Mr. Lyder, who admitted that the plain: iff had made a statement, ami Mr. Harris proceeded to the Lyceum Theal re, asked fr Mr. Chattel toti, and on his; not denying that he had told Mr.
Lyder what he had heard," wrung his nose twice, called him "a hound," and spat in his face, in the presence of s. wral persons connected with the theatre. Mr. Conn- lived the parties to pmm to some arran-eu-eot, Mr. Ciff'ard expressing his client's readiness to if the other side would distinctly withdraw the imputation of bankruptcy.
Mr. t'hatterton, through his counsel, Mr. Sleigh, was understood Lo insist on some condition with regard to costs, and ultimately, as no arrangement could be come to, the case was sent to the sessions for trial. Desperate and fatal Encounter ith Poachers. On Wednesday mo: ning a desperate and fatal encounter with salmon poachers took place in the river iuh-n at Brooklewatb, about eight miles from Carlisle, which resulted iti the death of one river watcher and the s.
rious wounding of another. It appears that Edward Atkinson and Lobett Bowman, water-watchers for the Carlisle Angling Association, repaired toBroekh-wathon Tuesday night, after dark, with an assistant named Irving, and a policeman. They remained on the island till half-past six o'clock on Wednesday morning, when tin saw a poacher netting. Atkinson, a strong muscular man, above six feet high, entered the water, aud proceeded to take him into custody and sviz his illegal implements. As he met with resi -tance, he called to Bowman to come and help him.
Bowman did so, and while the two were putting a "twitch'' on the man's wrists two other poachers, ho had been concealed in the ill came out. and after knocking down the policeman, and putting to flight the supernumerary. Irving, went to the assistance of their companion. The watchers, taken unawares, were unable lo defend themselves. Bowman received a blow on the head with a bludgeon, which felled him but the water revived him, and he was able to crawl on hands and knees to the bank, where he lay exhausted.
Atkinson, who was felled in a like manner, was found about an hour afterwards on the bank insensible, taken to a neighbouring farmhouse, and died of his wounds in the afternoon. Bowman is in such a precarious abate that it has been deemed advisable to take his deposition. He identified Robert Lol iu-on, a blacksmith from a neighbouring village, as the man who was fishing; and his son has al-o been identified by the policeman as one of the men ho made the brutal attack on the watchers. The third man, a blacksmith, named Earl, was apprehended on Thursday, and has b. en identified as one of the men ho knocked dow the police-officer, and attacked the watchers in the water.
The Coroner's inquest on the body al Atkinson was opened on the same day, ami the three prisoners are remanded, for a week. Bowman is recovering. Alleged Forgery ok Latlway Tickets by an; Artist. On Thursday Mr. Thomas Hunter, an artist residing at Guildford, was brought up on a warrant before the Farnham with having, on the 1801, ami on the 8th of January forged certain instruments called "railway tickets," by means of which he had defrauded the "London anil South-Western Railway Company, by travelling on tlnir line without having previously paid his fare.
The evidence for the prosecution, which extended to a ui'eafc length, was to the effect that deficiencies having occurred in the accounts of the Guildford station for three months past, suspicion fell at first on the Company's servants, but it was at length direct el to the prisoner, and it was found that, being constantly obliged to attend professionally at places ithin a few miles of Guildford, having purchased a ticket on one day, he managed to avoid giving it up by loitering about the pr -nibv-s until after all the tickets were collected, and then tittered and ustfd the same ticket for another journey. Two cases were gone into at great length; but one will serve to explain the nature of the charge. On the 8th of the present month, the prisoner, being then suspected and watched, travelled between Uuildioril and Farnham, and gave up at the latter station a ticket, apparently correctly dated, and numbered it was' proved that before leaving Guildford ou that day he had taken no ticket whatever; but that on the 0th two days; before, he had taken and paid for a ticket from Guildford to Farnham. That ticket as numbered 5080, and had never been up at Farnham, although the prisoner had travelled by the train. No tickets numbered 5909 had been issued on the Sth of January from Guildford; and the charge was that the prisoner, having ascertained the progressive manner iu which the tickets were numbered, had availed himself of his skill as an artist, and by altering the in the date to an 8, and the in the number 5989 to a 9, had accomplished the forgery in question.
In some cases of tickets produced even a whole word had been changed, such as Li.s into Liphook," and so neatly was the alteration effected that the most experienced eye could scarcely detect it under a powerful magnifier, and the fraud would probably never have been discovered but for the discrepancies in the accounts. The prisoner, who denied the charge, and cross-examined the witnesses, with a view of showing that the ticket-clcvks might have made errors and issued tickets with incorrect dates, was committed for trial at the assizes. Forgery of Hussian Notes. For some time past the manufacture of forged Russian rouble notes has been going on in this country, and the detective police have been on the qui vivc to detect the culprits. On Tuesday three persons were examined before Mr.
Alderman Mechi, at the Mansion-house, on a charge of being concerned in this fraudulent business, when the evidence submitted was of a preliminary character, but enough was proved to justify a remand. At the residence of one of the prisoners a copper-plate, representing the ornamental part of a note of ten roubles, was discoved. Attempted Parricide. On Thursday Robert Ready, a youth about 17 years of age, was brought up at Bow-street Police-court, charged with having in his possession a loaded pistol, with intent to shoot his father, a copyist at the British Museum. Mr.
Ready was most unwilling to proceed with the prosecution, but the Magistrate pointed out the duty he owed to society, and he ultimately, though with great reluctance and undisguised emotion, deposed that his son was employed under him at the Museum, and that afternoon, suspecting that some coins and cameos, the property of Museum, were about his person, he charged him with having them, and was about to search him, when he pulled a pistol out of his pocket this Mr. Leady instantly seized, and they struggled for its possession for at least 2U minutes, and the father was nearly overpowered when happily some other otlicials came to his aid, and the pistol was taken from the prisoner. On examining it, it was found to be loaded with ball, and a second bullet, together with about twenty percussion caps, was found upon the prisouer. In answer to the charge the prisoner said, ''I have nothing to say to do me any good," and he was then committed to prison in default of finding two sureties of 507. each to keep the peace for six mouths.
It is to he hoped that the fact that this youth had or might have obtained possession of coins, the property of the Museum has not escaped the notice of the Trustees. Landslip in the Cutting for thf. Metropolitan Underground Railway. On Thursday morning the inhabitants of a whole street in Clerkenwell were turned out of their houses many of them out of their beds by the rumour that the houses on each side of the works in progress for the formation of the Metropolitan Underground Railway were in a tottering condition, and threatened to fall iu. The alarm was not altogether unfounded, for in a short time afterwards about 20 tons of earth were forced into the cutting, hile the props supporting the houses were bent and cracked in all directions.
Most fortunately no of life occurred, but the inhabitants are removing their furniture as fast as possible from such a dangerous neighbourhood. Fatal Garotte Robbery. A week or two go a respectably dressed man was found at a late hour stretched on his back on the pavement in the Kings-land-road, Shoreditch, but he subsequently recovered sufficient consciousness to state that he was a commercial traveller named Pearce, dealingin watches and jewellery, and that having made a rather free display of his jewellery in a public-house where he was treating some woman, he was followed by two men, who attacked him in a dark passage, and while one of them put his arm round his neck and throttled him, the other rifled pockets. After his removal to his lodgings Mr. Pearce gradually became worse until the 11th when he i before he expired a man named Cusack was brought into his room and identified by him as one of the men to whom he saw the woman above alluded to speak while they ere in the public-house.
On Tuesday Cusack was brought up on remand, when his counsel declared that he was a respectable man, aud had a complete answer to the charge, but as the case must he tried elsewhere he reserved the defence. Another Cuiie of (' OXSCMPTIVK CoU'GH BY Pit. LOCOCKS Pui-Monic WAFtiHs. Extract of a lettei from Mr. Thaniua Dean, 150, Scotland Road, Liverpool.
A lady (who I can refer to) was with a dreadful couirh and every symptom of consumption she applied to her medical man, but did not obtain any relief, when she tried Dr. I.ocock's Wafers, which from the commencement eused her cough, und by continuing them she is perfectly cured, One of Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers taken two or three times a day gives instant relief anl a rapid cure of asthma, coughs, and all disorders of the breath and lungs. Throat Affections, and Coughs are immediately relieved by alb -wing one occasionally to dissolve in the mouth. To singers and public speakers they are invaluable for clearing and strengthening the voice.
Have a pleasant taste. Price I. l.W. 2s. 07., and Hi.
per box. Sold by all medicine vendors. Caution. Every box of the genuine medicine has the words DU. LOCOClv'S WAFERS in white letters on a red ground in the Government Stamp, and without which words all a counterfeits and an imposition Terrirle Colliery Accident.
On Thursday morning, about two o'clock, an accident of a frightful nature occurred at the Hartley New Pit, near Blyth. Over the the mouth of the pit was the beam of a pumping engine the largest and most powerful in the north of Kngland, and the men were being drawn up in the cage by means of the winding machine, hen the beam broke in two, and one-half of it, weighing 20 tons, fell down the pit shaft carrying timber, brattices, and everything before it. Of eight men who were being drawn out of the pitat the time, five werethrown out of the cage ami killed. The timber aud debris choked the shaft half-way down, aud cut off 215 men and lads iu the pit from communication with the bank. The pump of which the shaft has broken pumped 1250 gallons of water a minute out of the pit, and, as that is stopped, the working seam was speedily drowned out, and the horses, worth 500., lost.
Fortunately, there is a communication between the working seam" by means of a staple, or ladders, and the "yard seam," 20 fathoms higher up, and out of reach of the water, and thus it is believed that ihe men in the pit would be able to avoid drowning, but the greatest excitement prevailed at the pit's mouth, around which wives, sisters, and other relatives were gathered. At 0 o'clock Sunday evening the men were still entombed. Prayers were offered up for their preservation at all the places of worship in the district. Dreadful Boiler Explosion. A most dreadful boiler explosion occurred on Monday, the 13th at Stonton Wyville, a small agricultural village, about six miles from Market Harborough.
Mr. Dunmore, a farmer, has a stackyard upon his farm, about half-a-mile from the village, and hired a small threshing-engine, owned by a tnan named Butcher, who resides at Debdale wharf. This engine was about three or four-horse pow er, but it was not in good working order. The pump that fed the boiler with cold water was in a bail state of repair, and had been repaired on several occasions, and there was no indication to show the quantity of ater iu the boiler, the glass being smashed indeed, Butcher had been saying that he must have a new one on the following day, and that he dare not work the engine much longer, as he began to be afraid of it. At about noon the men were obliged to stop working to again repair the pump, ami were wrapping the pipe with string and red lead, nearly the hole of themeu, 13iu number, being gathered around, when the boiler burst with frightful violence.
Three of the men were killed on the spot Thos. Lee, about 40 years of age, was blown above 40 yards into a ditch Win. Woolman, about 05 years of age, was blown fully o0 yards one of his legs lay about 12 yards from the engine, his head lay some 30 yards away, while his body and apiece of the engine were considerably further away. These men both belonged to Stonton Wyville, and have left families. Samuel Ashby, the other man killed, was the feeder of the engine, and came from Sineeton.
He appears to have been hit; on the chest by a piece of the boiler, and killed on the spot. Geo. Woolman, another labourer, from East Langton, received a blow on the side of the head which caused a concussion of the brain, besides other severe injuries, and lingered in the greatest agony until about five o'clock, when he died. He also has left a wife and family. The others hurt are Butcher, the master of the engine, severely, but it is believed not fatally Abraham Lee, much scalded in the face and hurt in the chest Joseph Lee, much burnt in the face and otherwise hurt and John Lee, 13 years of age (son of the deceased Thos.
Lee), who has his arm broken, besides other injuries. An inquest was opened on Tuesday for the purpose of identification, but was a ljourned for the production of evidence of a scientific nature. The Faraefin E.tplosion at Camden Town. The inquest on the bod' of G. F.
Dauser, aged eleven years, wdio was killed on the 2nd of December, by an explosion of paraffin which was being poured from one can into another in a room behind the shop of Mr. Masters, oil and colourman, of Camden Town, and which resulted in the entire destruction of the premises by fire, terminated last week. The evidence of the lad Wright, still in the University College Hospital, showed that when he poured the oil the deceased held the candle not nearer than four or five inches from the fluid, so that it must have been the vapour given off by the oil which exploded. Dr. Harley, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at University College Hospital, stated, in a report which he laid before the Jury, that paraffin, properly so called, does not at ordinary temperature give off vapour which will form an explosive mixture with atmospheric air, and that a lighted match may be applied without setting it on fire its qualities in this respect being those of the ordinary animal oils used for lamps.
Unfortunately, however, there are, he stated, oils imported chiefly from abroad and sold as paraffin, which have different properties. These oils, if shaken, give off at ordinary temperatures a vapour which, if mixed with air in certain proportions, explode ou the approach of flame. The examination of specimens of the oils sold by Messrs. Wills and who were alleged to have supplied the oil in question, showed they were not explosive. The examination, on the other hand, of a substance provided by Mr.
Masters as resembling that wdiich had caused the accident, showed that it possessed the properties of the explosive and spurious oils. The system of adulteration and substitution now extensively practised among English dealers was a most dangerous one, substances being now sold habitually under the name of paraffin, which are not less dangerous from then explosive properties than gunpowder itself. The Jury pronounced the following special verdict That the deceased died from injuries caused by the explosion of vitpotus thrown oil" from certain oil called 'paraffin oil that pure, paraffin oil is not explosive, but that a spurious and noxious article is largely sold as such, to the extreme danger of life and property; that some Legislative measuies should be adopted to protect the public safety and the said Jurors do lastly say the oil that did explode was not of the same character as that sold by Messrs. Wills and Co." A few days ago a Mrs. Middleton, residing in Store-street, Bed ford-square, was incautiously pouring some paraffin into a lamp while the wick was lighting, when one of her children upset the lamp, and the oil immediately ignited, flowing over the table in sheets of flame.
and on to the dress of a little girl aged four yen's, who was so frightfully burned that she soon afterwards expired. Death from Lock-jaw. On Tuesday afternoon an inquest was held at St. Bartholomew's Hospital on the body of Thomas Palmer Webber, 10 years of age, who died in that institution from injuries received on the nose on Christm as-eve. On that evening some boys were playing in Water-lane, Black friars, and deceased and a boy named Davis took up two boards, on which were placards, in front of the shop of a Mr.
Gregory. Davis threw his board at the deceased and ran away, but Mr. Gregory came out aud laid hold of the deceased, and, raising the board with both hands, was about giving him what is called a "bonueter" with it, when the board slightly slipped and struck the boy on the nose, causing a slight cut, from which the blood flowed copiously. He went home and was sent to bed, but the next day, as his eyes were much swollen, his father took him to a surgeon, who advised his immediate removal to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he appeared to be going on favourably until the 12th when symptoms of lock-jaw began to manifest themselves, and he died on Monday morning.
The boy, before his death, admitted that it was an accident, that Mr. Gregory was not to blame, and that he freely forgave him for it. He also said that he knew Mr. Gregory was very fond of him. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death." Awfully Sudden Death.
On Tuesday a public meeting of the inhabitants was held at Barnstaple, under the presidency of the Mayor, for the purpose of discussing the report of the Watch Committee in favour of amalgamating the borough police with the county constabulary. Several speeches had been made for and against the proposal, when Mr. Gribble, a highly respectable tradesman, got up and said that he had never before taken any active part iu the public business of the town, but having read aud carefully pondered the report there was a pause Mr. Gribble's hat fell from his hand he was removed from the hall, and in a moment or two he was reporteJ to be dead. The meeting at once adjourned.
Fatal Cuinoline Accidents. On Tuesday morning a Miss Mary Jones, residing at Woolwich, w-as standing before the fire combing her hair, when her crinoline took fire. Her screams brought assistance, and she was taken to Guy's Hospital, where she afterwards died of her injuries. A Leeds a similar fatal accident has occurred to a domestic servant, 1G years of age, named Emily Robinson, who was placing something on the mantle-piece when her crinoline came in contact with the fire, and she became enveloped in flames. Seiuolvs Accident at a Mechanics' Institution.
A few evenings back an accident of au alarming character took place at the Dobcross Mechanics' Institution, Saddleworth. The annual tea-party of the Bridgehouse Sunday School was held in the school-room, and after tea the party adjourned to the lecture-room of the Mechanics' Institution in order to hold a meeting. The attendance was very great. The Chairman had just risen to commence the proceedings, when the centre of the room gave way, and about 100 of the audience were precipitated into the room below. The scene which ensued was one of wild confusion, and the cries of the living mass of human beings were heartrending.
The two ends of the floor remained firm, and it appeared that one of the centre beams had given way, iu consequence of its decayed condition. No time was lost in rendering aid to the sufferers, many of whom were injured, but happily none fatally. The meeting was, of course, brought to an abrupt termination. Suicide at Newcastle. On Wednesday last Mr.
Edward Holloway, merchant tailor, of Grey-street, Newcastle, blew out his brains iu a fit of insanity, induced by pecuniary difficulties. The deceased has left a widow and six children. An inquest was held on Thursday, wdieu the ury returned a verdict of unsound mind. Scicidb of an Omnibus Conductor. About nine o'clock on Tuesday night great excitement was caused amongst the passengers on London-bridge, owing to the foil owing remarkable case of suicide.
The Lewishani omnibus was performing its return journey, when the couductor, Mr. Herring, a son of the proprietor of vehicle, suddenly stepped off the "monkey board ran across the pavement, and having mounted the steps of one of the recesses plunged head foremost the river Au alarm was immediately raised, and search made for.
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