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Daily News-Democrat from Huntington, Indiana • Page 1

Huntington, Indiana
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1: ft. m7T rf cents aScx Tfo ocaSErimd vocfxi iLAst tip. 32. r3 "A mm brow' tl'rMm i fin mm P.jpi Tilth iraxa'i Scsa Attorney a. Haller Died a buH In court this morning which promises to bd quite Interesting, es pedally among the residents of An drew; where the principals in the suit are well known.

Mr. Haller, aft er filing the suit, withdrew the, pa pers, so that the contents are not known, but the entry docket la the county clerk's office shows that It is a suit for divorce and that the par ties Interested ace Mr. ani Mrs. Frank Mrs. Clara Todd, wife of Frank Todd, is, the plaintiff, but Just, what her allegations are' Is problematical, tince the papers are iiot' on flley but He ip cnpposed to somewhere' in the west at the present no doUbt' wife desertion Is one of the charges.

Mrs. Todd Is one of the prettiest women In Andrews and as Miss Clara Sloan, daughter of Km. ane was nota ror ner rr. She having always bora a reputation of belngyas good as she is pretty and her busbandn 'vhcv'ls Tso a fine ap neariM man IbhVslrlllt mad a con ple bfact uey appearea aey naveona uaugn ter, Dorothy, g6d aeven; as a rult of the union. The couple were married t.

Nov. 1, 1J95, and separated March, 1907. Interest is added to the'caie when it la learned that Mrs. besides asking, for divorce the cusiod ot (be child and Attorney feea also sja Jpr, HO.OOO alimony. et Ihows that proof, of cub Ilea tlfln to jnon.

resIdentahfca. beea Ter! tljat the case; Is heajpn'gf The defendant is son of iGeorge Todd, the Lagro township resident, who to quite wealthy. Attorney Todd, of WabaSh is brother to the defendant DAMAGE SUIT. A damage; suit venued to the Huat SHOULD King George carry out his announced Intention of Quitting the throne of Greece It would undoubted involve that little nation In more serious trouble than any it ti known tot a number of GREEK hion bounty court'' ffon the ''I." county: oncrt la FL.Waynw ia i heard before Judge Cock and Jury. kult la one for damages, which la' 'l i ought by Frank feeckmaa, as admin of the estate of Mary Ceckman, theV.Ft.

and fepringfieU Iiturwbao line, A motion was ma3to require th plaintiff to separate, fourth paragraph which wag, overruled and exceptions taken by the' defendant An answer ia general' denial vas filed and the hearing of tfie evidenoe was befeuu, William unC the 7' Watf ash boy. wlio. Is charged with the murder of Joseph Tormowltks of Duluth, and the serious Injury of Earl Kapp, of Atlanta, Ca by kicking them from a Lake Chore train near Elkhart, la bounj over to the LaPorte grand Jury In Iheltjof 13,000. ft it tt 'in, Ltiili i i fiMvlnina rnee drcamstances of the aaddest na ture surround the death, infant child In llttje he. lfl'liuptjngtoa Sunday morning.1 Deserted by er husband, almost a year Lo CrevuHon, the awtber, DTwlthout conv fpH, and conaolitjoa' in her darkest hours of, pala aadiiadnaa The" 'father ef the" t)abr born, la death, ot aware of the ptejent VeSiiaJbnp ISg SuAdreds' Smiles away i the southern part 'of (he countoy.

tie child, was his owa, and cum erous are the moments' on bis eotatln ualf absence It Is said that )tx. saai Creviafoal were divorceJL Since thelr'lseparaosi' Jirs Creylston has resided on Broadway, hff 'ro'tber ln law taking eare of her, during her 111 ibes'w" Her and aelghhqra are aroeaja, high' point oftympatny. The ape wu tBune it' deatlL''M UBY ICSES FUSSE CClTllXir.3 WATCH III L' iiY Seven dollars, a silver watch and fob and" several 'postage stamps, in a small were Saturday flllEfl ALOIIE KING MAY ABDICATE Other nations of Europe fear that the abdication of the king would produce a' reign of anarchy In the and that Turkey would con alder such a condition cauee for lnte (erence. King George Is the second bi4 tr "rtx in the home of a locul family. Ko trtrz Tit girl is of the pptalon that she if at the Berry feed barn, but! there is a possibility that she dropped It on tbo street She la In circum stance'a where the loss of her 'mohejr and "plawa ber' in very inconvenient The return" of the property to ttts office would be highly wwmS Slw.tS, Mra.

George Snider, wife, of ttii aged man whose, death occurred a few days ago, shows some improvement this 'morning and there'are prospects her Her condition nad been Quite serious until Sunday and It was not, thought. that she could iur vlve. A turn for 'the better became evident this morning, however, and relative are new greatly encouraged. early Frank Martin, one of the; earliest promoters. of industry in Huntington, died this afternoon at at his home' on Cherry street The end had been expected sevral days, Mr.

Martip'il condition being saek that there was little possibility of a longer fight agatnet death. Infirmities of ok age entered chief ly Into, his final decline. Martin waCiatrve Xrmapy, tominr to: Hunangtpn about thjirty nnje years ago. 'He vai one of the first men to take up the active manufacture of lime and Is largely responsible for the remarkable growth the biustry has attained at the present ttaee. Mr.

Martin leaves a wife, three sons and' a daughter. The eons are president of the Ohio ft Western lime company.VMithael and Mathlas, both employed it the' lime kilns Mlsa Ellxabetfi Martin Is the daaghter.No funeral vrangementa. A MARRIED SATURDAY CVENINa Jtflse Bertha Terfiune, daughter of Ed Terhune, of Chester township, and day Stevens, over the Huntington county line, will be married at Zlon tonight by Rev. Lewis Huffmon Bluff ton Banner. son of the late king of Denmark.

He was December 18i5, and was elected king ofthe Hellenes by the national assembly et Athens, ITarch 18, 1861 The heir cparenl to the Creek throne is JThce Constantlne, f. t. a 3i JtBSOLUTELYiV tkj lrj. "For testing cidt Us hydrometer such mm need bjf'Al Z3. cfer, ab soltttely worthless" sUted a Ivy B.

MlHer, state chemT this afternoon created as much" as any feature 6f the new cases. It was' th sUtemeBt cjon which the state centered it tcpes of victory and defense expects to receive an abandonee ef eonsldr 'ation on the ame eaentlal point only In a reversed' "As a matter, of fact," fltierred John S. Branyan ljj cross examination, ts it not true Miller, that the hydrometer is the instrument which Is used exclusively by thS TJnfled States government" In making its testa of alcoholic liquors' for revenue purposes? At first there was an attempt to evade on the part of Mr, Miller The court was Appealed to, bnt from this source there was a request to answer. "It Is true," said Mr. Mfller.

Here was a question for dispute, question which the Jurymen must consider Iri their POfcdwpjJAe merits of'tha ae. Xboihstate follow, ed the inswer" to Branyn with the question whether or not the government used hydrometer only to test whisky, wines and. liquors of this variety. Miller said v. they did.

Branyan wai on the dot nowever, and Immediately pounced the witness with the following query: not Mf. thati the; government does not (est eTder aad jnever jbas tried to use the' hydrometer to testifier. Just becanie4 It did not regard 1 as an, In toxict ThereweaImmedlate and strenuous ohjectloai. Sustained, In his first statement' Mr. Miller said that" the hydrometer fl could be used 'to test the alcohol, propensities of a liquid only where there were no other elements except water and alcohol In the' cider.

there Is sugar, acetlo'ecld and other all of wh4A' woulJtwH4to effects' of the' test Eaght per cent, he said, would be scarcely, detected by the hydrometer, i v' The first case up was that of State vs. Henry Strong. The same old testimony was few points different from those In twe wrevlous cases, coming up. A peculiar feature of the trial was the attitude of one Miller relative to that of certain Dr. Kee'ne In a trial preceding.

Doc Keene was hailed as the prompter of his attorneys, the man who furnished the wisdom for. the bunch. Today it is reversed. Mr. Miller in In the same' attitude.

He tells them to say "What Is the spedfle gravity?" lis point of distillation" and numerous queries of a similar nature. And Bran yon brothers, John and Wilbur, sit alone Irtth fid Df. Keene and no' Mr. Miller to put them wise. Many fear the results.

Mr. Miller, carries A book of tables, and Doc Keene dldnt This morning shortly after the. Jury was scraped together, John Branyan CONTINOIO OH PAH EIGHT, BREAKSJIEO ffl Mrs. Mary Swank, 7i0 West lipton street, sustalaedrua fracture to her right arm this morning when, she slipped and fell on the Icy walk. She had Just stepped from the bouse and bai gone a few feet when she fell Persons who happened tobe passing rushed her assistance.

It was seen at once that the arm had been broken and a physician waa summon ed. tt is thought that she will recov or wlthnnt oermanetit tmnalrment ia' a result of the accident '4 It i yj HSIItfl, POLK, SCOBED STATE ACCQUimtlG Examiners Sherman and Lockwood Of the state accounting board charges Ed. Flshetf ex trastee of township, son Of David A. Fisher, rural mail carrier on rural route 7 with a shortage ot 71l.t to what they. eonsMer lavish, expendlturesdurlnghls term republican trustee of' Polk township from 1105, to De cember 31, 1908.

The Indianapolis Star of Sunday morning had. the fol lowing to say concerning the matter: "Two more trustee making four In all to date are alleged to be short by the board of accounts In the examination of field examiners' reports Saturday. The two against whom short ages are charged are pd Ffsher, for mer trustee of Polk township, Huntington county, and David StlUlnger, former trustee of Columbus township, Bartholomew county. In each case the advisory board of the township Is criticised by. the examiners.

The shortage charged to Fisher amount to 1718.49 and the amount reported to be due from StUllnger Is 117433.77. although the actual cash shortage In his case amounts only to $817.15. The difference between the 117,833.77 and the 1817.15 Is charged as misapplied funds. "Fisher's books were examined by Examiners J. tL' Sherman and J.

C. who scored the advisory board lor the apparent liberal expenditures, in their report to the state board of accounts the examiners declare that they set out particularly the Items of expepse for the reason that "the liberal expenditures and willingness of the advisory' board and trustee to' create' debts seem as this la the smallest town shipln Huntington county, and shows about as large purchases of supplies as all the other townships examined." Sergeant Saturday night arrested Harry Christen one of the members of Christen Drug Ft Wayne, on a warrant charging him with violating the 'druggists' license law in selling sll half pints of whlskeand port wine to CharieiTE. Drummond, convicted In circuit court, Monday ona charge of burglarising, the, store. Mr. Chrlstea given a hearing to vpolice 'court this morning.

The minimum fine for an cTc'nse of this nature la $50 and costs second offense may result In ilcenseof the drugglflt being re voked. Drummond was present at the hearing as a witness. MARRIAGE LICENSE. WUlla EU Weekly, Andrews, and Miss Myrtle A. Ham of thU city.

It Is the second Wntnre for him, PMSIEE SHORT II OntlGGIST PiriCHED v. i I FIELDMEII FIND The examiners retort that the pur chases by Fisher for 1901 totalled 1789.73 Which is $306.73 more than the amount authorized by The examiners, add bills are still coming to 'the present trustee and the end is not yet compromise Judgrnentlhey aay. Is entered on the court docket of date September 21, 19Q7, against Fisher, for $350, of which $10 went for attor: neys' fees and $100 was used1 in other expenditures, leaving only $150 for the county. "This aay the examiners, "prevented ttsv from charging any lrregulacltles prior to January f. If fa.

in, "The, report state fur ther that 'county auditor's records showfcaTranl isstted December, jj, 1907, and cashed' by the county, treasurer on the same date, calling Jpr $603J1, the amount being due on the, distribution chargeablejn il908 to the1 special school fund, hut waa not charged by Fisher In 1967 or in 1908 in his account, with PoBt toWfi'shlp, leaving the special school school fund short $802.11. Other items with which Fisher Is charged are list ed as follows: interest credits on funds in the Huntington county bank, not charged in 1908,. 14.08; Interest credits on runes at Slate Bank or An drews, not charged In 1908, $15X4; overdrawn account in, township fund, $17. The total amount due Polk town ship from Ed Fisher, trustee for the year 1908, is declared to be To this Is added a shortage alleged to have been caused, 1906 by Fisher's raiiure to cnarge on nis pooas a sur plus dog fund warrant of This, the examiners declareraises the total now due the township frpra Fisher for the years 1906, 1907," arid 1908, to $718.49.. iifli ii Russel Hosier, nine years old, tried to caire a Fild.

mw: Saturday evening and.ln"theattempt cut an ugly gash his leg jRassel lives with hls arenU sind Mrs. Mllo Hosier at Maje'nica. He had been playing with a' tew and arrow Saturday and 'decided to lnerease bis su ply 'of lire arms. jprocured the carving ki)Je and, 4 lvfl on the slipped an' embedded Uaelf in lad's knee. Adoctor was called this morning' and the wound ph la heallng "uiltlon.

Russel thei hired hand do the'irirvlng' Jealerr l'l" i 8herlff Reichelderftr agree.3 yester day to hold Charier EL Drummond here in the city Jail untih eftetv the trial of the. cases resulting from alleged Illegal sales of liquor, In which he Is a witness. Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette, III! DRAW if 1 tics Tills Pall. BOal.

E. 7. CHAFIN COSYEflTO c( Au du3 Yss s5 THE TICKET. Representative Albert Brown. Cletk D.

Shldeler. Auditor D. P. Hnfmaa. Treasurer Wm.

F. Eberhart 8heriff J. A. Smethera. Surveyor T.

Sholta. Commlsfeioner: First District Jacob Brlghtmeyer. Commissioner Second District Andrew Pounty Councllmen At Large Joseph, Roberts, Ell Beghtel, Hsr ry Harden. in the assembly room of the court house the prohibition party held its convention for the purpose of naming a ticket which will be placed In the field in the hope of electing it this fall. The meeting was quite wen uienqeo, copsiaerini wesurar and the country.

The meeting way called to order by J. OverboH, after which, Rev. C. A. Mummart offered prayer.

Eli Beghtel lot CiHjr'Creek' township was xAosesj permanent chairman and D. J. Over bolt secretary ef the day; The question was put whether a ticket should be placed. In nomination today, or whether that matter should be deferred an til some later date waa settled by the convention voting to name a. ticket this afternoon.

two delegates and as alternates were named and the foK lowing committees were nelected: 1 Wn.ilf..'ll EoMj'caarle ThcraBai lUce) RevVcl Munimartr nominaiion jamea morn, wiluant Eberhart V. W. Moore. E3 Beghtel. Jamei P.

Phimmer. J. K. Haney, Joha Campbell, 8. A.

Shldeler, If A. Ryan, Islah Garwood, Jackson Roberts and Ad I son Coolman! Organisation JacksonT township. Hary O. Rice; Clear Creek, Charles Swank; Dallas. Arthur Norman; Huntington, Rev.

C. R. Wood; Union, C. L. Hldy; Creek.

Norman Swaidner; Lancaster, Madison Schultx; Polk. J. A. Strlckler; Wayne Jefferson, Noah Hart and Salamonie, John Smetber. The ticket named this article.

The assembly room waa well Oiled this afternoon and bese. in attendance were well entertained by the excellent singing fohn Huddel and Orlando Hadley, oif who are known a the Clarion. Hon. E. W.

Chafln, prohibitionist candidate for president years ago was one of the speakers. He is a good talker and he was listened to with the closest attention The editor of the prohibition paper also addressed the meeting and he scored the local on tion movement' The resolution, among other things' declares in' favor of a statutory law, providing for statewide prohibition of the traffic and points to the. prohibition the only or ganlzattoo In our land that stands for immediate' and universal' destruction of this monstervll fifE Five IndivWuala in the William Eb ersole' household Buffering with the mumps, one In a critical condition. Six have been down with the disease, one having Mrs. Ebersole's condition is serious and the outcome ot her case la a matter of concern.

This morning three members the household showed positive signs of the contagion and two others had already been confined in bed. The Eber sole home la on Grayston avenue..

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