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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

This Pul Price 2J5 Stiehed in Blue Paper By SE I RS ELLER in Market ftreet The Triumphs of Temper: 1 1 A Ivl in Six Cantos By Wiiuah HArtrt The Critic' Rcvieucis (peak in tiie following man ntr of this ns Author 'i hi 1'ocM is written in a perveros animated and cx weflive (tile adorned with glowing imagery ami di lc tptionf Mr Hayley's lead metit is that of being II bell Poet ot his 7 7jiilyI4 5 THmZSE'DDON Bookfeller and Stationer Next door to the Pennfylvania: Coflce Honfe in Mar ket Has the following 1 Valuable Books for Sale Louiiois" Ed'tionf: 7 ANN A complete in 21 volumes diHibnary of arts and fciences 5 vols folio with large addition vand new plates elegantly gUr iAnlierit and modern unieerfal hiftofy in00 vols a new edition neatly bound lali voyage 3 vols 4to with fine plates magazines in 6s vols neatly bound and new edition of xo vols Beil's Britifn theatre 21 vols with cuts Swift's works complete in 24 vtls Wood's body of conveyancing 3 vols folio Cornyn diced of the laws of England 5 vols folio Voltaire's works compleat in 4a vols rench edition Df lives of the Englilh poets in 68 vols i Varfwce ion's efimmeriraries compleat in 18 vols i illory of in 21 vols 8vo The works of ilcury ielding in 12 vols 8vo I Tiliotlba's i'ermons ic vols Dr Robertfn's works torhplcatin 9 vols Alky reports 3 vols 8vo New Eitiib theatre 12 vols (tare of Hl nitions 8 vols Roman Hilary 4 vols 4to I Adair's hifiory of the An cricam Indians in 4to I bithny of the Roman republic 3 vols 4tp Dr medical works 3 vols Abbe hitlory of the all and Waft Indies to vol rench' Lflurcs and ftrmcifS in 5 vols A variety of rench and Latin dailies a la'ge air rtment of Books in general life and Stationary Waits of all kinds fold Wholefale and Retail A neat Mahogany Delk and Book Cafe for fale st fai 1 Store Jiih 7ij Day is 1 11 (Neatly printed in one large volume I2mo handfomt ly bound ind lettered price only 6f) Sold by Thomas Dobjbn In Second ftreet near ftreet Sermons to dung Women By 7 0 elegant and animated Hile and the propriety 1 of fentiment confpicuous ifi this performance have made it unii et read and introduced it to ge neral cittern The Piibliihrr of this American editi on hopes it ill be generally acceptable at the low price of fix (hillings while it is confi lcred that the prefenr London tditior fells at fizteen (hillings Of Da'au alto may be bad julf PuMilherf ELEGIAC SONNETS Ry Cbarl'ttc Smth Anew edition with 20 additional Price only if Neatly printed on a fine paper being not more than one fixth part of ti'c price of the London edition Dobfon for fate imported hi the Alexander and other veflels a vny extenfivie and valuable Cok keti rn of ROOKS in the rations branches of litera ture tn tine order and on the moil reafonab terms i July 9 Day is I' 3 ij's'P 0 Thomae Do ff)n In Second ftreet fecmid Door above Chelnut flreet (Price only l6j HE Adventures of Alphonfo After the Drs iruc rrox of Lisbon Relate I irmt'clf a filter to bn Brother Sermons to Young Women By A ES ORD Jrfr P'lHfied and to Sold Ey 1 Young and M''Cullochy Comer of Second and Chefnut ftreets 11 American Spelling Book Or trsr 6t a A A I A INSTITUTE Of the English LAneuAGE By Vi IC K'BSTE Efquire ait of the Work contains a clear and con cite csManatioh of the powers of the Englilh fences which i not to be found in any other book of this An abridgement of the rules for accent ii'j A new and methodical arrangement of ta A dilhilnitinn of the feveral clallis of difficult and irregular woids into feparate tables An eafy metbo'i for afeeytaining tne tiue pronounciatiqn of New tables of proper names of places in Amc sica Ea'y Aim and entertaining fablesand 411 inrxluftion to giamriiar containing the firft principles llfr PiAlilbel A PRIMER as an Introduction to the above Plan Jately GRAMMAR of the EnglilhLanguage By th: (fnt Air non A ir anc cnrreCt Liii'ion of Srzttt NG Boni is how offered for faieat above Storej yeiy cheap Childrens Twh School Boohs and Stationary wholelaienii retail i fvf TV AS ftolcii from the fubferiber 'i the 16th indent a JtlVEft Il'A I'CH of a fniall' fizg iih a piece pt red in the outftde cafe and tv7 bur leaf Hovers under tiie fi'k One of the prrf'nv who 'coftcernva in healing (aid Watch was about 1 cut 8 or 9 inches well made (hurt drik hair tome shat inclming tocOrl 3 dark brown jean entree fpited under jacket half worn hat tbc other ha i thoit ir hair made much like the 1 omer and had cn au oid white hat and jacket with cut II eves aa dld piii of dirty tow trow let both 1 Irlhmen and marked with the fmall pox The i had a china face with a tlecl chain and two b'et teals roi Dollars Rcward will be given to any pnfoir that biiiig i to MART LIKINS 1 lHand near Darby July 1 wthf THIS DAi IS PVBI rSHED (Price Pive Shillings THE amily Teftament ASf WSi ASSISTANT: Calculated not only to promote the Reading of the Holy Scriptures in amilies and Schools but alfo to remove that great Uneafmefs obfarvable in Chilarcn upon the appearance cf hard Words in their Lcfions by a method entirely new the whole being digelL cd in the following Manner' viz a Introduction to Spelling and Reading in gene ral containing a plain Account the Sound of Letters and Syllables general Rules of Spelling the jExplanation and Ufe of Quantity and Accent dnd iDircCtiouS for Reading with Elegance and Propriety To this Edition is added a Collection of ffiort and ufc ful Notes for the Ufe of Inch who have it not in their Power to purchafe large Expofitions Iith an Introductory Preface By the Reverend Mr JOSEPH BROWN The irm Edition carefully Corrected Sold by THONIAS SEDDON Bookfeller in Market ftreet pear ront liieet Brujh and Retail) By Roger iahavi IN Second ftreet near Market ftreet where mer chants and others may be fupplied on the rcoft rea fonable terms for calh or dry goods The bigheft price given for Hogs Bridles Philadelphia June 23 The fubferiber returns thanks to his riends and Cnftomers in general and begs leave to acquaint them that he has made it his ftudy to make a Parcel of the firft Quality Gentlemen and Ladies SADDLES Which will he Warranted and Sold At as low a rate as the tjmes will admit allowance will be made to tliofe who purchale by the Likeviife He has received by the laft vcllcls a large quantity of Beft Plated Saddlery viz Belt branch bitts and berdnons ditto fnaffles and feveral other different kinds bucklesand tip fiiiuble for the whole Gentlemen and Ladies ftirrups faddle nails girth wcl of the firft quality beft Turkey flripe faddle cloths of different patterns whips of all forts and other articles fuitable to the branch John Stephens 9 Sadler Chefnut ftreet between Second and Third Ilrects July 17 Time of a Young Man to be difpofed of who can drefs and (have well En i re of the printers June 30 fwf or A 'E at Thomas Vowels Store In Second ftreet between Market and Arch jlreets noct Door but one to the Baptift Meeting houfe A General ASSORTMENT of DRY 0 At the very lowed Prices At faid Place he continues to Buy Sell of Exchange all Kinds of Public Securities He tranfaCls Bufinefs at the Land Office furniffies Certificates and procures Patents without any extra Charge Country People applying by Letter will have their Interefts attended to as well as if they were per fnnally prefent Choje who intruft bint their Bttftnefi mat expect to he ferved with the utmoft punfiuality integrity and diffatch Several Bales of NANKEENS for Sale eptf Land Office Bufinefs And Bufinefs in other Public Offices tran faded with Difpatch and Punfiuality by George At his Office the North fide of Chefnut ftreet five doors above ourth ftreet Certificates State and Dollar Mo ney for patenting warranting and dilmortgaging Land furniffied upon as rcafonable terms as can be and no charge made for doing the hufinefe to thofe who purchafe their Certificates Of him Procures Money on Loan Upon Depofits to any amount provided the fecurity is fatisfafloryi Every Kind of Transferable Pro perty difpofed of to the belt advantage on very moderate commiffion The higheft Price given for all Kinds of Public Securities Pennfylvania Donation Land Bought nd Sold Patrick Duffey Broker At the OICE lately occupied by Tudor Dttjfey oppdfite the Indian Queen ourth Where the hlghejl Price in Cafli is given or an accommodat ing cxclpnge made every kind of Public Sccu ritics Dollar Money of the Emiflion of 1780 guaranteed by Congrefs of either of the States Pennfylvania State Money of the cmiffion of 1781 inal Settlements iffuet! by John Pierce or any the commiflioners appointed by Congrefs or auditors of the individual ftates Certificates receivable in the Penn fylvania Land office furnilhed on moderate terms and the bufinefs executed therein with all poflible dif patch and without gratuity Money procured on Loan at the Tnortelt notice on a depofit or approved notes Pennfylvania Donation Lands and I The higheft Price given for and a moderate profit required on every fpccics of Public Securities now in circulation March 7 Paper Hangings MANUACTURED Dickinjon In Vine ftreet Alfo Colours in Diftcmper Plain or Ornamental in the mod elegant Stile HAVING had the illicit practice in London and Paris he cannot but fmile to find 3000 pieces (houl i want fo much advertifing cfpecially as they are London made fuperb and cheap when I though in a remote part of the town have fold three times that quantity iiucc tlicif flame has here but what is nwft extraordinary their fame is not the leal! aba ted Such paper would not fuit me for I want to fell as fall as lean I could work as well when in London I thought as any of them in the faid bufinefs But there are fome curious fiicnds to this country which would perfuade the Public if poflible that no man can do any thing in America but 1 fuppofe they have reafons for it However I am determined and enabled to underfeH all impotted papers and warrant the Paper and colours to (land equal to any imported Country Otders particulary attended to JV Paper put on with ficurity and expedition July 13 Archiles Parker HAS OR SA At his Bottling Cellar nearly oppofite the City Tavern in Second ftreet BE bottled cyder London Philadelphia porter and beer in bottles Port wine arid claret Pickling vinegar Merchants Captains of veflels and other gentlemen who plealc to favour him with tneir com mands may be fupplied oh the (horteft notice and have wines bottled in the beft manner by apply ingas above wtNl rJHE HOUSE with or without the (lores up the alky now in the tenure of Robertibn and Smith fix doors above Cbcfnutrftiest in ront ftreet or term? apply to the fubferiber in Sprcceiftrcet Wm MOORE coptf or Paper Money A IVANTITf IRON MON GER Woolen Cotton and Silk GO Green Glafs Bottles in Hampers I And a large Quantity of SAL A I 0 TAUNTON A Eir be in Third ftreet byRichard Wells Soz July 16 3tnwwf 1 Deaves Baker Abell In ront ftreet between Arch and Race ftrccts Are now LA DIN rom on board the Mayflower John Stillwell mailer fi om Cork pALE MALT of an excellent quality in bags New heavy cargo beef in barrels Cork faicloth I to 8 Iriffi linens and (awns plain and printed Chintzes and calicoes Thea have alfo for Sale as tijual a large Affortment cf Manchefter and other Goods Suitable to the feafon May 30 NOW LANDING AtMeflieurs Hewes and wharf from the (loop Betfey Levi Young matter a quantity of New England Rum And to be fold by Jolm Telles gsf Co Juft I NG and for ALE by 1 George Plumfted At his Store the Corner of Union and ront ftioits below the Drawbridge A General ASSORTMENT of CHIN A WARE viz SETS of blue and white nankeen table china Ditto enamelled and pencilled breakfaft and tve ning ditto Enamelled and pencilled breakfaft and evening cups and faucers Ditto three pint bowls Nankeen blue and white (hallow and foup plates A Imperial 1 Hyfon TP A Breakfaft Green and Bohea Philadelphia July 21 GUY Is REMOVED to the Jth door in Second ftreet be low riends! Meeting Where he ha for Sale on the lowed te'rn A neat Aflortment of Dry Goods Suitable for the Seafon Wholefale and Retail Among which An elegant Aflortment of Superfine fecond coarfe Cloths Cottons Calicoes and Chintzes The undermentioned Articles are an Oljeft to Per fmsin the Ship Chandlers bullrcfs to be fold at prime coft or exchanged for goods fuitable for a retail A Quantity of BUNTING for (hips colours and COLOURS ready made June 22 0 BE SOLD YCadivalader Sx David Evans At their Store in Water ftreet the 9th Door above Market ftreet MADEIRA Lilbon Teneriffe I Wines in pipes hog (beads quartercalks Wine de Grave I Malaga and Caflado 7 Port and Claret of a fupcrior quality in pipes quar tercalks and bottles Alfo Old Cogniac and rench Brandies White Wine Vinegar and Holland Gin in cates mw(4w Sherry Malaga Wine OR SALE ST 1 Barclay Brovin Co July 9 eptf JUST OPE a Beautiful A flbrtmc of I Plain llriped crols flowered embroidered painted ana wrought in frik India tafleties ftial patterns (ilk and filk and cotton handkcichiets (iripid flufls coloured cottons Sic to be SOLD by July 7 THO ITZSIMONS HX J7i7 NT i Pickling Vinegar In Calks id a few Tierces of RICE OR AL EBY Benjamin Morris At the Corner of Dock and ear ftrccts July 19 7 eplm Knox Henderbn ront ftreet three Doors above Mai ket ftreet Have juft Received Per the (hip Providence from London via New York A rcfli Supply Printed hand kerchiefs cottons and calicoes light and dark chintzes glofly cvprtis rench net and other gauzes CHINESE RIBBONS dr all widths gauze haudhew chiefs gauze ribbons of the neweft tafte black modes bandanoes 4 4 and 4 book mu lins ounce threads July x6 etf Willing Morris kStvanwick At their STORES in Penn ftrcet A 0 of choice Jamaica "A fpirits Madeira Malaga Teneriffe and ayal wines nylon tea China and queen ware in crates and boxes red) Bloom and Mufcadcl riifins in final boxes jirf Au aflortment of olives anchovies capersand pickier '7 iii good order 7 Marble chimney pieces paving tiles and flats And a Variety of DRY GOODS fuitable to the pre fent and approaching feafon June 26 eptf A LE" Levi Hollingfworth At his (lore below the Draw Bridge ANCHORS of all fizes from XCO KCCWL bar1 iron by the ton pots and kettles griiidf'unes war anted fuperior to any imported from Europe Liftion wine Weft India and country rum fugarcotl cocoa a fpermaceti (crew 7 inches diameter with box com plete for exprefiing fpermaceti oil Ac in good order genfarig in calks Senncca (hake root in hbds fn the Ship Emprefs China Cap Giccii from CAN ON DOHEA Tea frefh and of excel "lent quality and IndiiNankcens to be (old by Ifaac Hazlehurft Co Who have alfo for fate a quantity of Cow Hides of St Qomingo Tire drawn at Delaware works for phaeton and chair Ruflia Together 1 with a large aflortment of European goods (uitalje the feafon which will be fold by the package or fMaller quantity May Io mv ftf Rundle Murgatroyd (Water ftreet juft above Market ftrcetj Have received for Sale by the Commerce from Ireland and Ruby hom London IS linens and ihcetings iaj boxes from yd I to 22d per yard 7 Ruffia (heetings dowlas ticklenburgs Allum black pepper elegant pier glafles Whiting chalk Liverpool fait and Excellent Lodon bottled porter Alfo art INTO ICE Conftfting ef Luftereens moreens durants poplins cambists AcJ i To be fold at a very low advance A 7 A Parcel of very good well fealbned Inch and quarter and inch Pine Boards and inch Ce dar Boards 77 May 14 nmftf High proof Rum in punch I cons Mlifcovado Sugar in hogfheads and a few Bags beft Green Coffee Juft arrived in ie Brig General Orde from Domink and to be fold by Robert MBlenachan At his Wet Good Store in Third ftreet cor ncr of Arch ftreet where he has alfo for fale Sundry other Articles in the Gro eery Line July 23 rrwftf i Benj amin Mafon Has for Sale at his Store in Water near Market ftreet JjOL ASSES of an excellent: qua Cotton Spanilh hides £bal leather Cordage of various fizes A cable of II inches Rappee fnuff of the genuine German manufaflure Silefia linens and fail cloth Alfo mahogany fuftick lignum Nicaragua wood chalk yfp Genuine fterling Madeira Wines tri pipes snd half pipes Georgia'Rice Spermaceti Candles AL LE A ER I in cafes A few Barrels Spirits Turpentine and Varnifli A Quantity Excellent NewEngland SCYTHES And as Uhial Starch and Ihir Powder SOLD BY Pickering Hodgdon At tiieir Stores on Wharf between Race and Vine ftrccts 'Philadelphia May II mwftf i PHILADELPHIA: Printed and' Sold 'by OH DUNLAP and DAVID LA YPQ OLE 1 Ou the South fide of Market ftreet the third HoufeEaft of Second ftreet where Subfcriptions forthisPaper are thankfully received and PRINTING in its different Branches is done wA i Care Elegance and Expedition Subfcribers to this Paper (in the city) are ferved with it at their Houfcs tarty every Mornings and thofe at a diftance by the quickell Conveyance.

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