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The Kearney Daily Hub from Kearney, Nebraska • Page 3

Kearney, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL NEWS BUDGET TODAY. Gathered In and About Kearney, Epitomiz for the Hub. publican League Club Met-ting Tomorrow Night iity Millions of GoM la the lity-Call Thru Auarili Social. I'rrconal and I5uine Note and Incidents. Vednendaj Meeting.

The meeting of the republican Latnie club toriiorrow niht at the city hall will be an iuterestir.i: occasion, and all who may attend will be fully n-aid. Captain Joseph Clack ill deliver a frbort introductory address presenting the popular younjr ekcutioniet, Fred Tisdel, well known to Kearney audiences, who will read from some of the most noted political orations of the day. He will I followed by Clark J. Tisdel in an addreps on the Limes of the campaign from a republican si and point of view, the whole to be interspersed ith instrumental and vocal music, furniehed by Miller's baud and the league's glee club. Definite arrenge-menU will 1 completed at the meeting for dedicating the new club rooms already secured.

SUty Million! of Gold iu Kearney. fyxrial dispatches from the Pacific on etated that the government was on the point of transporting sixty millions of bullion from San Francisco to Washington. I. for safe keeping. Yesterday noon a Epecial passed through the city with its precious capital.

The gold was in coin and of it was piled on the floors of the cars. The special consisted of engine, one Pullman and six ordinary coaches. The bullion as placed in every other coach and the approaches were guarded by forty regular from the standing army. Two formidable Hotch-kiss Gatling guns were also included in the armament. Telegraph ojierators and depot agents along the line were not informed as to the character of the train and no persons were allowed near the the coaches when stops ere made.

Calls Thrui Anarchists. This is the way the Pea Moines, Register hits the late independents of the state convention who wanted to aliolish "Co. The constitution of the United States declares a ell regulated militia to be "necessary to a free state." The idea of modern anarchists is that there should be no militia, that the stale should have no right to defend itself and enforce its laws. The anarchists are at least consistent and from their standard wise. If there is no Niwer to enforce laws, there can tie no laws, or if there are any they ill W' of no etlect." A lino Fatally Injured.

Michael Emiuel, a farmer residing some fourteen miles south of Kearney, was driving toward home yesterday afternoon, hen near the court house on Cen tral avenue his horses took fright at the electric cars and ran away frantically. Emiuel was thrown out of his wagon and becoming entangled in the lines was dragged a considerable distance and frightfully mangled. His head and face were bruised, several teeth knocked out and one ear torn off so that it bun; by the skin. He was also injured internally. He as taken to the Metropolitan hotel and Dr.

B. F. Jones was called in attendance. The doctor pronounces his injuries very seriou9 Put not necessarily fatal. A Newspaper Man Observations.

A staff correspondent of the Chicago Tribune was present at the independent convention and took the opportunity of seeing the sights of the city. Not having visited Kearney for more than eigh years one may well imagine his surprise and admiration at ttie translocation He appeared particularly interested in our water power and its wonderful source and prophesied a citr of great possiliili ties. The distinctive eastern class of people resident here caught his eye and called lortn the most complimentary ex pressions. He was greatly pleased with the reception tendered the newspaper men and carries away with him a very good opinion of the Midway city. Contract to Vet.

Within the next 10 days I will let a contract to some good party to do about 6 weeks farm work near Kearney for 5 or (teams. The work will come to about 750. ork to be done according to contract. John H. Rok.

No. 27 oiieia house. aGtf It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure is the Ivst. De Witts Little Karlv Risers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure and are the liest If dull, spiritless and stupid; if vonr Mood is thick and elugirish; if your aj petite is capricious and uncertain, you need a sarsaparilla. For best results take De Witt's If you want deeds, mortgages, contracts or other papers drawn and acknowledged, call on me at No.

27, opera house block. Jons H. Rok, Notary Public. EalMAnrtf Mr. Van Pelt, Editor of the Craig, Mo.

Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale I jwa, and asked the physician in at-tendence to give him a dose of sonic thing for cholera morbus and looseness of the liow els. He says: "1 felt so much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. I as sut- prised when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlains Colic.Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. He said he prvsvrilied it regularly in his practice and found it the liet-t he could pet or prepare, I can testify to its efficiency in my case at all events." For sale pv'A. J.

Shephard and S. A. V. Henline, Druggists. Passengers destined to east ol the Missouri river should patronise the Chicago, Union Pacific A Northwestern Line.

Maiimuu comfort and speed, durteous attendant. Pullman and Wag ner sleeping cars, Pullman and North western dinirg tars, rviiman colonist sleepers, free reclining chair care, and Union DepoU, combined make this the popular route east, a30eodaug3L to at on on of r. rF.RON MENTION. THE DAILY HUB: KEARNEY, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0, 1892. 1.

W. Aidridge, traveling paaenger agent of the Chicago Northwestern. i the Midway It. C. Morgan has dispel of his stock of druir' at Eddyville and returned Lis home in Kearney.

Iave Morgan has procured a ten day leave of al-nce a clerk in a store in South Omaha, and will put in the time vis-it ins his parents and old acjaai ntan-ces in Kearney. E. E. Ridson. the whilom newspaper man.

and iow ajt-nt 01 me -ew lort suitable Life in this city, has re turned from a successful business f.jonrn Lexington, and will K-ave again for a acation in the morning. Katon, Kearney Na-by, will leave this evening via the K. M. for eastern Canala, where Mrs. Eaton has een sojourning during the summer.

He ill visit the vicinitv of bis old home in Monnie countv, N. before his return. hich'will te within a fortnight or three eeks. Miss Edwards will be postmis tress during the postmaster's absence. Republican League Club.

There ill lie special meeting of the republican league club at the city hall uext Wednesday evening. Mr. Clark Tied-, of Chicago, ill address the people that occasion. music and a good programme. Everybody is cordially in- lted to be present okkis br.ows, 1 resiJenu Proposed Poultry Association.

To poultry taisers in Buffalo and ad- uning counties Any and all persons uterefated in raising poultry are invited attend a meeting to be held at the office of the Cash Commission Co, No. 25 west Twenty-second street. Scott's block, August LM, at 2 p. for the purpose organizing a poultry association for western Also to arrange lor a poultry show at the meeting of the Buf falo Countv Agricultural society Octolier ,5, 6 and 7, 1.92. W.

H. Cob, Supt. Poultry Department. Kearney Gun Club. The gold medal shot for by the gun lub yesterday afternoon fell to two equal claimants, H.

S. Lambert and George Valentine, each scoring 13 out of possible 20. Another contest for the honor resulted in a score of 7 each for (ieorge Miller and T. r. Memmen.

TIip follow ing is the score: O. j. Smith 11, T. Memmen H. S.

I-ambert lj, deo. Miller J. Cornelius F. Cannon 7, J. Wilkins Geo.

Valentine 13, T. Cornel- us ti. On August 13 ill occur another contest. Not Bard to Please. Scene, the dining room of the Midway hotel Enter deliberately, and looking around wonderingly, a delegate to the in dependent convention.

Seats himself at the table in a chair just vacated anil com mences eating the debris of the last liner's dinner. Waiter Girl Just wait a minute sir. and I'll take your order for dinner. Independent lelegate Oh, never mind we. Uo on and give those other fellows something.

This is good enough for me. I've eaten lots worse meals than than this many a time. Peculiar and Talnful. C. D.

Morse, the Central avenue jeweler, met with a painful and peculiar accident yesterday afternoon. While standing on chair, engaged in something that attracted his attention, lie somewav lost his balance and fell heavily to the floor, Ins breast striking on a wire nail tn protruded through a plank that lay near bv. The injury was a painful one and the wounded part commenced ewelling rapidlv. attendance was at once sought and Mr. Morse is able to be alout though suffering considerably.

Prohibition Count Convention. The prohibitionists of Buffalo county are requested to meet in counly convention In Gibbon at William Willard's store Friday afternoon, August 13, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of electing eight delegates to the state convention which meets at August 17, and to transact such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. Buualo countv is entitled to eight delegates. J. J.

tirr-riER, Chairman. D. G. Sti'udevant, Secretary. The ladies of the Baptist church will have an ice cream social on Wednesday evening at the residence of James Boyd, corner and r.

avenue, lhe street cars will accommodate all desiring to go. All are invited. 2t Going Ernst, Are Von? Do you know the best route? The route hich has the best road-bed? The route which makes the fastest time? The route whiih pas through the most thickly populated sections between here and Chicago? The route which has the fipest rolling stock? The rouie? ion know it, of course. If vou don go to the local agent of the B. M.

R. and get posted. The Burlington's 6:25 p. m. fast mail will allow you one day in Omaha and bring you home at 10:35 p.

in. next evening. "Isn't She Occasionally one hears this expression, as a lady with a strikingly lovely complexion passe along the street. Certainly I she uses the AMors Blvsu of Rose manufactured bv Miss Flora A. Jones, South Bend.

lnd Supplied by A. J. Shejrd. Price 75 cents pel bottle. ''Late to ted and early to rise will ihorten the road to your home in the Skies." But early to lied and a little Early Riser, the pill that makes life long er and better and wiser.

Tickets for Gorton's Original New Orleans Ministrels at the ojera house tomorrow evening will lie for sale at T. R. Rose' shoe store tomorrow morning. It For Sent. Three front rooms over BosVm cloth ing store, formerly used by A.

J. Somers. Water closet etc, Will make low rental. Apply at Van Alstioe's photograph gallery, Central Ave. I at LOCAL INCIDENTS EPITOMIZED.

I Nke rain that last night and the farmer? should again be Lapj'V. cldri yL H3Lll for G-lorado "last evenine for an outing. Mrs. Ir. Collins of Nemaha and family are visiting at A.

Wiiboit'e. -K. Chur.hi'.l and I'. W. Flagg ill resale at the rink tomorrow night.

Gilbert Haase and ife are rejoicing over the advent of an eleven round their home. Clark Tisdel of Chicago addresses the republican league club in the city hall tomorrow night. James agect of the Union Pacific and wife went to IVnver last evening on No. Overland flyer. Hon.

Valentine Horn, who has lieen visiting Thomas Hume and family, returned to his home in Columbus. i Another wholesale grocery establishment is talked of for Kearney. George R. Davies, 'f Cincinnati is mentioned as its projector. About as much important business transacted in the city hall last night as usual Monday nights.

The city council did not meet. Rev. W. J. Blue, assistant to the rector of St.

lake's Protestant Episcopal church went io Omaha on the fast mail for a week's recreation. Fred. Switz is in Chicago purchasing furniture for the new Episcopal college. The institution will commence the fall term on September 6. Prof.

Murch delivers a lecture based upon oliservations during his recent visit to New York, entitled "Glimpses of Gotham," before the normal institute at Gibbon tonight Open air concert in the High school grounds tomorrow night, but it iB Miller's band that will furnish the music This con of musicians has attained a high degree of excellence. W. H. Cash of political renown has been deputized night policeman by the grace of Mayor Brady and will hold hie job until the indomitable Mike Saunders returns from Lenver. Delegates to the Sixth Congressional republican convention and several other leading republicans of Kearney and vicin ity started forlliadron tins alternoon.

The convention assembles there tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The lady manager of the World's Fair is very anxious to have hatever work is necessary for promoting the in-tesests of the fair in this city looked after at once, and to this end an urgent request is again made that the ladies of Kearney meet the manager at the Midway hotel parlors without delay. The Hib ventured to remark some dayi ago that it looked as though the backbone of the intense torrid spell was broken, and ever since Old bol has oured it so hot upon the reporter's ebon hued poll that he has hesitated to make any further allusion to the probabilities of the weather. But today it is cool enough and appears to be all right. First part drapery: Gorton's min strels are said to have some of the hand somest stage drapery for their 'Tiret Part" siene used in minstrelsy.

It consists of massive curtains of creme satin. heavily festooned and just enough crim son plush to make the contrast striking, add to this the entire company in evening dress, and you have the picture. Opera bouse tonight. -Mr. Richard Hibberd.of the Hibberd Knck company, tne varde of which are located just north of the city, has shown The Hib a specimen of the paving brick it is manufacturing, it aptiears an excel ent specimen of the vitnhed brick hich have recently become so popular for rtreet paving.

Those ho leh to exam inert will bnd it on exhibition at Thi Hi counting room. Gorton's minstrels paraded the avenue at noon today and played several pieces in front of the opera bouse. What with their scarlet uniforms, the band in bright helmets and the other performers in shining beavers, thev made a hand some appeal ance, and a large crowd listened to their very excellent music It was an auspicious augury of a fine per tormance tonight, tickets for sale at Ross' shoe store on the avenue. George Whiteaker, one of Kearney's most esteemed and enterprising citizens leaves, accompanied by his estimable ife, for a visit to the scene of other years in and about Whitehall, 111., in the morning. He ill be absent a fortnight or more and in the meanwhile will joui ney across the river to familiar places in Missouri.

Ever regardful of Kearney's interests he has supplied himself with numerous samples of the Kearney cotton mill's goods hich he will exhibit as an earnest of Kearne)s prospective great manuiaciunug prosperity. For Sale. I offer for sale my dairv business of 50 cows. Apply to D. B.

Willard. a4tf Cheap Rates to Coot Retreats. From July 25 to August 10 the Union Pacific ill sell round trip tickets at half fare as lollows Ienver and return $12.30 Salt Lake and return 35.25 I igden and return 35.25 Helena and return 40.00 These tickets an1 good until Octolier 10, Trains leave I P. d-jot daily at 5:35 p. 8:04 p.

11:24 p. m. and 1:30 a. m. For further information apply to j21tlG Jas.

B. Scanlas, Agent IS-SpcciaJ jrrnrsioD-l J. At 9 a. rn. Sunday, August 7th, a sjiecial train ill leave the Union Pacific Iepot for Denver arriving there at p.

in. rate of 12 for the round trip is made and ticket good for return as late as Octolier 10. This is a golden ojportunity to visit the mountains. Inquire at U. P.

depot for jiarticulars. Jas. B. Scanlan, agent Kearney. aug3t0 Ice cream in bricks at Uooley's bakery, joti THE WEATHER.

S. Dep't of Aj-rlrullure Weather Bureau TCahlncton. D. C. bynopsis of the weather at a.

I August 9.1 S2: During the past twciity- four hours showers at Santa Fe, Denver. North Platte and other stations in Ne-; Th t-m. 1 terature is still low in the northwest. and willl probably cause cool weather for several days. No decided changes have occured since yesterday morning.

Forecasts for Kearney and vicinity li'l p. ni. tomorrow The weather ill remain cool and fair on Wednesday. C. S.

Weather tnireau, Aug. 9. Observations taken at 7 p. m. yester day and 7 a.

m. today: R. I Char Prtnp- Timt Bar. Trm. WlHd Wealher Tp TO ne 'Pt clu'dyj 00 i I 7 l-'loudj jC Maximum temperature.

Minimum temperature. St. H. H. CYkley, Observer.

Secretary Elkiua All Might,, July 1n2. Ti tin E'litorh has been stated here openly by a leading Indejiendent that the resent Secretary of ar as a reliel ushwhacker durina the war. Will vou lease state whether there is anv truth in this assertion or not, and give a short sketch of his life. P. T.

Lambkbt. There is no truth nor excuse for the as sertion. Stephen B. Llkins was born in Virginia in 1 Ml, and when about three ears old his family move! to Westport. now a jiart of Kansas City.

He was educated at the University of Missouri and graduated in 18W. Although his father and brother joined the Confederate army, the present Secretary of War remained true to the Union and fought on the Federal side as Captain of the mili- ia at the battle of Lone Jack. The bar barities of the ferocious guerilla warfare) in which old friends and neighbors were on the opposite side, imjielled him to re-sigh his commission. He crossed the lains in iho.i to Albuquerque, ew Mex ico, and troni there went to here he began to iiractice law. He was elected to the Territorial Iegislature in SM.

and settled in Sante he. In Ibii he was elected delegate to Congress, having before that been Attorney General of New Mexico, and United States Attorney for the Temtorrv. He won a reputation bv his srieeih in favor of the admission of New Mexico as a state, and the House of Representatives passed the resolution. He served two terms as IMegate to Gon- gress and declined re-election. He then settled in New York.

interested in railroad enterjirises in West Virginia and benie a resident of that state. These are facts in his life vouched for bv the "Annual Cycloiiedia." It was a great temptation for'a boy of 20 to follow his father and brother into the Confederate nuv, but Mr. Elains' action in fighting against his own family shows that he was Inionist from principle. Chicago ln- ter-Ocean. The Favorite Ronte to the East.

The Chicago, Milwaukee fc St Paul railway is the only line running solid eetibuled, electric lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleeping cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the hnest dining cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the age. ry it and be convinced. Close connection in Lnion lepot at Otualia with all trains to and from the west For further information apply to Tour ticket agent, or F.

A. Nash, general agent, or W. S. Howeli, traveling freight and passenger agent, loOl amain street Omaha, Neb. An Opportunity Will be afforded vour eastern friends to visit you by the series of excursions arranged by the Chicago North-Western Railway, for which tickets will sold at half rates (one fare for the round trip).

If you will forward to W. A. Thrall, general passenget and ticket agent Chicago North- estern Railway, Chicago, 111., the names and addresses of vour eastern friends to whom the information would prove interesting, a circular giving full details of these excursions will be promptly mailed, aug. 13-2U-27-S3-10-10. DIARRHEA was the plague of my life, DYSENTERY afflicted my wife.

COLIC seized our only child; BUT we found a remedy effective and mud. Mrs. Van Cott's Camphorated Black berrv cured us all. F. Sherman, Cairo, N.

On sale at Palace Drug Store, jtitf It cream in bricks at Uooley's bakery A Dastardly Murder has been committed in this cilv in the jirices of Gasoline Stoves. You cannot be convinced onlv by looking at tlie goods. We ill exchange with you for your old stoves of any description. Stowell Knott, jl4tf 15 East Twenty-first st. Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy nen mat remeuy is used and the treat meat as directed ith each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain.

Mr. A. W. Wal ter, a prominent merchant at Walterslmrg, 111., says: "It cured my babv boy of cholera infantum after several other rem edies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost bevond the aid of human hands or reach of anv medicine.

25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv A. Shephard and S. A. D. Henline, Lrugjjists.

Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the stomach liver and bowels. Mild and effective. Disease never Fueceflsfullv attacks system with pure blood. Ie XVitt's Sana pari 11a make ure, new blood and en riches the old.

Bright people are the quickest to recoc nite a good thing and buy it We sell luU of bright people the Little Early Ri sers. If you are not bright these pills wiu mue yon so. Brar in Hind The fact that to Chicago and the east the Burlington route offer the Ifrt pcsible s-rviiv. The vesiibuled tlyer hich runs daily teteen IVcvrr and Chicago and connects at junctinu joints ith branch Hues, and it is a marvel oi beauty, comfort and sjeed. It is composed of Pullman sleeping car? (w hich are easily the jieer of arv similar cars iu the world i elegant reclining chair cars, comfortable day iMaches.

and the famous Burlingtn dining cars. For in- formation. to the comjiany's local pr to J- Francis, general pas- Senger and ticket agent, Omaha, Neb. to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the lioard of education of the school district of Kearney, will receive bids for the erection of a high school building and tuo ward buildings at the office of the secretary, util August at 12 o'clock ni.

Plans, pecifieations.and instructions for bidders can 1 seen on apj'lication to the secre- arv. lhe board reserves the right to ject anv and all bids. jlVtl7" T. N. Hartzzll, Sec'y Board of Flucation.

Time to receive hi Is extended until 12 cWk. Aug. 22. T. N.

lhm- ei.i, ec Hoard ol Ixlucalion. Sow is Your Chance. The stock of goods iu the News and Book tpre formerly run by R. A. Stew- rt, closed out at cost for the next ten davs.

The stock consists of books, stationery. jiens, ink. mucilage, playing cards, lead jx-ncils, tablets, base balls, bats, masks armonicas. music, in tact verything that vou will want. lome early and secure the best bar gains.

turner East 22d street. jyiMf A. Mew akt, Agent. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN Fine Table Linens THIS WEEK. To close out before the new spe- fall stock arrives, we make eial prices upon our large stock of linens.

During this sale we will offer 250 yards of 72-inch genuine bcotcn Linen at 79c per yard, which cannot be duplicated anywhere for less than $1. 25. We lave about a dozen ends of Linen damasks that we will close ont at 62c per yard, former price 75c to 85c. For common use we offer an elegant unbleached damask at 2c per yard, and few people will object to our cream damask, which, during this sale, will go at 59c per yard. We have a large and excep tionally well selected line of white bed spreads which will be placed on sale at 60c each up to $4.00, this is about one-third less than regular price.

CASH AND ONE PRICE. W. M. SFENCE CO. Kearney Opera House.

ONE NI'jHTONLY. Tuesday, August 9. Appearance of GORTON'S New Orleans MINSTRELS, Embracing coterie of HIGH CLASS ARTISTS, 25in numttr-25 In an entire tiew program of Refined Minstrely. Open air pild tin1 (vincerl at lSo'cNn at the opera lioim- corutr informed parade to fullu at 3u. PRICES: $1, 7., 50c, and 2V.

Ile-served eeata on rale at Itoae' fchoe Store, Monday, August 8, at a. m. IN NEW T. R. ROSS THE SHOE MAN REMOVED TO The New Williams' Building, 2112 CENTRAL AVENUE.

LATEST STYLE. In order to reduce our stock of SILVERWARE We will from now until June 1st offer vou such prices on Silverware that vou cannot fail to buv. HAWTHORNE, KEARNEY'S JEWELER. JAY GOULD COMING TO KEARNEY Would find that the "HAVANA" kept the lest assortment of Imported and Domestic Cigars And the Finest Line of Pipes. It doesn't take a long hile for the izard to know a good thing when ha sees it.

If yon want to be a millionaire and wear diamonds jiatronire "THE HAVANA 2107 Central Ave. SAUP BEgSlG. TRY THE "HABANER0S" NEW 5C.QIGAR CANNON Kearney, Neb. jPut Money in Your Purse the week by purchasing your The Merchant Tailor. Three DR.

F. DISEASES OP EYE, EAR, I0SE AID THROAT SDCCESSFDLLT TREATED. Special Attention Giren to Fitttnc Glassea Roomi S-74. Andrew Block. KXAJtNET NEBRASKA.

Perfect Beautiesl Say the Ladies of the WATER SETS, ALSO TEA SETS And the very latest Novelties in Silverware Just received at Fens' Jewelry-Store. Everyone admires them. The price are aelling hem. QUARTERS. CORRECT PRICE.

YOU CAN save money every day in clothes of P. G. ERICKSON, doors east of Postoffice. SPECIALIST. E.

DUCKWORTH 0 Hoover DtLdrmortk. DR. J. A. HAGGARD, isl EYE.

EAR, NOSE, THROAT and all Clllto.Mc DISEASES. Granular and Inflamed Llda, Weak, Watery Erea. DlmoeM of Sight, Cured, Calarrn of Not and Throat quickly relieved. All Bu-rleal Operation Skillfull? performed. Tumor Removed.

Caocer and Hie cured without win the knife. Ail female Diaeaoe cured br mild rrmedle Loat Manhood quickly reatored Medicine teat to any addreaa, 12 a. m. 1 to i and 7 to 8 p. m.

OOoe Id Midway Loan A Trust Co, Building-. Kearney, Kelt. IRON BOILER WORKS J. H. DiTenport, FrtmonilVllrt.

FREMONT YAULTS, DOORS, 5HDTTERS, SIOKE STACKS AND BEITCH1NGS. Repair Work a Specialty. or wierrapn promptly attended to. potkdeno toUclled. calSp i rea-.

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