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The Caledonian Mercury du lieu suivant : Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland • 4

Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
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16710 burgh: AS AT.50, the Lands of LiwU Franrs Ui the Baron CraigmUlar, in hd Puichasers mav appiy to Sir CH KLE GI LXJOiii Bart, at bis House of the Inch. Tli Progress be seen in the Hands of James Home) fiter to Signet. uvernement antnt the THRESHING MACHlNB gj WriH.RE.S have wrote from the Gountry' to ihir briends in Town about the Priceof the ing Machines, the fotlowing Prices are here inferted, tor wnich the Machines will be furnih'd the Privilege of them duriug the time of the Patent) by Andrew Good Wright in Edinburgh, whose House and Shop are in the College Wynd vz. To those whohave Water-Mills alreadv, one (which will thre(h as much as 4 Men costs L. 30 sterl.

It would be observed, That most part Fublijhedf: (And Entrcd in Stationers Hall) PHARM COLLBGII REGII MED KOUtSLMJm JJl0UKUt.JSJS; KdlttO iertta. SsU pf the Water-muls, in Winter, may grmd at the same time .1 I 1 -1 mJ t-i- ri-i iney move a inacpzne or une 01 wmen i tuoKicucrs in xiainouign; an4 b. 25 much as Six Men. Eiaht Men. X.

60 (ierL and Aiidwinters, at the Three Crowns. in St. iL and lo on, rccKuDing lojij. ror eaen Man L.abour i-onaon. i-nce oouna 2 6 01c iu camon.

concin'ies tftus. 1,, De kac Tertia PHARMACOVQEUE. Edition nCn, jujjictai, eam curts Moslns non pirfunitone emenUu rr ti v- lumuutrwui auctam ciittttinu tmmhue nmirrf llc lAtilrhrit resrftr Ur. ,7 vj'. JVi- ffjuriit.jjc uyjrtcisaty Hl lnf Vatur nnn im Jnrr t- that tne Marbzne does, wnich is bat about the Expenceot Servant for one Ycar, whereas the Patent isfor i Years.

'One Man is sufficient to put in the Corn to anyoneot 'em and take away the Scraw. And Corn mills may grindone Hour, and threfh the next. Those who have Water and Want Watermills, may have little Watec-wheels along with the Machine, which will do the Work of 4 or 6 Men, on paying the Price of these Wheels, which is but about 40 Shillings, oneof which, of 2 Foot and an half diametre, may be seen at Roseburn, a little above the Colt-bridge, about a Mile from Edinburgh. This little one will do the Work of 6 Men. if any chuse rather to pay a small Stirti nnui r.uiurrt nc nf i rr -j y--- itr i jt Julto LUJ.JUt.UJU efmjjts, fldem kabeat.

LaDamus x.attnourgfy iV, DUC XXXV mm 1 ir urrxjDV i ri 1 -fc uaiiu ui 1 iuc5 wen 01 in tht mA 1 hui usiu iLgaiuj vj 1 ivi 1 1 11UUII, Cjj at firft, as the prime Cost ot the Machines, and togive one hh8 or soout 500 Acres, lymgin tirais Ur many Yeaa Boll in. every which the Machines threih durmz alt the icics, au incioica rouna, conrainir Years of the Patent; they may have Machines upon these liLi. r'r ii i '-fec tita icis 11 iw umic). wc 1 iiriit. wrpr Cond ltiuus.

a jjcic 1 ms tti iivm iu i jicri-. a large house, good Stahles and ViituaLUfu. aecording to the Number of Mens Work the Machine isde uew aj, lief Cv'HVtne' U'tlchniiiPr 1 Winr I 1 feuuJj fev' 1 "fcj iy WllK me suarreyi at Ma rrinma ss next, 5 7 a longer Terra Eriquire sor tht to pesform. About 6 per Cent, of theGrain, which is loft in the ordinary Metod of threlhing, mav be laved by this Machines and the'Sxpence of threfliing by it wlth Water, will not be 2 per Qenti 5o that; reckoning the Ex zience ok threlhing ehe comraon way 4 per Cent, which is ehe Lot, the Profit of threlhing by this Machine is about 8 ferCent. of all that's threfh'd Nota.

These are the JPrices to such as fhall take them within 2 Months from this Date and they are ftated low, in order to fpread iiaary-uanie. .1 I. TUl. I r- "aus DiinlbL, WL.54-iJI uuc So tterl. Rent.

oavablc in am and above X. 400 valued Renr. Mil wftf c.nh: the Mashines tbis Season. Those who vant them, mtift Orvl t(p rhem rnm P.linhnroh ariH a k-IK frv r- turrdiimoi hnvtnva "5 --o 7 -es 1 VW ceve tnem, that he may know how 0 let them uo; which "TTl sna rarks.cciosed viith kes ol Stc-K any Mill wriahf will be able to do, arter he has seen one ffR or nie Uown ARE to be Sofd. (imrpae fiMrjo nr-.

-WLIWUI luv n-vn iuiaiu 11 iitui mvi IllUUlUU to. dlUL ri- fha D3 ara in tfte College Wynd. VJneottnete Machines whica MJW "ttient Cioie. oes by the Hand, may be seen behind the Insurance-Of- TUT wncreas about the middle of the heft fice in Edinburgh; a nother which goes by a Hore, may 6e seen in a Birn behind Herior's Gardeos. Mill- wriehts Mill-wrisnts rne Davsof Anmn A Inft.

snm nfirp nf jecommended by Gentlemen, for their Integrity, if they a unorr.s on board tftf- ISA HRL er ZmW were anauited, beat and wounded. bv a nnmhr nf coroe to Edinburgh, and underftand the Machine, (hall Liberty from the PATEbiTEE to make them in zhe Country. nsJP. who came ina violent Manner on brt theiaid Ship: lf any Person will diseover the COM jijuwtKol HisMafeHv's Cnftoms the Per fcr.s To be SOLDy Sfmstely or Together, fifty Seven Acres of GronX lying immediarely South ofGranae Park Dvke betwixt the Hieh Road leadine ty iaid Abuse, or any of them, so as the Offendeis, any ot them, are conviOed, the Discoverer mal! rece' rtftv Po und fterl. k.

Xi. Mm, iiv. im MDUIv from the Powburn to Libertoun kiik on the Eaft, and the isdesired. Lands of Blaekfoord on the West lying in the Barony of Nehet-Libsrton3 Parish of Libertor and Shire of Edin- ED1NBVRGH Printtd For and By and Walter Ruddimans. Sold at Printkig-house ia the Pariiamcai-Qlosc Wbf rc Advtnitmmu ajjd Svbftripietis are takea.

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