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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 8

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Gash Store News. i ft FixnFR prgrg- If xuorocco, wita coin space at. Grain leather, coin space at at inches wide, embroidered ends, 66 Inches long, at I No ii2 S. E. Cor, Square, Springfield, Mo.

WILL NOT BE CHANGED TOWIUl? XX1L1, r(tx 'IME TO HUI TWO 01I7? l-RUCMCT IX M'lTE Olf VKTITIO.XtlU. TO RESTORE THE VOTING PLACE At lllrkorr Barren Tie Cae Waa ticai-a hr tlit Coonir Jndgrt lcllcriltr-Hijrk Inter eat Wn MauU fraird. Frtr.Vlin tiwnah'p. will continue tc tjve two voting vr (nrte In of tr.e pttitloa slgcod by 2iS liJzptjt or both North and South Frankiia to ataln mate Hi kory Barrens the voting j'au for both p-eclncti. jiu-'h was tlie decision w.itred ty the county court yesterday aftr- stay in Tanay county, William P.

O'Neill of Day, Taney wmty, ta u) oity. Mjra W. T. Kendrlck hat rctaraed from Etrreta Bprlcx. TIIE SPKINGFIELD KEPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, Some new arrivals worthy your seeing are in rr irr 5ZA' PARASOLS, Plain.

BLACK SILK PARASOLS, Plain-Each priced at Child's figured Parasols at S3c. Blue Chambray Shirt Waists with white yok-e, made to ii sen tor 51.00, actually wortn it. we oougnt so we rn. canoffer them at vUu 48c 1C ti FOBIXET TIES- 3 inches wide' lace ends OCri at ZOu 6 inches wide, embroidered ends 50C Wednesday is last day cf selling White Goods 'and Skirtings at off regular price. Springfield Cash Dry Goods Co.

and Retail Millinery, c.f Grove, wj at the St. Jiran yvaterda. I 0. of St. Ixuj cpent la SrlngflId.

Si(ia tc-, laD sprink'ora anJ Ccoper 414 gouth ilreet. SV: H. Crhnm of tfcnver, waf at Hotel Huetxn yeitriay. Ali're M.Clamroch of Aurora, Mi, wu th city yesterday. J.

B. Ma-k ft yesterday for Lebanon on commercial busliu-. Frank Chapu-ui of Mountain GroTt via at the lA-uton O. D. Is attending the Ltagu couvtnlion at Monett.

J. R. Hampton will leave Friday eight for an txunjuvl viail In $3.00 to Eureka Fpringi and return. Tickets sold Saturdays and Sundays, good returning following alondas, via Frisco lUSe. Charles' W.iAnJeron of Kan An- I tonlo, at the Arlington, Tu- terday.

MUd Daisy Zorn of Flains la the gist of W. 1. Camp aid laml!) on Bute street. Mr. and Mrs.

Urnest Binder left for Columbia to atiend the Siiiie MuiUal a.jeoi-lttliou. 7 M. A. Church of Eureka Springs. nuo.

baa ben making a abort Tuut In the arguments th atturneya rpre- atnung both l.ita. In Ue c-outty court the ard auuia to voiir pro-cin7t of at J. S. Pa-mer on t6 acoth title, and tha other at the of Albert Vrka la purt of the township. Juilgi-ei Appleby, Lwby and Koutoa made tne change In the township.

Ihe town ship was ro large that people living Ozark yesterday. Dr. Robert Coulter Is spending a few Springfield thia week. O. Weigle, the 'people's tailor, J1C CoiltHje etrett, will call and deliver your clothe.

Cleaning and pressing. Telephone 219. Mit Wear, fornvTly Mlsa Dora Frlcli. Is visiting her pareait3, i'r and Mis. 0rorge W.

Fi kko. It haa bwn deckled to postpone the Saturday club picnic until a later date, near the borders had to tide from 15 wnllJ1 given. to IS mile to vote and ccnaequentl M- Hoborde and family loave to-many -voters, owing to old age and ill Philadelphia and expect to nealUi, ood not stand the Journey Judge Appleby waa the chief remon- trator. The remonstrators claimed that the petition for the consolidation did not expresa the will of the majority of the Toterv. 'A petition very document, they stiy, and anybody can Uke sheet of paper and a lead pencil and get names.

The oppition to the changw brought In many written e-tement from elgnere of the petition who wanted the two voting places to rfflnaln. Theise recanteng state that they were tnicled in eignlng the petl-f tlon. The petitioners were represented by Vt. G. Rofrt3on and the remoiiitra-tora, by J.

H. Duncan. The ctajrt coniiuencedl hearing testimony et 10 o'clock Tubsday morning aid many witnesses were examined. Ti)e case waa hotly contested and the Judge dedded that tie two precincts must remain. A fatal policy to neglect a backVhe or other sign of kidney trouble F0-LEY KIDNEY CURE a sure remedy for Bright' dktas, diabetes and travel.

Reed Barrett, Ferguson-Kin-trea Drug Co. CITY BREVITIES, Tropical weight nltj made ty H. 0. LeBao urpasi all otSera in coolness ar-d workmanship. S06 College street F.

Pm i-a la ti clt H. H. Kngte La return, tram New Tort CboUm B. Talea ma'la Cartnage labnday. bTCkjm US yertenlay for Carthija.

Be Toska-Bchnelder Clothing Co. for your Btw spring tult J. M. Vance of Felrce City was here yesterday. R.

S. Ijong of Greenfield dined at the remain in the Eeflt several months. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Montgomery left yetterday for their home in Oewego sfter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hy Schneider. I regard Dr. Sweeney as one of the stronffeJt.

preachers of America. Dr. T. DoWitt Talmage. Miss Katherine Arbuthnot of Des Maine, spending a few days with the family of her uncle.

J. C. McMartma. Jude W. D.

Hubbard has gone on a trip to the great wneat belt of Kansas on iegal buslne and will be absent a day or two. Competent Hilat Makrra waalrd. Applr lintnrdialt-lr at Irr. 3Iaklna Deparlmrnt CLai. II.

titer V. U. Co. Mrs. harvey A.

Joncsi accompanied by Mlrs Edith Banku, left lat night for Monett to attend the Ep worth Ljague convention. The remains of Edward Almond were buried In Hazel wood cemetery yesterday. Rev. O. W.

Hughty conducted the religious eervicea at ihe fau-ily, residence, 4C1 Wtot Commercial Etreet. If you are thinking of fence come and see ours-the best and cheapest fence made. Charles Howell, 219-221 S. Jefferson St Telephone 57 Safety for Idle Moaer, Ton can gtt Interest for money deposited Jn the Union National bank, the tnlted States dfpository tor Springfield. All deposits are subject to check at any time "Safety deposit boxes tor rent at reasonable rates.

Free Complexloa Bcaatlflrr. We want every lady reader of The RppvMican to try Uwlht'a Complexion Keautifler, the moat exntiij.te'toilr: preparation. It Is ti'ire and the face smooth as velvet an'' fair as alabaster. To induce a fair, trial of It we will for a short tin only tend FREE a full size. Fifty Cent liox to every lady who will send us -her postcGice address and a eilver dime to pay.

for packing and postage. Only-one free box to each address, but ladies may order for their friends. Each box icflled seprs'ely. Send thl notice a 1 ti tv i lu-vv, tia wall known CO i HuAUBg ton w. yiL 7 HE WANTS A DIVORCE XV.

CL1L', WHO COXDICTXD STORE IX TAXEY COtSTV, HAS TUOIDLES. HIS WIFE TREATED HIM CRUELLY She to Conk Kli Meal and Drove HI Children From Home. Utlicr Csacs In the Circuit Cuart. I H. -Wi Clias has brought a divorce dei-ree for plalntitt for xac of notes la flrt and third Counts: oe ere for defndact In second and fourth co'JCta: decree for defendants on coun ter claim decre of cancellation on piywrit of Into court, within K' davs; clnrk appointed receiver of mon ev; motion for new trial overruled and appeal granted to the supreme court.

IMtie Me eicaintt Alie Pyle. dl x-i-rce: alias summons to St. Louis and cn-" continued for awrvlce. William C. Wrightmaa agalMt John F.

Thoiiii, equity; dltmied by plaintiff. E. dray, receiver of Egultabl Investment company against William J. Hadon bill of exceptions filed. Xvall Xl fuOcr So Aaala for FlIO Tlinea llx Price.

I awoke lat night with severe pains in my atomath. I never felt ao badly in all my life. When I came down to work this taornlug I felt so weak 1 could hardly work. 1 went to Miller ft MiCurdy'a drm store and they recotn-nierld Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera anl.Dlarrhoa It worked like tnnglc and one doe flied me all rluht.

It rnalEly ii the finest thing I ever used' for stomach trouble. I shall not I without it In my home herpy ter. for I stioutd not rate to endure tie suffer ings of laxt night again for titty times its price n. H. Wilson.

Uveryman, Budgettctcwn. Washington count. Fa. This remdy Is for sale by Reed A Barrett. R.

M. Stanclll and John M. Over- street GONE TO MONETT PKOP1 ATTEXD EF-XV ilHTH LEiOlK It la I lie Annnal UUtrlet Coarrntlsa Hot. C. V.

(rise Waa on 'tke Frugram I-aet The annual convention of the Spring field district Epwortb lague of the M. E. Church opened at Monett latt night and will remain In sebSion today and tomorrow. Rev. C.

V. Crte3 ol this city was on the program for the opening address on "Snap sbot.s from the General Conference," and several others from tills city will participate during the eeaslon. A larce number of Springfield peopif went to Monett last night and men riwe will go today. Grace chur. tfupter sends a delegation of 20.

Daiiy chapel five or six, and the othei churches are also to be well represented in the convention. Among those who are attendntf will attend from Sprinrfleld are District President 0. D. McMillan and wife. Rev.

C. V. Crlss and wife, Rev H. A. Jones and wife.

Rev. C. I. Rose and wife, 8. S.

Bartlett. Oeorpe Camptwll and wife, George GUiham. Mrs. C. Fulton.

Mrs. J. B. DoJson. Mie.

R. W. Keller, Mrs. Anna Kirk-Patrick, Minnie Bartlett, Mii Melile Elarido, Don McCiain. Price Mxon, Fred Johnson, Miss Hattle Kin-singer.

Miss DlzzSe Reed, Mirs Bnks, Miss Helen Jones and Helen Crone. Rccd Barrett, K. M. Stanclll or John M. Overstreet guarantee every botttle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents.

This la the best're-medy In the world for la grippe cough, colds, cronp and whooping cough and Is pleasant and safe to take It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. if -r Obltaarr. Mrs. Julia 8. Wheeloc Treeman, the WlTe of Porter C.

Freeman. Whose death occurred at Quincy, 111., June 7. whither she had gone for medical treatment, was 'born in Xortkeast Ohio In tiat the state generally known "The We. tern Rcerve." wi-'ch has Ijpen hen the hem cf 1 pecry. C'0ct3fcr 7.

1S3'. while wf Oili'e OUr. paTM'tf r-moved to rheie-fW grew up to wnranhcod and 'taught seboof From there she wept to Michigan anC it the breaking out of the war of the rebellion In .1501. faund ber teaching at Ionia. Mich.

Walls engaged In this work In 18C2 ihe learned that brother, a t'nlon'foldier, was dasgtr- ounl.v wounded In one of the battles of the WlieWrncss. Closing the school the next day found her on her way to Washington. On retching that city she procured a pass, made her way to ttie front, and found her brother was already dead. The eight ot the offerings, of the wounded and dying soldiers prompted her to enter the. service as hospital nurse, and she was in con- ttnwu'arr 'alili1 iliu Ainiy uflttf Potomac until the cloie.

of the war. The following clipping from one of the Michigan papers give a brief account of her. work: "Julia S. As England had her Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War, so had the State of Michigan her Julia Whee-lock amid' the battlefields cf Virginia, and of this noble heroine we submit the followlrS: On September ltf, 11W2, while' ecguged in school teaching in the township of Ionia, she heard the saa'ncwg that her soldier brother, Orviile had Iwn wounded -one WTttfcnrtrr JWWTecVr35er 27, and lived City of Alexandria. 1 hen was she I resolved to- remain in this, strange with until February 1.

1900, when be refused; to cock and keep house tor hira. vOn one occasion sho locked the door and prevented hiia from entering his own heme. She waa also extremely Jealous and constantly accused hid of being intiaiite with other women, all cf whica accusations were wholly faiso. Mrs. Clino would net allow her hifcband to knep his children ct home.

She would call them Idiots and loo Is and applied other opprobious epithets to them and anally drove t'eca from home. She woulci come to her bi-hand's store an aie accusations against him In the presence of his eu- soaie. In conclueioii he accuc-cs his ab.e and is constantly envs, unkind and cruel. Ke therefore a Ipgil separation. The docket entries were as follows: I Miller against John S.

AUmod. to et aside judgment; cause set tor June "0. T. O. Snow against Sampsou Bass et iacd and endeavor, Ccd being her help-civ to do for others as fain would hRve done for her brotDcr.

A hold of li'Oor soon presented itself, which she gladly entered, nn.l to which she devoted nil her energies from September, 1S62, until July. 1SC6. Her acts of kindness and ttcrds of ClirUtian comfort during that period sootied the anguish of many a poor soidier in bis dying hour, and become a part of the unwritten history of Which the heicic soldiers of state, still liv-ins. will ever remember with heartfelt gratitude. Fuiinj the time lu question she kept a Journal for pleasure aad not for pullU-aticn, but in ISTO she by her ft-ieiidi to revise it for the and thus came Into existence 'The Hjjs In 'The Experience of a Hospital Ajcnt in and Around Of the book we have only to ay it Is written a ithi ability and In good tafte.

abounds in of rare interest and pathos, and Is calculated to give the reader exoe'lent idea of the truly and unselfish and heioine. We have only to add that for her services- during the war, she never atked Cor received any compen-iatlon, and that for two years thereafter she was a suffering The funeral services wire held at Robberson Aveuue church Sunday morning of ahich she wa a member, June 10. Dr. Laugley, her pastor, paid a gloaing tribute to "br services for her cnarity, to her devotion to her home and friends, to her noble Chrl-tian character and to the many virtues that. make a truly noble snd good woman.

She leaves her husband and son. Fred, to mourn In deatu, together with many friends who knew her. but to love her. F. C.

T. AGl IX 41. DO' v.r--ITF.H. Xiaa l.lsSl.. Lr llua Out XVrlttea lir the la.

aiirsral eadrr. Mrs. Vina Linderbower of West Lynn street has a valuable letter written by Agulnaldo. Her son, Fred Llurten-bower who Is In the Philippines lu the regular army, foun.l the letter In: a hous which entered after capturing a town on Aug. 15, 18VS The letter was dated die day previous and had evidently not been sent out by the Insurgent leader n-TSTwrltien In the Tagal language Wi the only part.

thut could be traiiilatt-d is the signature of Agulnaldo and the date. The hand writing Is fairly good and the alphabet used is the Englisn. The as taken to eome of the professor at Drury college but none wero able to read It aland Without a Rlval. Mr. Jco.

N. Wilkiof 36 Adams avenue west. Detroit, writes: "I have Jieen troubled with very sc-vere headache foi years and have taken a great-many -different remedies, tut have never found anything to give me as speedy and permanent a cure as Krause's Headache Cappules. In my opinion they stand without a rival; they have cured me every time." Sold by Reed Barrett, Ferguson-Kintrea Drug Htancill Denton and Palace Drug Store Co. BA.XD COXCERT.

Proitram for tlie Open Air Concert oil Commercial Street Tnlglil. Eight The following program will be rendered from the balcony of the Ozark hotel on Wednesday evening by the Mobart Military hand: Marcn "Th Creole Queen," Hall Se.ection "Wang." Waltz "Flowers of the Heed Two-step Medley Cverture "A Bunch of Favorltc-s." Selection "Isle of Champagne." Grand Potpourri Fair Dove," Scblcp'grell March "The Cha'rlatan." Sjuja You fel uetter at once after using HERUINE. you enjoy your food more, and you get more nourishment and invigorating farce out of what you eat. Hence HEREUNE makei, you strong, visorons and cheerful. Price, 50 cents J.

W. Crank Dru? Co. CASK AHXOOXEIS, Jndse Seville IVroadrel Henry Schmidt Xot to S-rnre a Divorce From HI Wife. The divorce uit of Henry Schmidt against hlo wife. Cora Sehmld.

ha? been compromised. The p'aictiff had alleged tliat his wife would not live with him and had "left his bed and board without Jurt csue. Schmidt and his wife, have nut been married long. Tb'y are both youn The cate waa to have come up In circuit court yes'erday for trial. Juije Neville called the bust and and wifn up to the bar and' had a talk with then.

He advlsi-d the husband to a bail Jon the suit and take the defendant home with him. The young wife agreed to do so if e.he was treated kindly. The couple then left the court room snd the cai3e Is considered aban doned. Trttee. Salt-nhenm anil Krirma.

Tl-. intense Itching and smarting In-i ler! fn, he-c Is Instantly al-'avr rr.rl.trt berlaln's Eye and f-kla Miry very bad fates hsvn been rurd bv it. It-is equally tfTcic. -r Juhlri; piles and a favorite rerre.iy ftf trrp nipples, chapped frost bites and chronic sore yr clU per box. sale by Reed ft Barrett.

R. M. Etuncill and Jni.n Jypvsrstreet, drugghita. No Responsibility on Your Hand When you order a Garment from me. My Siotk is the Largest to select from.

The Most Exclusive in Patterns and Designs. Finest Imported Fabrics in this City. And hist but. not Least, Superior Workmanship! If you are in need of a Handsome Suit, Vesting or Cool Summer Garments let me show you jheReamhe Genu i ne ater i al s. The best is the cheapo- i LIABILITIES.

il Stock tioo.onooo hid and Treats jioibjii irv.iiiit.on oo l.lM.Sie S3 Total President Fuller of Drury, who left early Itt wee for New York, returned yesterday morning, He was two days in that city and obtained some substan tlal gifts fur the projected science building. On his Teturn he spent a day In Pitti'burg with seeral of his former students. Two of these are managers of departments In the Wastlnghouae Electric company; another Is chief chemist In the Carnegie works at Braildock. He reports that Pittsburg Is growing very rapidly and will soon be the leading manufacturing city In the country. Several steel mills have doubled capacity within two years.

The Pietsed Steel Car works are the most prosperous of the new' Industries. St. Louis, says Dr. Fuller, still suffers from the strike, but would nut long If either 'the city or the state authorities did their duty. crops la the.

between Pittsburg anj St. Louis are not so promising as this side of the great, muddy river. Local Weather At 7 a. m. yesterday the barometer waa 29.8a, thermometer C8.

velocity 12, wind southeast and weather clear. At 7 p. m. the barometer waa 23 S5, thermometer 8.2, velocity 8, wiud south-east and weather clear. Maximum 84 degrees One year ago it was 83 degrees.

Minimum temperature, 68 degrees. On the same date last June It was 65 degrees. Normal precipitation, for June, 4 26 Inches; total June 1 to date, 1-65 Inches. Backache should never be neglected. It means kidney dltorders which, If allowed to run too long, may result lu Uright's disease, ciiateies or other serious and often fatal compialnM.

FOLEY'S KIliNKY CFTIE mukes the kidneys well. Take nothing else. Retd Barrett. Ferguson-Kintfea Drug Co. Km Uri.

ltullcllnu. Mrs. Sue Wilieke ha3 let the contract for a brick hulldlng. 00x04 ft, on West Walnut street, just weft of Campbell street. It, will be occupied as a Jttore about Augost 1.

The coat of the about 82.600. Ferry Buchanan was awarded the contract and hafl a'force of men at Quick ltd lei ir Aathma. Miss Maude Pardons, writes: "I suffered eig'nt years with asthma In Its wcizt form. I had several attacks during the last year and was not expected to live thitiugh tbetn. I bosaa using FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and it has never failed to give Immediate relief." Red Barrett, Fer-gason-Klntrea Dftig Co.

Dev. Croalir' Fnaeral. Tho funeral of Rev. David Crosby, who died In SL I-o'iU Monday morning was conducted by Rev. W.

O. Anderson at the Klrst Baptist church yes-rtay afternoon. Interment was In k-National cemetery. Sprinsri. This beautiful watering place Is 25 miles north of Springfield on the Memphis railroad.

Board and lodging. Camp houses, tents and cots to High, dry, healthy, no and sceu-ery Inspiring. Good nulling, bunting and-boating. Waters, Iron, sulphur, lltbla and magnetic I-oti for sale at Jl pejr fyont foot. Lots 25x100 feet, are smooth and command a view of miles over highly cultivated Tarrre.

Snd tor cjrcular Jo C. Alien, proprietor, Eudora, Polk county Mo. v' 1 JAMES-. WALKER, Tailor and Importer. OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE IWk IN SI KlNciril LJJ, MISSOI KL Al'AIL.

150). RESOVKCE9. anj I nlted Statu Bonus and u. Vt and liecuriue Ui'ikn it Houe Kurtiinre ai.J Fixturei J'ue fro I 3. Trernuy fd Exchan Total l'0 9 10U.01IUOU 3.0O0OJ 0.K)O( 30.HOOOU 4.900 on 500,035 44 4 B1KECTOH3.


Uf HAN FORD, CaeM-ir! A-'eeunts of lar.ks, Corpora ttohs and lfiJlv.Jiiaii Solicited, tvtry sccouimuualloa a.xicndil Cuo slit' St itn bar uj Culitwvstive Biik. Irg. i DR. FULLER RETURNS ORIRV I'HLXIDKXT IXITtU XtW 1UHK AXI1 TIIK EAST. Heeelfed Suine' ftabitaatlal lilfl for Ilia Srlenre Hall iwaalara Proaperllr.

i $12 TEETH DR. JONES will, put in till July 1. the very best Auiewcan ij. have always got from I1U to 112 fur tha teeth. Oold llllngs.

tl un. Annlam or Cement fillings, Jue. Gold Crowni at 15. My Gold Crown Is made out ot pure gold and the same welaht an thickness aa when I got III) for it. Come this month If you want tha above.

Corner St. Louis street anj square. Silsby Stove Co, Manufacturers HAPPY HOME STEEL RANGES JEfifit -Sold direct and on time. Old etovefi taken as part payment. Sample on exhibition at factory on Water street.

Buy home-made, range and take no chance. Every one warranted; Long Distance Telephone, McKee-Drake Telephone Company; Bolivof, Buffalo. Iair M.iw. Humansvillr, Osceola, Weaubleau," And Intermediate Office with J. E.

Atkinson, Tel. 275- 32a Baldwin Our iMrMurn if -mmmmtl a4 ol the pcnt.Wllty of nmi 77St ult rei. icnt upon renuwt e.TJi?. lmJ to.

nnrnw out lliroiiuli ua receive tirtur, without charge. In ri 6ead lot Mmple copy M. VICTOH J. IVANS A CO. Itsnt Building, Atlorncji,) iHISIOTON, 0.


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