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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 22

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

m.tA K. k.u oo THE IlsDIAJs APQLIS KEWS, SATURDAY, MABCH 15, 1902. WHAT THE SOCIETY FOLK ARE DOING Functions of the Lenten Season Club Calendar Items of a Personal Nature. ITflrrirt Is visiting; fr.i nd In Chicago. Lo1g i in Philadelphia, wher ni'l remain indeftniuiy.

1 Chevalier Club ill dance at Bren Ke's next Friday evening. j. c. Foley has reft reed from two visit 1n Hot Spring. Ark.

The Elite Club will be entertained Mon evening by Mis Ellen Lowry. Mary Zollinger ha reu roed from i vjit cf two week la It. Waynw. Parker, of Terr Haute, is vislt her daughter, Mrs, Robert Cedd i. Vr.

Harry iJ. Read, of New 'York, la Ki Jr Mr. Emory Brown, In Sprue Caroline Conde will entertain the Do Club a dinner Wednesday MlMred Schmaibo! is.spendlng a "nth with relative ana inena I I Dr. Ocar Jones and Arthur Belt, of rwnt Thursday, wltft aw i 'iorenre Ilton. lAlIa.

Coh ha rone Eteger, where he wiil be a bridesmaid at ti tiolomon wedding'. Edith Frfed'ey. of Bedford, arrived 1 Jay to visit Mr. and Mr. Jl.

JL rnea iOli Talbott avenue. Jdlewild Cinch Club will meet Toes with Mrs. John Fiumroer, 2017 New Jersey, street. Laura D. Rue, of Danville, a vlnted Mrs.

8. It. Tarkington, r.n to Crawfordsvllle. F.

Urunne'r. of Chleat. former of this city, to pend a month Mm. Iscrlggr will return about r.l I Ilorlda, where! pnt th f.Mcr at eat.I'&lraHeacn. If.

C. OfHtdine and daughter Ger ru fit 1ofi H. are Tlsltlnj r. and J.Ir. J.

A icracke. FrardcIIn Vonnegut haa lnued In fr a lunch)n. SI area zz, la 1. If ill LJliian KrauM. T.

and hr rlnltor. Mr C. i prtfrfts. of Monroe. have trone 4 a y.r.

Howard A. and eon. who irpenT 'ral nN kn with Judf and Mra, 1 O. r. have returned to their noma In Kkhmond.

'r. ftnd Mrs. Sylveyter Johnn will re i the Friday atternoona and erenlnjr rririr the fiirtnjr month, at their home in irvinsion. Anhaenfel and family have rrr to Oilraco. and Mrs.

Anehaen mother. Wr. Bernard G. llablna. la them.

O. V. Morton' and Mr'. 8. C.

Gill. tio have away from the city for two have returned to tneir norae, JiroadVay. Nell IIowo entertained th Bcobrh ff tbJ '03 claea of the M. T.H.1& i aftemooii at tha hom of her aujht, a. i.

TT marrlar cf Mls Daisy EloEe and harles JefTrlea will take next Thursday at Mlaa Jirown'a In Arch street. Cfrrce Tv. Dllier Rnnouncea tha en mrnt cf hi dsughter Kdna to Val i 7.immTman. The wedding wlir take firire early In ArrlL of Miss Mollle Benner ii1t pnd (uto will take iTh Mi HennerpchelJt is a sister of IV Frer.ael.

i i y.ri W. If. Benntt, who lived in Co for a ha returned to flty arul has taken the residence, 1301 JVnnytlvajiia street. The IUv. ar.d Mrs.

J. Stevenson rre with ilr. and Mrs. T. C.

Day and will Jfftve Monday for "New Tork, where they Kveat the Uaza Hotel for the prea i r.U Jarnos Q. Barcus will remove to Rochester, N. thl faJL His family Is now 'Ti A N. J. They will return to befora going" to i Conjenlal Club entertained lta ir 1 era Pt the Canrva Club Tuesday (vi.ii.if.

le irueeta bowled during the if.y i art of the evening and danced aft end Mr. Alexander Cohen and sona ami Intaxnln. of this city, and r. Mr. Josr.ih Zlepler and son, of rrn jn.

will leave to mgrht for Bteirer, to utUT.a the Cohjpn htNomon wedding Vlrplnla Burhanan. of tha James iii keu comjiany, epen11nff a few wltb her ln law, Mr. AV. ii. Mrs, BauKhman and Devor.

Buri wiu rejota the company m. lxiuis tjc xt week. It expected that Howard Chandler end Mr. Christy will be here i. month, and that Mr.

Christy will be i'." iK jikor at the A Nil melnir. of the i ir t.anrHrary Club. Mr ennaty la one or He i. iobt popular 111 us era tors in this coun I Frrtlln, fe of the French consul I ti lnti.tti. who will address the.

Al iT' i Tatialpie, Tliursday evening, will rwit of Mrs. May. Wright fceawll vlKtt here and whi be Mr. iruet of honor at her usual "at htHTie." rs. Alice Meynr 11, of Engla nd, who will the t'ontemj)rary Club to jrrivd this mornlnff.

Bud 1s with Mm. I liider, the rreRldnt of thei After the mectirif this evening Mr. Mrs. EMer will give a supper at thd "I rlvtrsity Club In honor of Mrs. Meynell.

The Over the Teacups Club haa elected tl.p' FresUlent, Mrs. Arthur N. btryt viee presld.ont. Miss Fir.rh; secretary, S. Elliott ivrklr; trratiurtT.

Mrs. Flora C. Jones; xit Ltive. Mrs. A.

B. Mitchell, J. O. Henderson, Mrs. Charles ti.

Mrs. It. V. Cathcart'and Mr. J.w allace, Jr.

"nr.d Mr. James Evans and son. i arahi Brachmann, of C. li. Ilouotori and eon, Her i derTck and Georpe Houston, of i re In the tlty to attend the sr of C.

R. Houston and Mlsa HaTi iTue ir.iumfs, which wlif take place Mon the home of the bride' 1 ts, CoiU ua avenue. 'ajor and Mr. Harold Mf grew will I evening at thlr home i i N'rih. Cf i Utl avenue, In honor of or and Mrs.

Charle A. Book'walter. 'J to meet them wi'l be Mr. and Mr. H.

varum. Mr. and Mr. W. Noi 1, Mr.

and Mr. Albert Mr. an.l Mr. V. H.

Prarler, Mr. and Mrs; Carroll B. Carr. 'r. 1 Mrs.

Charity Kratips have 1s invitJitiorai for the rntuTia.ire of thtlr tier Ui.iaii. and William Smock Al 'i, take lice Wednesday er.lng iw tmCO, at rhe Ccrjrai avrtiue M. h. ar.d for a reivptlon after the nirr ut the residence, Tsi North street. TTift "at horae" card i t' lsjt daj la May at 7J) North ylvarU Frank G.

Darlington gave a mat j'iiir tli'a a lerruvo In honor Mr, r. Ky. ivtaburg. Th other wire Mr. H.

Bales. Mrs, W. urn, Mrs. A. M.

tsle. Mr. Ed MoKce, Mrs, C. Foster, Mra C. rrln.

Mrs. Henry Soot FTaser, C. 6 l1r 7' are of little vaie to the 'X emaciated suffering of tnd'restton ronstlpii rt.l wlUi remedy that will jcn a remedy is e. the Health Ttiet acting as vn 5UT, tin's stimulating the jwers of the entire ivc trhti.

rt th rystem i fcm undif. sted and l. i. f'td. Without the griping if a rh cathanic.

hen ail i rv ne, and you to this remedy. the B. i TM 'Battle Write for free For ale by" all druv I The Mr. Augustus Lynch Mason, Col Mrs, Chart Martlndale; Mr. Charles Bhaler ami Mrs.

W. B. Wheeloclc After the matinee the party had tea at Mrs; Darlington' home. A pretty wedding took plae Wednesday evening at hX Wetrt Vermont street. when Mli Delia Iefeber.

daugnter oi Mr. Lefeber. was Tnarrted to Edward Ii. Barrow, In the prewnce of a number of friends. The" attendants were Miss Naomi Thomas and MIrs Nora Davy bridesmaid, and Masters Walter and Stanley Myer.

ribbon bearer. The par lors were decorateo with Southern smilax and carnation; the ceremony taking place beneath, the archway between the rooms. the. Rev. J.

W. Collin officiating. The bride wore a tucked gown df swias over white eilk, tnmmexi in applique and bon. and she carried an arm bouquet of white roses with ftmilax streamers. Mi Thomaa wore white over blae, with lace and ribbon, and Miss Davy whit over fctnk with w1a embroidery, and both car ried carnaticD.

The dining room was decorated Int white and greet Assisting Mr. Lrftfeber. and. Mis Myrtle Lefeber were Mrs. Charle Hurries.

Mrs. Myers, Misses Blanche Gregg. Sadie Burns. Sybil Kaegele. IVarl Hart pence, Maude1 Myer and Anna Pott.

Mr. and Mr. Barrow will be at borne after May 1 at 825 North California treet. IRVINGTON. t.

i Thomas itewe went to Kokomo to day. Vic MarV Baldwin Is erjouily 111 at her home. i Charles Frazltr wilt epend Susday wlOi his parDta. Chauncey Butler fetamed Monday from trip to Mr. A.

N. Towles spent a few: days "at Dan vtUe this week. i Watts, "of Winchester. Is; the guest of Mini Anna Tlbbott. C.

K. Smith, who Is seriously ill. went to Martlnrrille Thursday. The rortnli htly CIub met Friday afternoon who. Mrs.

Claude Charter. iPr. nl Mr. Junius Craven entertained ffienda Tlrursliar whist iirrtnaton frirnds Monday. Miss Haset Keetras spent a part the week at Columcua with her parents.

tMlss Mary Grime, of Anderson.5 has been the gt est this week 01 Miss Ljotm. campbeu. 'mm. 1 t. T'T I tte guest or hfcr ter.

Air. wv u.himng. Mr. and Mrl. J.

H. Forsyth, of Trafaljrar. were the giieats tt Jennie Jeffries Wednes day. Mrs. W.

T. Dobyns entertained Thursday rvenx in. honor of Miss KathryhHoover. of 6belby Mrs. W.

8. MoffMt entertained the primary teachers of the Christian Sunday school at luncheon to Mrs. jJ. Alford. suoerintendent of the Free Kindergartens at Warren, to day to visit her parenta Mr.

and Mr. O. r. Coit will entertain a few friends at dinner this evening In honor of the Rev. Robb Zaring.

Vln Kmttrmm Hnnrtri Rhth ril1. aftr a visit of several days with Mrs. W. J. Dobvna, returned yesterday; The young man of the Delta Ta Delta fra ternity entertained informally ia their hall Wtdnesday evening.

The rummare sale of the Irvlngton Chrtrtlan church. at tui i Z. Washington will be continued nest week. Mm. Charle De Haas entertained several friends at dinner Monday evening in honor of Mr.

Be Haas's Gwya Butler will oelebrate his birthday Mon day eveoinir by. entertaining bis young friends 1 at a St. Patrick's party.) Mrs. I. Barnhilt hasl Invited the Irvln rton Woman's Club to meet the Review Circle at her horns on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. X. May.

of Winchester, who have, recently inoved: to the city, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gist this week.

Mrs. 12. F. Tibboti of Phlladelohla. will be the 1 "meet lof Irvtngtoa friends for several wH Mr.

Tibbott returned to Philadelphia Voble Krelder. who passed the winter Florida, is spending few days with Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth, on his way home to uuanen, ina. "Mrs.

B. J. Powell and her daughter Char kxte, who he srrit the winter in the city, have rome to Irvlngton for the spring, and are wjtn Mrs. D. K.

tar er. Mrs. Osborne's Sunday achool Class, of the Methodist church, will have a winter picnio this veninjr at trie noma or miss cam liut lcr. In honor Miss i Eva Kebeker. The Slrma Chi fraternity has received an In' vUatlon to be preeenti at Oeonre Ade's ooera.

rPultan of Sulu," at the Studebaker Theater at Chlcajm, the evening of Marcn 21. The entire Alumni Association of Chicago will attend In honor of the author. The T. M. A.

and the 1. W. A held a joint meeting afternoon in the association halt Roy Randall. who represented Butler College at the International convention of the Student Volunteer Movement at. Toron to, gave a talk on the convention.

Mr' William Warner Penfield, of New Tork city, who Is the grand president of the Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity, will visit the active chapter at Irvmrton Monday. The active chap ter will entertain at the nome or Miss Retta Bamhlll Monday afternoon for Mrs. Penfield and the Alumnae club, i The Woman's Club will meet Monday after noon with Mrs. Williams. The 'subject la Charles Kingsley." jaiss Flisaseth Tomn klrfs will read a paper on 'Alton Locke," and Mr.

Mary B. Thompson one on "1mL" The eonversaUon on "The Sociologlc! WOvel" win be led Jby Mr. Aioeruna A. Forrest NORTH INOIANAPOtis. Mrs.

Mulnlx is, visiting friends (a Muncle. Perry A. Covert spent a part of this week In 1 Miss 'White of Marlon. Is the nest of Miss Ann Mofflt Mrs. William I Jones Is visiting her mother In Southport i The Jter.

Claude Travis returned from Delphi, Monday. tm, Dixon returned from a trip through Hltnola, Tuesday. Mrs. Cord Tarren, of NoblesvUleTls vlaltlng Mra John Tarjea. The I.

P. F. Club met with. 1 Miss Edna Goaler last evening. I Keltle txwder entertained a number of friends Thursday evening.

Th' Social Doien met with' 'W. J. Gates' Thursday sCtemoon. I Mr. Sherman of Bloom In gton, vlalted Mrs, Morgan this week.

A number of young people gave a dance at Pool' Hall. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. LV S.

1 Dreyer will entertain a number of friends. thia evening. Arthur L. Ward, of Oullford, I the guest of M. E.

Washburn and family. The Jolly Fight Club met at' th horn of Leooa Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. P.

Sanders entertained ths Social Doien at bor)tng, Saturday The North Side re urn re Club rave dance In Stowers's Hall. Tuesday evening. Mies "Mamie Crist and Mis Jessie Whelaa spent Funday with, friends In Greencastle. The Ladies Aid of th St. Pan! M.

E. church will meet la the church Wednesday afternoon. The Mlriery Club will meet at th home of Mre. Fich, in CXngres svenua, Tuesday afler Mrs. Laura Sweeney, of ZlonsviXIe.

has bee the guest of Mrs. John Murphy part of this wtek. Robert Irwin entertained the Men's Social Club of the Bom Preshytestaa church. Friday evening. Th Baptist Social Circl will meet at th home Of Mrs.

Noah Matkin next Friday even Th Toung People's Social Club will meet at the horn of Emily and Or Foy, Friday evening. Mr. Nancy Staton tra a reception Wednesday evening, in' honor of her eighty first birthday. Bea and Pessle entertained a num ber of friends 't their bom la CdeU Street, Tuday The Dauahters of Pocahonta 'win rive a mhnk and ts sociable at Greenieat Hall, next Thursday evening, i Mrs. M.

Tyler and daughter. Mr Blanche Jnnea. entertained Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Dove Tartton.

Thursday. Mrs. vr. A. Collamor entertained ths Oeoa sla 'lub Monday evening, She was Assisted by Mrs.

Richard Cox. Mr. B. F. Holllngswerth has returned from a visit with her parents.

Mr. and: Mrs. John K. Saumtern. of Ibaotw.

Tfcs Miaslonary Society of the Home Pree hyteriaa church a entertained by Mre, J. Elward yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Z.

A Ransom. ef Minnesota, who have been the guetns of Mr. and Mr C. left Thursday tor The Men'sj Social Club of the Home Presbyterian chsrch will gn Easter SRtppr at the church. Tuesday evening, March iJi.

The Endeavor of the St Paul M. E. churrrti held Htsg prajrer meeting tt hcme' tif Mis IWU EveretU, TiDeeday Mr. t4 Mr. J.

W. Norton entertained a number of friends dinner Tuesday evenine. Among th'jee present wtre Mr. and Mr. B.

WHEN CLUBS WILL MEET. Wlnor.a Chautnuitia Literary Circle March IT. With Mrs. Clarke, 521 North Meridian street: Subject. "lmperiJ Germany the LAnd of Luther." Century Club March IS.

"Recent Researches ia Archaeology," hy W. C. Taylor. Boys Club Piea ar.t evenir. r.

March 71. "St. Fa trick, by Rev. F. II.

Gav Impersonator, ICan Porter. Commltte, Mrs. Sutcllffe. Mrs. Robert Lonp.

Miss Af nes Ketcham, Mis Ixuise Fugh and T. B. Laycock. Aftermath Club March 20. With Mrs.

R. D. Fisher. "Josephine Nichols." by Mrs. E.

Hamilton "Kate Field," by Mrs. J. Ii Edmonds; conversation. 'Noted Women of Indiana." Music. rroctor Reading Clrcl? March 13.

With Mrs. M. W. Maiott. "Leo XIII," by Mrs.

R. R. Rhiel. Mrs. rare Peclle with Leo XIII." by Mrs.

Kate Collins. Rosemary Club March 17. "Poets of Common Life Walt Whitman, by Mrs. Edson F. Folsom; "Jair.p Whltcomb Riley." by Miss Julia Walk.

Sketching Club March 22. "American Sculptors," by Eva Jetter Benton. Fortnightly Literary Club rMarch IS. Anniversary. Guer evening.

Xddress by Samuwl E. Morss on "French Matinee Musicalc March 15. Organ recital at the English Lutheran church. Woman's Club March 21. "As It May Happen," by Mrs.

Henry L. Van Hoff. Conversation' by the club. Woman's Research Club March 17. With Mr.

II. T. Conde. "Evolution of the Woman," by Mrs. Tutewller; "Classic Women," by Mrs.

M. O. Ryker. conversation, "Bits of Romance in the Lives of Great Men," Mrs. Florence M.

Hop 'kins, leader. Ir 1nfrton Woman's Club March 17. With Mrs. William. "Alton Locke," by Miss Tompkins; by Mr.

Thompson; "The Sociological Novel," by Mrs. Forrest Magazine Club March 22. With Mrs. Louis Toyser, 19 East St. Joe street.

"Social Customs," Mrs. Eliza Hopkins; "The Throne and the Nobles." by Mr. Atkinson. 1 Parlor Club March 13. With Mrs.

W. P. Benton. 1S92 1902. Catherine Merrill Club March 22.

Guest day. Paper by John E. Cleland, "la Poetry Worth While?" Portfolio Club March 20. Program by Ottis Adams. Mr.

and MTs. LouTs It. Gibson. Indianapolis Literary Club March 17. "The Northwestern Revival," by Alfred E.

Dickey. French Club March 17. With Miss Pauline Schellschmldt II. Bheperd. Mr.

and Mr. William M. Foy. Mr. and Mrs.

S. and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Dlxan. Mrs. Frank Rremerraan gave a surprise party In honor of Miss Ruth's and Master Clark's birthdays. About forty children were entertained. The Christian Endeavor of the St.

Paul M. E. church will have a temperance metln to morrow everrmg. The meeting; will be led by William Foy. WEST INDIANAPOLIS.

Will Ely has returned from Chicago. Mr. O. M. Quigliy is visiting in Braxil.

H. C. Mod re 11 lias returned from Coupon. N. D.

Grubb has returned from Falmouth. Wesley Dwlgglns has returned from Elwood. Mrs. Frances Butler is visiting In Columbus, Ohio. Mrs.

Myer will entertain her card club to night. Mlrs Pearl McCredy Is visiting friends In Fal mouth. Mrs. Llpp, of Mulberry, has been the guest of Mrs. Irvln Dlckison.

Mr. 'X. T. MeOlure haa been spending this week In Martinsville. Miss Bertha Brltton; of Pennsylvania Is the guest of Mrs, McMunn.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 'Bornkamp will go to Torre Haute' to morrow.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shepperd spent part of the week in Noblesvllle.

J. M. Oral, of Lafayette, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.

T. Craig. Mr. Probsel, of Madison, Is visiting his son. Joseph Probsel, and amlly.

Daniel Dean was given a surprise party Tues ST. PATRICK'S DAY. AVORS and decorations for St. Patrick's day luncheons and dinners were never more elab orate than this year. Imagine a snake, decorating a table, there is an imitation straw stack of pala green candy straws, or grass perhaps, with two.

glittering green snakes colled around the sides. These snakes of bright green tinsel are as decent looking aa any reptile could be. The shamrock Is seen In candy boxes tied with green ribbon, and decorating the top of smaller boxes; The flag of Ireland antl the harp in gold on green make a pretty decoration. For tiny Individual favors there are clay pipes about an inch 4n length tied with narrow green ribbons. Candy; baxes are regular Donny brook hats with clay pipes stuck through the green ribbon band.

Irish potatoes are fascinating: candy boxes, calculated to deceive the most suspiolous. For Easter there are large rabbit molds for chocolate Ice cream, storks holding baby chickens by ribbons in their long bills, rabbit candy boxes and eggs ranging from the grotesque fb fire beautiful. Thedog show has brought out the cunnlngest little candy boxes, little white kennels 'dogs on guard. Also a fine array ot dogs, whose heads un screw toehold bon bons. Noah's arks filled, wittneandy animals, and woodland; candy boxes are squirrels, bears, deer, etv day evening by trenty flve employe of the Jsew Tork store.

Mrs. Ollia Smith, of Plainfleld. has been the guest of Mrs. 1. H.

Shake. Miss Addah Hocking and May me Robson have returned to West Salem. 111. The Pleasure Club will be entertained by Mrs. Wm.

Boner Thursday afternoon. Keszle Elmore, of North Salerh. Is visit I ne her Mrs. Frederick Peine. Banner Temple No.

S7, Rathbone Sisters, will give a card party Thursday night. Mrs. M. J. Newton, of St.

Louis has been visiting Mrs. G. 6. Henninger. Raymond Brown of Weetfleld, spent part of the week with Mr.

and Mr. Ed Clark. Mr. and R. H.

Prosser. of are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sols bury.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Black.

of Plalnneld. have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Leach man. Th Ladle' AW Society of Trinity M. E.

church will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Alexander. The Epwprth League of Trinity M. E. church.

will give a musical and lltrary program Mod day evening, Mrs. R. J. Reed, of Van Buren. Is vtsltihjr her daughter.

Miss Clara Van Buren, and Mrs. O. Sandef ur. Mis Jessie of Greenca rtle, spent part of the week with the Misses Splnks and Jessie Wysong. Th Ladies' Aid Society of Pilgrim Con re ra tional chTch.

will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Helen Tomrson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

QUI entertained seventy The Birds and and Mrs. Margaret Daly: "Aji Audieoce friends Saturday evening, in honor of their daughter, Minnie. Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Davis, of Bridgeport, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders. Mrs.

Henry Blake and. son. and Curry Bean blosom. of Mauckport, are fru.ests of Mr. and Mrs.

uaviason Mrs. Charles Rlsner entertained at luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Albright and Mrs. J. Eck.

of Newton. III. The W. M. F.

S. of Trinity M. E. church will ltive a missionary tea Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Leechman.

The young people of River Avenue Bapttst church gave a party Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crouch. BRIGHTW00D. Asa Shimer'has returned from ft.

Louis. Wells Essex has returned Columbus. David Cohen has returned from Cincinnati. Miss Emma Stobaugh has gone to. New Harmony.

Miss Flossy Shoobrldge has returned from Upland. William Steele has returned from Rushsyl vanla, O. Miss Emma Bonn is visiting friends In Columbus. O. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Wenrick havs gone to Bellefontaine, O. Mira Mayme Riley has gone to Paris, to remain indeflntely. Mr. and Mrs.

Benjamin Tranb have returned from Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. B. A.

Clark are the guests of relatives, in Alexandria. Everett Partlow will return from San Ber nardtna, next week. Mies Haiel Dinkel. of Terr Haute, is the guest of Miss Alice White. Mri and Mrs.

M. have gone to Unlorr City, wnere tney will reside. Mrs. 8.. Sampson, of Mattoon, Is the guest of Mrs.

Prank Roesch. Miss Roma Nicholas entertained a number of friends Wednesday evening. The Ladles of" the MarcaJees met In the Brlghtwood Hall Tuesday iafternoon Roy 8ltes, of Cincinnati, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sites.

Mrs. Frank Bowers, who has. been the guest of relatives in Illinois, has returned. Mr. Frank Davison, wMo has been Visiting relatives In Winchester, has returned.

Miss Bessie Smith, of Newcastle, is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. William Uldrlde. Miss Anna Weaver, of is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Marshall.

A number of friends surprised Miss Birdie Maham with a birthday party Friday evening. The Social Evening Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trinible Friday evening. Mrs.

E. Casse and daughter. Flossy, of Zionsvllle, are the guests of Mrs. E. Sour wine, Mr.

W. A. Brown, who has been the guest of her alster in Peoria, has returned. Mrs. Samuel Bloom, of Bellefontaine.

is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edard Kalrbo. Miss Grace Adams will leave, next week for Illinois, where she will remalrf several months. Albert Kemper, of Las Ve raa.

Ne'w Mei Ico, is the guest of his parents, Mr. nd Mrs. A. H. Kemper." The Ladles'.

Auxiliary of tha Y. M. C. A. met In the Y.

M. C. A. reception room Wednesday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday.

and Mrs. John of Union Citv, were the a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell; Suhday. The Ladies'.

Aid Society of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Bowers Wednesday afternoon. Miss Lulu Burns, of Windfall, and Mr. S. B.

Brown, of Salem, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Williams. Miss Altha Baker and Miss Mabel Coleman, of Terre Haute, are the guests of Mlssea Pearl wnite and Margaret Devers. Mrs.

James Murry, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kairbo, has returned to Ft. Wayne. Mrs.

James Marshall and daughter, Pauline. have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John, Marshall, have returned to Charleston, 411. Mr.

and Mrs. William Mitchell, of Bellefontaine. and Mr. and Sidney iirown. of Union City, are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Mitchell. The" Youn Men's Club will celh rare 1r second anniversary in i the Brlghtwood Hall. aturaay evening. May II.

Supper will be served by ths Ladles of the Maccabees. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheeler. Misses Daisy Pelne and Edith Wheeler, wiil go to Columbus to morrow to visit Mr.

and Mrs. George Woody. The first division of the Ladies' Aid Society of Morris Street Christian church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John Gish: the second division will maet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E.

A. Hillitross; the third division will meet Tuesday afternoon jwlth Mrs. TUford CASTLETON. Claude Ifegley. of Daievllle.

visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Negley.

Thursday. Miss Tlshie Parsley visited her "brother. Fred Parsley and family, of Noblesvllle, Wednesday. I Mrs. Bertha Branson.

Of NotMesvllle. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Madison Brunson and other relative. Mrs.

Charles Blrkett is spending a few days wim ner parents. r. ana airs, mill Whltesell. of West Liberty. Mrs.

George Henry retimed Wednesday after spending' a few days with her sister. Mra Mary Kuhn, of. Nobleevijle. Mis Mary Roberts, Arcadia, returned Chilci the ren. of The Indianapolis News Audujbon Society desires to enlist all children In the protection of ihe birds, and to this end a "meadow lark button" is to be distributed.

This button will be given to' any child of the city on preeemtatlon at the business office pf The News or any substation, of a coupon and one cent. This coupon will appear in each Issue of The News until further notice, and 'children 'outside the. city will be required to send return postage wjth the couport and one cent. I The buttons will be ready for distribution. April 14.

at ail substations and the business office of The News. The button should be worn where It may be seen, and is a pledgefthat the wearer will protect the birds. Th form of. the coupon is: PROTECTTHE BIRpS, NEWS AlIlDUBON SOCIETY. This Ccwoon and! On Cent Entitles th Holder to Meadow Lark Audubon Button.

Present this Coujon at the Business Offlcs of The News or any of The News Substations. IV ar spending a few day with her cois in. i lirlla lioberts. BRIDGEPORT. Frank Lamb has returned to Avon.

Thomas Cu 'srly has returned, to Plainfleld. William rars. n.s i. visiting relatives in Rush vilic. Mrs.

Harvey Johnson is spending the week in rtuKhviile. Lnehnn. of Brownsburg, Is a guest of fri nds. Mrn. Cgburn is spending this week in Mrs.

William Davis will return from Detroit, Monday. Mi's Mary Da i. of Plainfleld. ts the guest of Ml. MauTl Mill! Mr and Mrs.

Jaroe i Ryner cominer In Marion. rill spend the I Xtlfses Mary anil Lvlla Ford, of Danville, i nr" fui of frit n'li hre. i Mr. arrl Mr. el'tr of Pmwnhurg.

i ar giiestx Mr. and Mrs. Michael Casserly. Mr ard Mrs John VarTen, who are visiting 'n Sp r.rrr, will return home Tuesday. Miss Hattte Ij.mfc.

of Danville, will be the of i arentu, Mr. and Mrs. Joab Lamb, r.fjtt wt ek. Mr h.a Parker and dariKhter Mary will he ruesls of r. and Mrs.

J. S. Myers the jmtr.j WHk. Mr an 1 Mr Martin Russel and dauirhter Hrtha. of Canton.

(.. will be guests of frtonds hr xt fk. Mr ar.i Ora Wamsley. of Evansvllle, ji sts of Mr and Mrs. William Ors burn tl ik.

FLACKVILLE. Miss MasRie Johnson, of Pen Davis. Is vlsit Inir friends here. Clinton t'larrison. cf Marion, is the "Ut of Mr.

and Mrs. Klllott. Mrs. ntlle Entertained a number of frleniis Tuesday evening. It.

S. Rush, of Zionsvllle, will be the guest of friends here nejrt week. Mr. Ksque, of Shannondale, is the suest of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Ijuwry. Quarterly meetirur will held at the Thirtieth street M. E. church on Friday The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the hom of Mrs. Chris Meyers Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. W. C. Rush and Miss Marguerite Johnson Tiavn returned from visiting friends In KushviUe. HAUGHV1LLE.

Thomas Phca has returned from visit to rclatlvrs in I exinirton. Miss Al of Hawesville, Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Wit more. John Martiniialo Is the iupst of his daughter, Mrs.

Edwari Culbertson, in Anderson. Miss Carrie Fondray. of lirownsburg, was the ruest of Miss Minnie Schaepe. test week. Miss Dora Martlndale went to SummitviUe Wcdne day to visit her niece, Mrs.

J. Sparks. Rev. Dr. Edwin Schell lectured on The Aristocracv of Youth," in the King Avenut churrh, M.mday evening.

The lecture was under the auspices of lh Epworth league. CLERMONT. MIjs Deiores Ixing went to Brownsburg Tuesday. McKeehan. cf Kentucky, is here visiting rienilx.

Lulu Marshal, of Anderson, visited her the first of the week. Miss Pearl Brown, of Muncle, visited Miss Todd Wednesday. The Fudge ''lub met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tur ln Monday evening.

Iyr.ora Brooks, of Nashville, will come to morrow to visit her sister, Addle Yorker. OLINVILLE. Miss Florence Martin will entertain a few friends at luncheon Thursday. Miss Etta Thompson, of Pittsburg, is the guest of her father, James A. Thompson The Misses Carrie and Emma Fourdry entertained with a dance Wednesday evening.

OAKLANDON. The Culture Club met with Mrs. Thomas Springer Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Bloss. who have been the gu ts of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.

Best, have returned to their homn In Anderson. LODGE 56'S CRACK TEAM. Indiana Pythians Expect It to Win Honors at Chicago. The members of the team selected from Indianapolis Ixxlge, No. 56, Knights of Pythias, which is to take part in the grand Pythian jubilee In Chicago the night ot March 20, are holding almost Daughters of Founders and Patriots.

dally rehearsals, fts the team will come into competition with some of the famous teams of. the country. Lodge 56 has chartered special train for. the Chicago trip, which'' will leave Indianapolis at 8 a. m.

next Thursday, and the train has been opened to the general public, several coaches being reserved for members of the order. The. train will travel over the Monon, a rate of $.1.73 for the round trip having been arranged. C. F.

S. Neal. head of the Endowment Rank of the order, with headquarters in Chicago, has charge of most of the for the meetfng. which Is to be interstate in nature, and he Is booming Indiana and making promises for a banner delegation from Indianapolis. The meeting in Chicago will be held in the Coliseum, which will be especially arranged for the exhibition of the secret work of the order.

Mayor Bookwaltef, Caleb S. Denny, Charles E. Cox, T. J. McAvoy and other well known citizens have been selected as members of Lodge 56 team.

The chief competing teams will be lola Lodge, of Dayton. and a lodge from Wisconsin. The old team from Lodge 56 was regarded throughout the country a the crack team of the I'nited States, and as several of the members of that team have been pressed into service, it is thought that Indiana I'ythlanism will win fresh honors. Jacob Siibermanri. NEW YORK, March 15.

Jacob Sllber mann, one of the pioneer silk manufacturers of this country, Is dead at his home here heart disease. He was born in Germany 'seventy eight years ago. When twenty six years old he came to this country. COLONIAL DAMES. For Pile Try Salva coa.

No mattjer whether they are blind, bleeding or Itching. It will give instant relief and effect a permanent cure. It will surprise you" the way It does Its work. Price, 5c and at druggists' or by mad. Salva cea.

74 Canal New York L. D. 111 IL 'A. H. W.

THE PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES INCREASING INTEREST IN THEM EACH YEAR. MEMBERS IN THIS CITY Some Organizations with Large Membership, While Others Are Necessarily Limited. There Is an Increasing lr.terrst in the sar.os oi uoiiars are Detng spent annuaily by person who desire to prove their right to belong to one or more of these organizations, and many stories might be told of the old records that have been brought to light and the places that have been searched for them. Mildewed cellar ana ihjp are lineal descent from a revolu basements. old files and Government tioary ancestor and proof of patriotic quarters, where records are sterol, have 1 5eTvU.e of such ancestor, and one as been relieved of dust and cobwebs as the obliged; to make affidavit as to.

her line search goes on. Many persons know that 0f descent npd give documentary proof, their ancestors were revolutionary sol or 'trustworthy evidence, of ancestor' dlers, or belonged to the sailing family of service. The ofScers of the Indianapolis the Mayflower, or fought In the war of I'hapter are: Rogent. Mr. S.

E. Ker mz: out to obtain proof and make the claim valid re ulres labor. It Is not so many years since the first patriotic societies were organized and In the begin flnfe the work was slow, but now, since to be a member of a patriotic society is a passport to many of the privileges of general society, the growth is rapid. Indianapolis women have a large representation in the different organizations. Each society has Its colors, badge, official note paper, mpsi of them both national and State insignia, and numerous books and pamphlets.

Different societies have different requirements for membership. Daughters of American Revolution. This is one of the first of the patriotic societies among the women of America, and It was established in Washington D. In 1S'. Membership is limited to "women who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who rendered patrlgtjc ser fce to this country during its revolutionary period.

Indiana has the honor of having furnished two presidents general to the national society. Mrs. Benjamin Harrison was elected president general during her husband's administration as President of the States, and now Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of Indiana's senior United States Senator, holds the position, Mrs.

James M. Fowler, of La fayette, Is the regent of the State. Bociety. The Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, of this city. Darned for Mrs.

Benjamin Harrison, has the largest membership of any of the women's patriotic societies in the State. The officers and members are: Regent. Mrs. John Newman Carey; vice regent. Mrs.

Henry C. G. Bais; recording secretary. Miss Ella Van Camp; corresponding secretary. Miss Julia Harrison Moore; treasurer, Mrs.

Frank A. Morrison; registrar. Mrs. Samuel Elliott Perkins; historian, Mrs. Claypool.

Mrs. George Adam's. Miss Fidelia Anderson, Mrs. H. C.

Atkins, Miss Emtha Atktns, Mrs. Adelaide Atkins, Mrs. Albert Baker. Miss Ellen Baker. Mrs.

II. C. G. Bala, Miss Sallle W. Barbour." Mrs.

George Barbour, Mrs. William P. Barrows, Mrs. W. J.

Brown, Mrs. John R. Brown. Mrs. Austin II.

Brown, Mr. Lucy M. Brown. Mrs. Eveline A.

Bronson, Miss Eliza G. Browning, Mrs. Henry L. Browning, Miss Martha Brower, Mrs. James B.

Black. Mrs. Henry" Bliss, Mrs. Susan F. BcFSon, Mrs.

Augustln Boice, Mrs. Alfred BUrc'sal, Mrs. Ovid Butler, Mrs. Addison ByLee. Mrs.

Warren C. Buell, Mrs. John N. Carey. Mrs.

James R. Carnahan. Miss Nellie Carnahan, Mrs. Frederick W. Chis lett, Mrs.

Jefferson Claypool. Mrs. Edward M. Churchman, Mrs. W.

Cole man. Mrs. Frank G. Darlington, Mrs'. Edward H.

Dean. Mrs. Austin F. Mrs. Caleb S.

Denny, Mrs. Hdrry E. Drew, Miss Alice Edwards. Mrs. XTharles W.

"Fairbanks, Mrs. Chapln Foster, I XT Daughters of the Revolution a svi ar MAP.Y WASHINGTON MEMORIAL ASSO CIATION. Miss Marv Foster. Mrs. Edward Folsom.

Mrs. H. Forry, Miss Lea Fletcher, Miss Kmily Fletcher. Mrs. Albert Folger, Mrr. n. Gates, Mrs. James Gatch. Mrs. W.

S. Garber. Mr. Robert Geddes, Mrs. tavld tlibson, Mr.

S. R. Greer, Mrs. A. Gladding.

Mi." Brooke Griffin. Mr. John Griffith. Mrs. Albert Gall.

Mrs. ltfroe Hawkins, Mr. W. Hauei sen. Mm.

W. J. Hasselman. Mrs. Clinton Hare.

Mis Mary G. May. Mr. Martha He. Mr W.

P. Herod. Mr. V. K.

Hendricks. Mlsa Anna Hendricks. Mrs. Hannah Hendricks iCynod. Pa), Miss Dalslpel Hendricks, Miss Kathertne Heron tConnersvllie).

Mrs. Thomas E. Hlb ben. Mrs. E.

F. Hodges, Mrs. Ellxa Hoi klns, Miss Mabel Hopkins (Champaign. Mis jMary P. Hord.

Mrs. John IL Holllday; Mrs. John N. Hurty, Miss Re lecca A. 'Insley (London), Mrs; Mary Jackson.

frs. Ella Jacoby. Mrs. P. H.

James vn, Mr. John F. Johnston, Mrs. John W. Jones.

Mrs. J. D. Johnson. Mrs.

Thomas Rv Kackley, Mrs. Preston KeUey. Miss Emma B. King. Mrs.

Charles Kor bly, Miss Elsie Langdon, Mrs. J. M. Lilly. Mr.

Jame I. Lodge, Mrs. R. H. Lowe, Miss Florence Maiott.

Mrs. Robert Mar shall. Miss Sarah G. Marshall. Mrs.

James! McKee (Saratoga, N. Mra Frank: Morrison, Mrs. Fanny W. Morrison. Jin.

JOMph A. MUburn (Chicago). Mrs. i W. E.

Mroney (Columbus). Mr. W. A. Moore, Miss Deborah D.Moore, Miss Julia Moore.

Mrs. E. Miller. Mrs. Grace Morrison.

Miss rancy Newcomer. Mr. Emily Nicholson. Miss Sarah L. Niblack.

Mis Justine Nowiand. Mr Joseph R. Perry, Samuel E. Perkins. Miss Amelia Flatter.

Mis Iiti Pomeroy, Mrs. A. I. Preston. Mr.

Harriet Augusta Prunk. Miss Theresa "Pierce. Mr. Anna Pepper, Mlaa Alice Quick, Ml Agnes Rankin. Mis Louise Rankin, Mrs.

Carrl G. Mr. W. J. Richards.

Mr. B. F. Mrs. Berthie O.

Roble (Richmond). Mr. G. S. Rowp, Mr.

C. F. Sayles. Mr. William Scott.

Mrs. W. D. Seaton. Mr.

J. K. Sharpe. Miss Julia G. Sharpe.

Mrs S. M. Shepherd. Miss Harriet Shepherd. Mr.

Lillian Slaughter (Cuba). Mr. Ge rire W. Sloap, Mrs. B.

W. Smith. Mis Nellie1 C. Smith, Miss Ida Virginia Smith. Mis Eva Wilson Smith, Mrs.

O. F. Smith. Mis Myrtle Smythe. Miss AUce Snyder (Elmir.

N. Mr G. W. Stout Mr. R.

Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas Taggart. Mrs. E. Thompson.

Mr. W. E. Thompson (Anderson), Mrs. Olivia Pearl Thrall, Mrs.

Cortland Van Camp. Miss Ella ah Camp. Mrs. Von Knappe (Muncle). Mrs.

C. A. Walte, Mr. B. D.

Waleott, Mrs. X. Walker. Mrs. Wllloughby Walling (Chicago.

Mrs. George Warren. Mis AUce Wick (Pbiladelphla). Mrs. Eloise Wilder.

Mr. Charles William. Mrs. F. Winchester.

Mrs. I). P. Wining. Mrs.

Jame M. Winter! Mrs. Charle H. Wool. Mr.

Voou. Mr, Kmfl Wulscbner, Miss JI. mi3S Mary Yerkes. Terkes, Daughters of the Revolution. The, Society of the Daughter of the Revolution was organized In New York State in 1SS1.

The reourrements for mem cheval: vice reirent. Mrs. Theresa IL Smith; treasurer, Mr. Hugh J. Drumt mond; secretary.

Mrs. Charles M. Crossi; historian, Mrs. Isaac P. Gray.

The memf bers of the society are: Mrs, Daniel Van dawalker; Miss Edith Adams. Mrs. Frark N. Fitzgerald. Miss T.

L. Voss, Mrs. E. C. Thompson, Mrs.

C. M. Mrs." si 'H. Wright. Miss Anna K.

Adams, Mrs. Edward J. Harwick. Mrs. Marta G.

Tanner, Mrs. T. H. Smith, Dr. Marie Haslep.

Mrs. J. A. Mount. Mrs.

O. P. Morton; Mra. F. C.

Gardner, Mr. Laura Gertrude Carro Parkhurst. Mis Susan Thompson, Mrs. Isaac Slckler, Mrs. R.

IL Moore, Mrs. E. H. Tripp, Mra C. A.

Wilson. Mrs. J. L. Freeman.

Mr. O. E. Williamson. Mrs.

W. A. Bristor, Mrs. (Charie Field. Mrs.

W. A. Smock, Mrs. Helen G. Miller, Mr.

John Stone. Mrs. Mary E. Petterson, Miss Mary Mrs. Mary L.

Johnson.Mlss May. Emerson, Mrs. "Jo ha E. Teter. Mrs.

A. J. Mcintosh, Miss Sadie Mcintosh, Mrs. Teresa Griffin Bettie Warren. Miss Drucilla HlnchmanV Mrs.

Francis Ritchie. Mr. S. C. Gill.

Mra H. D. Yoder and Mr. Clark Tucker. Mia Voss ts regent of the State Society of the Daughters of the Revolution.

The Daughter of the Revolution have bought the Valley Forge battleground and erected a monument thereon, the only pa triotic society that ha accomplished such an objecj.and the expectaflofi Is that thi famous battleground will be made a na tional nark, flther societies arr oreserv ing famous houses or erecting tablets commemorate valiant deeds of membersf ancestcrs. Each claims some specilic patriotic work. An original feature ia about to be undertaken by the Daughter or the Revolution, and that is to raise a fund to provide a higher education fof it members. Colonial Dames. The Society of Colonial Dame In In diana has few members outside I of the city.

The badge of the Indiana society is an Indian's head within a circle. To become a member of this organization one must prove descent from an ancestor who rendered efficient service to the colonies. or who performed ome heroic deed In the. colon ptfvuiWto'l'tStk. 'The society was orgaritdf fteitr.

$ij" thi late Mrs. Bemeot Lyman. Mrs. James Robert McKee, who Is slill a member of the 'Indiana society, was the first president Tha present officer are: President, Mr. Charles F.

Sayles; vtce presidents. Mrs. John O. Per rln and Mrs. J.

R. McKee; recording secretary. A. Wagner; corresponding secretary. Miss Florences Maiott treasurer, Mrs.

B. D. Waleott; registrar. Mrs. W.

F. Winchester; historian. Mrs. F. W.

Chislett. There' Is also a large board 'of managers. The other members of the society are Mrs. George F. Adams.

Mrs. Frederick Van Doren Ohlslett. Mrs. F. G.

Darlington, Miss Alice Edwards. Mrs. I. Elston. of Crawfortisville; Mrs.

J. A. Milburh, Mrs. L. G.

Millard. Mrs. Daughters of the American Revolution. The. Pnited States Daughters of.

1812. E. L. Thomas. Mrs.

F. E. Gavin. Mrs. Edward F.

Hodges. Mrs. F. L. Mayer, Mrs.

A. L. Roache, Mrs. Milton Shirk, of Peru; Mrs. V.

J. Brown, Mrs. J. M. Kitchen, Mrs.

X. T. Maiott. Mrs. H.

L. Wallace. Mrs. H. W.

Bennett. Mrs. J. J. Skinner, of Peru; Mrs.

Edwin H. Forry. Miss Laurel Louisa Fletcher. Mrs. Frank Nichols Lewis.

Mr. J. M. Fowler, of Lafayette; Miss Mary Sayles. Miss Mary E.

Noble' and Mrs. Alice Shirk Edwards, Peru. Daughters of Colonial Governors. Thi is. a society membership In which is limited to linil descendants of men who served as Governors of the thirteen colonies previous to 1750.

There la no State society, but Mrs. W. F. Winchester is chairman of the society in Indiana. The merhbers are Mrs.

V. T. Maiott, Mis Florence Maiott, Mrs. Edward H. Dean.

Mrs. W. J. Holllday. H.

W. Bennett, Mrs. A. I. Preston, Mrs.

J. M. Fowler, of Lafayette; Miss Mary Sayles and Mrs. Joseph H. Wilson, of Iifayette.

Some of their Governor ancestors are Thomas Dud.ley, of Massachusetts; Simon Brad street, of Massachusetts and New Hamp shlre; Tristram Coffin, of Lewis Morris, of New Jersey; John West, of Virginia John Webster and John Mason, of Connecticut, and Roger Williams, of Rhode Daughters of, Patriot and Founders. This is considered one of the moat exclusive of the patriotic societies In the country, Us membership being less than hne hundred In the entire country. To wear the badge of this society one mast prove lineage from a founder who tame here previous to lteu. It is hereditary and by Invitation. Mrs.

W. F. Winchester is the only member, thus far. In Indiana. The colors of the society are ERECT 01 i VA7 Vv.

a II Words of Hope for the Desponddnt. Paine's Celery bund K' Tie Earrel jas Eizixier or; Xiteaia Comp DeYtsea ty aa Eiaiaeat PliysicIaaaaJ Gaa TiJJj Prescribed by tis.Profesaioi i Prof. EJwtird Phe! IL TX LL. according to' the ethics of hohersnL reputable physicians, to the Jei.i medical men of ths work! hi i prescription, ry Compound a soon as it was perfected. For this son Paine's; Celery Corspound has never, been Included among jatent medicines.

Coming from so bjgh source, and being so thoroughly tested strongly' recommended, physician prescribe it with confidence. 'f .1 Paine's Cekry Compmiria rapid" gains In fame as a disease bahiaher; all wfco have tried It gratefully: acknowledge its curing and life tgfying power. If, driver the gerins pi seated diseases fforn tha blood: I It brl buoyancy of spirit lt pUe of lassitude 'and deepor enables the over'axed and broken down system to start fairly on the road to health: It give the is sleep so nr sary to brain and nerve; It trengtneDk, invigorate, and gives to the system, makes purer blood. food and nour Uhment for nerve and tissue. It makej sick peopla Well.

Mr. John Dryden. fcior of the Frankfort Call. Frankfort. Ivj; write a foW low's: tjg ive me great plex jr to afate to you, and ta any humajv eiag, that in my judgment there are thousana upon thousands In broad land of our who are tij day suffering.) who might en Joy all the blessing afj health if thev would but esa your great tieUlcln, Paine Celery Compound "F5r the cure of ay reT7sIa It ha no surterlor.

and that dread lisease. rrisomnia; will soon? be a thing of tha past If peopie Jwho are Uttis afflicted will us thi medl cine. 1 "I have used the Compound Irr my fam lly and always with bengrtrlal results. As a family medicine I do not think it pos sible to Had its superior To those who are worn out In body. It Wiil speedily bring them back to health ar.d make them feet that life Is worth living To airyoorv iv suffering human fe' say fus i Paine's Celer Compound 'IX you warft, to "bo made elL' I Diamond Paints Ss red, buff and blue, anV the bad ta cf blue and white enamel gold tipped points.

It Is elabofaj.8 fctj design. Huguenots of Arrierlcs. The Huguenots that enroe to America In the seventeenth centurytij enjoy free Bible, helped to build the JHoneer charar teristics of ihe American people of tortla. and! descendants' ek to do them. Just In perpetuating" their, hlatolry through a patriotic aocl itjf that is knJwa as the HugTienots of Am lra.

Its member ship Includes both sex and each has representative in thi cltyi Capt. William is. ngiian ana iirs. aeor je f. Adams.

The badge'' of tha socielyi la cn cf Daughter of ColonJ; Covernor. iiv' most It Js of soli! gold. The pi has a dove wtth.pread jplngs jn fronL.of a sun. whose rays seven pointed background for the birdJ! The pendant is of artistic. form with roctico border.

Irt the upper left hand eomef is. the full orbed sun and diagonal: across it facets the marigold, the flower ot the society. United" States Daughters of 13l The name of this socUty: explain JtselT clearly. Member mu ft prove' descent from an ancestor who served the Unlted Stafes in military or capacity during the war of 1S12. Indiana women that have done this and.

are member of the New York State chapter are Mr. CharlesJPta body Wilder andTilrs. Winchesters There Is no chapter lo tfcl State. Mary Washingtonj MmorlaL The National Mary Waihlagton Memorl al Association Is a gen iyal society that seeks to perpetuate thetrietaory of the mother orGeOrge Washl.ijstpn by erectlns memorial m. her At th recent of thA Dauirht.TS of th Amer hM in WashlriaW tha.

presldent gorieraL of the Society was. pre sented with the badge of he society. Only one other. is; held ta thH: Stat, and that was conferred soma tlm ago on MUa T. L.

Voss. the fitate reger i.of th Daugh; ters of the Revolution. Mayflower Society, Another patriotic socidty 1 the May flower Purltao. Ancestry from that band that made the trip in the. Mayflower must be proved before one may become a member of this organiz ulon.

This is a soclety for toth men'and jvomen. and Dr. Edward F. Hodges 1 te of the lew in this State that ha Jotne it FORM i ii icecrcci rorra, dj piacinj aii pressure ot itii uuvu iiiL back mascles; does away witli the ills of tight lacfr. and a bea.uti ful incurve at the base of the It is the proper mo 1 to wear with the cew Erect Form ana Princess your new over aa Efect Form and i will be a masterpiece of grace and elegarci.

Prices from ujx If your dealer cannot supply you send direct to i WEINGARTEN BROS, 377 379 Broadway, Nr vr Torli I other corset can tike the place of the V.B. Erect Fo rv Accept no i i.

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