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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 6

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 8 Who kept fliop almoft at the corner of Second and Arch ltreets is removed to the corner honfe of Third ami Arch ftreets oppofite the Presbyterian Meeting houfe in Arch ltreet and the fign of the Rofi in Thinl ltrect at the corner of the riends Burying Ground and lias out of the lall vel'els from London Liverpool Brillol and laid in on the very belt terms a very neat and ge heral aflbrtment of the following GOODS which he is determined to fell on the moll rea fonable terms wholesale and retail for ready mo ney only vie frt 11KEE fourths 78 and yard wide Irilh li iwn 3 4 7 8 yard wide and yard and 3 8 Dumfries Oct 1417 4 TO BE DI PO 1) A PER SON who has near even yean jofe ve who underlhnds Engraving in all i'sdifie rent branches fuch as railing and making impref lions on Gold Silver Copper Brafs fc niut jil wife making final! cats all kinds cuts arms cy phers and figures on plate in the neateft manner ANDREW LEITCH merare NB As all the above goods were pufehafed un commonly Jo fir cadi he hopes to convince thole who pl iie to fwor him with their cultom that no one will fell on more reafonable terms TH fubferibers take this method to inform the Public that the Millenary bufinefs is car ried on all the newell and neared fafhions at the mod reafumble rates at their houfe in ront dreet near Almond (beet As they have newly begun they will he under the greatelt obligations to all thofe who ill pleafe to favor them with their cullom JEAN MURDOCH and REBECCA DOWNS NT They al fo make cloaks bonnets cans If A I VV I AND 0 ME Have for file at their Tore upper fide ut Mar ket iireet wharf iy wht 'ende and retail JAMAICA fpirits VVcil lndia and New England rum Lilbor TenuX rnd Malaga wines mufcovaiii' loaf and lump fugais pepper allpice tea Cotiee chocolate rtnch and Caroli na indigo coti and Pmladclplu fnuff alfo a cargo of Liflwn fait al! which tiny will fell cheap ur cadi or country pioducr NB Orders from the country ti a limes ami tliallopmens bills put up on the ihuteil notice with care and ditaTSn MATT II MA I foXuM 1 receptor to young Ladies only in the Erwliflfi Lmgsrigc Pemnanfliip and Arithmetick PR Ji his ferrice to the Public and his rafebil 1 hanks to his refpeftable employers ami begs leave to inform them that he has lately fbed up very fuitable apartments for rent 1 hoc at his dwelling houfe in Cartel allei be seen Seech I and Tiiiril lireet' where he conti iidli net in the above mentioned branches Io the E' Lancp aoe a narticiilir tinnj is paid to accuracy in (yelling and all the playing cards rench indigo gun powder and pi am nsr ides and the greatelt pains taken to ena 'llr tae knes anil And a large afibrt ble tla pupil ieid with a truepronuHcia'isn and nen womens worlted fhoes together with a a rd to the lions great variety ol other articles too tedious to enu In PhN'tAxtiup 3 like careful regard is hd to wr te ith jeedu end cafe from examples fileflrd ti'c penmen and when fuffkiciitly ini tiat into this iifi'ui art they are inflead of beinv cnfi to a fn copy line exercifed' in trai? fcrimnu piiiclary and other precedents from the ert'f med nlifh anthers and their own abi cc fi ullv put to tri'! in inditing and im pi ng th ir tule and fascy for ornamental: ll kts jwmmrnifitip their performances examin cd md ci ii' Cted in their prellnce and every en A avmir paftiec to make them fenfibie of tnd wind ail impropi kties in ditlion and all inac curi ies in writing ml in Arithmetick they are wed grounded in I be tabks and principles of each 1 me Zill eiinymg raiK will oe given each time II 7 um uumiri vans tl ey go limn fchool to be rehearfed on theirnext by the doz to fupply country attendance and a part of one day in the week will es' approunacea ior a general repetition sn1 1 1 then bojks copies pens (hall be fo prepared in 1 a a I I I attendance armlv direcllv tn hufineli lb Public School will abfolutelv be limited to treaty pupils in the morning and the like number in the artei noon a regulation which will enable Juul iu uv uif icircii unite ro eacn 'Baltimrt Cernity 'j land OH as 1774 TEN POU WA A WAY fron the fubkribers at North aiuptoii urnace an Irilh indented fervant mao named THOMAS A NETT about twenty five years of age five feet five or fix inches high lung vilhge fair completion grey eyes fliort dark brown hair much pitted with the final! pox a thick fquare made fellow has fomeltcppage in fpeech is well acquainted in and about Phi ladelphia and from that down about Newcaftle he nas been a butcher but has worked with a tan ner in Pnjladtlphia alfo at ditching and grubbing and has lived in and about Chefnut Level He lavs ix liac frin'ri Ixrrsthrrc TXZiils jtvt inJ me of whom lives aheut five miles from Philadel cotton aniJ ''T11 'hecks and linen ftiPe? as an ovtrfeer for fume gentleman and the: holhnds Itriped tickings 4 6 and a half r' a fl lie i ii'irrue ndzl nitnK I ra I Mi Turnf limp roues He lays he has formerly 1 iti one tigh Steal in Hances Neck near vc vi with hom he left a bend of cne of his 1 1 bun fur 60I Pennlylvania currency when he went home to Ireland about twelve or eighteen months ago He had on when he went r( wh 1 I ditto of red ftriped g'ingham with fieeves an 1 white horn buttons with brafs lhanks coarle co intry made ihoes nailed in the heels anj an old felt hit bound round rhe brim Whoever takes tip the fiid fervant and fectwes him fo that hit mah may get him again (hall have the above Reward pai by CHARLES RIDGELY ANP HOWARD 0 SOLD Thirty Thoufand ACRES of LAND I A cu tbt 'waiess of uniat a in Cumber land and Bedtord in the proviw oj Pennijlvania bibnying to the late partmrfip of Baynton Wharton and Morgan Commonj hnov ly the name of THE COMP ANT LA IJH viz 4000 acre: Aughv ick Creek in Clal't I'alley 100073 on Tufearorc Creek in tie Path Tally 2000 do on the lead of liitle Juniata' 4000 do on Crooked Creek including t'e Great Springs and running dovn bcthfds oj the creek to the mouth cf it and extending infront on the 'Juniata fevered mi's: 1000 do at themoutb oj the Eif Bramh cj on I extending Jevrral miles in print along that and little In data up veard icoo do on Creek yooo do on the Reaver bam branch of 7 uniats in cludin'! Ike Great Reaver Dam's Soo do at and near the rnutb rj rank's branch toco do on I'ineyard Cred andiit H'oedco I aller aooo do on Dunning's Creek a few miles trim Bedford 1000 do in the forks of Teltow Creek 12 miles north raft from Bedford Soo do on riends Cove Creek ni'es foutb end from Bed ord oo do on Bnijl Cred to miles fouh eajT from Bedford Zoo clo 5 mites fouth weft from edhrd ard on the great road from thence to ort Crnkirland 1 000 do on the Shanvanrfe Cabbin waters 1 wilts nveji from Bedford and on the great road to Pittburgh fioo do on the main branch of Juniata 1 500 ds on tie fuutb wcji branch of Little JuniatsL 30000 Likewife 1000 arres or more on Savage' River and Laurel Run near to ort Cumberland tn Maryland There is water carriage from moft of tbefe lands or a I 11 rs 5 us ever sv Or 19 lul'illt "oivn tn Lantajltr county frcrn whenct there is a 1 sri by meant 0 fiat not torn boa's which carry otn 300 to 500 btifoels tf wheat The tranfportati of which from the above lands to the Middle town market tofis from 6d to 10 per buficl only The quality of tbefe lands is well known Tby wil be di vided or fold ns they lty el Jhallbefi fiiit the pur cbafers The terms cffale may be knewn by abblting to RICHARD NEAVE Jun THOMAS WHARTON' Sen i Or GEORGE MORGAN 3 Ibdadtlpbta Letters from ptrfrns at a diflance inclining to purchaje any part of the above mentioned lands fhali be du'y anfwered LLARS REWARD AU'A on the inft from lit tnafter at LancafterstcertainHEIlRtHdMlLTON Bfeety inches Ugh about zy years old bas block hair a iong toupee and a fear over Its left eye brow tie palm ej Lis band is much withered and drawn tore the 2 tt sit er jveeec "luucni raj on a bijcR (worn coat9 ana ua uul mau ucavr stat te was born tn tbe county op Donegall in tbe north cj Ireland was feen on the 3d inft on bis way to Philadelphia in company with one William Hunter a fellow who bad long lived in Cumberland county they pajfed as brothers along tbe toad and Probable mav Lah if ti a Whoever will apprehend him or both and fecure tlette tn any of bis gaols Jball receive tbe above reward for each op them and all reafonab'e charges by applying to Mr Jo ph 0 merchant in an rafter or Mr Bernard Gratz merchant mxt door to the Indian Queen tavern Philadelphia As they committed a notorious robbery it it hoped tby will meet with no encouragement A I I Watch and Clock Maker Jrom the city of DE GS leave to acquaint bis friends and the Public a 2 i 04 uai re jervea a reiaar apprcktict ot 1 stntae ra op Knowledge with pome ep the moft eminent atch makers in England and Ireland and as It Ids opened a plop at bis lodgings in the bcufe of Mrs aries in nnu jire near Aerimd Jireet where be intends car rytng on faU lufuses in ail i' tllditnui As fhe twk with her fcveral tice to his mafter (hall recewe TW NT tlfular makS all firts of repeating uncertain Whoever SHILLINGS Reward and if hmnM and hm gold iatcbes be tlere puts her any of his Miief an? brought to fore ftatters himfetf from bs Cnft Aitsi rlnli ekthen it the Cs wriaw Xwird encoura'o the i am re ilonbe charges AMS BR Afinnfr and at an times be particular in JOHN BRADY KicH ARD Harding01 01 anu tor their more fpetdy improvement under his tuition A incil DD JKS crhte nmrt X'r ihi I ra 41: i the fchool thflr ana iworn INTERPRETER for narruj rerrK or 7 vuwrww tneijcncn ant boam L'inrinaf I at nf a a a a I I' EssoK or rne lame at ms houfe in Second ftreeL tfUUC uv WHwanna find Juniata nverh ociwcnt wainuc ano opruce itreets nearly op polite the houfe bf Mr John Inglis and next door to Andrew Mamilrnn PfA d'n lO freite 1 Ce t0 each whcrebr I to tranflate and draw rench 7 i 3 a mlh greter proficiency than shd Spanifh writings as powers of attorney th) pro abty would by attending a whole day ata contrails accompts and to ftate them nro 01 frcm afer PTly agreeable to the forms and ufiiges ofPthe ne 111 a'i refpetlive countries to which they are intended fom wo to ive tn the afternoon He alfo continues to teach the rench 'and sSilh will be condufted inadirte languages in the greatift pm ity and elegance morn rent apartment felesintlv prepared for "i A uu egance morn and limited to ten young Ladies who (hall I ae A rm 6 wwimgs nome su Iinu cio ciancs anu caretuiiy rillruited in theorefaid branches in which the tutor flatters him lf their improvement will foon be ccnfpicuous flmuld he be favored nith their own dole applies! non and conftant attendan'e Hours ef attendance" from halt after Eleven in tbe forenoon to half after Ont in the afternoon during tbs inter and from Eleven to One in the fummer feafon A Nidit School for girls only is opened by him at bis find houfe for the admiffion of fuch giih as cannot be fpared by their parentsr guardians in theday time and of fuch fervant eirls ascan bring a good charaiter trom their mailers and miftreffes8 PmShial attendance will be given and all difcenca tiled far their fpecdy improvement in fpelling rad ing wntmfvnd arithmetick This fchool is nroI To convenience and fatisfadion of thoQ well ci poled perlons who are delirous of affording their girls a necelTary education (the greateft bene fr perhaps they can confer upon them) and who co net chofe they fliouid intermix with or be liable to 1he ruleneTsf boys at Evening Schools This prudenrobjefticn is neverthflels produfliveof very gnevons and fometimes an irremediable di( a vant: ge to girls who loft the opportunity of an education in the early and moll fufceptihle year wmcb hoped the prefent propofal will hav Tj great tindency to remedy and prevent I i WAR RA WAY from rhe fubfcriber in Mon ev tsvnfhip Northumberland county an mu Otcd fervanr ciri named ANN T7 a mske has 1011 all her 7 him about thirty years Clique HLtrnen the fnbnrh entkA kino i nudelphia AS (he took with her fiver h'T and gi 9 1 i itrrs i rs urevstju Dumfries OHober zzd tyy I GiTRN DOLLARS REWARD RAN AW AY from the fubfcriber living'in Dumfries Jail night three fervant men viz JOSEPH ISHER a convift and taylor about five feet fix or feven inches high down look and hes a fear on his upper lip had on when he 1 1 a muc cudi anu jacKer w)tti mettal buttons white fuftian breeches and pinchbeck 5 had on a black worn coat and kvu an old fmall bcnvrh sf a I I A BOO TH a conviil and failor about five feet five or fix inches high has a wooden leg which he endeavours to hide with trowfers he is pitted with the fmall pox dark complexion and very black hair he has fundry cloaths with him A TRI CK CREAMER a taylor about ar years of age had on when he went away a bearlkin coat jacket and breeches about five feet five or fix inches high Whoever talus up the faid run aways and delivers them to me in Dumfries (liall receive the above reward ANDREW LEITCH ORT SHILLING WA AN AY AY on Thurfday the 3d inftant 1 November 1 (mm ili lying in Bay Creek Kent County Ma! nd a i a vviii ill irrvnnr man uiruflitn COE had on when La iT tkat be jerved a regu jacket a pair of long can btsJatherJlTUiam Bernie late of Temple a (hirt a pair of ihoes and buckles but no experienced a cosderabU ftare he is a tall man of a fair complexion wears his own hair and is a little pitted with the firhall pox 1 ci naps he mav attemnt rn may Krge a difeharge Whoever takes up faid li manr anrt ut i 2 11 4Jy 3oi ana gives no and 7 quarter bedbunts 9 8 brown and white Ruf tia and Irilh (h stings Kulha and loin uowhfs Ruilia ravvns duck drillings diapers and hucka back clouting and napkeni ig diapers 6 4 7 4 and 8 4 diaper table cloth cambricks and lawns in pieces and patches yard wide and 6 4 mullins and ar oznabrug (hirt and trowfers upper jacket Inm!" nsS Ho vered and ftnped liU and mui wh' kerfiv with leather buttons an under gauze nd kentmgs kentmg handkerchiefs aov Tiuuiii uiniiDiia anu a ungcc uin inuu kercniers macs necic ciotns rt very goou ai fortmentof black fattins India taffaties fpotted and flowered modes ell wide and half yard perfnrs of moll colors Avery neat and general afloitinent of Pompadour light and dark ground chintz cot tons and callicoes Angle and double purplecalli coes yard and ell wide India callicoes mafqueraded and Itriped Bengalis blue greenj and cloth color A ts A 11 a 1 a Ik A 1 I I vw uiv tiisii lupvimic WHIUII3) IHIMU IBU Wltfl a infers fiiin mz nf (hL loons rattinet cotton velvets velverets and cor deroys firge denims everlaltings dyed jeans thickfats and fuii ian moreens durants and im tnies worde I ilannflcs calliinancoes Hillels dor fettees crapes and poplins mens womens boys and girls worded cotton and thread hofi of all kinds mens womens boysand irls worlted linen cotton leather and filk gloves and mitts buk ratn buttons mohair and twill belt German and Scotch oznabrugs wool and cotton cauls riniv zsl zf 4 1 1 Ihot table knives and forks'.

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