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The Kearney Daily Hub from Kearney, Nebraska • Page 4

Kearney, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Spence Cash Dry Goods Store. LAST SIX DAYS OF THE Great Sacrifice Sale. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT CHANCE! Extensive alterations and additions to our store room make it absolutely necessary to clean out our stock, and we have made prices low enough to do it. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Silks Dress Goods Linens Underwear Hosiery Corsets Ribbons Cloaks kk Napkins Remember! Only 6 Days Longer, Cash, One Price, Plain Figures, Wm.


D. ASPI WALL, Title Abstracter. Drder 110,000 Bonds. FARM and CITY LOANS. DIALER Iff Citj and County Real Estate, INSURANCE.

Offlw under Commercial and SaYingi Bank Hamer Block, Kearney, Neb. tafCorreapondence solicited. A. J. SHEPARD, Prescription Druggist.

Dispenses Medicines for Prescription trade, made only by houses of undoubted linearity. HASS CLARK'S HOG REMEDY, Alwsyiln Stock. THE LARGEST LINE OF PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. I'RICES LOW. 2110 and 81 Central Avenuo, nicies, etc.

Whkkkas, The examiners and members of this board have shown due leniency in the ease of banks not strictly complying with the provisions of tl. law. in-anting them reasonable time to adjust their affairs so as to meet its retirements, and Wherkas, Certain banks and bankers still continue to transact business contrary to the provisions of the law governing "corporations and the banking law of the state as well as the rulings of this board and the instructions of the bank examiners in the matter of excessive loans, the ho ding or real estate in excess of ne-thiid of the capital, the creation', of indebtedness or liability in excess of two-thirds of the paid uu capital stock except on account of deposits, the publication of reports, therefore be it That the clerk of this board -ni -UxLgi'eh hanka ag ti im.a avoratiio i''P( liiwlul lor any, "Aro von it investigati 01lt huib 1 any ing inpi'iis 01 Ii'i-ritniy of thi trict of Colu ro state or lerrir contrary to iheatto. a Psychical Kei 1 "Then I ALL AT SALE PRICES DEMOREST MEDALS. All About the silver and (iold Meilul ontet.

"We now expect Ravenna to. have gold medal contest and Gibbon one or two. Shelton not heard from. Ve hope they will do as much. The Loyal Temperance Legion ex pect a gold medal in Kearney in May We are depending on a gold medal or two lioni the Industrial school.

Let the adults in Kearnev secure gold medal or two. Miss Dr. Morse is ready to help such as well as Mrs. Ly man IMiss Mevensi. If a class of fifteen or more under take and persevere they alone can take nine silver and two gold medals.

Let all the country schools join in this grand work. Rooks at Ilartzell's. Write for information to Yours. S. C.

IIitiliut. Kearney, Neb. LOST HIS HEAD. This Time a Looks lor ont. A certain business man came down town last evening and forgot his over coat.

When he got ready to go home at ii o'clock he looked for his coat and it was gone. He swore some one had stolen it. He got out a search warrant and lie and a half dozen others put in the night looking for the thief. When he went home at a. in.

he found his coat. He and the shoe man will lorm a co partnership, and one will care for the coats while the other Iooks alter shoes Two heads will thus be better than one like they are in a barrel. Take Due Notice. All property owners and tenants are hereby notified to clean up all refuse manure, decayed vegetable matter, any trash or garbage from their alleys and streets, as the health of the city demands it. If this order is not complied with I shall enforce the ordinance in relation to the same.

L. D. I oueii and. nipitf Street Commissioner. Money to loan on improved farms.

Money to loan on city property. Houses and lots for sale on Five years time. Vacant lots for sale. For bargains in real estate or insurance call and see me. B.

II. Gouldino, 2420 Central Avenue. Notice. n. Business men and others are notified 1 jM to furnish goods or merchandise Jupon account of the Hub I'rinting Co event noon the personal or written or ro, undersigned.

Otherwise se the le for u- responsible iilfi M. A. Bliow to the to i 1 1 ec ana ireas. Wall moulding and other decorating novelties in stock at Lalone's, East anl'f'-ty-second-st. mb'tf jorses i)Uggjes t0 trade for i.ney lots.

Inquire of C. H. Miller, at oioic. tne naraware store. InlOlf Tie newest style in-lMto spring inilli-'es." nery to be found in Kearney, tit Mrs.


i r.ultitlo ounty 'Jtio anil e-i crn I nr Loads ot orn-The Itonril ol supervisors oiuposecl of l.en-i irons Meii-Tlie Uarlty omiiilt-j lee. Be Ii. llruaker. an Evangelical muster, an.l A. Kennedy, county commissioner, both of Scott Bluffs county, this state, were in the city this morning soliciting aid tor the destitute in their county.

The drouth and other causes ol hist year have let them without i'io isions, seed-grain or feed lot Mock, ami they aie destitute. S. ott I litis is a part of old Cheyenne county. Our readers will reinein-U'i a gentleman who was here some time ago soliciting aid for the present Chevenne countv. K.

K. (ireer ami Gov, Thayer visited that and reported no great distress, lint they did not touch upon the territory of M'ott mints anility. Mr. diver is satisfied that great destitution does exit in cott JiluiTs county, and lie took these solicitors for aid before the county supervisors aim made an appeal for aid to them. I 'pon motion the sum of aid was voted them.

This is to purchase ciotiiing and grain to ship to the sufferers. The billowing resolution was also passed: Wnr.iiKAs: Our sister county of Scott Bluffs, owing to the drouth of last year and other causes, are in need of clothing and provisions therefore, he it resolved: That A committee of three he appointed to solicit aid and that the citizens of Buffalo county he and are hereby requested donate such articles of clothing and provisions as they may have to spare, same to be delivered to said committee at Kearney. supervisors d'reer, Downing and Tuttle were appointed as committee receive contributions and forward the. also to expend the SSIUU.UO oted. Many of the supervisors spoke in favor of the resolution.

They each one saiil they would do their part. They would also stir up their neighborhoods Saturday night at the alliance and urge tl; the tanners to contribute. The way things look to-day the needs that countv will he supplied tempo- arily at least. In addition to the S-txi otcd there will be several car-loads ot grain contributed. One will go from 'leasanlon.

one from Shelton and Gib- boii, one from F.lm Creek and several from here. Tuesday is the day set for delivery contributions. The Lord will smile upon and bless this charitable act id the county super visors. No country contains a more noble class of men than the people of Buffalo county. The first settlers were noble people and the very air became impregnated with kindness and charity in'd the children breathed it and grew to he like their parents.

I he contributors will never miss mis generous gift, but it will make many mi aching heart glad in destitute cotl lilufls comity. THE PRESBYTERY. A Very IntercHtlna Session of the Presbytery To-Ilny. Last night bv a vote of 23 to la it was agreed that revision of the Con fession of Faith be i.iade. Then the second "If so, to what extent?" was laid over until this morning.

After discussing the piestion pro and con it was voted tlutt the original proposition together with the second be referred to the commit tee. Carried. The committee then reported in sub stance as follows: That only such change be made in "The Westminister Confession Faith" as to make it more Intelligible to members of the church without mi pairing the doctrine of "The Confes In addition it recommended that a short compilation of teachings of the confession lie prepared lor popu lar use in churches. This carried un aniinoiisly in count of votes although it met with considerable opposition in discussion. Next came the election of delegates to the General Assembly at Saratoga N.Y..

the third week in May. Kev. II. Revnard. of Central Citv.

and Elder M. 1 1. 'Barber, of Fullerton. were elected delegates. This afternoon was devoted to the reception of reports of committees on Church Intension and Home Mission THE SILVER MEDAL.

Miss rile Fountain Wins the Dein orest Prize There was a large crowd at the nied al contest. South Side chapel, last night, lhe lollowing program was carried out: Siniiinur. 1'ray t. Script tire re idillfr. HK ITATlllNS.

Nil I. "Arrest Ahuliul and Liberate by Muml Dawson, aired li years. Man Nn. "Upmerits of Hiirb License," by Mill me Laymen, uiriil 11 years. No.

"The Kuinscllers' LckI ltlKbl Imi.ic l'ieree. nirei years. No. 4. "Tin- Advertisement of un llonesl Hwitiseller." by Uicbaiilsnii, Mf''il Ji'UIS.

Nn. S. "Tlie lliijrle is Cullinir." by (icrlie Knmitniii. aiieil In Nn. "livn l'li'tiiii from Life," by Vcrni l'ieree, ugeil 1 years.

The judges awarded the prize Gertie Fountain. They all spoke veryjvell and received the praise of all who heard them. small maze. The tool house at the Kearney Stone Works took lire hist. evpniiiL' about 7 o'clock, the lire alarm was sounded.

and the whole town turned out In a twinkling. The lire company, hose and hook and ladder, were Promptly on hands: but just as water was turned 1 on from the hydrant the blaze was ex I 1 1 l.4 linguisiieii oy a onckci. nugaur. 'I'tioi-ia ic iiii (Irii nnnilviMV ill liP iV 1 I I I that can turn out to a lire anv quicker Ktoek lo l't business. Such is 11 than the Kearney lire laddies.

TheiUie case, nor was it ever advertised town has had tires at all times of night and day. during the blizzards and dur- Mug the calms, but the bovs get there iust the same. License to Wed. new goods. In the 1 will sell ocks and silverware at al-Allred I.

Fields aged and Miss: niogt ln. HW, liriteSi as htil, Cotton aged 18 years procured 1 too many of them. Call in and see the a license to wed to-dav. Both are the new" goods as they arrive. They colored people and reside in will be the latest style in the spring Thev will get married at South SidelMarket.

W. C. Tillmin. to-niuht bv Rev. J.

.1. Shimrler. (Jet your reading at the Kearney Library. Rooks in cents a week. Yearlv ticket 4.

City LOCAL sori-S. -The wind played smash with the awnings over town. Miss Gertie Fountain won the medal at the contest at the South Side chapel last night. The funeral services of l.ydia B. ayres took place from South Side chapel at r.

m. Every tune the II 1 prophesies a wedding, it comes off on time. It is better as a we lding prophet than a ther gauge. Nipt. Mallalieu received, todav.

forty bushels of beans ami peas that will be used for planting on the state farm this season. George V. Bryant has purchased A. Si liouler refreshment stand on Central aenue, and will start up the une in a few weeks. Karnshaw Dean have moved their office to the Midway Loan and Trust company's building, where they will be lound in very pleasant quarters.

is. Foster, yesterday, began teach ing a primary department ot our schools in the brick church, third ward. The pupils were taken from Miss Wslls and Miss Kettering's rooms. The Armada Laud and Townsite company has been organized. The lace of business is Armada.

The fol-owing are the incorporators: W. II. Smith, W. M. Cravan.

II. W. Fox. II. Green, O.

I. Hamilton. A. T. Guien uul J.

L. Abel. Those who attended the dance at ilohe hall last night report a large crowd and a splendid time. The regu- ir program was interspersed with iii? uul clog dancing. Thev will crive an other dance at same place tomorrow night.

Five dollars will be given the best lady dancer. The ladies of Trinity church will give an oyster and ice cream supper for the benelit of that church, in the Theniaiison block, adjoining Ilaydon l'argeter's grocery store, south of the railroad track, Friday evening, at ti o'clock. Everybody invited to come ind partake of a good supper for i cents. Mrs. Jennie Morrison and Mrs.

K. M. Kelley have opened up an art gallery in the Hamilton Loan and Trust building. They do portrait paint ing in oil pastel, crayon, and thev give lessons in the same branches. hey are said to be very prolicicnt in that art, and, no doubt, will receive a liberal patronage in Kearney.

l'KKSONAL. W. E. Jakway and wife are visit ing in Omaha. -Mrs.

Hall, mother of Mrs. L. II. Smith, is seriously ill. F.

S. Melvin. of Geneseo, 111 ar- rived in the city last night. II. C.

Bull, of Shelton, was trading frith Kearney merchants today. -B. II. Bickuell and A. McCallum went to Raton, X.

last night. W. Wilson lias returned from the Hot Springs much improved in health. Gus I'eteison returned last night from a visit with friends at Salem. Kansas.

il i anies i.ainiaiiies is on hand as usual this spring for house I'leaning and all kinds of odd jobs. R.D.Gould, ot Clay Center, did business in the city last night, lie re turned home this morning. Warren l'ratt took the afternoon tram ior dianu island to eat sugar beets and attend some business mat ters. II. T.

Juhl Fuehrman, architect for the court house, was in the city to day conferring with the board of su pervisors. W. A Downing has shown the stores just what he can do in the way of a show window. His display of lap- uiisiers is nrsi class. O.

D. Clark, of Manchester, Iowa who has been visiting his daughter Mrs. J. D. Tisdcl, the past two months.

returned home tins morning John M. Mathews and Charles Mil ler ua gone io i.neyenne lo put in an electric light plant for the Western hiigineering company of this city -Col. W. T. Beaty.of Gibbon, visit etl in the city today.

The colonel among a few survivors of the Mitchell raid, that was a prominent feature in war times. -Mrs. C. Clark and child, of Avington, Wyoming, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. .1.

D. Tisdel left lor hicngo tins morning to visit relatives. Dr. (i. L.

Keenan, of Madison ii" it was in me city yesieruay on business, and returned home todav He is interested in a large horse ranch at winuover, Wyoming. T. J. Barlow and family have left for Kenton, Ohio, and will make that their future home. They have lived here but one year, and now return to the land of their nativity.

Miss Itha Morgan left this morning for Troy, Ohio, where she will meet her sister May. She will travel with the Andrews troupe visiting them for four or live weeks, when she and May w111 1,0111 come name, May Mot- gan will then take a vacation for a few months. Notice. It has been reported mot maliciously I hope 1 that the auction sale id' watches, docks and jewelrv I had a few (lavs Ir Hip i.iiri.ose of closi.or I 1 not ho. saie was enuieiy 101 uie purpose of reducing the stock, which has been n'K- 1 llllve were 1...

41... in .1 kle.iiia nrrriDi it-ilh bv the sale, in good shape again with 1 J. D. Hawthorn, Agent. at" Delighttul suijiuier suits of erv lat-at C.

J. a-Mt. loal patterns, made to older. i-yiiauisoii s. Nfti't i THE COl'NTY JJOAKD.

AN INTERESTING SESSION OF THE COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO-DAY. I A lil Is l.lveu the Ilestttute in Tott ItlulNt ounty l'ropooltlon to Itontt l.innt Township to Alii the K. Ii. II. Knl I way nil liil.

Wendesday evening, alter going to press, the following proceedings of the board were transacted: The ciinniiittee on bridges made the following report: "We have examined and received the following bridges built by C. L. Hose The hi It pile bridge south of Stanley: the -1 ft combination bridge on sect ion Grant township: the repair job on the l'ettit bridge. Divide the two combination spans on IVteis' bridge: the ft undertruss between sec. Schneider twp.

and sec. Garlie.ld the repairing of the bridge between sec. and Cherry Creek the repairing of the bridge between and 1(7, Cherry the lid ft span pile bridge at coiners of sees. Gardner the It pile bridge over Cherry creek, south of St. Nicholas, the ft span in Sharon twp.

west of Sharon church: repairing of tne bridge in Center twp. northeast of Kearney. Your committee has received for the sale of old material." S. T. Tin itt, C.

Ika Trrn.K, Chas, Report was adopted. The petition, asking that an election be called in Riverdale and Grant town-to vote aid to the K. B. II. railway, was laid over until the July meeting.

This was a roundabout way of killing the petition. TlIl ItSDAV, A. M. Bill of World Herald for 75 allowed only $2ii. R.

A. Moore appeared before the board in behalf of the K. iV B. H. rail way company and others, and withdrew petition for proposition to vote bonds in Riverdale township.

R. R. Greer presented letter from .1. J. Tot ter and others, ot Scott Blulis county, isking aid.

I he proceedings regard ing this may be found in another item under caption of "Sweet Charity." It was ordered that James Kane be furnished with a copy of revised statute. A I'TEUNOON', The principal portion of the after noon was consumed in discussing roads and railroads. Petitioners in Elm Creek township and Logan asked for a road two miles somewhere between II. II. Bowie's inn and Elm Creek be laid out.

The prayers of the petitioners were granted with this proviso: That the road be made in good travelling order at the expense of petitioners and that it be done by September 1. lhe proposition to bond Grant town ship was then brought up and the pray ers ot the petitioners, asking that said precinct be bonded to aid. in the con struction of the Kearney Black Hills railway was granted. THE CITY COUNCIL. They Meet and Wnlt, Feel Itlue ami Ailjou ni.

The city fathers and Contractor Scott, together with a few reporters, sat in the council chamber last night, pining for the presence of Geo. W. Frank, Jr. but he came not nor sent any word They were going to act on the accept ance or rejection of the new city hall, and as Mr. Frank was the architect his presence was necessary.

After waiting and waiting and looking blue the council received a petition tor a side walk east side ol be tween Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets, the committee reported favorably upon petition, it was referred to ordinance committee, and council adjourned un til Saturday evening. Wedding Hells. Charles F. and Miss Amy E. Foote were united in the holy bonds of wedlock last evening at the rest deuce of the bride's aunt, Mrs.

C. George, 2010 Third avenue, Rev. J. l'n 1 i of the Baptist church, officiating. The bride has been a school teacher andts very highly respected by all who know her.

The groom was a member of the Kearney base ball team last vear and ill be its manager this year. During the tall and winter he has been a book keeper in the city. He is a young man ot good moral character, excellent liab its, industrious, and just the man to win the heart and hand of such charming bride as Mrs. Beardslev. The Urn extends its congratulations and hopes this union of hearts ill be a happy and prosperous one.

Lent; ue Meeting. The members of Kearney Non-parti san l'rohibitory Amendment league are requested to meet at the Christian church building, Saturday night, April 11', 1WMI. There will be an election of officers for the ensuing year, delegates elected to the state convention at Lincoln, and other important business to come be fore the league. Let all be present at 8 v. sharp.

II. II. Skklkv I'resident The Sewer Ditches. There are now one hundred and til men at work 011 the sewer. They have dug three and one-fourth miles of ditch and laid that much sewer pipe.

Heretofore the ditches have been shallow, but now they have to dig eleven feet on Thirteenth street. Am hat is worse for the contractor, I hey are coining to a place where the ditch will be sixteen feet. This gives work lor a great many laborers. Do not miss seeing the pretty style of spring and summer suitings Abrahamson's. Steam, hot water heating and all kinds of water supplies, at Geo.

Ellis plumbing shop. Cigars, tobacco, postage stamps, etc ilt I (Jet vo i arts s. vour reading at the Kearney Li braiy. Books 10 cents a week. Yearly ticket 4.

Call and see (Jeo. Ellis, the resident plumber, for hot water and steam heating. Plumbing and plumbers' specialties. Geo. Lllis.

tf For iu'erior decorating call on J. W. Lalone. Geo. Ellis, office 19 Scott block.

I I The (ill I Whit at llnwn On lint. I AVi iiu ii lor tlie Hi 1 am nut 'itKirreNome tetlniv. i I in 'inite in. and tiut.i Uul Iliclll at rllUlrll. let lllf lei! Jiill lnr iincc 1 nv 1 1 riled.

"lien i reaiiieii mr in iiitiia) him put'- IIIlM'll And I .0 ii all ritiMed and Hat K'e. uitli ii look tlutt spoke otiiiiif At tin rirl Ihi sal dtiu on nn lint sweetly sbe niileil as she calmly nn teni plated the ruin she'd rmiht With her eyes upon me. how eniild I en a "uiTi'M till thoiik'lit A I moved duwii Hie broad aisle beside tier I tliiiuirlit ol a si henie thai was pat. So lioine I nun the I'litiivh I eeorted The (rirl ho sat down on my hat.

A we paued al the ti ol her niana.ii. Ami she asked llle lo tol while, til eoure I iieeei'ted with pleasure ho ba leIled I if i- 1 1 1 1 Iti.t al lat. a i hluTed ol iroum in ir.y knee nn a I With a Miule -eieiie and uiieoiiri.i.-, Jm .1 Accident. whfle S. i'ootc'and wile were di i ing lioin he city to their home in West Kearney, the horse they were driwug became I ightened at something on the road side and started to run.

A rough place in the road su jolted the cairiagi' as to throw them both out on the ground. Mis. Foote fell forward over the dash-board and down under the horse's heels. She was hurt considerably about the head and shoulders. Mr.

Foote held on to the animal until he stopped and ouieted it, notwith standing the fact that he as dragged i ni te a wavs and was severely kicked on the leg. Alter thev reached home thev held the reception mentioned in the yaper esterday. lhe guests little thought that the accident was as bad as it was. All of the isso styles of goods for pring and summer suits at C. .1.

Ahra- hamson's. 1. W. Lalone is in the field for decor- ing. papering and house painting.

OLNEY, The Hatter. OUR LATE SAD SMILE Having doparted we resume sumo business with manners like the eheerfulnosB of and alacrity like tho Nebraska zephyrs. We press you one and all toeeo us in our now quarters in Switz's Block, whero wo are as well situated to ploaso trado as ever. H1GGINS, The Tailor. THE IIAVB ST IIKII SPRING INKIi riioyi tiik cklkiikati'm iiocsk.

Rochester, N. Whose name is a guarantee of Perfect Fit and a ipiality of goods and make equal to any Tailor-Made (iarment. We have several styles of Black Cheviot Suitings, which are so much worn at present, at the low prices of IUlUO and 1iich are well worth and Latest SprinS Styles in Hats and Neckwear. F. M.

HARTER'S PEOPLES'S CLOTHING HOUSE, 2001 Central Avenue. F. lltiltllll'I'SON, President. SI'AIToltl), THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. CAPITAL, $200,000.00.

1 It I Tolls: lien. II. Sherwood, Soil. II.

Finch. II. II. (ioodell, II. C.

Meteall. ImW Ituliei A. II. I oddinliiii. 11.11.

Wiley, II. II. Smith, W. I'. It.

Mills ami F. llnberlMoii YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED. SPECTACLES M.L KIND Solid Gold Spectacles for $3.50. i in: a i sioi ami i an i i i i ot ks DAN I LS THE JEWELER, Watchos. Clocks and Jowolry Repaired by tho bost workmen In the city.

A. HEMPSTEAD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER A Specialty of indow Windows, ESTIMATES U'KMSHK!) ON ALL KINDS Allen Barney, Abstracters. I'NPEHf 10,000 Bonds. Reliable Real Estate Dealer. THE MOST COMn.KTK SET OK ABSTRACT HOOKS IN TI1K STATE.

Office 1st door w.of Kearney Nut. Hank, kearnev. Nebraska. WANTS. WWiiinvi Wasted, Kok Rf.nt, Kor ttufrtfd in 1M4 foliwjoi Iht rati of 5 11 Iiu ruh ifurrtioii.

fyri-Mt! rattt on leny te mi ikij. AXTKD. WAY AYiKli 'l tuaiie llo on fci'Mul city prop- it cm. .1. Wlilli 1, lie.

kel llo 1 I 01 inidd.e "Lilian 1 i nnai aw tiue WITH at lie lb WAN I 1 I Mi .1 I it hi 1 1 to t-ii rn Ins 1 11 it ion i -i si' Apply Ml once, A ell lor housework. Dei ket. II t. A 11 10 do general houeWoi k. I ut i le, el I'Menl llll' ANTI 1 1 Apply tilth W'ANTKD 11 ii.ilioii, L'eni a-tneit lor miod sit-.

Kiaiii. lliiipluyment ailtf 011 eitv lifoiierti ,1 WANI'I'D To loan I I I edel I olll. .111,1 S.i inn I'Hiik. .1. jilt I (out Un i'Oi: KLNT.

I am ol cllllll tiled land lleHV Call at ISiinalol'tMinty Naiional lilt I L' lil A I' 1 I I a 11, Hank I ultllKNT A mri: iwui lor two ladle or L'rllt 'etilell Iteli arcs reipiired. Ii: V. street. III 1 1 ml) olhee room In rent near Midway hotel, 1 1 ny low. Address I'.

O. Imx HQ. IA11H I11CNT Two well lurnlshed rminis. 1 ull at an Mast IIKN'I' 1 1 hI riHittts lor rent In Scoll 1 H-k Knipiire at 1. west Twenty-second street lil.W.

Now six rontii bousi' with I.Htti. xluuil lIunLll' All per itinuili II taken ul once. It. II. Saddler ion the pliii ayt2 von SAI.K.

null SA I iHTKADR -Hood tree cIhIiii with 1 inipiol enieiits. A big bargain, tall on or address K. K. Hudson. FOt'MI, LVirMl-Childs' rinir Willi the Initials of L.

M. It. iwticr can have tlie same by cullinir at this nltlcc. am 1 I'KIISONAL. J.

(iOW RRO. Iiindi'r Com. and Sav inirs bttnkl want trissl inoiiKKe on idly property. IONS. ami Joiners' I'nlon No.

211 ineels every Wednesday evenliiK at O. A. It. hall. 1.

N. Hanson, U. A. K. 8KIM1W It'K I'OST No.

1 iniH'ta every Friday i veiilii(f in hall over llulTttlo Co. Nat. liank. i. A.

IIokhky, Comuiandnr. Jas. IlKstrtcK, Adjutant. AIIS I'KAI I yNliKR 910,000.00 HON I IS TO MAKE Corroot AbstractB for BulTalo Nobraska. W.

II. NEELY, 1 AIISTIIAI TS KKOM I OI'NTV lO'COKI'S ami vtioyvs Aid, r.ioions. I'AIIM AND irv LOANS. SFK MV LIST Poll HKAL LSTATi: 1SV KN'I'S. Dlliee Rillllll Hank.

Kearney and Oy cr First braska. Niiilnnal A I IM. LINK oK SUITS, W. V. Assistant Cnshler.

II. MILLS. Vice Tn-aldi-nt SPECTACLES! A Nil IN ami lloor Screens, F.le. Ilay OF WORK. Hlnipl'iir.

AlelilieA and St, One 110 1 1 oni Midway.

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