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The Dayton Herald from Dayton, Ohio • 5

The Dayton Heraldi
Dayton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAYTON KEENING HERALD, hi dIt. APRIL a 1S91. WEST SIDE. "Wanted For Eent Hon-es. I TTrait RENT A very convenient, pleasant.

-L and nlcelv situated 4-rootn flat a reasonable rent to a family of two. Inquire at 416 Wayne ave. ,3 1 Str HEW PATEHT FURNITURE. You will wonder at the most sclentlfle Inventions of Mater's paten of the Novel Home and Doctor Secretary, al a the new rich man's Secretary-Bookcase, wits sleeping apartment combined, and numerous other furniture, au. perior from all otbersln style and workmanship.

There Is no need of repairing such la short time, as bv other manufactured furniture Is the case. I warrant every piece of fur-mtnre bought of me. Repair old furniture and attach my patent ou order. Call at my office and shou. No.

22s CI avion North Dayton, where yon caa tiKe ull Vie of the cewiy patent furniture, or drop poti and I Jos IC Maler. 6 27 I ANI BI'EAKiNG OM.TH- ii taken to guass Havug frra, adloitlac tho fsoc 0 I't" nd having Just completed on ortae betbairmdetraci(siti ttia t-t ate. an Bow prepared to take horses to trala and colts to break. Staoitattb best ta tae country. box eia and peaty of grass.

Mr For traiainz horses Jl day. Oits dnaars per moot a. Horse kept, thsyearatSrtd grass at I motith. N'otic left at tho Kmplr Livery, next PhtlMps w.t be promialy at oad-ed to. li.

F. Mjere, loimer.y Myers A. Wafcoer. 4 i HOUSK FOR RENT Dwellinst house, Huffman ave. near the mvii works.

Holly water, bath anl water furnace, and ail modern convenience. Drop pistil for appointment top. B. Ciegg. 3ajtf HOUSE FOR RENtLa" brick bouse'of 7 rooms; hard and soft waier.

stab.e and csrria-se shed. 33 North St. Cair it, Iiqnl-o next door. 3 "J4tf ts cix rANTKI 1.0'Mt bicvcles to renair. At T.

4 40 K. second at HOU--E FOR KENT The- wyt side o' new donb'e nrtck house on E. Monument ave. between and St Cla rsts.

All moi-em Improvements. Apply at 207 W. Monument ave. 4 6 ANTED Hoard and nlcelv furulsheS rMim with triva'e famllv. bv muni man.

Glvet4.rm. lu-t cf ivfervuce if uo- sired. Addrc G. It. Herald office.

4 7 rANTED To secure au lutorest In ooni liht maniCactunag business. wb I practical kuowieig of mechanical skui It HOUSE FOR RENT Five-roo-n ira-ne bouse 03 Stanley street. 512 per mont fix Mora frame house. 23 Con-over sf. SI per month.

Inquire D. V. Alla-tu Old FeilowTemp'e. 4 0 HOUKS FOR liEN'f A of rooms. Also a house of five rooms.

ln-qnlre at -'5 W. I-hman st. Riverda e. 4 paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long.

Look cut for the brands ofWhite Lead offered you any of the following are sure "Anchor." Davis-Chambers." "Eckstein." "FaJmentock." Morley," "Armstrong fa licKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.3 Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-ponnd cans, each can being sufficient to tint 15 pounds of strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade they are in sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination cf perfectly fmre colors in the haadicst tunc to tint Strictly Pure While Lead. A good many thousand dollars bare been saved property-owners by nnving our book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card aud cet bolh free.

KATION'AL LEAD New York. Erancb, Seventh and Freeman Avenue, Cincinnati. Art teess Me-hantc Herald ntles 4 ASSIGNEE'S Auction Sale OP THE Snyfler Mill Property, At the Djor of the Court Honse, SATURDAY. APRIL 7th, 2 P. RI.

This Is the BEST I tNCE to raako a CLE N. CLEAR 100 PER CENTever offers I lnthlscitr. His one of tho BEST FLOUR and ORIS MILLS Montgomery i-ouniv, FITTKD UP NEW with the FINEST anl LATEST IVPllOVEt MACHINERY of ail kinds, anl occiio es the HKT LOCATIONS for a nin.lnl bustaess thai Moulsoiu-ery couoty sff rds. It has aeplendirt SW MILL OOOD rt- RiH)M HoCfR SI ABLE and OUT-BUILDINGS, with i ACKl gruiiu). and Is located on the ranal.

jui m.ies south of Davton, In tn- ere at wheat and anJ grata district or old Montgomery To si a long story short, lt Is the safest opportunity to make a clear 100 per ecu t. (Uhont any rosibi rs) that has ever been offered In ht-. THE ACTUAL CO-T of this mill prope-ty was 515. t'0). but has forced it to assignee's sale, and it hs been appraised at the 'RIlMCl'LOrs LOW of Jil t.

LESS Til AN HALF ITS OKUHXAL COST, and MUST SKLIa even though it only brings rwo-th Iras of said appralseuient, which lsoaly 0(n. Tt RMS One-third cash; balanc In two ann-'sl pavments tfljoH out for this sale; It's theopporto-tii-T of a lifetime. Saturday. April th, 2 p. in.

at the Court llon-e. JOHN M. RPR1GG, Assignee. 1 7 branc L4 oilices la all th principal cities, the I hang, ish. Main sr.

itltr cti HOUSri FOR KENT Thrw Mum h'iin in Inquire of Wm. Saint. "33 ton. o. 4 DO YOU WANT MONEY THR DAYTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO.

will lend yoit any amount at th lowest pos-sibie rats, on furniture pianos, borset. wagons, or personal proptv of anr kind, the rrorerty to be 1-ft IN YOUR US-DISTUKREU POSSESSION. Loanscia be carr1! as Ion ai payment can bo made In full or la pa-t at air time to suit ths- eonvs i(ene nf th oo-ro and anv pavments in vie EDUCE THE COST OF CARRYING THE LOAN IN EOPOU-TION TO THE AMOUNT PA IP. If you owe a balance on yonr furnttur1 or piano. will pay for you.

ant carry It as Jor.g as yon desire. We ha ve a nrirate o-n-s. and loans ran therefore be made WITHOUT ANY PUBLICITY TO THE BORROWER. You ran get your money the day rou as It. Ofllce hour from a.

ra. too p. m. Alsi open sstnr.iav evnlng. DAYTON MOHTGAO3! LOW O.

lake elevator. Room). Davies' Huildlnx, 6 21 10 South Ma'n Street. MPLOYEKS Needing first help wltk -J the ties of references, caa ohtaathett bv Ur-pp as a csrd. or calling to person, al 18 outa Main Atrial s.icia.

3ot Just lleceived from the Western Reserve an Extra Nice Lot of PURE ANTED Iiano or organ scholars, bv as expjrtencd teacher AVlli teaea for 2- a lesson. Saiihfaoiloa given. Address isu Teache- Herald oilice. 4 to Miss Adda Dockwall and brothers have returned to thefr home in German-town, after a pleasant visit with their cousins here. Word was received hero vesterday of the sudden death of Mr.

Ezra E. Dar-ragh at his home in Eaton yesterday morning. Mr. Darragh formerly resided here, and has many friend9 who will learn of his death with sorrow. Hi first wife was a daughter of the late Dr.

John l- Mills. After her death he married Mrs. Alexander, by whom he had one daughter. Miss Winnie, who survives her father, her mother having preceded her father in death several years. Mr.

Darragh has been the leading undertaker in Eaton for a great many Having made gome investments here, ho was anxious to remove to this city, and Lad been contemplating a change for some time, although he was greatly attached to Eaton. His health was not pood; he also was deiroti3 of quitting the business he was In. His daughter, Miss Winnie, and step-son, John Alexander, wiil have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of one who was a kind and good father to them. Miss Dessle Mulford and Miss Lizzie King, of the West Side, assisted atthe Y. M.

C. A. reception last night. Frank Gilbert was In Lrookville this week. Mr.

and Mrs. McCarty, or Dakota street, have five children, all sick with pneumonia. Rev. Brandon and wife will move to Warren county soon. Mr.

and Mrs. Mathis have guests from Marion. Mrs. Slife has been very ill since last Saturday. Mr.

William Miller is adding a carriage and wagon shed to his stable. The building used by the WThitmore Company, has been quite improved by a bright coat or paint. William Grower, of Eldorado, was calling on friends here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs.

Engle have moved Into their new home ou Sprague street. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.

Hoffman had guests from Miami county this week. Wesley dinger, of Union City, is the guest of relatives here. HOUSE FOR RENT Doa ile u-e on S. JlT-rsin t. seven r.ioms on each side.

Call 33 N. Main St. Legler, Barlow Co. 43 HOUSE FOR KENT April 7th. House of 7 trai and cellar.

Hard aid sort water. Natural and artificial tras; large yard a-d stabie: on rn-r aid chard sts. Inau.rell7 East Fifth, Mrs. M.J. Koran.

4-6 IORi RENT To promnt-r-sylng tenant. frame house of 6 roomsl No. 'i Hs su Apply atNo. 153 lirown st 4 3 HOUSES FOR KENT Slit room house, gool and new. A'soanv room house.

Inquire of Win. Saint. 233 st. R'v-'dale. 4 7 JREK EMPLOYF.KS obtain male or rentals help for the office, store, shop, free of expense. resoras. luroarh It MAPLE SYRUP! mi DEPOT Which we have placed ou sale at HOUSE FOR RENT A honse of 6 small rooms, adapted a fam'ly of 2 or 3. Call 230 East Second st, opp. Library park. 4 rt paytois Cnlon tat SI.

15 PER GALLON. 30c PER QUART. ennsulvaniaynBsj 'i rains llaa by Central Tlmsv HOUSE FOR RENT Near Orphans Horn's. West Side, bail and moiiera convea-lenpos six room. ll N.

Boulevard. 4 i W. K. Nevin Co. a.uctionki:i:s.

PEOPLEKOLUMN. Tnder the heart or Want. For le. For Trent, two to lour lines, three Insertions, 15 rents, six insertion cent. ISnsiness notices.

Scents per Una for each insertion. nder 110 rirrutnittance rrUl mutter tor Ilils column he received over the telephone. WANTED To rent house of swven rooms, with all tnod-ru conveniences: mast be a good location an I in a cool nsighborho'd. Address or annly to 4)0 av 4 6 40 CALL ATTTIE OFFICE Of THE GEM rITV MORTGAGE T.OsV CO. E.


CA It'll GES. JEWELRY. WARKlini'JK RECEIPTS OH PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND. WITHOUT REMOVAL OK PROPERTY FROM YUUR POSSESSION. We ran save you mnnev hv one ter-n? on Loans of any amount from $10 to 91.0.)) Yon can par the money back In any antml yon wish, and at any time, and eaa payment so made will reduce the cost of the loan.

lr you owe a balance on yonr furnlfrs p'ano, we will pav it for yoii an I yoa caa py lt l-ack at your own convenience. Before boi-rowingelsewhere. ca't and wit and you wiil find lt sxeattv to vour alvaataa Ouroflice Is privati Nopnblioitv. You can have your money ths day roa as't for It-Office open dally; alsa Monday aal Saturday evenings. GEM CITY MORTGAOK L-OVNOX Rooms 2 and 3.

Newsalt Illoclj. E. E. Cor. Fourth and Jefferson Sts.

Snsmesit ODPortnnitia's. T.10R KENT To a family without chi'dreti. tne north fcair of the doub'e frame dwo 1-ing at N. E. cor.

of Eajle and McLain tnodrn conven'ences. Ttieo. Meuche, Room 10 Kuans Huildlpg. 4 10 HOUSE FOR RENT Oa Springfield st osi to Third nice rive room itttge. Eent $12.

Inqnire at No. 10 Danes cor. Fourth aud Main. J. E.

Dixon, atloraey. 4 CAN SELL your business, secure von a partner, rent your house, iease your farm. At The Exchange, lit S. Main t-t. TERMS CASH IN ADVANCE.

CASH GROCERY. TICKET OFFICE a Union SttMox Tslrl btr-et Station, ant st Bank lluilat N. E. Corner Thirl anl Main Street. Trains raa as foiiowss Dally.

IDatly except lay IW Atttr Yel Fptines ft a Ixindon and a a tl I a Indlan'pis A St. I a a Una Ph'ladelphia N. i in 3: i3 4 Wash I5a-a Pittsburgand East ''iliaa Vel Snrlnrfs ft I 13 a Indian'poiis St -a :) T-ogansnort ft Chlcaga-. I0ai :) Xenla ft Columbus. 1-) i a 1 1 a a IndUn'polis ft St :0 a a a Ib1l ft New i Baltimore ft Wash PI fhnrranl East.

:) a Xenla Columbus Hi a a a fxiganspcirt ft Chicago. on a a PMlaA. NewYork Baltimore ft Wash Ttli: a a Inttsbnrganl i c-a :4 -a Indlaaipjl.s.. C. C.

HA'MCi p. A. Yf ANTED Mia with little can.taltorun a restaurant. Also manager who can security to tike charge cf branch ofllce. anotf Wasted Helt).

IilOR RENT Fart of a house, consisting of A ri asaut rooms, in pood location iind neichb rhooj. ta cr lines. Third and Fif.h; hard and oft water and other Inonir n9 Mound st. 4 10 Tele. 1127.

223 S. Ludlow. WANTED A gocd partv with capita' to Invest iu a good manufacturing business. Will bear Investigation. Best paring In the county.

Address A. IL. Herald oOico 4il a.ale. Of GOOD ORDERS OPEN fnr reliable men fcv ail vroraen. Nocorttj lnre.ti jate.

At The Kxcnange, 18 S. Main Bt. Four office to Ohio. MONEY TO LOAN In larg or sma'l amounts on Urst mortgage real estan sa-enrity at current rates. Hrsav At-tornevs.

Southeast corner Third anl streets. I Off IHAVEafrood building, with 20 horse power fco.Ier and engine, t-baftiug. pulleys, all la g-o order, which 1 wiil sell or reni cheap, or will encage in manurs-tnrln? with responsible part.ov Address Win. M. DeLcr.g; 257 Licd-a ave.

4 14 WASTED loii.i niu lor wboiesae houses, shops, stores, oilices. with cood credentials. We furnish places until members are suited. At 18 S. Main sc.


Jt.ftOO. 1.00 Btid other amounts on real e-tale secur ty. If you want to forow, s- VV. Donson. Real Estate and Loans, Room 3.

Knnns I'n1 dinT. tf "rAN i KIJ Good, reiiab.e in each 1 township, county or state, to sell lUe best fence machine on eart'a. Address 11. Herald 4 1 For Sale 3l3 HOUSE FOR RENT Single of five rooms. West side, near Fifth st.

bridge. Kent at 217 Maple sj 45 FOR RENT New eight room residence, all modern improvements, one square from two car lines, on best residence street on the bill. Apply at 1)3 Linden N. W. cor.

of May. 4 11 HOCUK FOR RENT Two-story eleven riMim frame house, holly water and cistern, both kinds of gas, good stable, large lot. nice piace, fine location, on May tu Auplv to J- Sick. 33 E. Fifth room 13 4 7 HOUSE FOR RENT One-story three-room house.

No. i03 Xenlaave. Enouire James C. Ward. 547 West Fourth st.

4 11 HOUSE FOR RENT Brick honse of eleven rooms an I bath room, hot and cold water, both kinds of gas. hard and soft watr. and all conveniences: slso iro jd stable and carriaie housp; house No. "iii W. Second st.

Annlrto i Hot 1 Coonr. 4 9 MONET TO LOAN On real estats semrltf at current rate of intere'f. Patterson i. Mnrnhy. Law OTice.

Room 3 and 4, Eakr Block, northeast corner of Mala anl Seeoal streets. No. 73. WANTED Salesman; salary from start; permanent plac. Brown Bro.

Co Nurseryman. Kofhesn-. N. Y. TTS-4 21 IFYOCWI'nto buy or sell real estate bank or industrial tccks.

cH on C. Mos. riwi'n No. 3 rjebharr building 4 WANTED-A druar clerk: bartender: man to eo to summer resort. Ladies' Kx-change.

18 Souiii Main st. 30tf May sound rather superficial my name has nothing to do with the shoes I sell, for they are solid as a rock. You ought to try a pair. SURFACE SHOEMAH, "GOLD BOOT," 1128 West Third Street. 1iCK SALE House at corner of Lafavett street and Sunset aven-ie, 10 iarx rooms, hall, attic b.ith roa-a.

satiitarv water closet; hot ail cold, hard aad water on each floor, clrs t-latlag boiler, cemented cellar, i-en. stationary w.h trav. anl urn less. E-i-onireof J. A.

Jo'-i-t, -uns-t v. JAITEK3 WANTED 18 bouth Main St. MOSEY TO LOAN The Dayton Chattel Loan Comnanv Is loaning money on weekiy payments In sums to suit borrowers, on furniture, pianos, organs and other saleable chattel property. No removing nces-sarv. Also loan on real estate anl securities.

Apnly to room 8 Ittitldlnz. S. eor. Fourth and Main. Jos.

M. We gan I. Serretarr. a aotf ANTED Three tirst-ciass sell makers. KORWAT.

HEMLOCK, SOUTH EES PINE AND POPLAR LUMBER, tortne Milburn Comoutlnar Seale Ca, 4 Tenth St Lo'fis. Mo. 4 No. HOUSE FOR SALE Cottage of four rooms In eastern pa-t or city. I.are-e l.u stable, shoo, etc.

$1,050, on terms and long C. J. McKee. roxuu 7. Davies building.

Fourth and Main streets. 8S2. 4 8 HOUSES FOR RENT Two brick houss. fivs rooms each, one near Casa R'zlstir an 1 u- -ar Car Works, in goij condition, bar! and soft water, good cellars and stab es. Inquire 43 Madison st 4 7 rinrlnnatJ, llaoiiltoa A Uartst ft.

t.'. awstrva. ft Sottth-ra Ev. :33 a a :39 Etnr-sa.

4las ft 1 dianap Hs It a skipper ft Inliaaaa-oits, St Fxpresa i ant Clticinnatt ft Kt 33 a in.o Kth-mi F.Ipress..... ft in ilnpi.l Kt 1 ta pm CI net 6:45 la la fct. Louts UII In1 ft Chicago Vsinu: Sn4V Spatal a Toledo San lav "a-. Arm am Cincinnati Sunday SpeelaL c. ix a viriu.

ajar MONEY TO LOAN Oa weekly pavments oa household real estate, orpsr-sonal property. Tae Dayton Loan and Djc posit nr-stalrs, at the southeast corner of Third and A. Thiela, So retary. tf 1 ANTED An experienced soap maker. istate location and experience.

Address Soap, care Herald. 4 5tf SALESMAN WANTED To sell shrublwrv" plams, eto. Must have experience. Good Jay to riuht party. Address flowers, care lerald office.

4 7 Iloil SALE House nd large lot, 4xl67. four lots from Brown. rn Oak st. Cbesp if sold oon. Enquire No N.

Mark't st. 4 1 For Hsnt. Soomi I ONEY TO LOAN Oa real ostat seeuritv 1 at current rates of interest; purcnass money and mortgage notes bou-rat. ('has. It Iddings, rooms 3 and S).

taker Umlilag. 4 lltf 7ANTED Two young men uot afraid of work that is easy and nii-e, and good pay, at once. Address Time, care Herald office. 4 7 TACOMA RED CEDAR, WHITE PINE. MICHIGAN CEDAR AND HEMLOCK SHINGLES.

Orders Quickly Executed. Car Loads Only. KOOMS FOlt RENT 4 nice, pleasant dwelling rooms at a reasonable re-it at Heckler's dry goods store, Wayns and McLain st. 3 19tf I V)R SALE 13 acrs of well Imnrsvet land situated IV from Davton: 'i mils west of Main st, c'os to FairVlew church. Will divide Into smal'er tracts.

given I mediate. y. Ca.l at premises. Henry A. Pmltn.

4 l' Lost and fV.VTt rvi'n KOOM FOR RENT A neatly furnished roam, suitable for two gentlemen. Terms reasonable. Anrlvat318 S. Jefferson. 4 7 p-a.

A A ANTED 20 young men of good character and education, to attend a school of instruction, to learn how to sell cash registers. Employment will be given to thoe who prove themselves capable. Apply between the hours of and 10 a. m. and 4 and p.

111., any day this week, to Joseph H. Crane. National Cash Register Company factory. 4 7 3 Mail ft Esoresi Ta TOST Small light tan terrier, with black i cote, and answers to tb name of 1'iease return to N. E.

cttr. of becond and Lnd low. and receive r-a-d 4 0 IfOOMS FOR RENT Fivs rooms and bath --'room. Enquire at house. 213 taletn ave.

or 3H N. Main su 4 3JV)it SALfc AT A Aiii IN eoo.c lots la Dart View; will eii all together, or wilt trals for resldene prw erty; can bss-a tut olU'i from K. sv m. to 4 p. V.

Schas.Tati Room 3, Kuhna BnUdlng; 4 22tf 1iIOt SA I.K me of Cve, bouses, price fro 8 to ooo. tnodero and nicely located. Oeo. li. Fair, 3.1S W.

Second st. iltf 4 "7ANTED Two sienogranhers and tyre- writers: one man tor mill: two elevator men. and man to drive express wagon. IS Sn-ith Matrr st. UOtf LOST POCK ET-BOOK A long red leather bound pocet-book, containing came and cards of Frank Hodapn, contractor and builder.

Finder return to 319 Haloes street, and receive rwsrd. 4 I. ftrfiotTt Mali 1S 4:0) Well-tin Etpress rrs-aaa hit. avt-. a.

ort. Attwtra. Kvrs a 11 -o net ft Mall ft a Chi ft Oct. Express. am.

ft Detrott F.s...s:4s a 5:40 Tot. Ssniir "vcta S-ecii, ROOM FOR RENT A large room, twentv-Cv (25) feet front by elihty CO) feet deep, with s'xteea rooms upstairs, ail In rood condition. No. 27 W. Second st.

4 0 ATANTEI Good, reliable canvassers for 11 an easy selling article, of every dav ue. Call E. Thirl st. 4 10 KOOM FOR RENT Furnished room.ground floor, private entrance: SI a wwk iu 41 E. Thlrtl opp.

Wayne ave. 4 7 I GST A young pug dog. on Monday even-Jin g. Answers to nams of Tricks. I.ot in neighborhood of Kourta and Boulevard.

P.ease leave information at 555 VV. Fourth st. C. P. Sweet man.

4 0 20I SALK A splend farm nf atwnlHl acres. Dear tho ctiy. For nil Itiforma-t on as to terms, etc. Call or addre. W.

Henderson, 20i South Mcntgontery st. Tav-ton. O. 4 4 "VANDEHDItT BYBTEM' In Liargr Lumps for Salting Stock. We also carry Largo Steek Rock Salt In Saeks for ICS CRBAM purposesj and Cemtuon Fine and Dairy Salt, in Barreis.

GIVE US A CALL. KOOMS FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, centrally located, on K. Fifth suitable for geutlemen. Call at 722 E. Fifth street.

4 7 Femals. TT ANTED Lady omen matron, lady steno- Krap'aer, salesladies, mantglug hotel housekeepr. (Four oftlcs In Oaio.) ISA Main st. Mr. E.

Hunt. 1 ad matron. AnroTiTicFmprit. fCLf EL an'dTc CjfjN TuOK SALE A brick dwellingof nine rooms. in rood repal'.

with five acres of erouud Suitable f-r sa'den'ng or Apoiy to Mrs. Ceo. P. Cebhart. N.

Main -t 3 IV.f Revenue. It was a through train. And the weary night dragged itself reluctantly along. "Little boy," said the gentle, Boft voiced young man, who had been trying for hours in vain to sleep, as be leaned across thenisle and spoke to a restless, wide awake youngster who was taking his first ride on the cars and didn't want to sleep anyhow, "do you see that fat old gentleman near the middle of the car, with his head leaning back on his seat?" "That old man that's snorin so loud?" "Yes." "Been snorin ever so long. he?" "I think he has.

In fact, I am quite sure he has. You see him, do you?" "Yep." "You'd like to earn a dime, wouldn't yon, little boy?" "Bet 1 would!" "Well, I'm his physician. lie's traveling for his health. You see this half of a lemon, do vou?" "Yep." "About this time every night I prescribe-lemon juice for him. What I want you to do, littlo boy here's your dime is to gc quietly down the aisle, get in the seat behind him and squeeze the juice of this halt lemon right into his open mouth." "Mebby he won't like it." "Yes, he will.

It's the way I always administer it. He'll swallow it and be a great deal better. Here's another dime. Go ana give him tho lemon juice and say nothing about it." "When, the tumult had subsided and th suddenly awakened passengers had becom comparatively calm again, it was noticed, that a mild looking young man who occupied a seat across the aisle from a restlesa wide awake youngster was fast asleep, witt a heavenly smile on his youthful, innocent face. Chicago Tribune.

-I 7 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Ths I only contract and refund advertising agency in America. 1SS. ilainsu Uanaged by Dayton citizens. 3 2ltf FOR RENT Two rooms on ground floor, rear of N.

Main jer month to good tenant. Enquire 327 E. Thirtl street. 4 11 "rANTED Immediately, fourteen girls and rour men. to repair work on clotaintr also two clothing salesmen.

Women's Ex-cbaage. 13 S. Main st. 3 -Mtf LIOK SALE 15 lots. Price.

10d to A. each. Also dwellings In a'i parts of the cftv. Call and select n. Iteosts yon nothlee.

E. Pottle. Room 24 H-ckel Miii'rileg. 4 10 CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RY KOOMS FOR RENT' Nicly famished rooms, bathroom and every convenience, only two squares Xrom court house Call at 23 W.

Fifth st. 4 11 CJIKLS WANTED Country girls wanted. I good wises and eood situations to risht parties. IS South Main st. Lalies lixchanjia.

3 30 1 1.TOR SALE Haadsome walnut par. with gass door, smiuM for private ortice. Must be sold. Wiil go for a soa-Enquire at Uarald counting room. a 14tf BIMM SON, SIS First St.

TELEPHONE 27L KOOM FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room private family. Call at No. 20 Tecumsh vt. 4 7 For Sa. or Tra 1.

GTRL WANTED Good girl for general housework In family or two. Nice poi-tion for the riht party. Call at 109 Grand Dayton View. 4 3tf CIRL WANTED For laundress ar.d general work. Call immediately, at Cincinnati Hotel, 40 VT.

Sixth St. 4 7 FAT PBOPLiBI KOOMS FOR RENT Two rooms on Long st.Call at 10i Lincoln siu 4 7 KOOM FOR RENT A nlcelv furnished fnint room, down stairs. Call 1502 Richard st. 4 7 Why Pay Rent? WHEN" YOU CAN BUY A OS THE EASY TEltMS OF $1 down, and 2atMl THE LAST AND RAKE WORKS. BRO VVNTOWN.

For particulars apply to S. W. TELLEK, 20 X. Canal OR II. S.

D0XSEV, SS S. Main St. CtClSXi.ll UlTlilO eutr prpttrr awarv 1:2.1 Col. 0 South westr-a a 7-50 Fas; I -in. pta 12-10 Sn.

ACia. iix 3:1) a 3:15 CoL ftldn. Et arr N. Y. ft itas Ex.

:13 ft Dsvton Ex. :50 a.ttJ cow- pr.PAur" rK "3 am 13 Cot Cle, ft N. Y. Kt I 7 2 li N. Y.

ft B-'- l- Ti-ila ft Col. 1: a 7-33 pin am 11:13 san Co. a-a 0:30 Spnngfleid r.x 7: i-a Suuiar Special. CATTOX VJTIUS wxir. rmrjAtrr.

ARstr. 7-rw) am. R. cm. a Eioww a lit.

L. ft Cat Ltua aft RENT Desirable room, central loca-- tion, furnished or unfurnlsaed: ceitlemea prelerrd. Refsrenc required; 23 E. First bet. Main and Jeff rson.

4 FOR RENT Four rooms and kitchen: not suitable for children; 237 McDonongn st, first doer off of Firth st 3 31tf PAtttr. Obfsitt Piu. win reduce vonr weight rKKMAN'EXTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month. NO STARVING, sickness or injarv; NO PUBLICITY. They bail! up the, hsaltn and beautify tho complexion leaving NO WRINKLES or flabbiness.

STOUT ABDO MENTS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientitio anl positive relief, adootsd only aft-r years of es-perience, All orders annulled dlreaS from our office. Price $2.00 pack i-ra. or three paoi-azes for $3.00 by mail, postnald. Tostiiuoa-la Is and particulars (sealed) 2css.

All Correspondence Strictly Confidential. PARK REMEDY Boston, Mass. GIRL. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Apply S.

W. corner Webster and Second. 4 7 GIRL, WANTED For general housework. Good wages to a eood girl, with references Call a-J W. First st.

4 7 ANTED Good woman cook; also, neat, clean girl for dining room. At as E. Second Dairy Kitchen Lunch Room. 4 7 FIVE LADIES, of good address and neat appearance, can learn of profi table employment by addressing Time, care Herald office. 4 7 OOMS FOR RENT unfurnished rooms FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.

A VE1V FINE FARM OF ACHCS 5'4 MILKS NORTHWEST OF AtlODLK-TOWN, In Madison townh.p Butler 0-nv. Ohio. GOOD HICKORY AND SUGAR TREE SOIL. Good new fence. Weil improved, with large brick house of 8 rooms, and 3 rooms In cedar.

Well and cistern, and never tali ing spring of water; also stream from spr nrr through farm for tett. Ciok house wood ho ise. new pig pen. large banit barn with metallic roof tenant hou-. etc TWO FINE YOUNO OKH AMDS.

4 YEARS OLD one of anl r.r.e cf apples, pears, uninees, -tc- Fire sugar camp of 15 acres. The farm Is on two good pear churches and schools. I in a s-fll neighborhood. raak- one of the finest grain or stock farms in the country. I would take good.

Improved town property, e'ean cf debt-. In Davton. Ham-Itou. or Cincinnati. (Davton preferred.

I or a goml farm o' 1O0 to acres with good Improvements (near Davton In part aud balance c-ish Address or call on S. M. fuOuVFR. 073 Washington Sires', Daytjn.

O. 4 14 at No. 2233 East Fifth st. 4 6 1 ROOM FOR RENT Nicety furnished front room. In new house, extra large wardrobe, seconl floor, hall entrance, gas, water and othercoaventences on same floor; gentlemen preferred.

235 V. Fifta ss. 4 10 Wanted To Buv. TANTF.D Clsrar Roilers (female) for hieh grade work. Apply at cor.

Hickory and Brabham or Chapel North Davton. H. C. Mahrt 4 11 ANTED TO BUY A saloon In a good 1-- catlon. AddrtfSS T.

Ileraid otlic-. 4 10 PURE, SWEET GountryBntter "IJOOMS FOR RENT Sis rtnfurnfshed I r-vuiis. down stairs. In two parts of thre rooms each. Will rent all to one party, or will rent each part of three rooms senarate, suitable for living rooms and business.

iii In afternoon or evening at Schenck Heintz block. E. Fifth second floor, third door to thelefu 4 10 TANTED TO BUY A seermd-havl for meat store, smaii size Aldress. P. a liox.

lai), M.amisburg. Oht a. 4 10 IC YCLE I want a good -flS rmt.tera Eagle. J- avilh large cushion lires. Cash.

J.Eiiu Artz. cor. Pine and Mnrsltall. 4 7 TANTED Ladies to do writing for meat their homes: will make from $18 to per week. Send self-addressed Mampei envelope for particulars.

Address Mme. Writrht, Mlshawaka. lnd. 4 7 CJIKL WANTED A girl for general house-I work in smail cood wages. Inquire of Mrs.

Newsalr. VV. Third st. 4 17 Itor sale or trade a five mow cot-tage; even thing firs-cas: centrally located. Will trde for S.

W. prouerty. est of river H-rald oftVe. 4 IO ROOMS FOt RENT Two furnished front rooms, one upstairs, one down: also stable torrent. Apply to 333 W.

Fourth st. 4 7 Aftttrrs rao th eati Pacl-e Ktpress m-l N. V.s:L VestiBiU Lim tjl. list A Cry For Help In the stillness of the night is sufficiently startling. What if no aid be at hand or we know not whence the cry comes? Thisis not the case with that mute appeal made to the resources of medical science, ever ready, ever available by disease on every hand.

A prompt means of self help for the malarious, the rheumatic, the dyspeptic, tho bilious, and persons troubled with impending kidney complaints. Is to be found in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an ever "present help ia time of trouble," for all such hapless individuals. They should cot delay a moment in seeking its aid. Experience has shown its wide utility, the recommendation of eminent physicians everywhere sanction its use. Nervous, thin, debilitated individuals gain bodily substance and vizor by a course of this fine Jnvigorant, which is eminently serviceable, also, to the aged and convalescent.

Uf ANTED A good secoud-hanl two-scat Address. "Cnrrisie." Da-vies bniidiug. cor. Main aad Fourth sec-cond floor. 4 t) -T housework.

Firtnst. 4fl JiOR SALE OiJ TRADE ew and six r-oin EAY TERMS. Tase tj tan1-' lots or tun propsrty. 115 N. Uou.evard.

V- Y. Vest'btte I port RENT Larcre furnished front room Larsre closet, heat and gas. Ais table board. Thoroug ily first ciass, at 1812 Fast Third street. KeforenTe.

4 15 GIRL WANTED For general housework. Good wases for good girL Apoiy at 307 H. Sixth st. 44 4 a-a New Yrrtt Wanted Honse? cr Boo-jrn. DRESSED POULTRY, SALE OU KXCH A i li ESlUKNCK Three-story nrick.

in the best portion of the citv. hard wood hmsb. 22 N. Mala opposite high School. 3 Gtf CIKL WANTED Good girl for sreneral housswork.

Apply S. Yf. co ner Weotr and Third sts. 4 a ForKest Jioiua Aresss. icivt rou touiiitr nnis :25 a.m.

0-311. nmE mo rax Boat -on ANTED 20 cigar rol ers at ilanna Hrs. I vavVt 1 ANTED TO RENT HOUSE Within ten minutes walk of Third st. crossing; house must be mo-lern. with six eight rooms, with stable.

Holly sriiriclal Will lease, with privilege of purchase, if saiis-fm-tory. Rent must le moderate. Adilrews, giviug particulars. care Herald.

For Sale Ram. CarnaTit, Etc fANTED A elrl tor general bousevroik at Country Lard a Specialty. COUNTRY SAUSAGE. HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT AND PIES. JiOR EENT Five and one-rou-th acres in-- side -city limits, suitable for gardening or poultry raising.

House of eight rooms. Low rent. J. McKee, rooms i and 7. Davies Block, Fourth and Main.

Telephone, S--i 3 5tf 11 1 S. st. 4 6 UiRs.nnati. Jacxss.i mzuni.i P. R.

Time Pchedulo in Eff-c Nov. 1STT 1XU SALE Gar h'-rse. eirbt yeirs oid; sound u'-t of anv kind of car: also neariv uew pha- ton. rfa-nnab'e ofer fuscdJ Can be seen 40a West Fourth st. cite.

4 7ANTICD To rent a huae s.x or seven rooms before May Tin. Address Pmmrt. Pit, Herat. I nn'e. 4 7 JjlOR RENT Desirable office and sleeping rooms.

Apply to L. P. Mcllbeany, 4" and 4-) Ca lahan Bill! Tl i-ldlng. 4 VT AN TKO Competent woman to teach two children at thir home. Must tnow methods used in public schools, to prepare pupils Tor High School.

One able German als preferred. Address, wita references, ABljC, care Herald. 4 GIRL WANTED For general houseworkT oLAloertsc. Mrs. Brown.

4 8 coif-. TANTF.DTO KlONl Ative room house, 1 g.tod -ioi Enquire at 10 VVii.ia us cotsri ITOi SALE CHEAP Kois. biiggv ani be at auy time, E. int 47 4 10 Miami tv BROWN Cor. Wayne Ave.

Jones St No. 4.1 No. 2 P. 1 A. M.

I SALK Fine, 1ar; s'V-reir-old hcrs- i. l.l! Arr.carusie. Lv YXANTED Furnished or unfumisued room for light hou-sekecping. Address W. care Ilerabl.

4 7 Dayton Felt Kootia; sonud and all right era. vat. p. 5:31 3: 17 3: a- No. 1.

A. U. 10:47 4 C. 320 E. St.

GIRL WT ANTED Good eirl for general housework: small family. N. E. ror. of Davton ana Kiver ts Mr.

Ros-nrtil. i7if FOR RENT Having Hotel Cool-idge, located opposite the new court honss in the city of Tror. Ohio, on a magnificent corner, the best loca'ioa in the ritv, electric cars running to and frrni all trai ls. I am now remolding, repaperlng and painting, and will have entire building la go k1 condition to ropen uew and clean by tie 13th of AnriL Inquire of Wm. Saint.

233 MeDauiel st. Dayton. Ohio. 4 8Awk2t Gcrraan v.a Far.uersviit i 6:51 V. 7 i 1 Gpeivitu a IT Cr anted Agents.

32.60 FOR SALE A coatractrr's wagon, Call at 4Q F. Sec -nd st. I.OR SALE Two large, crey hos. 7 and years old; wiil 1.530 nauns; makes" a Hrst-cls'ss team for h-avy hauling; cii be eeea at 15! fie-st L. River Ja'e 4 0 WANTED An unfurnished room for light housekeeping.

Address C. W. care Herald office, 4 7 YYATT Three pleasant rooms on first floor, for light housekeeping: must 1-e tn neighborhoO. Address Mrs. H.

C. 1707 E. Fifth st. 4 11 CLEVELAND BUFFALO DAYO ft UNION H. VIA, OK RENT Large store room, also seven K.

tit 1:44 WT ANTED Agents to sell goods on com- mission. Light work and gord par. Call 130 E. Third second floor. W.

J. Ar-miiage. 4 7 vrtfivi.Ti rooms attached, huittble for delling; For Fals goo j. for any business: cas and Holly water in hou mi good "cellars and stables and hard and so't warer. IrQiiire 4 Madison st.

4 7 l-Mf V.o: I 1:11 3:4 2: It atUCTM I (IV.J VI i erll I J7IURNI5HED R'XJMS WANTftD For young gentlemen holding responsible business positions. Leave adiress at 1H S. Min streeu 3 21tf Via B. LINE. Situation Wanted.

SALE A srea tans of nrekel-piatlntr solution, wtih annoiles. rods, wire. c. App at cor. ifthBt.

an Encin ave. 4 0 Bright Prospects. Old Gentleman Little boy, why are you idling- around, the street during" school hours, and, still worse, smoking" and chewinj tobacco, and act nsr like a young- tough generally, instead of studying- your lessons and trying- to be a l.ttlo gentleman? Bov Wot yer g-ivin' ns? Old Gentleman Remember, the time is not far distant when you will hare to earn your own Bov Thas all right. I'll live in a Fif Avernoo house an' have a steam yacht. I'm groin' inter poly tics.

$100 Reward. 5100 reward is offered for any case of pimples that cannot be cured with tpavd's Face Ointment, the greit beau-tine sold by all druggists; trial size 25 cents. One cake of Spayd's Face Soap given free with large dollar siza. For sale In Dayton, by R. Pretzinger druggists, Beckel House, Third Street, near Jefferson.

New Scotland yard, London, is the largest police office in the world. It contains a room iu which men can be assembled. F'OR RENT ifhsiness house 1. W. cor.

Second and Jeilsr.son known as fie Henrr Perrine Uuiidini Cail upon or aolroi.s J. F. Perrine. 17tf VI WAIIA-H R. SITUATION WANTED As book-keeper, or otier p-wttion requirinj reliaaie man.

Good Foarit agel married: best references. Address, A1 1 i '-'i I.TO'tSALK firt'ires. coffee mill, counters, meat refrigerator, at 21 1 1 E. Fifth sr. 4 4 10 n.

k. ic. ore JiiirniL i a 12: It 11:33 11:1 Ui i. 131 Arrl Arr. H'vax Lj BOA KUiNU-Good tabie board ani pleasant furnished roo-us for rent, at 20 7 S.

Jefferson near Fifth bath, gas and sieatn cent at l-catlon. 4 IO TaNTED A Jib as assistant book-keep- ing. or to do offlca wort. W. F.

Heratd offloe. 4 in Aivoeston SALE A $Jo blcycie. rood as new. for S2) Call do-iTtg the day at 8 E. Third orevsamg at 14 Uershey J.

J. Ail-n. 4 Jt VI It ST HLE FOR RENT Room for six heses. Cail 15 Henry st. 4 FOR RENT Will be for rent April 131U, a large-stab'e ojmosite Fifta street school house, wltoia full viewof Fifth st room for 4 or five borsa an 1 wagons.

A Brst-class location 'or carpenter or blacksmith shop. Airs. C. Whitmore. 2-1 Ea-rie sr.

4 tf Clairvovant ABY CAB FOR SALE A good eab. CaU et 415 lirown sr. 4 7 SITUATION WANTED By a practical tool-maker and machinist, with some mann-lacturinz concern, to keep tools and machinery in order, etc. Best ut referencsk Address ii-hinist, Herald orriee. 4 Commencing with, opening of navigation (about April 1st), Magaiiiceas sida-aeei tee) steamers, "State of Ohio and "State of New York" DAILY TIME TABLE INCI-rUIJiG SU5DAV.

Lt. Cleveland. 6:15 pa I Lt. pm AX. 7:30 am I Ar.

jj am CESTKAl, STAJiQARO TIME. Take the- Line" stearaars and enloy a refreshing nighs rest when enrouts- to Brry- FAIXX NiASAS FAU.S. TOKOSTCK NEW YOSS. BosTOSt iLmsv, LUOO Island or any East-eru or Canadian Cheap Excursions Weekly to Niagara Falls. Writu for tourist pamphlet.

H. E. EOGES3, F. NEWMAN. Uen'i Pass.

Agt Gen'l Manager CLEVELAND. O. A.rntua..An 11:11 Hndson :53 Arr. iiait-e iJroe. Lv I ttt- av na.

L.AIRVOYANT Mrs. Charles Mercer. Clairvovaat ani buslnens medirim. tells "TT'O't SALE coffee.

X. mili. ma. re-ngerator, counters Can be s-eu at 2111 Frfth st. 4 FCR 1ENT Tbird and fourth P.oorsnf Nos 17.

21 F. Fourth st. Large, light and rast. preseat and rutare. v.i Third opp.

tae street car sublss. 3 litf airr. its cr tincout rower. Apply at u. a STTUATION WANTED As by a j-oung mm.

Best of references as to cnaracLer and nh.lity. Address H. this oilioe. 4 6 Fttlishiiig House counting room. The Business p.

KiiAKIi. il'ti Ji. oCHlNDLF.rt Cca. Ai auagr. ua.

a'Atav Arv Tolda. Oalx For Sale or Eent. I710R SALE Hnff rochtn coekrelB; large and line: SI each. K-nestT. Hustoa, nik.

eat nf co-n r'on 4 i ALK tirl rlaM Jj sood as new. sii'tabie forehurcn. Wil nl low for cash. Address J. lieraid 4 13 rrrTratas mars4 aiau7.

AU otaars ftaU SITUATION WANTED By an excellent general house servant Canadian). Also two Canadian girls, new. arrivals. want homes References on tile. Ladies Hxchange.

1 Main. Mrs. E. Hunt, lady matron, 3 21tl ri'HE BUSINESS IXCWNUF, 1-S. Main JL is managed exciosiveiy br Dayton ladies and tecueaien.

Inv.estigauoa iiiva coiuted. i -AU except LioK i- Oii SALAMI acres ground. partly in grass. Enquire or aloress S. IL Iuteroauh, 1-3 W.feecoad st.

4 a Children Cry for HicheVsCastoria. JL.

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