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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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1 I 4 ftp 6 Boh caavafi irkin Bjxci candle a 541 Da foap 1 481 Do fweet oil Number 64114 Joo 343 I798 525 31841 182 785 9 11 690 11436 47706 Bare 61 i aj 8 600 8 64a 3 737 P5 2 739 1 921 42065 4415448 2 701 a 081 5 000 838 18 i 132 841 600 1065 109 64U 4 314 II 178 145283 401 50 2 8 60 ood 101 453 404 674 30617 Cjdrf Affk fam laaipVick W6c IMrt ftf Km! Bore Hr' 4 40 12 4 530 454 9 1 6 557 1500 675 56 ftsnfetd Bltwtl aaatnui 4dian corn Mjrhcit Qata Do flax Da ham Bart iron Dzsn poultry Tout of lead Do grindftouc 'Do hemp Do bay Do nail rod Do pig iron Do timber Do lignumri fleet Do clay Bales of cotton Cheftt of tea Cafe of gin Chaldron of coal Pair of fhoe 77 Bundle of tow doth 92 3o 42 XOO 365 34 32 Do leather 4007 Do whale bon 4 Bg of allfpice Keg Do coco 4 623 Do pepper 439 Ct ate earthen ware 148 55 914 788 214 Buuchet of onions 90 341 Pound of chccfe 67 239 27279 5 6515 134 35 Wfcfih brief fcprV Tobacco lidr an I to drGfl from idling tW ffwfive PT tfenlie Th alarm of chin (grtpeoe attack hiring fpread through the neigh toerhotd feveral hearty last aflembled and joined de blind governor on which a defperate engage immediately enfued The battle wa long bloody bein maintained on both Gdes with ijegreatefl bravery Vidlory for long time feem jg doubtful on which fide to declare now String with equal and expanded' wing over the ge'party then over the other but at length clip and declared for the blind commin Jjr on whirhoul roufand wild dtfmay enfued fc'tariof! England were obliged to flrike and tnderrd themfelve priforier of after be ieximih before an officer of the police they 2rifafcly conveyed bn board the Old Brig NE January 27 Ac following we received by the lilt poft from I Albany New Tori January 10 1789 Hir Hive the honor oftrnfmitting to you in ac joint df the EXPORTS from the port of New for the laft year taken from theirianifell lifyjdih the cuftom houfe At the fame time I agg obferve that although the export appearfrom the indofed iccount) very confiderable for lilt period yet it doe not comprehend the whole iliiyery great quantities of wheat flour and other pmduce a well a foreign mekhandize are ex ggrted in coafliog vefle tu the ihaftera of which are Eobliged to enter and clear ftvA fiArtno in 3 A IOS 96 Piece mahogany 245 5i7 7896 48 13124 73 58 6 245 6 X37 66 Bricks Irpn pot Millitones Houfe frame Saddle Oyfler eet board eet fcintliog eet clank Pieces fquare tim ber 3421 Piece dye wood 16126 8653 Pieces cherry wood 420 2 024 Hoglhcad 85 149 410 42042 9 259 194 349 764 49 14 Pipe 300 129 Puncheons 996 Cafc I3 138 Cubic 190 Coils of cordage bpara Boats I hive the honor to be With great refpedl SIR Your obedient fervant inuv sain gnu Jo'ftH LAHSING jun Llq DUinri Home board Hoops Shingles andHeading Oars Hindfpike Trunnel Shaken bhd Carriage Wiudfoi chair Horfet Sheep' tji Horned cattle 400 Raw bide 493 JlW kbufe booktel flour' 104 2 251 211 12 2066 355 224 800 690 I 427 306 100 683 41 8 096 13282 2615 168 1 113 32 Wi bread Me wheat TInd corn 66 045 riixked 1 WBeefand Wk 4 uetce rice I 998 wen tun KJjti Do chocolate 1 179 Do lemon 71 Do wine Number Packages dry dtw lio good 1252 Account of Export from New York inJiVilT from the 5 of January 1775 till 1tie of January 1776 as taken from toe cuf pwi soufe books teb flour' 104 357 Hundred fugar Ttei ind bar Tons Pot alh 10 Ott do I iron 1 Hr iron ill 845 Copper ore wood 9 949 eet mahog 4 enn Ti 11m flier conoa wool beet wax florrs 4 737 Bulhel beans 1524 Boxes foap and cyder 4870 candl: neioing none JW boards 5208 coo Ciflti of oil WAnt WlHJk AA ZzW SMw 4y vv4 'R 109731 Hlids Tobacco 35 tMolalfes 10958 Little or no exports from the beginning fkpttmber the exportation being flopped vstder of Cnogref 0 ON Jan 16 rlmtrican Novil that there is now in the pref thiSnaNovtl dedicated to the young Udies whichJ'tnded to enforce attention to femile education ffljofeprcfent the fatal coofeq ience of feduflion vttirc informed tbit one of the incident upon which the Novel is founded is drawn from late unhappy fuicide We (hall probably foon be ena bled to lay before our reader fume account of to truly novel work upon fueb interefling fub jedls Jmuary 44 itft American 0 Li Thia day it pubtiffied Price 91' bound and letteredand 6 8d pitched in blue paper The POWER of SYMPATHY Or the TRIUMPH of NATURE A Novel founded in truth Io two Volume limo The firft vo lume ornamented With Copperplate ronaifpiece Dedicated to the Yeung Lidiet of America ain kitiitjd ft Jlrew Life't thorny Way with flowtrt nd open to yoUr View BlyfianBKvirt Catch the warm PaJJlons of the tender Touth And win the Mind to Sentiment andTrutb The following i the Novel hive ever met with ready reception into the Libraries of the Ladies but this fpecirs of writing huh not been received with univerfal appro bation utility is not the only charge brought againft it Any attempt therefore to make thele fludies more advantageous has at leift a claim upon the patience and candor of the public In Novels which expofe no particular vice and which recommend no particular virtue the fair read er though lhe may find amufement tnnft finilh them without being imprefled with any particular idea: So that if they are barmlefs they are not beneficial) Of the Letten before ns' it is unneceffiiry to re mark that this error on each fide his been avoid the dangeroui confequences ofeiuSion arcex pofed and the advantages of female education fet forth and Printed at Boflon by I Thomas snd Co and fold at their Bookflore No 45 Newbury flrect A LT IM OR Januirva Extraft of a letter from a gentleman in to bit con ef pendent in this town dated Jan 6 We have loll one of cur moil worthy character lit the death of General NeliOn he is a lofs to this (late as well as to the whole circle of his acquaint ance rom his firmnefs and abilities 1 had a great defire that he Ihould have gone to the new Our federal in Glouceller will be one It is to bo hoped that the fouthern Rates in general will he cautious in fending young gentlemen who may form (as perhaps too many have already done) their dearett connexions and cflablilh their neaiell inter ells with eur rivals We are in hopes that Congrefs will fit as long in WiBiamfturgas it has in New Yoik until (ome middle lantitude is permanently fixed up on 1 fuppofe you call Baltimore the centre peg but litre we fay redericklbuig To the North they never fecm to have had an eye to New Virginia Ken tucky the Carolinas and Georgia but it mull be hinted to them or we (hall (liortly very Ihortly per haps have another Congrefs at Richmond It will fiyver do tor you Northern Lads to be a 11 reemafons and keep it's out of the facrct am forry that North Carolina will not be reprefented as that is a great growing arid rich Hate Kentucky which promifes to be ranked amongll the bell and richelt fettkments in the ui)ianottglit not to have apieferencc of Caiolina as to fertilityof foil and other advantages I am well acquainted with both by land and water and if 1 may venture to hazard an I doubt not but when Virginia add Carolina (hake hands with a hear ty good will Noffolk uitll rife up Phanix like and be the Anifterdam of America wherefoever uur Sages may determine to fix the Hague Philadelphia eb 3 On Sunday fall the fl infl ai einheit's thcr mometer flood at Degree! 4 10 5 8 6 16 9 314 10 4 12 4 0 Ycflcrday morning at 6 o'clock below 7 4 8 2 1 4 half pad 8 It is to be lamented that the laws of this Date arc fo badly executed that they are generally treated with the mod fovereign contempt The elefti returns for federal reprefentatives from fume of the counties in (lead of being made in ten dajs were kept back fourweeks Thofe for ekdtor of a prelident and vice prefi dent of the Unitedtatei have not yet been made from all the counties Qnere as next Wedneftiay is the day appointed for the meeting of the electors in their re fpeltive flatet isPennfylvanialike New Yorktolook on as a Client fpefta tor I And (hall a few antifederal fheriffi (or prothonotaries) be fullered with impunity thus to trample on the laws and render the federal flta'te of Petinfyivanla the feoff of the union It is with great pteafure we behold the fame federal fpirit pervade the flatesof Maryland Delaware Penn fylvania and New Jerky The union in fpirit and conduit aud the immenfe refources ot thefe Rates muff prove an over halanco in influence to all th dillraik councils of the antifederal and Rates It is to be hoped they will always remember that they have but one interefl at well as one fpirit Sy thefe means they will become the afylurii of peaceable and honefl emigrants anrf hereafter the objefls of imitation of their lets wife and lefs united filler dates Reafon for incorporating the city of Philadelphia id It wilt leflen the number Of the poor and of conrfe leflen the weight of taxes for their mainte nance ad It will he the meant of inviting Congrefs and (hanger of diftinflion to fettle among Ut 3d It will fave many thoufands of pounds a year to the Rate which are expended by the legiflature in making laws for the internal government of the city 4th It will deliver the city from the oppreffion of trading juflices and the difgraceful mode in which they are elefled 5th ft will be the means of having our flreet kept clean and our pumps in good order It will prevent many irregularities which arc committed in the city on Sundayt ythi It will be the mean of Introducing many wholefome regulations into the city which will con tribute to it health ordet and happinefs It is to be hoped fays a correfpondent the prefent Aflcmbly will do away the prefent difgraceful tefl iaw There are many thoufands of good federalifls who tie ver will vote at our elections while that weak and un neccflary law is in force Virginia and the governor of Canada have already taken advantage of our folly they invite Quakers andother fetls whe are ppprifed to oaths arid promifes of fidelity to government to come and fettle Among them and aflure them of per petual exemption horn thofe difgraceful badges of ty ranny which Were ifivdnted at a time when king and prieflt (hared between them the dominion of man kind It Is faid that thirty families cf the people called Menunetls are about to emigrate from Lancafler county to Niagara on purpofe to avoid the difagrera ble confcdutuKs of our ridiculous and tyrinrical law I Arrivals at Wilmngtob (N from Dec 46 1788? to Jan I 1789 Brig Carolina Mead New York Mary Kingflon John Hodge Philadelphia Mary Cluni Antigua Jafper Jacobs Jamaica Sarah Grime Bartadbes Peggy Steel Charleflon Schooner Dart Waddy Ditto William Andrews Ditto Succefs Lowell Bolton Sally Leammon St Euflatia Cutter Mary Smallie Kingflon Sloop Gond Intent Dennis Goadaloupe Aurora Gardner Cbarkftoti Arrivals at Baltimose Jan 47 navre oe urace Teneriffe Cape rancois ditto Bath Charlelton Cape rancois Salem Norfolk Edenton Pcuriburg Buenos Ayres Ship Sally Kennedy Brig Jefus Maria Jofeph de Villa Schooner Ardent Stran Betfey Cole Ifabella Mitchell Experiment Mitchell Sloop Rebecca Rofs Polly Knight Dolphin Bennet Matilda Lincoln Peggy White Cleakeu Brig Traveller Leuce Thomas Allen's Marine Lift New London Jan 15 Arrived (loop Bowen from ttndria Virginia where (he was detained ten day by the ice 17 Arrived here fchooner Silly Treat from Cape rancois in 48 days belonging to Glaflcnbury who left there Brig Delight Mather belonging to Lyme Brig Sally Johnfirn Middletown Brig Clarifla Buckley ditto Sloop Nancy Williams Rocky Hilli Brig Charlotte Mumford Rhode ((land Ship Providence Munro Providence Schooner Polly Mellaly was to fail the nixt day after Capt Treat Atfo a number of Eaflern veflels left at the Cape 18 Sailed fchooner Suiannah Stow for Guada loupe Arrived at Rhode IdandThurfday laft brig Clarif fa Tracey from CuraCoa in 45 days belonging to Norwich 40 Arrived fchooner Polly Mellaly from Cape rancois Schooner Sally Newton St Schooner Cloe Chapman Port'au Prince Capt Newton kit at Martinifo Sloop Sally Warner 35 day paflage belonging to Middletown Sloop Montague Wethersfield Brig Hetty Deming from Hartford fold his cattle there and proceeiled to St Croix At St Euflatia (loop Induflry Benton 39 days paflage from hence belonging to Hartford 41 Arrived (loop Dove Goodrich belonging to Wethersfield from Cape rancois in 17 days Touched and anchored at the harbour's mouth laft evening a (hip from London out 60 days bound to Boflon and proceeded this morning Wilmington fN CJ Dec 45 Capt Swain Of the Wilmington Packet on hi paflage frorti Charleflon to this port on the 17th inft faw a (hip that wa up fet near Bull's Jfland all her lower mails (landing about I5Oton burthen fingle lebk with bright fides fuppofed to be loaded with Northern pine could difeover no marks by which it might be known from whence (lie was or her name We have fince been informed that tht ahfl've (hip belonged to Boflon and wa bound from to Charleflon but unfortunately (truck on Cape Rfu fain where the captain and crew were obliged to aban don her and proceeded in their boat to Charleflon Capt Latimer on the 29th ult off the bar took up the mail of a vcflil fuppoled to belong th a fchooner that failed from charleflon for this port commanded by Capt Lard which has not been heard of OA ftated Meeting of the Pbi ladclphia Society for promoting Agriculture will be held at the Carpenters' iiall this Evening at 7 o'clock when a General Attendance of the Member is requeu ed eb 3 Samuel Grifeitts A BAL Mr Cenas' BALL at the City Tavern on Thurfday Evening the Ijth (nllant will bdgin at 6 o'clock precifely Tickets for Gentlemen at 76 each may be had at Mr elix Srunot'o in Walnut near Second (Ireet and At the City Tavern ebruary 2 2tw2n O' fc LET Valuable Mill arid 18 acres of Land One half very good meadow the other good upland lituate in Cheltenham townfliip Mont iinery county about 9 miles from Philadelphia The Mill i in iompleat repair and fit for either merchant or country work br further particulars apply to George Snider in Briftol towlifhip or to Meyer on the Premifes eb 3 4tiaw rr pcrfdti Who took away a a Drab SURTOUT COAT with plated but tons out of the entry of Henrf houfe on Thurfday Evening h(l is defired to return the fame to the Barr of faid houfe when 119 qlieftions Will be alkcd to avoid difagteeable confequtriccsl ebruary 2 Philadelphia ebruary 2 1789 RY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me directed will be expofed to Sale by I I at the Coffce Houfe in thecity of Philadelphia on the iSth inft at 6 In the A certain two (lory rame Mcffuage jmd Lot of Ground lituate on the fouth fide of Spruce flreef between ront and Second flreets from the river Delaware in the city of Phila delphia containing in front on Second flreet afore faid 17 feet and in length or depth 102 feet or therca bouts bounded on the eafl by ground of on the weft by groiind of Jofeph ew on the fouth by ground of Leham and oh the north by Spruce (ireet aforefaid fubjeil tp a ground rent of L20 per annum and is a good (land for a (lore tee taken in efecutioh and to be fold as the property of Benjamin Towne (Coppeifmith) by James Alh rTHE Creditors of the Reverend Tames fonts Wilmer of St Pfftifh North Salla fra' Crcii county Maryland are in this public manner called upon to furnilh the fubferiber with a ftatement of their claims lega'ly arranged and to meet me for adjuftrhent of the fame ou the 4th until the 9th day of the approaching month bf May at George ToWn Crofs RoadsKcht county Maryland JOHN ROBERTS Truftee Jan 34 1783 jgwtM Dramatic Aflbciatiom 3 HE gentlemen of the Dramatic Aflbciation are quitted to meet at the City Tavern THIS 1 at I o'clock Tuefday eb 3 Philadelphia ebruary 4 1789 JJY virtue of a vi rit of vetidiiiont exponas to me directed will be expofed to Sale by Public 1'erducnt the Houfe of Davis Inn holder at the lign of she Wheat Shea' on the Briftol road on riday the 3th inft at 12 noon 4 A certam rame Mefliiage a barn andTradlor PiecU of Land containing about 12 acres fituate in Oxford townfliip Philadelphia county bounded by lands of John Connely Sarah Vandegrift and by the Briftol road about 8 miles frosh this city: taken in execu tion and to be fold as the property of David Derick fon by Jimes Adi gY virtue of 4 writ of Venditioni exponas to me direAed will be expofed to fale by Public Vendue at the Premifes on Tuefday the loth day of ebruary next and to continue from day to dayuntil the whole is ibid the following defcrib ed Meffiiages Trails and Lots of Land with thelt feveral Improvements fituate in Pencader hundred in thp county of Ncwcaftle arid (late of Delaware viz i No I A Lqt of Ground with a large and commor dtous brick mefliiage or tavern houfe and brick (lore houfe thereon eredled known by the name! of tavern fituate oh the csft fide of the great road leaking from Newark to Middleton containingl04perchc fubjeft to a ground rent of tof per an num No 4 A Lot of Ground adjoining th aforefaid lot containing about 3 acres fubjefl to a ground rent of 30 per annum No 3 A Lot of Ground adjoining Pentader meet ing houfe lot Containing about 2 acre futjcZl to a ground tent of I6f per annum No 4 Lot of Ground with a log dwelling hoiife thereon ercled fituate on the great road afore faid and adjoining the Pencader meeting houfe lot containing about hglf an acre Nd St A Lot of Ground with a log dwelling houfe tljeteoh erefled adjoining the before defetibed lot containing about half an acre No 6 A Lotof Ground with a two ftwy brick mefliiage and tanyard with the appurtenances thereon erefled adjpining the aforelaid lot containing about half an acre Nd 7 A tot of Ground with a log dwelling houfe therebn erefled adjoining the lot aforefaid con taining about half an acre No 8 A Lot of Ground with good frame dwel ling houfe and'Other improvement thereon crefled containing about half an acre 1 No 9 A Lot of Ground with a Ihop thereon erefled adjoining a lot late bf Andrew Alli fon which lies between lot Nd 8 arid this lot con raining abuiit one quarter of ain acre No 10 A Plantation or Trail of Land with a lag dwelling huufe other improvements thereon ercflrd bounded by the before defcribed lots of ground by the land late of William Thomjilbn deceafed fly the land of Solomon Underwood and by land fate of David Thomas deccaftd coritaining by coknpnfatioft I13 acres No 11 A dr Trail of Land with a log mefliiage and other improvements thereon ed bounded by the lind late of William Black de cealcd Nathan Bolden and others containing by computation ido acres (being formerly (he property of John Cochran deceafed) fubjefl to' (he thirds or dower during her life No 12 A Lot of Ground bounded by the land bf Solomon Underwood Evan Mofg'a'fi and other Containing by computation 5 acres and 46 perches Nb A final! of Land With a fog dwelling houfe and other improvement! thereon bounded by lands of Thoma Evans widetw M'Crea rind Others containing about l8 acre! and a half No (4 A fimall lot of ground with a mefliiage thereon hounded By land of Dalid Davis other and fituate on the main road leading from the head of Elk to bridge containing aboitt acre No IJ A Piece or Parcel of Land with a log dwelling houfe and Other improvements thereon litu ate on the main road leading from Aiken's tavern to Newcaftle bounded by lands of Jacob airifs Hugh Jackfoil David Tweed and others idntaining about 50 acres NO 16 A fifiall Parcel of Land with the LnproVM riients bounded by lands bf James Kinkead Thoma Williams and Mathew Aiken containing by Cottipu tation 32 acres i The whole being fcized and takeii in execution as th property of late John Aiketi deceaf ed at the fuit of James Stbart arid to be fold by Thomas Kean late'JbeAff jJeWtaflle January I 1789 35 79IO Benjamin January BOOKBINDER RESPECTULLY informs his riend and the' Public in general that he carrie on the Bookbind ing bufinvfs at hi ho'nfc on the north fide of Chefnut flreet three door above ouith flreet where Mer chants Shop keepers arid other may have all fort of Accoiint Books made and ruled to any pattern will ehgage hit work tb be equal in neatnef of Bind ing and Ruling to any done in this city andon more reafonable terms With thefe affiirances he fbliclts a Continuation of the avours of hit former Employ ers and of all others who wi(h to encourage him AT 8 Laige Record Books bound in the bell man ner cither with or Without Ruffia Band j0! Old Books rebound a ufuil Jan 14 gUCH gentlemen as wifli to fub fcribe to the Paper Bank for the purpofe of appreciating that iridney will pleafe to obferve that the fubfeription paper is left at the office of Mr John Taylor InArance Broker in ront flreet near the Coffee Houfe Dre 23 dtf A coiriiriitted to the jail of Chefter bounty on the 19th day of January inftant a LAD about 16 years of age 4 feet 10 or it inches high: had bn a coarfe blue jacket with fleeces and trbwfers of the fame pale blue yarn flockings old round hat patched on the crown he ciills himfelf William Trainer and fays he belongs to a Certain Eliliia Parker who lives in the NeCk neat Philadelphia whom he eloped la(l New day His maftcr if any he has is defired to come prove his property pay charges and take him away or he Will be fold for thc hmein four weeks front the date hereof A MUSGRAVE Gaoler W'eft Cheder Jariuaiy 24 1789 4t Memoirs of the Baron deTdtt on the Turk and Tartar Tranfiated from the rench by an Eng lijh Gentleman at Paris tinder the immediate In fftcilionof theBston Ip 3 Volt Volume TSE tbskd Continued from our Paper of yejlcrday THIS monument the motive and founder of which are equally unknown fituated near the canal lie tween Necropolis and the wall of AlcxandrUjCiufibavS.

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