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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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ith Days plain aach. filing ly of Age, the we an in is na all. i were nd legard In his CH dUed nd in who 3 the rdfon (good crous I I iff I. beta loniC'; nend: i i aii i I lift oad hit et if dd; alo my ntn 3ti in itCt iter I. pur our i of off 1 lie A III 4ir4 I 1 lis: lir fM 8 A 1 muiiiinfVlS The Gentlemen are eletled Reprefenlattvts in the Nnoje? AJftmblyfor the under mentioned Counties, v'tZi Salem, Isaac Shaipi, Efquire Cumberland, Ebenezxi Miklzk, Efquire; Cape May, Aaron Lzamin6, and Nicholas Still WELLf Efquires.

The Pieccfrom Lancafter, figned S. is received, and will be inferted in our next. Mefiieurs HALL and SELLER Centlemin, r. It. 1 Ufllf 4imi, il I 1 4 I 'pi" UiJU.

ti h.iUU Ui inn "ii.fiii.M riii.ii.i ii.i.ii'.i.f.i"iii.ia.i 111 umiiiii uiHlliu'rTVl iiiiOlillHIiil'HililHl'iil'I'I'JIIW Dtfcriptiou of a Selt mov'ing or Sentinxl Uxgister, Invented by WILLIAM HENRY, of Lancafter, and by bim communicated to the American Society, beldatPhMi delphia, for promoting useful Knowledge. THE machine con fills of the following parts. 1. a door or common reg'tfter, applied in the flue of a furnace. The door is fitted in a frame, and made to Hide eafily up and down.

a. ballanceor beam, moving on a center; the two arms att of unequal lengths, the longer exceeding the ihorter in the of a to the extremity of each arm is formed into a fegment of a circle, whofe 'radius is equal in length to each refpeclive arm. Thefe fegments muft be equal to the great eft rife or fall of each nd of the ballance when in ufe. The length of the whole beam or ballance muft be regulated a conve nient In the walls of the flue, theframe, in. which' tne reguter niaes, is nxea perpenaicmany, 10 uiai waen tne re Sifter is down, the flue is clofed, when the regifter is drawn up, the flue is opened, and the higher it is raifed, the more is the paf fage of the fire enlarged.

To the fhotter end of the ballance, which a proper fulcrum, at a convenient heighth, the regifter is fufpend cd by a chain and a rod the chain is juft. long enough to wind over the fegment of the circle, at the end of the beam. The regifter is made fo heavy, as to defcend by its own weight. the diftancd of 2, 3'or more feet from the regifter, and on the flue of the furnace, the copper veflel is fixed, fo as to re ceife a heat from the fire pafling through the flue. The end of.

the longeft arm of the ballance extends directly over the cylinder, fixed in the and to it the phial is fufpended, fo as to, bang within the tube, and by fuch a length of chain and rod as 'will. allow it to be about a or '3 inches immerfed in the tube, when the ballance is in cquilibrio. On the fame end of the beam on which the phial is fufpended, a weight is hung fuffi cient, with' the weight of the phial, to over ballance the and raife it, and confequently open the flue. When the flue is. opened to a due degree, the regifter it held in that fituatioa, until fo much water is poured into the copper through thlf cock, as will fill one third of the veflel then fhut the'eock, and pour, water into the cylinder, until it rifes high enough to float the phial.

By pouring water into. the. cylinder, the air in the veflel is comprefled, and finding no way to efcape, as the vefiel is airtight, it refills the water, and' prevents its occupying the, whole fpace and therefore the upper part of the veflel is apparently empty. The phial is loaded with mot, fo that it will fwim about one third above the water. When the witer rifes in the tube the phial rifes with it, in which cafe the regifter A is fo ballanced, that it defcends, and clofes the flue.

After this defcriptlon, the principles on which the Sentinel Regifter acts, muft be obvious to every perfon acquainted with the elafticity of the air, and that this elafticity is increafed by. heat. For when the fire in the furnace increafed, the degree of heat in the flue is alfo increafed this increafes the elafticity of the air contained between the double bottom and fides of copper, and confequently of that which occupies the ipace a bove the water, as there is a communication by means of the holes already defcribed. The elafticity of the air being increafed it expands, and by its expanhon forces the water up the tube leis ailic "wftese)dh elxiilidt in witfi it'the phial to its ftationary point. By1 the defcent of pbjaj the regifter is raifed.

and opens the flue by whch' means it ftands as a Sentinel over the fire, and 'ptefefveV an 'equal degree of heat. That this will be the effect of 4he machine, I tan ing ufed it for more than ayear; rj It is fubmitted to the curious, whether this machine might not be ufefully applied, ift, to regulate the heat of chyrhical and alchymical furnaces, where lonff dicreftionsl and a uniform g. Yea are defired to give the following a Place in; your next degree of heat are required adly, in the making of ft eel, and i i i very enienaining ana amuung rapcr. Ujn Mijs in her leaving the City, AN now retired from the noify Town, A fkilful Pilot fteer'd her gently down, Down tt4he Capes, where fportive Dolphins play, And Coddefs I A rules the dawning Day. Sbes gone, alas I fee her now no more, From hence (he's gone to greet her native Shore There let her, live, in Peace may flie abide, There pleafe berfelf to fway the rolling Tide.

The rolling Tide at her Approach give Way, The Billows leffen on the raging Sea Lull'd are the Winds, a fudden Calm at Hand, Salutes the Goddefs on er native Land. in burning of porcelain ware, in which a due reeulation of the fire is of great importance; green or hot" houfes, and in apartments for hatching according, to the Egyptian method. With a little alteration it might be applied to the purpofe of opening. doors, windows, and other paffages, for a draught of air, and thereby preferve a due temperature of the air in hofpitals, CUSTOM.HOU Philadelphia, Inward Entries. Soo Po, 7.

Barney, and Schooner Chance; A. Bunting, from N. Carolina, Brig Indufiry, H. Tbompfon, Jamaica Sloop Beth. VeiTels from London, Briftol, and to be fold by Christophers and Charles Marshall, DRUGGISTSjind COLOURMEN, Atthe old and noted 3 tor eT the Sign of the Golden Ball.

RUN in Cheftnut ftreet, Philadelphia; AL A and general aflbrtment of DRUGS; chymi cal, galenical and patent MEDICINES; amongft. which are Bateman's drops, Britih oil, Turlington's balfam, Frauncis's and female elixir, Godfrey's cordial Lockyer's, Chafe's and Anderfon's pills, Hooper's female pills and ftrength ening balfam, Walker's Jefuit's drops and electuary, Hill's balfam of honey, elixir burdock, eflence water dock, tincTure fage and valerian, Greenough's tincture for tooth ach and fcurvy in the gums, StephenfonVs lozenges, Spencer's tooth powders, court perfumery ot leveral kinds, fine Florence WAY, dry or ground with oils, varnilnes, lacters, gold and hlver leaves, froftmgs, brufhes, tools, pencils, ftone and pallet knives. DYE STUFFS of feveral kinds, as madder, fuftick, woad, orchal, cochineal, copperas, allom and.argol. Potters may be fupplied with. red lead, litharge, magnes and (malts.

'London, Briftol, and Newcaftle Crown GLASS of moft fizes, with I A MO putty, Likcwife CONGO, HY3 ON, SOUCHONG and SINGLO TEAS, in large or fmall Chefts; PEPPER in Bags, and RAISINS in Kegs. N. B. Medicine Chefts of any fize for.perfons living at a di ftance from a doctor with fuitable directions Alfo perfons inclining to paint their own houfes, may be properly informed how to mix the colours to fuit any pattern. I Reward.

STOLEN from the fubferiber, living in Cumfy tow ahip, Berks county, on Wednefday night, or early on Thurfday morning laft, a forrel roaa horfe, between 13 and 14 hands high, 5 years old, has his mane turned on the neaVfide of his neck, his tail intermixed with forrel, black and white hairs, 4 black fpotof the fize of a penny on one of his buttocks, a ftar and fmall fnip, four white feet, is a trotter, but can pace a flow travel, and was neither fliod nor branded when ftolen. The. thief is fuppofedto be an Irifhman, of a brown complexion, and full faced had on a blue and rode a black' horfe, and led, the above forrel he pafled through Hen town and ahd enquired the way to Lancafter. Whoever takes up and fe cures the faid thief and horfe, fo as the thief may be brought to joftice, and the owner have his horfe again, fhall receive the above reward of Nine Pounds, or Four Pounds for the hoife only, and reafonable charges, paid by Frederick! Wzitzel.iJ Darby "1 ownfhip, Ciitftcr C.umy, July 4, 1768. wnite fwanlkifi jacket, with pewe buttons a new hemefpun ihirt, old check ditto, breeches and trowfe of homefpun tow linen, a pir bfvbuckfktn breeches, with ftrings at the knees, half worn neats leather ihoes, with odd buckles, a pai cf blue grey home made ribbed flocking, theupper part blue 5 he is a fimple looking fellow, but a great liar, loves ftrong drink, and when in drink is apt to be quirrelfome, be has been in this A Ew Brick Houfe, and.Bfck fiuildingSj with a Gaff efc jt ter'aShop and Stable at tbfr End of the Lot, fituatC.

on the Southrcaft orFourth and Vine Streets. 'If foidi inc rurcaaier mij nave iimc pay ice money, giving becu" rity. For Termtj of Joskph Si below the tit B. Said SI has a Copper Still, that will holdaboul II or l20oGallon8 with a Worm for Ditto, which he will fell iipoa very teafonabie Terms. Alfo a.

large Affortment of European and Eaft Jndia Goods, fiiitable for the Seafon, imported id the laft Veffels from London, UN awar. on thfc Sch of Mav laft. at hiaht from ww Jofeph Gaven, an indented Ehglifh fervaht rrian. named JOHN BULGER, born in London, by trade a (hoemakefy about 5 feet tor 3 inches high has Aort light coloured hair very talkative, an artful deceiving fellow, and has the itch he has got William Dougherty indenture, who fexved his time? with Samusl Howell, merchant, Jn Philadelphia and as faid indenture expired in May 1767, he will probably change hit name, and endeavour to pafi by that of William Dougherty K. Younr and Schooner Hannah.

Woods. Mont ferrate SIma Had on. when he went away, a light cloth coloured mar, and Hejlcr, E. Doane, and Brig Difpatcb, B. Carman, St.

Croix, jacket, the coat without lining, and the button holes" worked. Schooner William, Jewer, Honduras. Brig James, J. Johnon, with binding or tape, one white flnrt with ruflles at the breaft, Cadiz. Schooner Peggy, W.

Hujfington, Virginia. Schooner Raven, One check ditto, a fmall hat cocked very harp, burkilctn breech T. Coffin, from Newfoundland. 1 es, blue gtey (tickings, and good fhoei, with copper buckles i in Outwards. Brig Carpenter, C.

Jenkins, for St. E'ujlatia. Ship them. He came over with Ciptain Coburn laft fall Alfo toolej Rofanna, P. Cox, Newfoundland.

Brig Indufiry, H. Thompfon, and with him hi tools. Whoever takes up and fecures faid fervant: tsng JLagle, Miller, Jamaica, schooner Dove, W. Gamble, Bar in any goal in this province, fhall receive Thiity Shillings; if. bados.

Ship Sally, P. Brown, Barcelona. Schooner Little Nancy Vbompfon, New Providences Sloop Hefert E. Doane, N. London, oww Sally, H.

Robinfon, Altcant. Brig Difpatcb, B. Carman, for Lifbon. Cleared. Sloop Abigail, 7.

Smith, to Nantucket. Schooner Betfy, T. Armftrong, Cadiz. Sloop Abigail, G. Harrif on, "Rhode Jfland.

Schooner Polly, W. Bartlett, and Schooner Polly, A. Mansfield, Salem, N. England. Schooner John and Phoebe, C.

Cardiff, Antigua. Sloop Endeavour, G. Ellis, N.York. Brig Venus, IV. Davis, Cork.

Schooner George, TV. Allen, Grenades. Sloop Three Friends, T. Parker, BoJJon. Brig Leopard, JV.

Poole, Newfoundland. Snoto Britannia, J. Jeffcries, London. Sloop Succefs, J. Sawyer, Madeira.

Brig Sbadwell, S. iVtlliams, and Sloop Polly, J. Barzey, N. Carolina. Schooner Peggy, IV.

Huffington, Virginia. Philadelphia, July 6, 176S. FIVE POUNDS Reward. STRAYED or STOLEN, on Monday Night, the 4th Inftant, from the Subfcribers Pafture on Schuylkill, ad joining the Middle Ferry, a light bay HORSE, about 14 Hands 3 Inches high, ftrong made, has a little White oh his Forehead, and under his right Ear, hanging Mane, and fwitchTail, about 7 Years old he trots faft in a Carriage, but paces altogether under the Saddle. Alfo a light bay 14 Hands and a Half high, a natural Trotter, bob Tail, his Mane has been hogged, but now grown out, and hangs on the off Side They are both in good Order, and hod all round.

Whoever fecures. the above Horfes, fo that the Subfcriber may get them again, iriall the above and reafonable Charges. John Little. RUN away on the ift Inftant, from John Roberts, of Man ington townfliip, Salem county, Weft Jcrfey, an Irifli fervant, man, named RICHARD HANLEY, about iq yearsof age, a ftiort chunkey fellow, ftoops as he walks, with fair hair, lately trimmed, of a fair complexion, fpeaks bad Engliih, is left handed, and when he. looks in a man's face, clofes one of his eyes had on, when he went away, an old lightifh coloured cloth jacket, a blue one under it, without fleeves, an old beaver hat, a black Handkerchief, two coarfe ihirts; two Pair of trowfers, with brafs buckles.

Whoever takes up and fecures faid fervant, fo as his 'mafter may have him again, fhall have TH.REE POUNDS reward, and reafonable charges, paid by me JOHN KOBERTS. I ly the'ntuation of the regifter and the copper hereafter Juft imported per Snow Britannia, Captain Jefferies, and other mentioned. 3. a copper veftel, about 13 inches diameter, and 10 inches deep, vrith a double bottom and which are placed about an inch and a half apart frem each other, leaving a fpace between to contain air. The top, or cover is brazed on, and the whole made air tight.

Through the top is inferted a brafs and alfo a brafs or copper cylinder, open at both ends, about 2 inches and a quarter in diameter, and 2 feet long, fo fixed asto life 14 inches above the top, to reach near to the bottom of the veflel. Through the innermoft fide of the vefiTel, near the top, are fome holes made, whereby the air in the cavity between the two bottoms and fides, may communicate with the air in the in fido of the veflel. Vt. D. a'ohial a inches diameter, and 7 inches deep, corked and with a hook 'fixed in the by which the phial.

Genoa oil planter, L. JL Alio great variety in the OLOUR ucic arc inc principal. pu is ui iuc uiakuiucj wuau ic iu be applied as follows. From the furnace let there be an horizontal Rue, of From the furnace let there be an horizontal Hue, ot out of the province Forty Shillings reward, and all reafonable charges, paid by Joseph Gavin, in Philadelphia. All mafters of veflel a are forbid tocarry htm off, or harbour him at their peril.

Philadelphia, July 4, 1768. On Saturday, the firft Day of Aug uftjneit, at 7 Clock in th't Evening, will be expofed to public Sale, by the Subfcriber, at the London CofTee Houfe, where a Plat of the whole" may be teen, OUR Lots of Land, each containing 16 Acres fitoate PtJRJ fold in the Northern Liberties, bounded to the South bVLandi of TohnRofs, Eft: to the Weft and North by Land of Tona thin Mifflin, and to'theEaft by Land late of John Poland, Efqj deceafed, of whofe Eftate' thefe four Lots are Part. Each 'of thefe Lots has a fine high Situation for Houfe, and rich Bottom for Meadow, fome of which are improved, and three of them have a great Deal of upon them. The Title is iri difputale. DAVID HAY.

Chichefter, June 14, 1768 SU ANT to an Order of OrDhan'i Court, will he by public Vendue, on the Premifcs, in Chichefter afoiefaid, on the 23d.Day of at 3 0 Clock P. M. Plantation, containing two Thirds of firty'Atres of extraordinary Wheat Land (andthe Purchfer mayJejiccommodated with tho other Third, at "private Sale) plenty of, Timber for Fences" and Firing, a Dwelling Houfe, Barn; Orchard, a good Sprijg near the Door, Part of the raal Eftate of Francis Reynolds junior, deceafed, and to be fold by Samvil Reynolds, Adminiftrator. Thofe having Demands, againft the Eftate of faid Deceafed are dtfired to bring them in, properly lattefted jt and thofe' this are indebted to pay immediately. Chefter County, June 30, 1768.

Reward. LAST night, broke out of the goal of faid county, a certain JAMES DIC KEY; born, in Ireland, but cTme to this country very young, with his parents, and lived in Ox ford townfliip, in faid county of Chefter, is a very artful fellow, and fpeaks with the Irilh' accent arid very miidj is long wide mouthed, is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches wears his own ftrait hair; had on, when broke goaly a felt bfu7 cloth jacket, without fleeyei, leather ribbed ftockings, coarfe flioes, and brafs! buckles pretends to be a carpenter and a weaver by tradf, has been agreat horfe jockey, and has been often in New. Ergland, and at Carolina, in Roan county, where he his a brother living, who broke out of faid goal fjme years agoj.and it is imagined he will make, there again, withrone Robeit Smith, who was to fee him the; evening before he broSce out. Whoever, apprehends, the faidt James'Dickey, and fecures him in any of hisr Majtfty's goals: brings him to Chefter goal, lb all have the above reward, audi reafonable paid by Josiph Thomas, Qoaler UN away from the Subfcribertof this Cftnr th'e this inftsnt uly, an Apprentice" Lad, named 'William by Trade a Hrtufe 'Carpenter, between' 18 and 19 Years of Ave, about "5 Feet 6 'Inches high a bjownjCom plexion, marked with the. Small pox, Thortblacfi: Hair: Had on, when he werUiway, a new brown Cloth Coat, a blue Cloth Jacket, without Sleeves, half worn.

Leather Breeches ribbed Worfted. Stockings, old two Pair of Ozenbris Trowlcri, two Check and one white Shirts. Whoever takes', up the faid Apprentice, or fecures him in any Goal, fo that hia Mafter. may have him again, fhall receive Four Dollars Reward, reafonable Charges, paid by Jqshpa Rancoast. F.I RewardT UN away from the fubferiber, living in the Fork of Gunpowder, Baltimore Mryland on Monday, the1 26th day of June laft, an Englifli convict fervant an, named William Blake, about 5 feet 9 inches high, between 30 and 40 years of age, of a.fair complexion, full faced, lage large full eyes, pitted with the fmair by trade, and very much addicted to liquor had on, when be went away, a colc fkin jacket, with hair on, cf a colcur; the back, parts made of.

coarfe napt cloth, of a lightifti colour, old leather breeches, coloured with the fo'e leather, turned pumps, and brafs buckles, a black wi, a fmall new felt hat, white ihirt, half worn coarfe keifey coatj without lining, the buttons oatht breaft not fellows. He with him a black mare, about 13 hands high, 6 years old this fpring, ftar in her forehead, arid a fmall fnip down her paces and trots, her off fore foot white, a half worn fad die. and a faddle cloth. barred. Whoever fecurs the faid fwvnt, and mare, fo that the owner my have again, fliall receive the.abovc reward, or Fifty Shillings for either, paid by Pit Hvntu.

N. B. It it fuppofed he will change his name to John Barker, as it is thought he has with that name. Philadelphia, July 6, 1768. HE begs Leave.

to inform the Public, and bis begs Leave. to inform the Publ fTTJHE Friends in particular, That he has lately removed into? the "Houfe he formerly lived, fituate Market ftreet, and Corner of Fourth ft reet, the noted Indian Queen and Tavern, where he purpofes to keep the beft Entertainment for Travellers and Others having his Stables, Coach 4 named Thomas Davis, a Weichman. about 35 years of Houfe, and. in as compleat and elegant Order as any on nan acc lect leven or ciehtinches nun. a well fet in one mace.

the Continent: he therefore hopes for a Continuance ot the fellow, ot a lwarthy complexion, witn brown buihy hair had on, and tookwith him, a new. country, made felt Public's be gratefully acknowledged, by their obedient Servant, John Littli. I A A A In; Cheftnut ftreet, near Strawberry Alley, has for Sale, Philadelphia bottled Beer, and Cyder. I I LONDON Loaf Sugar, Chefliire and Gloucefter CHEESE, Tea, Coffee, Macer mnamon, the water beinir raifed. carries the phial with it.

whereupon the country 14 or i yearly and pretends to know great part of the Nutmegs, Cotton Iniigof Kegsof Rai regifter preponderating defcendi, cbfoi the bvJetfening as a good mswer and reaper, and very handy on af and Bar Lead. the draught tof the chimney or flue, deadens or checks, the farm Whoever fecuK faid fervant in any goal; or brings him A XS Old Jamaica Spiqt, bottled Claret, Madeira and in the furnace. By this means again the heat in the flue is di home, (hall have Two PiftoWrewaid, and reafonable charges, Lifboh Wine, either in Bottles, by the Gallon, or Quarter Cafe, tniniCieJ, the air ia tht cavity becemcs cc ler, and confequently ptid by oe JaN Ta apn all. and a few Down ef Hcatta! London Item. 77 1 1 1 i.

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