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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuft puMiKed, t0 t8 fold wholefate and'rttail, by Anltta Steuart, at the Bible in Haart, in Stcond ftreet, between Market and Arch facets, nearly op polite the church and next door to the corner of CombesY alley, rjpHEUMivxiSAt AMkiiCAtt ALMANACK, for the Year 1768 Containing (more in quantity, and ercater variety, than any Almanack of the kind and price ever rifine and fetting of the planets roads, tablet of com, intereft, rates ates lifts and, tables, not in any other ther with a great variety ot entertaining TK rn tentcd Farmer The Wotki of the Creation IV Refleaions Moral and Divine On UVe and Acquaintance with gj tK. Vt'ir Sex. An Eletv on a Tallow Candle Paradife Re gained.A particular Method of recovering Perfons who are drowned Thoughti on fcveral Subjects Menipus and Jupiter Ufeful receipts for feveral difeafea, via. a pleuretick cough, a fettled deafnefs, the dropfy, a fiftula, and peail in the eye, Were may be had, juft publiflied alfo, The Cihtlimah and Citiin8 POCKET ALMANACK, containing many ufefal Lifts and Tables. tOTRAYED out of a Pafturt near this City, tn the fltft or fecond Inftant, aa Iron grey Horfe, about fourteen Hail nanos nign, iiimua rou, trota.

fbod before, and is about 6 or 7 Years old r.V.t nn fU Horfe. and brines him to me the Subfcribe'i i iiSS 10 determine the Xt'S I cf 'Vr 8 Hi and A L'C L.M, TH hue to fell, their SUGAR ia South wark, with all the refining II 1 in cqapjeat Order on the soft reafonable terms. Credit (if required) will bo Riven for the grcatelt part of the purchafe money Any per chafe moneys Any per jm heretofore the motions of the fun and moon the fon defiroui may view the premifes, true olieei and afptcti of the plsnett 1 the riling and fetting of ALCOL at hii houfe in Sottthwarl wark, the fun 1 and tne ruing) letting ana louuuna." lunations, conjunctions, eclifpes judgment of the weather, ah inventory of the whole. away on the cth of October inft. from Ifrael Pember of Philadelphia, a fervent named Caflius Belli jer: urn in Yorklhire.

is about 10 vears old. his ftature tber fmall, very daik complexion, hazel and black hair, remarkable gouty and fabjetVto a wcaknefs ia his limbi had on, when he went a way, good beaver hat, admixed drab coloured drugget coat, with a fmall cape or light coloured cloth waiftcoat, buckikin breeches, mixed ribbed worftcd ftock nM Vn.i 1 DttK'filr ttm trA lrne tiirlrlea. ftufm tVe Court.Houfc. in Markct Strcet, Philadelphia, ihalL flap, two apartments in each bag. He is a fmooth tongued artful hive Fifteen Shillings Reward, and reafonable Charges, paid by fellow, and as he can write well, may probably forge a paft, and cj 1 David Bacon.

Lancafter.Goal, Oftober 13, 11767. W.HERE A I think, and do pofitively fay, that I am falfely imprifon'ed thefe 17 mbnthi, by falfe bonda and executions, 'ai I being a'ftranger in this land, and wanting friends In my diftrefs, therefore this is, to give notice to all, or any perfon or perfofti, that'have any juft demands, debts, dues, or any book, debt or 'note Whatfoeter, fincethe ift day cf Juna 1766, either 'note, bond, judgment, or execution, they, or any of them, are defircd to come and prove their juft demands, in three weeks fiom the date hereof, before any Magiftrate in Lancafter, that they my be ac'jofted, and they ihall be weU rewarded, by the fub fcriber, or they may for ever after hold their toaguct, for they frail not be paidi bAMPil awy on the 9th of this inftant October, from the 1 IfV fubferiber, living in Readlne, Berks county, a Negroc MAN, named about aS years of age, aboot 5 feet 9. Snrbei kiih. a likelv fellow, fpeaks cood Enelifh and Dutch by. applying to JOHtf, Zd where may be Teen', i 1 N.

MALCOLM hat tolett, a four acre LOT, mm m. Mm a length of days, fairs, courts, the third field to the weftward of the Play honfc, under, good fage appy to A MS FU of ftages, with many other ted clover grafa. Mr. Jofeph king's WharrT. American Almanack.

Toge. Reward. Kor 1 I rtalnine pieces, amongti which 'f pieces, 1mon5a.wu.tu WILtl AM RAMSAY, I 1 EhiUdelphrev Ottober K.iJiGr It I 0 The I I I Ai ILL I A KEITH) HAS good Accomodations for Pafi. fengers, and will fail in abool thrne having the greatcft Part of her Cargoe engaged. For Freight or Pafi LT ON, or laid Mailer on board it The Ship FRIENDSHIP.

THOMAS A CE, 'Master; For I The.SHip.:B A R. 0 rpHEY are Itrong vellels, well found JL' have good accommodations for paf. change his drcfiai he took with him two broadcloth aiftcoati, kurk ib t.w wrkM it ct Mtr engaged, an will fail in about two weeks, For freight or paf. fhirta. 6 ftocks, and feveal pairs of ftockines.

He went aw. ge, in either veffel, apply to Joseph Wharton, junior, wnn nas narninni mm. rx i ti ntmn i imnnrfe tint and a analilcelT dark brown horlt. four vears old, about 14 hands 4.6J, fetlua 4 or. ni II itones, coroage, lan canvas, Barcelona handkerchiefs, Genoa Mm JtK WfefemfMt velvets, and a variety of filks and fattins, to fell at his ftore in living cloth, apairoffeaMkin ddle bags, joined by a ruffet leather t0nv ana virtue of feveral writs of Venditioni Exponas to me di refted, on the a8th.dy orOftober next, at o'cloek iri aflume another, name 1 is fufpefled of having ftolen and taken the afternoon, will be expofed to.fale.

by public vendue nn with him a confidcrable fum cf money. Whoever fecures him premifes, a commodious brick mefluage, tenement. JntifH r.L.nv. 1 1 ui 1 in any goal in this or the neighbouring colonies, fo that the money and horfe may be returned to me, mall receive the above reward, and reafonable charges, paid by Iskaxl Pembirton. CHOICE LISBON SALT, And to be fold at faidddy's Store, a large AiTortment of Iron mongery.

ON CH Philadelphia, Odober 8, 1767. and tracl of land thereunto belonging, containing 306 acre more of lefs, 40 of which is good meadow, about So a(cres of tillable land, a barn, (table, a brick kitchen, and other ouN houfes alfo a very good orchard. The whole under RoodVence, iiiuaic in iuc iQwniaip. 01 xcpuora, gn enc nortnerly fide of OW felling on board the Ship uccefs, at Pemberton a Woodb'erry Creek, near the town of Woodberry 5 late the eftate WharfF, by CBaisTopjiaa Maeshall, Wishaet 0f James Ward feized and taken in execution by and EowAans, and James Eddy. Aug.

z8, 11767. Samuel Blackwood, Sheriff. BY virtue of a writ to' me directed, on Friday, the 23d day of October inft. at 12 o'clock, will be fold, by vendue jtm. i n.

curu a nSVr' at the dwelling houfe of Jofeph Buffington, in Marcus Hoot A.AwnwAi .1111 uis.uuiii XI i(l A 1 11 in hM nn.w t'ha (nllnwttin itaai UJ had on when he went away, a light coloured, broad cloath coat, bridge, where the faid Ship lies at Anchor. tow trowftrs, and fhoes tied with (traps, whoever fecores ftid Nezrce in any goal, fo that his mafter may have him again, mail hut THKb tuuNU5 reward, ana reaionaoie cnarges paidbyrae fl" Jacob Keen. N. B. All captains of vefTtli are forbid to carry rT a their feril.

UN away from the fubferiber, in Saliibury townfljip Lancafter county, on the 3d of October in ft. an Iriih fer vant man, nmeu 1111am atuari, aoouc zo yeais or age, aoou feet inches High, round mouldered, one of his feet a littl than the other, and goes with a little twift in it, and. has. iliort fair hair; had on, when he went away, a long blue coat a brown double treaftcd jacket, a felt hat, almoft new, whit fhirt and trowfers. and ihoes with thongs in them he took bi Indenture along with him.

Whoever fecures faid fcrvant, fo asl rill marcer rnij nifi mm (iu, wit mub sukij uuiiiiq(b war paid by trie Awpiiw Calpwell. FIVE.P OUND Reward. "TT. RU away, the fecond of October inft. from the fubfcriberi, living in Maryland, and in Frederick county, near Haw ling'i river, an Iriih fcrvant man, named Johnfton M'Annelly, hat high education, and was juft fet up to teach fchool, he talks much, firms to be about 25 years of age, is about 5 feit 8 or 10 Inches hiih, fair complexion, his hands fpotud with freckles.

an a wears nisown more nair, wnicn is 01 a reaiu coiour; bis Cowes CHARLES SMITH Mafter, from Rotterdam and 7 1 Tu DMs and in 8 with upwards of 300 Freights of Palatines, I. tablCS, defk' urkably healthy, that they have not loft one Perfon finci drawers ran.d a houfhold furniture, one horfe, remarkably and fome and Indian in the fo leaving Holland. Their Pattages are to be paid to I IN and KRIS, at their WharrT and Stores, below the Draw pi IT HEREA a writ of an attachment is iffued againft the I VV Sds and chatties, rights and credits, of Frederick Stoner, late of thetownmipof Earl, inthe countv of Lancafter. tavern keeper, Thefe are therefore to; defire all the creditors of faid Frederick Stoner, to produce theiraccounts, legally proven, to the fubferibers who were" appointed by the court in Au guft fenlon hft, to audit and adjuft all the accounts of the faid And all perfons who are indebted to faid Frederick are hereby required to pay their refpeclive debts to us the fubferibers, at the day and houfe aforeiaid, in order that a regular diftribution may be made of faid StonerY eftate, as the law direfts in fuch cafes. MicHAiL Hciiky, William Henry, John norsoN.

For 1) The SHIP MARY and ELIZABETH, A SPA Mafter Has extraordinary Accommodations for Pafiengeri of her Cargoe ready to go on board, and will fail wtiu ui ror Freight ox PaOage, apply to John a cow, rye corn ground, hav flax, and fundry things, too tedious to enumerate. And on the following day, about two oclock in the afternoon, at the houfe of Adam Clayton, in the faid place, will be fold, a certain lot of land, in the faid Borough of Lower Chichefter, or Marcus Hook, 40 feet front, on the river Delaware, and extending 330 feet back, on which is erected one of the beft wharfts and ftore Nhoufcs in faid place, with a brick malt houfe, 5 feet long, anA 2a and wide. One other lot, containing four acres cf land, lying near the faid town 5 and one other lot, near the laid place, containing three acres, and fixty perches. And oa Frederick btoner creditors! at the houfe of Lod wick Stone, in i the borough of Lancafter, on the aCth day of Oftober inft. of Jofeph Martin, in Weft Bradford townftiip.

ia faid count v. ill t. Ml I' 1 J' will be fold, by vendue, a certainpiece or parcel of good land, fituate in the faid townlhip, near, the faid tayern, containing 34 acres and 3 quarters boonded by lands of faid Martin, William Clayton, land late of Thomas Arnold, and Bradford road AH which were late the eftate and effects of Jofeph BufSngton feized in execution, and to fold by i John Morton SherirT. T3 virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, jD will be fold, by public on the premifes, on Monday; the l6th day of October inft. about ia clock, a mefluage, and tracl of tolerable good land thereunto belonging, containing 150 ten acres of which is good meadow, fituate in the townLhip of Middletown, in the "county of Chefter; the houfe is large, and built of ftone, four rooms oh a floor, with ten fire places, cellared all under, a ftone kitchen joining the houfe, a draw well at the door, of good water, a large barn, apparel, a coat of a blue grer colour, a (biped flannel jacket, Head, the Mafter on board the Ship, now lying at Buckridge a fmoke houfe, and gear houfe, two good bearing rr A.

t.L 1 v.l. i jftn PcftV.ftn. orchards of good fruit the premifes are bounded bv lands of coarfe SIma's WharrT. at the London Coftee houfe. orchards of good fruit; the premifes are bounded by lands of brcechet of very coarfe cloth, an old Hurt, yarn ftockines.

or and common ihoea. Whoever takes up the laid man, and brings him home to cither of the fubferibers, ihall have the above reward, paid by John Muscaovx, Edwau Gaithii, or HxwaV OAXTKEa. N. B. He haa fome' relations lifing at Philadelphia, calls himfclf Dmiel Johnfton M'Annelly, and has forged a pafs.

jT A to the plantation of the who has lately removed to the fign of the new Riling San, on German town toad, about the 4th of October inft. a bright bay horfe, natural trottcf, about. 14 hands high, brand nor ear mark, and is ihod before, The owner ia defired to come, prove his property, pay charges, and take him away, John Care Good entertainment may be had at the above place. College of Philadelphia, October 1767. DR.

MOROAN'i Courfe of Lectures on the Theory and Prsatice of PHYSIC to be preceded by a fhort Courfe of Chtmistey, will commence on the Second Dly of November nrxt, at Three oClock in the Afternoon, 'and be continued till the Month of May, on the ufual Terms, Gentlemen who purpofe to attend this Courfe, are defircd to apply frr Tukett the Week before the Lectures begin. vat SOLD by AT A1k.T T) A 1 TITHlrtTT? Codi, which they will fell on very reafonable Terms, at their in Front ftreet, the Corner of Walnut Cj 1 For KING Jamaica, Tbc4W. The SHIP. BRITANNIA, A Commander A fine River built Ship, of 400 Tons, and has excellent Accommodations for PafTengers will fail in about a Month. For Paflfage, apply to faid Commander, or to ALEXANDER LUNAN.

it Hamilton'! WhaitT, who has to difpofe of Jamaica Rum, Sugars andMelaues, ita" ported in (aid Ship. t. To be OLD by the SUBSCRIBER, the folio wing trade of land, at public vendue, vie. ON the iSth day of October inftant, at the town of York, a valuable plantation in Hunderton townthip, York county, containing 50 acres cf landj on this place are erected a good dwelling houfe, Barn, liable, and other out houfes there, arc 150 aeret of good meadow on this place. A valuable plantation, in the county of Cumberland, con taininv em rr nf land.

ff nm Parlifle. whtreon are Colltre of Philadelphia. OBober 3, 1767. nA VOCTOR SHIPl.fiNs introdufto Leftuw to his 6700 aeres of very od land in the county of Cumberland. JL9 ourle ot Anatomy and Surgery, will be delivered, And on the 4th November next, at Lancafter, a va on Mcnday, pf November, at 6.

Clock the Evening lnable plantation, in Donegall townlhip, Lancafter county, con na mc voum, mwnica inc potior wui ucraopiiittc na oQ two milei from the river. Safquenanna: and plain thd Situation; Structure and Ufes of all Parts of the 15 miies xrom i ancairerj on mis piacc are creticu a jooo bww human Bod.vpertorm all the Operations, oturgery and mew Ung barn, ftable, and cut there are alfo good, i nfc5fuaTT naagw, c. wua oegin meadows, and a good orchard on this the fame oh the Wedneday Erening following, at Hour, and be continued four or five Times a Week, till next April. Each Popil who attends the Lefturei, to pay Six Piftolcs. Thofe who incline to learn alfo the Arts of InjeQihg and Differing, to pay Ten Piftoles.

eOCTOR BOND'i Courfe of Clynical Leaures, exemplifying the Theory and Practice of Physic, on the ty of Cafes: which prefent in the" Pennfylvania Hofpital, be opened arly in November, by ah introductory Lecture on the Ufefulnefsof a Medical School in America, and the Ne ceftity of a general fcieAtific Education 'to the Students of Phy To which will be added; a Plan of the: be ALEXANDER STEDMAN. Domfries, Ofloberj, 1767. To be OLD to the high eft bidder, on Monday, the 23d of AROAn, uiu ivai.v,nc,L.jj, XylGHT hundred and twenty nine acrei of land, lying within Out of the Brig Hibernia, at Stamper 1 Wharff, JQ, fix miles of that place, and within two miles Chapman's CHOICE bright SAL juft imported from St. Vbes.4 Thoroughfare Mill is remarkably well timbered and watered, Alfo a Number of young Men Boys, juft' the foil very cood. and affords many convenieneiei for meadows frotnjreland in the Ship Captain Edward there are two plantations on it, with confidcrable improve Thcfhave choice Rofe and Crown Butter, Irifh' Beef, Sail Can inents an undoubted "title will be.

made, to the purchafers, belt xnguin A oraage, ana a imau Auortment or ury on paying down, one third; of the purchafe money, and gmoj bond and fecunty for the remainder, in twelve months from, that date, with. intereft. Thomas CniHtf Thomas Wilcox, William Malin, Robert Maclelan, James Maclelan, and Robert PenneU," fix Smiles from Chefter, on a road leading to Lancafter and the Great Valley, and has been a tavern for twenty years; very convenient for any public bufinefs about one half of the faid tract cleared, and the reft well timbered, and under good fence. Xikewife will be fold, horfes, mares, fome fwine, two young heifers, a good pump, partly new, a good clock, feather and chaff beds, and bedding, a good cart, plows and harrow, and other implements of husbandry, a fufee and a rifle gun, a parcel of pewter, a good whip, crofs cut, and hand faw, fome carpenters and joiners tools, a parcel of oak and poplar boards, inch and 'half inch thick, well feafoned, wheat and rye in the ground, fome Indian corn, a quantity, of good hay, a grindftone, a fnow and fundry things, too tedious to mention late the' eftate and effects of William Noblitj feized in execution, and to be fold by, John Morton, Sheriff. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, on Wednefday, the 28th day of October inft.

on jhe premifes, will be by vendue, a melfuage or tenement, plantation, and tract or parcel of land thereunto belonging, containing 148. acres, more or lefs, fituate in the townlhip of Weft Bradford, in the county of Chefter, bounded by lands of John Lewis, Abel Griffith, Sufahna Liggett, ahd others 1 The greateft part of the land is frelh, and iwill bring good Wheat, a quantity of meadow land thereon late the eftate of John Huggins feized in execution, and to be fold by John. Morjton, Sheriff. NOTICE is hereby given to all perfons indebted to the eftatcs of Jemima and Abr aham Thomas, late of WilHftown; Chefter county' deceafed, for goods bought at ven A aoo acres of land, in Lancafter county, near Harris erry, cue, or otnerwue, are earnemy requetteo to pay tne lame oy tne unimproved 1 Likewifc a valuable brew houfe, malt houfe, in the town of Lancafter. Any perfon or perfons, inclining to purchafe the above eftate, or any part thereof, may enquire, for further particulars, of the fubferiber, at hia houfe in Market ftreet, i 30th of this inftant: and all thofe having demands againft faid eftatcs, are defired to bring in their accompts, properly proved, that they may be adjufted on the above mentioned day, at the houfe of John Jarvii; innholder, at the Square, in Newtown, Chefter county, where the executors intend to meet for that pur pofe.

Nathan Llwis, MoaptcAi Mooax. CJ To be SOLD at Captain ROBERT ASHBY's, in Fauquier County, "on Wednefday, the 25th of November next, UPWARDS of, Thirteen Thoufand Acres of LAND, whereof George Carter, E(q died feized in Fee Simple, and to be fold for Performance of. his Will, via. One Tract at Afhbya Bent, containing 3312 Acres, A Tracl at Williams's Gap, containing 2941 Acres. A Tract on Opekan, in Frederick County, 2442 acres.

Alfo a Tract in the Forks of Goofe Creek, 50SS Acres. Thefe Lands are convenient to Rappahannock and Potomack Rivers; very good for Corn, wheat or Tobacco, having alfo a large Proportion of Meadow Bottom nd will be fold together, or in Parcels, as fhall be agreed upon at the Day of Sale. Ro BtaT BuawxLt, Gxoacx Washincton, Fielding Lew is, Truftecs. Virginia, September 4, 1767, Hill A DEL; MI 4: Printed by DA VI HAL and I I A LL at. the bt7 Prin tin GmQ 1 aots the Marnet.

1 IIIMIIfltltlfirTTllflTTflfTTTII UTTM I TriiiTiT limn rt tttt ittti tit ttttttt rt vVrw J1. 2 'r M' M1 M' M' 1 1,1 11 1 1 MM 11 11 111 MP Mi' 1 ill IN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MM I I I I II II TW.

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