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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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of of rth the a he the ice. to i re yife ig a Hon ng ited i tely lied. iiar The far, 3rce ting lof the a ich 'znt the Ms hat i le Verted 3US or. er ts lr a tee fe. or Ax us is 4 I premium to induce fome honeft baker to adopt a meafure, which mult inevitaDiy prove or great utility jtne American flour.

was the expence of th? fcrutiny. From Warfaw we learn, that on Sunday, the 20th of September, the Ambafladors from the Court of Berlin, Vienna, and vPeterfburgh, notified to the King, and his from their feveral Sovereigns, the claims, in virtue of which they have taken pofleflioh of certain territories in that kingdom they alfo demand 1 1 1 1 a. 1. CtM. a rrrwT fm.r.r.

Weh lear, after a Ions Daenir that a Man of War anived at New York Jaft Week, jPaflaee, from England and, on Thurfday Evening laft, an Exprefs arrived in Town, with, Difpatches for Admiral Mpntagu, fince or two of his Majefty's, Ships in our Harbour have been fitting ut: which, we hear, are deftined for Rhode Ifland and that the Admiral is to hoift his Flag on board one; of the Men of War, and prpceed himfelf for that Place, in Confequence ef fom important Difpatches from. England. We hear, that a fpedal Court 'of Vice under; the Royal for the of Piracies, Sec. committed upon the High Seas, will be held at the Court houfe in Bofron, on vdnefday, the 16th of this Month, for the Trial I of Anfell Nickerfon, the. Prifoner now in his? Majefty's Coal, charged with the Murder of four Perfons, on their Paflage from I Bofton to CaperCod, as mentioned in the late Papers.

i 1 The Julius Caefar Tender, Volunteer. Seamen for his Ma jefty's Ships at Plymouth, was loft in Briftoi Channel the 8th of Otoberi and 30 Mcnwere drowned. I LADE I 'December Captain Martin, from Lifbon, on the 6th Inftant, in Lat. 37 12, Long. 69 140, fpoke the Ship Dorothy, from Glafgow for Vir ginia out 82 Days, all vyell, but the Wind blowing very hard, he Lcould not learn the Matter Name.

Captain May, from St. tCrbix, on the 4th Inftant the iSth Inftant, to the great Affliction of her Relations and Friends, departed this Life, in the 56th Year of her Agej 1 del, W. Man fan. and Brig Peggy, Brown. Levbcrn.

Bri? Charm ing Sally, J. Brown, Carolina. Sloop Kingion, J. Smith, and Brig Chance, J. Craig, 'Grenades.

Brig Charleftawn Packet, S. Wright, S. Carolina. Schooner Delaware, B. Goodhue, Salem, N.

E. Schooner Friends "Adventure! R'. Follett, Pijcaiaqua. Sltop Rujfell, j. j.vj.ariiB, juaryiana.

ioioop ouccejs u. jvcxanaer, ui. inkem. ca, taai a iyct inuma oc tonvuitcu lur uic jjuijjwc itv vutju 01000 reggy, narry, Of. JLujtatia.

the aboTO claims. The King declared, that he would not let his i tbdadelphia December zi 1772. hand to any thing on that fubjeft, and that, under the prefent rp rr T1 17 TT JL i Urcumftanees of tfyet. could poflibly be held. The 1 1 tK' 'txRi 'a nt "rc A TT I be Daid: i by i the A of the 1.

1 wn rim nr tup r.mnrpi nr rv 1 1 1 1 1 i 11 11 nri iirr 11,11 tr. liil. 1 si A .1 flie will take polieliion ot the Palaunates ot folocks, witepiK, W1 7 of Lithuania ftreets. Ti i ti The friends of freedom" at the Paul Head tavern may boaft of The the City has lately received, dy damaging the beft piece of Generalflup, that has ever been tranfafted at any taking away the PZtc; Lamps, will Idoubtlefs be properly i (i mt i.i...: 1l relented bvJ the Inhabitants i ad the Wahdens reauelt'the a prri i nrv imuh ri nr ti i 1 r. yiii nrr jfii i ri inp iiiiiiuii 111 ki t.j.

a for taVern exuences, and, 4 by examining the ftateof the poll daily, 'i iiwwazens, in uioveryr i' t. the Perpetrators of thole infamous Practices, that a Check mar a parry vvent always oui juiitiung utc unpoijea livery, wuiiii Mic others were backing their endeavours by wagers which made them Pqt to a Evil," of the moft dangerous Tendency. all principals wnereoy, it is luppoied, behdes carrying tne eiec rDiiatetpma, uicemoer 1772 Vendue ftore, Affortment of ME fuch a number of voters' on. the popular fide as would," if their ob CH ANDIZ El'fuitable to the Seafon i amoni? which 4 jeftions were admitted, turn the fcale in their favour andon a rare," broadcloths in' pieces t'ni patterns i and naps on ame of the nlace where it was nublimedY does not mention what (on Conviction Ot the Ohenders; tor UUcovery ot, ine To be parts of Poland Ihe lays claim to 5 but it is juft now reportedy that or Perfon on, Saturday Night between the By. A H.

By the A IC A O'M jnippea on ior wuwi, anoxic war oe acccpuwc to many pcrions, ATlLWUt ASTON, late of NewJort, in Rhode IHand. At the THE ATRE in SHIS VENINO: know what ufe it applied to there. She was a Woman of a fweet and amiable DifpofitioWvponeffine "will be orefented. 'A fedl' The following is the true political ftate of Europe, as it (lands at prcfent. 1, i On the one Side, I On the other, France, I Ruffia, I Denmark, Sardinia, The Ottoman Porte, Neutrals, The Empire, Prufiia, 1 The Sicilies, Sec.

Great Britain Portugal rThe Dutch. We are informed by a refpedtable correfpondent, that the political creed now in force at St. James's, and which has been recommended from the Council, is, To keep free from the prefent dreadful commotions in Europe wjiile we can keep free from them." 03. 1. What renders the Scrutiny fo very odious is this Cir many good Qualities, that made her Life agreeable to herfelr, and to all her Acquaintance The Evidence of ah' upright Conference iupported her in 'the Clcfe of her Days, and gave her a.Forctafteof eternal Happinefs in Heayeh, where fandrined Spirits are ringing Praifes together, and the Sons of God are fliouting with incon ceivable i.

Saturday laft died, aged Years, Mrs. ELIZABETH TEVENS, a valuable Member of the Society of Friends. On Sunday Morning, at Six o'Clock, died here, Dr. I ARD OND, aged xL Yeats, after a 'long and painful Difeafe, which he bore with manly Fortitude, and' mild Refignation. From the Greatneis of his Cienius, and his clofe Application, it was evident that he.

would have fhone, with diliinguilhed Luftre in the difficult and important Profeflion he had undertaken. He was benevolent, aftableJ polite, felt, with nice Senlibility, all the gentleft Emotions of the human Heart. Thefe amiable cumftance. Every Perfon, who has at any Time accepted of Cha Qualities endeared him much to every Perfon, with whom he vas nty, however amuenthis Fortune may is difqualified. connected, but moft to his Parents In them they ftrengthened the Now many Men, who arc at prefent very rich and independent, Bonds of natural AfFuclion during his Life, and multiplied each may have received Afliftance from Companies and other Bodies of Source of Grief in the folemn Moments of his Diflblution.

Men, but they are not very fond of having this Anecdote mkde 0 Thou lohoje Difpenfationy all adore, known to all the World. Dry up the 'Tears i by Goodnefs taught to jiaw The Circumftance of the Scrutiny has, it is certain, given By Thee was fent that Son they now deplore, great Difguft to all the fenfible and reflecting Part if the Livery, And TbouJ great Parent, knawjl a Parent's Woe. infomuch that there is the greateftReafon in the World to believe, His Remains were Yefterday interred in Chrift Church Burying that if there was to be a new Poll, Mr. Wilkes would have Ten Votes where he has now, but One. Mr.

Wilkes has always throve by Oppofition. Had not the Miniftry exerted themfelves to fruftrate his Election in the City and in Middlefex; he might have perhaps paffed without Notice for, notwithftanding his Merit, as a Thorn in the Side of the Miniftry, the People were riot fo much influenced by that Circumftance, as ground, attended by the moft refpettable Inhabitants of this' City. Friday laft Jofeph Marfhall," a Sailor Lad, was committed to our Goal, on Sufpicion of robbing the Houfe of Mrs. Ann Gibbs, of this City, of 150 1 We hear about 50 1. of the Money was found on him when taken, CUSTOM Philadelphia.

InwXrd Entries. ocbooner JVancy, j. Bernard, from Pil cat aqua, oloop Robert, W. ST I I t)SB A TfrD. Karirer, by Mr.

HALL nr. omcjaana, oy mr. 1u uviL.Aaa, Frankly, by Mr. '11 Bellamy, by Mr. ARK Jack Meggot by.

KjPer, by O. I Buckle, ty Mr. Simon, by Mr. JOHNS i Mrs. Strickland, by Mrs.jH.E Jacintha, by LR I Lucetta, by Mifs RICHARD Ni Milliner, by Mifs Landlady, by Mrs.

A A Maid, by Mrs. A Ii by Mifs HAL LA" M. To conclude tvith a Country Dance iy the To which will be A A Musical Entertainment, called' 'y Ml A AND' ALL (A I RV VR N.V The Squire, by Mr. fc) Sailor, by Mr. A Dorcas, by Mrs.

A A. 0 Sally, by Mifs A L. TW The Doors to be opened at FoUr, and the Play to begin exactly at Sit Clock. No Perfon, on any Account whatfoever can pof fibly be admitted behind the in the Boxes may be taken at the Theatre. Ladjes and Gentlemen will pleafe to fend by the Spirit of Oppofition, which from long Practice has become Bunting, and Schooner Mulberry, S.

Catvley: 'Virginia. Schooner no Perfon can be admitted, are fold at the Bar of the Coflee houfe. a Habit, and is in fact the laft Anchor of the Conftitution. It is that the fcrutiny will coft 5000 .1. which expence muft be paid by the lollng candidates.

Oh Sunday an exprefs arrived from Peterjhurgb, and, nue hear, brings a Confirmation of a revolution ivhicb lately happened there, and thedepojin? the Emprefs. It is further it ivas brought about by the trench, loho ivcrt jealous of her growing greatnefs, and faw that Polly, y. Greely, Bojlon. Sloop Peace and Plenty, Anthony, and Sloop Abigail, N. IVeft, Rb.

Sloop Patoivmack, G. Roioe, Maryland. Brig New Speedwell, R. JVUfon, Honduras. Brig Nancy, IF.

Hawkins, Barbados. Ship George, S. Mat tin, 'jbon. Snow Britannia, R. Eyres from St.

Outwards. Brig Dove, W. Allen, for Barbadosi Ship Sally, Ofman, S. Carolina. 'Ship Nefbit.

f. Green, and Ship Hope. G. Jhe was no friend to their intereji, but Jhewed the greatefi regard to JohnIon, Lijbon. Ship Warwick, C.

Smith, Hifpaniola. Sloop Char the Englijh. On the contrary, 1 lotte, J.Lockton, St. Eufiatia. Shop Abigail, N.Weft, Rb.

IJland. We can ajfurt our readers, upon the heft 'authority, that the letters Sloop Polly, J. Greely, Schooner. Britannia, A. Tappan, for from Peterburgh, which arrived yefierday by the foreign mails, make Newbury, N.

E. ngt any mention of the revolution, which, it is reported, has lately bap Cleaned. Ship Mercury, J. Steel, to Barbados. Brig'Lovely pened there.

Lafs, D. Kennicut, Brig Delaware, E. Bingley, and Schooner King It is a fact, that Several public focieties have already fent hand Tammy, J. Allen, Jamaica! Schooner Hetty, S. Benexet'.

and Ship fome fubferiptions to the committee at the Paul's Head, towards Catherine, R. Torrans, Hifpaniola. Ship Anderfon, Gib 'defraying the expence of the fcrutiny, which the patriotic party ratter. Ship Crawford, Thompfon, Cadiz. Sloop Betfey, V.

4arc determined to carry through with 4 the utmoft 'vigour. Wightman, Rb. IJland. Sloop Speedwell, J. Ardis, Sloop Robert, We hear that the Rev.

Dr. Wilfon has fubfenbed 100 1, towards W. Buminv, and Sloop Rachel. W. Underbill Virginia: Ship Arun A.

BOXES 7s.6d. PIT 5s. GA It 5. MAS HART from London Living. in Front ftreet, near.

Market ftreet, Philadelphia, MAKES ladies STA YS, of all forts, to the greatcft perfeftion and elegance, of hape, which, whtn fitted, will fit eafy, and difguife a fliape not entirely Orders frcfii the country, and from Captains of vefTcIs, cn the horteft notice, will be punctually fupplied and the ladies xntj depend on his utmoft endeavours to pleafe thdn in" the neateft manner, and on the moft realonable terms. 1 1 Ov I MERCHANT MILL, in Potts town, on a. ex flreanx of water, miles from Philadelphia. the great Manatawnv road. There are.

few mills htir fituated, either for wheat, an eafy conveyance of flour to market, down the river Schuylkill, generally from February till May Ln the fpring, and frequently in tie fummer and fall. The mill is large, and built oif flone, has two wter whcel. and three pair of ftones, one pair of pair of Cologne, and the other pair of country ftones, is Cipable of making 4000 barrels of flour yearly, belides country work, which Js considerable. There are about 10 acres of meadow, 6 of which are made, good faw mill, cooper's hop, and ftables, belonging to. th The purchafer, on paying one half of the money may have.

time for the remainder, on paying intercft, and giving fecurity. For' further information, apply to the fub fcriber, in Philadelphia. DAVID POTTS. j6w. refulal from the other party to admit fuch objections, they will Bath coatings fine foreft cloths white and red flannels blue with an uncommon white in them when he particularly looks at Lscum Tenens.

wretched and their more tools, arede termihed, by every means in their power, no make Mr Wilkes "ftill more popular i than It is the'late demand of a fcrutiny lias gained film athoufand additional friends. We are affured, by a perfon who took the pollj that the fcrutiny will turn out to Mr. Wilkes's advantage his votersy on the whole, being plain, decent' men 'while the Court candidates amidft' a few rich, polled the very ragged alio ymens andwomens worflU hofejvelverets 5 worfted mitts white under jacket, of ftriped worfted, much worn, black ftieep's wool and brown fheetingj dowlas and filefiasj muflln'handkerchiefsj (lockings, a pair of hoes, almoft new, a half worn' felt caiimancoes and1 laiticgs trim poplins; new fillc and lungee bound round the edge with black binding, and an old coarfe flnrt; rcmal handkerchiefs, cotton romal al Barcelona and culgee knock kneed, and very atlire in handling his knife and ditto 6qr; and jqr. iinglifti tick; 6qr. cambricks and lawns cloutine diapers hemoen and curled ferret laces Philadelphia, Twelfth Muntb 23, X772 A To be flE HITE HO I in Market ftreet, now in the Tenure of Jonathan Cowpland.

'Enquire of I v.1. Jacob Shoimakek. againft faid Eftate, are trequefted to bring them inthat they may be fettled, by Robert Dawson, and Barn aby Barnzs, Executors.i; i 6 W. JOCTO fork i pretends a great deal to religion. Whoever takes up and fecures faid fervant, fo that his matter may have him again, mav have DOLLARS reward, and reafonable Ruflia; China blue handkerchiefs check ditto imperial and charges, paid by OHN TAMES.

December 17. A Cteltcr County, Tweljib Mcmb 14, 1772. ITT AS taken away (fuppofed in a miftake) on 26th of laft menth, from the houfe of David Cowpland, Innkeeper, in. Chefter, a plain, light coloured, dcuble milled broadcloth ORE AT COAT, of a large' fize, ho cape on it, with two pockets in the infide, in one of them'was a cap, made LL Perfons indebted to the Euate of JEREMIAH I LFRETHjlateoftbis Ci are.requefted f.wJ.b faid CowDlmd bur: if th Mar to make lpeedy Payment; and all thole having Demands r. r.

.1. i fo BE leave to inform the PUB I that he wat a regular bred Phyfician, in New England, and ferved his time with Ephraim Wooner, a licenced Doctor, who was one of greateft and moft fuccefsful Practitioners of in Connecticut, in New England, in his day aod fince that he has had above 34 years praftice, which time he has difcovered, and brought medicines, which have extraordinary! in curing many difeafes, viz. f' A'Syrup and PowDJK. to cure the' bloody flux," and all forts effluxes. A Syr vr or Balsam to cure all forts of coughs and colds Northampton, Bucks County, December 17, 1772.

OLD by PUBLIC VENDUE. on the fecond day of January next; at the dwelling ho ufe of the fubferiber, in the townftiip'aforefaid, A VALUABLE PLANTATION, or TRACT of A bounded by land cf Phineas Paxton, Shaw, Thomas Worthington, and others containing' 150 acres in the whole, which maybe divided into lots, to futt the "purchafers, about 6 acres of good meadow, 20 of wojdland, well timbered, the remaining 124 acres are cleared, and the whole is under good fence 5 alfo a'ftoae dwelUng houfe; a frame i barn; and ftables, fale to begin at ten clock in the forenoon, on the plernifes where due attendance will be given, and the terms of fale made known, by A I S.l UN A WAV from the fubferiber, lmng in Mill creek Hundred, New Caflle County, an Irifh fervant A named AMES AD AMS he is about feet 7 inch'es hih. has a fwarthy complexion full face, wide mouth, and grey eyes, i.main for fome months, during which time Mr. aibT will at las tammies; worfted pruqels'ahd. ftarrets buckrams fide jacket, with broad metal buttons, breeches of the fame, an any perfon fecuring it, that the owner may have it again, and the thief, that he may be brought to juuicc, mail have Four Dollars reward, or for the coat only Two Dollars, paid by THOMAS I hi.

N. B. There was an old plain coat left at faid Cowpland1? December 4, 1772. RUNiamay, laft night, from the Jubjcriber, Irving nearCbarles fown, Cacti County, a Jervant man, named TiIomas 5 al I country born, about 6 feet high, about 42 years ef age, has a 'fear cu bit eye lid bad cnt when be went away, an. old bat, an cfb coloured boy's great coat, the but ton boles bound with white clot with white metal buttons, a blue clotb a ftriped Rnfey ditto, with blue flocking, fleeves, on afb tohured great coat, without buttons, old brnun woollen trcwfers9land old ftriped ditto, new Jboes, and blue grey ftjzk Took with bim a black Mare, her mane trimmed, and her tail jbort and bufby, has a white fpot on one tf her eyes, paces and band koyal Ualsam, to cure wounds and.bruiies, and all lorts wallops, ts about fix stars old.

and IC bands in Lat. 2o, Of "fores, ri faddle, with b'ue boufngs, having two yellow' rgb be alio took a flowers on the corners. Long. 7i, fpokeaBng, irom ulalgow tor North Carolina, out 6 Uittir Tincture, ftrengthen a weak.ftomach, a pair of black leather Jaddle bdos. Whoever fecurei the faid Weeks, but could not learn further Particulars 7th, in Lat.

28 1 digeftion, and cure, a dizzinefs in the head. Runaway and Mare, fo that the fubferiber may have 'them again, Jball 30, Long. 73 30, Ipojce tne acnooner "suianna, Captain Oreen, tssxNcr Or i to cure pleunfies, levers, fprams, bruiles, have ive Founds reward, or Three JPoonds for tie filar from this Port for New Providence, out 5 Days and on the joth, and many other with directions hw to ufe it with "and For tyShillings 'for 'the runaway and reajonabU in Lat. 33:40, Long. 74; he fpoke a Sloop, Captain Eves, from its particular virtues, and certificates cf cures, charges, paid by ME VE.

5t. Martins ior.North IJaroiina out 24 uays. By Captain May we learn, that of this Port, which was drove alhorei ncane, was got olf the 20th of Lut Month, without any Damage. late Apothecary to the Pennfylyania Hefpital, but now lives in wards Statcn IJUnd or New York. Henas to leu good Florence oil, by the fiaik.s camphire and N.

B.Mbe aid runaway wears black curled hair, 'has a prcnT the Ship tame, Captain White, 1 a general affortment of ED I I 1 rourb voice, and is add'iBtd to drinkinz and card playirr. It is fup it St. Croix, in the late Hiir The above prepared and fold by OR pc fed be is roxe towards Bctbltbem, and nay travel from thence to The Schooner Charmin Nancy, Captain Hand, from St. Croix i Market ftreet, oppofite the London Coffee houfe. 7 i for this Port, foundered in.Lat.31, Long.

69 5 the Captain and That Doctor 'George Weed, living in lnwtown town Crew, after being 48 Hours in their Boat, were taken up by Capt. fb'rp, was under the InftruQions and D'iretTvms of a Judicious PraSi Hyndman. bound to Virginia from Glafgow, who landed them at tioner cf Phyfic, vi New England, for fome Tears, is (certified by tne Cape Charles. Arrived from Captain Cafion, at Lifbon; Captain Mullet, at St. Chriftophers 5 and the Captdns Genfdl and Rofs, gj.


IrimmimrnTinm Oil. 6, 1753. Thomas Lewis, V. DfM. bury, the Sixth Day of Twelfth Month, 177, a RED HEIFER, appears to be'two years old laft fpring, marked with a halfpenny outcf the under fide of the near car.

The owner; is defired to come prove his orooertv. eav charsesV and take her away. Joshua Ely, junior Philadelphia, Dscember 15, 1772. I N'D Reward. ST LE N.

fubfcribcrs pafturt, near this SORREL HORS with a ftar in his face, about IC hands high, his hind letrs welled with wind a builiv iivi to tne plantation ot the lublcnber, lmng in bole twitch tail; Ihod all round, paces and trots, and about ot lo ve.trs old. Whoever takes op faid horfe. and difcovers the thiet. ir. ail have the above reward, or Forty Shillings for the HORSE, and reafonable charges, paid.

by Mr. I LLI A WES Tf in Philadelphia, cs the fubfciiber, at' the IdIah Ceen. 4 fi JOHN LITTLE. 1 1 Vs! ii ill Pi 1.

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