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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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1 i March r8y 176 a. The PENNSYLVANIA Containing the Frejheft Ad low, William Brown, John Brigs, James Byrne, Ab. Brownell, Capt.J. isenn, ana 1 nomas isrqwn, in rniia dclphia John Borland, William Brown, Robert Bailey (2) iJ John Briffon, in Pennfylvania David Bevan, Chefter 5 William Bradlev! Edward Bayliff. William Bean, and Da mas Crafton.

in Lancafter county Hugh Campbell, Sa jnuel Carr, Cornelius Clark, James Carr, and John Carry, in N. Caftle county John Chapman (2) Bucks county Robert Courtney, and William Cole, in Chefter county Thomas Cunningham, I faac Cooper, James Cummin, and Samuel Calkey, Richard James Downey, EHy Dunlap, Cath. Pri(kec, Nlary Capt. Mat. Dreafon, Rebecca Dr.

lames Davis. Capt. T. R. Day.

and Robert Dow. in James lJuniap, trancis vinous, jonn uean, ana John Davis, in. PeMniylvahia Thomas Dougherty, and William De Courey, cC Bucks county Gairat Dougherty, Fogs Manor Rev. W. Davifou, Londonderry Geo.

Davis, 'Yellow Spring; Archibald Dugiefs, Caftle co. Abuor Douty, Egg harbour John Dowin, Middletown; ames Dounertv, anil James Doabbcn, in New.Jeife'y; Jof. Duncy Duck Creek Adam Douglafs, Ukeland. Jacob Fraty, Bucks County 5 Andrew Falls, Crufs Roads; ame Frecland, Shecrman's Valley; Lieut. Archibald finney, VVhiteday Creek 5 Chitihan Force, Lancafter Thomas Grew, Peggy Gibfoa, Robert Glenn, Hannah 2illief.

Marv Garrisrus. Georee Galfin, Thomas Goor If" jf: Hit tS 3 it Robert Lockard, Capt. Jer. Littlefield, John Lifle, Katherine Liverilay, Capt. G.

Lulher, Henry Laterty, Thoi mas Lowdon, Charles Loardan, John Lawtoh, and James T.nfln. in Tlinmas T.nrac. nwr Oittrt A Morten, James Meaie, oeorge iviiiier, bamuel ivrcorKiii John Manning, Forgefon M'llvaine, James Maloone, Da .1 .11 1 I Ji It'A ll mei xvi'iman, Kicnara ivi rneaii, jnanes iuiiter, luza vices Foreign and Domeftic: llST eL ETfER remaining in ibt Post Offici Hufton, Hartly and Grant () W. and J. Harris, Arthur Stephen Pain, Samuel Powden, William Peck Sa in Philadelphia.

Head, Thomas Huxland, William Holhas, Gabriel Holl, muel Patterfon, Tames Peller. and William Paul in'phi 1 1 1 naenon worman ana apr. j. riutton, waiter narns, apt. c.

now jonn riar laaeipma James Punch, Thomas Potts, Robert Faiker L. Am, Robert Adair, Alexander Adair, rifon, John Hamilton, Arthur Head, Matthew Harris, David Pool, Sam. Picken, and Edward Parker, in FennI Thomas Arkleys, Mrs. Allen, Capt. Na Jer.

Hawkins, David Hunter, Thomas Hughes, George lylyania David Parker, Lancafter county Jofeph Pen IU41UCI tui. ixugiut.bii) an jiuutui pu i uuiuaa iuvwtnug, i iiunuciuift rtniii xvxdi iijorougn jonn jrnupot, baiem K.ev James iu riuiAucipiiio jumi auiu, ruiv.nvi uaiu nuugc, jdiuo nuiwmun, jmvuiu nui wen, vjcuigc jriuuuioot reqviea Kooert Patterlon Caftle CO Araew, and Jane AiUn, in Pennfylvania Rev. J. G. AU Harlan, William HulUn, Pennfylvania Jof.

Hufton, Lan George Pumroy. Shippenlbure Andrew' Paul FallTno leni Z. oennaniown wcc vuilks, jccy iunu i hu taucr county i rcnioaiu nougc, jamcs nuitiiuon, jamcs opnng. tnai Armftrons. Forks of Delaware George Armltrong, John Armltrong, Andrew Armltrong, Cumberland coun William Anderfon.

Cheftnut Level, Thomas AtheN Jiarbeion, ratnck.Hogg, Lawrence Woblon, Jonn Hemp hill(a) Thomas Hartley John Hanly, Chefter countyl Daniel Quily, Philadelphiaj Jane Quail. Kittle Britain John Hathorn, Thomas Hill, John Harper. New Caftle ton, John Albon, Robert Andrew, Chefter county 5 Wil James Horner, York county Rev. Mat. Henderfon (3) John Richards, James Roan, Daniel Robinfon Eliya Ham Aken, Bucks county.

Cornel. Buckley, Thomas Brewfter, William Beeby () John Bartlett, Mr. Braifle, Charles Butler, William Boggs, Gervas Burgefs, John Belt, James Boyle (3) James Burn, Teter Blyden, John Barr (a) William Budden, Jofeph Oxford Mat. He vnes. Montgomery lownlhiD: Rachel beth Rvan.

Cant. fJeo Pnf 1 HofF, Kent county; John Hogfett, Bucks county 5 Tho Read, in Philadelphia James RufTel," Robert Ramfey mas Hamilton (2) James Hammond, N. Jerfey. Robert Read, and Thomas Read, in Pennfylvania Mary 1 Robm and Charles Rilk, in Chefter county William George Ingram, Jfeph Johnfton, Samuel Jenkins, Wil Robinfon, Cumberland county James Robinfon, Xanca liam Jones (x) William Jenkins, and Joihua Jones, Phila fter county lames Rainy. Caoe.Mav.

snh.n fllyth, Charles Berry, Maiy Bent, Joleph Kye, iapram deipma; 1 nomas Jennings, Philadelphia county Jonn balcm county James Ramfey, Great Valley James Row loieph Blewer, Innocent Beale, Stephen Brown, Jofeph Jackfon, Ezekiel Jamefon, and Thomas Jappra, PennfyU an, Marcus Hook John Rule, Griss Town Scamnn Jirown, inarev lroOK, v.api. du( uii ui wuiiam jeuep uuins tuumy juhii juiimiuii, JlUnli Nottingham Rev. bamuel Ikes, mthlehem 5 1 nomas Johnfon, Marcus hook; Katherine Judge, Charles John iton, and James Jones, Pequea. 1 Andrew Carr, Wiiuam Campbell, Robert Crow, and Tho beth Mahoney, Hugh Martin, William Moorehead, John Montgomery, capt. jonn Martin, wiiuam Maxwell z) Edward Maftirs () William Martin, Peter Merica, John Marfiiall, Capt.

Juft. M4Carty, John M'IlduffCapt. Murray, Katherine Manghan, Thomas Mafon, and John Mar green, all in Philadelphia 1 Alexander Major, and John Mee, in Philadelphia county Sampfon Moore (z) James Macpride, J6hn Mulligan, John Maclanachan (x) Agnes M'Geach, David Mint all, Jofeph M'Cranch, Jane Morten, t) David Moore, Either M'min, Archibald M'Craken, Hueh Meanes, John Maxwell, Jonathan Montiiioufe, Philadelphia Cath. Dickenfon, David Caldwell, Robert Randel M'Alilter, Rachel M'Neal, Manus Mcloy, John M'Donald, Samuel Mitchell, John Marren, Andrew Mac Rodman, Burlington. Jcay, John Morton, James Miliigan, Robert Montgomery, Robert Morton, William Moreland; John Mills, Jofeph M'Carmick, James M'Craken, Hugh Meloy, Robert Michael, and John M'Clanahoh, in Pennfylvania Rev.

John M'PherfonjWilliam and Manr Parifti; Jaroei M'Mul 5 lah, Duck creek William M'WHIiams, Maryland John M'Carty, Chriftine Bridge John Modre, Moreland Slar jraret MNear, Rowland M'Dohald, John MCIea, and Ttrim Erwin. Saniuel Evans Thomas Evans. Richard Tohn Milliken, Cumberland county; John M'Millan; and" Mitchell. Newcaftle county; Katherine Montgomery. Bound Brook Jofeph Mitchell, and John Miller, New Jerfey; William M'CIea, and Sufanna M'Man, Philadelphia; William M'Kean, Donegall; John Maruiall, Ro riert Maro, Daniel 'M'Clellan, and Alexander M'Dowell, Lancafter county Cromwell MIvity, Brandiwine James ficlphia Hugh Fergufon, Mat.

frorlyth, Pennfyivania Mather, Chefter wiiuam Moore, Henry M'iuead, llio David Ferris, uxxungton i nomas leming, N. Jerfey mas Miller, Georg Martin, James Martin, and John Min, Chefter county John.M'Corkal,, Whiteland Robert M'Nair, John MFerrer, David Mitchell, and John MGallart. Bucks county; John Murland, Pequea, Jane Mullan, Hanoyer Townfliip Daniel M'Duftes, Great Valley 5 Robert M'Kenny, Marih creek. hy, Samuel Gardner, Thomas Green, Edward Gonigall, Sarah Nickinfon, George Nicholfon, Captain Thomas John Gaw. Thomas GHffitts, Robert Garner, Richaid Nelrais, Archibald Nicholfon, John Nivin, Robert Ni iibfon, Edward GrifHtts, John Glafgow, Jof.

Green, Wil cholfon, William Nicholfoh, and Samuel Newmm, in 3iam Glenn, I faac Gethong, Philadelphia 5 John Garvan, Philadelphia Andrew Ncill, and Joha Neill, in N. Caftle Math. Gorvan, Philadelphia county Thomas Griffi ts, David Nilbitt (i) Wrighu Town James Norcall, White Jamei Gillefpic, Mary. Grange, Pennfylvania; Mary Go marfti Ifaac Newton, Cape May. ver, Safquenanna Samuel Goodwin, Bucks county William Gillihan, Andrew Carlifti; Wijliam Greg Dennfs Ohara, Felix Ohara, Ann Oliver, and Edward fcagan, Maryland 5 William Guthry, Whiteclay Creek; Ovelton, in Philadelphia Robert Owens, Pennfylvania David George, Peter Gobby Chefter county Maurice Bryan Ohkra, New Jerfey.

Gljumlic, Reading Townlhip. Sophia Price, Peter PufF, William Price, William Phi Archibald Hynman, Andrew Hewlin, Simon Herbert lipfon, William Pitt, Anne Price, Efther Price, Elizabeth 'jNeutral) David Hunter, John Howey, Anthony Harris, Poock, Thomas Pierce, Mr. PefFer, Jonathan Philips, Gilbert Xlarrifon, Jacob llilhimer, James HuUcy, James' Jz fie Price, Capt. Richard Nathanid Pttit, Cajt. Capt.

Swain, James Rofi, Hannah Sturtreon. Panf Smith (4.) Edward Shale, Stone, William Stinfon. James Spence Efa; lofiah SheDherd. Si Elizabeth Kerr, Philip Knaiit, John Kedey, John King, George Swrnmers, Alexander Shw, Jerfmiah Savajr khjIoAlrlua Con it XII CI, i .1 niel Bdew. in.Cheiter county; jonn caiaenon, bucks ivatnenne reneay, ana Koaoipn fwouer, rniiaaeipuia jonn William Shickleton, Richard Shannon a fountv; Rv.

Tames Beattic, Nefhaminey; John Blair, and Elizabeth Kilpatnck, and Matthew Keen, Pennfylvania; Sman, William Sutor, John Stohlev. 'Cabt oiuiiii, i.ukc oevcrnc. ana aainnri shmnm 1 1 1 1 1 1 VVaUer cetty, YorK county jonn wyrne, wewrownj joun corge rinKeaa, county wiiuam renncny, nugn smitn, ana fclizaoeth Stewart, in Philadelphia Brown, Brandiwine; John Berrien, Kingfton David Nottingham Mary Kennedy, Montgomery Townlhip Robert Philadelphia county 3 Samuel Stevcnfon BuQi, Efq; Wilmington Jimes Brooks, Schuylkill; 4 John Kennedy, and John Kerlin, Chefter county Thomas Rev. John Smart, Ifabella Stirling (z) Archibald Scott' ickiei Boggs, and Dr. Bines, Newcaftle John Blair, Lan Kelly, Newcaftle county John Kirk, Pequea John Kerr, John Sands, Hanebel Sandry, Mary Seiis, Mary Stoops' ciftcr county; lohn Barr, Peaquei John Boyle, Deep and George Keens, York Town.

Samuel SUion, Samuel Stevenfon. Tohn Sterlino nri Run; William aBrii Arcnib. iiucnan William Boyd, James lilaxk, and Obadiali Bowne, in Nev Jerfey. Arnbrofc Clarke, Francis Catlin William Carmi chiel, James Carter, Richard Colan, William Cornell (i) Ainbiole Clarke, Lanftoa, Carlifle, Hugh Crann, John Cook, Catherine Carroll, Dorothy Chambers, Evander Campbell, John Craig, John Cumings, Benjamin Cooke, Alexander Sterling, in Pennfylvania James Sloan. Pax.

ton John Smith, Donegall 5 James Scott, Richard San. derlon, Samuel Shaw, and Robert Smith, in Chefter co George Sheridan, Juniata William Streper, Whitemaifh I lexandcr Lockert(a) John Lockert, John Lemcr, Thomas Bucks county Samuel Northampton 3 Catherine ogan, 1111am, lovc, ana nicxanucr lcccn, rcnniyiva nia William Love, Chefter county George Lofli, Ger mantown Charles Lovell, LondoiKierry Alexander Low ry, Anderlon Perry; Konert Law; jNottmgnam Ar Nicholas Cook, and Richard Crean, near Ditto; Alexan thur Lattimore, Forks of Delaware; William Lawrence, der Clumbers, John Cunder, Robert Clandinen, Thomas Cowan (1) James UarK, uavia uromie, joi. uraig, ana Judah Ccrftans, in Pennfylvania John Cumming, rank fort Bryan Cullen, Whitehill Thomas Carrington, Charles Caine, and James Callwal, in Abington George Campbell, and George Chi ke, in York county John Cliipinan, and Col. John Armltrong, in Cumberland co. New Jerfey Robert Little, Lancafter county rvL Mr.

Meafe fa) Robert Maxwell, John Mallot, James Mulholland, John M'Colough, Archibald MCorkili, James Stilling, Odtorara James Shaw, N. Caftle County Samuel Stewart, Brandy wine. John Thompfon (a) Andrew Tate, Hugh Thorn pfon, Ann Thornton, Rev Jacob Townlhend, John Tawe, A. lexander Thonfon, James Turbert, William Tpnht Tofiah Taylor (3) John Thornton, Mar. Thornbury, pfci.

iaucipma jamcs inompion, near uirto. James Taearr George Tn bit, Pennfylvania Stephen Twining () Sprinsrfield David Thomas, John Thomfou. Bucks fy John Templeton, Whiteland Peter Taylor, Chefter coyniy; isouerc 1 oaa, in. rioviaence. G.

Van Spraun, Philadelphia. i Henry Witherington, Thcmas Wiggans, Tobias Wil, Hams, Francis White, John Webller, Ralph Willdridge, Robert Wilfon, James Wilkinfon, John White, Edith Warner, John Walker, John Williams, Capt. Nicholas Williams, James Worrell, William Welch (2) phia; Robert Willie, Thomas Wiiliarafon, Daniel Wio mor, Dr. Walfh, John Wvllie, Eiifabeth. Wrignt Tohn Woodburn, John Whalden, Pennfylvania J.

Whit! lock, Lancafter James Wilfon, Lancafter county Lewis Williams, Cheftnut hill Samuel Willey, Mount Plea fant John Wilkinfon, Bucks county Michael Wallis John Wallace, New Caftle county; James Wooding, Jo! nathan Willis, Jerfey Cafpar Williard, William Wilfon, York county James White, Ppiea Andrew Walker, McDowell's Mill James Wilfon, Chefter county 5 William Wilfon, Cumberland Thomas Yardly, Robert Young, Robert Younger, Tohn tit It ti Kv res. Thomas Englis (a) Mr. Edington, Jof. Robert M'Creary, York county Robert Malony, John Young, Philadelphia; Donaldfoa Yates, New Caftle coun 1 1 1 I Tr itir 1 1 1 tit (l rmr 1 1 mm ninM.a I nnn rttmn nii i.rfoei Philadelohii Andrew Elder, Samuel Klliot, TomxEvart. Thomas Eiderrbyj James iEldetv Pnnfylvinia John vans, Lancafter county Edward Er wing, N.

Jerfey. Fletcher, John Facy Wm.sW; Thomas Fitzimcns, iSebaftian. Frhs, Thcnias Barmar, Mn maduke Fofter, Juftus Fiiher, Hczekiab Feets, Phila M'Conai A ValuaUe Plantation, containing 400 Acres of Land, and upwards, lying in Whiteland Ttwnihip, in the Great County, 24. Miles irom Philade'nhia. The Purchafcr may have the whole, or 500 Acres, as it befl fuits him there are ici Acres of Upland and Meadow already ail inder good Fence.

There is good Lime Hone on the faid Plantation, and extraordinary good Corn Land a Dwellicg houfe and Barn, a good Stone Spring houfe, two bearing Orchards, and feve ral Out houfes. It lies two Miles from the White horfe Tavern, on Coneftogoe Road, about a Mile from the Valley Church, and near feveral Merchant Mills. Rcafonablc Credit will be given for paying the Purchafe Money, if required, and it may be entered on. immediately. Apply to Susannah Smith, living the Pre mifes.

(J 3 FOUND, fome time ago, the Court houfe, in Philadel phi2, a certain Sum of Money. The Owner, defcribing the Sum, and paying Charges, may it again, by applying to Da V'pGtnici, of Blockley Townfliip. Philadelphia County. LOST out cf the SuribJTPocket, Oa the 9th Inilant, between Mr. John Gleaves's, in Kent County, Maryland, and Chriftine Ferrv, A LARGE SILVER WATCH, ani a Bill in it for repairing it, charged to John Cleaves, for 13 s.

6d. no Chain nor String to it. Whoever finds the faid Watch, and to the SuMcribcr, or leaves it at any Stage wi eie hf may have it again, fhali have Fifteen Shillings Reward, paid by iJvJM Wpjji.

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