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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Thi cain and petle tf tht Prtvidenee lrigt, mm tinned in cur lajl to be taken in the bay, are come to town, villi "werejall tripped by the Frenchmen of every 'thing' th'eyjsddihat was valuable, js" Tuejday tafi Col, Taylor regiment xfaffociators in thit ity, coiyijjing oj eleven companies, was unaer arms, ana review by their honours be rep dent and Council, in toe Jieldi Strangers who were prefent agree, that the prp grefs this regiment has made in military dijcipline in Jo Jbort a time, was truly extraordinary, The fjffie day arrived, here the. Jloop Three 'from Providence She was taken the fjth inftant, juft off the Falje Cape, by the French privateer mentioned in our tafi, formerly the, Clinton New Tork, who bad near thirty Englijb prijoners on board taken out of three Eng iijb vejfcls on this toajl 5 among others capt, Murk, and its crew, late of the brigt, Ricba, who Jailed hence for London about two weeks The French atfirjl took all the, people tut if the Three Brothers board; the privateer, except George Porteous, who was one of her owners, bis wife, bis (on, and an old man, and put three French Jailors into her, with orders to proceed to the tapes of Delaware, where the privateer was then going, It coming to blow hard, they lofi fight of the privateer; cn which Porteous toak the helm, and brought the veffel into the tapes, and with the help of the old man and boy, overcame the Frenchmen, took in a pilot at Lewes, and brought the vejfel, up with the three Frenchmen prijoners, Porteous has depojed, that the Clinton had with her a French jloop, and a $panijbx Schooner, which he was informed were her concerts, Lajl nighty there was a report in town that the enemy privateers were as high up as Bomb a Hook, and bad ta two ffallops there, Notice it hereby given to the captains and Jubalterns of fbe Philadelphia county regitrent of affociatori, that the field officers of the Jdid regiment have agreed to review their rejpetlive tompanies companies at German town on the third of next month', at nine 0 clock in the morning, v'X. Colonel Edward Joneses, Lieutenant Colo fiel Torkes, Major Shawns, Captain Jacob HaWts and fcapt, John Hall's companies: And on the fixth of fame month, four companies at Norri's's mill, in the townjbip ef Norripgtpn, vih, Capt. Pawlins, Capt, Dehaven Capt, Robins and Capt. Hughes Cuftom bouje, Philadelphia, Entered in Brigt Pompey, George Davis, from Havahnah.

Sloop Tryal, Divid Pierce, from Newport. Eunice, Benjamin Vefjy, from Bermuda Brigt Chefterfield, Thomas Coatam, from Londonderry, i Louifburgh, Hugh Wrieht, from Jamaica, Outwards. Brigt. Louiiburgh, Hugh Wright; for Jamaica. Profpcrity, Robert Ritchie, for Madeira.

Sloop Olive braiich, John Gibbs, for Sloop Mary Smith, for.Cciracoi. Tryal, David Pierce, for Rhode Mini. Cleared, 4 Sloop Jofeph and Mary, N. Ambler, to Cp Breton Dolphin, Blathwait Jones, to Capr Breton. Ship Rachel, Ifliam Randolph, to Jamaica.

Dolphin Richard Waite, to Aniigua. Perth Amboy, March. 23. 174.7 8. 'Hereas the Council of Proprietors of the Eaftern Divmon of New ferfey; have bren informed, that fundry Weft Jerfey furveys have k'en made on the Eafl: fide of the partition between Eaft fey and Weft Jerfey, fince the of Affembly paiTed concerning that line, in the year 1719 by which Aft it is apparent, that all fuch furveys are void And they Jiave been alfo informed, that fiindry perfons have made confiderable fettlements and improvements thereon, and very pofiibly fome of them were ignorant that fuch furveys.

were void. The proprietors being willing to give fuch perfons an opportunity of fecuring to themfeives, under an Eaft Jerfey right, the lasds Co fettled and im proved upon, have granted, ordered, and appointed, 18 months from the date hereof for that purpofe and have in the mean time forbid furveys of fuch improved lands, to any other perfons in that' time 3 which opportunity, the fettlers do not embrace and ufe within the time a forefaid, they muft blame themfeives, if afterwards they be debarred of their improvements, by the furveying, returning and recording thofe lands to particular proprietors, or their affigns. By order of the. Council of Pro frictors, John Smith, Clerk. Germantown, May 26.

174S. ON Saturday the 1 1 th of June at 1 2 0 clock at noon, will be fold by publiclc vendue, at the houfe of the late Jofeph dece3sd in In thelane joining to the houfe and lot of Benjamin Morgan Six lots of land, each lot 6 pole frontVand 14 pole deep 5 "alfo a lot of 18 acres or more ia the Northern liberties; with a goodnew fton'e houfe, barn, ftable, and a good garden, and young orchard ef grafted fruit, and federal othergood conveniences. N. B. All perfons indebted to the eftateof the faid de caafed, are defired to come and pay their refpeHve cJts and thofe who have any demands againft faid eftate, re defired to come and pay, to Margaret Bowman ChriftopheV Meng, anTDfirrickXeyfcr, execuu' MAHAN IfeVY Intending for England rr.

fe the Fall, all perfons to Levy and 17rankare defired to make payment, by that time. Toldjby rfaid Levy andt Franks, a great variety India, and? European Goods, "for ready money, or fliort credit. i' Philadelphia, May 6. 2:1 748. CAme to the plantation of Arthur Boradill of the townmip of Chefter, Burlington county, in the latter nd of March laft, a cheftnut coloured horfe, branded.

on his near buttock and is fhod all round. Th owner coming and provirig hb right to faid horfe, and paying the charges, may have him 0 Philadelphia, May 26. 1748., UN away in the mornmg of the 24'th of 4V this inft. from Jonathan Ellis, of Waterford town fhip, Gloucefter county, an apprentice lad, named Anthony Haines, Jnort and well fetj has a down look, dark complexion, a fear on his under lip, and wears, a cap. Had on when he went away, a dark coloured broadcloth coat and jacket, and tow trowfersj Tis fuppod he is gone with his brother Hugh Haines towards Opekon, and perhaps may change hisclothes.

Whoever takes up and ft cures fiid apprentice, vfb that, his mafter may. have him again, (hall have. Three founds re wardj and rea fonable charges, paid by Jonathan Ellis. Philadelphia, Mayt 1748 JUn away laft night, from NathanieLGrubbj of Williftown, Chefler county, an Engiifli fervant man, named John Rldgway; about 35 years of age, tlown look; has black curled hair, talks pretty broad, is of middle fie, and (lender, and knows the country ex ceeding well had on when lie went awayj a good caftor hat, homefpun light coloured cloth coat, leather breech es, grey yarn ftockingSj good flioesi a fine white fhirt, a blue great coat, and a pair of boots and took ith him fome check mirts, a piece of broad cloth for a jacket, and feveral other things. He alfo took with him a likely deep forrel ft a 11 ion, who was found in the Great Valley near Schuylkill.

Whoever takes up and fecures faid.fervanti fo as he may be; bad AU have Five Pounds reward and reafonable charges, paid Vy 0 Nathaniel Grhbb, Philadelphia, May a 6. 1748. To be A Likely, young; Negroe wench, about 20 years of age, fit for townTTcuntry' bafinefs." Eequire of William Greenway, in Jfiorris's Alleys next door to Mr. Schlydhorns, fugar bker. Philadelphia, May 26.

1748. 15 Un away from the fubferiber, living near St. George's Newcaftle county, on the flrit of February laft, a Negroe man, named Oick alias thick, well fet fellow fomewhat bandy legg'd, about 40 years of age: Had on when he abfeonded two jackets, one of clothe the other of linfey woolfey and took, with hirh a gdod ax, ftamped on one fide Wallace. Whoever takes up and fecures. faid Negroe, fo as his matter may have him again, fhill have Three Pounds reward, and reafonable charges, piid by Valentine Dufiane.

Philadelphia. 26. OfT Wednefday the 1 ft day of June next, will begin the file of the.cargoes of the three prizes brought in by the privateer Brigi Trembleur, confining, of fugar, coffee, cotton, cocoa, Sec, Alfo fome likely Negroes will be fold. The fale will; continue from. day to day, till the cargoes and vefTels are fold.

0 Philadelphia, Ma'y 16. 1748. To be fold at Borden town, by way of publick on Monday the 25th 3lay of July next, by Jofeph Hollinfhead, Efq. high fheriflf of the county of Burling t6nf rpWO thirds of a good forgb or JL with hammers, auvils, running gear, In, good order, and a new griftmill, having one pair of ltones, and a boulting mill, commodioufiy fituated on Black creek, about half a mile from Borden town, the faid creek is navigable for boats up to the faid works and the ftream good, there is a good one ftory dwelling houfe, with four rooms on a floor, a cellar, and the roof double pitched two other dwelling houfes for workmen, large' coal houfe, and a ftore houfe, wjthfeyeral other, The quantity of land is about ao acres, lying on both fides of the creek, there is a fmall orchard of about 40 well grown apple trees on it. The abovefaid premifes is taken in execution at the fuit of the adminift.1 of Mary Yard at the fuit of Andrew Read againft the admin ft.

of David Davis, deceased 5 any per fon purcbafing the fime, may have time for the payment qf the money, paying interft, and. giving good fecurity if required. Joseph Hollinshi ad, fticnffs N. B. The puachafer may buy the other third "part of faid works, upon reafonable terms of William Yard, and the payments may be on the fam conditions as above 5 and he alfo may buy a parcel of coal wood already fct ia pltt'tb make coil, fo that hs xaiy foaa go to wpr ki i Mav fi ii EOST the latter end of March laft from Germahtqwn, a fmill a bay hbrfe', a natural trotter, hut alfo Spaces, Ms rriane cat, had a fore place on his back behind the a blind brand mark on the near ano wnoem brings the faid horfs Becktel's houfe in to William Nixon in Saflarrafs ftreet, Philadelphia, ftiall have Twenty millinjs reward.

0 (6) Philadelphia, May .26.., 1748. Tray'd away about 2 weeks ago from Inhn Knowles of this city, a dark roan hnrfi. with kk ai1, brahded on the near buttock and ftiouldcr Whover fecures the faid horfir, fo that the owner may him again ihall have Ten (hillings revardy paid by I John Knowles.1 Philadelphia, Mav 2.6 ni8. Hereas Peter Painter, a lad now about' 18 years of age. born in Gtrmanv this country about four years ago, atid was bought by onfc Peter Knot, and his friends not having, heard any thins of him fince that time, and not knowing where faid terKot lives and being defirous to know whether he is alive 5 if any perfon will give any information of him to Cornelius Tanner, in Lancafter CGjnty, fhall have 7w tytbilltrgs reward or if the lad will come to the Poft Office, Philadelphia, or dire a letter for faid Cornelius Tanner, to be left with Mrs.

Mary La wler, tavern keeper, at Newtown, he may hear of fomething to his ad vantage. 0 tJ May 26. 1748. To be fold by Francis Bowes in Water Jlreet, either wholeale or retail, THe beft fort of Je'fuit'S barki fugars, cof fee, tea of both forts, chocolate, pepper, and fundi other forts of goods: Alfo wholefale only, rum, beta Weft India and New England, and the beft fort of London fieel. Philadelphia, May 26.

To he Jold by publick vendue, at Nixon and Edgar's wbarfff on Jburjday, the Jecond of June next, rphe prize fhip Aurora, with all her mafts, yards, ftanding and running riggJng, as (he now lie at faid wharff; with a compleat fuit of fails, anchors and cables, and fundry other utenfils, inventory of which may be feen the day of fale. lukewife a parcel of inch, 'and inch and half boards, a choice parcel of two inch plank, fhingles, hoops, bricks and timber. Philadelphia, May 26. 1748. JACOB HUBER, of Coneftogoe, here gives notice, that good forge men; two good matter and a good mafter hammerman, may meet with exceeding good encouragement, by applying to'him.

0. Philadelphia, May 26. J748. CAme to the plantation of John Lloyd, itt Horfliam townfliip, Philadelphia county, the 8th inftant, a natural picing bay "horfe, about 14 hands high, 7 years old, branded on the near buttock I with fomething over it, and has a long.bob tail The owner coming and defcribing his other marks, proving his pro perty, and paying charges, may have him (fl Philadelphia, May 26 1 748 To be jold, on the firjl of June next, at publick vendui 'pHe grift fulling mill lands, utenfils, and improvements, late belonging to John Shaw, deceafed, Freehold, Monmouth county, with fundry cattle, horfes, and Iheep, a good irtfn bound waggon, and hoiifliold goods. The milfs ftand on a good ftream, and in a ye.ry good place for cuftom, are in; good order, and the" grift mill has.

two 1 pair of ftones. "The conditions to be then and there feen. AH who have any demands oh; or are indebted to faid are defired to meet and fettle then and there with William Hank in Jon, Robert Cum iking, and John Henderjon, Philadelphia, 12. gTray'd from the plantation dif William Cur tie, An Plymouth, on Saturday laft, a brown ma reV about 13 hands and. half high, nine year old, a good pacer, a fmall ftar, one of her hind feet white, a lorig fwitch, tail, a fhoe on one fore foot; her brand forgot Whoever fecures faidmare, fo that the owner may haver her again (hall have Thirty millings reward, and reafonable charges, paid by Willi a Cur a rx.

N. B. She was feen in Philadelphia on Sunday laft. LAtely imported, and to be fold by Abraham Uiher, at Mr. Thomas Charlton's, in Cheft nut ftrfet, a quantity of choice good yard wide Irifh lin nens, at reafonable rates.

i. i Philadelphia May 19 I748. gTolen from Mr. John Belden's of Norwalk in (New England) the 2d of this inft a moufe coloured horfe, bridle: and fiddle bad twa white hind feet, a fear on his forehead, and a fmall white fpot on his right ihoulder, clofe to the fhoulder bone 5 and about 14 hands and a half high; Whoever can give any intelligence of faid Horfe, fo that he may. be recovered again, to Mr.

John Belden, ot worwaiKy' flall have Ten Powads (old Tcaor) xward tad all rei fonablc char gel..

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