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Daily News-Democrat from Huntington, Indiana • Page 3

Huntington, Indiana
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1 i With all its fyry, is upon us. Heed the warning voice and prepare yourself with warm Underwear. STRODEL has the Strongest Stock of any house in the city for Men, Women, and Children of all sizes. And we have the prices that make competition howl. It's time for those who have not yet bought to be looking after their winter CLOAKS before the assortment Is broken.

Here we are, and always have been, Headquarters. In DRESS GOODS for winter we are very strong. Capes, Collarettes, Mulls, Scarfs, Bugs. In all these we are very strong. Wool Blankets.

Flannel Skirts. Standard Patterns." JOHN 3K: I E5Iv. Telephone No. 1. THE DULY IEWS DEEOCBAT.

Monday November, 28, 1898. Markle flour gives best results. Housi job Rint Enquire of All man Bash. 122tf John Howett was an Andrews passenger this morning. Mrs.

W. H. Todd was a passenger to Peru on business today, Mrs. C. H.

Adams was a passenger to Andrews this morning. Nine bars of Hippus Royal soap for at the H. H. grocery store. 1971m Judge 0.

W. Whitelock and At torney R. A. Kaufman were in Ft. Wayne on legal business today.

Samuel Harshburger, ot Brad ford Junction, Ohio, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cook, on Elm street.

Mrs. M. Elward, of Lagro, who has been visiting friends here for several days returned home this morning. Mrs. Fred T.

Lof tin left Sunday or Frankfort, where she will Msit a few months before going to her new home in Alabama. Miss Delia Rossell, who has been the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.

Miles, for several days, returned to her home In Fort Wayne Sunday. Ladies, clean your kid gloves with Miller's gloveine, for sale only by H. H. Arnold Son, headquar ters for dressed and undressed kid crioves, aUlhe desirable shades. Gloves of $1 and upwards guaran teed.

169tf J. A. Hollett, the fruit tree man, was called to New London this morning by a telegram stating that his httle baby was quite ill. His wife and child are visiting at that place and the baby was taken suddenly I1L Rev. Linker, who has been attending college at Upland, was a guest at College Park Sunday.

While here he made arrangements to attend Central College next year. He left this morning for Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Bradley Bros.

'd Harriet Dement Packard's low, rich tones that remind one of a cello, to the ringing, clear, birdlike voice of the upper notes, her voice is of pure, clear resonance and sweetness. Warm with the pulse of an artistic temperament which guides it, it thrills with dra 'matic Intensity. The Graphic. Holti Johnson, the contractors and dealers in stone, sand dirt, have dissolved their partnership, Mr. Johnson retiring.

Mr. Holtz will continue the business. Mr. Johnson and wite will leave in the spring for Oswego, N. where they expect to make their future home.

They are moving there for the purpose of taking care ot an aged uncle, who lives! alone. lt. Johnson will not dispose of hisprop i ertv in this city, as they expect to return here to live some day, and has rented it. I Fob Rikt. tore room in the Taylor block.

E.T.Taylor. 191tf Geo. Reynolds, the express agent, spent today in the country hunting quail. No goods sold at below cost, but at the very lowest figure at the H. Hrgrocery.

197 lm Councilman Anthony Weber was reported seriously 111 today and not expected to live. Miss Mary Sidles returned to her school In Bluffton today after spend ing Thanksgiving with her parents. Your fire solicited. None but first class companies rep resented. 174ft E.

Dbuhmomd. Otis Redding, of Montpeller, spent Sunday in this city. a. guest of his parents in the Mayne block. Policeman Sun Ross was able to be on duty Sunday night after a few days' lay off on account of a severe cold.

W. H. Brooks, of the Erie engine dispatcher's office, was able to be at work this morning after a week's lay off on account of illness. B. F.

Churchhill, who has been visltlngrelatlves and friends here for several days, returned this morning to the soldiers' home at Marlon, Ind. Dr. G.H. McLin and son, Forrest, were passengers to Elkhart this morning. Dr.

McLln goes to Elk hart on business and will return home tomorrow noon. The condition of John P. Shutt, principal of the State street school, whose life was dispaired of Friday, is somewhat improved and his recovery is expected. John Loring, wife and son, Fern, of Mlddletown, Ohio, who have been guests at the I. N.

Arnold home for several, days, were departures tor their homes this morning. Lost A colored porter, answering to the name ot Black. When last 8een "Billy had him by the neck. Return to the seven story barber shop of Ed, Peck, and Joe. When you ask tor De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or Imitation.

There are more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. Bradlev Bros. David H. Oliver and wife, of Dayton, were in the city today the guests of friends. They left on the 1:13 train for Lagro, where they expect to visit friends and relatives for several weeks.

E. S. Poorman, of the Island house second hand store, spent Sunday in Servia. While at that place he learned of a wild cat scare which has become a terrer to every body in that neighborhood. The animal was seen by two men by the name of Kennedy and Cull and Sunday every man for several miles around the country was out with dog and gun trying to exterminate the animal Med Landls, young man who lives on East Franklin street, was a victim of the slippery sidewalks Sun day night between seven and eight o'clock.

He, with several companions, was walking down Jefferson street and in front of Bradley's drug store slipped and tell: to the' pavement with great force. The fall knocked him senseless and his back was some what Inj ured. He was picked np by his companion and assisted to his home where hr was soon feeling all right clocud catcjuday xaauT The 8t Ilary's Fair a Decided Success. Saturday night was the close ot the fair given by the ladles of St. Mary's Catholic church.

fair has been a success, even beyond the most sanguine hopes of the promoters. Large crowds have been in attendance every night and every one spent very enjoyaoie evenings In the large hall, which seemed even too small to accomo date the people. Saturday night was the close of the voting contest for the most popular young man In St. Mary's church, the prize for which was an elegant Hercules bicycle. Ed Hill won with 872 v6tes against 604 received by Jack BradyTT ABSoon as this was completed, the event which was of most interest to the people in general took place the drawing of the prizes on the backs of the tickets.

The first one was the sideboard, which was drawn by Mrs. Catherine Murphy; with number 610. The ladles hat was won by M. V. WaUch, of Fort Wayne, holding number754.

The Jbarrelioflflour fell to number 282, held by Will O'Brien. Number 100 drew the ladles shoes and it was held by J. P. McClanahan, of Lagro. John S.

Glenn held 327 andrdrew the carpet sweeper, while. Claude McD. Hamilton drew the fine stand with number 604. Mrs. Ed Skully drew the clothes ringer 'with 620.

Dr. W. C. Chafee will enjoy the rocking chair, drawn by: number156, while Joseph Saal possessed 160 and drew the silk umbrella. The reading lamp was drawn by 801, held by Richard Dalton.T of Markle.

and Philip Young drew the boy's suit with 785. A dozen fine ladies' aprons fell to Harry Helm, holding 16, and the gentleman's suit to Ernest Best, with number 657. Ernest Glelch drew the drawing room lamp, number 584, and Mary Heine drew the last prize, a pair ot gentleman's shoes, with number 295. During the week the receipts amounted to between $2400 and $2500 and probably $1700.. of this is cleared by the ladies of the church.

Mary Anderson in Her English Home. Every American will be interested in a pageof photographic reprd7 ductions in the Christmas Ladies' Home Journal, which presents "Mary Anderson in Her English Home." The pictures were made expressly for the Journal, and show Mary Anderson de Navarro as she is today, her two year old son, and the exteriors and interiors of the De Navarros' delightful English home. These pictures will be treas ed by the beloved actress admirers in this country, as they give an interesting glimpse of Mrs. de Navarro's daily life and her surroundings. Fair Ground Lots for Sale.

All the fair ground lots fronting on Front street will be sold on rea sonable terms. For further partlc ulars call on H. W. Stults, Robert Simonton or A. L.

Beck. 72 12tf A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to. runa certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases.

We recommend it because it's good. Bradley Bros. the jm We are putting out our holiday goods and must have more space in which to display them. In order to make room, note the sweeping reduction in prices. Every item is a money.

saver UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. 1 lot men's heavy fleece lined Shirts an! Drawers 1 lot men's exta heavy fleece Hoed Shirts and Drawers at 1 lot men's gray random Shirt and Drawers at 14o 1 lot men's wool Shirts and Drawers at. 59o 1 lot men's ribbed Shirts and Drawers, tan color, at 45o 1 lot men's wool mixed Shirts and Drawers at 45c 1 lot men's black Jersey Top Shirts at Hot men's corded bosom Shlrto at. 89a 1 lot ladles' ribbed Vests at 10o 1 lot ladles' eztra quality Vests and Pants at 23a 1 lot ladles' Union Suits, fleece lined, "at .77 SSo riot ladles Union Sultsrfleece r. r.

8 1 A8c 1 lot ladles' wool Vests and Pants at 60c 1 lot ladles' wool mixed Vests and Pants at, 55o One lot ladies' and chiflren's Jackets and Capes at greatly reduced prices to make room. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. One lot ladies' Shoes at 98c, $1.25, $1.48, $1.98, $2.48 that are record breakers. Men's Shoes at 98c, $1.23, $1.25, $1.48, $1.98, $2.48 that are good values. TINWARE: 1 lot of Dinner Buckets, with coffee can lid and pie pan, at, lOo Hot of heavy 10 qt.

Dish Pans at 1 lot of 2 and 3 qt. blue granite Coffee Pots at 1 lot of 4 and6 qt. blue granite Preserving Kettles at 20o 15 large bars of Laundry Soap for 25o 1 lot of Wash Boards at. 6o 1 lot of men's wool lined leather mittens ....7.7. Just received a full line of Iron, Steel and Nickel Plated Skillets and Pots.

We are too busy to quote you many prices, but come and see for yourself that what we advertise are facts. CHICAGO FAIR, One Door South of Citizens' CTFIW RRAQ Bank, Opp. Couft House. I Lll 1 DlUOi FOR FALL AND We are showing a line of MEN'S SHOES made of Imported English Enamel Calf WITH HEAVY DOUBLE SObEr AND Calf Heavy Duck Lined. Different Styles and all widths.

Buy our ENAMEL CAyFHOESand you will not have to wear overshoes. They are the best goods money can buv. MERMSEIMM 87 North Jefferson Street. 31 GREAT ANNIVERSARY SALE continues to attract help bad to be employed to assist in handling the mighty crowd of eager buyers who thronged our stae 1c the past two weeks. For the balance of this month we will scatter our profit to the four winds and will offer the greatest array of Bargains the people ever saw, quality considered.

But remember our goods have not turned gray with age. Neither do they wear whiskers, neither are they liable to be moth eaten, neither are they so badly faded in color as to be unrecognizable. None we have had on hands ten or fifteen years to work off and, last but not least, REMEMBER that cheap, shoddy goods are dear at any price. THE GLOBE can say. and truthfully, too, that our goods are all date And we will sell them at such prices for the balance say THE GLOBE is mighty and must prevail.

4 The People's HARD TO COMBAT. The Evidence of Our Senses i What Euntlngton People Say Is Pretty Good Proof forHunting ton People. When we see It ourselves. When our own ears hear it. When our neighbors tell it.

Our friends indorse it No better evidence can be had. It's not what people say in Maine. Or distant mutterlngs from California. No deceiving echoes here. Huntington talk about Huntington people.

Public opinion published for the public good. There Is no proof like home proof. Home testimony at the back of every box of Doan's Kidney Pills. Can you believe your neighbors? Read this statement made by a citizen: Mrs. H.

E. Adamsof 96 White lock Btreet, says: "For several months before I betran takiner Doan's Kidney Pills that I got at Bradley drug store I was nearly laid up from kidney com plaint. My back ached every minute and it would be sometime after I got up In the morning before I could straightenup.Ihad a great deal of dizziness when everything whirled and grew black before me. My feet swelled. I felt miserable and my general health was poor.

As soon as I started taking Doan's Kidney 'Pills I began to Improve until 1 am now enjoying good health, being no longer troubled with my kidneys at all. You can use my name as one who makes the above statement and also "that I highly recommend this wonderful remedy and if any lady wishes to call on me I will be pleased to tell her the same." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster Milburn Buffalo, N. Y.

Sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. Ting Lings Entertained. The Ting Ling cooking club held its regular meeting and six o'clock dinner at the home of Miss Edith Miles Saturday night.

The menu prepared by and served to the young ladies wa1tinoBtdelicious, as is the case at all of their dinners. In the evening, quite a crowd was royally entertained by the members of the club and all enioved themselves thoroughly. Guests of honor were Misseif DeUaand EvaHosselirof Ft. Wayne. As Pleasant as Maple Syrup.

Molt remedies hare something unpleasant to the taste and iq conee quence many" people, especially children, dread the dote and put off entire ly ojr delay the taking of the medicine that can do them good. Not so with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin everybody likes Its taste and when taken it will cure constipation and all kinds "of stomach troubles." In 10c, 50o fl.10 sizes. Fon Sau beven ot land, with pood improvements." Location one and one half miles northeast of city." Will be sold cheap. John P.

Kinowib, 33eodw6tf Agent. OA0TOHZA. BMntb 9 ma mm tm Haw Always Botga 81gnatut of the month that the people an storg, WINTER the People. Extra new and up will arise in their might and y. The Great Cut Price Stire..

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