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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WHEREAS, In purfuanee of an Aft of General Af fembly of this province, An ASi for granting tbe fum of Sixty Tboufand Pounds for the King's ft, and for finking fifty five Tboufand Pounds thereof in bills of credit and to provide, a fund for finking tbe fame, the following tracts of located and unimproved lands, were duly valued and rated, by the AfTeflbrs for the county of Northampton, as follows. A of land, containing 223 acres, in MountLBethel townfhip, in the county of Northampton, adjoining Philip Shuck, rated at Five Pounds by the hundred the property of Stephen Shewell, of the city of Philadelphia, merchant. A tract of 150 in Delaware townfhip, on Dingmans Creek, rated at Five Pounds by the hundred of Stephen and Jofeph Shewell. A trail of 195 acres, on Marfh Creek, in Lower Smithfield townHip, and adjoining the lands of George Taylor, Efq; rated. it Five Founds by the hundred the property of the faid Stephen and Jofeph, Shewell.

And whereas the owners of the aforefaid tracts of land have. 1 vefufed to pay the Collector the fum of Two Pounds Two Shillings and Six pence, which, according to the faid valuation, was afTefTed and laid upon faid lands, as the proportion thereof for one year, for (aid tax, by faid act impofed we, the Corri tniflioners of the county of Northampton aforefaid, in purfu ance of the faid act, do Hereby give notice, that, on the 9th day of September next, at the houfe of Henry Miller, the 223 acres, in Mount Bethel townfhip and the xoth day of faid month, September, the 150 actes, in Delaware, and the 195 acres, in Lower Smithfield, at the houfe of Jacob Stroude, in Lower Smithfield townhip, we will expofe to fair, by public vendue, the above mentioned tracts of located and unimproved lands, or fuch part thereof as will be fufneient to anfwer faid tax, and all charges accruing by reafon of the non payment or refufal thereof, to the higher! bidder; the begin at ten of the clock in the forenoon Given under our hands this 9th day of June, 1772 Jacob Morry, 3 Af. Hensy Babxit. Cbarlefixun, June 5, 1772. WHEREAS John Sudd, of the city of Philadelphia, deceafed, being legally feized of certain lands, fituate In Charleflown, Chefter county, in the province of Pennfylvania, did, by his deed poll, dared the 8th day of April 1714, grant and convey 300 acres thereof to John and William Martin, who died linteftate, and without iffue whereupon the faid 30O acres of land became the eftate of their eldeft brother Themis Martin who, by his deed, dated the 6th day of June, 175 1, granted and confirmed the fame 3so acres to Lewis Martin who, by his deed, granted ico acres "thereof to hii fon William Martin, that they may have a full opportunity to make their objections, if any they have, to my having the iiid defect lupphed, by act, as aforefaid.

William Martin. fT HER A Peter. Erbart, of Guilford townfhip, Cum btrlar.d county, bought a piece of land of a certain Daniel M'Clendiek, fituate in Hamilton 's townfhip, in the faid county, for the fum of One Hundred Pounds, and having already paid Forty three Pounds thereof, and for the remainder gave 3 bonds, dated the 27th of April laft, viz. 1 for 35 Pounds, payable the 27th of October, 1774 15 Pounds payable the 27th of October, 1775 15 Pounds, payable the 27th of October, 1776 and a note tor .40 Shillings to Owen AftonA And whereas a certain William Beard claims the mole and beftart of the faid land, by a prior right, and the title for the fame will be and, though he executed a conveyance to him the faid Peter, for the whole of faid tract, it is uncertain which has the beft right therefore, this is to give public notice, that no perfon fhail buy or accept of an alignment of any of be faid bonds or note, as he will pay neither of them, nor any part of the money becoming due on the fame, or any or either of them, until the matter be fully determined, and a clear and indifputa hle title for the faid tractfree any claims whatfoever (the Proprietaries of Pennfylvania excepted) be executed and delivered to the faid Peter Erbart, for faid land, infee. Petkr Erhart.

AME to the plantation of Thomas Morgan, the 19th day of May laft, a fmall grey HORSE, about 12 years old, them away. ST1 ab one fure 12. Thomas Morgan. RAYED away irom the Commons of Philadelphia. out the middle, of April laft, two Milch COWS: a brown Cow, a red fmall Cow, with a white houfe, in Second ftreet, Philadelphia, fhall have Twenty Shillings reward, and reafonable rharges.

CT IR1 UN away from the fubfoiber, livine in Penn's Neck.1 on Oldman's in Salem county, a Scotch fervant man, named Katr icjc Jsicxum, about 23 years of age he is a chunky well fet fellow, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and hat ihort black hair; he wore a Scotch bonnet, a fbort jacket, the ftripes goes round him, and had a lock on his leg. 'Whoever takes up faid fellow, and fecures him in any goal, fo that hismaftermay have him again, fhall haveTmaTY Shillings reward, paid by Daviz? Clayton, i Hanover, June 7, 1772. WHEREAS my wife Eva' Elizabeth has left ray Bed and Board, and has, for fome Time paft, behaved in a very unbecoming Manner, and beingapprehenfive lhe might iun me in Debt, or borrow on my Account I do therefore take this Method to acquaint all Perfons, that I will not pay any Debts of her contracting, or anfwer what ihe borrows, af ter the Date hereof. HiniY Fnwsin. Ligonier, June 13, 1772.

ALL erf ins having any Demands againft tbe Efiate of John Campbell, late of Ligonier, deceofti, are defired to bring in their Accounts immediately, properly proved and tbofe who fiand indebted to tbe faid Efiate, are rejuefied to make fpeedy Payment to tbe Subfcriher, otberwife their Accounts will be put into tbe Hands tf an Attorney, to be recovered as tbe Law JANE Campbell, Adminiftrqrrix. STORE, and fmall ROOM adjoining, fituate at the Corner of "Market and Second ftreets, For Terms, enquireof ENOCH STORY, Broker. Juft imported in the Minerva, Captain Tillett, from London, by GEORGE I And now opening at his flore in Chefrnut ftreet, between Front and Second flreets, AL AR and general Affortment of European and Eaft India GOODS, fuitable to the prefent Seafoa he alfo imported in the laft VefTels fiom LiverVocI, a large Aflbrtaient of Manchefter Goods, all which he will fell extremely cheap for Cafh, or fixort Credit'. A 7 Philadelphia, Fifth Month 18, 1772.: TOW SEND AK A.N, Cm YiiisT, and Druggist, on the. north fide of Market between Second and Third Greets (three; doors eaftward from the Pojk office, and neatly op polite thVIndian King) HAS juft.

imported in the Britannia, Captain Falconer, and the Carolina, Captain Loxley, from London, A general aflbrtment of, the beft drags, chymical, galenical and patent, medicines an aflbrtment of fine colours a fmall. quantity of very fine French pruens, Faro figs, and New Barrel raifins alfo Sandever pumice ftone, and retten ftone. Family and phyfical prescriptions, truly prepared medicine chefh for family ufes, fhipping," plantation or iron warks fvrithr'p'roper directions) are carefully made up, on the lowed terms As ke has ferved' a regular apprenticehip to the burl nefs, and had feveral years further experience therein, in a houfe of the firft reputation in London, he by that means has an opportunity of pro curing his articles of the beft quality, and at th moft reafonable A who, fometime ago, had the misfortune to have his houfe burnt, rpi OfTJ TVT A Pt ffTP txnA HtTTTTAP and every thing therein, among which were the afoiefaid deed, 1 nc VJrEKMAN TLUTE, ana UUITTAK, from Jobn Bud I to Jobn and William Martin, and the deed A taught, according to tbe Rules tf Mufic, in Theory and from the faid Thomas Martin to Leiois Martin, which occafions XjL Practice, by a Mafier.of tbofe Instruments. For a defea in the chain of conveyances, refpefting the faid land further Particulars apply to LJJ WIG KU at and as I intend to petition the General Affembly of this pro tbe Sign of tbe Golden Rofe, tbe Corner. of Third and Arcb firtets, vince, at their fitting in September next, for an act to fupply in Philadelphia, this is therefore to give notice to all concerned, rates with quality, and charged as low as can be afforded.

N. B. He would be willing to take an apprentice he muft be of reputable parents and his father atafwerable for his honeftjr. DISPOSED OF, TRONC likely Dutch Servant GIRL, who can recommended for her Sobriety and Hone fly has up wards of four Years to ferve. Enquire of the Printers.

MADE and SOLD By OSEPH OO In Water ftreet, iuft above South flreer QUANTITY of SCYTHES and SICKLES STRAW and BRIAR SCYTHES: TAN NERS and DRAWING KNIVES SMITH'S BELLOWS, and STIL LI ARDS. 1 LARGE commodious STONE HOUSE over SchnvT oppofite the Middle Ferry Eleven Acres of Land. Seven Acres Marfh, and a large Garden and Orchard, belong to the Place. It is very convenient for a Gentleman's Country Seat, a Tanner, or any other public Bufinefs. For Terms, apply to I WL I A BIS HA Mr on the Premifet To be SOLD by faid Bifpbam, A likely WOMAN, about Twenty Years of.

Age, fit for Town or Country Bufinefs. If flolen, Three Pounds for the thief and horfe. To the I C. To be exhibited at John Cunningham's, upon the Common, on Thurfday, the 25th of June inftant, A Curious and elegant FIRE WORK, fuch as has not JljL ecn exhibited in America, confifting of a Variety of Re face, with brown fpots round her eyes, and was expected to calf prefentations, vix. A Ship with 20 Quns, to fire Diftance and about the beginning of next month.

Whoever takes up faid Diftance, the Ball to be feen difcharging from the Cannon, the and brings them to A AH YARD, at the Shte Ship, Mafts, all illuminated, running 80 Yards on Wire. Fifty Sky Rockets different Kinds Six large Boxes of Serpents Six more with a Star Two large Wheels One Dozen of fmall WheelsSix Cherry Trees Six China Pumps Six Italian Candles andeveral other different and curious N. B. Two large ancL commodious Galleries are eredled iria. fuitable Situation for tbofe Ladies and Gentlemen who fhall choofs to attend, and encourage the Undertaking and as the Performance will begin about Seven Clock in the Evening, the Ladies would do well to attend in Time, in order to procure good Places.

The whole Works to be fmiflied by Two o'clock in the After soon, and may be viewed by any Perfon, who has a Tafte for fuch Amnfement. Tickets only Half a Dollar each. 'T fU I MJP and to be by MICHA EL I LL EGAS, A 'l At his Houfe, in Second ftreet, GREAT Variety of Mufic, confifting of Solos, Over tures, Concertos, Sonatas, Duxtts, Lessons, Sec. of the very beft Authors; Tutors, or Books of Instruction, for; the Violin, German Flute, common Flute, Fife, and Hautboy befide an Affortment of ruled Mufic paper Violin and Guittar Strings, Hautboy Reeds, and fome very neat Guittars, Violins, German Flutes, Fifes, French Horns, 6 W. A MA hear of a PLA by applying to the I If ihe underftands her Bufinefr compleatly, and is well recommended, the higbeft Wages will be given.

Jurt imported in feveral vefi'els from England, be lolvi very cheap for cafh or the ufual I At his ftore in Market ftreet, betwee Third and' Fourth ftreets, A LARGE Affortment of Dry Goods, fuitable for the Summer. Rappee Snuff of the moft approved forts. He has alfo to fell a few Tons of excellent Hay. 6 w. JUICE, Extraordinary clear, manufactured in Birmud To be SOLD on board the Sloop TS OBERT PRUDDEN, Mafter, lying at Weft's WharfF, above Vice ftreet.

Imported In the lail veffela from London," Brlftol, and avariety of ME A I and to be fold, ciif suiumv.iuiuuit tui; lur or more credit, Dy a JM A CLIFFORD and SONS At their Aore, Water ftreet, between Market and Arch firettt TICKLENBOURG, flaxen and hempen oienbut, Scotch ozenbrigs, brown roles and heflent, ravens duck bro wn and white lheeting, Ruffu drillings brown and white Itih fheeting, German andliiih dowlas, Flanders hti tick, Ruffia towelling; diaper napkeaing and table cloths clouting diaper, cambricks and lawns, in patches, piftonawni muflins and humhums, 7 8ths and yard wide Iriih linen neat affortment of printed linens, cottons and calicoes, with few pieces of curtain patterns 'printed linen and fine lawn figured, map, and other handkerchiefs, bandanoe, romal, lance and other filk handkerchiefs, black' fringed handkerchief nankeen Venetian plain and figured fil gauze, fringed and firiped bordered handkerchiefs, clain lawn ditto a heat affortment of fijks, containing white, black lit Practitioners, or others, who are pleafed to favour hirri flowered, and figured fat tin, rich light drab ditto, black padua their cuftom, may depend on having medicines of the beft foy and taffeticr. qr. ftriped luteflrines, of the following neither brand nor ear mark. Likewife a brown HORSE, and all reafonaMe charges, paid by about 5 years old, about 15 hands high, neither brand nor earmark, paces and trots. The owner or owners are defired to come and prove his cr their property, pay charges, aad take ERE AS EVAN EVANS, late of the town of Norriagton, died pofTeffed of effects not worth adminifteimg to, the creditors are defired to meet on Friday, the 10th day of July next, at xo o'clock, to divide and make the belt of what there is Junei, 1772.

1 BY virtue of a writ to me direfted, will be expofed to public fale, on Friday, the 26th of June inilant, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon (and to be ftruck off precifely at 7 o'clock in the evening) at the houfe of George Honey, in the Northern Liberties, of the city of Philadelphia, a certain frame tenement, and two lots or pieces of ground, in the Northern Liberties aforefaid, one of them containing in breadth 78 feet, or thereabouts, and ia length 100 feet, be the fame more or lefs; bounded by Grcen flreet, by the next defcribed lot, by John Kuhn'a lot, and by Peg's Run and the other of them containing in breadth 74 feet, and in length or deth 140 feet bounded by Garden ftreet, by Abigail Pedro's lot, by the firft defcribed lot (on which it nar roweth to about three feet) and by Peg's Run late the eftite of William Bacchus feized and taken in execution by Judah Fouljce, Sheriff TW SHILLING Reward. STRAYED or STOLEN, from the fubferjber, June 7, 17725 a cheftnut foTrel HORSE, about 14 hands 1 inch high, faddle marked, and marked with the hopples, his mane cut on the off fide, and has one white hind foot, fhod before, paces, trots and canters. Whoever takes up the faid horfe; and brines him to the fubferiber, fixall have the above reward, Joseph Uaker. lours, pink and green, blue and white, fear let, green and poll ftraw, bloffom and green, light' drab plain, ruby and black, white and pink, frraw and white, green and orange, blue and white plain, black and gold mantua, mazarine and rim fori ditto, blue and garnet ditto, rich white and pink ducape, Hue ditto, green ditto, bloom and drab ditto, morone dittoy white and ftraw ditto, white, green, blue, and pink half yard ar.i half ell perfians a variety of ribbons and ferrets, quality and coa( bindings, fine holland tape and bobbin, mens and womens thread cotton and worfted hofej a largeaffortment of mensand woment beaver gloves, mens lamb, and Wpodflock ditto, womens lama and kid, white; purple, and coloured gloves and mitts, womens warn leather ditto a large affortment of common wove baflc4 needle work and death. head coat and veft buttons, filk and hair and fcarf twiir, black, white, light, and cloth coloured fewiog filk, wire and mould fhirtbuttons an affortment of fhalooos, cfurants, tammies, dorfetteens, calimancocs, plain and ftriped camblets, worded and filk faggathies, hail bines, Venetian poplins, racffmets, filverets, fiarrets; fuperfine druggets ar.d ferges, black fattinet, corderoys; fupetfise, middling, and coarfe broadcloths, brown buckram, ftriped and checked worfted lute firings, 10 nail, 11 nail, 3 qr.

7 8ths, yard wide, and yard 3 Sths linen and cotton checks, cotton bclland and French flripe, coarfe white and Taylors coloured thread, Scotch thread No. 7 to 50, beft Glouceftcr pins, common and Whitechapel needles 5 an affortmer of plated Bath and white metal, Pinch beck, ftcel, and other flioe and knee buckles, white metal and horn coat and veil buttons, ftock locks and padlocks, and HL hinges, fmiths anvils and tizet, carpenters augers, hammers, rules, frying pans, fhovels and tongs, fad irons, handfaws and miltfaws, fcythes, from 4S to 54 inche, rron candleftickt; fleet fnuffers, co'rkfcrews, marking irons, tec. an afibrtmeRt cf cutlery, confifling of bene fh am buck, buck flag, ebony, acd other table and defert knives and forks, piftel cap, cutteau and butchers knives, Barlow and other penknives, fciflars, razors, fhcars, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, and aod, nails, in hah cafks, hob, pump, clout and trunk nails, Taylor's befl window glafi, ix by 9, 10 by 8, and 9 by 7 (crates of cream coloured ware, crates of flint glafs ware, hogfheads of dclph ware, all well afforted) boxes and kegs of large and fmall bowl, long and fhort pies an affortment of pewter difhes, pistes, bafons, mugr, fpaons, feaming and roping twine, common pack twine, and a quantity of feine twine, fah li'neaa large affortment of iron pots, kettles, camp ovens, chair and cart boxes, window weights, cafes of rolled plate iron, of btimflone, copperas, madder, redwood, allom, Sec. red lead, Spanifli brown, white lead, ground in oil, and unground, magnefia and lead" ore pigeon, duck, goo fe and fwan fhot, and bar lead, and FP powder, wool and cotton cards, boxes of tin plates, Bullock! and Cook's fail cloth, heavy and light, iron and brafs wire, fweeping and hearth bmhes, boys, youths, and men felt hatl, boxes of womens calimancoe, lading and damafk fboes, af for ted, 5, 6, and 7 dozen in a box, pott and toolfcap paper, and brown iheathing paper alfo cables of 10 and 2 inches, and a variety of other cordage, forge hammers and anvilt) grindftones, and a few hampers of good Briftol beer. TRACT of LAND, containing about Soo acres, Jt, fituate in Baltimore county, near to Hood's Mill, on Pa tapfco Falls, and within one mile of faid mill, and within four miles of two other Merchant mills, that always give Baltimore tewn price for wheat, and within 19 miles of faid town the foil is good for grain or grafs, and has an extenfive range.

For particulars, enquire of Ed ward Cook, at Mr. William Ot ley's, adjoining to faid land. W. Wei Cain titiHtJbip, Cbefier County, April ZX, I771. FORT SHILLINGS Reward.

RU away from his bail, a ceitain William HaUsa, about 21 or tz years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high; of a redifh grey eyes, firaight black hair, fomewh'at round fLo'uldered, is fond of fpirituous liquors, and given to fwearing when in liquor; had on, when he went away, a carrot coloured coat, white cotton jacket, buckikin breeches, blue yarn ftockings, coarfe (hoes, almoft new, brafs buckles baa wrought fome time paft at the turning bufinefs. Whoever takes up tbe faid Hanna, and lodges him in any of his Majesty's goals, fo as he may be brought to juflice, fhal) have the ibove reward and reafonable charges, paid by Tames Machlin B. It is fuppofed he is about the eity of Philadelphia all ufters of vefiels are forbid to carry him off, at tkeir peril i lOTSEIIlxII OUL HUNDK Twenty DOZ SICKLES, now prepar ing for the Harvest, by Jamcs Hkkosicks, Cut ler, South Side of Matket flreet, the fourth Door above the Prifon, they will be doce wish the utmoft Care, and fold at the lowefl Rates, and enfured to be good. I yf LARGE $uamtry cf SCTTHES and SICKLES, prepared for the enfuing Harvefi, end to be fold (Fbslefale cr Retail by tbe Subfcriber, living in TbirJ fircct, between Mar ke! and Arcb fireetsi Afo Iron Work f.r Grifi and Saw mi'lt, Clothier and Timber, Screws, Smith's Belkwi, and mefi Sorts cf Smith's Work. Tbe.

William Dawson. Saw Mixl SAWS, And a Urge QU AKTITY of I S. ED and ZEN of Made in the neateft Manner, and fold, at the loweft Rates, by BENJAMIN RE In Cheftnut flrect, between Fourth and Fifth ftreets, and next i Door to JohnRofs, Efq; Phil adilphia. J5 PHI LABEL PH I A Printed by DAY I HALL, and WILL I A SELLER at the Niw PukthioO 2a near tho Markit. Ill Illin iiniHninnniniTinmnfTrnnnnTTTnn IfTTIlITIIIIITTTIITlII TIT I TTTrfTTfr.

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