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The Freeman's Journal or The North-American Intelligencer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jjfafe; he was detached, as formerly mentioned, Captain Clap, in the brig Lion, arrived at Port with 21 warriors, and a few fcldiers, to reconnoitre land on Saturday the 24th It. from Port au Prince, the Miami villages, "and returned to Fort Jcfferfon isforms. that on the 5th November a treaty was two days after the aflioa between oar army and the Concluded betwixt the white people and mulattoes fnaceJ Qn 013 way t0 tne ort he difcovered that ind all things remaiued in perfect fuietnefs till our army had been defeated, bat faw none of the the 21ft, on the morning of which the peace was enemy,, who raiftaking Piomingo'a party fulemnly ratified. At 12 o'clock, however, the for fome of his own comrades made up to them whites very imprudently undertook to execute a mu he perceived his. miflake, but too late to retreat lattoe criminal, who was before confined under fen he was accofled by Piomingo, with Rafcal, tence of death.

There were at this time about 1250 you have been killing white men." He endea mulattoes in the town all of were provided voured to exculpate himfelf, but Piomingo ordered with arms, for the defence of themfelves and of two of his warriors to expand his arms, and a third the white people, againft the negroes. They were (an old man, for, fays Piomingo, none of my highly offended, however, with the execution of young men (hall difgrace themfelves fo much as to one of their colour and the majority of them, not kill a wretch like to flioot him through the thoroughly imderfUnding the propriety of the mea heart, which was accordingly executed they after Aire, feized on the fir ft white man who came within wards took off his fcalp. their reach, and hung him by the neck till he ELIZABETH TOWN, (Maryland) Jan. 4. a Jhe the fame day at Wli are forry to inform out readers that his Ex alf Paft 4 0 dock, the whites feat a flag to the rnu.

cellency George Planter, Efq. the Governor ftiting the impropriety of their conduct, of this Hate, is dangeroufly ill in confequence of and commanding them eithffr t0 lay down their nnHrrtanH. th AfTVmklv ui ohhapri tn wr icavc IHC IUW11. AO mis vnc mUMUU adjouro without the final completion of their bufi aefs. Capt.

Lewis, we are happy to fay, is returned from the Weltern expedition, in tolerable health he informs that the furviving officers of the levies were all on their, way home; and that Quarter Mailer Reynolds, fdd to be killed in the engagement, is among the living. PH I A I January 1 8 On Friday lafl the Secretary communicated the foil twing nifflage and letter to both Houfes of the Legiflature of this commonwealth. To the Senate and Houft of Rtprtfentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennjyivania. 'Gentlemen. TO relieve you from the anxiety arifing from the carrent report, that Fort Franklin has been taken the Indians, 1 have directed the Secretary to lay before you a copy of a letter, that 1 have received, by this day's pod, from the inhabitants of Pittf irgh, which bears a date fubfequent to the information, on which that leport is founded.

THOMAS MIFFLIN. Philadelphia, 13th Jan. 1792. Sir, WE have the honour of acknowledging the re ctiptof your Excellency's letter of the twenty, ninth furance of a protection from the general government, as alfo the commonwealth. Wearehapf that the plan, pointed out by the Secretary of WarvVor a guard to our frontiers, has fo nearly'coincided with our own ideas refpecling patroles, with this alteration only, that we think Extra3 cf a letter from Pittfiurgb, 'January 5.

"Voa I rvernment for the protection of the frontiers of tai ftate, a general movement of the inhabitants will take place." Extraa of a letter from Dublin, OSoler 1 5. ouvuv uic viuv.k oa a nuriuay evening a very J. I I I 1 fa flooded, particularly the Judge's feat, that ouna neccllary to adjourn the Court, which "4 been open for the trial of civil bills." fpiritedly replied, That they would not do either of them and immediately took up their arms, and paraded in a large Areet near the Governor's houfe. The whites, amounting to 2200, loll no time on their part, in making preparation to attack the mulattos. And at 5 o'clock an attempt wa made to furround them which however, proved ineffec Xl vu, by a collection, arrangement, and pre fervation of the objecls of natural biftory, and things ufeful and curious, in June 1785, he began to collect fubjedts, and to preferve and arrange them in the Linxan method his labours therein have been great, and difappointments many, especially re fpeding proper methods of preferving dead animals from the ravages of moths and worms.

In vain he hath fought, from men, information of the effectu udc uu news iioui any or me varriions 1 1 tawrmi mi finr Uftrt 7 a methods ufed in foreign countries and after ex nnce lalt polt, except from Venango (Fort Frank a ,1 aa Ran for fi; jl 1 t.v penencme the moftpromifinp ways recommended in lawful Han for fix .1 iv is luciHiuucu oy iamc pacK norie men tnat rrived here ycfletday from that place. The accounts they have there of the lofs of thesjndians in engagement with Gen. St. Clair's army is faid oe ubout 150 or the ravages, and a number wouud Unlefs lome vitrnmm mrafurr flr uAnntr A Kv length difcovered a method of prefervation which 1 1 il fl 1 I 1 v.j ne is periuaaea win prove encciuai an very favourable appearance in practice, and far furpaffes all others that has come to his knowledge Never thclefs, it will be obliging in gentlemen to inform him of tbe belt practices in Europe, or elfewhere. The difficulties of preferving fubjects being thus VVVI VUI11VI IllVi 4 IV warns ww 1 tan ot ram began, which continued with an object of earned attention to many individuals, treat violence till between eight and nine yefterday with fentiments of gratitude he thanks the friends joorning (being upwards of twenty hours without to the who have geoeroufly added to his intermiffion).

It then began to abate, but did not collection a number ot precious curiofities from ma entirely ceafc till between one and two o'clock. In ny parts of the world from from India; confequence fl which feveral parts of the city were from China from the Iflands of the great Pacific mui w.icr, 10 me no imau 101s ana in ucean, ana irom amereai parts 01 America; lorac iTciucnce or many 01 the inhabitants. That part the Tholfe 1 where the Recorder's Court is held whereof are the more precious as they have been but very recently difcovered, even by the great voyagers of Europe. He lefpcctfullv requefts a continuance of their favours, and the afli fiance of all prrfons win may be pofleffed of things curious that they can fpare, whether thct may be of America, of any of ther part of the wcrld all will command his grateful acknowledgements as valuable prefects to himfelf, to the public, and to future generations. He is the more earnellly bent on enlarging the collection with a greater variety of beafts, birds, fifties, infects, reptiles, vegetables, minerals fhells, fofCIs, medals, old coins; and of utenfils, cloa thing, arms, dyes and.

colours, or materials for colouring, or for phyfici from amongft the Indian, African, or other favage people and all particulars although but in model or delineation promifing to be ufeful in advancing knowledge and the arts in a' word, all that is likely to be beneficial, turious entertaining to the citizens of the New World But, lias! adttign fo vail, and, he is bold to important, is far beyond the fiender abilities pfatni individual whofe profefOonal iodullry is neceiTatylbr the fupport of a numerous family. Animated with the generous patronage he his already received, and by the magnitude of the objtct, which he fondly hopes will procure the attention of the public, he now refpectfully folicitt their aid to enable him to raife this tender plant, until it (hall grow into full maturity, and become a National Museum. With harmony little things become great all the fplcndid Mufeums of the great European nations have arifen from the foundations laid by individuals. America bas in this a conipicuous advantage over all tual. A fcvere conflict enfued.

in which from co other counrries, from the mvelti of its vad territo to 100 whites were killed, and among them a Co ries. But a fraall number is yet known of the amaz lonel. it The mulattoes fought bravely and with ing variety of animal, vegetable and mineral proof a number killed, and 150' who were ta ducHoni, in our foreils of iooo our inLnd ot a numDer killed, and tec tne lols eight men will not be competent to patrole the bullet through the head or a bavonet into their bow country between this place and Fort Franklin, els. which would greatly add to the general fafctv of this place and county, as alfo to receive any immediate information from that garrifon. This day about forty five volunteers, from Wafh ington and this county, marched from this place as in efcort to provifion to Fort' Franklin, in conference of a letter, from Lieutenant JefFen of the twenty.fixth ot December, a copy of which we had the honour to enclofe your Excellency by the laft pod.

We fhall do ourfelves the honour of communicat ken prifoners they beat their way through the feas, our many rivers, that roll through fcveral flates, whites took two fie'd pieces, and marched out ot aud mingle with the Ocean, town 1 at half pift five the town was fecretly fot on A Mofeum llorcJ with thef: treafures mud indeed fire in two places. 'A timely difcovery was how become one of thefirflin the world; the moie fo, ever made, and the fire extinguifhed. About two as the principal in Europe will be anxious 1 o'clock the next morning it was again fet on lira in to acquire our productions, by an exchange of wbat fix different places. Ar.d the inhabitants were now ever is molt valuable in their refpewlive couniries and. no longer able to fubdue the flames.

A general foreign colonies. conflagiation took place; and almoll every valuable Mr. Peale means perfonally to folicit the affillance building except the King's ftore were bur it of gentlemen whofe regard forfcienccis well known: down. Property to the amount of millions was de if there are thofe who would become InjpicUrt or ftroyed, and thofe who on the 21ft of November ViJUort of the Mufcum, their united aid and inflj were worth two or three hundred thoufand dollars, ence, he is confident, would greatly promote a on the 22d, were not in the poffeflion of a fingle fign that is truly wonhy of American patriots and Gulling. They were even fed, as were air the in citizens of the world.

habitants, with provifions drawn from the King's CHARLES W. PEALE. ftores. Philadelphia Muftum, Jan. 13, 1792.

Immediately after the town was deftroved, the whites (on the idea that the blacks were acceflory to its deduction) formed the horrid defign of putting to death all the negro and mulattoe women and childrcva.who remained in the And this de fign, to the eternal infamy of the perpetrators, was put immediately into execution. An indifcrimi nate (laughter took place, and not one who could be found during that day, whether innocent or guilty, but was lnitantlv butchered, eitner by a Captain Clap left Port au Prince the 25th of November at which time the town was flill fur rounded by the mulattoes and negroes. The whites were greatly difcouraged and were difpofed to make peace on any 'terms. We hear that "Mr. T.

Francis, Cafhier of the Bank of North America, has refigned, and that Mr. Richard Wells is chol'en in his flead. to which they are entitled for fix mon nual penfion, from the 4th day of Se f.p'4 ta and 79 oners der Every application for payment mud be accompanied by the following vouchers. if).

The certificate given by the ftate, fpecifying that the perfon po fir fling the fame is in fact an invalid, and ascertaining the fum to which as fuch he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeable to the following form B. eamt htfirt me, tne tht JJlitet the ttunty i the Jjate and made oath ibtt he it tbtjame A. Jf.

tfwbm ibi irt ing to yr Excelled T. the Citizen, cf the United Statu of America, Mr. ginal certificate i bi, pcfefanva, given vbUbth, receive 1 orm.uon Pg ale tig, teave t.prejent the follwing rejpeQ. filling a c.pj (the certificate given the fiat, We have the'honour of being your Excellency'. 'Address.

Ar J. r. 8 7 xceiicncy t9rp, er vrjtj at tbt urn, he wat difabltd, anduat obedient, humble formed toeflablilh Muse tort, or vtljtl) at the Urn, he was dtla fervanu. Pittlburgh, 5th Jan. 1792 A.

Tannehil. John Gibson, George Wallace, John Irwin. James O'Hara. TAVING a defisrn a he new refidtt in the and county tf and hat rtfided there ftr tbt lafi years, fr, vious to nvbicb bt rtfidtd in 1 In cafe an invalid (hould apply for payment by an attorney, the faid attorney, befides the certificate and oath above recited, mud produce a fpecial letter of attorney agreeably to the following form county of ftate of do hereh confiitut, and appoint C. D.

0 tmj attorney, to rteeivt in my btbalf of ny'" months, at an invalid of tbe United States, if r. fuch books as he had read, they proved ineffectual VVVJ iijA 1 ir tA and ninety one, and ending lb, fourth day of September to prevent depredations by the vermin of America. i 1 rX v. of tbe fame year. oiruw iuu gnea ana 0 leaiea in the prefence of Ifituffes.

Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and adminiftrators auft be accompanied with legal evidence of their refpec tive office, and alfo of the time the invalid died whofe penfion they may claim. By command of the Prefident of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War, The Printers in the rrfptdive fiates are rtfurfitd to fnblijb the above in their uevijpapers, for the jpact of two months WANTED immediately, a Journeyman Bookbinder, to go to Lancafter. En quire of the Printer. WAR DEPARTMENT.

January 1, 1702. TNFORMATION is hereby given to all the mU htary invalids of the United Mates, that the iumi I which will becomedue on the 5th )2, will be paid on the faid day by the coinruiili of the Loans within the State ni the ufual rroalitions. viz. the ufual regulations, viz.

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