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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'I'll I I 'A 5 6 June MONITOR Xf. IN 1 ivi AiL witn tne uncercit zeai ror year prw fpcrity an4 happinefs, founded, as they intfvirably are, on the prefeVvation of our liberties, I havd been attentively watching of events, at this dangirou period and obtaining the beft intel from Britain, that I might efdme my office of laying be bteyott the intention of thof, who would by fraud or force an jjjiilate our free conftitution. Jean cow'furniih you with filch an account of things from the ffoft authentic information, as will, I hambly conceive, perfuade pUj that the moft fatal meafures are meditated and executing a jaiaft the liberties of America meafures which we arexalled upon, by every thing facred and dear to us, to fruftrate by a firm ad unanimous oppofition. On the firft day of this fefiion of Parliament, Mr. Hans Stanly aMinifterial man, in feconding the motion for an addrafs to King, declared, that the late duty at waslaid exprefly to" iring the queftion of right to a derifion, and that care had been taken to draw the troops from the frontiers to the great towns, to iafure its fuccefs.

My Lord North, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, gave it, as lis opinion, that they ought to have America proftrate at their fcet, before they even deigned to liften to her complaints. In both Houfes of Parliament, every falfe and inflammatory letter, from Governor Bernard, and the Commifiioners of theCu jbnrt, is prefented, perufed, and heard with applaufe while every thing, that might detect them, and vindicate us, is carefully fipprsfled; a fate which has alfo attended our Petition, MemD nl and Remonftrance. It is not, that the Parliament tpi'nted with the exiftence of fuch papers, but the Minifhy in ftmthe Lords and Commons, they do not think proper to pre fwtthem, unlefs calkd for at the fame time they arefecure of a majority againft any fuch motion. By this manoeuvre they art fjUy fecure themfelres from any futuro Parliamentary cenfure Ind withhold that evidence, which would manifefl: the fallacy of ticirreprefenting the oppolition in America as partial and factious. The fentiments at Court, it may be depended' on, are moft unfavourable to our rights and no one is countenanced there, who 4oe pot echo abfoluttf fubmiifion in the fubjcfl.

Widi the prefcnt Minifters, every pernicious tale bearer, from AfiiSric a is heafd, applaudtd and believed every relator of truth indeed, but not credited. The agnt for the Matfachufetts Iay5: was directed to preterit a petition from the Delaware Counts which, when' he pttfented, the Secretary of State received, ith this oHervation I fuppofe, Sir. this was drawn up at ibme Hse houfe in ajid fent down for them to gn. Sach is the'naanery the conftitutioaal complaints of the jeople are treated. the and raaftuacurerft ve can have 1x9 hope, but S3 we make them Wy Cnee; otherwife, they move nly to pay ib sir court.

to" thti Nlmiftry, Srtd for that reafon have been quiet this feTion and immofaW by all the efforts of the friends to 'America. coatendins'prties. ffom vhieh an artitriiril ifccliaed Court, will Always fdetl; a Mihiftry adapted its purpefee. parties difHnuifhed by the tt ames of their, ledtb irito that of Bed fcrfRockiRgrratrf, Grfrtine" and 5kellttrn firft is now men abaindined11 in' 'WtofalSj dsfporite ih fortunes, and t( thc Codrt, whitlt they ar parfiiin ith blind teal, as aaft inevitably work the Aiiri of tba conftkutida, or cf thcmfelves; Thefe are aVowd and vicknt eaemiaa Uo the liberties of Grcat Britainy afi Amria; "Ther Rockingham jatty are friendstc'tra4ei the peo ple; but to the hftort of the right of evtr zTtbey ertfinv, though1 iahSxs. executipn they Wduld fee mare temperaie than the former or thaa the preAvnUiftnprty, virtue or ability, has too mafch cunning to attempt any thing againft Great Britain but are with art, ohflinacy and seleatmerHf, eagerly fclliciting in opportunity of wreaking thfeir: vengeance on.

us. Mr. G'renvillev's party is therefore in vioknt dpobfttion to the pre ifent Minifiry, on every queftion but tht ef Americav Thelaft party, kd by our firm and unalterable fKend 'Lord 5hlrne are the only men, who, on the great ground liberty and the cenftitution, 'ftiU think' and maintain the Parliament has no right to tax us; 'they are true inends to both. countries on virtuous principles, and iaa Court more favourable to the liberty of the fubject, might libpe for countenance and opportunity to fave the conftitution 'from ruin, and the people fronvopprefiion. Bit at there is little profpecl: of their ever gaining fuch afcendency in admini ftration', as will enable thenito compleat their benevolent purpofes ft that allUve can1 expeft from them, is to declaim, without cea ng, againft meafures they cannot prevent.

We have fee a Lord Shclburne in adminiftration but fingle againft all the foes of America, therefore incapable of ftemming the oppreffive torrent. Such, my countrymen; is the true ftate of affairs in Great Britain, from which I cannot but obferve, that the prefervation of Out liberties depends wholly wpos your wifdoro refoludoa'and virtue. How invaluable a pofTemon liherty effential to the. fecurity cf every blefing you can hopeM enjoy yourfelves, or jueath to your pofterity, has been already ft) fully explained, that I need not dwell "upon it now 5 nor will1 1 entertain a doubt, that any among you" will tamely fee it violated, cr hefitate to op poft, whenever it fhallj be invaded. The eyes of all Europeare tow turned upon America, and the friends to freedom expeitiuch a conduct from you, a becomes a people animated with the facred fpirit of liberty, and impreilfcd wih.a juft fenfe of your conftitu tional rights.

That the rhcani cf vmdkatixg your infuUed Tibertiei are in your power, cannot be doubted; and' hope time wiila ftify me in thinking your rrfolu lion to ufe them, is ecrually unque iticnable. Mr. RIND, I Be flcafsj to infrt tbt fcUrxlr. tnt: yz r.ti Gaxxttz, end 'tire jour 'frit, US. My dear Courtrmexi 1 i TH times "indeed are big with danger arid alarm and we ftand upon the ptccipice of ruin and mifery.

are there tore called upon by reafon, prudence, and a tender regard, for our twenty, to ufe the means which nature hath given us, topro ide for cor Lfety, Lei uS'put on a refoluUon etjuai ta the mighty tereft in the public fafety, join in common xheafures'tb defend the public fafety. We have now an opportunity of refcuing the con ftitution, and fettling it upon a firm and folid bafi. Let us not then ceafe our endeavours, until we have accomplilned that de Arable end. We claim nothing hew v6 defire hothing more than the privileges of Brtiih' the continuance ofs that cohffi tution which we have long and peaceably enjoyed, No Government can lorie fuofirf, but by recumne often to Its firft nrinrinTic TTi nreviili nsr nnniDip nf nf onvirnrrtnt ti dark virtue. If we would be hatfov.

we muft be more attentive to it than HALL, of thi City Prinsers, has now been exDired a hove three Years, and thfl? Notice ha beer' often given to thofe jnacDtea to pay, yer, as unie or novxegard OSS been thereto, they are obligfed (as theirAccounts nfafi be clofed) once more to let all concerned know, that if they dd 'tcb corse and clear off their refpeftive Bailances for the Gazette Advertiiements and other Printing Bunefsr in two" Mouths' from this Date, they will be under the difagreeable Nece2ity? cf bringing them to fettls in a Manner that will be troublefome to them, as well as to FRANKLIN and HALL. Philadelphia "June ZZ 176C1. AL Perfons indebted to DAVID ALL, for Books, or other arc requefted to pay. whereas a Number of Perfons have greatly exceeded the, Time they propofsd to fettle with him in, Notice is hereby given to them in "particular, that if they do not pay off their refpettive Accounts, in two Months from this Date, they may expect, to be called upon in another Manner, by v. DAVID HALL.

5 n't June 22, 1769. Jie Pennsylvania 1 2.113. '1 Containing the Frejheft Ad vices Fd feign a. Numb it r.w VT becafibn: Let us exert a (pirit worthy of Bnto worthy of fVce Tueiaay, the ith of tuiv next, it 5ne uVfei men, vvho deierve liberty. Letautnoie wno nave.

a common in Al Afternoon, will ben thl Siu. at nhhV 1 1 vviw an, on Witiahukon Road, of all the Houftiold and Kitthea Furniture of xhe late Capuin WilUanr doceafcd, con fifting of great Variety alfo all the live Stock ori the Farni, and Jmplements of Huibandry. JbiladtlphVai Jane 1769, ABSCONDED, from thSubfcriber, the 20th of May hrl, a crtain fohn 6radleVari Enelifliman. about 6 feet complexion.1 thrn vifaedi terv nim'and Wor. hitnuin ad brown cloth jacket, double brdiftedi a ftriDed lineri we hitherto have been i Bv that Onlv can libertv be DreTerved and ditto, cloth breeches, a 'pair of ticken dlttb" werfted ftocIcin, on the preferation of depend 'eitf liajpinefi.

by virtue ayd calffkin pumps took. with him, a bay 4 years 1 here mean a love for our country, waich milcpS us" pursue, with w1 a fa' his forehead about 14 hands high; peaces alacrity, fuch msafureV zi tend! to its' prefervation and chearfuBy aHd trots 'ikewife an old fiddle with a new and aname refift the temptations cf eafe and luxury, liberty bridle. Whoever talces up and fecutea faid Bradley, arid Horfc incompatible. For luxury and idienefs bring cti general dipra the owner may have thefh jTKali Have THREE vationof manners, fets ui from atf tfierefrraihts' ot "POUNDS reward, 'or Thirty Shilling fot the rriah, and both private and puhlic virtue, arid divertscnrf thdugtfs from ex Thirty Shillings for the horfe, with reasonable charges, paid By amining the behaviourjnd poKtJcy of artful ind dejigriiog men, Joseph THOltKiiitL. who meditate our ruin, and wsuld facrifice neir country for thejr private emolument.

From immorality and exceJTes we fall into necefiity, and this leads' us to a fefvile dependa'nea upon and fits us for the chains prepared" for. us." Whilft velive at eafe, and" in luxury, we cinn'o btoeyfuade4 Id fee diftant dangers, of which w6 feel hd paf. tnec.ofipujicu then, nmner for reforma'tidris" in I ovrti'mnf. are hn 'jJr awakened by misfortunes, andfenfible df of pmeat "4Sre "hd there is 6ft faid plantation a large i ftory brick evils. Such, mv countrymen; is thd" pfefeht coniuhitufe and ncyuie "cjc Kitcrien, good barn, and ftables, covered with we may turn our misfortunes to our aJvaritagS.

if we" win confi4ci an exceeding geod fpring and fpring houfe, very convt our oppremon as an opportunity given us by miulgent Providence na a gooa gnu ana uw mm, witnin ftait a to fave ourfelves. The meafures, for this" end5, pfopofed by our of fai1 Place 5 large good garden, well paled in late ReprefenUtives in their affociatioh, are wife and, falutary. an lpe fine orchard, containing about 600 apple trets of the We fhouid adopt them' without hefitation They greatly cteiefve ef eft kinds, and a great number of Engliih and other cherry our attention; and the example is worthy of imitation. They 'r3. The title to the whole is indifputable.

The purchafer fhouid know that we approve their conduci; and ourapproHation paying one third of the purchafe moneydown, or may of it cannot be fd well mahifefted, as; oy purfuing the meafures aVfl anX time under ten years for the remainder for terms of they have prefcribed. Whoever will reflect on fheVm cans cfed to agreement, apply to Captain John Singleton, near Newark, procure a repeal of the AEi, arid he go'dd effecwfocH Sbfcriber, 1 George MDowxtt. fulted therefrom, will fur ely perceive the proprje'ty of the prctent aiiociation, and admit tne necellity for lucn a conduct. Similar caufes will undoubtedly produce like effects." If regjrd to our own manufactures, and a refolutio'h not to jmpdrt thofe of jtrliaw, until that act was repealed, did" then ivzlt ys the (uccsfs' of the prefent meafure is wa ranted and nothing roore is rejuifitey but an unfeigned and urianimous exertiori of our powefj to execute 'ff. Let the contention among us be, tlicn who pi'ail moflf cohtrlbute invitation or Heaven to be nappy, let us from tins moment of Heavenfo be Eut let uVftHs moment purfue our real mtereit, and refolve to pay that jattention to the manufatures of our dwn countryi wh'icli4 alone can' continuVusa free and hapy people.

TA told that frnce the dii5blutica of the late Aflcciblyy a laree number of Gentlemen hive came intn i That you may 'jedgg IvW little? bentfit wo era to expet from to buy or import frota GreaoBritainy after a limited time cef. change of Miniftry; .1 wV5i give you a Aot cKaxaaer of the tai enumerated articles among which is eloth. not to be hi ther 5T in price than Eight Shillings a yard I fltali be glad to know why that cannot be irholly laid aftde. Perhaps the: anfwer will be, that there is not wocl furBcient in the country to clothe the To.bc ty the Subfcribeiy Living in Water ftreet, between Arch and Market ftrcets, A PLANTATION; containing iod acres of good land, fituated about two miles from the Crofs Roadi, in New London townfhip, Chefter county; one half of which is choite wood Jarid acres good Watered meadow aisd the remainder (ft; iron I Reward. jfj UN away from Lancafter, ori the 3d of November lair.

tfuuny, KTiiiK ia ier iireec. oetwern Market and Arch ilreets, an Irifh fcrvant man, named Teremi ah by trade a much of the broeue on his is about 5 feet 7 inches high, full, faced, much pitted cwith.the fmall pox, fair fhott hair, an impudent look, and ttA promoted falutary a purPdfe; Let us not fbblimly peglea the ti 5 I "h' wKlf0'' Station Lppy. hFS in, uryvrn wpoca nocmngs, new anoea, witn buejcles, new felt hat he is a tolerable good fcholar, and probably may forge a pafs. He was biely. imported on board the.

(hip Myrtilla, Captain. Caton, from Cork. Whoever takes up faid fervant, fo that hisxnafier may hafe hirn again, ihall have the above. rc ward, and all reafonable charges, paid, by 7o. Giobce M'Dowjclia: RAN USA Smitb, in Lancafier, MAKES, and fells, all kinds of copper workj fuqh "a ftills, wafhiag kettles, brewine kettl.

tn inhabitants; averyplatmhle anfwer. Bui have ws no lubftitute? ditto, faucepans, coffee and chocolate pots, Dutch ovens Will not cotton, mad4 into cfothr anfwer every purpofe cf duroy Thofe who pleafe to favour him with their cuftom, may depend andfaggathyf.r the fummer, and viii not deer ikins make as good upon beirigi well feryedj; and as cheap as can bvmade by any aiid: commendable vf aiftcoatW as they da breeches Both thefe ar Pfoft.Said Sanderfpn on the feme banilcft in Yoik tide we have, in foch plenty, as to make up ail the deficiency of i.Town, oppofite Michael Swoop's, Cfgj where who have wofci, and befidey by wearing of leather mannfaclurcd in America, a mind to apply may be fupplied, on as reafonable Terms as at we maU kill a biro or cent marc with, the fame ftonef for the hi therudrelier, tho hreecheSMiiakcry; and the glove naker, will all ant bufinefar asd who tnovrs but here and there, a collector may want a little bufisUfs as there will be. no duties to receive. BUCKSKIN. i 0 0 March 2i fglkwinpr MJrcft has cen prefenud tbh Maeh the Earl ef Denbigh Whch his Majejiy ivas flcajed to receive very grachujlj To KING'S moft Excellent Majefty, The humble Add reft.

the Mayor, Bailiffs, and, Burgffes of Leicefier, in. Coromon Council affcmbladV May it pleafe your Majefty, POSSESSED with. a. ft of our happy conftltution, and. animated wilK a Jively and ariye gratitude for your Majefty's conftant and inviolable attachment to itj we fee and 'fee with the utxaoft, coiiceTaa the bewitching jfpirit of licentiouihfifti; theired riame of difturb ing the peace of your Majefty's government, difuiedn and diibracling.

the mindaof your Majefty's loyal fuBjecls. As this diftgreeable appearance of things, Jn the mUd reign of a moft Prince our aftoniihrnent ad deteftaticm we dutifully and firmly arcly pn you.r;JVl aj sfty's wif dom and rdfolutioji f.tion of ineafures as may fupprefs the growing evil of UcentiouTnefs, and with the.gre2eft" luimility and iojaltjj dutss. to yoar iajtfty ia gpud a canle y. Lancafter. N.

B. jHe gives the hieheft price for old coDer. brf ter, XJ fsx Csunty; cn.Dtldware. the fixtft day of Tune inftant. was taken a w.

by John Wood, of Lewis Town. Deing a runaway, and committed to the coal of the to uoty aroreiam; and upon examination, he is found to anfwer every delcriatioir (except his'cloathing, which he fays is chaoged) of fa boy in the Pennfylvania Gazette, No. 2 no. by John Brockenbrdugh, of HobVs HoIe, in Virginia. His rrla fter may have him again, by applying to .51 Bqaz Maniovi, Sheriff.

Jty A found on Sunday morning, the 14th of May laft, W'' in the great1 road near Plymouth Mecting houfe a POCKET BOOK, with a fmall fum of. money' in it. The owner, by defcribing the book, and ytfe money therein, and paying the coft, may fzsve it again, by applying to Tho Mas BxACltxrgg, in Plymouth townfhip, Philadelphia county. UN away, lalt night, from the Subfcriber, Jivicg in Monmouth county Eaft New Terfey; an indented ferraer calls himfelf. XLL.I AM KELLY, he is a yellow fellow, part Indian, and part about 40 years of ae a well made ftrong fellowr about 5 feet.

8 oj 9 inches high had on when he went old.beavrr bat, a hemefpun li giit coloured cloth jacket, under ditto of the fame, ftriped flannel flrirt old leather hreeches.rord yarn fiortkins, and old (hoes has i ffant ti 176a; lareefcaron the outfide of his riihtlee. cut bva frvtKiI HERE AS the1 PartheriHpv ef FRANKLIN and Riven to drink, and is very talkative. Whoever tak fecures. faid' fervant, fo that his mafter may have him again ihali receive Frty Shillings reward, and reafonable charees paid by Junejs, 1769. Jos.

Saltak. Lancafier Cuunty, Juee 4, 1769 RUN away, laft night, from' the Subfcriber, living in Do negall tvWBfhip, arid cocnty aforefaidj anEnglrfli fervant man, named Jofeph Pearfori," about 19 or ao years of age, 5 feet 5 ihchej high, of a fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, walks very wide, and fimps with his left leg had on, and took with him, an old afh coloured cloth co'at au'd jacket, botne mde" an old beaver hat, one tow (birr, one herap ditto, and trowfers' old rooes, tied with ftrings Whoever takes up faid fervant' and fecures kim in any of his Majeftys goals, in faid province and fends word, fo as his mafter may have him again, fliall or may receive Three Founds reward, and all reafonable charges TN from A' Fir more new Aivertiftaumee iht Fourth Page. 1.

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