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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Philadelphia, December u. 17491 A Wednefday at night, the rift, of Fe- To bs fold or leti upon rent-for ever, tt 1 A II VI Yt bruary laft, was lloien out or the haute of Mi- Pce I Of a LOTTERY to be fet (ii4Ci unci, a tjuvicij-jaui, i uku ui mi- uu- fa icct wiac upuu mc river, ana auoui coo icet JOng, an 4 60 Prizes Blanks Prizes. Value ef each. Total Value. 1.

1. of 500 is 500 a of 250 are 500 cj of 100 are 900 20 of 50 are 1000 .40 of 20, are 800 260 of 10 are 2000 1880 of al. 10s. are 4700 Firft drawn 40 2152 Laft drawn 60 I. 10500 0 Xooo Tickets, at 30s.

each, is 13000 I. From which deduct 12 and a half per Cent, is .1500 1 12000 The drawing to begin on the 23d day of April ntxt, or fooner, fooner full, of whjch timely notice will be gi TO BE SOLD, Alfo Frankford fuftian, a black taffety jacket, double-breafted, lined with road, a mile from town, with a fpring.of water in the crimfon coloured taffety, without pockets, a man's Eng- middle of it, and a parcel of the belt grafted fruit treev lib velvet jockey cp, a fine bolJand fhirt ruffled, two apples and cherries, that aow bear plentifully. Alfo fe-linnen petticoats with calicue a pair of check veral lots of pafture ground, near the feuth; bounds of trowfers, an old long lawn handkerchief, fundry baby- this city, containing 4, 5, or 6- acres each, well watered deaths) and fundry things unknown. Any perfon that and fhaded with trees, and in good order for mowing, any of the faid things are offer to fale, are defiled to Alfo fundry lots of near the-uptown New-mar-ftop the thief, fo as he may be brought to juftice, and ket place, upon Second-Greet continued. Alfo feverai the fubferiber will pay the pcifon for fo doing THREE lots 01 ground upon Society-hill, near the New-markets Michael Iskail.

For further particulars enquire of William Shippen, at N. B. The laid Ifrael loft a forrel horfe lait Septem- ms houlem at his mop in Fourth-ftreet ber, about i4--hrj'ds high, a whice mane and tail, bran- at the iignof the Paracelfus head, where all forts of me-ded on ths near fhoutder Mand on thenear buttock chymical and galenical, are faithfully lame behind, feverai fdddl with a b-ld face. Whoever the owner mav have iUichael Ifrael E- it Ipots, and laod all round, wnere every practitioner may oe lupply with any fc cures fid horfe, fo that ticular medicine in-the chymical way! according to hii him again, fhall be paid by faid own recipe, and where a large parcel of frefh drugs, jufV SHILLINGS. imported from London, are to be fold very cheap.

Alfo i. i 7 Sauir prand elixir, rtateman a drniu. n. fti vcq, tbit fh choofe to be p.clc, may i.1 penon iuueuu w- uur cnaic i-r-n- Stoughton'. bitter, Ba.bado.

oU of its the ticket! put into the boxes. J- as B. wes, cece.ftd, tic defi.ed to par the fame We hope thofe who ih well to the education of the immedntely 5 ail thofe who have any demands Wt and aImoft a rifing generation will encoge defign to againft the eft.xe are defied fettle the fame, that iron wcights, Dutch ftoves, iron back, for chim- Vfurnifh the youth with all ufeful learning, -andat the they may be paid (the teftator Having ordered all dcbt wr0U2hd' pIain, 0f diff fircs. fn inr fhir mmHc hrrinrinls nf mo riiir rn him tn he collected in, and what hp inrithrpn tn ma His- Li Lai a 1 1 taiwu vaaw -r'- rality and piety. be paid oft foon as pomble.J A riiincaionr nuuuc mc lowniaip or Mia- The following perfons are appointed managers of the To be fold on Thurfdy, the twelfth day of April dletbwn, in Chefter county, about 3 miles fron lottery, viz.

William Branfon, George Spojfbrd, Samuel next, by way cf pubiick vendue, the houfe late belonging the borough of Chefter, containing r8o acres of Smith, Samuel tfaxar William bippen, Jofepb Red- to the afprefaid Francis W.ter land, near ioo whereof is cleared, about 8 acres of good' man, and Andreto Read, in Philadelphia, William Pat- ing in breadth, twenty- one feet, and in length twohun- meadow ground already made, and more to be cleared oa-terfon, at Cbr i ft int-Bridge and James Hude, James dred snd fifty-feet, from the calt fide of. Water-ftreet, the faid premifes, with a good. new brick houfe thereonr Ne'fon, and Samuel Woodruff, in the Jtrfeys who are down to the water, bcunde! north by Thomas Says, and barn, a fuitable quantity of orcharding grown yp, to give and 'be on oath, for the faithful perfor- and iouth by Jofeph Houfe's lot, with the be fold by Jofeph Colbourn, oppofite to "Straw ber ry-alle znance of their truft. very convenient for a mtichant j. it is fubject to a in Mrket-ftreet, Phikdelphia.

1 0 Prizes not demanded within fix month's after the draw- ground-rent of Nine Pounds Ttn Shillings currency per (JN away from the fubferiber of Co in? to be deem'd as given to the ufc of faid Annum, together with Two Pounds Two Shillings neftogo, Lancafter copntyi on the fourth inftanr college, and not to be demanded afterwards, but applied ftetling per Annum to the p.opnetor. an lri(h fcrvant man namcd john Donnoghon. about accordinglv. Likewife tc be fold, on iTucflay, the-firft day May, years.of age, a lufty fellow, fat, and red facedl The tickets are now felling by the managers at their at Trenton, feven lots cf land lying between Thomas- ha8 fhortdark hair, a thin beard; or none almoft. a biT refpeaive Lawrence, Efq 5 and Ehjh Bond slots, near the Stone- belIy andfpeaksbad Englilh had on when be went a- To be fold by publick vendue, on Friday, the 4th day of ij grtyfiw feet in breadth, front- way, an oId hat a worftcd ca an qU cQa M-y next, 5 on King-ft-eet, jin Trenton, and one hundred and wUh largc brafs bwttonsy under it a little white wooW HO'USEind lot of ground in ZfAIrd- tyfe ceep each and onetto.contarmng jacket, coarfe fhirt, doth breeches, both thighs pat-v' JT1 (beet, lately belonging to the Widow Parker, now (' T'l P'" notner blue yarn ftock.Bg., in the tenure of Stephen Potts, the.

lot is 40 foot front, and 132 feet back. The vendue to begin at 10 a lock in the forenoon on the premifes, where attendance will be given by Abraham Parker. ABy perfon. may 7 7 7 T--, Old inoes, cut rrom tne legs or boots, tied with ftrings. broad in the back with one acre, a quarter, and twenty- Likewife run from the fame place, another hWiv feven poles of land, adjoining to the laft mentioaed lor, vantman, named Thomas M'Donough, about 21 year and-to be fold with the faid lot.

nf a liftUMW 1.1 i- 1 rri a. i. or age, a lnort little fellow, commonly looking to the he informed of the tit terms of fale, by app ying to tn nn :ntf.ri.a 7 1 Krouna "cca rEc eyes, moves nis brows-George Flumley, in Third-ftreet; Philadelphia, or faid thern I i f00 fccur.ty, and any greatly as he and has ftort black hair Had oa Parkfr at" VV lmington. 5 ll'Qilphl' pcrfon inchned to purchafe any of the above premifes, or when he went away, a dark brown wig, a worded cap; garker, at uJL, withTthe l'gc felt hat, a grey coat, lined with linfey, the alt Mychs, cutors of the Francis B.wes, deceased. John has been turned, and patched on the ilouldennd an- A 'L perfons that arc indebted TO Samuel Kfey, and Thomas Lawrence, Efqrs.

Mr. Peter De- dcr thc arm, with brown cloth, and colour buttons JLJL Parr of' this city merchant, are hereby reouirH Andrew Kead, and Rachel Bowes, executors. ndr it a HrtlA iarWt. xvirKn. juiis oiiu unt-nugt tni-i vvuin, wiixiin one riionth after the dat'hreof, otherwife they will receire no runner notice man wnat enc law gives.

lour'd cloth on the back, and the breaft ftriped with- coarle lhirt, breeches of: cj'TC A Lot of ground, wharfF, arid feverai good white, red and blue hnfey, ac ftores, P7t ol that commonly called life -K Xrr. rnn Un -J fc v. and betwixt the Jegs. with the fa whartl, containing about 60 foot on King- wmie, red and ome itniey, a mended on the knees, me cloth, brown ftock- ately.imported in the laft velTels from London, and to Greet, or Water-ftreet the greateft part of which is mendcd fe buces, v. -3 .0 of the proprietaries thirds alfo a bank lot.

oDeofite he is marked on the back of the hand, ciofe by fr Ao tne wun.ine letters i u. Whoever takes up1 foot. i IV 1 JL 1 A JVl JtL JJ Cr JL JL tiereto, containing 25 Any perfon inclining to At hit ftore in Third-ftVeet, at the corner cf Church- Pafe either or both trie laid lots, may enquire of Mor- ilW' for readv monev. )ri cblourM paduafoys, Englifh colbir'd and black and green iantuas, blufhj white red and cloth colour'd half yd. per-fians bbek and cloth coleurd broadcloths, ftrouA, duffels, blanketing, half t)ickv druggets, flinnels, linfeys.

waddine. 6 qr 7 qt qr IO qr. blankets ris Morris, living the faid premifes, or Samuel Mor ris, at White-marw, in the county of Philadelphia, and know the title, and terms of fale. 0 To be fervant rMn's time. tKat has four the faid fervants, and fecures tnem, fo that their matters may have them again, hall have Five Pounds reward for both, or Fifty Shillings for either of them, and reafona-ble charges, paid by us, TbIOFHIL TfS SlMlNTON Robert Simintow.

Whoever fecures the faid fervants. are defired XJL years to ferve. Any perfon inclining to buv faid t0 te.U th5 goajcr to put them in the publick news ia in pairs. fcrVant. mav enauire of Caleb Knifv.

H.nnv fkrSff Fhlladelphia. I brocaded Nnrll. TT KT ok bletteesi broliojifearnothing, womens ihort cloaks, 3 qr rC i v. Jt s-- AVU Tk iJ JLV from Alexander Parker, on the road betwixt Sa. -il-: 'n .1 1 jn r- rem and Philadelphia; a fervant man.

named Charles 'i 7 V. -r r' about zc-vears or aee. fhort fiatnre brown rut). lcteens, f.c oana prae, aowpieana, D14CK January a oiacjc mare, and cfoth colourMmeps hofe, 3 corded baladine a ratch in her face. The chapes and in marks, and paying charges, I Hunt, ab ibout bands high, with u- t- dy compl avnr HffViKinr Ko Afh 1 Hunt, aoout 17 oanas men, witn i owner defcrihine her othr dy complexion, I wide mouth, very talkative, and fcewtr mav histeeth very much in talking, and very apt to laugh i may ave ner again.

rpi, 2lrfia, TQ be fold by publick vendue, on the rotK "gtl LTic: a seed land, in thc hun again, have wen. ShH. rewarj and cbtton iatds, Mapchefter dhper and cottoa up, twnftiR.of Chefler county, "f'' pd bj, Alexander Parkety in Phila- hofr, 3 qr7.dghtMna rd. check InJii der n0? theen.ure of N. B.

Said fctvant lived with one CheafcmaB, c. aiA-wonlen. cotton, Ub and kid gloved quality a leafeon acre, for four to me. Fof ti- T.mbei-Creek. T.

j. l- i i i i tie and terms of. fale, apply to Lewis Davis in Haver- 1 binding, brafi wire, ftoyl, Permfylvan cythes, fil- county, or on' the premifes, the day o. UN away, rjfn the 1 1 th ihft. from Hin- ver buck and piftol caprkmvet, fhoe and knee twuai prcmucs, tne cay or 0ftlnrlr,!nt..

Hlcv. tt ui.vjucch iriDc. county, iwaryiana. v-iJu rni CTi. rry A rX RWr- Sunday night laft, from Thomas ycar8 of of middle ftatuie, pale faced, black To bCvS.OLD, Evans, cf Uucbland, Ctejler county an Irtjbjer mouldered, and pretty well-fet Had on Whea rPWO likely' NeVroe boys; about ntd Bartholomew Cut re, about he went away, 'an 'old broadcloth coat, of an fh co- tncbts-bigb nt'tll Cet, bat.

kttlun. bufo talks frctr. Ua, blue rorarn 5aclrer. withnot iTm. ril Wrh lltygod Enghfb, and basbten about ten years in tbecoun- krceckefi- Vnln.V nrM flnW.

nM frv on tnhtn he went atvat an exsnbrivs birtl r. 1 uiL. tl A LI perfoiiS indebted to the eftate of tw.jaciets, one rfd made t. tact takes up and fecures faid fervant, fo as bis maftef Hannis dereafed, are defifrc to come ani their brewn chtb, xvttbfat buttons eld Jboestjwitb Jlri tigs tn raay have him again, fhall have Forty Shillings- reward; refpeaive debts And thofe that have anydemands a- them, blue, ffochrgs, reafonable charges, be fides what the law allows gainft the faid eltate, to their accounts, that tow tore ftrs, and Bengali breeches Hi tapt vitb him p'ajd by HlNSON Wicht they mv be fettled by, Andrew executory liviog a bay horfe, tvitb a bUz: it bis fact, and branded DT, in Philadelphia. about 13 hands high.

Whoever takes up faid fervant and '-Said Hnnis has to fell 14 acres of rery good woodr horfe and fecuret then, as thy may be bad again, De land, about two miles and a half from town. Any per- frail have Five Pounds reward and reasonable charges "A LIKE young Negroe Wench, a5f' fon inclining to purchafe, may apply to faid Hannis, and and if the Jervant snly, Four Pounds paid by had the fmali pox and meafels, and is fit for eithce be further Wormed. HO AS A town or country bufintfs. Enquire at th: Peft-Ofice. See the Half-flieet for-the teft of the Advertiiemqits..

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