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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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juft imported in the Unity, Magna. Bell, other fcipi from London and Briftol, and to be fold by SOLOMON FUSSELL, At the Hand faw and Crown, in Seeond fireet, oppofite the rhuich. for read money, or inert credit, fmall ftar, fiiod no brand nor ear mark. The owner coming and defciioing his other marks, and paying charges, may have him aeain rvie Charles Linn. ALL pcrfuiis indeoted to the eftate of Enoch Armitage, late of Hcrftum townftiin, deceafed, for effects bought at vendue, or otherwife, are hereby defired to pay and thofe that have any demsnda againft faid eftte, are defired to bring in their accounts to Barbara and Benjamin Armitge, junior, adminirlratcrs, who will give attenJance for thst purpofe at the houfe of the aforefaid deceafed, on Friday the 8(h of October, and on Friday the 12th of November.

Barbara and Benjamin Armitage, junior. N. B. There it yet to be faid admin'flratirs, a pair of good fmitbt bellows. 0 Abraham" "carpenter, On Pooiea li, the end of Front ftreer, Philadelphia, ALARGE parcel ot white oak hogfheads and tierces, fit for cyrfc or other liquors, or bread or corn for merchants they Will be fold alrmft as cheap as old rum hogfheads, and are much better for cyder alfo a parcel of rum and fugar hegffceads trufs hoops raaoy made, good work, of the beft toagh hickory, and well rivetted.

iaid Carpenter, and Son, 1 ill continue to make and fell the beft cattle bows, and ladle and fkimmer handles for the Weft Indies, all of the beft of hickory, N. B. Good Horfes and chairs to hire. Likewife three good faddlf horfea to fell, fix and feven years old. To be SOLD by HANNAH DUBRE, Living in the Northern Liberties, about two miles and a half from Philadelphia, rt CHOICE cffoTtment of frejh garden feeds, fuitable for the Wefi Indies, at very reasonable rates.

Any gentleman inclining to purcbafe a quantity, may fpeedity be fupplted, by applying to JOHN IS SELL, near the Work boufe. in Third firett, where tbry may be informed of the ynrius fcrtt and different prices, ff TO be fold, bv tk. vciu.ue, 01. me piem.lea, on Thurfday the 7th of October next (the fale to begin at ix o'clock in the forenoon) a valuable ti act, plantation or piece of land, fronting the river Schuylkill, nearly oppofite Mr. Francis's country feat, four miles from the ciiy of Philadelphia, containing 50 acres, or upwards, as may fuit the purchafer, being partly wood, and par ly arable land, with a confiderable quantity of good meadow ground, curioufly fituated for a gentleman! country feat, having an agreeable profpect, a healthy fituation, with a fruitful foil.

Any perfon inclining to pu. chafe the fame before the day of fale, by applying to the fubferiber, Hying near the fame, may fee a draft thereof, and view the land, Ann Garret, N. B. The title indjfouMMe. To be or A PLANTATION, containing 124 acres, in good repair, with a dwelling houfe, and a well near the door, barn, liable, a new ftone fpring houfe, with a good fpring in it, and an orchard with great many grafted trees, fituated in the townhip of Lower Dublin, on Bufleltown road, joining Pennypack creek, land of Mr.

Samuel Swift. George Northorp, Jofeph Laughlin, and Robert Thomaa. Credit will be given if required. Enquire of Thomas Cadwalader, or Joseph Sims, in Philadelphia. 0 To be ihdeJphii, September 1756.

TO be fold, by puMiif perdue, 00 Saturday, the 25111 day of this inftant Se? smber, about 4 clock the after noon, on the prenvfes, lot ground in Fourth ftreet, near the Academy, with a two flory brick houfe and kitchen thereon the lot ia 10 feet tVont, and ix feet deep 5 the houfe, rnr ri2 ihuuc a INE indVcrfine broadcloth, czenbriga, German fge, including an alley, 20 feet front, and iS feet deep, or therea of halfthlcks. nap coating, bearlkin, ftriped iinfey. and duffils, fine and fupeifine fhalcooa, black and blueever Jaftinpa, fine c.limar.coea, ruflels, double and Cngle omelets, hair plulh, tammies, doiants. Joan's fpining, th.ckfetts beft double and fingledamafks, poplins, 7 eights, 3 q'. yard wide, and yard 3 eights wide cotton and linen checks, 7 ght.

and yard wide lrifti linen, womeni floe white glaizcd Lmb glove, and double glaized kid mitts, Scots and filk bandkeichiefs, 6 and 7 qr. bed 13 pail bed ticks, 9 qr. Flanders ditto, white, light and doth eokor fewing filk and thread, filkl.ces, long and cUar lawns, printed cottons, fine chims and calicoes, flay trimmings, r.wi nd womens hefe, womens ftufT (hoes, worfted quality, black padua foy, fealing wax, wafers, Holraan's inkpowder, quarto bibles, young man's beft companions, writing paper, tapes, pins, Arrets, gartering, men and youths felt hats, rugs, blankets, variety of metal, hom, filk and hair coat and waiflcoat buttons, twift, fleeve buttons, bone fcate table knifes and forks, Hoole's piftolcapt and Howe's ftioe knives, variety of brafs and iron ftoek locks, files and rafps, ffh and fcrew pulliesand lines, pewter diihea, plates, por ringen, fpoons, tankards and tea pots, various kinds of faws, bricklayers and plaifterera trowels, woemakera and carpenters hammers, mingling hatchets, compaffts, rules, brafs knob and thumb latches, belts, woodferews, fnuffsrs, augers, gouges, chizels, various kir of brafs and iron hinges, fmiths viaes, anvils, fhoe nippers and pinchers, a neat aiTottment of joiners and faddlers furni tre, gimblets, fire hovels and tongs, gun locks, flints, coffin handles, flioeand knee buckles, brafs and iron wire, various forts of hmthea. nzori. lancets, horfefleams, frvine pans, bear and wine cocks, center, chair, wimble, gouge nofe, and cooperi bitts, fhoe bouts the kitchen ifeeteep.

The whole clear groundrent. The title deeds aie on record. The fale to be made in truit tor tne life of the furviving heirs of John Price deceafed, by MATTHIAS KEENE, and JOSEPH WATK1NS. ALL perfons indebted to tne titate or Lewis Evans, iate of this city deceafed, are defired to come and pay of? their re fpective ballancei And thofe who have any demands a eainft the faid eftate, are defired to bring them in proved, that the fame may bedifcharged by JOHN EVANS, Executor. a perfons indebted to the eftate of Adam Clampffer, late of this city, deceafed, either by bond, note, or book debt, ire defired to come and pay the fame: And thofe who have any de mmdi againft: the faid eftate, ere defired to bring them in, that they miy be adjuftcd by William CUmprTer, Executor Tbctf.

Aftvj'JerJej) Gloucefltr, May 10, 1756. TO be fold by the fubferibers, living in Gloucefter county New Jerfey, the following lots of land, Jituate at Cherry garden, en Society Hill, in the city of Philadelphia, viz, one bank lot, fronting Water ftreet, thirty feet, and extending back to Front fireet and one water lot, fronting the faid bank lot on the lower fide of Water ftreet, and extending into the river Delaware two hundred and fifty feet. For title, and terms of falet enquire of Samuel Harrison, and John Hinchman. Tbctf. To be A PLANTATION, in Eveftam townihip, Burlington county, late the eftate of Mary Mickle, deceafed, containing 27 acres, about 70 acres of which is upland, 1 acres ticks, awl blades and hafts, j.

6. 8. 10. 12, 20, and 24 d. nails, 0e mnwable meadow, and about ac acres more meadow may be tenter hooks, fprigs, trunk and clout nails, carpenters axes and ma3e.

There is on the phc? a dwelling houfe, a very good or adzes, drawing knives, warming pans, iron pots, brafs and iron chard, and a good well near the Houfe, It is well watered and kettles, cart boxes, madder, ground and whole redwood and fuftick, timbered. The title is indifputable. Any perfon inclining to purred and white lead, SpaniC brows, yellow oker, Venetian red and chafe, may apply to John Stokes, in Wjllingboiough, in the fame yellow, whiting, Icgwood, liaieed oil, brimltone, genuine cate man'a drops, glue, rozin, copperas, allom, window glafa, xaufco vado iugar, and (undry otner goods, too tedious to mention. N. B.

There are alfo to be fold two houfes in Pewtir platter alley, oppofite the Printing office, no ground rent on them. For terms of fa)e, enquire of faid Solomon Fuffell. To be A PLANTATION, fituate in the townihip of Dr pt ford, and county of Gloucefter, in the weftern divifion of the province of New Jerfey, bounding on the river Delaware, about eight miles below Philadelphia, containing 130 acres, 100 acres of which is meadow ground, and wi hin good bank. On the faid plantation is a large new dwelling houfe and barn, with feverl other out houfes, a good'draw well, and a young crcharJ. For terms of fale, enquire of James Talman, in Philadelphia, orJchnRambo, living on the premifes.

gjfe A to the plantation ot Charles Linn, in Upper Providence, on the 26th of July la ft, a dark bay horfe, about four years old, near 15 hands high, paces fome, has a county, who will inform him of the terms of fale. To tte Freeholders andotteisy EUclorrstj tte County of York. Gentlemen, TH Honour you did rr.e laft year, in putting me upon the Return for Sheriff, claims my moft grateful acknowledgments pleafe to accept of my hearty Thanks for fuch an Inftance of your Favour and as I intend to ftand a Candidate for the She rxff Office the enfuing Election, I requeft the Continuance of your Votea and Intereft. Whether I fucceed or not, I fhall always acknowledge myfelf, Gentlemen Your nry Friend, and humble Servant, JOSEPH A M. New Caftle county.

Auguft 28, 1756. FIFTEEN SOUNDS Reward. WHEREAS Godfrey Brown, late of Chriftiana Hundred, and county aforefaid, a German, but talks tolerable Englih, nigh fixty years of age, about feet three inches high, (lender in body, has ftiort brown frizley hair, fin ill face, and littie hollow eyes, his chin ftands remarkably out, and his mouth far in, fo that his chin and nofe almoft meet, fee mi to lifp when he fpeaks, from his want of and is of a fwaithy complexion, is abfeonded from his ufual place of abode, and is ftrongly fufpected to have murdered a certain Mary Reel, and her fon, whofe bod es are found tn his plantation. Thefe are to give notice, that whoever will jpeitmd faid Godfrey Hrown, and fe curei him, fo that he may bt brought to juftice, fhall have Fifteen Pounds reward, which reward is offered by Col. William Arm ftrong, David Bufh, and Richard M'William, Efquircs, three of his majefty's jufticei for faU county.

N. B. There are in the goai of this county, a white man, named Arthur MClafkin, and a Negro man, named James Hoburn, they both fay they are free M'Clafkin is a ftiort weli fct fellow, wean his own black hair, it of a black complexion has on, a coarfe ihirt and trowfers. Negroe is flender in body, about 40 years of age, and fays hr, was fet free by Henry Rcnnalds, of Chefter county. Any perfon paving any demands againft faid perfons, are defired to come in ur weeks after this date, and take them out, otherwife they will be fcld for their charges, by HP1 John Thompson, Suo Sherff.

OEVLRoatn cchon tor a young man, qualified to teach in a fchool or to ferve a mwchant or ftiopkeep er alfo for a journeyman joi er, and many other tradefmen and fervants, may, by applying to tie Publick Register Office cf Intelligence, within two doors of the Indian King, in Mar ket ftreet, Philadelphia, be itformed where to be provided. A bell metal mortar and petle tojdifpofed of feveral horfes to be fold; a fober trufty 7ian, who undcrftands the feveral branches of farming, and labiurers to work at plantation work, are wanting. Thefe are to give NOTICE, all gent emen who kfire to learn the right Method and tiue Art of Defence, and purfuit of the Small Sword Jv in its greaicft perfection, and extraordinary quick and fpeedy, with all the guaids, pradei, thrufts and leiTons thereunto belonging, fully defcribed, anf the belt rule for playing againft ar tifts or otheis, with blunts or'narpa that they may be taught the fame by me Richard Lykejll, profeilbr and mafter of the faid art, who is to be fpoke withi the Tun tavern, in Water ftreet, I having taught the faid art i.Uhis city in the yean 1741, 1742, and 1743, co 'be entire fatisf ction and applaufe of divers gentlemen. Note, He teaches gcntleixup cither in private or publick, by the month, or bv the whole. Bak County, September 1, 1756 THESE are to defire S.mutl M'Coy, ta)lor, to come and pay charges for wintering and pafturing a horfe, and take him away within thirtj days, or he will be fold for the fame, by Samuel Hutchinson, of the Falls townfhip, Bucks county, Pennfylvania.

To be LP TH trails or parcels land, fyig within about a mile cf each other, Jituate near the bead of Mantua creek, in Gloucefer county, WeJI New Jerfey, one bj which contains 140 acres, whereon is a fne thriving cedar fwampf a confderable quantity of meadow may be made. Or.e sther trail fit ains 90 acres, all well watered, with a good convenient: far "a grifl miller faw tr.ill. The vtber trail centains 50 acres, bein wszdland. Any "Bit fon inclining to purcbafe all or any of the faid tr 'Elt, by applying to Benjamin Lodge, living near Mantua Creek oforefai. or to William Pear at Ken AVERY convenient houfe and garden, with a good oiehsri fngton, rear Philadelphia, may informed as to title and terms of 1 tB.

CTL Tt I. I jno panurc nrreanio ocionging, on rvioyamecnng roio, aoout jaie. jldc raymimt wi oe maattajy. boe mile diftance from the town, now in the tenure of James N. Timber wheel, clothserxnd packing fcrewt, with all farts Keappock, where the fizn of the Sun is now kept.

Any perfon tnill wcrk, fawvdU fowt, fiAor iron, made after the beft man inclining to rent the by applying to James Keippock ifoic etr9 with difpatcb, and at rtafpnUU retn, by the faid William Pear r.ta 1 rr r. 1... A rrr Set ibt Half (btet fer ether JdvertiementJ. SER RAG G. INtecding for England this Fall, defires ali peifoos indebted to him, to make fpeedy payment.

He has a good aflortment of India and European goods, which; be will fell very cheap for ready money. LanCattei, Augutt 24, 1756. NO in the got! of his county, a Ncgroe man, wno fays he belongs to Mr. John Rodman, in Bucks county, he is a little more fellow, about 50 years of age. Thefe are to defire hismafter to come or fend for him, otherwife he will be fcld tor his fees in four weeks after the above date, by John Clark, poaler.

York town, Voik. county, isepc. RUN away from Jofeph Chambers, of Yoik town, a well ftt active Negroe fellow, named James, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and fpeaks good Engliftt Had on a brown coiovrtl coat, lined with white coloured caiimancoe, a brown jacket, lined with Briftol fluff, coarfe ftiirt and trowfers, old ftines, and a hat, buc I know not what fort. Whoever fecurea faid fellaw in any goal, fo as his mafter may have him again, Gull have Forty Shillings te waid, and reafonable charges, if taken in this province, and Three Pounds if takes out of it, paid by Joseph Chambers. N.

B. He can beat a drum, and has a great defire to be amongft foldiers. He was feen near Philadelphia, and ia fuppefed to be in or about town. Whoever fecures him as aforefaid, fttall be paid as mentioned above, by Jofeph Bell, at the Harp and Crown, in Third ftreet, Philadelphia. Imported in the Philadelphia, Captain Fcrlyth, from London, and the William and Mary, Captain Scuthcott, from Briftol, and to be fold cheap, for cafti or ftiort credit, by RHEA and TV I At their ftore, the fifth door below Blsck horle alley, in Front ftreet, between Market and Cheftnet ftreets, BE ft London mufkets London proof, ditto with bayonets, cir bines, trading and birdtng guns, cuthfTes, lead and fhot, fil ver watches, "with enamelled plates; an affbrtment of new fa fhioned pinchbeck fhse and knee buckles, thickfets, Scots threads, white galoon, cord and braid, filk cord, hairbine, black, biue, el low, pink, crimfon snd cloth coloared taffetiei, ftriped, biue and cloth coloured ell wide perfiani, a variety of ftamped cottons and linens, calicoes and dark ground thints, India snd Englifh chints in patterns, Italian crape and tiffany for mourning, red and bice bsn danoes, fecterfoy romals, culgee handkerchiefs, mens and womens thread and cotton hofe, black filk and worfted breeches filk caps, double allopeens, womens chipt, black hcrfe hair and fiower'd fattin hats, wool cards, London loaf fugar, pepper, horfewhipi, pink, blue, white and cloth coloured durants, pink, blue and cloth coloured tammies, black bombazeen, bone wood, flick and black fans, nankeens, womens and girls white and colouied ghized lamb mittens and gloves, mens and womens blar'c ruff top ditto, womens bath lamb mittens, bobbins and tapes, long and fhort fcythes, fplit bone and buck table knives and forks, rcuntt ivory handle ditto, barbers and fmall fciflars, ell neck cuttocs, with dagger points, buck feaied penknives, pifiol cap knives, wiih dag.

ger points, huffier, buck and brafs handle penknives, Bariow's ditto, fine pearl and tortoife handle filver back four blade knives, razors, lancscs, hoife phleams, brafs and enamelled ink pota and fountain ptnr, fine boii'd double camblets, cloth colour'd, crimfon and gresn double worfted damaks, black, blue, pink, fcarlel and cloth colour'd calimancoes, black, blue, cloth colourd and fhaiooni, and drab ccloutd broad cloths, cloth colour'd and green naps, red and blue half thicks, kerfeys, red and blue penny ftone and bays, ftriped and rea flannels, bearkins, forrjft cloths, green and mottled rugs, rofe blankets, ftriped and crofs barr'd to bines, mourning crapes, 6 qr. ad yard wide muflins, lungee romals, perfian and foofey handkerchiefs, black, bice and fcariet everUfting, filk camblets and camMetteer, hiua and id htrrat teens for beds, nutmegs, cinnamon, mace and cloves, buttons and hair, white and cloth colour'd fattina, black Iuteftring and alamode, 7 eightB and yard wide Irifti linens, tandems and garlix, fine gu lix holland, piftol lawns, cambricks and lawns in pieces and patches, napkening and clouting diaper, diaper and damafk table cJoths, ozenbriga, light and cloth colour'd baladine fewing filks, an atTort mentcr check linens, bed bunts, bolfter tickings, Scotch hsndkei chiefs, gartering and qualities, a variety of new faftiicn'd ribbons, flat and round filk laces, pins, writing paper, cotton counterpabs, buckrams, an ailbrtment of fteel, metal and brafs buckles, fnuff boxes, metal buttons, brafi cocks, a variety of door and clofet locks, hinges, drawing knivc, hand fawi, hammers, gimblet9, rafps, files, chificls, broad axes, 7 by 9 and by 10 window glafa, ftiort pipes, faggots of flee, felt hats, black worfted lockings, an Tort ment of fadlery, gun locks, variety cf brafs handles and efcutcheons, fetti of hearted defk locks, an aftbrtment of till locks in fuits, fprigs, brafs patent eandleflicke, ink powder, fealing wax, japanned waiters, red lead and letharge, Dutch painted tea tables, and Madeira wine by the Pipe, See, Sec, Tbctf. To be Sold bv YORKE and TS, At their ftre, on Bickley wharfir, BARR and pig iron, Weft India and New England rum, mtlafles, fugar, and an affortment of European goods, imported in the laft vaflcls from London and Liverpool, fuitable for the feafon, amongft, which are fiber wa.ches, lead, and fhot. Jaft impoited in the'iaft fbips from London, and to be fold by ALEXANDER ADAIR, At hit ftore, in Water ftreet, oppofite to Captain John Phillips's, where Joftnia Fifher formerly kept ftore, for ready money, or fhort credit, A aflortment of European and India goods, fuitable for the feafon. TUtf.

THOMAS MCJ ANETT, Intending to goto England next fall, DE fires all perfons indebted to him and Company, to make fpeedy payment And thofe that have any demands againft them, are defi ed to bring in their accounts. What goods are on hand, will be fold cheap for resdy money, or ftiort credit. The lactftl duor above the 1 in Tbird flrecf, ALAR are to be loid tne loiiowmg goods, z. LARGE afljrtment of faws of various di nominations carpenters axes and adzes, joiners hatchets, various forts chizels, gouges and furmers, two feet ruler, compares, biafs dividers, iron fquares, drawing knives, bench vizes, plane i rons, warranted to be good, claw hammers, augers, box and HT g'mblets, Turkey oil ftone, fifh fkin, moft forts of houfe locks acd hinges, alfo cheft, box, table and clock cafe ditto, brafseggnob latches, thumb ditto, moft forts of nails and fprigs, fafh pulley and cord, London glue, sin aflortment of files, cotton chalk lines, bricklayers trowels, plaiftering ditto lathing hammers, coopers axes and adzes, bowels, bung and tap borers, crows irons, dowelling bitts, pinning ditto, center ditto, (hoemakers knives, fize fticks, pinchers, nippers, awl blades and tacks, hand bellows, warming pans, frying ditto, horfewhipi, curry combs and brufhes, hard metal fpoons, knives and forks, candlefticka and mutters, fadd irons, coffee mills, mulkets, an aflortment of brafs furniture for deiks and chtfts of drawers, Wbere all forts of carpenters and joiners planes ate made by Samvzx. Carvthxr.


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