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The Huntington Democrat from Huntington, Indiana • Page 4

Huntington, Indiana
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BOOM! QR BOOM 1 PROFITS KNOCKED SKY HIGH! Groceries, Provisions, Oueensware, Tinware 'and Cutlery Sold at Satisfactory Our competitors howl and tlenoutu our action In cutting prices and In oflerinsr such great bargains, but nevertheless we propose to lead in the rocery, Queenswaro, Sil vei ware. Tinware and Cutlery trade as we have dono and are doiii? to day in Huntington, Peru rid Liogansport. our prices and yoa will see wo are selling goods cent, lower than any other house in Hunting ton, and MONEY Saved Is MONEY Made I Extra Choice Prunes, 6c per" SUGA11S. r. ujrar.J..

Extra sugar i Standard A sugar (Standard Granulated sugar. FLOUU. oller Family flour, burr Second Grade 2.10 2.00 CANDV. Fine mixed candy 10 Extra choiee mixed candy Vi'i Stick candy Uock candy 1R THA' AV'e have just received the largest sto ever brought to any house in the State, which we are selling iroin twenty live to lifty per cit. l.wer than any other house in Hunting) on.

Goodies 15c and 2oc per It Very line tea at 30t, 40c and 50c per lb. CANNED GOODS. "Tleit 3 lb all yellow Teaches. 15est 3 lb Pie Peaches ...12 8 3 lb Tomatoes. Kest 3 lb can Pumpkins 1 Jest can Strawberries ..10 IJest can J5est can Cherries (est can Lima Jiest can String lieans.

Choice can Peas CIGA11.S. ,.10 Our stock of cigars is immense and we are selling good cigars live for ten cents, ten cent cigars for live cents, or seven for twenty live cents. New York Salt, $1.10 per bl. half I Go lb. sacK, ouc.

WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We are giving particular attention to our Wholesale Department, and groccrymen will llnd it to their advantage to call on us before buyingas wo guarantee to sell them goods lower than anyother house in the country i Jefferson Street, HUNTINGTON, IND. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE IMPROVED PANTALOON STAID vc ar Patented Deo. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED NOT TO RIP The Best is Always the Cheapest. HOOSIER MANUFACTURING FORT WAYNE, IND.

See. tiiat our Trade Marie in on each iair of Overalls rtnl that ovr Name in Stnmpeil ilio Huiton. We build TRACTION and PORTABLE ENGINES of all dies. The famous "BONANZA" THRESHER tr wheat, oatsjlax. HE VOLVUIU DlftAW BXAU1U.1U ua MW Write for Free INSON A.

CO. 1 inaiana. DR. J. F.

MOCK, regular Physician of 2S years' experience, and has an Entirely New System for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Italian 20,000 Operations for PILES alone in last 6 yars without a single bad result. TREATMENT EASY and fiec from danger. Thousands of allulavits of curbs of desperate cases from my neighbors and from all parts of the United States can be furnished. The afflicted arc invited to call, OriiR.v House Block, 2.co2wiy lluntington, Indiana.

lioaoy to Xtouu The undersigned will furnish money on unpaid real estate, ic minis of $3fH) or over for 3 or 5 year time, with privilege of fhrtial pay merits. For terms inquire of at Abstract otnee, room 3. 6ver, Cit Izent Bank. 11. A.

Kaufman. Wl9 tf Winel Wine! Just reeMvedfrom Ixs Angeles for sale at the Lime City Saloon. Jacoh Webkb, Zl 3m For Sale Cheap. Forty acres of first class wheat jttml with some fruit trees and about one milo from the town of Itoanoke, lluutlngton county, Indiana, Term one fourth ca sh, balance on long time. In quire of J.

G. Price, lluntington Indiana 13 tf 1 Money to Loan. lu amounts from 50 Jto $1,000 on long or short time, with Sither mortgage or personal security. Will also buy good notest Inquire At Citizens Bank. 19tf" from Twenty to amy per 20 lbs.

for $1.00. Peaches, 4hc Heat hams California hams. Sugar cured shoulders. Hreakfast bacon Kacon sides rickledMeat 12 7 8 .8 to 10J ....7 to 8 35 40 40 .........45 35 40 25 to 30 Lard TOBACCOS. Fine Cut Tobacco per tt Spear head plug per lb Hub plug, per lb itar plumper lb, Hhot Gun per lb Jull dog plug, per lb Other grades from OILS.

llest Headlight Oil in market Kldorado Kngine Oil Machine Oil, Challenge Fine Machine Golden Machine Fine Engine 1 'ure Black Machine COFFEES. I rimeTlIo. Extra Fine Rio Fine Roasted 1 Choice Roasted Rest Roasted 8 .45 .35 .30 .25 .23 15 ..16 ..15 ..17 ..17 Cutlery and Silver Plated "Ware. Our stock is very large and we intend selling them at fully one half what others charge for same goods. QUEENSWARE.

Our stock of Queensware, Chlnaware and Glassware is very large; also the style and quality are the best, and we are selling them 30 per cent, lower than any other house in lluntington. Dinner. Plates per set 35c Cups and saucers per set 35c M. in sacks, CO and 65 ct8 Dairy sail 4P 4Siy. CStli, I88O.

Clover, PCas, and ail seeds and grains. A1.UL.B. Circulars. 1 enwanted.oA Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly administered, affords speedy relief and cure.

As a remedy for Whooping Cough, with which many of our children were atllictod, we used, during the past winter, with much satisfaction, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most efficacious of all the medicines which have coma to our knowledge. Mary Park hurst, Preceptress, Home for Little Wanderers, Doncaster, Md. My children hive been peculiarly subject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to find any effective remedy until. I commenced administering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.

This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. David Q. talks, Chatham, Columbia N. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my family for many years, and have found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough.

This medicine allays all irritation, prevents Inflammation from extending to the lungs, ana quickly subdues anv tendency to Lung Complaint. J. B. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.

It saved the life of my tittle boy, only six months old, carrying him safely through the worst case of Whooping Cough I ever saw. Jane Malone, Piney Flats, Tenn. tt i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lreparod by Dr. J. C.

Ayer at Co LoweD, Mm. Sold by all Druggists. Price six bottka, OF PDEE CW LIVER OIL And Hypophosphfe of Lhn8 SoJa Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only Tireparation of tfc I.ITEF. OIL that can be readily and tolec.

wad far a 1ms; tin kj dUrate atoaiarha. iP AS A KfHEPT FOR COISIMrl'IOir. SmUUH8 AKKECTlftNft, ASAfelAT LBAh IlkRIUTT, COICHS ISO TIjfeoAT aF all Vkim blRPkft OP CillLDBtN it is narrrlhrna la lt rmalta. and endoraad by the beat fhyslciana In the countries of world. a Wmr mmtm ml all.

Send for Pamphlet rp inx llmiwi Ad atOTO Jb. ItUH AK, A 0. IC. STEAM WASHER Tbe moat money to made and beat aeUaiactloa obtained by aelllns abore Waabar. Agenuwulflnd tt proB table to writs for further lnformaUoa to the O.K.

STEAM WAIHII CO. Trt. To. Xioan. A limited amount of money to loan on improved farms at 6 and 8 per cent, interest and a commission.

No loans made except such as are secured by first mortgage with a large margin of security. tl tt J.G.PMC. Important Intelligence from All Parts. XUXth CONGRESS. Seeoatf WxomtsDAT, Feb.

9. The entire ses sion of th Senate) was devoted to eulogies of General Logan. The widow and her chil dren were present. Fifteen Senatorspaid tribute to the deceased. In the House a mil was introduced appropriating $100,000 to establish a home for the mothers, widows and daughters of Union soldiers in the late war, the board of managers to consist of nine women chosen by Congress.

The Diplomatic aad Consular bill waa ered, and eulogistic addresses were deliv ered relative to the death ox the late yon gressman Price, of Wisconsin. Thcrsdat, Feb. 10. In the Senate a bill was reported for the division of the Btate of Illinois into judicial districts, and bills were passed prohibiting off shore mackerel fishing during the spawning season, and appropriating $150,000 for the erection of a branch soldiers' home west of the Rocky Mountains. In the House' several Senate bills for the erection of public buildings were passed aad the Diplomatic Appropriation bill was further considered.

Wednesday, the 16th was set aside for the delivery of eulogies upon tbe late Senator Logan. Fridat, Feb. 11. A bill was introduced in the Senate to provide mortars and heavy guns for the forts, coast defenses and vessels of the United (States. Bills were passed to rive the Htate of California fivo per cent, of the net proceeds of land sale's within her limits, aad to grant railroad rights of way through several Indian reservations.

The Post Office Appropriation bill was consid ered. In the House the lime was occupied in discussing a patent improvement to evaporate liquids. At the evening session thirty five pension bills were passed. Uatckdat, Feb. 5.

Mr. Cullom present ed a petition in the Senate from citizens of Illinois asking such an amendment of the law that the widow and minor children of a pensioner shall receive his allowance after his death. Mr. Williams in troduced a bill to authorize the redemption of legal tendar notes in coin at Sau Francisco. The Post office Appropriation bill was passed.

Mr. Manderson intro duced a bill providing for 30,530 copies of the Logan eulogies delivered the Senate. In the Houe the Senate bill for the retirement of the trade dollar was passed, with an amendment providing that its re coinage shall not count in the bullion re quired to be coined under the Bland law. FROM WASHINGTON. Fkom 1866 to 1SS6 the sum of $17,153,240 was disbursed on account of volunteer soldiers' homes in the United States, and the receipts were $17,335,138, leaving a balance in the treasury at Washington of $181,888.

Tub President has approved the Army Appropriation and Immediate Transportation bills. Tub Commissioner of Pensions on the 10th made requisition for $18,780,000 with which to make his March payments. This is the largest sum yet asked for any quarter. The death of George Melville Weston, librarian of the Senate, occurred at Washington on the 11th, at the age of seventy four years. The Anti Polygamy bill which has been agreed to by the conference committee repeals the charter of the Mormon Church and the Mormon Immigration Society, and instructs the Attorney General to institute proceedings to recover all property of these corporations not acquired according to the laws of the United States, and devotes such property to school purposes.

Polygamists are also disfranchised. Tns President on the 11th vetoed the pension bill for the relief of dependent parents and indigent soldiers. During the first five weeks of 18S7 the railway construction in the United States was double that of the same period last year. The exchanges at twenty six leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 12th aggregated against $996,475,016 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1886, the decrease amounts to 1.8 per cent.

THE EAST. A firm in New York dealing in oriental goods recently sent out the only Japanese drummer on the road in the United States. Tub eighth annual convention of the American Agricultural and Dairy Association began ou the 8th at Mew York. The schooner Samuel Daly was wrecked by ice on the 8th at Saybrook Point, and the wife and child of Captain Spauld insr and two sailors lost their lives. The death of Horatio N.

Pratt, the oldest newsdealer in New England, occurred at Boston on the 9th. He was seventy eieht years of age and was the father of twenty one children. At Palmyra, Perry, Rochester and other towns in Western New York floods were doing great damage on the 9th. A VENERiL strike of silk dyers at Pater son, N. commenced on the 9th.

The strike of the six thousand Monongahela river coal miners wero practically settled, as also the 'longshoremen's strike in New York. At Lock Havon, an icc gorgo broko on the 9th carrying away over two million feet of sawlogs, which would be a total loss. Hexkv Edwards twenty cars of age, while scoffing at the reliRiou' exercises of the Salvation Army in Wilkesbarr), a few evenings ago was suddenly stricken totally blind. Ix New York City the Western National Bank was organized on the Oth by the election of Secretary Manning as president and Treasurer Jordan as vice president. While anchored in the North river at New York on the 10th the steamer Wells City was struck by an ice flow and sunk by collision with the steamer Lone Star.

Loss, $150,000. Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, on the 10th signed the resolution for the submission of a prohibition amendment to the people. The strike of the New York 'longshore met was declared off on the llth, and the men wero ordered to return to work. At Tyrone, four Hungarians were killed on the llth, a storm leveling a tree under whicn they had taken shelter. The Lutheran Church at Greensburg, and many dwellings were wrecked by wind on the 1' th.

Three boys, all less than fourteen years of age, were drowned at Gardon City, N. on the 13th by breaking through the ice on the lak i. WEST AND SOUTH. Both houses of the Nevada Legislature passed a bill on the 9th to disfranchise Mormons. Os the afternoon and evening of the 9th Francis Murphy addressed enormous audiences in Chicago, and it was reported that nearly a thousand persons took the pledge.

Huxters found the body of Henry Dunham on the 9th near his dwelling in Tippecanoe township, in which were his two year old child dead, with her throat cut, and Mrs. Dunham badly wounded. It was thought that Dunham committed the crime and then suicided. A fire destroyed Jesse Arnot's livery stable at St. Louis on the 9th, and nearly three hundred carriages and buggies were consumed and over one hundred horses were burned to death.

Three men were killed by falling walls and six others were injured. Financial loss, $135,0031. Ox the Uth Mary Baker, of White Coun ty, completed the, 108th day of her remarkable fast. Advices of the 9th from Montana state that the winter was the severest in ten years. For ten days the thermometer had ranged from 40 to 60 degrees below xero, and thousands of cattle were dying from exposure.

A great many persons had also lost their Uvea. The house of John Lucklum, near Jefferson, was cdnsumed by fire oa the 9th, the owner's father, wife and son perishing in the flames. Am attempt to kill Adellna Pattl with a bomb was made by Dr. James Hodges, a crank, during a concert on the evening oi the 9th at the Grand Opera Housc in Sas Francisco. The would be assassin was the only person injured, though not seri ously, by the premature explosion of the engine of destruction.

Tub Kansas Legislature has passed a bill granting suffrage to women in municipal elections. Di king the Bight of the Vth, in a boarding house at Atlanta, Oa, tbe pockets of Jacob Miller, aa Ohio tjuaker, were robbed of in cash and chock. Governor Lee, of Virginia, in address ing' an agricultural convention at Ricn mond on the 10th, remarked that there was now less money ia the hands of Virginia farmers than at any time since the surrender at Annomattox. Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin have seen invited to participate in, toe oeleora tiorr of centennial anniversary of the formation of the Norm west territory, which will occur at Marietta, next prinfi. At New Orleans oa tbe 10th the grand jury found Indiotaenta against thirl, one of the leading gamblers of that city.

For twenty years too law naa peon a aeau As oil well yielding' one thousand barrels daily was developed In the North BaV Urn ore field, near Findlay, oa the 10th. In Michigan ice gorges were doing great damage oa the 10th. At Lyons several families were driven from their home, at Owosao all the factories. were dosed, the streets of Lansing were being navigated by boats, and all the mills along the river were shut down. Ox the 10th the Republican members of the Indiana Legislature filed in the United States Senate their protest against the validity of the election of David S.

Turpie as United States Senator. Captatx F. S. LnxT, of Dayton, a veteran of the Florida, Mexican and re bell lion wars, was killed on the 10th by a street oar. The flames which destroyed Arnot's liv ery stable at St.

Louis a few nights ago consumed the hearse which bore the remains of President Abraham Lincoln to their last resting place. During a fire in a laundry at San Fran cisco on the 10th a fireman and several Chinamen were killed by falling walls. Ox the 10th John Dikehouse, living near Hastings, found his wife and daughter dead and his father unconscious. The latter was resuscitated. Traces of morphine poisoning were found.

Ox the llth a cyclone swept over Louis ville, unroofing the Catholic Church and convent and many houses, and leveling trees and fences. At Wooster buildings were also wrecked. At Battle Creek, Lansing, Vermontvillc, Owosso, Lyons and other towns in Michi gan, high water was still doing great dam age on the llth. Early on the mornh.g of the llth an earthquake shock was felt at Warsaw and Hamilton, 111. Buildings were shaken, the ground trembled slightly and great alarm was felt by the people for their safety.

High wind on the llth unroofed tbe Third Presbyterian Church at Wheeling, W. and the Mound City Hotel at Moundsville, W. Va, was partially, destroyed. Great damage was reported at Fort Wayne, and vicinity on the llth from high water. Many factories had.shutdown and people were compelled to vacate their houses.

Ix Iowa and Wisconsin a blizzard raged on the llth, delaying railway and other traffic. Tureb trotters Flora B. (record Joe Hooker (2: 19), and a Chree year old filly valued at $500 were burned to death in a barn at Detroit, on the llth. Tub Michigan Democrats will hold a State convention at Lansing, March 2. Earlt on the morning of the 13th the jail at Murfroesboro, was burned, and three colored men Moses Manly, Jack Irwin and Dilse Lyon perished in the flames.

The 12th was the seventy eighth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. On the 12th Newton Watts was arrested at Morris, 111., for complicity in the Rock Island train robbery and the murder of Messenger Nichols March 12 last. He had charge of tho baggage car in which the safe was Ox the 13th Bishop Curtis, of Wilmington, I3L, issued a pronunciamento to all the Catholic churches in his diocese forbidding balls, picnics, fairs, eta, to bo given in aid of religious purposes. 8. H.

Hollingswortii, the defaulting treasurer of Knox County, was sentenced to three years' imprisonment on the 12th. When elected to the position he was a farmer, worth $60,000. He spent that and $30,000 of public money in speculation and carousing. Ax incendiary fire destroyed thirty buildings on the 13th at Anaconda, valued at $75,000. The death of Bishop William M.

Green, D. the oldest Episcopal Bishop in the country, occurred at Sewahee, on the 13th, at the age of eighty nine years. Ax ice gorge at Lyons, caused a flood on the 12th which swept away twenty buildings and cut off postal and telegraphic communication. Grand river was flowing through the principal streets. Ix Indian Territory managers of large ranches reported on the 13th that the win ter had been the mildest for five years, and that tbe loss of stock would only be from two to four per cent.

Advices from the Yellowstone ranges an the 13th were to the effect that two hundred thousand head of cattle were suffering terribly for grass and water, and carcasses could be counted by the hundreds along the river. A farmer named Walkins Dupuy, living near Farmersville, W. Va, killed his wife on the 12th and then committed suicide. He was deranged. While temporarily insane on the 12th Jacob Jacobson, aired fifty years, of Omaha.

killed his baby boy and then hanged himself. His wife had become insane by the shock. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Five thocsand Abyssinian were killed in the recent battles in which the Italians were defeated near Massowa, in the Soudan. A company has been formed to construct railways in the Congo State and settle that territory.

Several wild bulls broke loose while be ing driven through the City of Mexico on the 9th and killed a number oi persons. The death of Mrs. Henry Wood, the En glish novelist, occurred in London on the 10th. She was born in Worcestershire in 1820. Dr.

Holi tho African explorer, his wife, and the entire party accompanying him were recently massacred by natives near Cape Town, Africa. Kovu hundred houses at Rangoon, India, were destroyed by fire a few days go. Ox tho llth the heaviest snow storm of tho season prevailed at Quebec, and all trains were blockaded. The House of Commons on the llth, by a vote of 352 to 246, rejected Parnell's amendment to the address in reply to the Queen's speech. "A fire a few days ago destroyed the Hotel Continental, occupying nearly a block in the central rt of Berlin, and erected at a cost of $1,000,000.

At Eszek, Austria, cholera was reported on the 13th, the deaths averaging eight dailv. A GENERAi. European war was regarded as imminent on the 13th. Offensive and defensive preparations were being made, and it was said that Bismarck was anxious to begin hotilities. LATER.

Tub whole country from Lyons to Muir, presented an arctie panorama of desolation on the 14th. The ice gorge showed no sign of breaking, extending as a solid glacier five miles long and fifteen or twenty feet thick. The loss of property would doubtless reach $153,003. Nearly all of the five thousand striking miners in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, Pa, returned to work on the 14th. John Carroll, an Irish laborer at Wilmington, died on tbe 14th, within four mouths of his 111th birthday.

The President has allowed the act appropriating $400,000 a year to provide afins and equipments for the militia to become a law without his signature. Emil Paul, of New York, on the 14th completed the task of eating eighty two quails in forty one days. Alexander McArthub, who has made a special study of arctic exploration, left Winnipeg, oa the 14th with a companion to search for the North pole. Daniel Manning resigned as Secretary of the Treasury on the 14th, the resignation to take effect on the qualification of his successor. The eighteenth Senatorial ballot in the Legislature of West Virginia on tha 14th gave J.

N. Camden (Dem.) 36 votes, Edwin Maxwell (Rep.) 85, and Okey Johnson (Dem.) 13. A plot by Anarchists to murder two editors at Omaha, because they ridiculed a speech made by Mrs. Parsons, waa discovered on the 14th. The striking freight handlers and 'longshoremen made application for work on the 14th to the companies in Jersey City, but were informed that they were not wanted.

At various docks in New York City they also met with the same reception. Dispatches of the 14th from the Soudan state that a prolonged war between tho Italians and Abvssinians was expected. Colonel John Jameson, General Super intendent of the Railway Mail Service, resigned on the 14th, and Thomas E. Nash, chief clerk of the Post office Department, was appointed to fill the vacancy. The first train in six days arrived at Pier.

D. on the 14th. The delay was caused by heavy snow storms. A memorial was presented ia the United States Senate on the 14th from the Illinois House of Representative in favor of pensioning soldiers over sixty years of ago. A petition was presented from colored men in Mi salami ppi asking an appropriation of $100 apiece to transport them to Liberia.

A bill was introduced for the issue of subsidiary silver coin. The bill to increase tho naval establishment was discussed. In the Houas bills were introduced: To amend the Chinese Immigration ad; to prohibit members of Congress from acting aa at torneya or employes In any case in which the Goverhmen is interested; to appoint a committee to revise the pension laws; pro posing a constitutional amendment for the election of Senators by the people ot the several States; for full reciprocity between th United States aad Canada. KIN E. STEW QLTismrcj flo Bad Effect.

So HeaWc. Kq nausea. Cures QuictiT. T0ZTX0 tbat the most'delicate stomach will bear. A SPESIFia FOR MALAEIA, and all Germ diseases.

Bellevuo "Kniversall sci cessini. esi. rancis Hoapuai, J. x.i tvery patient treated with Kasklne has been dia chanred cured." ur. White.

U.S. Examining Hurceon. writes: uKakine is the best medicine made." Dr. M. Glcssner.

East 12lst New York City, has cured over 290' patients with Kasktne after jninineand all other drags bad failed. He aayn: "It Is undoubtedly the Oest BiediMne ever discoxered." l'rof. w. r. Holcombe.

M. 51 Eaet 25th St.N.Y. (late Prof, in N.Y.Med. College) writes: "Kaskiue Is superior to quinine in its specific power, and never produces the sl'gtit est injury to the hearing or constitution. ev.

ju. u. nan. I'liapiam Aioany reniien tiary, write that Kasklne has cured bis wife. after twenty year's suffering from malaria and nervous dyspepsia.

Write him for pur ucuiars. Thousands upon thousands write thatKas kine hascured them after all other medicines had failed. Write for book of testimonials. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. 81.00 per bottle.

Sent by mall on receipt of prire. K.a.SK.iNrc ol warren rcw lorit. LAUDS 49 SEND FOR Publications, with Mam, dfscribine Minnesota. Ida bo, North Dan ota, Montana Ore eon and Washington, the Free Government Lands and Low Price Kail road Lands In the Northern Pacific Country. TH BKMT ACJKICU LTUHAL.

GRAZING and TIM HER LANDS now open to Settlers mailed free. Address CHA8. B. LAM BORN, Land Com. N.

P. II. tit Paul, Minn. A TRIPLE MURDER. The Details of the Horrible Murder in Kosciusko County.

the Democrat briefly men tioned last week the murder of an entire family, consisting of three persons, in Kosciusko The nearness of the scene of the crime gives additional interest to the matter and we present the follow ing account as given by the War saw On Tuesday afternoon news reached this cily that the horrible butchery of three persons had been discovered on the farm of Henry Dunham, in Tippecanoe township, several miles north of l'ierceton. The discovery was made by two men who wero out bunting and came across the mangled ami half devoured remain of a man in the barn yard on the Dunham farm. They immediately gave the alarm aid with some neisbbors made search of the premises. The victims proved to be Henry Dunham, his wife and two year old daughter. The first was found, as stated, out in the barn yard, mangled and torn by hogy in a manuer that it was impossible to form any conclusion in what manner he came to his deathr: the remains presenting a sickening and horrible sight.

'The searchers entered the house and there were met with more evidence of recent horrible and cruel butchery. Iu a reclining position was the mother, bleeding, still alive but unconscious, and close by as the body of the little girl with her throat cut frtim ear to ear. Death in the child's case must have been very nearly instantaneous. Medical aid for the mother was instantly summoned, and on Tuesday afternoon Coroner Thomas and Dr. Webber, of this city, were called to the tragic scene, at which time Mrs.

Dunham was still unconscious, but there are hopes that she will recover. Mr. Dunham was about Gfty seyen years of age and a reasonably well to do farmer, of good habits and character, an old resident of Tippecanoe township, but it is said that for some time past he has evidenced mental abberation; and in the absence of better proof, tue supposition is, that in a fit of insanity, Dunham cut and slashed nis wife until he thought her dead, and then cut the child's throat, after which he went out and killed himself. The theory of robbery and murder is not well taken and there appears to be no bast upon which iho theory of murder for robbery can be sustained. If Mrs.

Dunham recovers, as now probaole, the mystery will be solved. An examination of the surroundings seems to indicate that the tragedies occurred on Monday night, but were not discovered until next day about noon. At present there is no way arriving at any satisfactory conclusion, except that Mr. Dunham in a fit of insanity did the terrible acts. We understand there is no property missing; a sack of or $10, was lying on the bed, without a pocket book.

It is supposed that Mr. Dunham had money in the house. The people of the neighborhood are justly excited over the tragic affair and no doubt proper effort will be made to get at the facts of the unfortunate affair. A man by the name of Preugh was arrested on Wednesday night and brought to this city and lodged in jail on suspicion of having committed the murders. Preugh sometime since was in Dunham's employ and there seemed to have been a slieht difference.

When ar rested Preugh had in his posessionj a new pocket book and eighty nve dollars in money. It is claimed tht the pocket book was identified a belonging to Dunham. Thos. Richcreek, Geo. McCarty and Constable Scott effected the arrest within a few miles of Syracuse.

Of course we have aa yet but wild rumors, but ihere is a feeling that Preugh had a hand in bringing about the death of tho persons above named. The preliminary examination will probably be held to day (Thursday) when more facts will el.cited, but whether there will be justifiable evidence to hold Preugh, remains to be seen. JOSEPH rLKW THE MURDERER. Warsaw. Feb.

13. rThe mystery surrounding the murder of tf enry" Dunham and his family near l'ierceton is being cleared away. Mrs. Dunham, who is mortally wounded, partialJy regained consciousness to day and talked in a ran ning way about the horrible affair. She said the family were in the barn when attacked by a man wh se name she could not recall.

He killed her husband and the baby'a throat beiorc her eyes and then attacked her. Several names wero mentioned, apd when that of Joseph Plew was named she said at once that he was tbe murderer. Plew is now in Jail here charged with tbe crime. It is reported that a mob is forming which will come to Warsaw tonight and hang Plew. The jail is guarded by a st piy? posse.

Marion Chronicle T. Hollo well, salesman at' Arnold, Gunder A Co, Is contemplating removal to the northern part of Colorado, where he expects to pre empt land, take a timber claim, Ac. lie will be accompanied by two brothers from Huntington, and by others from Wabash and: Huntington." I'X'H HI CODITT COBSESPOIDEKCE. Fresh Items of News From Localities Throughout the County Briefly Told. CNOTtcK.

We desire a good active correspondent from Warren. Send application at once. ANDREWS. It is reported that E. H.

Murray will again locate in Andrews. John Haller and wife were in Huntington Sunday, the guests of Mrs. Haller's parents. H. H.

Stover is now employed in Dial's barber shopi Mr. Stover is a firstrclass workman. Itev. Holdstock, of Andrews, and Elder Grftftr. of Wahaah.

pxpriano pulpits last Sunday. Mr. R. 8. Helskell, of Indianapolis, in in Andrews fioli(itiiic fnr ha Masonic insurance association.

Henry Kimmell, of LaG range, area In AnHruwa luafc nfAat a tam days stopping with. W. J. Sheeley. llrakemen C.

DeWitt and A. Ttanfnrrl havn rnalo riAd an A txrll I north to find employment this wee. The supuer given by the Catholic congregation last week was a grand success. The net proceeds were over $70. B.

E. Oppenheim will start on his eastern trip to purchase his summer week. He will visit Bay Cily, Michigan.on his way. Owing to sickness in my family last week I was unable to furnish the news from this place but I hope to be able to keep you posted in the future. H.

F. Swartzell, ticket agent at Danville Junction, was in Andrews over Sunday with his family. He returned Sunday night. His family joined him the next day. Charles Miller, formerly correspondent of tho Herald, left An drews Monday for Streator, 111., wnere ne win remain this spring.

Charles leaves Andrews with the respect of all. B. Applegate, a newspaper man from Delphi, was in Andrews last Monday. Mr. A.

has" some intentions, I understand, of beginning a publication here. The citi zens would gladly welcome him to locate here. James Gill, recently General Manager of the C. V. C.

Rv. spent Sunday in Andrews the guest ot v. Hedges, his brother in law. Mr. Gill formerly resided here and was assistant train master on the Wabash railroad, i A new restaurant and bakery has been opened up in the room for merly occupied by John Gronen dyKe on Market street.

Mr. Min nich and Geo. Guenther, of Hunt ington, compose the firm. Both are good young men and should be encouraged. The Wabash force has been re duced in all departments here.

nis week ten engineers and ten firemen and eight or ten from the transportation department were discharged. By this action An drews loses Mome of her best citizens. Among the number let out I hear the names of Homer Ben nett, Marion Davies, W. C. ShirtlifT, v.

I'ettengUl, lieo. Washburn and others whom I cannot recall. UNION TOWNSHIP. Charles Kline has lost four valuable hogs. Cholera is supposed to be the epidemic.

Tho next institute will be held at school So. 1, Saturday, Feb. 19. A good time is anticipated. John Johnson will move in a short time 10 his farm lately pur chased of franc Henline.

rant Tumbleson will take charge of Mr. Kline's farm. Miss Rosa Broom field, who has been visiting relatives in this locality for some time past, returned to her home near Conneisville, this state, bhe made a host of friends during her stay. Mr. Smith, who was teaching the Macedonia school, resigned his position to accept employment at the (J.

A. freight office. Miss Anna Price of the city has been employed to finish the term. Mr. llanson.commonly call "uncle," who lives by himself at Mar dinus, has been confined to nis bed for some time, tie is recovering slowly.

He is one of the finest car penters in the county. James Rathfon will move to Starke county, this state. He has been living on the farm of Setli Smith of the city. W. H.

Smith and a Mr. Murray will take charge of the farm lor the next year. Meeting at Macedonia again. It Is the counterpart of the "Dora" we read of in the Not as re gards the natioaality of the people but the persistency with which they cling to the faith once delivered to the saints. Temperance meeting is quite a success.

A good audience was present on Sunday evening. Some fine declamations were rendered. We are sorry to see one feature of the society and that is when some fail to realize the anticipations of thetr ambition they are ready to sacrifice good breeding in trample upon the feelings of others. Harvey Beaver, who has been at L.oui&ville attending medical lee tures, has returned home and will continue his studies with Dr. Ying ling.

Harvey has one patient whom he visits regularly. As he has not made tho necessary ar rangement with the county Clerk I move that he desist or that be shall suffer the extreme rigor of the law. The" recent rains have caused quite an inundation of the land along Little River. Mud Creek spread itself all over the bottom The Hosier gravel road has been considerably damaged by washing away of the gravel. At the bridge crossing the river a large amount of gravel has been washed out.

Travel had to be suspended for a few days. 'Squi Anson's farm made a fine skating place. Johnny Beaver, our newly fkdged F. ''struck He" at last. It teems parties needing the assistance of "knot tiers' have been reluctant ta call upon him to try his handicraft, fearing that as be is not "tied" himself, he could not be lied upon, Jjut last Thursday a whole "Sun day school convention" drove into the barn yard and lustily cal.ed for Johnny, whereupon Johnny bade them to form into line and march into his manufactory, but owing to previous arrangements this was not complied with.

Then Johnny with the Statutes under one arm and McDonald's treatise auder the other, met the party half way and lo and behold! two couple asked him to be "spliced." We have been trying to account for the sudden change of weather but it is all plain now. Johnny married them high and dry, and as all signs fall in dry weather, consequently a floods i Plates 30 cents; cups and saucers 30 centsrteaspoons 6 cents per set; Hanging lamps from $1.75 up; Hand' lamps 15 cents trimmed complete, at the China Hall. w22 lf H. Scheiber Co. UsMIsi Specific for LlYcr Dtaa.

YrfSTfl'il Bittw or had taste In OINirlUi.tO! month; tonrns coated white or coveid with a brown fur pain in the back, sides, or Jolnta oAen mistaken for Rheumatism soar stomach; loss appetite; sometimes nausea and water brash, or Indigestion flatulency and acid eractations; Dowels alternately costive and lax headaeh loss of memory, with painful sensation of haTtng failed to do something which ought to hsve been done; debility! Vw spirits: a thick. yaUow appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry coufth; fever; resUessness: the urine ia scanty and hhjh colored, and, if allowed to stand deposits a sediment. SEHIONS LITER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is Keoerallyused In the Booth to aroosa the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It sets with extraordinary afflosoy a tho iver, ifjDNEYs. and bowels.

EFFECTUAL tPECtFlO F0 SEalarfa. Bowel Complaints. Iyapepla, hick Keadacho, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Depression. Colic Endorsed by the ase of 1 Millions of Bottle, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE far Children, for Adults, aad for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE has our Scamp in red on front of Wrapper.

J. H. Zeilm Philadelphia, sols rBorsiBTOBS. Price, aLOO. OR.

J. W. CULBERTSON, DEAFNESS Cured by Ir. Culoertaon'a I mliUlile Artificial arDraak COS jr Wet ftubiaztoa 8 tract. UDUUlfeUS.

1IUUIL Pi so' CmE for Consumption is free from opium In any form, and therefore perfectly safe. Jt cannot be that every caeof Consumption may be cured by this nuMiieino, but it.s true that thousands of lives will be saved If they do not delay too Iodk. If you have a Couph without disease of tho lunirH, so much tlio better. A few doses are all you need. Bnt If you nepkn this easy means of safety tho sliirbt coukq may become serious matter, and several bottles will be required to cure you.

Prion, 35 cents. By druggists. IS! fjwHbmaivisjm BT7CSLE1TS AR2TCCA SALVS. aaaaaav The best salve in Iho world it a bruises, sorrs, ulcers, salt neum, iettoi, chapped nds, cnnhfuns, corns, uml till skin uption and positively euros pih8, or no pay required. It is guar anteed lo irive perlect satisiction rnnoo refunded, l'ricc 25 cents per box.

For sale by VIt K.8e hauer 'G8oly Natural Gas Fires. the Oas St. Nich ola for February. or mill purposes, the eras is distributed under the boilers, and wherever needed, by a system of small pipes, the blaze supplying the heat directly: but for household uses, in stoves and fireplaces, the pipe is usually placed at the bpttom of the grates, which are fill ed above with something to receive and hold the heat. In rooms where the open grate, burning the soft bituminous coal, has always beeu used pleasing variety in the arrangement of gas fires is found.

Some people do away wilh the grate altogether, and suplant it with a cleyer imitation in cast iron oi the old timo back log. But the commonly accepted plan is to retain the grate, filling it generally with coarsely broken fire brick, which when heated, looks much like anthracite coal. Foundry slag, properly ai ranged, presents a per fect representation or a soit coai fire, and is therefore, more beauti ful and desirable. Others resort to the novel plan of filling their grates with porcelain doorknobs, lor which purpose they are bought by by the peck or bushel. 1 he quanity of gas burned is regulated by a valve at each fire place: and Nhe ease with which a gas fire is made, regulated, and put out, coupled with its freedom from smoke, dust and ashes, has warmed the heart of womankind toward it with a very great affection.

Save! Sis Life. Mr. D. I. Wilcoxsou, of Horse Cave, says he for many years, badly aitiicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains were al most unendurable and would some times almost throw hi in into convulsions.

He tried Electric Bitters and cot relief from the first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured, and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively belioves he would have died, had it not been for the relief afforded by illectric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle at Walter A Eisenhauer's drug store. A Legislative Incident. Indianapolis Sentinel During the.

discussion in the senate yesterday of Mr. Duncan's amendment to Mr.iSellers' teachers' institutes bill. Mr. Thompson, of Marion, asked if it would not be welt to accept the amendment, for fear that teachers attending the institutes on Saturday against Lheir consciences might go to sheol. Mr.

McDonald, of Whitley, who was hotly opposing the amendment, cried " them eo!" The senator from Laporte Do vou pelieve in heilr Mr. McDonald Tou will find out about it in due time. The chair It seems to be a race of dillizence between the senators from Laporte and Whitley as to who shall find out the most sureiy. The senator We shall find a chairman tnen. The chair Yes, if the senator from Laporte can induce anyone to voto for himself.

A palpable bit by the chair In view of Mr. Weir's candidacy for the presidency of the senate two years ago. Ssn't Exparimeat. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems at first, only a cold.

Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's Kew Discovery ror consumption, coughs, and colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, bat insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief In all throat, lung and chest affections.

Trial bottles free at Walter Eis enhauer'a drug Fob Sale. House and lot, on Lafountaine street, near Lutheran church. On account of moving away, I will sell cheap and on good Call on or address, tf Rev. P. H.

i rTRAYHERS' GUIDE Tha Chicago Atlantic Railwtj. in effect January 9th, 18K7. 53 13 BBg3B: 8 a BBBBBB3B3 B5BSBBBBS; 2 uSesea BBB333BB3 BS3BBSRSBQ 1 rr a 3332353 B3353B3SS3 SS Si rssssie fe: fink a jrr BB: 5B3BSS Hbbbbbbo 11" a 13 a SB B3i B3: BBB3 3s a a a "a is "a OTJ BB3 3BiB: aCCC'CDc rCrO BP 9 9 9 (DT3 53923333 XT S'OiS'O'eu s'O'ais 3 3 3 9 io SO CC Cn 9 9 9 9 S33S33323: 3 tS no o'O'O'a LB3 3333 3 si a 13131313 "a B33 33 3: Trains ran on Central Standard Time. Trains 3. 5.

12. 32 and run.ln.tlv. All others daily except Hunday. train ii nas fuiiman KnfTett Bleeping Car to Boston and New York daily. Train 3 has Pullman BuffcttSleeplngCoacb from Boston and New York dally.

Train 5 nan Pullman ItufTett Slopping Coaches from New York to Chicago dailv. All through passenger trains arrive at and depart from the new iearborn Station, Chicago. Passengers taklne trains No. 32. 33 and 3D must procure tickets before boarding the train.

Passengers going east or west will find it to their advantage and interest tp consult the agent of this company, who will give all the information in regard to rates and connections. K. BTtOUOHTON, V.C. DONA LI General Manager, (Jen. Pass.

Ae't CHICAGO. Wabash, St. Louis Pacific R. R. Time at Huntmtrton station GOlNw EAST.

No. VI lightning Express. 46 Mall Atlantic Express 70 Local Freight GOING WEST. Vt Express "41 Mail 43 Fast Express 71 Local Freight 97 5.45am S.4Kpm 7.3Uam 2.31pm u.Olpm 1 1. una nr.

Connections at Peru with trains 41, 45, 43 and 49 lor Indianapolis. Traius 41, 46. 70 and 71 daily except Sunday. Train No. 71 will carry passengers to Andrews.

For Maps, Time Tables, or any information call on or address, J. W. KNAPP. Ab'I, lluntinelou, Ind. S.

SNOW, Gcn'l Pass.AK'l. Chicago, Illinois. Ciqcirjnali, Wabash Jichjgai R. R. TRAINS SOUTH.

No. 2. Stations. I.4S.L.X Cln.AI.x Anderson 8 38 pm Marion 7 15 pm 12 28 pm Wabash 23 pm 11 17 am No. 6.

Mixed. 9 48 8 20 i. 7 28 air n. mancnesier. i pm iu am lay pool 5 14 pm 9 18 am 4 S6 pm 9 00 am Warsaw Milford Oosheu Elkhart 4 30 pm 8 31 am ar 4 03 pm 8 02 am 3 40 pm 7 39 am Nlles Benton 2 57 pm fl 56 am 2 05 pm 6 00 am TRAINS VORTH.

No I. No. 3. G. Ex.

Mich. Ex Stations. Xndernon 12 35 pm 9 12 pux Marion 6 41 am 1 47 pm 10 35 pm Wabash 'H am 2 45 11 30 pm N. Manchester. 8 16 am 3 18 Clay pool 8 42 am 341 i Warsaw 9 00 amaM 02 pi Milford 9 28 am 4 30 pn Goshen ar 9 56 am 4 56 pm Elkhart ar 10 20 am 5 18 pm Nlles 11 08 am 6 00 pm Benton 12 00pm 7 00 pm NORMAN BECKLY, Gen'l Manager.

OWEN RICE, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Toledo, St. Louis, Kaijsas Cily. Mix. Mail.

STATIONS. Mall. Mix. A. it.

p. Lv. Ar. A. M.

p. M. 9 30 15 7 on 12 45 4 15 A 5 05 00 10 37 11 11 21 11 30 12 15 12 32 1 10 1 28 1 35 2 10 4 00 6 12 8 00 I Arr. I' A 5 Ilep, 7 oil 7 40 8 07 1. 8 IS 7 15 1 45 30 8 45 A 31 AM 1' ii oo 7 30 7 i i.

Delphos. Arr. KluHion liberty Buckeye Milo Buren Marion C. Gen'l 6 10 5 40 6 22 i 1'J 4 45 4 27 8 22.... 8 35....

8 45.. 8 56 9 06 9 10.... 9 33 6 08 4 21 5 55 1 00 5 45 3 24 3 01 2 46 2 40 2 10 5 21 5 21 5 00 6 2 1 9 00 1 1 07 2 30 M. 3 30 10 05 2 10 6 30 1'. M.

A. M. EN KINS Pass. P. M.

TRAVEL VIA Through Trains mnh Dining Cars, Pullman Palace Sleep ing Oars, Modern Coaches. Sura connections In Union Depots at its terminal points, with trains front and to the East. West. North and South. Cheapest, Best and Quickest Route from Chicago, Peoria or OL LOUIS to DENVER, ST.


for Tickets, Rates, Maps, apply to Ticket Agentt or connecting lines, or aaaress T. J. POTTER, H. B. STONE, PAUL NORTON, 1st V.

P. 0. f. fi. P.

A T. A. For hamlKome Illustrated Burllnfrton Konte Guide oooa aena ic postage to tna u. tr. a.

uucago, xu. THE superiority of Corallne over born or wbaiebona has now been, demonstrated by over six years experience It Is more durable, mors pliable, mora comfortable, and EVER BREAKS. Tbe Immense) sole of tbese Oorsets Is now over 7000 daily. Beware of worthless Imitations boned wltb various of cord. None are genuine unleaa "Dr.

Warner's Corallne)" is printed on msideof tbe steel cover. FOB BILE BY ALL LEADIB0 1LEKCH1IT8. 257 is 25 Btate Btnst, CHICAGO, ILL Vinegar as sour as sour can be, for sale at the Lime City Saloon. 23 3m Jacob Webo, JZ 1 i Mlifillf Oldest Dry Goods House in Huntington! J. Ewiag Brotiic a pai.aa or Keep In stack and will be pleased to aha their friends and customers tbeir large line ot jj OAS I HEIRS, of the best makes, and many other styles 4 Dress Goods.

A large aad carefully selected stock of SILKS 1I1D CQTTOIUDES. Ginghams, Muslins and Cassimeres. GLOVES AND MITT3 Styles and Qualities, All our goods are strictly first class, and wlh be sold at the very bot(pm prices. Come land see what we have, at the OLD STAND Koche's block. North Jefferson street.

op poslte the Fostofflce. Ewing Brother, HUNTINGTON, IND. 1 an. 1.188. HUNTINGTONJJREWERY.

AGOB 'BOOS, i MAHUFACTUEFB OF Lager Beer, a. 1 1 CREAM AND STOCK ALB which he has constantly on hand, and guar antees to be as good an article aa can bs manufactured anywhere In tbiseounlry. AJ prepared to All orders at home ana from abroad, with great promptness. Ordei solicited. Give this Beer a Trial.

Ian. 1.1880. PUMPS. PUMPS. Having sold my farm In Wabash county I have stationed myself permanently In ihs town of Andrews, where I will at all times have on hand a large supply of Tha Best Pumps Ever made in this State withonlnn exceptions.

Any gentleman or lady wa tint; Is purchase a Champion Pump can lal my ahopor addresa me by mail at Andre a. ttSffFumpB made and sold by as we'J known and celebrated Pumpnaker, JESSE MILLERS Augl '85 tf. Andrews, Huntington county Livery aMJale Stalls. A fine oniulbus will be in attendance at all passenger (rains on the several railroads. Passengers and baegaite carried to and from anyparlof theeiiv.

Orders may be left at Ida HuhheH's News Bland, at the Commercial House, or at the oflice of Hay's Livery Stable. Parties desiring the use of an omnibus for picnics and public gatherings of any kind call be accommodated. u. S. F.

DAY, Proprietor. January 1, IRSfi tf i i CORN and OATS For which the highest market price wil be paid, at my coal office, near the Chicago At antic freight office, Huntington Ind. jj H. F. WILLIS.

26 The BUYERS' GLIDE Is Issued Sept. and March, each year. 9 if 313 payees, 8ixll4 inches, with over 3,500 a whole atetaure Uallery. GIVES Wholes! Prices direct to connuincrs on all Kd for personal or family use. Tells bow to order, and (rives exact cost of everything yoa nw, eat, drink, wear, or have run with.

These 1SVALIABLK BOOKS contain Information (rjeanrd from the marketa of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad dreas upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing, lt wlm hear from yon. Rcaprctrhlly, I MONTGOMERY WARD A. CO.

221 220 Wabash Avraae. III. Application for License. The junderslgned, a male inhabitant over the age of twetity one years, and a rei'dent of the City ft Huntington. Indiana, hereby give notice to the citizens of lheeeond llioflty of Huntington, Huntington rounty, in the of Indiana, and also Iho citizens of tbe City of liuntlnglon, county and State aforesaid, that he will make application to the Huard of County Commissioners, of Huntington county, Indiana, at their March session, lh7.

to obtain a lleenae to sell vinous and malt liquors In a less quantity thau a quart at atlme, with the privilege of permitting tbe same to be drank on the premises where sold, and that the location where he desires to sell Is In the two story brick building situated In the See. olid ward. In the City ot Huntington, Indiana, on Iho following described premises, to wlt: Pnrtofln lot number eighty one (81) in the original plat of the town of Kuntingtou. Indiana, bounded as follows: Resinning at the southeast corner of said lot; thence westward mi he line of Market street eighteen (Is) feet and six inches; thence at light ancles northward ninety iwi) leet; inence earn warn at right angles lo the east line of said lot eighteen (.18) feet and six (6) Inches; thence at right angles southward ninety (DO) feet to tbe place of beginning. JOHN H.

CLIFFORD. Feb'y 3, 18S7 31 3t i. Application for License. The undersigned, malo Inhabitant of the Htate of Indiana, over age of twenty one years, desiring' to sell intoxicating liquors, hereby gives notice to the eitlzeus of the Becond ward, of the City of Huntington, lluntington rounty, and (State or inuiana. mat ne will make application to me noara of Commiealoners of lluntington couuty, In diana, at their March session, i7, to sen spirituous, vinous and nr.alt liquors, Jo a leas quantity than one quart at a time with the permitting thesame to be drank on" the pre ie where aold, and that the location where he so desires to aetl la In tbe twostorr brick building situated In the Second ward.

In the c'tyof Huntington, India na, on the ucecnoeu premise, It: Part of lot elulitv wo. In the original plat of the town of lluntington. Huntington county. State of Indiana, commencing at the aoutb west corner of said lot, thence northwardly ninety sastwardly twenty feet and five inches; thence southwardly nam Hal with tha first line ninety feet I Market street; thence westwardly with street twenty feet and five Inches to tha place of beginning. Eebroary 8, 168T, DRY GOODS If II 11.

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