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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I tfie VcCeli froni tendon, to be foW by asd BO At their tort in Water ftreet, the fecnd Door above 'Cheftnut lv XAR I ETY of low priced Spaniih blue and cloth co. loured ftaloons, red and white flanne's long, and changeable 'duroyi. white, black, blue, dyed and claret rattinetl, ftriped linceys, figured and crofs barred Prufiunet fluffs, dorfeteens, blue, pink and cloth coloured durants, fine and fupirfine blue and cloth coloured figgathlesjeanets, thickfets and fuflran, and 4 threaded worftea breeches patterns, blue, white and cloth coloured tammies, black ruf lei, calimancoes ftriped, blue and cloth coloured camblets, camblet tecs, fingle and doule cloth coloured darc'alks, green, Hue, black, drab and crimfon'fiiag, mens and vvomens filk velvet, blade padua Ay, black and cloth coloured fattin, black lace, Italian Jtift, era vjts, black and white crapes, Venetian poplins, Erigliflr taffety, yd widecypras gauze, lowered anil fpbtted ditto, rofetand culgeehind gauze, white kenting, Scots and printed linen ditto, piflol ind long lawns, cam bricks and lawns in pieces and patches princes linen, a idem double meiias, brow lui, Irifh dowlas, yd wide tandem garli Perfons indebted to theBftate'cf Mr. alter Dougher A ty deceafeJ, are defired to come and fettle their Accounts and thofs who have any Demands againft faid Eflate to bring tl.i.r Accounts that they may be adjufted by tf Mary Dougherty, PERSON that be well recommended as a School mafter; who can write a good Hand, and teach Youth the Rules of Arithmetic, may meet with Encouragement; by enquiring of the Subferibers, living in the Town of In the "Weftern Divifion of the Province of New Jcrfey. John Fib.tha EdwardKiasbiy, CJ SCHE of a 'r for purchaling a' Lot of Ground, and building a Piefbytcrian Church in Baltimore Town, Maryland.

r' TTJ I I the crowning Excellence Tof intelligent Na 'UV1 Vv 1 1 pu Aiumrjr, wcimu ounuves jci lmumcicni ic iana, irnn ana ivama mecung, a icKiinjoui ucinpcn aa pr gun $um a8 netefllry tfccomplifh fuch an important Defign, beg en, blue linens, brown roles, white and brown buck xzm; therefore to folHcit the Cenerofity of our Fellow ChrifiianS a very laee affortmcnt of mens and womens cotton, worlted, aad tn anj a Ymli Ttrrv at a Tim. l. l. 1.1 1 r.n," wnuc ana orown uirciu iiuic, uuuuic ouu liiigtt ui. i.y, viai anu, cloth coloure'd plain and fringed womens filk mitts, worfted ditto, Ifnens welted lafrib gloves, ftitch top crimfon, fattin and purple grain ditto, filk knee garters doth, light anderovc coloured fewing filk, Scots full numbered thread, white, brown and coloured taylors thread, Turkey andfcarlet boys lettered ditto, a very large aficrtment eff fattin, paduafoy, taffety and grogram, plain, incle and edged ribbons, ftock tape, qyality binding, Arrets, noRfopretties, bobbin, broad and harrow tapes, filk and firret bices, mould fliirt buttons, wire ditto, beft death head buttons, filk and hair twift, coat and veft Ineal' battons, a large aflbrtment of bra.fs fleeve buttons, fet link 'ileeve and jacket ditto, oil flints, variety of mfT boxes, neat tor ioifefhel tobacco boxes, i and 3 foot folding rules, Turkey leather poclytt books, womens blue chip, hair and Leghorn hats, maps of the world and quarters, cocoa fans, lamp necklaces, nutmegs, mace, cloves and cinnamon, lopking glafiesiWefl on's (huff, writing paper, fine and fupcrfine fealing wax, vermilion and common demy memorandum, foolfcap, pins, London anil Whitechapel needles, wool cards, cotton ditto, fine barred riving and bolt top wire cla Vittt ditto, half and quarter pound planihed canniftei pepper boxes, 3 pint and quart coffee pots, children cupc, eggflitcs and awl ades, mens and womiens thimbles, fence pan gun locks; engraved 'tridle and half bridle ditto, razoh, fciflars, buck and bone knives and fork, pint and half pint brandy bottles, brafo ink ftirrup irons and bitts, a large aflbrtment of mens ano womens whips; 7hites bed hatidfawi, common 4an4 ao inch Jitto, fifvtr watch es, watch feali.

chains, and filk ftrines. a large aflbrtment of womens ftays, aid a very large alTortment of London pewter, fi, J2 ahJ aod nails, Weft Lidii rum, cc. 6 W. A td David Wilkins's, the lift Day of. April, a dark browri Mare; with a Blaze in Her Face.

Tears old, about Hands high, paces a about ten or twelve Travel, and has no 24 i9 10 10 10 2 1, 589 Prizes; 4Xi Blanks; fcob of of of .0 or 6( of of of of e'e of Value in Piece3 of Eight; 100 75 5 260 150 100 s0 40 10 8 5 is ate are are are afe are arc are' are are are are Fifft drawn; Laft drawn, 'tickets, at four Dollars each are I I Total Value; 1500 1500; iooo 600 00 500 400 2CO 20O 246 12410 20. That the Lottery (hall be drawn in Baltimore Town, as foon as te Tickets are of, and previous Notice thereof fliall be given in the Maryland and Pennfylvania Gazettes. That a Deduction of 15 Dollars be made from every Prize "of 100 Dollars, and, fo in Proportion for any greater or lefler Prize. cnercuy iu lane iuc oum intenaei or 3000 uoiiars. Negroe Lad the Time of Servitud of a Mulattoe groe Woman, a conCderable Number of very valuable Oxehj, Milch Cows, and young Cattle, Sheep, Sine, feveral good Horfes for riding or Draft, Feather Beds, and many other Things too tedious here mention.

Alfo the one Half of a valuable new Saw mill, fituate on the South Branch of Meteitunk, The Ven 0 be kid by puUIc Vendue, by tho th the gth )jyJ Day of Auguft at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premifes, a valuable Plantation, beautifully fituated in liaver ford Towcihip, joining the Land of John Gregory, containing Acres of Land, about one Half cleared, the. reft very well timber ed 10 Acres of Meadow may be watered very eafcly having a tlni Stream of Water, running through it there are two Log Houfes on the Premifes. The Title is'indifputable, Attendance will bo given byr Amoi the Time and Place abovefaidVp "TT" be fold, by pubhdc Vendue, at the London Cofree hotife ii tne otk ay AugunVnext, 40 Lots of Ground, dif ferent Dimenfions ao of are fituate upon, Second flreet coatinued, Shippen's ftreet, and Vernon ftreet, near the late Play houfe and others rjpon Lombard ftreef, Third ftreet, and Fourth ilrcet, near the New ChurchV Alfo a good Brick Houfe, 3 Stories high 8 Feet' Front with a Brick Kitchen behind it, and a eood ture, claims the Approbation and clofe Attention of every Pump before the Jboor it New Market, and 15 known; reafo, able Being, who future Blifs. We are bound, froni by the Name of the Tun Tavern, where the Widow Snowdon now Pnnciples of Gratitude and to promote the Honour and jives, next door. but' 6nesto Tohnf Efquue.1 A particular nquaaruple ditto, demy jqr.

OOW TVorAio of the Sncrcme Mind a nereflW in nurnn Profnerirv. Defcrinrinn nf tTi mav; hi fpn In a Plan at th finfT demy 7 eights dlttO, ClOUting nf Qftriifv' anrf fnfnrf. Hanmnr Kf AnUW Ttnnfm oA Hfv 'Tn1 Tt rK.ft Ru(Tu diaper, huckaback, 7 qr diaper tablecloths, plain and by thefe intereiiig Motive we, of the PrefSytefian Perfuafion in vN Thurfdav the ath Dav of AififrneyritT t.inged, Cqr.dittotringed, Sqr damalku VTi tnis Townref hot Pafty Views, bui real Principle, t5 tines, canvas bed bunts, qr. Flanders bed ticks, qr. beft dye bed ur J.v.

ct a P.UP.UC at trie London Lottce Hot Houfe when the Benevolenc? of' our Couhtfvmfen is fo well tried in this Way. We hope our Claitjl to the public Attention is equal to any that has ibllicited their Notice," and humbly expect thatwe fhall meet with general Encouragement. 1 Number of Priiei. 2 A 4 The tuiuci, be houfe, 3 Stof ids high; 20 Feet Depth, adioiningr to which is good BricK Kitchen andvPiazza, and near it exceeding good Water. The Lot on which faid Building ftands, is 100 Feet deep, and clecir of Groundrent, tuated on the Eafl fide of Front ftreet and Katherine a little below the City.

Alfo an excellent Piece of improved Mea dowy about a Mile below the faid, Houfe, containing near' '4 Acres, with a Cedar Barrack on it, and' well inclofed with a Cedar Fence it is very pleafantly and convenient ly fituated to go to, by Land or by. Water, being on the! Eaft fide of the Road that leads to Gloucelter, TheTi ties are indifputable. rs will expoled to Sale by Way of public i Vendue, on the xith of Auguft, at the Siga of the RedLion, in4Jwchland Tbwnfhtp, Chefler thef following Goods viz Broadcloths, Kerfeysj Chints, Ca licoes, Muflins, Long Lawns, Clear Cainbricks Irifh Linens; Stuffs, Calimancoes, Shaloons; Taffetiesi Silks, Velvets, yiufhes, Ribbons, Garters, Laces, Knives; Shears, Sleevebutt6ns, Shoe Men and Womensf Gloves, fewing Siikv with a large Aflbrtment of various' Sorts of Shop goods, too tedious to mention the Goods late of James MManon dbceafed. Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock, and continue till, all is" Where due Attendance and reafonable Credit will, be given by' Sa iiUEL MlAHbk, and John, CtLBERTSONi Execut. rr 0 be fold by the Truftees of William Griffitts, by A public Vendue, on the 19th Day of at thd London Coffeb Koufei A mttiety of tvvo lots of ground in Germantown, on the foutheaft iide of Bowman's Lane i the one of them beginning at a ftake or Hone fet for a on tne lam isowman's Lane, and lov a corner rf un uic laiu Dowmaa ane, ana ana a The Managers John Theobald Endt's land thence blr the farhe fmirheaft appoimca are, ivjcmeurs jonn irnitn, wimam uucnanan, jonn 14 percnes ana tour teet, to another corner thence alfo Marks; flic has been advertifed 3 time.

Ifyc Owner may have jonatnan Plowman; William Lyoft, and Nicholas Kux by the faid Endt's land (late John Neil's) Jiohheaft thred her again, paying Charges, by Applying to faid David Wilkins, ton Gay, of Baltimore; Mr. David M'Culloch, of Joppa Mr. perches arid 14. feet, more or lefs, to a corner ftake i thenctf atNoxontwn; fT Gcoree Steve nfon of Yprk Cel, Jehn Armftrong, of Carlifle; by Daniel Etter's land northweft A perches and 4. feet tc CA to the Plantation ot William Lindsay, in Lower "Pr "avl; Rofs, of.

Bladenfturg; Mr. Peter Hubbert, of Dorfet; a ftone fet for a corner by faid lane; thence by the fahie Providence, Chefter County, on the 2 ift "of May laft, bay Kl 10 an4 hne fothwdft 3 perches and 14 feet to the place of begin Mare, with a fmall Star in her Forehead, nd mod before. The Li mngj" Containm by computttion 55 peaches and Owner, Roving his Property, and paying Charges, may have her publiihed in the Pennfylvania and qur of hndmore or within the limits. Thd WillmLldsav. being on the fomheaft fide of the afraid" aitcr mc jucauction aroremennoned.

paia Jrlre money AME to the Planution Of fofeph Richardfon, of Provi. dence, Philadelphia County, on the ath of Tune, a likely black Marc, about 1 4 Hands and a Halt high; a Star in her Fere laead, about 12 Years old and a forrel Mare aboMt one Year old lafl: Spring, a Blare in her Face, and two white Feet. The in fix Mqnths after the Publication cf the Prizes, to be deemed as generoufly given towards this laudable Purpofe, and to be applied accordingly. N. B.

Seven Shillings and Sixpence, Pennfylvania PapefV will be taken in Payment for a Dollar in the Purchafe of Tickets, and Mare and Colt are both Pacers. The Qwrier, or Owners, provinc In he cald in like Manner in DifrW ftf PnS. their Property, and paying Charges, may have them aih, by ap. Monmouth County, New Jerley, July 21, 1761. lyg faxd Joseph Richardson.

VN Wednefday the Nineteench Day oJf AuuS nexti's intended "JHereas James M'Crae, late of Oxford; Yeomanj deceafed; to be fold by Way of publick Vendue, at (that called) Jona made in his Life time his laft Will and Teftamxnt, and than Thomas's Little Saw mill, the faid Mill and Lands thereunto thereby devifed to his We Ann McCrae, a certain Plantattofi, 'adjoining, being feveral Hundred Acres of good Pine Land and wuatem uxrora iowmrnp, in tne county 01 rnnaaeipnia, luoject Timber Swamp, a Pau of good Oxen, a good Horfe Wageon, and tequeathed in and fey the faid Will; And whereas the faid Planta tion is now fold, by Virtue of ce'rtain Executions againft the Eftate of the faid James, a) well as againfr the faid. Ann, in her own Right, and the Jofeph Harl, Efqj is reddy to pay dovvn the Confideration Money all Perfons who have any Demands a gainft the faid EUate, are defired bj this public Notice to rroduce their faid Demands immediately to the Executors of the faid James, and the faid Purchafer, that the fame may be fatisficd, and the Lands aforcfaid from its faid Incumbrances. Ann M'Cai, Execut. QTRA YED, or drove away from the Subfcriber, in New 20th of June laft, a fprightly black Horfe, a bout 14 Hands and a Half high, has no wj(iire about hira, except a lite Spot on th nearSide, towards the Back, bob tailed, and the Ends of his Mane are dipt, was mod on the Fore feet, and was in Company with a black Marc with Foal; fuppofed to be ftrayed or Hcove ft with him. Whoever takes up the laid Horfe, and brings nim to'the Subfcriber, if within iz Miles, or fecurei him, if further off, fothat he may have him again, hall have Twenty Shillings Reward, and reafonable Charges, paid by me ST William Ocki, feveral Parcels of and other THings of Value the Vendue at a itone; a corner ot John Gaiter's lot thence foutheaft 14.

perches and 4 feet'to a ftake, a corner of Johrf Theobald Endt land 5 thence by the fame, northeaftj perches to another corner itake thence by a lot of ground of Frederick Lawrentz nbrthweft 14 perches and 4 fett to. a ftone by faid lane thence by the fame fouthwelb threef" perches to the place of beginning; containing by computation 4x perches and three quarters of land 4 The two' lots fubjeft to a proportionable part cf two Pieces of Eight cjuitrent to the Frankford combany. Alfo a moitty two lots of ground in the ity of Philadelphia, the oneot' them fituate on the eaft fide of Second ftreet. atthe di llnce of 34. i eet fotlthward from Lombard ftree coni 1 1 i to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon And on the Day follow tainmsr in breadth on Second ftreet 17 feet, and in debth ing, Is to be fold, at the late Dwelling houfe of the faid Jonathan Gl feet; fouthward with ground ef TofeohWliar Thomas, by Vendue, to begin at Nine o'Clock, the Plantation of the faid Jonathan Thonias, containing 173 Acres of good Upland ana Meadow, vpn whlcn there are erected a large good two Story Brick Dwelling houfe, with a Cellar it, a Kitchen, Barn, and other valuable Buildings, a good Well, of Water, Garden, iua, wcitwaiu wun tnciNcw iviarjcet.

ana caitwara with a weftward with the New MarJ Certain three teet alley, with the ufe thereof The other lot fituate on the fouth fide of Lombard ftreet, between Front ind Seco.nd tfreets, containing eaft and weft iS feet' dnr? In lonrrtli 4or Vt f. Ar.Ji fL. 1 Orchard, and a vehr valuable Grift mill, built on Crofcwicks nA uu uJ.a r'wu hUypF no Want of ha. SS; Place for a Merchint, oi Pfi4 if any hater. Ukc Mr" one equal Und.v.ded fix wift a good nw FRliihs mill, ith the Utenfils theteunto belong of 5.

fituate in the county of Ines avervldrceOaantitVbr rnnd TfnlhM rhiUdelptua, beginning at a cornertree in the hue ot 0 ii I liftti T'T fan a Ne uuiumi Man, a thence by a line of marked tt ees northeaft 476 perches to a corner tree thence fouth baft 155 perches to another corner tree thence fouth we(l 4.76 percnes to a corner poft, and from thence along thei line of Limerick townlliip aforefaid .1 tc perches to the' piacc or Dcginning togcincr wun tne ores, mines, mine due to continue from Day to Day till all is fold; Where People may rals, hereditaments and premifes depend on fair Ufage by the fexecntorsj Edward cumg miii, witn tne uon James Lawrence and Joseph AnNiTi vemency of erecting a Saw mill, where formerly one hd3 1 Ji been eiedted; the Mill houfe is a good Stone Build! rrr, tu tr hlladclAu 'v and is 60 Feet long by 35 wide, with.twoPair of Stones, and two HT on tie aiftf this Inftant, at Water Wheels, which ctn both go toother, with 3 Boulting Chefts Kf1V on; the Houfe and Lot where and Cloths the HoifUng and Bdulring Gee'rs all gJby Watfr, with ir i many larje and fmall Garners for hbldine Grain, and in a eood Part fr0 Arc.h ft5c P3 eo of the Country, about 33 Miles frOni Philadelphia, and ai from Chefter, fituate on Brandiwyne Creek, in Uuchland Townfliip. A hy Perfn or Perfons inclining to purchafe the Premifes, with 1 i Acres of Land, ate requclled to apply to Samuel Flower, in Philadelphia, WjiTli am Bradley, Miller, at Mill, or Tkomai Guest, near the Prerrlife where they may be informed more particularly; 1 containing in Breadth 11 Feet, and in Depth 5 Feet, leather with the Privilege of a three Feet Alley, leading out of the Pre mifei into Archftreet, aforefaid fubjecl to a Ground rent of Forty Shillings, Pennfylvania Currency, per Annum Two Hundred founds of the Purchafe Money to be paid on the feiecution of the Deed, and the Remainder in a Twelvemonth after, with Intereft, Kiving good Security, if required; The Title is indifpuuble. The Sale to be on the Premifes. For further Particulars, aoclr to the u.v Subfcriber, who will. attend the Sale.

Toiin StHwriGHAUSEE. Rttti mu a 'n. i N. B. Said Schweighaufer is removed from his late Place of TnJ? I firft0 AP Vtain, Abode, into the Houfe where Mofes Heyman formerly lived, in aamuci ceauey, snas a irem olour, lometning freckled, a Second ftrett, the third Door below the Corner of Race i bout 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high, well made and ipry, fond of Company, loves Dancing," and fings a good Song, patTes for a Jockey er Horfe Dealer his Clothes are, blue Coat, and black Velvet Breechesj fuppofed to be Manchefler.

Vhoever takes up faid Beaf ley, and fccuies himln ay Goal, and informs Mufgrove Evans thereof, at the bign of King Kendrick, in Philadelphia, fliall ie ceive Four Piftoles Reward, Robert Combes. HIL A ELP'H I Iff where'he has to fell, at the moft reafonable Rates, a choice Afforti ment of Shop Goods, and hopes his Cuftoniers, and others, will continue him with their 'Cuftom. To be Dj ALIKE Negroe BOY, about 15 Years of Age'. Enquire at the New Piriting OfHcei Alfo a yearly rent charge. of two SpaniftiPiftoles.

each iVeighing four pennyweight fix graini, or value thereoC ih coin current, iifuing out of a certain lot or piece ot ground, fituate on the weft fide of a 'certain new ftreet called George ftreet, on Society: hill, to the fouthward ofy and nearly adjacent to, the city of Philadelphia, in breadtli on the faid ftreet zi: feet 6 inches, and in length or deptii ib'o feet, bounded eaft ward with the faid George ftreet fouthward with ground late of William Griffitts weftward with Luke Morris's ground, and northward with ground! of Hunt and Wagdalfej now in the occupation of Henry Miller i And alfo a lot, fituate on Geofge ftreet, tohtainihr in'. urcaatn on iaia nrcet aa ieet nx mcnes, ana in lensrtn or 00 ieer, pounaea nortawara oy eaftward by Luke Morris, and Samuel Rhoads, fouthward by Henry Miller, and weftward with faid Gorge ftreet: The fale to begin at fix o' cock ih the evening. Chefter, IT.r'HE Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, made ex i. cifeable by an Aft of Assembly tof the Pro nf'. PnnCvIvanTa.

are hereby rpnmrp1 tr ni tr tYi frvirriA Ari rears of Duty thereon at Auguft Court, for which Service 1 mall at tend the firft three Days of the faid Court, at the Houfe late Aubre Bevan's. Likewife that each Retailer make their Entries punVuall as the Law direct. Char lis Humphre ys, Collector; 1 Printed by B. FRANK I Post Ma and D. A at thp 3 0 is! near t.iie Market:.

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