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Daily News-Democrat from Huntington, Indiana • Page 2

Huntington, Indiana
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1 IJ i.J 1 i.J i to rictcct yourselves zzint undue ycu etcva all thirrs, provide WARM UNDERWEAR. litre f'r: cUim to be ca the tcp. cotcli tr.i lc7 prices, having bought our underwear direct from the zts enabled to give our customers thbm the did's prcCta. Ladies' union suits 50c. Others get 65c for none better.

Child's and misses' union suits from 25c up. Alen's union suits others get ti 2 for cone better. Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers 75c suit: others get Ladies' and misses' heavy fieect vests and pants iSc; ethers pet 25c; 1 lot of odds and ends assorted underwear at one half their value. and cottca tl nksts; best assortment in the Cloaks for all Huntington. So suceessf ullhave we been thai we know we have the best line in the town.

Fnr ii ssirfs ii Ccss aii loci EZZSS C0C3S AIID TTLHICGS FOU EVEHYEODT. THE J0H1T STRODEL CO. Daily Ileus Dsmcciat. Published Every Evening, except Sunday, by No. SO "West Market 6wst, Huntington.

Ind. BUBSCEIPTIONl Pec week, toUrered by ear JOe Monday. November 6. 1823. TojcoKBOW tells the tale.

7m. Kentucky democrats be democrats tomorrow? 5' "Win. the people Indorse, or cen nxre Ilanna and the trusts? 1 Teb opening gTin of the campalfrn of 1300 will be fired tomorrow. us hope the true democrats may do things Brown" In Ken tucky tomorrow. 1 Getxbuix lIiLis says he is willing to go to the Philippines at any time but somebody else thinks the time has not yet arrived.

1 Da. Httrtt's advice concerning vaccination seems opportune, with a email pox epidemic threatened only a few miles away from us. Thxuj are thousands upon thousands of people in the country to day who can testify, through sad experience, to the truthfulness of the ollowisg from the" Columbia City Itt thi world it is the ambition 'of nearly every person to better his condition, to follow an avocation which seems most invitlnjr and retractable and which will afford him the srreatest degree ot pleasure and There is really but one time when the choosing can or should be done; and that Is in early life. To be successful in any calling a man must have experience. Ex perience is something that can not be bought.

Time cannot alone give it to you, and a life time is too short to do much experimenting for the purpose of finding an avocation agreeable in all respects. The fact is there are no avocations free from objectionable features, and there are no people, no matter what rank in social, business or political affairs they may occupy, who are free from annoyances and cares. At present the country boy longs for city fife, and he goes to the city to satisfy that longing, even though he can find employment less than half time and can only earn enough to poorly clothe and feed himself, lie makes the move for the reason that he believes that life on the farm affords too little pleasure and exacts too much hard, slavish work of a Ia the city they imagine that conditions' are different, but a trial oi a few years convinces them to the' contrary. Hard. work Is a part of every calling, but the man who takes pleasure in his work and likes it does Hot grumble because It is hard.

TThat an Individual enjoys doing he does cheerfully and he does not grumble. Farmers say that each vear, farm help ia growing scarcer and more to obtain, and some of them anticipate that the industry will be greatly hspdl capped In the near future owing to 'inability to procure suEcient help. Tor this paper to say to young men on the farm that the opportunities there are equal to those in the city would do no Youngmen have ideas of their own, and few cf them accept the advice cf men cf nature years. In time, however, these matters adjust themselves, zzi at tlies there may be a of farcThelp, a reaction wUl and te demand wiU be sup (r from W. A.

Job, Afcstrct a. 12 irrca itreet. Eantiajrton. llary Cwari et zL to Chzrlz tta I to crrr.AC L.xi..:va r. Crz sttUzH is day All ir it i.

1 i T7HECII AT DUCATUIV Derrick Car and Heavy Boiler Roll Down an Enbankment. A wreck on the Erie at Decatur Friday evening causd considerable damage to property, the track being torn up about fifty' feet. HOW XT HAFFXSZD. The Decatur Evening Journal gives the following account of the occurrence: VV The Erie derrick car and a flat car, the latter carrying a large lo comotive boiler weighing a number of tons, had been puled to the bridge, opposite to the new pump ing station which is now in course of erection, and an attempt was made to unload the empty locomotive The derrick car, which ia an extras large and heavy one, carrying an enormous iron derrick and a steam engine for its opera tion, was clamped to the rails. Im mediately after the heavy boiler had been lifted by the derrick from the flat car, it was lost control of by the workmen and swung to the opposite side of the track from which it was intended to be placed.

Its excessive weight overbalanced the derrick car, and both boiler and cars were precipitated down Hhe embankment. i The workmen who were upon the cars leaped to. safety, with the exception oia engineer and a brake man named Herman Klege, who were in the derrick engine cab at the time. The car turned completely over, but, fortunately, caught upon the stone abutements of the bridge. which with the resistance afforded by the strong derrick kept the cab from being crushed.

Had it not been for this fact the two occu pants of the cab' would probably have received fatal injuries. As it was the engineer escaped uninjured, but Brakeman Klege was badly scalded by the hot water which escaped from the overturned derrick boiler. The flesh on his left hand was cooked and his legs burned about the knees. The wrecking train arrived from Huntington in a short time, and a large force of men were busy last ni jht and all of today trying to get the wrecked cars hack upon the Circuit Court. Benjamin F.

Prllaman, adminis trator of the estate of Christian Prllaman, deceased, petition to sell real estate. Petition to change or der and to sell land at public sale sustained. Land ordered sold on four weeks' notice, publishing and posting. Final report of John J. Thompson, administrator of the estate of Bob ert Thomas, deceased, was filed and notice ordered.

Caroline Householder vs. Eliza beth and Daniel Mitten, complaint on note and mortgage. The town of Roanoke vs. tlellssa Welch, Answer to first paragraph of complaint withdrawn and ans wer in four paragraphs cState of Indiana ex rel Dottle Robertson vs. Floyd Feighner, bastary.

Cans dismissed at cost of defendant. The ditch case is still in progress. The petitioners are "represented by J. B. Kenner and R.

A. Eaufman, while J. C. Branyan and S. E.

Cook are attorneys for the remon strators. covnuBsioxxza. The board of commissioners met today la regular session, the day being devoted to allowing tUIs and talklz over matters ia gereraJ. Toa Sale. A lot of first grade Welsbach lacp3, gas pipe and fixtures.

TTIil be ecld cheap. Esquire atthUcr ce. llr. ar.3 Ilrs. Ai P.

TerStll ar3 son, JanE3, are staTi3f at the S. F. Day hoe wh" their hens on East T7aallr ttrstt Ij 'ir jre zzl lira. Jan: jir i Lit; vMtin Tlj znz. 7 1 Qzits acrc lcf tzVx zzl vttr, were at the bonis cf ErcL 1Z, tii cf tlii city Iay afttmcca.

The event vras dua to this tcir the Ust vrc tn the Easiness unlrersity, it beinjr hi3 expectation to leave for Patter son, N. ia a few davs, to take a position In the public schools cf that city. Those present speak In glowing terms of the treatment received and are sorry that their teacher ia to leave then to sooa. AT THX BITIMSC1 SOUS. A number of the friends of II Isses Jesse and Henrietta Severence planned a neat little surprise party on them at their home on Front street Saturday evening.

Their plans did not miscarry and a splen did evening's entertainment wa enjoyed by fifteen guests." Mis Eva Bowser, of Fort Wayne, wa one of the guests and will remain for a several days' visit with Jlis Jessie. Games, music, and taffr pulling were among the amusements of the occasion. ixmx lOSSXS AT HOSO. From 20 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon Ills sea Julia and Hannah Windemuth, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Nicholas Windemuth, were at home to their young friends. About twenty five little girls of their own age were entertained in a most en joyable manner, refreshments and games making the hours merry ones. Mrs. windemuth 1 assisted them in a pleasing way and all will be anxious to receive a similar in vitatlon in the hear future. TWISTIRH Eph Shoemaker was surprised by a number of his friends at his home, 59 Etna avenue, Sunday, the occa sion being the celebration of his twentieth birthday anniversary.

All arrangements had been made by his parents and twenty five friends were present to help in the celtbration. A big dinner, was ser ved of which all partook heartily. The afternoon was spend in such as enjoyable manner that all will long remember the event. TABXWXLL DIITXXBv Ber. M.

Samson and family, and Bev. Winter and family were guests of M. Luber and family at dinner today. The dinner was given as a sort of farewell to Bev, and Mrs Samson before they leave this even ing to make their future home at Mulberryt neat Lafayette. I2TTIBTAI5XD AT DIXXXB.

Judge and Mrs. C. W. Watkins entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner at their home on Etna avenue Sunday evening. Mrs.

JPIckett, Of Clyde, Ohio, and Dr: Mark Thomas, of Indianapolis, were the guests from out of town. raiDAr cracut. The members of the Friday Circle will be entertained at the homr of Mr. and Mrs. H.

M. Hear ley this evening. Befreshmencs, cards, will be among the evening's amusements. Fifteen couples are members of the dub. 7 XAEBIAQX AKKrVXESAJtT.

Friday was the twentv fifth mar riage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George LorUie, of First street. The event was properly celebrated Sat urday evening by a big surprise party. Many handsome presents were received by the worthy couple.

Howard Hotel Sale. Jule Dick was the successful bid der for the Howard hotel property which was disposed of at Sheriff's ale Saturday, the price paid be in? $7324 15. He purchased the prop erty, we are informed, for two sis ters, who reside in New York City Mr. Foster, the present landlord. will continue to conduct the hotel The Boche property on North Jefferson street was also disposed of at Sheriff's sale for a little more than $200.

Cate Not Incurable Cut ft can not be cured by sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures which reach only the surface. The disease it in the blood, and can only be reached throo the blood. S. S. S.

is the only remedy which can have any fleet upon Catarrh; it care the disease permanently and forever rids the system of every trace of the vile complaint. His (hren, MontpeUer, Cilo write: "I was tie ted from Infancy wiUi Catarrh, and no on eaa fcnow tht Mnlleiing It prodaoe I tsetter than. 1. Ta pr7. and waibat prescribed ty tn doo tor rcUervd only to 'temporarily, and iirs, dtsa hi a tnner bcii thaa erer.

I tried a nnznber oi tlood tie'r mlaertl ln aet'Jed la and iTe rbeaciaLltm. I wm la a oocdlUon, acd a'ver cz treatment, declare Eeeir fe. S. E. alverlel a a er forf.ood CZscjft, I 1 to It.

oon i try fj sU'ra was tsoJ t' I le.ia to 1 7 rcT. and 1 W9 i.r.or. cz vl e' ta di ea." '1 wa 1 1. i yt 1 1 tT I ni r.3 ii it," 1 1 1 ii: 7 11.:. 1 ii tb ".9 f.U I' "3 tr I lr5f i T.

i. IL t'a cf a I rriT7 weVer, and Learir i cf th oci yea Lad done, I wrc1 to you and Lara taken tlx boU2. i cf Lydla rinlbaia's Vejttatls one texef tc.r Liver Fill, on packer cf Eanatiro and to Cmj I am leelin as weJ as I ever cuo. vfbea I etup tne I leel aa as I did when a firl End eat and sleep well aai do all cf tr work. If ver I feel weak aala thall know whir to pet my a tree jtru I know yvarmedlcin cured me." Mp s.

SAT.rTA rr i i TAirT ila3. The rresent lira. experi ence in treating female ilia la unparal leled: for year the worked aide by sida with lira. Lydia E. riakham; and for sometime raat has had sole charge of the correspondence department of bar great business, treating by letter many aa a hundred thousand ailing women a year.

All women wno ruxier invited to write to lira, rinknam at Lynn, for advice, which will be promptly given wltbout cnarga Juniors 7in Game. The ntjjh School Juniors defeated the Hunting: ton University team Saturday afternoon on Taylor's field by a score of 4Dto 0. It was an Ideal day for foot ball and a fair sized crowd witnessed the ir a me. Brferee, Allen; umpire, Grays ston; timekeepers, Reynolds and Hler. Time of halves, thirty min utes.

5 Captain Crnme, of the Business University, won the taking the west jroal and giving High School the balL High School kck rd off to Crume, who was downed Immediately. A touch down was made by Hlwh School In the first two minutes of play. By end runs acd hard bucking High School Juniors secured three more touch downs the first half. Score, 20 to 0. In thearcond half Crume kicked off to High School's right tackle.

who ran fifteen yards before being downed. Captain Emley, after five minutes of play, was disabled by be Ing tackled, bis knee coming in con tact with a small stone. Kenner was substituted at quarter The Juniors play McNulty's team next Saturday They defeated this team the first 'of the season by a score of 21 toll. The manager is trying to get a game with Central college learn for Thanksgiving. Captain Crume, of the.Bnslness University, is a good punter and he had the Juniors on nettles all the i high school teams have lost a frame apiece this year, the Seniors at Culver, and the Juniors at Wa bash.

Used by British Soldiers'' in Af rica, Capt. O. Dennlaon la well known all over Africa aa commander of tbe forces that captured the famous rebel Oallahe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg Bechuanaland, he wri ea: starting on my laat campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I need my self when troubled wim bowel complaint, and had given to my men.

and in every ca b. it proved most beneficial." For sale by Lovett Kay or. no Li. M. Bisiager spent Sunday in Chicago.

D3 VAzh bjr vavl cheap package coffee? If you want to find out, buy. a pound of the famous I 2 i V. mm After one trial you would not use package coffee at any price. YOUR MONEY BACK if they are not the best CoHee Values you. ever received.

SOLD BY J. C. KI7CII Dealers in IIuntirTton, Ind. I perior to other lt zrxz' It; i. 2 iy.

x. i i on a c1 are cf larceny pre rrc 1 Jar Stewart, to Ca tered a plea cf net guilty; Hi car; wa3 continue for a Lear ia TedceEday forenoon. Before Mayor Duncan Saturday evening, Track and George Gtro tie, of Tan en township, were ar raigned on the charge of assault and battery upon the person of Ed Ilreiff, a brother in law, on Friday. A cf guilty was entered, and their fine fixed at $10 and costs, amounting to $23 C5 each, whicb they paid. The case against John Stroble, on the same charge, was dismissed.

and another afSJavit was filed against him by Kreig cbargiDg him with provoke. Similar aGdavits were filed against Krcig bv Frank and George Stroble, which were tried before Justice Rusher, of Warren township, today, Prosecu tor Branyan driving out for that purpose this mornlog. All persons concerned in this unpleasant affir are prominent farmers in their locality, and it is to be hoped their difficulties may. be soon adjusted with ati8factionto alL S. C.

Woodland plead guilty to the charge. of selling goods without a license and was fined $1 and cost and compelled to take out a license. Th bill amounted to SO." Used in IliUions 1 1 J. 1 1 Accept no substitute Insist on LI0K COFFEE, In 1 lb. pk s.

These articles mailed FREE in exchange for lion heads cut from front of xlb. LION COFFEE pkgs. Silk Umbrella (either Lady's or Gents). Swt by jcpn (ch pre. rd, tor 170 boa Deads an4 a 2 cent stamp.

A Ysry fin umbrella, mad of onkm silk taffeta 9S lncl fxam with erea rib; tl rod and aUTr Congo haadl. Would ooM SZ00 at tb tbr.v Dress Pin Set. flalle fra lor IS lloa kadi and 2 cent stamp. Thre pin in theset(larper iban shown), composed of fin rolled gold, with handsome ruby colored set tinn. Suitable for waistpins, cufl plns, neck pins or at a child's et.

ash Belt and J3uckle. 7m "4, waiat maaaar STatled fre for IS Don bead cot frow Llon Corfe wrapper and 2 cmt stamp. Latest style of imported black Swiss prain ribbon beliine; styiuh Imitation, oxidized Bilyer buekie; neat, strong and Silver Napkin Rinj. For IS lion heads and a aent stamp, heat and Made of durable metal, heavily silver platcd. Two diCerent patterns.

rs Coin Purse. Ports Uoa beads' and 2 etTit stamp. Color, dark brown. Made of fine kid leather; chamois llnine; nickeled frame, with strong snap fasteninsf. Ladles'.

Pen Knife. For 1 5 lion head cut from Lion Coi ice wrapper and a 2c stamp. Larve size; good ma tenHl; bamije nicely decorated and assorted colors. if "7 TK3 AEOVTB AR3 ONXY A appear in this paper Voa always know LION COFFEE by the wrapper. Kill seeled paclc with tb lion's head In front.

It Is absolutely pure if the package is anbroken. UON COFFEE Is roasted the day It leaves the factorv. i Tf i our ulsters gu lines is lieir ac fs it it tual intrinsic value, it is not in Hr. 8. A.

Hire: pro; of the Columbus r'9 tt 13 t. llatu ia street, I have bt a bothered sour stoma.cb, pnlas la tbe stomach, and water brash for many years and had been pronounced lncur ati by cancer cf the stomach. I myself be UereJ that I wr ine the dye chemicals, Lavlr bc tn tbe for twenty year. I put to 6h1 thiit I couij not (rive my business proper aa Liiioa atid at last fouo 1 beniua in tta buMutvts and hfaii.u. ui.thi4(iMH Joiiiijonfa Cure, wliicu I pa from ynir ure, I aui cured at liit.

I hiu to ivy ailalra Chtx rf and i a ack Hr iead and In consequence I am bi py to tbat nft only Is my neaiin pxni tut buMiuess is cecidecily lm 1 will be pieaae i to answer uy letters and recnmmtnJ JnhQionl Dysierria Cure ia any way La my power, for tlie good it has done me. J.huio' Cure ts In tablet form easy and plea.snr. tat and i prepared at ttieceie crated Jtinrson Latx' atori i liuadel piiia. oraaie by itracuev iro LirudKista. Thursday's "Wedding.

The. friends of the contractlngf couples will be plt ased to learn of the approaching marriafire of Samuel Fetters and Miss Katie Foster. The ceremony will be performed by Eer. Father QuinJan, at his residence, Thursday eTeninfr, November 9 ih. The groom is an employee of the Erie railroad and his bride is tbe daughter of Mr.

and Mr. Nicholas Foster, of Oak street. A reception will be given at the home of the bride after the cere many. VMiss Neoma Heater returned to Fort Wayne today. of Homes! srnsioni, Knickerbocker Watch Mwa for 17S Uoa bead and a 2 cetit tamp.

Keat appear ing and an excellent time keeper. Solid nickel silver case, with ornamental back. Klrkel movements, fully Jeweled. The famous "Knickerbocker" watch. Ladies Watch Chain.

A doable strand of best silk cord, united at intervals with colored beads neat and substantial. For IS Uoa head and 2 cent stamp. dent's Watch. lulled fre for 90 lion heads and a 2 cent stamp. The celebrated Ineer soll watch suem woond and stem set: durable nickel plated case; each watch accompanied by sruarantee of the maker.

Are liable time keeper. Ladles Pocket Book. tarve size and' latest shape. Black seal crrain leather, with five separate di ud mj a tuck porket with cap to hold visiting cards secure. Given for 23 lloa heeds from Uoa Celts wrappers and a 2c Table Cover.

Durable, dark 1 colored I material that will stand 7 inches square. lncludipir fsncy fnneed border. Mailed ires for iS Lon beads and a 2c stamp. FEW OP TK3 UON CCFFCB PCE.V.IUMS. Another I Don't mis It I Tbe grandest list of premiums ever I wis cuniTY i I I il t' Cr is fl cf r.zzl, i (ren low pilceaj If voa want to save money take advantage of our Towel offerings.

A good towel from 5c up. call Thi3 13 a safe place to buy your Corsets, as we hand none but dependable goods and perfect fitting. A good corset, equal in all respects to the usual 50 cent price 25c A regular 75c Hrest form fnr" nf 1 J. C. C.

Corset for gSc. tzz 13 flavoh 52 North Jefferson Street, A lFAltl FACE MAY PROVE, A FOUI BAR OAiri." r.IAKRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES Fancy Gold tamp. For is btmdM I A and a I 3 oaot VtrVy msk 7m JJ' mm jmiiiiimi Pair of Lace Handkerchiefs. Twoextrafln cambric handkerchiefs, withi beautiful 1 Sorted lace me allion inter, tions in the coi nen. Hall inch.

hem, machine hemstitched! stylish and durable. A pair at the haadker chiefs rivea for IS Doa head cat uoa Coiiee wiapuei and a 3c Children. Picture Book. for 10 Doa aad a 2 cent a giitMn large pare of Mother Goose Melodies illustrated and with nicely lithographed cover. have different liooks, so you can get an assortment.

Century Cook Book. 868 pafre of valu able cooking receipt, also treatise on the labor of the kitchen, dining rootn, laundry, sickroom, and remedies for the more common diseases. Given for IS Hon heads and 2 ccnt p. Boys Pocket Knife. ThEasy tjpener strong, sharp blade: 4 red wood handle, For (2 Uoa bead and a 2c stamp.

list will ottered 'Waea wrrHng fnr prenHtrm pmCZZ.TU heo. 1 I Z.KVT5 u'n tneinarTin. ak your ftreser turlarg luustrated premium hut. Adu res ail ieuor te to i It is a fact that this make has ther reputation of all other ulster lines. But see a garment and you'll not wonder.

zzzizzillz Turkey Red Table Linen, usually sella at 25c a yard; onr price, 15c a yaid. Bleached Table Lia en, 19c a yard. Table Linen, extra heavy, well worth 35c a yard; our price, 25c a yard. See cur fast black Hose full 'seamless); lor 10c, a heavier grade.

I a a a ivetuiar 25c coys or gins neavy ribbed Hose; (double heel and toe); our price, 15c a pair. Best Coffes for tie Honey! Try LION COFFEE and you will never us any trier. it is absolutely pure Coffee and nothlnj but Coffee Rlnj; 3slltM KtikTScttlsia Rlaa. i Cam heads and. 2 osaK (cTll tamp.

j' These rfegi are rentiin roHednrold plate, having the exact ppaaranc and qualities of solid eold, and guaranteed by the maker to lasr two year with ordinary usage. Hew patterns and very popular. I To DctermlB ta Slz. Cut strip of thick paper so that ths ends will exactly meet when drawn ttfhtif around second Joint of the finger. Lay one end on this diagram at the order toe number the other end indicate.

Art Picture, Easter Greeting" (Bvea far Boa head cat fresaUea Co I wiappet and a 2.csst Ahfphly artisuc pictnr, that will grace the finest draw ing room. The background of royal dark bloa furnishes a appropriate contrast to tbe little rirl and her wblie East er lilies. Sis. 14x2s inches. For 10 boa bead aad a eants will send tt tinned ready for hanging.

Flower Picture. Par 8 Baa head and a 3c stamp. American Beauty Bose and Uiiei of the Valley. Bise, 11x24 inches. right and artistic coloring, The Dancing Leson.r The ffnvn roaa mrA brown kitten and tbe girl's snow whit dress form a pleasing combination of colors.

Eiie, IS 21 Inches nailed tree for hoa bead and a 2 cent stamp. end ymrr tetter hi the same welooe er i more tnan 1 lion bead are Mat, yeocaa J0 ml AA A AA fa it pV i 'ii II i I.

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