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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1717 V. on a At Jfrrfirteo' ta.tns.tii! iShtpi ron LWerptl sad BriuV, tnJtobe" fbld very cheat, orfea4y Money, or Ciprt Cedt, by' "7 HU MPH JR. ET INS ON, Ac bit Stoe, ia Front. flrect, between Arch and Race ftreets, and. oppofitc to Mr.

William the following JLOQI VIZ. frj rEnand it nail ebeckt, 3 qr. 7 eights and yard wide ditto, 3 qr. 7 eighti, yard, yaidand 3 eight, and 6 qr. wide cot JJL toa 10 nail, 3 andf eights wide check thindkerchefs, 3 qrf and 7 eights wide printed'Jinen ditto, dark i'Ani light ground ftriped hohandi, fine and fupctfiae cotton fit ArlnfA lnibr rnttnni.

rAtlnn trtttnrt mil nnr "Ft ditto, and cottpn ditto 5 a Jarge afTortment 0 3 qr. lin aflrioea, fiik giaghami, low priced.and fine yard wide iiifii Un (, 6 qr. 6 q'f. and a half, 7 qt and a half, and 8 qr. bed 6 and a half, 7 qi 7 qr, and ahalf and 8 qr, led Ctltkt, with boifteii'xnd'fitiowi, 6 qr 7 qr.

qr. and 10. ciped. ad plain linen and cotton iacei, jard Troon aad flat itk Iacei, half ell Turkey bid eye. fine dyed jeani and pillow fufliani, lipen and cotton th'ckfet', cotton barigoa Jtn and cotton ribi, cTjed jocoleet, black and drab cotton vcl rtu rttrteta, corded and plain demitieaeU wide brown 3 qr.

white ditto, white and coloured menj knit worded hafe, and coloured woiflea gracdureli black, nankeent 5 a Urge affjftmtnt of fatjin figured and paduaioy rib bom, rag and moulded hirt wire ditto, white, brown od blue iakie, rlileting tape, biown thread, frrm No. and a half to No. 4. coloured ditto fronityo 3 to No. 8.

nee diet from No. 1 to ia cnmel'ed japanned ditto," itortoifehell coat bottom, Ariped and crofa batted yard Venetian poplin, figured everlaftinga, rlripad.and croft barred tammiet, waitlcoat and breechea worried pattern, filk with htta, Eoglilh caflor and felt hata, London common and euatitiei, fcatlet, flnped and letter gartering, fett's el tabic linen, tit cnuaoeiihu. Apti. 6, 'Hereat. Jofeph 'Yeatei, by an Aft.

of Aflerably or thia ProTtnce of PennTflf ania, waa lately djfchargrd ae to he Imprifonmcnt of hi Peifon, upon hit aligning hi Landt, Good and Effefti, to hit Creditors and Therms Robey being a. Ctediior, and ppointed a Truftee by the Jufticee of the Court of Common fleaa for this City and County, to demand and receive he Land Goods and EfF cl fo amgned, of the faid Jofeph Ifeste, ihetlfe of his Cteditors This is therefore to adver Cife aJ thore who indebted to the. faid Jofeph Yet't to pay their Dcbta to the Subfcribcr, and preteat any iutthcr for the Recifery thereof" to be taken bjr nuajc pnia, Maicn 23, 175S. AL Sorts of grafted and mended Iikewife Gcfl tlemen Stockingr.Breechea and Cnildxeni Stock ings jWoncna Mittena and Moffa ees and' inended. in 'the neateft Manner, apd at reafo'nable ates, by jpN.BS, btw ea Foprthftiet and.

Fifth flrect, oppsCte the Buir Head, in Wirket firect. NOTICE is hereby to tbc Members of The Library mponj cf Philadelphia, that they are ro meet, purluarc to voevr Chrtrv on Monday, thefirft Daykof May at the )t Library, at Three o' Clock in the Afternoon, to choofe Diteftora and a Tretfurer, and to make their Tvvtnty fixth annual Pay A Good Coiiier. Any Perfoa.whounderitands that BoSneft Well, hear of good Encouragement, by applying to Thomas Fj.tTCWK,. Philadelphia County. WH A.S I have this Day received a Warrant, ttr der the Hand and Seal of.

the, Honourable WiLLlxii DxNMTE'qj Cfovernor and Commander in. Chief of the Province Psnnfylvsnia, and Counties NeW'Caftle, Kent an4 fftflir, on Delaware, Service jjfittog that the Highways and Roda be immediately cleared an4 amended, tfpec.aily the Provincial Read leadiog fr Pni.adelphia to Laocafter, and that I Notice to be given ia ail Overfeeri of the Highways throughout my County, that thajy pay Obedience thereto Thefe are therefore; to you', that with all conveaient Speed jou fct about earing and mend ing the faid Roads through your Prec inct, as you will anfwer, the contrary at your Peul. Jamxb CooffcAa, Sheriff. Ta the Jevtral Over Jeer for the Roads of the County of Phi ladtlpbia. April 4, 1758 Virtocof.a Writ to me directed, will be expo fed by ablick Vendue, on the zcjh Day of thi( inftint April, at ineHoufeof Samuel Dean, in Rockhi.l Town(hip, Buck County, a certain Mefiuge, Tmemsnt, and Trat of Land, fitote, lying and being irt the Townfhip of Lower Milford, in the County aforefaid.

containing '150 Acres, more or lefa, lte the Eftate cr homas'Chriftie, taken in Eierution at the Suit of William Ctlfi.cs, by Binjamin Chapman, Sheriff. Nexa York, April 3, J758. ALL the Ofnecrs of 'tis Majeftt's Regiment of Lignt In fantry, commanded by the Honourable Colonel Thomas "Cigs, now employed in the Recruiting Service, in the Provinces PennfyWania, Maryland, and Virgiaia, are hereby directed with all convenient peed, with their Parties, and (uch. Rectuite as they ba.I haVe raifed, to Germantown, in the Pro Vmct of Penofyivaoia, where they will remain, till they retire further Order. GAGE.

QTRAY.ED from Wilium Whitecreao Stable about theyth of.M.tch larl, a dark roan Mare, nine Years old, Htodthigh, a natural Pacer, fome white on one Hind foot, Yorae Saddiefpc's, branded on her near Shooleer f.methtng like E. Whoever brings faid Mare to William Whitebread'i, in Phi ladelphia, or to John Nutt, in the Falss Townfhip, Bucks JCounty, fijall have Fifteen Shillings Reward, and Reafonable Cbuget. paid by other, of the before mentioned Fe.fona. Philadelphia, ApriltV 1758. the aid of this inftant April will be epofed to Sale, by Vlf Publkk Vendue at the late Dwellipg hcufe of Ulum Jenkior, In Abingtor, the Plantation whereon Nicho lAoftio formerly lived, fitu.ted in the aforefaid, and funded on one Ida by the Old York Road containing about H7 Acres, with, good Improvements thereon The Condition! emaTe known at the Time of Sale, by' Th 04 a a Austin, Asit Jamt.

TJ.C htrih7 that the Goods of George Ha A Whitelard, Chefter Countyj are attache he from the ufual Place of his Abode, and not. F14 h.s Juft Deats thefe are thersfcre to require all his Creditors mT "C0Ie iB Tredytfdn, in fid County, ncxr mo 0 ock. in tne Afternoon, na their Bondr, BUlej and Book Account th.t Diftributioa utrm'y Hand the AT' ST OjLfetT from RIcbari Gibbe, cut of the Stable cf Lift rence. Growdon, Efqj ia Eenfttem rownfiitp, Backs County, on the third Inftaot Night, a Black Mate, near 14 Hands high branded en the near Buttock with fomething like the Let ter or Fi ha a Saddle Spot oa the off Side of her Back, a ihort white in her. Forehead.

and two (mail Streaks of white in the Middle of tach Ear, Ciod befotef, both Shoes Very loofe, about fix Years old, a natural Pacer, and was late the Property of Lieutenant John Mills, of Captain' Crookhanks New York Independent Compacy, Aifo taken at the fame a good 'Englifii Hunting Saddle, With green Broadcloth fringed Hou fiogs. Whoever fee ores tfcfc fa'rd, Mate and that the Owner may get the Mre, and the Thief brought to Jcttice, Qxtil hare Three Pounds Reward, or for the' Mire only. Fptty Shillings pid hy Rjchaid GIbbs, oe iola, tuuci.ieui Ue inot Grift. pleafsntly fituated io the Manor of Moorelahd, Philac'elohia Coun to, fourteen Miles from PbilaeelDhta aforefaid. The fame is un der a good Stone Mill houfe, "40 Feet with a gfod Stieam of Water and the StreVm) that Ttu'rria Thomas Peoingtou'a Grift mil may, with little CJft, te bio'oght to it.

Alfo two good Boulting Mill, both going by Water. It ia in aSe'rv good T'lace for Wheat, lying about a Quarter of a Mile from Vpper Yok. Road, ion the Road ht ieada to Walter Moore's Mill, two Mil a from the Crooked BLht commonly known 'by 'the Name of parrj'a Mill. Like wife another Certain old Grift nill, fituated on the' nrft meationdd Stream, now pretty, raucb But 'of Repair. Any Perfon or Petfom inclining to purchafe one of by applying to Nathan Bewiey, 'of Philadelphia, or to Stephen Parry, now.

living on the Fremifca, may know of $ale 1 April 4, 1758. ON the 31ft Day of January lf the Subfcriber loft a Silter Watch in Baltimore Town, Baltiniore County Maryland, Cr on the Road near faid Town, made by W. Kiplinp, No. wrote in faid Watch, had a folid Silver. at the String, with in a Cypher.

All Watchmakers are defired to ftopfUid' Watch. I hVe been lately informed that a Serganr named TurnerV of the fecond ttalion of the Royal Americana, found uch: a Watch, with a folid silver Seal tp it, near faid Town, where it ia'probable the Sobfcriber dropt it, and juft about the above Time. Whoever difcovers ftid Wtch, and fecurrs fo'that the SubfcVibieymy fiaye. it ajcaic, fflll have Twenty Shtl lings Reward, paid by JVltVl A MS AVORY. Jnl! Imported from London, and to be, fi 10 At his Looking glafa Store, the Sign of tr Bell and 'Looking glafs, in Cheftnut ftr'eeti Phil'delphia, A NEAT Afiortment of LookingglatTes; viz.

Piers, Sconces, Drefiing glaiTes, Swincers, and Pocket glaflea, Ink and Sand Bottles for Writing Mahagdsy Te cheflt, He aifo new Quickfilvers and frames old Gl iQij and iopplies People with new Giafs to their, own Frames, Toe. Philadelphia; March 1758 I PISTOLES Reward. PluaAtfplii, January To the I a OiV itfeW the Ninth Inftant, Mejfieurt 0 FE and. RE tY pnpofe to (ten a Scbtcl for tbe Education of Yub ih Uflne, Tome white about one of her Hind feet, with a little wifi be taught by Mr. 9.

KE lstiu and the Eirg lft Lau9uaft according io tbt mcfi exact Rukt tif Crmtnmar. Jirtb an laccttratt and majculine Prtnounciation and Accent it become lis Dignity. "The befl tbe befl. Claftce fiiU It UaJ and explained in vfo Eniijb School, tbt Htautter and rewMikabl Pvjfagek Jfoiaudeut4 xoithite Derivation of all tGntk W.erdtt.wr tby Objervatio. By LT toifl bl tmight irrittig in all jtbe ufual lUndtf end Aritbmettt in ail 1(1 Parte, botb.Vuhar and Dt N.

Youth may be boarded at Tdr. Dovtt, xvitb roper. Accsm modal rem at njuaJ aU TO Nf I hereby gives Notice, That any Gentlemen defirooa to buy or fell Eftxica. Houfea, Land, Yeariy ent Charges, Annuities, cVe; or to borrqw or lend Mo' ney on good Security, may be aflafted therein by applying to him at hi Office in Cheftnut ftreet, between Front ahd Sccond ftreeta wheie their Bofinefa (as ufuai) wilt. be tranfacled with the greats er.Care) Difpatch and Thofe whopleafc to favour him in lacing but their Money at Interetr, raayi be alTuird that hi will iracure, them by Mortgage or otherwrCe upon Application will, with Acurcyf; and Examine Tuea toLandt, and inform the PofTefhra.ori)wn xi of the Deeas relaiing to foch Lands, of any Det in their Ti ties, aifo, what "wjil be needful to fupply oremedy fuch DttiCti.

JOHN REILY. At the faid Office is tran fitted, aa above, the Notarial Bufinefj in all its Brancher by. Mr. A.U St. E.YS, Notary, "1 'LL Perfon loOeotea to tne EtUic of Thomia Uvr, latd) TL this City Shopkeeper defeafed, either by Bill, of Book arc defired to make fpeedy Payment and thofe who have any Dsmsnds againft faid Eftate, are defired to bring in.

their Accounts, that they may be difcharged by ajx DXvii, Executrix; Ind THoM Executor N.B. A great Variety of fdpei fine, fine, and niwdllng CfbthrV with Trimming, sod fundry other Goodr, Who efaie or Retaif, will be fold very reafonable for Cafh, or ihort Credit, at the late Drel'ineof fMrt Thomas, Pari, in Market ftrvet. tTbc. 3 M. To be Dy EX AP4, A.N AiT eantainiog 225 Acres of LeocV .150 whereof are cleared, io Acres of it watered, a Stone Hoofe; compleatry finifhed.

by 17, two)" Stories hjgb, four Rooms oh a Fibor; and a Cellar, under the whole, with Stone Kftchen Well of Water neat tbeD)Or, a Yard, andlar'ge G'aiden pailed in, a Barn Stable and other Oatboufes. Likewise a Prame Tenement, (one Story hijjh, wiihuwo Rooms sind two Fire placet. Aifo a SVaterGrift Mill, and Saw MM. both: over mot, double, reer'd, and fuppied by the fme lage ftwS: conflant Stream of Water 5 the Griit Mill has long riad Reputation cf a Merchaot and ir well accoftbmed fot Coonitjr Vok ihe whole late the Pro perty of Richard 'Mitchell, lies compreatiy toge 1 thftr on a gieat Road, in the Townfhip! of Wsights Town, ia Bucks Caunty, about 24 Miles ftcta Any Peifoa ioctiriing tapurchafc orrent the. Premife, iy tbc informed of the Trtns' and Titie, 4y applying to EtDAD ItoBTS, or Jo atPH WaVs ok, Executors.

All Perfons indebted to ihe Eftate of the fid Dcceafed, are derued to pay 5 and thofe that have any. Demands, to brio in their Account, in order to have them fettled. rj aIY Juft imported ia the Uft vefiela from London and Liverpool, and to be fld cteap. by tj 4 at A RUN away from Wharton and Story, on the 18th of. laft AV Month, a Mulatrce Fellow, who'caila hirofelf Joe Leek, At their fibre in Front ftreet, near Wajnut fireet, and'oppefili away from Wharton and oh the 18th of laft about 5 Feet.

9 Inches high, and is remarkably V. Mr. John ReynelPs, ell Had 00. he went away, a cosrfe brown Kerfey (QLrer and 'fuptrfne broadcloths, bearjkint, frizes, hrfyt, plaits, Coat, wVth white Metal Buttons, lieht Kerfey Jacket, and 3 fearnought fvnaiifiin) fitiped Unfeyt, red and white flannels old leather. Breechea, with Btaf Buttons, cosrfe brown Yarn fpottid rvs rcfeand cowmen blauletry firtped dfjfielA blatltu, wees new Shoes.

an4 white Metal Buckle. Said Fellow' yarnapd woted fioc calmancott, tammies, isthie Prpjfcrt 9f Mr. George R.ock, late of Cecil County Mary durajits, Jingle white alopeens, Jhalo9txtt black blue and fear let land! imagined he has, tor will, endeavour to inlift hirofelf lalings, felt iatt, JDzenbrigs, tUklenbtrg, Rnjjia ajd frijb (htttir with feme of the. Recruitings Partiea in ihta or the neighbouring RuJJla towellings princes and dovtlax linen, 7 Sre geirlsx, Stbs amd Pfovincei, as lie ha a attempted it before. Whoever apprehends yd.

xbdlrifiltntnilchg and pi 'fiol lawn's cambricksund clear Idxcnt, aid Fellow, and will give Information thereof to Wharton and mujlrnt, vat iffy af ebeckt and gripes, 'coiton loVand falf and or, Story, Mr. Robert Curnroiogs, near Charleftown, Maryland, elimantuas 'black, Jiraxo and china toff cry r.pttJUntcf mail receive the above Reward, and reafonable Charges, if fttiet, light and cUtb coloured Jetaing Iks, tokiired andScou tbrsad. to any of the ah ova Prfons. garters quality nndtJhoe bindings plain and figured ribbone, bolland rpo bt Uttjor a Tertncf Years by the Subfcriber, living 'h 'f 1 Ntxontown. Jn New Cable Count 9.

lor re commediout Brick 1 Dwellmg bonje and Kitchens vJitb Stables and ether Out bcujes, elk 1 P1 Jha laft Ships from. London, and to be foli bjf a large Orchard, with a Variety tf. exceeding good Winter Ftuit, together with about $bcres, of, cttared Z.dnd of clear wup aoout 50 sicrcs, or, ciearea iana ana juioeny or clear ing more necelfary Country the great Read leahr frjim NewCaftle tr David Wither fpoonit tvbtreonmay be made a large Quantity of jflfoaTraci Land, fituated in Kent County on Dela ware, containing" 560" Acres or more, ljng near the great Road leading from Dover to Suffix, both cot.vev.ekt to Mills and LandingSjJ'or erhs apfty ia BaNjAMiH'NbxOK. To be HoufeandLot, on the Weft Side of Second Preet, neit the Corner of Safafrafs ftreet, commonly called Race? ftriet, containing in Front, on Second. fircer.

Seventeen A A SELL. a a A 1 5 large Brewh and Mdlthoufe.vntb ever, Ibig AJ hl1 Do0' to carrying on the. Bkfinejl, hingfituated in a plentiful A uV 'TT A .1 ble the Seafon. Tbc, To be SOLD by TH A At his Store, opoofite tthe Tuo Tavern, in Wajer aieer. ALARGr Quantity of Jamaica Spirit four Years old, by the Barrel, Kxg, or CaLoo Tbc RE A a it was fet forth in a late Advextifement that the of, Tonathan ard lohn MiSin was near axpirine, ahd thofe that were indebted thereunto were reaoefledtdi ascpiu, nve feet, or tnerexDouts, now in tut xbw it to infoto all thofe indebted, the fiid Partner Tenure of Andrew BotTet.

8 ihip is now expired, and that the whole Concerns thereof row Lle lJw5 te0 on ot ino the Hands bf the Subfcriber, who gives this publick No the South Sied of Saffafrafa ftreet, next the Coiner of SecondA tjce. that. ail whoate in Arrears unlefs they Ccroe in a.very 6ort ftrect, and at the back End of the above defciibcd lt, Con tain Time and bay, or givp Bond with Security, if required, rosy r.yu 3 expeer inn tdou latzaj aoo efTeczuai ueaiurcs win te taken to Feet, with the Privilege cf 4 Foot and Half Alley, now in the Tenure Thomas Dormer, and Chriftiaa Warner. N. B.

The above Lots are clear of Ground Rent, and Houfea infored for feven Years. For Terms of Sale apply to JENN IN S. in Third tlreet. Tbc 3 Ms IX Ei Goldjmitbi i obo bat for theft two Yean laj pafi wrktd and carried tn Bufnifs fit Mr, bar let Dutets, now pert Leave to inform the Publtck. fYH'tT Dutent if one the "Wtfi Indies redel I gratefully acknowledged by their obliged bumble Servant, I LN E.

compel tbem thereunto an 4 thofe ate by. Bond. Bill or Note, are required to come and pay, or give frefh Bonds to the Subfcriber only, who ftlil continnea hU Store to the old ace, near the Draw bridge, and hasfor Sale the folipwiog Artie es for ready Money, vix. Rum, Muscovado nd Loafs Sugijr, Raifint Tea, CofTee, Chocolate, Pepper, Alfpice, Beef," Pork and coufe Salt, Indian Ccrn, Iron Pots and Kettles, Br Iron and Grind dones Iikewife an AtTortmeat of Irifii Tandems, bail Duck, TicklioVurgi, Oreabrigs Piiiians, Pins, Netdlt, Powder, Sho and beft French Indieo a aifo a Quantity of Pipe Stave, and a Servant Girl, who Jha abouc bat fet up for bimfelf next Door to the Indian Ken, tn Mar feventeen Months to ferve. can foin.

and weave Mijffara ani prtu, in ice sioujo wtioihir. uavta tsar net, wbere.aUUfntlernen VgCuli. ana toadies wbo will bonour btm with tbetr Cuflomt may depend oh beirg faithfully Jer'ved in aU the Branch et at ufuaf, and the Favour A YED ot ftolen from the ubfertber. about Mcnthi bhek Hotfe, about Hands jSod before safes wel, is about 14 Years old, carriea hi Ears very uptieht and branded on the neat Buttock XR in a Piece. Whoever bring N.

U. He bat tjarje Quantify of Silver ftjor the. faid Hotfc to the Owner, fial) hive Thirty hU R4 vjpccri wiDei, 19 aijpoje ay, etna Hkewtje gtvet tbe bejt meet for ld ward, and reafonalic Charges, paid by Cold and Silver, Tbctf. pliU 11 IT IV, jafcl Ti.

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