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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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I "I ft II 1i i V. I 1 1 ters. mcomequenc lr to he made oublick. and to the Honour of our North to be fare that a Rupture will n.t hsppen about other Mat. ebarged her Mintfiers to rerr.tnf.tale to titer Lourtt, faittcmany zo soar cc or Alliances witn uirrerenc rowert, cf maaria, teas juco reparations art not bhowu i2 crwr Sufpicions and Jealoufies, and.

have a Tendency to im banc'; from Virginia. Amniriin that a fafe and eood PaHaee is found out be air the bafibv Harmony tbaf fubfils between tbe refpttUve Powers twcen the Collerodo Rocks and Cuba which will be a great Safe But we bear tbat our Minifiry, who have their Reafons for ailing, rr i 1 1 ..1 jf i. tt CmAuR 7 tv. ano lnOrten tne railage cr ail amps twining ircm iumii unu ire arawinr up an jimvucr nuitu xvm jj'yj ww" A J. tne Guloh of Fiorida of which there is nogood Draught, tho' fo, we doubt whether tbe Conferences, Jor Jettling tne rojejjions oj ivc it was faid one was Lome Years lince taken by Captain Oalcoyn in two Crowns tn Anertcat will be nor aowe jeeany rrojfcc a ao Gun Ship, lent for that Furpoie, and tor lome Kcaions was refufed to be ma3e publick.

A French Gentleman, well known by tbe mercantile Part cf this City, arj well verfed in tbe Politicks and other Affairs of France, one Day ibis WetX broSoUd a Wayer cf Five to Two, tbat War would be com a favourable Turn to tbe Negotiation between he afi India Companies. tntnced within twilve Kalendar Months, provided tbe Troops wen fent ments about Nine a Chek for tbe Winter. to Virginia. i Nov 7. It is faid in the Amferdam Gazette, tbat tbe Court of Turin has already agreed with ours, about tbe Conditions of a new commercisl Convention, tbe Dffgn of which is to exempt the Engltfb Ships from all Duties on Imports in the Ports of bis Sardinian Majtjly's Dominions, We bear tbat tbe Ruffian Ambaffador has lately bad fiver al Confer ends with the Secretary of State for the Northern Department which turned on t'ie Difference tbat has arifen.

between Rufp.a and tbe Ottoman Porte about the Bmldtng of Elizabeth Fbrtfhear. Oczakow.1, Tbe Grand Stgnior, who appears to be very uneafy about this Matter, has, it is faid, cv.tlaired of it to tbe Britifb Court as a Violation of Treaties But Arfwer has been made to bis Sublime Higbnefs, tbat Ruffia bad no Inttniion to give him any Umbrage by creeling tbat Fort, which it at a great Difarce frcm bis Frontiers and that, bejides, tbf's Step could by no Means be confiderd as an Infraclhn of Treaties, Some Letters from Dublin Jay, tbat Urdtrs bave been received tbere being 65 out of each Regiment, who are immediately to jvin the two Regiments ordered to embark for Virginia, Extract of a Letter from. the Hague, October iS. There is much Talk here of an Alliance being likely to be enter into, between the of Great Britain and tbat of Brunfwiik, by a dsuble which, it is faid, is in Treaty, tn the fir ft Place, Brunfivtck, eldcjt Daughter to tbe, reigning Duke, born in October 1737, end between tbe Prir.cefsAuf ufla, Sijler to bis Royal Higbnefs, and tbe Hereditary Prince of Brunfwick, born in Oclober 1735. btTt siot, it is thought, a Court in Europe tbat dif approves of this Alliance, which by nq Means tends to change tbe prefent Syftem of publick Affairs, but rather to confirm i to jorr.e private Letters from Warfatv, the Malecontents in Poland feeing the Rupture cf tbe Dyet, procured tbe Envoys from Wt are a Tared, tbat feveral Officers upon Half Pay in tbe Land Service were ordered to embark on Saturday, without having any far tber Notice given them than from tbe Middle of tbe Week which does Titt look as if fupporting our Colonies was laid afide.

Saturday a great Quantity of warlike Stores were fent from tbe Tower on board tbe Tfabella and Mary, for Virginia Orders are fent to tbe Searchers of tbe Sea Ports in the County of Kent, to be very firia in examining all tbe Paffengers of mean Degree, tbat tro to France if beinv difcovtred. tbat manv Men, efpecially Na tbe new Expedition in America. Several Surgeons of tbe Army are the Gates of Paderborn. This important Sup has been hitherto careful, alfo ordered to Town to go. with the Troops, iy concealed, and only got Air fince Prince Frederick's Journey this Fum Upwards of 900 German Protejiar.ts bave given in their Names, to mer to Aix and tbe ipa.

The. Confidence and filial Love wbtcb be fhewed fettle in tbe Englijh Plantations in America within a few Weeks pafl, for tbe Bifhop of Augfbourg, during tbe few Weeks tbat tbey fluid By a Letter from on Englifh Merchant in Dunkirk, we are inform ed, that tbe Defer ticn cmorg the French Troops increqfes daily but that fo great is the Infatuation or Necefflty of tbe Englifh, tbat feveral Men arrive almoji. by every Veffel for tbe Service of the Army. He further fays, that a Ship of tbe fame Dimenfions, and of tbe very Mo a ww there together, gave a Sufpicion to certain Perfons, who watching him 1 1 1 i i 17 1 i i more narrowly, dijeovered tn tbe sequel tbat be baacfjijiea jeverai limes at Mafs, and received the Communion from the Hands, of a Romifb Prizft. Prince William of Heffe Ciffel, bis Father, greatly n.oved at tbe Nexvs, wbicb be fo little exptSea, expreffed bis Rejentment by im del of tbe Roy al Anne, building at Woolwich, is intended fbortly to be mediately firippinz him of tbePoii of Commander in Chief of his Forces, put on the Stocks, in one of the Yards of that Kingdom.

which be gave to General Dteaen. Ibis Un.ter was uaeteti at ite fume On Tburfday Mr. Rcwartb, one cf bis Majefty 1 Meffengers, fet out 'Time to inform tbe Sen of Lis being degraded, and to fign'fy to him tbat frpm the Secre'ary of Staters Office, for Paris, with further InjtruEiions to tbe Earl of Alvemarie relating to she haft India and Virginia DiJ patcbes. Nov, 9. By a Gentleman, arrived front France, we bave Advice, Tbat kernes Drummond, alias M'Grevor, who fame T.

me ape made bis Father forbad him to appear in bis Prefer.ce, or to affifi at any Coun cil or Conference, A I A At Madeira. The Catherine, Conyers tives of Ireland, daily embark to enlifi tbemfelves in tbe Service of the for French Kin7. There are feveral Perfons now in Cuftody, who were apprehended at Gravefend on board a Londtn Sloop, ufing tbe French Trade, who were going over to Dunkirk to enter into tbelnb Brigades in tbe French Service, I Laji Week a Serjeant's Wife at Rotberbitb was delivered of a Child far Arautrhtinv irt Men out of five Revimtnts of on tbat with four Levs. four Arms, and four El es rreiearn jrom Xionjiantinopie, oy toe rr ay oj rwnc, Return of tbe Grand Signior to tbe Seraglio mojl of tbe Inhabitants followed his Example, and entered with great Spirit and Alacrity upon repairing the publick and private Buildings in tbat Capital but unfortunately, about Two in tbe Morning on tbe yl of Oclobcr, their Labours were difturbed by a very confiderable Shock of an Earthquake, between tbe trrince of waits, born in June, ana (De rrincejs oj woico returned who greater aooui 01, una umj the Kb an tf tbe Crim Tartars, and ef the Hofpodars of Walacbia and after happened a third, more terrible than either of tbe former, by wbub three of the feven Towers were demolifbed, and a great Part of tbe City laid in Rains. The Particulars of this difmal Accident cannot be expstled, as the Letters are dated tbe very fame Day it happened.

There are private Lett res from Naples, that tbe King bus given fucb a Gratuity to tbe Crew of a Privateer tbat lately took a Turkijb Cor' fair as amounted to upwards of thirty Crowns a Man, which has excited fucb a Spirit tbat three or four new Privateers are fitting out. 'There was tbe fintft Appearance of Nubility and Uer.try at tbe Lourt Moldavia, to be Eye witneffes of it, in order to facilitate fame finifler at St. Jameses Yeferday that has been known for fome Tears, and D'hgns, of which it ts feared tbe Publick will but to jpeedy chiefly drefjed very grated tn our own Manufactures, Notice from Events. It is faid tbat all'the Forces deflined for Virginia, will abfolutely be O'tr Con efpondent at Paris acquaints vs, that many young Perfons of embarked Week, Difiintlitn ore inclined to fet up Ccurfes cf AJlrofamy, Natural Pbi Nor. 14, Tbere are Letters in Town from Germany which advife, iofopby aria Geography, with a fuit able Apparatus of infiruments, upon that Prince Frederick of Ihffe (married to tbe Princejs Mary tj ng a Hvppojition tbat their Evenings may be as agreeably, and at tbe Jar.e land) abjured tbe Protefant Religion 1 Time more ufe fully fptnt there, than at either tbe Opera or the Comedy.

Colon durinv the journey he made rcur To morrow Copt. Gcge, and divers other Officers, will imbark for Father, to the CaftU of Neubaus, a S2t of tbe EUStcr, fituated VUl. A lit ATWJ AtLifbon. The Port Packet, Cover; and Mackpar, Wildron from Marblehead. At Bilboa.

The Tartar, Davis, from Salem. The Stork, Flo rancej and Lark, from Ne At Portfmouth. The Catherine, Jamitfon, from Maryland. At PUmntith. The Beckv.

Smith, from Vis einia and the TT it 1 mm k'lfr'iTlnin rzmml Krndslhrb nrrttitd. at lilt llQUie rorillUUUlU. oiuo hcji o. tt unnitpAt At nal. The Liveiv Betley.

Gray in SiriiTJYion oircii, rum runic, una i jum i r.f,'imh,rliftA wuhn arrived at bis Atari wood, from Bofton. The Uiamona, riu land I S. and Little Molly, Rark and the Diamond, Kirk ichinfon, from Mary At Gravefend. The Eetfey, Spencer and Greyhound, Stewart, from Maryland. The Adventure, Gunhoufe and Charles, Eafliam, from Virginia.

The Phcenix, Nell, from New Engiand. SAILED. The Friendfliip, Rattery, for Maryland, from Cowes. The Saunders, for Virginia, from Hull. The Ruby, Ogle 5 Dolphin, Concannon Terrible, Wright Prince Frederick; Burton Ofgood, Ciuikftianka Hannah, Ne.

ill Earl of Halifax, Terry and Fame, Jurd, all from Londcn The Difpatch. Kellery, for Bofton, from Madeira. CUSTOM HOUSB, tH I LA DKX.THJA, lN WARD ENTBI. Ship Mercury, Charles Hargrave from London. Snow Nancy, Samuel Appowen from Jamaica.

Outwards. Snow Barbados Faaor, Jofeph Greenway for Batbado. Sloop Adventure, Alexander Kennedy for Virginia. Cleared. Ship Jenny Salley, Rhodolphus Kent to Dublin.

Brig Efther, Jofeph HcuXe to Antigua. ShipSuccefj, fefeph Ccokfon to Barbados. NT HA and iVf, Are moved from Front ftreet, to the houfe where Mr. George Emlen lately dweit, ia Market ftreet, a few doors below the New Printing Office, and have their ftore contiguous to the houfe, and fronting Pewter platter alley, A Large affortment of yard wide and 7eight? Irifli linen, 3 qr. 7 eightc, yard wide, and yard 3 eighu cotton and linen checks, zenbrigs, fail duck, No.

ito2, light can fas for mending Xails, calicoes, long lawns, clear lawns, in pieces and patches, cambricks in ditto, yardwide and 6 qr. muflin, cotton, romala, 7 eights and yard wide culgee handkerchiefs, fuk romals, bandanoes, mens and womens worfted hofe, horn combs, with or wstbout cafes, ink horns, fteel, white metal, and other forted ihoe buckles, cork fcrews with fprinjs, blue, green, drab and claret cor lour'd forreft cloths, fhaloons, mohair, and buttons in bags, plain and double eilt yellow and white metal buttons, blue, gleen and white 3 qr. yard wide, and 6 qr. naps, 7 eights bearfklns, muikets. may for the future, honour them with their commands.

Juit imported in the Mercury, Capt. Chaues Hargrave, Irdm London, and to be fold by i 4 Richard Footman, and Company, At the new ftore in Fiont ftreet, near Mai ket ftrcet, lUndry Weft Country and Yorklhire broad cloths, keileys, S' man plains, foreft clcths, half thieks, napd frizes bearfkins, Ger ferges, napped and plain duffils, plain and corded druggets, bar 1 At 1 It I I I ragons, (crge cenims, wornea ana sair mags, inaian DianKxis, cm bofled fergei; white and ftriped flannels, ftriped cotton linfeys, mar veiets, yard wide and 6 qr. bays, white fwanfkin bays, rugs, blankets, bed fide and floor carpets, Angle and double: broad camblets, M.Diedtrt was further ordered to fitmfy to Prince camblettees. half yard and yard wide damaiks, ifhaloons, yard could not be ignorant tbat be was a Subjecl of tbe wide Hungarian checks, florettas, barleycorn, ftairett, ftriped and couu not oe ignorant teat be was a rreaertcR teat ce Landgrave cf Hffe Caflel, Prince Frec.crick: of fifje, after having learnt in bis Infancy and plain cahmancoes, Hower and brocaded lattins, wonted grograms, tammies, durants, nair yaro, ano yara wiae 1111c coras, veneuars. bis Ef cafe out of tbe Cafile of Edinburgh, died lately 'of a high Fever Youth tbe Principles of tbe Reformed Religion under thefeMafie's wbicb filk checks, filk camblets, hairbine, bombazeens, alopeens, hat Ill 1 ann I Sir Peter Ilalkctt arrived at Dublin on Tburfday Se nnight, The fame Day twelve Cirriaei with Chefs, containing 600 Arms, ere jer.t frcm tbe Cafile of Dublin to Kir.fale, for the Ufe of the Draughts who are to embark frcm thence for America tbe Landgrave bis Father tbougbt tbe fitted to fix them in bis Under" band crape, cherriderries, perfians, filk damafks, i black paduafoys, fiar.dir.g and his Heart, was afterwards fentto drefTtd and undreffed mantuas, cusapes, biack fattms, thread fat va unaer the Care of M.

Croufax, to take in there by large Draughts tbi tins, woniens black velvets, worfted, cotton and fiik caps, Spirit of Calvin and of BtKa. gartering, quality binding, ferrits, fiik laces, fe wing figur'd La fl there was a pr and Meerin? at the Cock tit Whitehall, tn and plain ribbons, and other habtrdafkery goods, white jeans, fu Tbe Expedition for Virginia goes on with great Vigour, Numbers cf Affairs cf Jmpertance. I ftians, cotton thick fets, figured demities, grandurels, duroys, ever Troops being already embark' and tie Remainder will go onboard This Day bis Majefiy will go to the Hcufc cf Peers, and open the Sef raftings, Cotton velvets, flowered cotton velvet lhapes, woifted next Week fo tbat it is hoped we pall be in Time to fscure our va Rons of Parliament with tbe ufual Formality. waiftcoat and breeches pieces, buckrams, cotton hollandf, cotton iuabte Settlements in America, as tbe Natives tbere act vitb great Spt The Mafier of an Englifh Vel'el, arrived at Genoa from Bona in A fri' and filk, and cotton gowns, an affyrtment of linen and cotton rit, a bpecuxen cf wbicb we experienced in tbe laking Lape JSreton, Extracl of a Letter frcm Paris, Nov'i. To give the Englifh their Due, it mufi be acknowledged, tbat tbey excel in every Art and Science, except Politicks otberkuife tbey would 'rot have appeared fo much furpnzed as tbey bave been, at what has happened on tbe River Ohio.

There is much more Land in North America than both Nations could occupy and people tbefe 50c Years to come, ivere they to continue in Peace together all that Time but our Nation is tn Hafie to grow Rich, to fupplanl eur Rivals in Trade1, and to raiftd powerful Navy 1 and our Vivacity will not all.w us to wait patiently for tbe flow Returns of fairful Indufiry which would gradually enable us tt carry jhofe Points, without venturing any Thing upin tbe Fortune of War. i We are fenjible it is not tbe Inter eft of tbe Englifh to quarrel with us, confidering tbeir Circumfiances 'and we are like wife fenfible, that, bad as tbofe Circumfiances are, we can thrive better by Peace than by War with them But confidering the general State of Europe, our Mi r.iflers, it feems, think they may be provoked with Impunity, It is of no great Importance to tbe general Syftem cf Affairs where a War begins. Broils may ere hng arife in Poland, about tbeEleclioA of a Sovereign, or other Matters another Sovereign may die at or about tbe fame Time, either in tbe Eaft cr tbe Wtfi, according to the Courfe'of Nature the Elttlian of a King, of tbe Romans may cccafion fome Difturbances cr Heart burnings in Germany Seme Micbief may happen in Italy, in Confquenct of certain Articles of the Treaty, cf 'Aix La Cbapclle, la any of tbefe Cafes, all the Powers of Europe, purfuant to their Con 7ic3ions and Engagements with each other, will run to Arms, Matters landing bus, would not our Minifiry pafs for fhallow Politicians, if tbey bad not taken Opportunity by (be Forelock, by invading tbe Lands on tbe River Ohio, before tbe Enghfib Colonies were provided for a vigorous Qpprfition. We bave not carried the Point and oiir People tbere will fortify tbemfelves, while the Commijfsries canvafs tbe Affair here, examine tbeir refpctlive Claims to tbe Terri tcries in'Difpute, and pore upon Maps. To bave pofiponed fucb an Expedition, till a War in Europe were unavoidable upon other Accounts Kcculd have been as great Weaknefs as Politicians Could be guilty of, IVe have done what is right, at leafi in our own Eyes end now let England do br befil, by War or Negociation, to prove sis in tbe Wrong." A pert Conclufion indeed1.

But if Britons will but ail honeitly, it will foon appear tbat tbe French are the worfil Politicians in Europe, From the Amfterdam Gazette. London. Nov. 1. Tbe Affairs of America being of late become tne of the principal Objeils of tbe Government's Attention, it is pre fumed that tbe Council held Yefierday at Kenfington, turned upon further Meafures in Favour of our Colonies, On tbe other Hand we are affured, that the Court of Versailles has made firong Reprefentations to ours about tkt finfidtfabU AtHtnent getting ready kcrc for Virginia 5 and bat ca, reports, wat toe beys of Uums and Lonftantme are at great Va chccKS, cnecK ana mic nanoKercnicis, womens inoic cioaKs, itic tbat frequent and fibarp Skirmtfbes happen between their Troops, and caftor hats, pewter, tin ware, faddlers iron mongery, pictures, in wbicb many are fiain on both Sides.

umbrelloes, womens tabby ftays, Dilwortbs fpelling books, warm Dubiin, Nov. 2. Major General Bligh will fbortly fet cut for ing pans, frying pans, 6d, iod, and aod nails, faggots of fteel, and Kinfale, to fuperinter.d tbe Embarkation of tbe Forces defined for Vir other iron mongery goods, and fundry other thing, too tedious to. gima, Luvuu arc anjiaeraoiy augmemea oy uraugots from tbe jeverai incnuun, Regiments on this Eflablifhme'nt, except tbefe on Dublin Duty. Letters by laft Pacht bring a Confirmation of Sir Thomas Prendtrgaft, Bart, being appointed.

Poji Mafier General of this Kingdom. 'I 1 NEW YORK, January 10, We hear the ConnefHcuf Afttmbiy aie now fitting being called together on Account of the OhJo Affairs There is talk of Money to be raifed, an ti Officers in that Government have begun to inlift Men. Captain Coneiiui LivicgftoR, in iz Days from Port Royal, in ouuiu jmaims us, laac capt DoDicn or tatf rort, iwaa aniyed there, and from thence had proceeded for Geofgia, I A I January 28. un triday lait arrived here from Virginia Lieutensnt Cc'onel Ellifon, of Governor Shirley's Regiment, and Lieutenant Colrnel Mercer, of 'Sir William Pepperell's Regiment; in their Way to Bofton. We hear that Governor Shirley's Regiment will be (rationed at New York, and Sir William PepperellVat Philadelphia, Thefe Gentlemen came over inthe Gibraltar Man of War and with them Sir John Sinclair, Deputy Quarter Mailer of the Forces, and two Adjutants.

Benjamin Chew, Efqj is appointed Attorney General of i this Province, in the Room of Tench Francis, Efq: who lately refiWd that Office. 3 Sunday laft Cap Appowin arrived herein 33 Days from Jamaica, by thtre is Advice of the fafe Arrival there of the Captains Reeve, Punter, Morrell, Wilfon, Holbrobk, and David and Archibald Stewart, all from this Place: Thai Captain had failM for South Carolina Captain Reave, and Captain Archibald Stewart, were to fail foon for the fame Port That Captain David Stewart was ready to fail for this Harbour That Captam Bogart, bound to Jamaica from New wascaft away on the French Keys, Veffel and Cargoe entirely loft: And that Captain Clutfcam, for Briftolfrom that lfland, was likewife caft a way on Port Morant Keys, but faved Part of his Cargoe. I Capt. Hargrave; on the 22d of laft Month, fpoke with Captain Warner, of Rhode Ifland, bound to Barbados, to the Eaft ward of cmuoa an well on board. He likewife fpoke jwith a Brigan uucirom Annguaror Virginia, which had been blown ff, and TZTrUJS iTrt cvafid crabic a 1 Btjvug a to virgnjn To be publick vendue, on Monday, third of February; next, at fix a dock in the afternoon, at the London Cof fee rhoufe, the Snow ANCY, Samuel Appowen, ma tter, with all her fails, rigging, SJc.

bailt by Cornelius Stout, cf this city, in May, 17541 and has only made twp fhort voyages, being well found and fitted, an inventory may be feen at the fid Coffee houfe, Thcmaa Willing'a ftoie, in Front ftieet, or on board faid fnow, at Stamper's WharfF. All Perfons indebted to the Eftate of Charles Willing, pr Tho mas Lloyd, deceafed, or to the parnerfliip of Charles Willing and Son, are defired to make fpeedy payment, and thofe who have any demand againft faid eftates, or partnerfhip, to bring in their accounts to Thomas Willing, executor, and (urviving partner who has on hand a large aflbrtment of Eaft India and European commodities, choice old Madeira wine, Weft India and Ph lac'eiphia; rum, coffee, Mufcovado and clay'd fugar, in barrels and Lr r.don and Briftol finale rehn'd ditto, Engiilh cordage, canvas, anchors, to be fold at the moft reafonable prices. Alfo tolett, a ccmmodioiis brick houfe, in Frdnt ilreet, whercr Mr. Thomas Lawrence lately lived, near Walnut ftreet coiner having a convenient kitchen, and ether out houles, with ceilars under all, for further particular, enquire of faid Thomas Wiliing 5. who has likewife to lett, for a term of 3 cr 5 years, a farm or.

traa of land, lying on Frankford cretk, within fix miles of Philadelphia, containing 175 acres, 15 of which is choice drained meadow, with a gcod new bank, a commodious large brick houfe, and a laige ftone barn may be enter'd on the 25th of Mirch next. N. B. There is a young orchard of choice apple trees on faid farm 5 and a Dutch fervant man's time to bs fold, who has fie years to ferve, and is now on the farm. him.

To be SOLD, Awlt" icrvanc iad, about, lb years or age, and is to ferve till he's 21 years old, he's this country born, and brought up to plantation work, can read, write and' cypher. Any. perfon that he will fuit, may agree with. Mr. femes Whitehead, Keeper tfte Work noufe, Philadelphia, who has thd felling of TO bj SOLD or LETT, by 0 11 AG Til? Hcufs hit WW 'ye: in Tkc, 4 w..

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