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The Wakefield News from Wakefield, Michigan • Page 1

Wakefield, Michigan
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INTERPREtlNO THE VOLUME XXX, O. 10 WAKEFIELB, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, DECEiiBES 31, 1943 SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it CONNOR CO. MILL RESUMES WINTER OPERATIONSHERE Ensign Walter Lepisto To Report at Norfolk, Viu Ensign Walter (Ace) Lepisto leave this week for Norfolk, where he. will be assigned to phibious training on the east coast- After a period of instruction he will be transferred to duty in one of-the active war sectors. Ensign Lepisto is a graduate of PERSONALS 1943.

He was given a bachelor of science degree in physical education Miss Hse Tanner, Chicsgix spent the holidays xtifeis her mother, Sfes. Siiri Tanner. Mxss Rose Galmaiz, Chicago, spent the CorlstEKss hGlifisvs xvith her mother, Mrs, Catherine Gsliiiarz, Pierce street. Sgt- George Miheve, is stationed at Camp ilcCo-. Wis Mr.

The Connor Co. mill has resumed was the season of Light, i't was the operations after an idleness of sev- the Wakefield schools and from the" season of Darkness, it was the spring eral weeks for general repairs. Op- Michigan State Teachers College of hope, it was the winter of despair, eratJng on a. one shift basis it is we had everything before us, we employing about 140 men. had nothing before us, were all The company's woods operations going direct to Heaven, we were all are being conducted on a limited a ininor in sciences.

Durin going direct the other way--in scale beca us4 of th inability to ob- the period was so far like the pres- tain experienced men for the cut- ent period, that som of its noisiest ting operations. Three camps are insisted its being re- being used one north of Tho maston, schol astic ceived, for good or for evil, in the one i the Porcupine district north tones out of 36 matches with other superlative degree of comparison of Merriweather and one in the Gibbs tenms teams He is a memb jj y- City district, north of Iron River. Zeta Chi Si ma fraternity. When were these words written? An logs cut at Iron River are 1942 he enlisted in the United Mr, ls.0. s-uess being to the company mill Naval Reserve and was call- ley Tyacfc, UsI Possessing all the timeliness of at Laona, while some of the duty September, 1943.

He He holds a teaching certificate and Christmas vvttc hi his col- Mrs. Joseph iltheve, lege years he was captain of the Pvt- Bill Rifoich, -who i tennis team and in his last year it at Fort Sheridan, scent Ypsilanti won considerable mentioii with his Dsrests, in scholastic sports for his 29 vie- cent Riblch. PIvstoathT'Jo Marquette, Is speeding tie holidays 1944, they were written 1860 by logs from the'Werriweather opera- COIn lete his. training at" the mid- i ov Charles Dickens. The words iform tions are being cut here.

The com- SI me31 school at Northwestern ITni- the initial paragraph of Dickens' pany is employing about 150 men greatest- work, "A Tale of Two in its three camps, less than half of Cities," a story of the French rev- its normal payroll during the winter elation 70 years oarlier. Approaching events of history --e ther shadow ahead. On the Bethlehem Steel President basis of current information, we i Broadcasts Workers predict vor 1944: versity, Evanston, Dec. 22, and has been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Lepisto since that sw irvine.

Tlipiv rrsjTkt- -l Ssztit. church, services- They visited at the in service The Capt. Victor: stati oried at a base hospital at Port Leonard- Wood. Lt. Morris.

Business Another boom ThP On a national hook-up reaching Oregon, and Cpl. Paul, in California. Another boom year! The 300)000 emp i oyee of the Bethlehem Mr. Lepisto has been a member of Ae olia Steel Corporation, E. G.

Grace, pres- the Gogebic county selective service Anton; OIs curve of the industrial index is of tall ladder. Back in 1929 'ed and tin-announced Ccpt- 2svid Cavsa," ITnlted States Air Force, arrived in Wakefield Christmas iHomin-g- tc spend a short leave er Cavan. and ally. left Italy Becemoer I. aing to the United States by boat LCSgO- In vras Lt.

Cavan when he yras of Lake Superior iron ore daring the first week in Decem- fcer amounted to 749.512 gross tons. the grand total to 84.404.- S52 tons for the season, which ended during the early morning hours of Iec, 7. -critii the departure of the steamer Benson Ford from the Missabe clocks in Duluth. The of the ore season on the Great Lakes vrss attended with pleasant weather, with freezing temperature at nfght. Th-e great inland sea which is Lake Superior is begining to take that deserted look which presages its vriEler hibernation, though there to be numerous coal and grain, boats, and the herring fleet.

in evidence. The movement of ore doTvn the lakes in December amounted to 749.512 tons. The December. 1942, shipments were 635,829 tons. Three Great Seasons Three great iron ore lake shipping- seasons in succession! The first, 1S41, was spurred bv national er sisier.

Mrs, he left fQr 3Sng where he should boost this dizzy sum to TM loth of Sese A to members the Rotary: by the Bethle- club and guests Monday evening. 7 Lt. Carlton outlined the duties of Lt. Carlton Tells Rotes Of Engineers Role in War The place of the combat the military machine was oyer is cc Lt Gerald Carlton, U.S. in business Frank Qalinstz, WEO Suth Gamble, also of De Miss Jeozs Tcyer has XTniversity of SeMga3x Arbor, after a Christsiss parents, Ji-.

atx3 ilrs. 1.1*. cr ve-s s.S 5 th defess a aid for toe Br in ye-s ago- Shortly graauauon Se Germany. The lake ore sjovement in 1941 was 80116.360 tors, came the peak year of 42 TKitii a record of 92.076,781 tons from Lake Superior iron by boat, and now 1943 with for a few months. With' the of the African, offersve he fras trsssferrecl to the iTeeiterrsit- ean area, -crhere he has seen service the transport coaaaanA Most tons.

aas been parachute troops to their "attsck The tota, or 1943 iii LJJC: tma sress, ferryir-g supplies to the battle around 5 billions! As long as arTowned club guests "konda?" evening Germany holds out, American arms hem a Lt Carlton outlined the duties of fee giiai oa tae vrest ee aany wp sotclx army officials production generally must continue bv thT rl engineers in combat, their work' ast leaves Fort from the battle areas to En-land at high level. i-icKanas, mamer co. Tnflldnfr tlHflfr41M4 rtftTiatT1 Shendan, EL. where as vriE report and Gibraiter. the permission of Navy, radio installations the sale of goods to farmers may decline due to shortage of merchandise.

Farmers are accumulating surplus earnings for the post-war period. They will be heavy buyers of con- th vj rosrram sumer durable. goods (refrigerators, etc.) when the situation eases. Watch i. it's the air meclai xrith the oafc leaf cluster for his meritorious vrork, After visit xrlth friencis here-, Cavas Is under orders to re- to At-aiitic City.

X- J. for as- to ciitv- in making constructing neri Wtte a varinns firrmc lor active outy wtin tae Ere nas siore than 1500 hours of hag been visitiiig: here over the holi- ziying- and EJneteen months of for -days. eign service to his credit and Miss June HsgiurscL xrho Is an incieci rotar for December, was chairman, upper classman, ta the sool of stations, in i ov itz directed the sing- nursing a the "University cf iOnne- shipyards. in Sam Hanges was introduced as ota a "member- of the cadet be installed Uthrotar for January. Among: nursing corps, spent trco or three at work to near 4.1, 4.1.

rc-ft-v, T-CH- -xr-- the guests of the evening were Q3 3 rs pareats, Jir- ana. George Nolan, Ironwood; Seaman Hagtanci- She returned be- JBruce WorOey, and Lt. George fore Christirtas to her soieies, ment on what lies ahead. The oc- and trs Bren- Mr, and Mrs, Chester casion will be in the nature of- a pa- a Suamazao an triotic dedication ceremonv tA meals fOr the weeHy meetings ot axitomobue accmest Icr tsiuca- a 3iz-. Invasion.

The big channel inva- war effort There will be a musical the Club Were uests of konor. while and Mrs- Harvey Stewart trere badly sion is likely to take place between program by Richard Crooks, tenor- SeV6r Rota f. ianne the sup- injured, and a Miss Mabb, Asa Ar- AprU and June. The Balkans inva- Pau i Whiteman and orchestra and of 61 to bor. was fataSy injured.

Mr, and sion, probably a diversionary thrust, Miss Lucy Monroe, singing the na- Ub W3 6 Mrs James 6 pare-ts cf may come earlier. Invasions will tional anthem The ceremony will be rennan and Mlss Svea Mr. McQravr, have retxmed frosi bring new restrictions for Ameri- broadcast over stations WDSM, Du- pia 1St by president. Kalamazoo where they visited their can motorists. Casualty lists will luth; WDMJ, Marquette, and WSOO, Frevious to the meeting Gordon son and.

family- grow. The time is here for frontal Sault Ste Marie Connor was host at a cocktail party attack by the doughboy, supported at the Lake Vi ew Inn to members Taverns May Slav by air and land artillery. Air power of the club The sin in at 116 mon alone wiU not knock out Germany. Le ves New York We predict: Unconditional surrender Mlss f-eonella. Roberts will leave so, many many members reported.

next Tuesday for Marquette, where The big channel List of New Books are Received at Library The foIiOxrins' books have Iron Ore Vital in War Effort The ore season on. the Great Lakes has cosie to an end and in some resects it has been a hectic period. 2savi- that: ii 33 concluded, one may take account of this vital chapter in tSse effort. To begin with, the shippers of iron ore were disappointed tiaat the opening of interlake mav5ga.t3on on Lake Superior was not as early as had been hoped for, and: in the meantime they were up agsijnst an increased schedule for the season. The ore movement over tfeejake routes in 1942 had been 92,0 TS1 gross tons, 3.

new peak, aEd 6he Production Board along last JVEarcli decided that the lake movement in 1943 should be 95.000,- CKM toss. So the ore shippers started out to and make that Juveniles Browa--Swish, of the Cartam. Caudill--Barrie and Daughter Chase--The Jack Tales Davis--Stand Fast ani Replv Floherty--Ihside the F.BJL~ 01 tne CIUD. singing at tne mon- tl day meeting was most enthusiastic, eir of the Nazis by late autumn. Fl eve lt wiU SSTta'SL'SnS Expire on Dec.

31 sHe will join a group of Upper' Pen- Licenses To Fish Politics, will be either Thomas iii the WAVES. Miss Roberts has With the advent of freezing wea- rules, ther, conservation fish division men Under An extra tvvo hours revel os -S Tear's eve in pttblrc dra the same as last yesr, is being- permitted by the state control commission m. a relaxation of Its Or been employed in Marquette for the are sure ice fishermen is safe before v. ast two years and has been spend- MacArttiur boom i a tactical move ing the hol i days her paren mng their fishing operations. only.

Michigan Republicans are con- fident that Harry F. Kelly will be T. re-elected, and this cocksureness is 5cho 's Open Monaay to be begin- the order estsfclfscments selling beer or liquor by may serve their customers a.m. instead of tee With almost all species of fish deadline and -Kill cave until 4:30 to legal until January 1 when the sea- clear their place of patrons. son on large-mouth and small- Tbe commission n.o\v- enhanced by uncertainty among Dem- schools will reopen for the mouth black bass O5Sr cold ever, that where an ocrats as to their leader.

Inability winter term next Monday, having weat has come at an opportune earlier closin- is by cr- of soldiers and sailors to vote in closed for the holidays period ti me for dev otees of this winter dinance or resaLtitton of the "local the 1944 election, due to lack of smce De c- 22. The basketball team porL body t2ce 'aca! '-ale will time, handicap of distance and in- will resume its schedule next Friday prevaiL The be adequate legislation, favor G.O.P. chances. appears night meeting the ever dangerous St. Ambrose team at Ironwood.

The it -would be impossible to forward that amount of ore, affid at the same time move all of tee coal, limestone and grain also vita3 to the war effort- So the amount of ore was finally reduced 60 tons, and the actual a Gay Teles from Grim grasid total has been 84,404,852 tons. Mystery of the Sing Tar- But the amount will be sufficient, tJaeMgia the carryover- next spring at lovcer lake ports will be less than tiie average. In addition to the lake movement of iron ore, there will be a Harg-e amount moved all-rail for fee cuirrent year. Then there is pro- dnictfon to be available from the'east- ern iron mines, and some ore may Qe croiight to east coaat from Africs or elsewhere. In any event, "he blast furnaces will be supplied claiing- the winter, and it is quite possible Chat navigation may open e-arHy 3-1 3S44 and a good start made wiiLJi tie ore movement in April.

The series of coal strikes over the season just ended cut down ore con- lo some extent Skillings Review. cf Annapolis Oiicodesnus Helps Uncle Comrades Leaf--Sealti. Can Be Fun. Price Sasse--Terry Carvel's Theater Ca- Magic Edt--Hurricane ITystery iy and the "Tool' Shed Opesi Gate Tanis--Keystone Pive -Igat--Samraer at Bucknom a.m to 7:00 Inside reopej at until Feb. 28 but may ba caught home season will open Jan.

14 with TM in fisherman Possession on Legislature. Michigan's special DePadua furnishing the opposition. le st A I tSlce with hook Fee Raised to $ll0 sir ,2 mlne ls tega i untfl Jan. 1. hrsoket at tne hospital following Ice fishermen are reminded also fnr- is v-iumvitu.

cuou JQJ- identities.t!on. csros. throughout 1944, legislators will be inclined to ba The governor's program of long-range planning and year-to-year spending will be put to practical test in 45 days. Grand Jury. Michigan law definitely provides for dual responsibilities: To Judge Leland Carr of Lansing, full responsibility for the grand jury investigation and indictments; tie of 50c i of the new regulation which makes provides that te fee Friday is compulsory to have the owner's tion cards sshsH be as iat -his con- name and address in legible letters 0 counties.

Tour Lesve. luring--Wfeen Eeirts a re Osceitso--O Hiver. Reniemberl Miss Huges to Teach In Senior High School To succeed Miss Eileen Lynott, iEss Hughes, Deer River, llinsu has been named to teach 10 ar.d 11 in the Wakefield Harry E. Sutter. superintendent said Thursday.

3.1Zss has taught for six Fishmg licenses for 1943 December 31 and anv one most Gogebic indndec. expire charge only 50c for birti eertlfi- to 5-S' fishms cates, the state health de-sartaient FeU Dou-n Dead Olson, in- vices tie public to use the librarv. ai Iron, Minn. She On, Tuesday. Wednesday a graduate cf St, Teresa College.

Friday the library is open, frorri and has taken special WAKEFIELD HOSPITAL NEWS OMiLC A daughter was born to Pvt. and after -p la date must have the new charges Sl.QO. The Mrs. Chester Saunders, Bessemer 1944 61156 has ruled that the fee for ideatffl- toxvnship, Dec. 24.

Mrs. Saunders cation cards sbsJI therefore ee was the former Miss Lucille Pribble. Christmas Package Lost tterrioo: crk at le University of Wiscon- The law provides Will the Wakefield Tony Schmidt was admitted Dec. who tween the ages of a office? A reward for the return of clerk. Sheridan.

TIT, fc- will be provided the facts are revealed WHY Jay Linsey of Grand Rapids was named prosecutor, Rushton will emerge stronger than ever in public confidence. medical attention, Dec. 22. Mrs. Joseph Jellich, Marenisco, was admitted for medical attention, Dec.

22. tw 0 young girls, who had made the Ice Rink Schedule Mr. Mrs. Louis Saeks are purchase of a Christmas gift will he le patients at the Both are happy. Ice Rink fQT sj-3- reay ii is open from 9 to 12 noon.

-c ilondsy, Wedr.e=,iay and. Fri- ifes Lysott resigned be- ay evenings from to 9 o'clock. eaizse cf ill health, will teach Eng- hlstory at the Morton ti school at Hammond, coming term. Miss Hughes her teaching duties the reopening of the Christmas recess. Gustafson, Tormerlv Ecris Slgetti.

and art super- local schools, will suc- coaaba visor xJ- so is unasrstoco. for tie future of Camp Xorrie i5ss Mai ar MacDonald. re- sig-iea, a of the art de- parzniciit with the reopening of the Kesie-e; been an-ouiiced. but it is Jan. 1 said that the camp will serve 2s 3.

headquarters for a series cf prison csznps to be opened in tie sree, zipper aT The orisone 2, Sar-cay vrar will be ttsea in caiaps Ch2d Welfare Problem Oatey to Discuss for ether general bor. Several -yc rrt Lobbyists. The grand jury investi- recuperating from influenza. gation has resulted in indictment of Mrs Matt Wourinen and daughter Lt. Kent Married several legislators and a few indiv- were discharged Dec.

30. Announcement is made of the mentary school iduals who were interested in pend- rs. William Maki, Ramsay, was marriage Lt John H. Kent to to 10 P-HU ing legislation at Lansing. Hence, Dec.

29. Miss Arnita E. Krohn. Miami Fla 2:30 to 5 "the so-called lobbyists are vulnerable Mrs Gilbert Westeen and baby at Presque Isle. Me.

on Dec 9 The 3, Monday--T "-in 1944 to legislation reform. Any wer discharged Dec. 29. bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

and Serior hish scicoi 'o -o-e -e severe restriction would affect legis- Mrs Walter Anderson and son Herbert Ebert, and the groom" is the Jan 4 0-36 lators as well as lobbyists, for it is son were discharged Dec. 28. son of J. H. Kent, this city.

Lt. Kent general' Jan. 5 ethically possible for an attorney to charged after receiving treatment is a navigator in the army air force 3:30 Indies -A oc operatzcns, --14 Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 for a head in UI sustained in a car a graduate of the Wakefield schools adults oniv; Jan. 6L to 2 105 Xlrs, R. Trezise Ls program chair- and Michigan Tech.

9:30 ---v rr ari 3 Joan will skating- Sa4re3r-3 ca" mu sic for the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobson and to 3 p.m., elementarv school chHdrea PJano duets. The hos- aughter of Chicago. wer visitors free, 7:30 to 10 pccL'-eseraL Qurdav Sa i- SS meetin are: Mrs Rt at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Weather however, aav oostcffice from 10 to vW fS Anders on, Jacobson, Plymouth location. cause cancellations. ing. --o--- jL.oer.

and ilrs. J. M. serve both and a private client when he votes as a. member of the house or senate.

We predict that the legislature will impose mild regulations, if any. (Continued on Page 2) jine Rev. J. H. Oatey, pastor of church, will discuss child welfare problem at the Woman's club to be Wednesda3- afternoon at 2:30.

accident. Son Born Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Connor are the parents of a son, Gordon daughter of Chicago.

wer visitors born Christmas morning th Wakefield hospital..

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