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The Torch Light And Public Advertiser from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 3

Hagerstown, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FAIU. HE Female Members of the German lie tunned Congreption, in Hagers-lown, intend opening the Town Hall, on Wed neadav evening the 24t!) of March, inst. and to continue during the week, A FAIR which a collection of Needle Work prepared bv themselves, will be exhibited Sot sale fo the benefit of the Missionary cause. Several Ladies of the Town am! neighborhood have already kindly consented to furnish work of their own make for the Fair, and this feet emboldens the Ladies who are now employed preparing work to give general invitation to-the Ladies of the town country to join them in their benerqjent as it is thought the articles to" be exposed for sale will be numerous, ornamental and useful. Every article presented will be received with grstitude, and sold to the best advantage, and the proceeds thereof, Conscientiously to the promotiqp of the Kingdom ot our Redeemer.

All Articles will be disposed of at reasonable prices. March 4 fe LARS. The subscriber has on hand, BAOOH ft LARD FOR SALE, At his tore a few doors West of the Catholic Church, in Washington street, Hagers-town. A. KINKLE.

SUPERIOR WARRANTED auras, sroTiwG fc ROCK THE subscriber has and will keep a con- ftant supply of Eagle, Rifle and Rock POWDER, warranted of superior quality and very cheap. DANIEL BOERSTLER. Funks-town, April 30, 1829. NOTICE. HE Commissioners of the Tax for Washington county, will meet at the Court House on Monday the 5th day of April next, and sit for six days, for the purpose of noting transfers of property and hearing of appeals.

ALEX'R. NEILL, CPh. February 25 l8-6w NOTICE. HE subscribers respectfully request persons, indebted to them to call and pay their accounts as soon as possible STONEBRAKER DAVIS. January 21 14-- tf FOR MLE.

HE subscriber will sell, at a reduced price, in lots to suit purchasers, MOUNTAIN LAND, Through which the new Frederick-town 'road pisses, about one mile from Cave-town. JOSEPH MARTIN. Hagers-town, Jan. 28 14-tf VALUABLE tioUiun. Land FOR SALS.

FA.RM containing about 350 acres good ilL Limestone Land, (called Cliff Spring,) situate foui- miles above Williams-Port, adjoining ttn- lands of the heirs of Peter Mid- dl'kaiifi" and John Horine, immediately on tlie Potomac-- about 170 acres cleared, the residue in fine Walnut ami Black Oak Timber The improvements are a comfortable dwelling with out houses. The Canal will pass directly through it. Mr. John Snider, th- present occupant, will shew the land to any person disposed to purchase. A further description is deemed unnecessary.

Title iiv able. For terms apply to the Editor of naper. Me, 19 21-tf FARM FOR SALE. FARM lately owned by George Kellar, deceased, lying 3 miles North Of Makers-town on the old Green-Castle road, is offered tor suie. This is perhaps, as desirable a farm as any in Washington contains about 235 or 40 cleared and the balance in the best of timber The ioirirovements are good, and the land in a good state of cultivation.

Any person wishing to purchase, can see the property and know the terms by applying to the Subscriber, Hying on the ptemises. HO. KKLLEtt, Act'ff. Ex'r Of George Keller, dcc'cl. October 29 FOR SALE, A- HOUSE and LOT in East Washington st.

Hagers-town-i now in the possession of M. VV. This property is clear of ground healthy and delightful rcsi- Boyd, Esq rent, and is flence. --For terms apply as above- October 29 4-tf FOR RENT, The Office 8t Back Room at pre- fM in the occupancy of B. Esq.

nearly opposite the Globe Tavern. Possession may be had on first of April next. MARTIN I A February 25 FOR 11ENT, The BRICK HOUSE in East xv 'a'hington street, now in theoc- of Kennedy T. Friend For terms pp GEO. FECHTIG.

February 4 15-'f STOltB ROOM, late the property of Thomas Shuman, near the public square in Hagers-town, in the centre of buw- new. Thii property it very desirable, the itand it well known, having been occupied as a store for the last years. Possession riven immediately. Also, thesj LOO HOUSE tf In East Church street, now in possession of Kobt. M'Crcary.

Also, TWO ROOMS, No. 6, in West Washington street, now in the possession of Doctors Reynolds Doyle, and formerly occupied as a Law Oflice possession given the first day of April. For further particulars apply to BLOOD, Agent, No. 5, Hager's Sou), Hagtrs-totnit. January 28 13-tf 50 TM HER thousand will be paid for ten thousand good COUNTRY QUILLS, At BIOOD'S Book-Store in Hagers-town.

March 4 19-tf HE old and well known Manufactory near the Lutheran Church, South Potomac street, formerly conducted by David Bish, is now carried on by the subscribers in all its various branches, where may be had at all times, any quantity of SWnSTHS, LIOTffl, CORDAGE and ROPES From to 1J inches, ail of vhich are made of the ve.y best materials, and sold at reduced prices, either by wholesale or reinil. MICHAEl BISH CO. December 31 I0-3m N. B. Cash will be given for 12 or 15000 sveight of good HEMP.

MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs his tiends and the public in general, that he has commenced the SADDLING HARNESS MAKING business in South Potomac street, two doors above Messrs. Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite Dr. MacgUFs Shop, where he intends constantly to keen eveiy thing in his line made of the best materials and in workmanlike manner, and will attend to all orders in his' line with punctuality. The prices to suit the times.

SAM'L. HAGER. September 24. 48--tf. N.

B. A good Juurngyman will meet with constant employment and liberal wages if early application be made 5- H. JUST received and now opening by the subscriber, a general assortment of Suitable for the p-csent. and approaching season, at reduced prices. Also, a general supply of HA3.D-WAHE, COR At lower prices than are usually sold.

Cabinet Makers, House Joiners, and persons buiW- ng houses, would well to call GEO. I. HARRY. Also, just received, NOVA-SCOTIA NEWCASTLE GRIND-STONES, of a superior quality. Hagers-town, Nov.

5. 2 tf on NEW GOODS. I the White House on the North corner of the square, the subscribers are now o- filing a very handsome and a very extensive assortment of seasonable GOODS, among hich are abouv 25 pieces of bias, black ancy coloured ov teftt, HAT large commodious STONE HOUSE fif LOT, in East Antietam street, formerly i occupied by the late William Fitz- hujrh, Esq The terms will be accomnvidat- ig-apply to GEOHGE HAGBK. Jitnuarv31 13-if FOR SALE, HE subscriber will sell on accommodating icrms, the large BRICK HOUSE, Fronting on West Washington street nearly opposite the HagciR-town Bank 'there are three parlours on the first floor and on the secondt with the advantage of two kitchens and six cellars, smoke bouse, stabling and carriage house. Apply to ELIZABETH LAWRENCE December 24 9-tf JORV OUMUBT, Informs hit friends xnd the public in general that he has on large assortment of the ber.

quality, which he will sell at re prices jfor cash or Produce wi ni TT Veil worthy the attention of purchasers, as ley are perhaps lower than any Cloths ever old in Hagers-town-- also, CASSIMEKES St CASSItTETTS, 3f various colours and qualities, exceedingly They have also a very handsome assort- nt of Merino Shawls, Phids, Prints and Jinghams. A KAUSLEIl. Hagers-town, Oct. 22 1-tf Rourk ESPECTFULLY inform the inhabitants of Hagers-town and its vicinity, that have just returned from Baltimore, with new and splendid slock of fresh FAX.Ii AND WINTEH GOODS. laving hit the markets in the best time pos- ible, they flatter themselves that they are able to sell GOODS cheaper by far, than any (ret offeted in this place.

Their stock con- ists in part of LOTUS, CASSfMEJiES, CASSINETTS, Camblets, Plaids, fasting, c. With every other article necessary to render heir assortment complete--all of which they will sell unusually low. CLOTUIJfG STORE. They have also on hand and intend constantly keeping, at their cheap and fashionable Clothing Store, in West Washington street, a few doors from the Public Square, ml opposite llie Shoe-store of Messrs. Bodmann Sc General Assortment cf IVollung, Among which are Ladies'and Gentlemen's Plaid and Camblet Cloaks--Ladies' Riding Habits, Uox Coals, Close-bodied Coats, Hunting Coats and Pantaloons, Vestings of all kinds, and every other article in the Clothing line, which they can have made to order, on the shortest notice, in the latest fashions and on the cheapest terms, as they have experi enced cutters and first rate workmen in the house, by whom they can have articles pur chased in the store, or cloth furnished by persons wishing clothes, made up on the most advantageous terms.

December 31 10-tf CASH FOR HAGS. The highest price in Cash will be given (or good clean linen cotton MAOS, (Wholesale or retail) al P. Blood' Book-Store, West on-s( Hagm-lown--where BOOKS in every dvpttrinifni of Literature m.ANK BOOKS, PAPFK and STATIONARY of every dewri lion, may hf hud on the moil rrt- irrms, for tC and FASHIONABLE BOOT SHOE STORE. WM. BODMANN CO.

AVE just received from the citief of Phi- Udelphiaand Baltimore, and are how o. peninjf at their Store in Hagers-town, and offer at twenty-five per cent, lower than were ever offered in this place, Gentlemen's best quality BOOTS SHOES LadiV SHOES, In the greatest variety, well those of Philadelphia and Baltimore of their own Ma nufacture, by Wholesale and Retail; consist ing of the following kinds LADIES' Seal Skin Bootees, Black Morocco do. Leather do. Morocco Shoe Soles, Pump do. Leather thick Sole Shoes, Seal Skin do.

do. Pump Sole do. White Satin Shoes, Light blue, green and Fancy Stuff do. Figured Lasting do Black Lasting double Sole do. Black Lasting Pumps, Black LaatingfJlippers 44 Jefferson's isses fi ne leath.

shoes Seal Skin do. Morocco do. Fine leath.Boot- ees, LastingSlippers Fancy col'd do. Morocco do. Fine leather do.

Infant's Morocco and leather Bootees, Col'dLastingdo (I II Waxed calf square toe Boots, Waxed calf round do irdevan do. Seal Skin nailed do. Waxed calfskin Monroe's, Shoes, Dordevan do. 11 nailed do. skin Over Shoes, GENTLEMEN'S Elastic do.

do. Morocco Pumps, Dancing French edge Pumps, Dress- Shoes, Morning Slippers, Youth's stout Kip Mon- Fine Calf roe's, do. Dress Calf Shoes and Pumps, Boy's Calf Skin Mon. roe's, Do. do.

Shoes, Men's Upper Leather Servant'idotible soled and pegged Shoes, Servant's double soled Monroe's, Single soled do. Pegged Monroe's, Servant's single soled Shoes. ALSO, Just received, a further supply of fashionable PRINTS OMNQHAMS. To their former stock of Dry Goods An excellent assortment of Morocco Lining Skins and Coach Trimming Skins; An assortment of best Spanish Sole Leather; Hair, Leather and Morocco THUNKS, of all sizes. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes made to order, in the most fashionable style, and all orders faithfully attended to with the greatest despatch.

N. B. All rips sewed ratis. Septembers, 1829. NO IS THE TIME CO.

Have just received and are now opening, a splendid assortment of Which, in addition to their former stock, makes the most extensive and complete assortment ever offered in this place. In a word, it comprises almost every article in the Hardware line. All of which they are determined to sell by WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at very reduced prices. To their friends, and the public generally, bey return their thanks, and respectfully in- them to CAT.I ABTII SET. 15 Tons Michael Eges' BAR IRON, well issorled- J.

S. 8t CO. have removed to the large 3rick House, South West Corner of the Pubic Square, lately occupied by Messrs. Kauser Graff. Hagers-town, Mav21, 1829.

30-- TO THE VOTERS OF FET.I.OV-CITIZEMS--From the warm solici- ations of my friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a Candidate fo the next SHER1FFALTY. DAVID BJUUVETT. March 5, 1829. WM. H.

FITZHUGH Is aCandidate for the SHER1FFALTY, And respectfully solicits the suffrages of his fellow-citizens. He will endeavour, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office with justice and impartiality. August 20,1829. 43-tf TO THE VOTERS OF asYuugto 13 ftittty. I offer myself as a candidate for your suffrages at the ensuing election for SHERIFF, and respectfully solicit your votes interest.

DANIEL MALOTT. October 9, 1828 50--tf TO THE VOTERS OF T. OJf Fr.LLOW-ClTIZENS-- AT the warm and earnest solicitations of a large and respectable number of my friends, I am induced to offer myself to your consideration ss a candidate for the next SHKRIFFALTY. As circumstances, unanticipated and unwish eel for by me, having thrown upon me the balance of the present term, my friends and the public will have an opportunity of estimating my qualifications, in the interim between this and the next election for Sheriff. I'cinnot permit this opportunity to escape me, of tendering my thanks and grateful acknowledgments to those who warmly and zealously supported me on former occasions, and if successful at the ensuing election, I pledge myself, that the duties of the office, shall be conducted with a due proper re gard to justice, humanity and impartiality.

Respectfully, your ob't. serv't. C. NEWCOMER, Jr. November 10.1828.

STONH OOAXn UST received (by wagons from buf'g.) a quantity of STOJTE COAL, ftiperior quality, and for on reasonable A further wpply daily eipected. JAMES SHOAFP. Williamn-Pon. Sept. 10 TRUSSES Just received tnyf legant assortment.of F7twry mounted.

Persons (afflicted, will do well to call at MILLER SON'S (Agents) Apothecary Drug Store, sign of the GOLDEN MOR- TAll, North Potomac street, llagers-town. Dr. Smith, Professor of Surgery in the Diversity of Maryland, says of this had frequent opportunities of witnes sing the comparative utility of the Truss in vented by Dr. Hull of New York, I do no hesitate to pronounce it the most perfect sue efficient instrument which has ever been de vised for similar purposes." Having had opportunity for several years past of observing the effects of Dr. Hull's trusses, I feel it a duty to announce to the jjtiblic my conviction of their decided supe- 'fiority over ail trusses which have come un der my notice.

The advantages of the con cave pad have been long familiar to me, but in Dr. Hull's Trusses we have several advantages no where else to be found. In short the peculiarities, as well in relation to the tendency which these trusses have to cure as to have been so correctly and justly pointed out by Dr. Hull, as to require no repetition by me. HOKATIO G.

JAMISON. July 2 36-tf Jjust published, and for sale, PARKER BLOOD'S Book More, (PRICE 12J CMTS,) A PAMPHLET, Containing the First Annual Report of the Officers of the Washington County Temperance Association, and the Addresses of Franklin Anderson, Esq. and the Rev. Benjamin Kurtz, delivered at the first annual meeting of the Association, 1st January, 1830. February 4, 1830.

FOR SALE. virtue of a Decree of Allegany county Court, as a Court of Chancery, I will expose to public sale, on WEDNESDAY the 7th day of April nezt, at 11 o'clock A. M. at Reiley's Tavern in Old-town-THE HEJIL ESTATE of Wil- liaro Chapman, deceased: Oufc tract of Called Part of Seven Springs, containing ACRES. The greater part of this M-act is cleared and under good fence, and the balance in suitable timber.

The clea-ed is excellent for grazing. It is gottd up- and, lies pretty level and is well Dwelling 1 House is spacious and comfortable, and the Smoke. House, Milk House and Stables," are well built--and has a small Orchard of young Fruit Trees. The Milk House is built of stone, near a number of never-failing springs, throwing out an abundance of water, which turns a Saw Mill a lit- le below the fountains. This land also abounds with IRON ORE, and the sites for wa- er works are abundant.

One tract Called 'Part of the Park including part oT Campbells containing 25O ACRES of LAND, more or less. This Land is good quality, level, a great part first rate Glade, and is of first quality for grazing; it adjoins he Lands of the late William Campbell. One Tract of LAND, called containing 1OO Acres more or ess, near the road from Hurley's Branch to about 6 miles from tbe This tract is valuable for timber. One Tract of LAND, called Lime Kiln, containing 175 Acres, situated near the Tract called 'Part of Seven and is very valuable for its timber. One Trad of LAND, called Chapman's Mill Race, Acres, on which is a GRISTMILL erected and also SAW MILL on the re-action llfll plan, turned by water from the Potomac river, about four or five niles below Old-town.

Also, the Tract of LAND, called 'The Fore adjoining Chapman's mill race. Also, the Tract of LAND which William Chapman purchased from James Mai- comb. This last mentioned SAW MILL is very valuable, being surrounded by an abundance of Timber and on a constant stream of water Nearly all those Lands are situated on the route of the Rail Road and the Canal. One third of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance in equal annual payments.from the day of sale, to be secured by bond and approved security. Upon payment of the whole purchase money a good title will be made.

B.S. P1GMAN, Tnattt. March 11 I WILL OFFER FOR SALE, A the time and place expressed in the above, if not previously sold at private sale-- tract of liavvd, Called '7am in containing 50 Acres, lately the property of William Chapman, deceased, and adjoining the lands described in the above advertisement. This land is all cleared, enclosed and divided into several fields, with water in most of them. This land is of good quality, and in pasture.

There is on this tract a small Grist Mill, Saw Mill a Barn. The stream on which the mills stand, rises on the Seven Springs, and nevtr fails. This property is so situated in relation to the lands of William Chapman, deceased, above offered for sale, ttut the whole ought to be own cd by one individual and together would one of the most desirable situations in tne County. Its water power is equal to any oth er. The terms will be madeltiiown on the day of sale.

DHICE W. HOWARD, for George Johnson March II RS POST on or yew. DANIEL WEISEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AS removed to Williams-Port, in this county, where respectfully offers his profcflional Mrrictoi to the public. His of- ftce it in tlM of the late Or. Smith, wit NEW I'OBAOCO, SJIUFF ISO CAHU.

Hook-Store, 2 AW 'i Prmf. Office, and nearly opposite the Globe Tavern. HOMAS JOHNS hu commenced the above business and has just received from the most celebrated manufactories oij river and Richmond, Twist, Plup.Holl, Lump, Ladies' Twist and Spun Tobacco of the bctt brands in Virginia, also the celebrated sweet scent yellow leaf Tobacco From Jones' Keen's Factory, which sells in Hich. mond for one dollar; American, Spanish, half Spanish and common Segars, also imported from Havanna the celebrated brands of Flint'i, Cabanna's, Whiting's and teycit'i in halves, quarters and tenths boxes, at manufacturer's prices including the duty. Myers Son's and Lorilard's best cut Tobacco fonmoking and chewing in ilb.

papers Lorilard's superior Moccohoy Snuff, Natchitoches, Copenhagen and Hardham's celebrated London Snuff, No. 9, genuine and pure as imported; Tonqua Vannilla Uearis; Uappee and Moccoboy Snuff: Snuff Boxes, Pipes and all other articles in the above business which he is determined to sell at the most reduced prices for cash. Also, highly flavored Spanish Scraps, for smoking in pipes. February 18 17-tf BOOKS STATIONARY. MCDOWELL SON, Booksellers, Stationers and Blank JJook Manufacturers, No.

212 Market Street, Baltimore, have constantly on hand, a large and extensive Stock'of School and Miscellaneous BOOKS, Paper, Elank Account Boohs and Which they will dispose Merchants, on as low terms as they can be procured for in any city. Those who purchase at this establishment, may depend upon having the best articles, and well packed. rders thankfully received and personally attended to. February IB 17-2m "('No, 4 Wharf, BALTIMORE, EVOTES his attention exclusively to the Commission Business, for rhe sale it' produce of every description, and also for purchasing all kinds of Merchandise. Any Consignments or Orders will receive particular attention.

REFERENCES, Hr. Lnke Tiernan Sons? TI u- i Baltimore. T. Hopkins Co. Alex.

Colhoun. Esq. hotf Chambers, Esq. 5 Mr. Moses Worrnan, Frederick county, Md.

P. F. is agent for the Manufacturers of Cocalico Mill Stones, celebrated for chopping iye and Corn and for grinding Plaster, an L.ssortment of which he has on hand, among hem are Stones for Harris and Wilsons' Perpendicular Grist Mills," and for "Stockman's Improved Grist Mills." Baltimore, March 4 RIO COFFEE, B. WILSON CO. Baltimore, have just received per Brig Rcnczct, 3SO Bags Prime RIO COFFEE, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms.

Also in Store. 10O Bushels CLOVERSEED, prime quality, 25 Bus. SAPLING rLOVERSEED, 4OO Sacks Ground Allum Fine SALT; Plaster, JHackeraL Herrings. c. Apply to G.

B. WILSON CO. IVho always pay the fair market price, in ash, for FLOUR, WHISKEY, or any other Country Produce. March 11 20-3w SHERIFF'S SALE. virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, issued by Nicholas Lowe, one of the of the Peace for Washington coun- to me directed against Henry E.

Frantz, at the suits of George Colliflower St Co. Jrewer Nesbitt and Philip Otenberger, I will sell for Cash, on Wednesday the 31st nstant, at the Sheriff's Office, all the right and interest of Henry Franiz, in and to A TRACT OF LAND, Sailed Kindness Enlarged, containing 121J Acres. Also, his interest TRACT, sailed Perseverance, tontaining Acres, si- uated and being in the county aforesaid, a- out one mile South of Clear Spring. Sale commence at two o'clock. CHKIST'N.

NEWCOMER, Jr. Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, March 11 20-3w PLASTERING ROUGH-CASTING. HE subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of Washington and the adjoining' counties, that he continues to carry on the Plastering and Hough-coating in all their various branches-- and will be prepared, early in the to execute on accommodating terms and any contract with which he 1 vorec In the TM" JOHN LORSHBAUGH March 11 N- B- PBMAURD LIMK for White Washing, be had throughout the year. FAMfE subscriber lias on hand, 15 Itarrels 2(1 Proof rant cd a year old, hich he will still low forcash, by the Oarrcl or snrnil- er quantity.

JACOB SWOPE. March 5 19-tf RAOAOT CO. HAVE just received from assortment of ROLTfJVtf of a mi Pennsylvania Iteal and Personal Estate He- gift er, and City Actuary's Oflicc. No. 47, South Frmt-Strect--third door North I vf ChtsmU-Slrett.

Worthy Citizens, lend an ear, and read this-' subscriber, for the last seven years, has been extensively engaged in this during which period he lias acqui- 'Tf a thorough and practical knowledge of the business in all its branches and ments, and also has formed a very general acquaintance throughout the Union and adjoining territories--hat arranged matters and things in such a way, by means of agents and i correspondents, so as to enable him to atlend i to business abroad tihd at a distance, as well 1 as at home--Furthermore, impressed with a firm belief that an Institution of the kind, conducted upon upright and honorable pnn- ciples, a due regard tonhe interests cf society, would be conducive lo public benefit, he has opened (till office in this city, the accommodation of citizens and strangers, with a hope of encouragement and success. He humbly and respectfully solicits public patronage Mid influence towards an establish- ment (founded on honorable'and correct principles) that has long been much needed in this city, and that will ultimatel prove oi' infinite benefit and service to the community at large. This Institution will (with due and strict attention) remove the many and great preventivei-'beretoibre (pasting towards the despatch-arid effecting of business generally. This Institution, as a public convenience, wil! (to strangers and foreigners particularly) be of great advantage as, by making immediate application to this establishment, much time, money, and trouble are saved--Therefore, all persons are invited to call or City and country'business meet alike with punctual and immediate notice. In uli cast-i, all communications through the Post-Office must be post paid.

M.M'BAIN, General Agent and Actuary, No. 47, South Front-si. Phila. The following is a sketch of Business COMMISSION AND AGENCY OFFICE- Bought--Sold and Bartered, Seats, Building Lots, Houses, Stores, Merchandize of every description, the Stock.Fixtures and Furniture of persons declining any kind of business; Watches, Jewelry and Silver plate and ware new and second-hand Furniture; Books, Maps.Cbarts, Prints, Engravings, Paintings, Mechanics' Tools, c. Etc.

Also, Canal, Rail-road and other stocks Ground exchanged. SCRIVlNERS. COLLECTORS, AND LOAN OFF1CS. Mousy borrowed and loaned on Real Estate, and other property. Writing in all its branches, neatly, correctly and expeditiously executed.

Hooks posted, accounts adjusted collected. Ground, House, Pew and other Rents; outstanding 1 Debts, c. collected. Mercantile and other situations in any bus- iness procured and engaged for persons ding in the city or country. Persons ai dis- lance will forward necessary instructions, a reasonable advance fee.

and post pay j'( letters. Situations of a desirable nattire are daily offering- at the subscriber's Ofiice, ACTUARY'S OFFICE. i For the reception and protection of Children; where every stray child will with a parent's care, till safely restored to their respective places of abode CITY BOARDING HOUSE AND HOUSE LETTING OFFICE. i Where Boarding-House Keepers can be sup. plied with boarders.

Also, house and others can have their Farms, Building. L'Hs, Houses, Stores, Offices and parts oj- Rented or Leased. CITY SUBSCRIPTION REGISTER OFFICE, For the encouragement of Faithful where Private Families and those in i Business, can always be supplied with firj! rate, industrious and well recommended a and Female Servants, of both colors, as Stevj arcls, Butlers, Coachmen, Hosiers, Gardineiij Waiters, c. Also, Seamstresses, Wet a i Dry Nurses, Chambermaids, Cooks, Washe women and general house Servants. B.

All communications thro' the Poll Office must be post paid- ij Terms of subscription will be Five per annum in advance; and Two Fifty for months. P. S. In all cases where sales, loans, rerf are satisfactorily effected, extra rate commissions will'be exacted. artner in an active, and respectal'A business.

Wants a Partntrj possessing a cent English and one who and is willing to advance and invest $3('i: Capital, and become eaual sharer in tbe bi.if iness. I Wanted Immediately, Partners, Clerks, stores, Teachers, TJavefling Agents andCij lectors, Bar-keepejl, Bank Runners, fee. lerks and persons desirable sitiiatioii are particulaiy informed, that the same nx be procuredmy making immediate Applic! tion at the (fry Actuary's Office. Februarlll; 1S30. other Lands Wanted--hlghct to Loan for three or five years i sums Wot less than $5000.

Wants to Purchase TO PURCHASERS rENDES OF REAL A Register Book is now open, wherei Lands, Farms, Lots, Houses, c. are recorded for Sale, Rent or Lease. N. B. The public are respectfully invite.

to call when in a disposition to or purchase. Apply to M. M'BAIN, General Agent, Nf 47 South Front-Street, Philadelphia if b. letter, postage paid. SHOUTS At Cents per busJtel, and A At 6J Cents--For Salt at my Mill.

1829. 1 l-tf Printed, and Published BY I I A D. BULL, Ntft door to the Bank, and nearly Tavern, Wttl Watkinglm street, HAGEIIS-TOWJT, KB. rWO IMM.AlTsin/T^^TTlmK^ENrs if puid within ttayttr; if not. TIIHKP Mill All MM iff AUVHN TISfcMKHTS.

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