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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 18

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 T'i IS THE WINNIPEG EVENING TK1BUNE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1923 9 Adventures of Blundering Ben What's Wrong With This Story? Six Cash Frizes Daily Yon can win cash priiet by detecting the blunder in today's chapter of "The Adventures of Blundering Ben." The author of thii nonsensical novel has made numerous errors not exceeding twenty, however, in any ch.ipter. They are not errors in punctuation, spelling, or typography. They are errors of fact or discrepancies between facts specifically set down In the same chapter. "The Adventures of Blundering Ben" will appear daily until the story I completed, but each chapter provide a separate contest with separate prues. It does not matter whether you have ever competed before or not.

You do not need to have rend the previous installments. Prizes will be awarded daily: First prize $5.00. Second prize $2.50, and four prizes of $1.00 each. Each contest closes four days following date of publication. In the etent of ties, preference will be shown to the first opened and the neatest.

Check up all the blunders vou can find, of whatever kind, and list them neatly in numerical sequence, on a separate sheet of paper. Cut out the installment of the story and send it in with your list. Give your name and address on the paper bearing the list. No entries will be accepted which are not accompanied by the installment of the story in which the errors were found. Murk chanter number on an.

valcpe and address to Blundering Ben, The Tribune, Winnipeg, The winners of each day's contest will be announced exactly one week after the installment appeared. CHAPTER V. "Don't open thin!" Susie chitrhed the yellow rnvtMopr ahe had natohccl from UlundrrlnK Hvn. "Not until not until Walker iiound tells vrtat's IL" Tha xcrutor of tlie will of Jean kowed. "Thla document." his thin voice squeaked as he finitereU the faded blue envelope he took from Stmle.

"Is a record of the guardiannhlp cf your cousin Vincent, whom you must find brfore I can reveal your Inheritance. The name of hlit guardian 1 her." Ben and Susie waited hrenthlessly. 'Philip Glasses," Walker Round read, "GlHsseg Farm, near Kinmaith." "Why. that's Just went of R. pina'" Ben exclaimed.

"We'll find Olaases Farm without any trouble. We can take a train Tuesday morning and reach Flnscarth within a. couple of hours." "Then he can tell us where Vincent la and we can get the vault key from Vincent and go after our Inheritance," Susie concluded. By tha way, Mr. Round, do you know If all those $15 gold pieces my uncle used to save are divided between Vincent and me?" "Get the key to the vault and you will know everything," the barrister replied.

"Well, we'll go Tuesday morning. Good night, Mr. Round. Thank Ren took Sally's arm. "It's way past midnight, dear.

Let's take a taxi home." Leaving the McArthur building, they crossed to tho north aide of Portage avenue which was nlmont deserted. "This In going to he exciting," gasped Susie, as they forced their way through the Jostling srowds "Oh. dear." she exclaimed suddenly. "I rea'ly must get a pair of hoes for travelling In." Ben groaned hut realizing the futility of resistance, ho accompanied fcer alonjj the deserted street until they reached a fhoe shop. They entered and In a ahoit time Siihio had selected a very urnart pair of pumps.

Grumbling softly. Ben paid the bill for $7.50. "I'm La Drotested. "Let's go homo, Susie." Immediately Susie wbji all sympathy. "Surely, she said as they crossed to the coiner of Garry and Smith sts.

"It must be awfully late And you know where we are going tomorrow!" Stage WALK Srararofeuehs, with Oatm Me tal In th. nam. part and th. Mar In Jiarvey London rompanT and magnificent rcductton win enirrcain 11... for flva nlEnta arama at m.

iivr, and tha rsiuar imune. with Tuesday tranlns. Jan. 31. ouj.

lor th.y are rraklnK their entry Jitn a vlllM tn a very ornate old roa.h. Braramourhe. tWrr, folumhina Vadama, Pantaloon, they pr iit cand InvtUPH aPperan fcljjt ml Zho dramaitrert hia on noTel. la credited Jlth don. an rtev iind eompreheniv ple of work tar JM talnid all tha notable atnti and rtrnia ind haa aiicceeded In preaentlnn an allurlnK variety of acenlc a well emot.una color 2d IfTu aordtm McLaod will brinK Ua rolt of iraramoiich.

(who la the unt nobleman, Andra Moreau diiituiwd I to acapa hi eneml'M ywith. exreottonai nla trionl(! talents nd vary twwiderat.le ex yaricnce tn many widely differ. nc rule. ORPHEUM From a ballrhom tn tha Itttla own of Vlneland. to a'arlom tn vaudeville and nnwical romedv telle tha atnry of the rapid line of the much a lmlred dunrtnu Kir f'eno and Rrv helle.

lately featured In Malre'i Aflalra and who arc appearing Ht the Orphtiirn theatre thla week. Neither Jjeno nor Mlna Jtrw hella aver have had pm fprmtopal lri'trnctlon in dancinn. beirni entirely aelf taiinht. All their atnK rondnen jSavo bren originated by UipmaeUf and they are llkewlite rrntrie 1 or 'ni nt irn ii their cortumea and aeltitiKt. Thus, th ran truthfully aay they are tar In their own Tlpht.

The cour wl tuar' ud lne yara ano tn a ibilr reremony at the fen dtvoua Cafe. CMrayo, h' re they wer rt.T.r.cltiP at the tine, brrnrr.e profestnil partntra In their teenn, when tmfh were re aidinic with their parenta In Vlnelnnd. srated 1 ahtiut 3d mtlea fTom Atlantic Cit v. jet In the local ballroom and dlvnveied thit they were Ideally auKed to ba dancing aartnere. PLAYHOUSE With nrw ronnmf aiid ad ttuhine aa anything the atAue tna a5on and mor humin hi an peallnir than inoft idavs.

Set nth Jlnven TMavhouaH this TipeK. wlurt Antie hin IliK i Tionuifir rpnuMi. isxcntn i.iivrn ri.ubtdiv tclhnii nlnv. full nf rr Inc with Ihp uti'1inK (i.vp aii'l s.pvt.t i t. of to.

wlirt finfl hiittfMira 10 tinct skin was a sight miilrln't look people in the face. I was ao aishamtd of my skin: It was always blotched with pimples and blrckherci rnd e' tims hrl ter ribly. I had tried everything and I waa so discouraged thai, i cualun bring myself to taxe nope in anything. You can Imaglna my surprise therefore when one application of Rowles Mrntho Sulphur Almost completely cleared my skin I could have danced with Joy! In a short time you wouldn't know my ajkln it waa ao clear, ao noft and white." Thousands of people are discover Ing that there Is a remedy for skin trouble even fiery', itrhirjc eczema: It's the mftglcal comoinRiion or sulphur and menthol sulphur for clearing the skin, for healing the broken and irritated tissue. Mentho Sulphur Is Inex pensive and all druggists supply it frt jars ready to use.

Be sure It's 1 Jisrie Aeiv. Ida a in la Meauvnis, Snsie'8 decpflsrd unrlu. which t'V niTo. tlcnntely frrtn Sieiith I loHV'fi. Anne HnniuiiKh i attttn (ierti in the rule cf UiHite.

a tie: lertetl waif of the Khun UUlrirt I'm is. mni her interim lM ton Ik rtmrnlfleent Ien linv has a ntrnim part a 1 1 i ei L'ter, Nana, which fiw tl vh In )tr tin manner. Wllliurii Auifiifiin haii'llffl thft pjirt Hriasar uith poi. tePcuiTiliiK I he finlnhed a. I nnrl Alme'la Fnwkr nntl tieurufl nrd as tha aunt and uncle, have whhh cull for careful acting, which they handle with rompnrntlve mw, TiOiiit Town end.

Malcolm V. Warniack. Wilhani J. bradv and Ml lea. all plaV Im riant rules nd cntiiplet a very lurce il cast.

DOMINION Whether a man. who has drunk the verv Ureua of the niu nf Itfe. who haa pent) his home broken tin. IiIp rimiKhter p.xliatiKcd mid nuy he.jf eff trtH. In lent and urt iftrv with red and det roved, him tdf the familiMr spirit of thieve1, coin Mid rrnmnalM.

run in one 'ooin nt ealtff( 8ucriue redeem ull his ui' wneul p.i.m. is nice nuertion and food for oiti oder hle thouu'ht. Stie. ik R'anv. the pret en tallon at the nonunion theatre.

to provide the nnnwer. and It tef, convlncituc nmntier Ilia notem of the Ideiil which llve in the heart of thr derellrt miir lclnn. Kenr. weiikneaa. ven threatened dentli.

rannnt trtumuh aaralnst the powr of that Ideal, and even rink of locdntf tha woman whn haft befriended him for eat'H, not deter him. STRAND An Impoverished rafe proprietor, after trvinir everthin to im prove the bufiinrpp of Yr.r. fhret a a report turtu the whole ime of th eiiterpnpe over to Ida waiter, mid the latW hitroducJriK new metho.l. H'(d nev atuff. net.H out to retrieve the frturiea of hm Thomrh the meUio.lrt he takea are not utrlrtlv ortliodox he mir ceef i his tank and In the eon mi of events there plentv of hlirh chi r.u.

fill lne are Inr'uded In the ORPHEUM Orrhcum Circuit VftudrvHl 1 tr 5 p.m. Night, 7 to 11 p.m. Vaudeville. 2.30. VrHirltviHt.

8.30. Tnd.iy All ViM HwrvH. Plrttire Prrcrflf i nd Fol.ovvi VaudvMI. CHARLES RUGGLES CO. In BARTO 1 ANN he a ugh nq DENO A ROCHELLE 'o a New Dance Ot.ring WALTER McNALtY "Cycl.

Siing ti.rrV' MAfl'HALL MONTGOMERY rn.ricaa ForfrnMt Vntriln(iU'Bt STAN KAVAIMAGH a CO. PHOIOf'LAV "ALMOST" 'th VERA REYNOLDS THE PLAYHOUSE MR. SAMUEL MALE Pr.e.nt, ANNE RRONAUOH and th. ANNE BRONAUGM PLAYERS tn a Good Pi.iy ta ea ar Disciuraqf "SEVENTH KEAVEN" Brilliantly El.ctrlr In ftr.n., of PHONES i2 Oii 2t NFT WEEK LISTFN "THK The Laugh, Play Wlr.nlp.ll h.a My.t.ry artd Thrilla. STRAND THIS WEEK THU "RAG TIME CABARET" a "SPEAK EASY" Ll offering and the plav with a swinif and rlu.ili that I illstinctlv re frc.hinir.

The. plav will continue for the tHtier half of the week with three per (uniiiini ea each dav. Screen CARRICK The name Monte Crlsto. Tiitfi tti 19th century origin. It at cadly rpt'oenUf are the unmet of our meat fpht at, or th thai fioeati, or a popular break fan fl.

Thii In miiiiont have t1 the (nmom A le ji 1 novel. It In wit nf the mni popular of Hit pur. lie library novSt. fid peoj nr youn have read the (xxk. Vtii.y ho have not read It will do to a ft er pfHiig (it w'ffvn firuma, thowinK at 1 lie Garruk 11 bt cnlief la ir nflvnire.

The Mre. ii verwlon In ti1 ri. ienilv trim to ht original story to pit' a a And thorourhiv entertain tna reader of tha novrj. The. entire rait it i.LIalit and ea art.

It aid tu do Juntjce to the r'i aiMlyne. him. It ha. I'trieed. an tnr ra inr'uiing It (I'.

John fshtn rt. hrrip Adore, hatelie 1'aylor and ia tun r.K othef. 'I lrup Kick it now Leing jvrt ned. PROVINCE Ofiii of Ihn moil thrilling fit Mi. hlu ii tfrp tvir ig lmwM In i.itilriK I'm! IT a( th in.

h. lury of tlm rr.r rut inr of a wri. woIvik. funoily eiio.ih. In ot Ihn IfliM ly an 'hill t.f Hip Itil'l.

not of th Hlmmtii runllnrti inorf that a fw frat fi after th. nht. 'It 1. ail in a matt.r of tralnlris." itxpainM lTii r'v. 'rr liMuii.

iihuit unit tralntr i th. ilt; of th prtxlu i ion. Ixn ar. n. InlPlllt.nt almost, a lintnani nnd nrn tin havt nia.t.rnl th.

art of a I' ara vry riny to Tii.y almont 'i in to ri Mii Ih. nniirl. in reality thy rr.irl ntmii'inin m.aninK" in Ih. tofiPB of al.nn'lon to the rr.Monnn.tlnn of tt.

iKO.i.llfi it a.i aa 11 Kmo. and lnnally into fuia actor." CAPITOL Wt riiira How a "II I 'l Itnir niuv huvr in do villi It imi.i her ilvioimlr i.H. iiH.ilv ittui lo't ni to l.e 10. Willi. Jiut Hnlnh Iinio lu tin's inn ui.o PI.

w.a.s "ll" ami Ih.v .1,, IumI that in lour i'l intent stnrrlns I'l' lure for irnrnoiuit. wluoii is th f.a tureil aliuit lion at Urn theatre. In tin. film, rlvnainir In rlotli, at u.i he lierielf wanes ii winning with demure mrl win. IIJ Mtnl'lr mill iiiim, A nn.n of ooiiim 'lie nrize Hint the modern ki rl wins In a walk flie part ot the deinuie cnuiitrv niiss who hluahea when seen her knee In her uwn Inm 1olr mirror.

K. Hill's Famous Catil tollafiH are rielu htlnr thir followers with one of the best all rnunrl pmrrams of the present season. Maw I'lekfnrd will apn.r Sntiir.liiv In what Is declared to he her hest lurtura. My Best Girl. LVCrt'M Vary Phllhln.

who rare Imnri w. th. wiirhl ai belnit almost 15 in r.alily a moit hanly firl. Her starring rol. In Pnrrenilfr! which will tn at lh.

l.yc.i.m Hat'iritay la a part "htrh no fracll tH auly enukl hava atnuit. Mi. Phllhln sffat pliy.lral enrliir ari' In lh. mora riactinK icenea of thla thrllllnK rlrama nf th. early days of tti.

wir. Kb. was ptotn hv rrowrls, only throiith li D.rlnpsa of toot nd other ways that h.r almot spiritual body, contained a anrnrl.iiiK mug. mar development Aa I'hilbln jie.rlrs. In th.

dull, of h.r set. Ina Kurren.l.r' contains a story which con. tiniiallv hammer. ke roen in. tlm.

prodiiciion nll, rilrnlnar la coniple Mis. Fhllhln Uvea th. rol. aha t. or the Setional hara.ter ar.

h.r own. Ho there la no great nlTrTltlh. METROPOLITAN nf the bia lentnta iamaia ivau tlente. 1 the (ct that tha ri. med element haw not lifn ot.

annit m. una tt1 ft nil i In (tinvi viia, itan in in plrluie Hid ll la ejerted In tveveral eiuni ea. Bau Kt from the jen of P. c. Wren, aitior (if rta iBII Hliala I S.

ii una) nrrri mHnt mi ov i nrHiiiouni an Will r. a and rtn i rut iriiL Iei.eV Ini: that rpanv pr'xiu inria are ruined for aitdtenrea rWrau a f.f the lark of Uie haihter element. th produrera of Beau Rabreur have done everylhlna: woittle to retain that and at aane time not hurt th ten" dramatic qualttlea of the atory. for one country, rive'iln a love for a KIM. form the theme of thla I'ora nn'iint pic lure.

The Vg i'arade cloaea Friday. GAIETYWilllam Hainea. whoae hira tlon has prone tnroi.h iHlt.all, hHaebad and mllitiirv (trill in his last ihree picture, had to lern lf to round out hi atrenutiija In Fever, hti new ve'ilde K.ililfiK to ti liaifty It a lllllnaT eomedy of the lmk5. directed by Kdward f' 'lrwlck. Joan ford.

'JeorK Kawrett tdward Far! and a ntaM cant at pear In It Joan fniwfor'l, hemir of The Tn known The Taxi Iiamer. and other recent tufa, plays a lulf devotee as heroine of thia film. 8TA RL A The Mm efferta that thrllt ed the early thealreKoer arc used with great Canada Finest The at pa 5DYS BEGINNING Tues. Jan. 31 Matinee Wed.

and tat. SIR JOHN Martin Harvey's LONDON COMPANY. from Oarrtck Thatr, London, In Rafael Datini "Scaramouche" John Martin Harvey'a part wM he played by the Efninent Actor GORDON McLEOD who played It In London and Toronto wtth marked auixcM. Wpd. Tt, 50c Ptui ai.

mai. vaT.ii.DU, n. 7ttz, due Tax sale now Wap 8e! PROF. GLADSTONE English Psychologist SPECIAL MATIN KK FOR LADIES ONLY AT 3 P.M. TODAY Also Kick4 SATURDAY GILBERT IN WALKER turicts today.

It proved by the ra tnarauMe iiu pm of The Thirtev jit Hour, Tha Hat, Within the Uw, Tht and other myatery playi of tha atag a and rreen. Then, too, the fact liiat the brntKen peartHi) playt hava lived through tha ajfti and are uatd In co.lei.ea and aihouU at example nf fcnod drama and corned provet that playt nf thtt nut ire are liked tj modern audtenret. The Thirteenth Hour, tut orlulnal myatery drama at the fcu.rian.1. 11 a thrill Iiik detect, va ttury that inrorciora'ea mott all of tha device uted la the bhakeepaareau piayt. Bijou Tha Cabaret Kid I a new dim.

with ilraham CuttM at prodiuer and Butty Hal four aa the etar. Mr. vims la efficient and ha all tha myntertea ot aex appeal and hua office appeal at lilt flntt lips. In i at arnt Kid he Unn had to adapt hit method tu thnjM; im whore ttrong point la remedy. The renuit ta a arf wiw of nc cenaea.

Knter tha the anuret arena, the UdieH that ahow ml mm and no more, and Mr Cult It In hit eie nif nt. Kiiier the Cun.edy aueuea, and Miaa lialfuur hulda Uje field. TIVOlI A Hunt for a Nlht. thta k'ji H' i ruction at rii 'iiv jll, tl una of ttis laat 't inn if! f.nifi tht iirrent 'j ric tiro jlar (iirnn Try.jn anrl l'aif Huh 'Imoq j.rtrvi th nde ot MM frm h.r:K rj; tax I rah driver In a wtm gt.rtd.

niv dvnin to filer an airplin rm ituh th At tan Or lie tttnt fliui ii iiif)K by and lli'in hi r.wn ftn Thn rfnt a iinn hk aa amuninK llr.iiJ( wiifh he tHri(i hi.i tuil trip with two ni, is uiLibie to lanj until Ui tide vane rum out. COLLEGE Tha lam fippor'unlty to wa the fatiiuuB I'. N. 0. tiiitory rnaKliiK navy ea I'iiine in wliith iNimuiatiHer H.era and hi vuiant crew fl.iattd ft.r nine oayn near th Hawaiian Iain ltd ti th lr trana ifjc maht.

will ha tht final aruminne of It mery Joiirin (iicture. The Non tftf.p De ht, at the ColK theatre today. The gint Mrd tfwlf 11 fitn In acorea of thn lmet Johnaon opua. Ivit even thla feature imivi before the apertatular rjuriiitlea and powt rf uielodrama of thw tltn. OSBORNE Kroni Una! fries (il.ry.

an epfr ir film to Zat Ko? at the Or hnrnP, an hi arloua dranm, la the trnnmtion inade hy Kdmund J.jwe. the tonh maniia of me battle film arid tt toiit.h f.rt TORTURING NEURALGIA The Cry of Starved Nerves for Rich, Ked Wood Most prnplf Borilltn pouralKia with a iain in the htail or (air, but neuralgia mny afTct any nerve In the body. Different nuincs arp Kiven to It whrn It uffoots rrrtaln nerves. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve Is called sciatlia, but ths rhararter of the disease Find the nature of thu pain are the same; the cause Is the satno, and the remedy, to be effective, must be the same. The pain of neurnlgla is the cry of starved nerves for nourishment.

Normally the blood feeds the nerves, but If It is thin and weak It cannot do so. Hence, neuralgia and other nerve disorders. Build up and enrich your thin hlorxt with Dr. Williams' Pink i'ills, and you are attacking neuralgia at lis root. Th js? pills supply to the blood Just the elements that the nerves need, and they have hern proved to be the br st po b'e remedy for the trent ment of neuralgia, sciatica, neuritis, and In fuci ail uiscotses that owe their origin to weak nerves.

You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mall at Nic a box from The Dr. Williams lirock ville. Ont. Advt.

IN Year Man stage EARLE HILL AND HIS fS FAMOUS Band I i niTAi a nn tArllULlAlid ALBERT MacGILLIVRAY "The Caruso of the Air" CAMERON and CAMERON In "This and That" GEORGE LEE "Runnin' Wild" E. POMPILIO Sax Harmonies Twlca Today and 9 A THK 0B BINT, story of younjr love set gaily among the geegaws of a Five ami Ten Cent Store enlivened with a thousand hearty laughs and through it all the vibrant joy of the eternal 1 a i Mary IVkford. COMMENCING SATURDAY HER PEPPIEST PICTURE M.l Her Best Picture i I flehter'i mamiRr tha wmrly, But Br tha rena rnhlnnre cndii (or luatfad of the nattty uniform o( infant Wulrt, Low in tha latter picture wars the flaahy eJothee, trick hair cut. and wite marine; of a tiabi tuta of the prUa ririK. Uort(e Bnen la th IiKiiut whom and ha baa bia trout lea doing It.

CR I SC NT Jtmt aa Tha Hl Para I took the lov of a boy and a ajtrt. and urroundd It mitti tha aijrf and thunder of war to achieve one of tha epic dramaa of the day. ao haa Tha Bulla fall taken tha problem of a rhlld'a Ufa of motherhood and atpniothArhttod and, with battlt and apectacle eurrounding It, trlvea an atiiltenre a Ktlmpea Into tha heart of childhood. Jackie Cook an la atarred. ABLINOTONR.allalir.

tnrllltns Slid ab aorMiiK la V.ra ft r'lda' ntw aiar i.rp'THi in. iraiurc for the or1 fh. at tha Arltnaten In thl. I rli'itoi tha nrlt don. tiy yu I m.n at fhe front In ti vividly and MinvlnrtnKly ahnwn In a s.rt.s of dramatlr.

iith.ttr and hiimrr(ia ecrn.a that win hull yur Irt.reat to Ilia final fad. out. Th. haa to do with th. adventures uf three girl buddlfi St th.

front. OARDEN Kldlns Iik. th. lnd. Ken Maynard will again thnll hla srowing army of fana tn Tha Kiildera i.nlnK today at the riard'h.

1 h. alnry. one ot a new a.rlfa. is eald to he hla beat. PALACE Hlth Hat.

a atory of the modern Jan aKi. la on the double program today at tht; Palace with b.n Lyon h.adlnie th. raat of The Iievll's Paddle la alo h.ins ahown with Kin BIG DOUBLE BILL REGULAR TRICES AND EXCLUSIVE PICTURES SHARKEY vs. IIEENEY LOl GHRAN vs. LOMSKI LOBAN AMD JsEWS COMING SATURDAY Engagement Extraordinary! iAKY PHILB1M aJV AWrVaMAlllCIVM IT WILL LIVE IN YOUR 31 EMORY LIKE A HAUNTING SONG NOW PLAYING LIONEL BARRYMORE in "THE 13th HOUR" STARLAND MELODY KINGS COMEDY ORGAN NEWS EMORY POHNSON'S MIGHTY EPIC OF THE GREAT OCEAN JUMP "The Non Stop Flight 1 ViEEK STARTING SATURDAY mmm benctratinq tlvilU! Dcn't Listen to False Rumors POSITIVELY This Is the Second and Final Week of ft IPiSlLLS! a epic of love and war, Y'iPl.

JOtiNGlLBlRT kENEE adorce and it will not be shown in Winnipeg again for a long, long time, and never again with the splendid musical accompaniment played by Phil Letvak and his Augmented Orchestra. Feature at 13.30 6 S.30 MATINEES, 25c II piercing yo I and BEAU i 1 Vl Tinaiai ii it I inn I in THE TRDEUNE REPRESENTATIVES New Vork: Verree Conklln 285 Madison Ave. Chicago: Verree C'onklin Inc. ti Jackson Blvd. Detroit: Verree Conklin 121 Lafayette Blvd.

San Francisco: Verree A Conklln 6hl Market tit. Toronto. E. J. Guy, aOJ Royal Hank Bldga.

Montreal: C. A. Abraham, 'i'ii St James St lindon. F. A.

Smth. 34 40 Ludgate Hill. E.C.. 4. Vancouver: Frank K.

Parson, 128 Winch Building, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Par 1 to 1 days, per day Cor I to I day a. per day If or 6 days, per day l'T Line .10 A Minimum Space, 3 lines: Minimum Cuarse, SSo. BUSINESS CARDS For 1 month, per month 2 0O Knr 3 Months. p'r month lbs For 6 per month 1.7s for 12 month, wr month Blnha, Lnsai Marrlas.a. Dea'ha.

Card of Thanka, $1 00 per insertion. In M. mortem Notices For 10 count tines or less; 10c per Una for each additional tna.rtion. The Tribune will out be respoualbls lor mora Uian one Incorrect Insertloa ol any sdvertlarment. OURINQ BUSINESS HOURS a.m.

till 13 r.rr.. SLIiliaYS 9 a.m. till 11 p.m. PHONE 84 331 and aak for department or Individual deilred TODAY. FRI.

and SAT. ONLY iG MOTIVE i5 THRILL THAT WILL GET YOU Province Comedy Ottering NEWS FOX CANADIAN GRAND ORGAN BETTY BALFOUR in "THE CABARET KID'' ARLINGTON Vera Reynolds In "Corporal Kate" TODAY WILLIAM HAINES in "SPRING FEVER" New York's Newest Laugh Hit! "IS ZAT SO?" Glenn Tryon Patsy Ruth Miller "A Hero For a Nisht" tf TO NIGHT I i 31 Jf 1 0 I A 7 1 lits i androtkotobe ZrJX held on the OPEN SQ. RANGE IBIJ0U! now r. dT KJN MAYNAftD In "THE StEO RAIDERS" "HIOH HAT" and "THE DEVIL'S SADDLE" CV EVELYN SRFNT In "UNDER WORLO" ft TARrAN AND THE 1ft GOLDEN LION" DEATHS INI MS On Jan. 2th.

at Rt. Joneph'u Himpitu). David Barrie, ftfed 1ft yeara. non of Mr. and Mn.

Wm. IiikIU, of Wln irton Kant Klldonan. The furtfral will tatt place Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'rlorK. from the Clark Kunenil Home to Kim wood Cernetery Rev. Hutch J.

Robertson will cohduft the bcrvlre. ROHUN Tawd away on the 24th at hpr laie 2U Garry itreet Adelaide iou'ne, beloved wife of 451r Redmond fii rtlin, tn her year. Kunerr aervlra will held In Grace Pnltfd Church. Thurnday afternoon at 2 SO clock. Interment in Im wood cemetery.

Kor furUitr lnlormattun call Thorn son's, 1.001. JOHNSON Amrrimtir, beloved huahand of Johnson, of Ma Toronto passed away at Ma home. Jan. 2Mh, in his 70th year. Kuneral service wlU be held from tho residence.

Friday, 2.30 p.m., to Brooksldi femetery. For fur her information ca A. 8. 86 oV)S. JONES On Jan.

24th. at 13(1 Hone Norwood, Mrs. Frances Virginia Jones, widow of the late Joseph K. Jones. The remains will be forwarded from the A.

B. Onrdlnr Funeral Home. Wednendsiv, 10 Olh cn City. wrtere Interment will fake place Friday. HRNRY Tha funeral of the late Charles Hnry, aTL' or.

iY.a 2:.. In.xt., at the Qerscral Itospiial, was held at Thomson Funeral Home. Broadway, WedneMtay afternoon, ai, 2 30 o'clock. Interment took place In HrookaMo Cemetery. SCHMALENBKRO Bfloved hual.anil of Margaret Sthmalenhtrc of 13S Barher panaed sway at hla home Jan.

3, seed TO year Punem) snnnunrement later. For rtirtlier Information call A. 8. iinMal, ss 607. HANNAH Marr Jane, bttiTed wife of K.

f5. Hannah, of Wuonlanda, away at Victoria Hnapital. Jan. J.Mh. ajted 30 jrenra.

Remalna were forwarflml tiday to Woodland, from A. 6 Ear dare Funeral Parlori. 843 Bherbror. IP.ELAND on the JMh at Nrnrk N.J.. Wrn.

F. Ireland, beloved huaband ot Narsarct H. Ireland, of fi The Fonlana wlnnln.K. Funeral arrangements not yet completed. 111 FLORISTS THE ORCHID 87 971 victor l.



R. BAR DAL SERVTCR US SHERBROOK BT. Pa tt 807 8 The J. THOMSON CO. Tha Oldest It oat Rellabla Undertaking Parlon 501 Wftln 8U 21 001 and THOMSON FUNERAL HOMh 8 BROADWAY PHONB 0 4011 Ambulanct la Connection 3 MOMUMENTS J.

M. Brooke Sons Monumental Sculptors WB DEAL FXCLIJSTVELT IN MONUMENTS Jfl MA 'N PT. OPPOSITE INDUSTRIAL BUREAU. PHUNS S2 3 CARD OF THANKS MRB OERTRTIDR PF.n RICK WISHES TO thtnk the many frfenrln and nipthbore for kindnena and pympathy extended to her In hr recent sad bereavement, especially the Street Rallwaymen I'nlon for kindneaa during Mr. Ierrtrk's I lines and death Mm.

Gertrude Eerrlrk, IVS Ft. John Avt. MR. W. P.

MITCHELL AND FAMILY OK eir to thank their many friend ami netchhom for the kind expressions of ym pathy tendered ihem In their recent sad bereavement; aim for th beautiful floral tributes. MR. AND MRB. L. COLLINGWOOD, OF 114 William wish to thank their many friend for their klndnew and sympathy In thHr recent and ead hereaw ment of their yonnjtert daughter, Dorothy, alto for floral tribute.

MR. AND MRS. J. B. FORTIER AN!) Mmlly, lot 49 Worth KIMnnan, wleh to thank their many friend tor the kindness and nrmptry siiown them In their recent sad berea.ment, also for beautiful floral tributes.

CRESCENT Corner Hugo and Corydon TODAY JACKIE C00GAN in "THE BUGLE CALL" IN MEM03IAM MULHEAHN In afftctlonate rtmamkranca of Jam, loved son of Hr. M. Mul kod the Imtt Aappcr W. who 4 aj Jan. 26 th.

19X9. On by on varth's ttta arn brnhaa. one by on tmy rt nnKco abova, Soma day thra will ba a iwret rt union, Onc agiln with tboa lov. TnMrttd by hla loving motlMr, lira. Uulhearn, 641 Banning St.

RADOLIPFE In lovlnr murtory of mr dar wife, llyra, wbu pasd away Jan. W27. A year nan paMd Sveirii but a day," When In tha early morn, OikI called her away. To with Him, whero mirferinpi feaaad. Ana rest xar ever in aternaj Inserts by bar lorlnf huiband, F.

K. Pvadcilffe. WARWICK In lov Inn memory of our Vr father, J. U. Warwick, who died Jan.

Jimt a BAd and sweet remembrance. juji a memory fcind and tru, Jurt a token of And a heartache itlll far you. Ineerted by hla daughter, Mri. Hood and family. BEArtW in loving memory of cnir dar mnt hasp Mm ti n.

si. Draiom, wno aa partcd thia Ufa on Jan. 26, 192tJ. Iar Is tha Knot whera mother 1s Isltf, T'I tbf memory that never hall "icniim ai jeaui' reel, Inserted by her Borrowing family. 2yiT of Annlt N'Uofl.

who pained away Jan, Sttth. Nothing can ever take away. iicart, uoian nnnr, fond memorlen IinKer every day. tverpa ner ne4r Interted by Henry Nlion. 3 LOST LOST.

Rs rwrrv blue stane In centre, alued aa a keen 2W "BP IV 1 1.. wm, 3 mm wa, Jteward. (DANCING AMD SOCIAL) Victoria Lodge, L.T.B. No. 20 Whiat Drlvs and Dane, Oddfellowa Hati.

Pnnceaa ror. Mcliermot,, ii. r.ipht VViual at! Danclns 8 3i. Tlrkef. so.

Norman Hall i9 Bnerbrook St. Pb. OSS To rent for nances, socials, aieerinsa, ezri parties, afternoon (. stc. Ratts rea.


294 Edmonton SL, Winnipeg SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PtRMANENTLY REMOVED rnrho Fyefem tlvea llfetima rier antes, rras Dem. Treatment Free Booklet, til uoratriet Bis. fnone ati. AVIATION SCHOOL Clsases now open at 37t Donald at. rw particulars.

Weatern Can. Alrwava Ltd lifts Union Trmt Bids. Wpg. 710. ava.

2 Wi. RarHlreiri Parlors and Beautv thrinpa. All sxperta In ctiarue. in Donald Btreet. aPhona 7 Have that odd china or metal vaea mde Inlo a useful electric tarda lamp.

Price reasonable. Garry Elect no Flxturt Co, 120 lombard 6t. ti 267. HOOUE'g LIQUID U.HCrX.K CREAT ea permanent wave effect. 6.ivi yre Money.

Tim at Hair from hot trona. 6.10, MONEY TO LOAN On dlamonr)a watches or any Jswelr nf eslua. American Loan offlae, S43 Main Rt. taiab. 1S97.

S3 5Si. Alao bujr onuiihL. WHEN ANBrtTCRTNO ANT Of THESH sdvertlaementa. eifher In writing, phon. or In a personsl Interview, klnrlly menttoD that vou eaw the ad In The Tribune.

Oriental Rug Repairing Carpeta rlean.rl. Art Mending 14A Donald St. Phone 38 692. HEHTERFTELDR. CHAIRS.

MADE to order, and dealn, repairs. Geo, R. Mutton. M5 Notre Dame, or p. Kurby.

3H 3S4. C. SIGNS 225 Market BL Phone 17 TTI RAVE TOI'R HAIR FALLTNO HAIR, dandniff. guaranteed cured or per. onal treatment at 171 Sherbroolt PROFESSIONAL FIANTET FOR DANCFB ennoaru, weddlnta, ate.

Terms reason, able. Studio Bla. Rjalyn Apta 47 S7U. WRINOER ROLLS RERimBERrD fame aa new. Phone 23 105.

fitavsley Tire Service. 47 Arthur 8t RET. SOI.niKR 7N NEm OF r'LOTHIN'l for children. Will do snjr odd Jobs In return. Fos 153 Tribune.

OHF.STERFIlT.Ln AND CHAIRR MAtiB to order. Dawe. 134 Pnnceaa. as 8.L. POLL HOSPITAL: ETF.R.

HFAD8, WlrJS. Mlller a Bird more. ZltO Portasa. SU ik 3. VACUUM CLTCANTCRS OR POLIFHErtll rented, 11.50 a day.

Luah Burka. 30 3M. WPO. DOLL HOSPITAL, HEAD. Wing, etc Eat id years.

405 Portage. 15 014. JAM LESSON. OHPISTENSON gTS tem. Winnipeg School of Mualc.

2S 33. PH. IMPERIAL BOOK TOP.E. 10 OS. 99 Ifaxlon St.

Booka bouaht, aold. LADY DESIRES TO CARE FOR BABT In own home 154 Tribune. HELP WANTED Male 25 TEAMS WANTED With harness and sleighs. Racks supplied. Ask for VI'm.

Carmode, foreman. PHONE 43 321 Arctic Ice Fuel Ltd. ARChlTECTVRAL DRAUGHTSMAN WTTir experience and food tracer. Bus 144 bufe,.

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