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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 10

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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PAGE 10 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1939 THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE are nov passe Feen a mjnf ft. the modem way to Vi. 2ft 4 "it Feen a mint effectively rrniM" rrumnliilrH tate sxithmit anx of the ditre associated nilh nM. Imhioned lajalixc.

A. xmi eninv I htf really delirious mintrlmniire. I rhekinp sum, il evart Hn if tmves ith th sslixiry jtiirp in the month and i lint taken lew. Is. int nnmrnllv.

Neil limp sen eeed letative ir rTand ia.iine Feen a mtnt. Von 'II find il Hi drug rnnnters everrwbere. i Fccnaciint LAXATIVE 1) lewelrv at Eaton's much of it straight from Nexv York necklaces deep a5, a hih in gold colored metal and many colored stones. The ketch shows one scores o( faceted. aquamarine tinted crystals $27.50.

Others are priced. $5.00 to $40.00. jrwplry Jpctipn. WEDDINGS Hamilton Tcho The 'if Miss Teho. daughter nf Mc and Mt.

H. Teho, of l.cfim. foi m. 1 Winnipeg, to Mr. Rov.

Hamilton wn of Mr. and Mrs K. .1. Hamilton ii3 Uaixxond Winn pv. loK place the oxcring of Dir.

1 Hi" itorv of St. i hutch. in coiixcr. Rev. J.

W. Sxxau performed the cctemonx. Mi. and Mr. Hamilton xvilt twide a I 'Jnd avc, west.

Vancouxci. Ida Mae Bigney Weds Lome Maxwell White Thr holm of Mi iiii'l Norman White. 81 Bannatxm ae. uas Hie of a wedd ng Dec uhrn Ida Mae. or.h daughter Too look ogty wfien cough.

Keep Smith Brothera Cough Drops handy. (Black or Menthol.) Relief for to. I( tfr'PZ i i TV rLAVOUR BUD Jivei livelier rmvoun IX 9 4 si kaflllllll lIIUJa DROPSS! 3 mix ft rrmMV9uv, Of ftatntrnf rart mnd ftnt I may nil ht a tnrnlt'l I. ike Liiler Emstetn I may uol tat a tnun hrue, St mrrvm by SihiapartJIi Bmt vim anus to my tarn bet it'l Lmthmt Jrfh! Mi Patricia Wtitnan, TtrowK). 1 The r4ch fniity fluvoot nf i oshtis Jrlly drsseTt corner in concentrated lirtnid fnftri, elrd mi tiRht in a Flasonr Bud like milk in a conn nut.

I'nlil other i 1 1 desserts, this flavour cannot "poMte, hut is kept full urrtiRlb until you art ready to use it. l.uxhus is very to make. Just add hot water as usual, rh "Pnd" dissolves and you pet hat tssire as rtch Loshtm flavonr. Seven yrand ftavtwr to choose from at your grocer ft. vS3 LAX Lb P) i I Jean I.

MacFarlanc Weds Harkness Black In Church Ceremony of Mr fount i Mi her ettmj of ferns nnii hi ant licniniis was arranged in I.undnr Kiit 1'ies'pv tci uin chuich for Hie, mairiage of Jean lalielle. eldei tRS. Prutt MclachUn A xxpddinc xxas solemnied in the xestrx ef P.ixeriex church, Kridax ex nine. per. 1.

xxher Ixxendnlene eldest rtauzhter ef Mr. and W. R. Nlcl.achlnn hecame the hnde of Homhardier Monteomerx B. Pratt, second 5on of Mr.

and Mrs. A Pratt. The nas performed hx Rev. William i The hnde xxole Queen's hllie ciepe frock. the high neckline cau ht xMth tinx rosettes nf the material.

Her hat xxas a model of hlaik felt xxith floxnnz sjhe vore a corsage of pink S'. I ettlpart roses. I They xxere attended hx 1is C'hrissie Sax see and Mr. Wil'tam Dickson. A reception xas hp'd at the home of the btides tarents The Wedding cakp as adorned iith thp dpntatton used on the ht'dp's Smother's cake and thp insizroa of thp hrid' prooni unit.

Mr. and Mrs. Pratt arp residing Winnipeg. Wed In Mame MINITON AS. The xxeddine nf Kvangeltne Hazel, onlv davnjh'er of Mr.

and Mrs. T. W. Booth, to Mr. Christoplipr Brown, second son of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Tarn Brown of Renxvpf. xxas solemnied at the United church manse nt Sunn Rixer. at i In p.m. Wednesdex Noxemher Rev.

M. Orahem. officiated. The hnde.smaid xx as MisS Alice 1ae Brown, (lister of the hr'de 2toom The man a.s the hi ide second hrofher. Mr Honr.x Booth.

lunnei in (he (A. of the ('u st ux ision, TJnd Batterx. Edmonton The hi trie JPM oi marrtaj het father. She oniero of wine taffeta xxith a full skirt and gathered hodice The bridesmaid xx orp a dtps of nine ronc'n erepe with a xxhite lace collar. Mr.

Rioth xore a xoxen of nnvy flow el ed crepe A utvlding dinner perxed for immpdiatp reatie nt the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frown nill ieide at penxcer S.tlp srdenimed in St Anlnan hilrrh. tint, ''cmhei I.

when Maiaret i.leanor femlfl. of 'intlipeg dauchtei Mr William and the lit. rjould. and Mr (lordon Steele, of Keewatin. son nt Mr and Mis.

Charles Steele, of Keewatin. wpip unitPd in marriage. The attpmiant.s wptp Tr. and Mr. H.

A. Warrpn. of Keexxattn. hrnther in law and nutter nf the bridegroom. tf ngagemcnts I' a'd 1ocie announce en of I I dauchtei.

Maitatet Mac l.cnnati. to Lieutenant MeKn Thomas IJt.h Klld rom panx R.C K. eldest son of hi and Mrs. P. S.

Woods. The xxed.lini; xill take place the letter part of Peceniber. Mr. nd Mrs. S.

Tnmlinnn. North Kddonan. announce th engagement of their daughter. Florence Kffie. to Mr W.

orge W. Buchan Terrell. of the A Toronto, onlx son of Mrs F. Terrell and tlie late Mr. W.

Buchan. of Winnipeg The xxcdding will take place in Toionlo in riecembet. Mi. and Mrs. II.

A. Tinner announce the engagement of their xoungest daughter, Vetna Ethel, to Mr. Robert Roy F'otrester, 112 srpiadron CA only son of Mr and Mrs. William Forrester. The wedding will take place In Decern ber.

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hehh announce the engagement of their daughter.

Hettie Irene, to Mr. Francis Graham Briegel of Cal garx. son nf Mr. and Mra. F.

.1. Briegel of Olds. Alta. The wed idin? xxill take place December 3H. Mi.

an. I Mrs. Pent lem Phiug Ihs annuunce the enafuiient of their onlx daughter. Klliotl Wat son, to Mr. William Thomas Atehi son.

aecond son of Mr. and Mrs. irrvn tit cttt tc trcv Tmnnvr it a rr, 13. Atchison. East St.

Taul, Man. TKin. JCVEiaijiicj ajori A I Jo. The wedding iU i i December SO. tak place Lindal Johnaon Sh.

li eland, which was s. Rose and Mrs. B. miw.vl al p.m. Kcv.

y. Parker. At the tea tanle Mrs. irtinri. al lie I nil Perfect I.ovr ii i in the signing ol the register.

The hnde, L'iven in marriage In brother. Mr. J. Stuart Mac ii. a i rue Karlwnc.

wore ior lace ovei son ol M. taf'eta. uilh shirring al and Mrs. Alexander While, Kiveis vxere mariird al 7 ni. Hex.

H. Ft. Diiekxxorlh ofl.eialrd. The hi ide. xx ho uas cixen in maM iae the hi 'de' "il jolmnTia Mill ruses and maidenhaii un.ip.

Ml N.unnn a c.uxn of apphirp Hue x.nct mi .1 ix th a 'i t.Vf emht'e)pie. Ma. lane. nmt rose sM thread illi" te mer taffeta ati viih xp I diaperx lo upVted iln; ehapl xril She her ensiling She xx ore sie ear nan i nses Tat smm i a'Iex. houlders eanuht xxith i ijs of silxer.

The sknt xa flared xxith hllslle effect. Her finder tip length xeil of hrida! net xx as he'd xxith a enrnnpt ot erane nis and she carrie1 and h'x ef the rw Itlended ti Mr P'in, Miss p.ciifn o. Mt mother of the tht h'idp Aniencan heantv naxx iinneri sheet trarsparpp' pIx et xxith rnisaie of fl, silk. Mack fell hat II'M roses. aIiri a of Adeline res Thp hnd roorn xxas attended 'pu, iishefs xeie Messi 5.

Rohe? hx his cousin. Mr. .1. Kdxxard (', MacKarlane. lontliei of the While.

RC.A.MC. and Hums, cousin of r.l ixo.1 the hnde jroom. A recepiinn was hx Mi Retilah White An informal reception xxas hp'd at the home of Mr and Mis Norman While Mr. and Mrs.

White will reside at (lods Lake. Man. held at I he home of the brides mother. 1TH 1 si. Mr.

and Mrs Black xxill reside Stun. Mountain. Grace Emily Cumbers 1 A I of Mr. and Mrs .1. R.

COS AT XnUT A. IPg Johnson. I.undur, to Mr. ingnimri I inrlal of Mr uoH niniim "Hit cimiij, D.J, Lindal was solemn toKtr of Mr and Mrs. ued at 2..

VI p.m.. Nov. in 't iMr thur A hpr Wine snn nf Mr unrt Mn was a juliet cap of gold sequins. She carried a bouquet of Sweet G. MacLean offHanted.

1 A. E. Hoskin and Mrs. J. B.

Wa His neaI 1 ana ol lne In A exander san presided at piesided over the tea cups. The bride was attended by her the organ and accompanied Miss a (ireening xx hpn she ang ulster, Muripl, who wore turquoise taffeta with a shirred bodice and full skirt, showing a bustle effect. The gown wag topped by a short manse of the Icelandic oo Noy a gt 7 plnk r0eS and lily of the valley. il i in, in ii i i A Iraata. na rich ll itr Eylands performed I he eremonx 'J.

'ih ii nrTiei. I Tl" bridegroom was attended iii Liir iif ni I'l i a. i and Mr. Herman Johnson. Mr.

and Mrs. Lindal will reside in The bride, given in marriage by i Ross McDonald and Mrs. moire gonn with a heart shaped I li; Munro st nn Mini a in iruii iv ciiiu iiiuii Wedding Announced Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.

Mitchell1 announce the marriiage of their only daughter Carolyn Mildred, to iacket of the name material, and! dinner John H. Topping. 191 trimmed with pale pink velvet Held Battery, R.C.A.. eldest son of ribbon. Her headdress was a cap of blue sequins.

Her flowers were Mr. David Cumbers, brother of the bride. A reception was held at the' home of the bride's parents. 154 puffed sleeves. The bouffant skirt Mrs.

Cumbers, mothpr of the i oiL hii Mrs. nr nno an i i i showed shaped Insertion of tinyibride, wore navy crepe wltn a i Riaek 'i I. ruff lps. eblh being caught by bead trimming. Her corsage was and Mrs James Black.

Winter club Tuesday. The winners Mr. and Mrs. John Topping. The marring as solmni7Pd River inw United churrh.

Decpmbnr 2, i in th presence of the immediRtf relatives of the bride and bride groom. Rpv. WilliHm Brtggs offic WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE rrr And Yob'H Jump Out of Bed in nCZwillS I il I II Sf Tha liver hould pour out two poundi Moutd bile tnto ymir bowela daMy. If thia btl ner yuiCK Case and COmfOrt inatnnw.nKfrwl.v.your(oodt1omn'tdiBNl fn to any flrt riMii driiKCmt toHv n1 al an onRinn hottie riean. pnwrriil, lmtrt(ng lAtAn Ktnrnid Oil and apiily a tw drop over lh ffccird arta.

The Itchlnif torture la quickly tmnthl It just decay in the bo we In. (, hloaU no our atomah. You gvt constipated. Harmful poiaona go into the body, and you fel aour, aunk and th world look punk. A mere bowel movement down talwayt gt and you'll find there'i nothing hetter to I 'he eauae.

You need aomethinf that worka Of fed roses. ternaUy ratmed trouhiei. Monne'v Carter'a Mttl Liver Pills to fi et theiie two i Emerald Oil weale, dK not main pounda of bile flow ma freely and make you Mrs. King, mother Of Ihe oride pnmotea healinK. Money cheerfully re "up and Harmleaa and gentle, the groom Chose a pencil tripe blaok I funded, if not make the bile flow freely.

They do the work satin gown. Her corsage was redll.ton', Drug HudW, 5 roses. Company, Roberti Drug Stortt. Adv. I Stubbornly refute anythint cIm.

2c III1 .1 1 1 mini i i if it km r' Shopping the "Dayton" way is the easiest and most pleasant whether you're shopping for Mother, Sister. Wife or Sweetheart, you will find a fine selection of suitable gifts. You can pay as little or as much as you like and the balance to suit your convenience. Housecoats SATINS FLANNELS CHENILLES CANDLEWICK Lingerie SLIPS NIGHTIES PYJAMAS PANTIES. ETC.

"fur Chubbies" 55c t0 $3.95 OPOSSUM FITCH FOX $24 95 to $49 95 HOSIERY SKI SUITS SWEATERS SKIRTS HANDBAGS CLOVES 85' to $1295 DRESSES For All Occasions Woollens, Crepes. Velvets, Nets and Taffetas. $5 95 $1795 375 PORTAGE AVE. j( pun til I I Ml fTrC.

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