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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 12

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 12 RUM ROW LOSES SHIPS, $100,000 TO U.S. CUTTERS Prizes Taken in Running Gun FightTwenty Prisoners Taken (By fanaillsn Trcu Oct. S7 The rum rorv of Cape Cod and Cap Ann were scattered today a a result of their first major engagement with the I'nlti'd States prohibit tin enforcement navy, and tight prlises were tied up docks here and at Gloucester, Naur london. with moie than a scoi of prisoners to ahow a Iha spoils of tha victor. The riuht with their crews, and contraband liquor, valued at 1 100,000.

represented a week's operation of the coastguard culler Tampa, assisted or squadron rf fnst rum ehaserm, off Ploclc Island. Cap Cod and Tape Ann. The raptured vessels were taken In a running bsttl Krtdny In whlrh the Tampa used her thrce lnrh guns and pursued a scattering rum fleet for more than one hour near Steel Wag. on ft.iuks. Zt mi'tfS off the vuhaI, at a point half way between Capes Cod and Ann.

In the fleet of rum ship were mora than a dosen vessels, according to ooastjrusrd Including several British and French craft. Nons of the rum vessels returned tha coastguard fire. Officers said that more of th rum fleet rould hava heen raptured had tha coastguard force been willing to fire directly at their quarry. WINNIPEG PRESS CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Winnipeg Press club held Its annual meeting Saturday evening at lh Marllwirouth hotel mhen reports covering th yearns activates wera presented and new officers were chosea. W.

MscTavlsh. editor of The Trl hune, was elected president and CoL O. r. Porter, vice president. Olher of.

fleers elected were: secretary. Fr.4 J. O'JIallcy: treasurer, J. Lllterlrk: auditor, Frank Avery; executive committee. Bruce Bureham.

A. K. H. Coo. John Richardson, 1L C.

Howard and A. X. Longstnff. T. B.

president during the past year, and th ether retiring of fieers were accorded a cordial vote of thanka for their efforta on behalf of ths club. The business session was followed by a smoker and social program. The Tress elub plans to entertain ITemler King Informally en th evening' of Nov. 4. BURGLARS TOUR TOWN MOOSE JAW.

Oct. The Provlnr Klevatnr. tnltej Grains Growers' elev stor. North Star elevator, ths hardware store and ths local garage at Dllke, Sunk, were sll broken Into on Frldsy light and small articles removed. Nothing of real value was removed.

IS THIS YOUR BIRTHDAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 A forceful speaker, clever writer and fond nf outdoors, you cannot stand restraint and you should Immediately set out In business for yourself. Your fierce temper, however, will work you harm iinl. you can learn to control It so that your strong personality will not be Impaired. Marrv fairly early In life. It will help you to be more philosophical, which tsken with your energy and determination to succeed, will make life' path a happy one.

ii HENRY WALLACE, CABINET OFFICER OF U.S., IS DEAD Secretary of Agriculture Diet After Short lllnese Govt. Office Close Tribune Special Leased Wlrfl WASHINGTON. L. Uct. it Th wheels of government slowed down and stopped today as a mark of respect for Sfuury of Agriculture Heurv C.

Wallace, who died late Saturday nfler a brief By executive order, oil governmental departments were closed from a m. until 1 p.m., the period covering the time of the funtrai service al the White House. Howard M. Gore, assistant secretary, who i the Kepublican inr sovernur of West irguila, has abandoned all speaking cngauenients and returned to the rapnai to tarrj on th work of the department until President Coolldge lesignalc Wal Ince's successor. His campaign In West Virginia, lie said, will be tarried on by friends.

today, the body of the late cabinet officer was lemoved from Naval hospital, where occurred, and taken lo the stuivlv Kant room of the White House, where the bodies of other government notables ha lain In reiept year, there at 11 o' lock the l'rrsldrnt and Mrs. Coolldge. cabinet officers, senators anil other officials gathered for the simple funeral services that pieced el the remains being taken tu Ie Moines for burial. TO SETTLE HERE Two Thirds Hebrides' Population Available for Immigration to Canada Two thirds of the present popula tion Of the Hebrides, or 3U.0U0 persona, are available for Immigration. Rev.

ather A. MacPonnell said Sunday at the Boval Alexandra hotel. Father Is returning to Scotland alter bringing out a party of selUera. Already 1 .000 have come i out under hi auspices. Iteport of a delegation from Hebrldesn settlers who visited their old home this yenr had (Jon much to popularise Canada with prospective emigrants.

The Hehrldeans were particularly proud of the fsrt thst so manr of them had become "top dors" in Canada. Hebrldeana ran replace Japanese fishermen In British Columbia. If the government of that province nwnns business with regard to ousting the Orientals. Father MacDon nell said. The provincial grant would have to be ln Instead of the proposed though, if he wss to hrlnsr ont rtebrldran fisher men.

With 600 from the province th British government would donai an equal amount. Disking 11.200 for each familv. With this a little land I and a house could be provided for each family. SEVEN HELD FOR MAIL ROBBERY Police Believe They Huve Gang Responsible for Re gistered Mail Hold up I By anadian Fres1 MOXTRKAU Oct. 17 Seven per sons are being held In various places ty the police In connection with the robbery hfre on August 5.

when registered mall beg destined for Winnipeg, containing more than IS5.000 In cash and a large amount nf bonds, was stolen from mail wagon by three masked bandits. Benson alias James Burns, who give his address as Montreal, Is under arrest at New Haven, Conn. The name of the other alleged bandits. Including one arrested Saturday at Saratoga Sprlnrs. V.

have nnt been divulged by police. THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE, OCTOBER 27, 1924 mini niiircT TO GERMAN UNIFORMS (By Canadian fressl ELM IRA. Oct. 27. Step ar bain taken to prevent German (arm ImmlKiants, whs hava come to this lountry th last year, from wearing German army uniforms In th streets nt Kim ra.

The trrrmlgvarrl were form i soMler of th German army and their caps end unlforma appear to be lb only clothes tney possess. GENERAL BOOTH LEAVES FOR EAST Chief of Salvation Army Da parts After Week's Stay Here General Bramwcll Booth. had otUi Sanation Army, left Winnipeg for I.ondont Sunday morning at 10 o'clock over th Canadian National Hallway, lis was a gurit of tht Win nljieg officers for a week. He was accompanied enst by Commissioner Mspp, Brljrsrtlcr J. Edwin Smith, and Adjutant ycliffe Hur th.

In a farewell message, Cieneral R'th pointed out that Salvationist should at all time woik for th benefit of all. No matter what Hie rationality or politics, they were sll Kshattonlats. There wss no formal leave taking. I Ssnior officers of Winnipeg detach menia only, gathered and bade the iatefceii. I The inaugural service of Ccmmla 1 shiner Charles Rich, new lesder of tha I Salvation Army In Western Canada, 'was held Sunday In the Rupert str ici'adel.

Hs wss assisted In the ser vices by Mrs. Bach and Charles Knott, chief secretary. The afternoon service at the citadel was well sttended. Commissioner Rich prerlded and adrtsses were given by Staff Captain Carrothera, Staff Can tain Marcaret Andrews and Col. 8.

8. Perera, of Ceylon. Superfluous Hah, And All, Quickly Co! At 1itt A ntr ffwrtlv mt)iftt nf remuvinc nniightlr htry grow iha hta boost dievrcl. Tht phtlanttn prorM tlova nnt nirlr (ask tT tha halr ttirts; it actually maovM th ro4at It dor tbla uirkty and harmlily. It tfaaa tvt net anvihtna; Ilk tha dapnatnry.

trtrat. or oihr mtho4a. rh)acltna la nonorioroua. nnn otonoa. tinn lrrltat.

Oft atirk of It from rtt 4rn tiat. fnilaw tha afmpla lntr.tct wsty. ami hava tha attf iion tf aina; lh raui tlitmMlraa Aflvt, foraThroatTfckle you couldn't do better than take LIFE SAVERs Hf CAMOV HINT WITH TH HOLI thevre soothing I Ik) TV i 'im kJI You Need Never Miss a Dance V.rry dsnrr a dresrn of deltsht. eierr memrnt a plraure Bed It's sll bcrsiins shs dliwrsrrd the s. to toll futlsiie and nervr slraln.

A handr WMllr "4111" almrne. tipped In th hssd. "eier falllng trlend. Its Inlrtli. Mnitlilss Iiiiiik.

mlin ind efrh. Ii.fc.1. II fnsi the kandkcrclilrt dab wrIMts and triwptra kiiin row fert thi. least llrrd or slrana. "'rvi sprinkled lh plllott.

It sssures mil end reatful slsiakrr. J.ll t.wa da (ei.vne Is dslnty rieednrant sn equllle pertnme. Jrer lull slreaglh and psrlli. always get the (uniilnr. wllh the blue end ld hel.

At sll Drag snd Itepsrtiwentnl Stores. BRYSON IMPORT AGENCY r.OMPANV IIMITED. Msntresl bolt As tola lur tansda 1 votviiKji TrM.t (e WILL' PADDLE CANOE ACROSS ENG. CHANNEL tr twdlaa Prws.1 NEW YORK. Oct.

J7. Oeorge Sraythe. Toronlolsn. avho recently paddled his canoe from Sydney, Nova Scotis, to New York, sailed Baturdsy for Englsnd. Smythe took his trusty birch bark with him.

Intending to do some further peddling In European water. After he lands Southampton, he will proceed to paddle down the Thames and across ths English Channel to France. Negotiating, the French waterways In bis frsM craft, he will, with good luck, finally arrive In flomr. Heura Store opens 9 a.m. Close p.m.

Saturday, p.m. Full Course Luncheon Daily 11.30 p.m. Finest value In a full eours lunch In the CA city 5UC Restaurant. Floor Three BROADWAY MOURNS FAMOUS MINSTREL By CaeadJaa Trees NEW YORK, Out 77. Broadway checked Its gay course today to mourn for lew Horkstsder.

famoua minstrel and black face comedian, he died INCORPORATED MAY Vftere People (or Ooxlit Have You Bought Your New CC A I sO We are showing; some beauties of COQ KsKJllL JL I Unrivalled Value at 0 I Winter's in the air November will be here in day or two. The wise person is selecting her coat now, while the choice is so complete. No need to wait, for wo can show values that are not apt" to be beaten later. The line we arc featuring at $28.75 is a pleasing discovery. I Smart, good looking eonts, in wide variety The chic and ever populnr "Pantee" frocks.

lths bloomer to match. Clever eontblim lions of color and variety of paiterns make these frocks exceptionally Knwn. 'Junker, tan. jxey, pouilr and navy, with enntrastins trimmings. of styles, fabrics and colors.

The newest, cosy fur trimmings of seal, wolf, dyed or natural opossum, coney squirrel, Thibetine and beaverine. They are attractively lined and warmly interlined. An outstanding value. Othrr exceptional values at $23.50, $35.00, $45.00 and up. Special Purchase Dresses, $14.95 Smart types in utility frocks that will interest every woman pirpnring the Fall wardrobe.

Such excellent fabrics as poirgt twill, trieotine, repp and ehanneen. Styles arc straight or flare. Choose from nnvy and several shades of brctwn. The frocks boast clever trimmings of colored braid, buttons and embroidery. A remarkable vbIiio from, every viewpoint Come, see them, Tuesday.

Fleer Tv Gloves That Fashion Endorses Soft chainoisette, fine French kid und Winter gloves of heavy suede, silk lined; all are here in fascinating new ideas and smart tones. Musketeer gauntlets petal cuffs, flare cuffs, new straight wrists, ire some of the season's most fashionable notions. Come, choose early and secure something individual and of, impeccable quality. Of Chsmoiiette, saeque wrist gauntlet st.vle, with strap and dome. Grey, sand, brown and light fawn Of Fabric, in newest cuff ideas, musketeer, dainty petal, etc.

$1.50 New French Kid Oloves, in fawn, with charming colors on their Hare cuffs. New straight cuffs with colored points xtew winter Uloves, of heavy suede, silk lined. Black, grey, beaver and brown. All sizes Other Styles for Winter Wear, in gauntlet wrist with strap and dome. Heavy Buede, silk lined, at Cosy Flannel Dresses for Children For the kiddies of 2 to 6 $3.95 For schoolgirls of 8 to 14 $5.95 Here are real values fmcka of stvle and quality.

Something then will wear Indefinitely and always appear distinctive. Dellchtful collar and vest effect fronts, strapa and band con trastln colnrs ii r. exceptionally sifiart. Copen, fuwn and navy ith contrasting colors. Smart Street Oxfords in Step With Fashion $7.50 Selecting your new walking Oxfords from Hudson's Pay stocks mesne keeping tep with economy slsn.

Oxford of H.B.C. ux ura" ouslity sr stylish and trim flninc. Thfv uKoorl.nt comfort for walking. Select from black and brown Mdskln, brown and Mack calf and patent leather Cuban and low aport heel. A A to widths.

Sises to to Come In. Try on a pair today. This store holds the exclusive Winnipeg agency for the most celebrated comfort, style snd corrective Van tlleVGrS feotweae, Floer Tw 8unday at. the some of hi daughter, Mr. Warren Palmer.

Mr, Dockstader'a death wis the culmination of two yean of Illness, resulting from a fall suffered at New brunswlck. NJ. Dorkstader, who was years old, bad been on ths stars for ball century. mm I6TO Telephone All Department Overblouses of Noyelty Silks Fresh From London $14.95 t() $16.95 Just a few intimate friends dropping in for tea. Of course, you don't want to be too dressy, but you do want to wear something pretty and unusual.

One of these newest blouses is just the thing. Some are in wide silk stripes, pleated from the shoulder. They've turned down collars with tie ends, two pockets and turn buck cuffs. Others bave long roll collars, the blouse front being slashed, the collar then forming a chic tie below. These are ia plain shades.

The tailored type appears, gathered below the shoulder to give, fullness. Colors are fawn, Quaker, reindeer, elephant, fan, nile greeu and, cream. A gathering, exceptionally individual and by no means high priced. Crepe de Chine Tailored Overblouses of the better quality. 1 QC Fawn and white only Smart Tricoletta Overblouses arc moderately priced.

Various ideas in pattern stitching forming squares, Mripes and fanev weaves, are clever and charming. Praline, Quaker, fawn and rust are ihe lightful shades. Tho price is reasonable $5:95 Pin Strip Silk Shirt Waists snd those of crepe de chine disport the tucked snd plain fronts. $10.95 $13.95 Cream Fuji Silk forms Dverb louses of very rich quality. Hain front models with pearl buttons or the Bobby collar type jaunty colored tie.

QK A real value at tJ)U7J Announcing a Fresh Shipment of Our Own "Ruby Ring" Full Fashioned Silk Stockings, $2.75 Absolutely the last word in silk stocking perfection Tvith the guaranteed "Ruby Ring" stop run. Is a Friendship Ring Judging by the many women who arc sent by others to buy this stocking. "Ruby Ring" is the single greatest hosiery value in the city. It is exclusive ith H.B.C. Its extraordinary value is borne out by facts snd confirmed by thousands of women who wear "Ruby Ring" stockings.

It's all in the knitting, the infinitely pa tieut prfecting of an ideal of workmanship. That's what makes fine stockings, and this a finer stocking. Full fashioned throughout, with double solos km heels, they come in black, white, brown, cinnamon, tan bark, aircdnle, dawn, grey, silver, nude and otter. In the SILK SHOP A selection 'of over 100 grades in Black Dress Silks, satins and crepes. All this week at 10 discount.

OUR STUPENDOUS OCTOBER SALE Of blankets, comforter, towel and staples, 1 near Inir ita rinse. Still Immense stock of quality merchandise to select from and values nerer before surpassed. Come Tuesday. Fleer Tw Mi II ErrS TV Children's Fjnc Crpc. Frocks $12.95 $14.95 Fee Hallewe'en, Thanks giving.

Christmas ans) All Sorts ef Party Occasions Colorfully brlded, embroidered nd riMKm be trimmed, then charmln frocks wilt the admiration of all at the party. They hare pleated er plain skirts. Decidedly dresses of Individuality and Quality. Fawn, tan. tomato, rreen, eopen snd eherry.

Tor flrla to year. Fleoe Two, Hudsea' iy Hallowe'en APPLES "Hallowe'en Apee!" Her th Kiddie Cry. Be sure end have a bo of ltclou B.C. ppl In your pantry on thi occasion. B.C.

Fsney No. 1 Molntssh Red Appl. lb 80c B.C. Faney No. 1 Wealthy Apple, 7 SOei per box Si DO B.C.

Fney Ne. 1 Crvn stein Apple, Ma per bo 2.9S B.C. Fney Ne. 1 King Apples. Me; per Hallewe'en Apples, It 1.00 CLEAN MM tess est i mutiny MORNING i CLEAR AN sis N4561 sssm I 7T KEEP YOUR EYES R.

EYES iSIOSSStd A Notable Dinner Ware Offering Full Set for Six. Persons; 82 Pieces, Only $11.95 Good looking ware of medium weight, smooth glazed porcelain. Shapes are attractive and the design of gold band and line very pleasing. Indeed, an exceptionally good value. The 82 pieces are composed of: dinner pistes.

soup plate. I bread and butter plates. 6 tea plates. fruit saucer. rap and saucer, 1 meat platter.

12 1 gravy boat and stand, 1 covered sugar 1 bowl, 1 cream Jug, 1 slop bowl, 1 covered vegetable dish, 1 open Vegetable dish. SUPREMELY PRACTICAL 'Pure White Dinner ware, Semi PorceUin It Is the best Investment you can snake foe every day service and replacing breakages. Now ia your chance to stock up on requirement at SPECIAL PRICES. Dinner Plates, 1 soup piste and breakfast plates. f)Pn 2 for LDL Cups and Sauoer.

n(J 2 for j9C Cup without sauo 4Qn r. for ioC zr ioc Fruit 6ucr. ET a F.ach OC Slep Bowl and "I Piekl Disks. Each 13C JAM, FLOUR, Etc. Special Tuesday TEA; 2.000 black, milV.

Special per S6o lb. S1.S5 COFFEE, freshly roasted. Our special blend, per lb 38o COCOA, pure, lb. tins. Specie.

per tin, 22c! 3 tins 65e RAISINS, 2.000 bulk, seedless; per Uoi 3 lbs. 33o JAM, S00 tlna pure raspberry. Kmpres brand; 4 lb. tins. pperlal.

per tin 78c 'JAM, Robertson pur Scotch black currant. 1 lb. Jara. Special, par Jar, 33c 4 lh. tins $1.05 MARMALADE, per' 4 lh.

tin 88e MARMALADE. tins, fbir dlck's combination of lemon, orsnge and Tnefrult; No. 4 ttn. Special, per tin B6e CUT MIXED PEEL, Wag staffe'. No.

1 boxes; per bnr 35e SUGAR. grnnnlsred, 10 lb. Special Mo FLOUR, "The Sal of Quality." 2t lb. Special, pee sack 11.22 JAM, 300 tins, pure plum Jam, K. D.

Smith'. No. 4 tins, per tin TOMATO SOUP, Campbell's. Special, per tin, 14c tlna 40 FELS NAPTHA SOAP. clal, per bar.

Set 10 bare 72e LUX, for washing woollens; large packets. 27c pkta. 7So SAL SODA, cotton sacks. Special, per sack i Ho LEMON OIL FURNITURE POLISH. 8 nt.

battle. Sne rial, per bottle. 18c; 3 for 48o ORANGES, sweet and lulcy, 75 MIXED NUTS. 3 Ihs 72e ONTARIO BLUE iGRAPES, basket 38e HEAD IETTUCC, Callfornln, per bead 16o PUMPKINS, all sires; per lb. So CELERY, crisp, vilt.

3 lbs. 25e SWEET POTATOE8. 4 lbs. 25o EATMORC CRANBERRIES, lbs 3bo BUTTER, H. B.

C. Manitoba. Ne. 1 government grade; per lh 41s BACON, smoked side, very mild snd machine sliced, per lh 30s HAMS, smoked, honed and rolled: B. C.

brand, pis rblne Hced; per lb. 45e BACON, rolled side. Wiltshire cured, mild and fine flavor; machine sliced: per lb. 85 WEINERS, Swift's. per th 23e BOLOGNA, sliced, the best; pe lh 18e HAM, polony, about lbs.

each. whole or half: per lb. 22o PATE DE FOIE GRAS, In rlsss tars, domestic; each SAUSAGE, pork, Little PI; per lh. 25c SAUSAGE, Cambridge or to mato; per lb 20e.

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