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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 16

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PACK Id Little Black Devils Recall Glories Of Post At Reunion The glories and traditions of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, western Canada's olds.t infantry regiment, were relived, when the 8th Battalion C.E.F. held its 28th annual reunion at the St. Charles hotel Wednesday evening. In attendance ws Capt. forces of Louis acros fish day and chased the Germans cross the Rhine to the European phase of the ecrund world jr.

Some of the history of the reg iment was retold by Capt. C. Hoard a' a inreiintf to ht h'M in Ihef MTr OF WISMPKl 7.0MNO HOARD In iha matter ef By law th Cllv ef Ulnnlprg, and amenrlmenli therrtn, ang land Inralerf at Iha North Hal rornrr nf Mnunlatn Avtnai anal Minnegaffe Ktreet. Notice in hereby given that he appli cation of Anne Karpmka for an oroer of the Zoning Board. Winnipeg C'lly Coun cii, varying the Resident lal No.

1 and foot building alignment restriction fiow applying on land described an Lot 4i. Black 10, ftr giMercd Plan 12. 34 St. John, to permit comtrurllon of combined alore and renidrnca thereon, to ex'end not nearer the Western limit Of Mtnnegaffe Street than 2 feet, will be considered by the Baid at a meeting to be held in the Committee Room. Clt H.I'..

Winnipeg, on TueOav April 2.1. 1 14 ft at 2 00 m. at which time and place pepreaenfa'lona hnth for and sint ilia aaid application will be heard. AVKNT Secret ry meet, Zoning Board. Winnipeg City Council.

Winnipeg, April IV NOTICE tit or tviNNipro ionAo boaiid In Iha mallrr Il7 law UMJ Iha CMr al Wlnnlprg. and amffndmanl. Iharato, and land laralrd at Iha Hoalh HphI rornrr nl Cnrydon Avrnua and Ayntlrjr Hlrrrl. Nnllc 1b hrrrhv slvrn that th, 'appll rallon nl P. W.

Vervlll and W. Rnrwrt ron lor an orrlrr nf thn rinlng hoard. WtnnlprB City varyinH Iha Lorn mririal No. 3 rralrlctlona and 7 loot building altdnmrnt now applying on land drarrllird an II. Illork M.

RrtflBtcrrd I'lan 2flR. D.U ai I HI Unnila.r, to prrmll thr con1ru Hon ol howling altry. to axlrnd to tha SMith rn limit ol rotvdon Avrnua on lot. will ha cnn.idntrd hy the Board at I it v. I I Hi iim mm ill C.mrc VI Nnrthwood.

who nrn (Dolphiel Graham, who was with toaM t0 the regiment, tha 90th that morning tnThe former toast wai responded to IRAS when the regiment chased the I by Lt Col. J. Slater, representing I Brig O. G. Morton.

DOC. MD I in pnH the taller hv 1.1 Col. Creek, to break the back of the 1 Thompson officer commanding rebellion of '85. as well a more reserve batulinn Col. Thump than one hundred of the men that son appealed to member served ir.

in the first great the association to give their nip war and a jienerous sprinkling of port to the reserve battalion, now lues, who iHrincu in ism iruiiiuy nuni msr jiniaa lunnnu uj turn out to welcome home the members of the 4th battalion, which is due in Winnipeg April 27. Lt Col. L. Fulton, officer commanding the 1st through much of the European campaign Boswell, who proposed the toast also spoke briefly, while ijor to the armed forces and Major I Northwood. on behalf of the as i sociation made a presentation to NOTICE George T.

Boyd, returning pres CITlf Or HINMPf.O EONINIl BOARD In Ika matter Si itw 1ISH Hit file ef Winnipeg, and amendments ident. therein, and rmitri know a as SVl 1 Urlllniton I tttt ml. lW1t 1 T1 Nnlire li herehy given th( thf S.pll Ul 1 lllVlO tmn of J. Akim for in nrnr nl the Hoard Winnipeg ivy Lnun Mm ell. varvir.f the Residential No.

I res 'I 1 el frictions row apt'lving on premises I I ft ft I ln fn knnn at 3M1 Wellington Crescent de. A 1 111 II ltlfllll rrihed Lot 3. Registered Plan 4.179 Jkr vuas 35 Si. Riwilsre. to permit the rorvcrHdn ot said primltn Into an A I .1 apartment building rnntatnlng five Bullet fM 1 and Inr the use and malntr nance of I I I lllflllrll Mime at such will he considered hv ll.e VaB K.XAI rnmmiiiff pnnm.

City fun. WirniiiM a A coroner's jury in ('rnlrnl tnilire and David decreased to 11 feet. David started to re crons the road. the witness stated. "I swerved to the left." he said, "and applied the brakes, feellna sure that I had misled him.

but when I got out of the trurk to make sure, I saw him lying on the road Teter Rogalsky, Loewen's helper on the truck estimated the speed of the truck as 15 miles an hour. A rider was added to the verdict recommending that more facilities bo provided by the city, with proper supervision, to protect children. Dr. I. O.

Fryer, provincial coroner presided. POWs May Stay OTTAWA. April lfl iCP) Hnn mrriing to nrid in th Commute Humphry Michell, labor miniMor Room, City Hall. Winnipeg. On Turaday April 2.1, 1W ol i m.

whim time and place hnth for and gainat Ihe application will heard. R. A VFNT Secretary. Engineer, Zoning Roard. Winnipeg City Council.

Winnipeg. April said negotiations now were under way with the British government over the prospect of retaining some German prisoners of war. scheduled for movement to Britain, to help harvesting the sugar beet crop this summer. CANADA'S I The feS I Finest Wax that I Money Can Buy: rJ i 1 1 1 I I 1 fft i iii innri.irimiu.niM' iW i MJ." TOpimwiMmi' iuiih.i i hi ij jenumi Hp.nj. Lg I I OUT ON I tWilifl'IcT dirtoitchmg fcraum 1 our clean Art won't 'l' T' spwdy, but aaie, ig Ceas in bolh row!" BonAn hasn scratched mm 11 TeJebS, I TAYLOR WITH AWARDS on rueinav April mr WHn.U inr.i, A 11 ..1 at whirh time nd pm i si anu nevm hoiii for and weiiut the apph' a into the death of three ypar old plaques were brought home by lion will be heard.

David Trarh. All llnvd avenue, re i Peter Tavlor. 2.1. of naUvill Oni Plan nrflr? "''VJ It'trned a verdict of dealh.ifrom snf.rtinif meets in Rriiain" fr.av be at the office of the under aiMned. AVF.NT Sm rctfli Kit 1 meer, Zoning Board, Winnipeg lily Council.

Winnipeg. ann exrtnrralen Jacob Ixtewrn, ISjGcrmHiiy and Holland. Taylor wdlt inr Kirrei, inri.n iMinonan, a iruck driver. ovcrMNis 111 1943 as a sunncr with the 23rd field RpKimcnL "I'm hop Accurrling In the rvjdpncc. Krt for thc Cana ran Into ide of Lnewen's truck dlfln champuinship In Hamilton In at 10 30 am.

April 10. and Wasl Ju'y slrurlt hy a rear right wheel. Taken to St. Joseph's hospital, he wag pro nounced dead on arrival Mr. Loewen testified that he was travelling wmi 0n Boyd avenue, when he saw one boy break away from his playmates and run across the road fron jouth to north.

When David reached the middle of the road, he stopped and looked towards the oncoming truck, Mr. Loewen said, and then continued to the north curb. As the distance between the truck KILL BULL Street Rodeo Ends In Death A thumbnail version of Ernest Hemingway's Death In The After noon was enacted shortly after 2 p.m Tuesday, when a mad bull had to be shot behind the citv waterworks reservoir, on Logen avenue, west. The excitement started when numner of cattle. Including the fcranky bull, escaped from an en closure oT the Burns' and Com pany's plant nearby and ran on to Logan avenue.

Breathing fire the angry bull led a charge that smashed through the fence on the rjty waterworks property. There he pawed the ground and snorted riefianc at a coterie nf Impromptu matadors who tried to corner him. Joseph O'Neil. fnrman of the Burns' plant, ordered El Toro shot Harry Pntrrson. 131R Alexander avenue, administered the coup de grace with a 30 30 rifle.

Morality Court Fines Total $11 CO Mornlity rnurt tnok in $1,100 Wednesday through fineg imposed for liquor and gaming house charg es. For having liquor In an improper plare, George Harris, 483 Alexander avenue, and Lawrence Harvey, 738 Maryland Ktreet, each paid $200 and costs. Faecal Chnrtrand, 453 Logan avenue, paid $200 and costs for having liquor not bought from the enmmis sion. Frank Knlirhuk. 774 Selkirk avenue, paid $100 and cofU for keeping liquor for sale.

Keeping a gaming house broughj a fine of $100 and cont to Samuel Calinsky, 649 Main street, which he paid, and 30 persons paid $10 and costs each for being found in 'inv tng houses. LONDON, (CP) Cnpt. Edwrtrd Hurry Temme, 41, only mnn to swim the English channel both ways, was Appointed Hampstead Baths Superintendent. SELKIRK SCHOOL BOARD TENDER 1nrirs will rtvivti by tha unor siRnrrl until noon on Friday, April Jflth, for th sirplyinf anrl inntjilU tinn of it com let two plpt gravity hratlnff svstm, ventilation unit and aiilnmittlr roal stoker In Central Srhool. Selkirk.

Plans, snedflrailoni. etc rnn be seen at the office of the under. ffne, Eveline Street, Selkirk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. AtTRrn rARKirs, Sec Tre is.

NOTICE (HV OF 70MMI BOARD In Ihs mallet af Hy law Hurt af the (My ef Winnipeg, and amendments thereto, and aremlfte knevrn aa 677 Natre Dame Avenae. Notice la herehv gien that the anntl callon of the Ijingley Flectrlc Manufacturing Comitany Limited for an nrrler of the zoning Boatd. Winnipeg t'lty t'ouncll varying the Residential No. I retrtctinns now applying on premises known as 677 Notre Dame Avenue aM nhed as ots 12a Plan 2.WS fl S. 5 St John In construct a one tmev warehmie addition.

30 feet hy 17 feel, to said premises will be con id. ied at a niccline to he held In the Committee Rmim, Citv Hsll on Tneda April 23. I4fi at 2 On rn at which lime and pUce rcprrenlation noth tor and aaaint the said application will he heard. AVFNT Pre elarv Fnaineer. 7onlng Hoard.

Winnipeg City Council. Winnipeg. "1 Hl NOTICE CITV OF WINNirtO IOMNC1 BOARD In tha matter af By law llsit ef the CUT ef Winnipeg, and amendments therete. and land laratrd al th ftegtk eit earner af Fartage Ayenee and l.angslde Street. Notice Is herrhv given that the application of J.

for an order of the Zoning Boerd. Winnipeg Oily Council, varying the Commercial No. I restriction now applying on land described as Ihe West ss feet In Jserrndtcular width ot that part Parish Lot SI of the Parish of St. Jme Iving between Portage Aer and the first lane South of Poriaae Avenue, lo permit tne tnictlon of a howling slier thereon, will he considered hy the Bnard at a meeting lo he held In the Co.nmittee Room Ctly Hall. Winnipeg, on T'lesdsv April 5.1.

l4rt 2 m. at which time and place representations both for and against the aaid application will be heard R. A VENT Wlnmreg. Apill 13. IMS WINNIPEG.

THIRSDAY. APRIL li, Wi9 Discontinue Search For Missing Brothers EDMONTON, April 18CP Sarrh frr two brothers missing inc April 8 when they left Edmonton for Grande Prairie, 107 milfB north and 203 milei west of here, in an American owned civilian aircraft has been discontinued. Northwestern Air Command announced Wednesday. C. A.

F. and United State army plane put In 360 hours of flying time looking for the mis linn pl'ine, aboard which were and E. D. Levi ward, of Wau C'TV OT WINNI0 ONINO 0O 1m I la MUr of IrUw iS of llv cr npc smrHlmri UwrvW. tviatl ariBU4M UO atrM 4tr rsrr irM fht thai MiteaUtAft AMM for ortUr sf itM ft r.f boartj, W'IJ Osumril.

tvrvM IUdmi Ha. rwtiv Um aitflrlnt rmii rvrm fM ttirt. S'ri(rSM lUciiMfttl Mn JtiL ttlil tT JanrtJ vlvr of Kr IV a4 WfJUMI tt 11 Tt by JA ti4 iw tM bM aim fn mw ftltm liw irtMil r.4 itm uMti triftr(nift wnt rtnlr4 by tn Ha4 a ifiMUnr; tl4 I Cat CoanmilU H' m. Ci' TweM. Ani IIH it ll fn al whir tie anal lUe I II AVITNT aULrUry tlraalvr Tuning Bnr4 Wlaitipot Cttf Cooacit.

All 13. ttH4 CITV Oe WIWNiPfO ZONIN0 OAP10 trt lit muf.f By la UK2 nip! tni vstumwu UMrata. aa4 rBUMa kwm a tM Ovwrr, a "i etvn thai Hi a Popt fn an mri nf th Tftlnf Ji' trd. fin th (roiir.n a( V1 ll III li HA.11 of IH Citr ni tM Wlfinlpcc tti in mlnin'i bitiIi kMrrarn a 1M rh.irrA An nMlnirl4 Ml 1J. 1J a 14 thfirt'i' th n' an fsm tn i i Plan lT, II Ja.

.4 i rnnatrwrtirwi dp lUl4lna na Na av( rir v) fMt ia td aaM Iau ant Nnr wm mithrrn II mil fhirrJi A1 than fM tw iinrtrtt by tK Hor4 at a mxiiic ba balsl Itc ra Otv Malt. iWinAivi. on Tr rior April li 14 ti 1 at tin a4 rprMrilslinna Vh for an4 MalKat tM MIC pphcaf ion Marl A VENT. SftraUrrKniinaaf ZMtiu Hoar4 WlAfUpai Cllf CaXjMl. Winn peg NOTICB CITY Oi WINIPlO ZONINO BO A ft 0 11 1IM MI'ir Bf liw MU1 Bf irw rltf Win tiifwr n4 ur; rr1 lark lnrtrt mt I.M fanulh FUI CIIMI Mill ft fclrm WlHBf' Ion r'rrtrent Noti.t hrtiy rlvrri that iht prltrt.n if fUitniiy 1.ar4 lomnanir orAr nf th KonlnK (fVurd, i Cly Crrunril.

vfvini tb prowii ia of th il titJiMlnR rtMf ti'in ti iw apMyinc nn I nil ir ribv4 Left 09 aaJ lha W( hif rt is 3ft, ninrK HKntrnt I'Utft tlf. fj A Ronlfaca. trt prmit th mn 'rinti'ft rtrl mainiannrra ttt bnMlitiU rm larM nt Itfwrtt it Kn limit of ISUK if JHrMl than ti wci tnt4tA hr Ut IVaarrt ai anMiinf to haltk in ih CfvtnmiUM Itnom. Cll Wall. Win Olpt r.

TneMy Apr II. 1ftt it i DO it Mum lim) anrl plar rtraMni alcma kn'li tot WtJ ac i not um mi4 ppiicatUM win 1 It 14. A VT.VT craU ti ni liw, aVwIriK Board Wlnalpu Cur Oouad). Ap 11 IS, 14 NOTICK ci rv or tviNNiPia xomino boaro la Iha mait.r mi it a 10M Mill tha Cilr nr WinniHC and maoiUMiiu tlMrt. Sad ptrrt)B fcn)a a 11 HiMi Oata.

Not ica harabp civaa tttat thm a pcrfl'attfte tit Nnnai4 lor a srflar nf tha Iontnj Snaril Wlnnip 'ur C'nuaMl HAryifiK hit eroviaMXM AartMai luiit of aaia Jtr 'aw iwui and th 30 tot uiMln imaaii hy Br IMi to prmit Ln ralon of oiaMt ai iha rar o( prtmiaa kMrwn aa 14ft Mxkit (Mil tntt a rnnnr and for th main tnan of aJ4 rMWiaora rmw tha Jira nf Marin au ran It Ian4 aa Lni In Hagltifraaj Plan 11 DOS JM. will cnnat.4 hr um finar) at a mMtini 10 he) in 1M riiifflitta ftrntm, Ciir Hall, aiupff. en Tuai tiar. April It. 19.

i Oft at whirh lima and p.aia fypraarlanonJ bnta far n4 atainal Um aar apf4ira(Ma wtu ivwrd. AVKNT aWrrtay Enaiiwar. Zflnt! Bfl, NOTICK CITV OF WI'JNIPIQ ION I NO KOAMD In Iha matiar ol fly law iajl ef Iha nt Win niPMaf am antanrtaMin a lhraio, AM niiain land irai4 fi tha alca nf Mai atrttl frttwaaa nartnamr AritM ami IrvKfaf AaultvaH. Nollra tiara; lTta tMt Iha apaJIratfMl nf I nn tvraair iha at JoMph a raiMHtf Man'l fUnfit Cih (r am nrtar rf tha Zntunt Boart), innlp Oir OeUiwll. a yinf Um Commercial rarK iifna raw applying nn land dfwntwd aa lot ft tha Harut IS A In t4ih, all ttt hi.

arvrf iha K.ti 11 fl Id w. Mh nf 1 nt tUork J. fti alrd PlMt IMS KtlaVinan. I parwil lh rnalnirlnn rm aai of twlln alk)r and tilth hmiN will to oftUlrd by Iha Bnard at a mlinv hatt tn tha ryMnmlttM Room. Ctr Hall Wnipet oi Titftflay.

April 11. at no p. fa ai Mi tuna and piaro ratraaitaliona hMk fr had tgainal tha aatd apniaratUM tli ha iKird. Ptarr enn1nMr, Knnltui lizard, WinnlKS City Ceurtril. Winnlftrr.

Mn Anrll 11 14 WOnKKPia atNEVOLINT ASSOCIATION Or CANADA VnTtrr: it hrrah that an will mad In ina parliamf nf Canada al Ha prtnt ra! pawaion fir ih nf an At ta amend an Art of iM 'arpnrattnn (he aavd Wnrkr Bene vol1 Aaarv la I MB of Cn1 beinf Charter A3 nf I eiaiutaa of tha Parliament ot Canaga of tha year 14HI for Iha purrxia nf allowing cnnvent'nna aaM Worer Henrvrenl Aaanciatlon rf Canada ha held (rtannially or nfienar aa any of ma aaid AaaaWlBtlntl fVIB rlfld. PATM) at mtawa in Hi rovtnrt af Ostarto Will lai day af April, A JAMRS fTTTT ntirHrrf and ran mentarv AaM far Iha AppHnat. MALE: (Apply at King William Office) Wanted In Winnipeg: Construction Workers (Dlg flng eV Concrete Work) Delivery Boys Electricians (Journeymen) Farmers Jig Maker I Plastics) Moulders Brasa Office Boys (Able to type) raltern Makers Metal Plasterers Trinter Show Card Writer (exp.l Tailors Woodworkers (Benrhmen) Wmilcd elsewhere: Bushmen Edgermen keshsv Wis. The search ranged north of Fort Nelson, BC, along the Peace river to Great Slave lake, west to the Rockies and east up the Athabaska river to Great Slave lake. While the organized rch has been discontinued, any further report of the sighting of the missing aircraft will be followed up.

the C. A. F. said CITY OF WINNIPEG Sflf UndfrB ftr1dipsed to the Chairman. Commute on Public Utilme.

rercivtd at Ihe office of the undersigned up to 1 o'clock p.m. on Monday. April 29th, 1CH4. (or re lntulation nd re ronftni of the hotter room roof of the Central Steam Heating plant. Specification! and form of tender may ne obtained at the office of the Hydroelectric Syftem, 55 Princeta 6treet, Winnipeg The lowest or any tender not neceaaarHy accepted City Clrtk'a Office, Winnipeg.

April IS, AULT. City Clerk. CITY OF WINNIPEG TeiKri Ir tbt supply rcinrretiif tier I Sralrd tenders idrlreiwd to the Chairman, Committee on Public Utilities, will be received at the office of the undersigned up to o'clock p.m. on Monday. April 2th.

IMfl. for the supply of reinforcing steel for units 7 and of the Slave Falls plant extension. Specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the office of the Hydro r.iectrtc System. 55 Princess Street. Winnipeg The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

L. AULT. City Clerk. City Clerk's Office, WlnnipfR. April JR.

1D4. CITY OF WINVIPEG Trndrra lar Ihe aupplr Rl.arlural Rlael Sealer! lender, addressed to the Chafr man. Committee on Public UtllltiM, will be rtcrived at the office ol Ihe undermined up to 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday. Ami! Mlh.

194H for the supply of struc tural uteel lor Pointe au boh. aiave raur and Amy plant of the Hydro Electric System required Inr switching structures in connnectlon with Slave Falls extension work, and for the erection of a coal retaininf wall at Ihe Steam Plant. Specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the office of the Hydro Electrlc System, 55 Princes, Street. Win nipeg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

L. AITLT. City Clerk. Cltv Clerk's Office, Winnlpen. April If).

1MH. CITY OF WINNIPEG Tenders for underground duel eenstraetlen. Sealed tenders addressed to the Chair man, Committee on Public Utilities, will he received at the office of the under signed up to 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday. AdtII 29th.

1946. for underground duct construction lo supply street lamps, on Hargrave Street between oranam ano Portage Avenues. Specifications and form of lender may he obtained at the oltlce ot tne nynro Electrlc System, 53 Princess Street, Win nipeg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L.

AULT. City Clerk. City Clerk's Office. Winnipeg. April 16, 1946.

CITY OF WINNIPEG Tenders far Ihe Supply ef 13 kr Reef Entrance Bashings. Sealed tenders addressed lo the Chair man, Committee nn Public Utilities, will be received at the office of the undersigned up to 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday. April 20ui, 1946. for the supply of 1.U kv rnof entrance bushings required for the Slave Falls plant extension.

Specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the office of the Hydro. Electric System, 55 Princess Street, Win nipeg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. M.

AULT, City Clerk City Clerk's Office. Winnipeg. April 16. 1946. I Hard Rock Miners Letter Cutlers (Marble) Moulders Iron River Pilot (1st class) Sheet Metal Workers Watchmakers FEMALE: (Apply al Bannalyaa A King Office) Day Cleaners (Steady work) Dressmakers Eftx Breakers (exp.) Eifg; Candler Home Aides Household Workers Ladies' Readv to wear Sales clerk dully exp.

only) Laundry Workers Power Machine Operators Qualified Jr. Stenographer (Grade or XI) Talloresses Waitresses (exp.) EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL (Apply at Room 3(Mi. Hamilton J9S Main St.) Wanted in Winnipeg: Chartered Accountant Chemist Commercial Lithograph Arlist Chemical Engineer Draughtsmen Production Manager ZRsoias Wnnterl eUewhere: Surveyor Instructor, Sheet Metal Instructor, Machinist Instructor. Cabinet Making Stineriniendrnt. Shoe Factory Physical Instructor Subject to ehsngy without notice Every National Employment Office offer employment opportunities, both in its.otcn area and from other districts in Canada.

If able to fill any of the jobs here listed, or it seeking employment, contact your nearest Local Office of the Miasm BIRTHS SKSrNrt: Mr. and Mrs. Mike rynk Mafnua are happy to. announce the birth the.r daughter Derlene, April I. 1W at the At.

Boniface hospital. Baby sister for Steven CAWBON: to Mr and Mrs Ceorie Caw arm. inee Dorothy Jean Forbes at Concordia Hospital, a son, Doufisi Ceorie on April 14, IMC McNICHOIX: To Mr. and Mrs. A.

McNlcholi 'nee Lauiu Bergson. 347 Arlington St. at the Winnipeg Geners! Hospital, en April II, IMS. a eon Martin Kell. CLARKE Mr.

and Mrs. M. Clarke. Junior, are happy to announce the birth of son, Devtn Morrison, al General Horipital. on April IS.

ALDERSON Mr. and Mrs. W. t. Alder son ree Edith E.

Davtesi are happ to announce the arrival of a son. David Peter) at Grace Hospital on April 11 RF.tMKR Mr. and Mn. N. J.

Reimet. 211 Perth Ave. Inee Kaye Herronl are very happy to announce the arrival ol 'Joan Carolvni, a sister for Peggy, a' Grace Hoipllal. April 13th. SMITH To Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Smith of 11 St. Thomas Road. St. Vital, ai St.

Boniface Hospital on April IS, 14 a son. JACKSON Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Jackson. 717 Clifton St at Ihe Grace Hosplul April a son (Donald Brucei. GIBBS Mr. and Mrs D. F.

Gibbs. 176 woodbridge Rnad. St. James, wish lo announce the birth of their son. on April 14.

1948. at St. Boniface Hospital MrKIE Sgt. and Mrs. James McKie (nee Jeisie Donaldson i happy to announce the birth of their daugnter Andrea Jill, at the Winnipeg General Hospital.

April It. 1I4. DONAL Mr. and Mrs. John Donal (nee Helen Lemomoni of 117 Alkens St.

announce the birth of their daughter. Constance Helen, at the Grace Hospital, on April IS, IMS. KIRKLAND To Mr and Mrs. R. W.

Ktrkland inee Helen Rapier' at the Mlser'cordia Hospital on April 14. 194b. a daughter Jams Helen. GIBSON. Mr.

A Mrs. C. Gibson are happy to announce the birth of then daughter iHrenria Valerjei born In Bournemouth England, on April 14. 1946. DEATHS BEDFORD.

SALOMA HELENA On April 16th. 1946 at Winnipeg, Saloma Heleni Bedford, late of 1.1 Kingsway. widow of the lale Dr, James Joseph Bedford, aged S7 years. Funeral service 4 p.m Thursday at the A B. Gardiner Funeral Home.

171 Kennedy St. Interment in the family plot Elmwood Cemetery. SMITH, THOMAS JOHN On April 15th IMS at St. Joseph Hosplul Thomas John Smith. Bachelor Apts.

Blrks Bldg aged 69 years. Funeral aerv'ce 145 p.m Thursday at the A. B. Gardiner Funeral Home, 17S Kennedy St, Interment In St. Johns Cemetery.

i VEALE. WALTER On April 16th KMC at the Winnipeg General Hospital. Walter Veale. late of 4 Adelaide Si. aged 5D Funeral service will be held at the A.

B. Gardiner Funeral Home. 176 Kennedy St. Interment in Elmwood Cemetery. BRUCE.

HENRY. On April 17th. IM6 al Selkirk General Hospital George Henry. In his r77th. year, beloved husband of Jean Bruce of Highland Glen P.O Manitoba, runeral service Saturday 1.30 P.M.

in Little Britain United Church, with interment In the Churchyard cemetery. Langrill Funeral Home Selkirk In charge of arrangements. COOPKH. JONINA On April I7th. 1S46 at Grace Hospital, Jonina.

beloved wife of John Albert Cooper of 30 Cathedral Ave. aged 70 yeara. runeral service Saturday 2.45 P.M. from Mordue Bros' Funeral Home Broadway and Fdmonton. Interment In the family plot Elmwood Cemetery, DUNN.

On April 16th. 1046 at th family residence Patricia Dunn, aged 11 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dunn of 17B Champtaln St.

Norwood. For funera information call Barker's Funeral Chapel Ltd. 04 too. GOODRIDGE. STANLEY TIMBRELL.

On April 16th. 1046 at the residence of his daughter Mrs. A. W. Davy 1 Sum merland Blvd.

Klrkfleld Park Stanley Timbrell. beloved husband of Minnie Wood Goodridge 350 Queen St. St. James, aged S5 years. Funeral service 1.30 P.M.

Saturday at the A. R. Gardiner Funeral Home 171 Kennedy St. Interment In Asslnlboine Memorial Park Cemetery. MILAN.

JAMM On April 16th. 1046 at his late res'dence James Milan beloved husband of Mary E. Milan of 352 Sydney E.K. In his 70th. year.

Funeral service will he held in the Thomson Chapels Broadway at Furby Saturday Afternoon April 20th. at S.30 o'clock Interment In the family plot Elmwood cemetery. RIECH. BEVERLEY. On April 17th.

1046 at the Children Hospital Beverley Rlech. beloved Infsnt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riech of 200 Kennedy St. aged 1 month It days.

Funeral service will be held In the Thomson Chapels Broadway at Furby Saturday afternoon April 70th. at 3 cloek. Interment In Elmwood Cemetery. RIMMTNGTON, ISABEL. Suddenly nn April 16th.

1046 at the Winnipeg General HnepMal, Isabel E. Rimmtnirlon. beloved wife of Harry 8. Rlmmlngton of 325 Brock St. Funeral services 3.45 PM Saturday at the A.

B. Gardlnet Funeral Home 178 Kennedy St. Interment in the family plot Brookslde Cemetery. ROBSON. WILLIAM WIGHT.

On April 16th. 1046 at his late residence 30 Pol son Ave. William Wight Robson. aged 00 years, beloved husband of Allene Robaon. Funeral service will be held Saturday 1 30 M.

In the Clark Leather dale Funeral Home 334 Kennedy 8t Interment in Elmwood Cemetery. SWATTl'K. KSENIA On April 15th. 1846 at St. Boniface Hospital Ksenla Swatluk.

aged 61 years, beloved wife of Karp Swatluk of 113 Barber St. Winnipeg Funeral service Saturday April 30th. ai 2 30 P.M. In the Ukrainian Hall 107 Euclid Ave Interment In Elmwoce Cemetery. Kerr's Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements.

22 345. MEMORIAM CROSS In loving memory of our dear mother Catherine Cross who passed away April 18. 1943. Resting where no shadows fall. In perfect peace, she waits us all.

Loved dearly in life and living yet. In the hearta of those who will never forget. Lovingly remembered by her husband, daughter Irene, eon Jim. HAL1.ITT In loving memory of our pal. Flight Sgt.

W. A Hallett iBilliei missing' dead April 17, 1944 "Men'firv sweet my friend, lt maes our yester years. A treasure house from which draw nch gifts. Gold cannot buy. And lights up our todays ith toy of yesterdays.

That will of yesterdays. I That will not die. Ever remembered by Lome overseas1 and Martha Fidler. HUGHE. In loving remembrance of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs.

Emily Hughes, late Ritt who passed away April II. 143. Sadly missed by us all. 'f MAGNUSSON: In loving memory of our dear son and brother Pie. Elmer Andrew Magnusson who lost his life tn Germany April 11.

1945 Gone Is the face ire loved se deer. Silent Is the vole we loved to hear Toe far away for sight cr speech. But not too far for thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once wes here And who, though absent. Is Just as dear. Lovinglv remembered tre mother, dad sister, Pearl, brother Norman.

CAMPBELL In loving memory of Our dear husband and father. Ritchie Nei: Campbell, who passed away April IS 143. Ever to be remembered by his wife od tajxiisrs IN MEMOR1AM PEAK In iovir.g memory of my deal wife and mother who passed sway April IS. 1045. Today recalls sad memories Of a dear mother gone to rest, And the ones who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best.

Ever remembered by her husband and family. WITT In loving memory of our dear sister. Ins Witt, who passed away April IS. 1044. Calm and peaceful She Is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain.

We who loved her sadly miss her. But trust in God to meet sgam. Ever remembered by sisters and brothers. TANACHOW In loving memory of husband and dad. Nicholas Tanachow who passed away April 17.

1045 Csl.r' and peaceful he Is sleeping. Sweetest rest, that follows pain. We who loved him sjdly miss him But trust in God to meet again. Ever remembered by his wife and family. POWER.

In loving memory of dear mother who passed away April 17. 1035 The world may Jhange from year to year And friends from day to day. Rut never will the one I loved From memory oass away. Ever remembered by her daughter Dora, her son in law Ed. ANDERSON In loving memory of our dear husband and dad.

James w. Anderson, who passed away at Vancouver BC April ISth. 1044 "Not lust today, but every day, In silence we remember." Sadly mled by the family. VOGT In loving memory of our dnsr son and brother Ciunner rsormen filled In action April 17. 1045.

We think of him in silence No eyes can see us weep But still within our aching hearts His memory we shall keep. Always remembered by Dad and Evelyn LAVALLEE In loving memory of our dear husband and tamer rreo, wno nsssed away April IB, 1844. I lost my life's companon. two years aflo today. God knows how much I miss him as I lournev on my way.

Ever remembered by wfe Rena and family. JAMES In lovLig memory of Tpr Tommy James, accldently killed In Italy. April 18, 1041. Gone from us thst smiling face. That pleasant cheerful way.

A heart that ivnn so many friends. In bv gone happy days. Though his smile is gone forever. And his hand we cannot toucb. We shall never lose sweet memories Of the one we love so well as dear son and brother "Darling Tommy" Forever remembered by mother, broth ers, sisters, flsncee.

CARD OF HAN KB HUBBARD We wisn to extend our heart. felt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from our kind friends, neigrv bors and relatives in the loss of our desr husband and father. Mrs. C. Hubbard and the Boys.

SUSANS: We wish to thank all of our friends, neighbors pallbearers, the staff and ladies of Sunset Lodge, and the Rev. A. E. Thain for their many acta of kindness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings at the loss of our beloved mother and grand mother, The Keith and Susans family. LOWER, ROSE We wish to extend out heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautilul floral tributes received from our kind friends, neighbors and relations during the recent bereavement in the loss of my beloved wife and our mother.

We especially wish to thank Rev. Wiznuk nf Warren Mr. and Mrs. R. Poison.

Mr. B. Riding. Mr. R.

Riding. Mr. Kenneth Mslcolm. The Women's Institute and Miss Doris Whyte, all of Lake Francis. Mr.

R. H. Lower, sons and daughters. MONUMENTS FOR A FITTINO MEMORIAL TO A loved one see Lo ns new display ot black, red and grey granites Including lower priced monuments. Largest se lection In Winnipeg at Lo'na Stont Works Ltd.

lEslablished since 19081 2.14 St. Mary's Road. Phone 201 SOS. MEMORIALS BY NORGROVE Open Evenings till 8 00 pn. NORGROVE INDUSTRIES LTD.

54 Marlon St. Ph. 201 818. J. H.

BROOKE SONS SEE OUR display of memorials 266 Main St Phone 03 615. GILLIS QUARRIES. PH. 28 695. PRICF cetalogue on request Monuments ol distinction.


Air Cooled Chapel. 233 Ken nedy St. Ph 95 404. Res. 3.

3nB. THE J. THOMSON CO. LTD. Funeral Chapels.

Broadway at. Furby Phone 37 311. B. GARDINER tt CO. TUNERAL Home, 178 Kennedy Street Phone 06 4:4.

LANGRILL FUNERAL HOME, kirk. Man. Ambulance. Ph. 203.

6EL MORDUE BROS. FUNERAL HOME Broadway at Edmonton. Phone 97 566 A. S. BARDAL FUNERAL HOME Sherbrook at William Phone 37 324 J.

ZAWIDOSKI FUNERAL HOME 561 Selkirk Ave. Ph 51 500. BARKER'S FUNERAL CHAPEL. LTD 124 Donald St. Phone 94 900.

WESTERN FUNERAL HOME 901 Main Phone 92 301 KERR'S FUNERAL CHAPEL, QUALITY funeral furnishings. FUNERAL WREATHS SAY IT WITH FLOWERS. BROAD. way Florists. Funeral wreathes and sprays.

377 Portage Av Ph. 95 780 9A FLORISTS FLORAL DESIGNS CRESCENT FLORIST F. C. Pound We ar growers Country orders given prompt attention 93.1 Urosvenor Ave. 44 lliu r.vgs sosui (Memoes of Telegraph Delivery ser vtrei ANNIVERSARY FLOWERS.

NOTHING finer to ahow her your love and affection. We telegraph flowers R. Ormiston. Osborne at River Ave Dv. 42 366.

Fvgs 46 344. SPRAYS 83.00. WREATHS 14 00 UP Harks Florists. 264 Ell Ice Ave Phone 93 919. GARDENIA FLORISTS BOSTON TERNS 8100 Bprtng Bouquets 81.50.

Phone 37 408 HOBBS, THE FLORIST. 278 HARGRAVE St. lopp. leton'sl. Phone 93 613.

BUY NOW FOR EASTER. CHOICE 10 African violet plants. 31.00 up. 42135. LOST LOST DOG.

PART TERRIER, BLACK patch under neck, tail tip black. Head brown, brown paws, gray brown body with black streaks. Strayed from 836 Alfred. Answers to Butch. Reward Call at 836 Alfred LOST FRIDAY BLACK TERRIER.

LONG tall. Answers to Vicinity Sutherland and Main. Reward. Children net. 503 914 BLONDE LEATHER WALLET INITIALS C.

L. T. between Spence and Wai Important papers. Reward. Phone 33 693.

LOST SHORT HAIRED DOG. STRAYED from 784 Llpton. black, whit mark on breast. Answers to "Trior" Please Phone 2 762. LADY'S DARK BROWN LEATHER purse, lost vicinity Coffee House.

38 Main St. Finder please phone 3 03. PAIR PLASTIC SUMMED GLASSES IN brown leather ease. Left In taxi Saturday night. Please phone 43 9 GENT'S "INVECTA" vicinity Main as 24 763 WRIST Portage.

WATCH Reward LOST. BLACK AND WHITE FOX TER ner. female, vlcinl'v McDermot and Rexard 24 Ml Bl AC'K WALLET. VICINITY EMPIRE Sash and Door. Reward Phone 88 331 between 5 30, evenings 73 871 BLACK AND WHITE MALE COCKFR spa.

tel. 5 months old. Reward. 325 Wate I.i St. 402 207 LOT POLICE DOC.

MONTHS OLD any one found harboring this dog nil preeaculad. Atward. 91 B43. 10 LOST IR SHOES LADIES VTVR night, end of North Mala St. JUs 30 425.

UiST LADIES WK1SI W.V please return, to A. noitea an St. Keepseke Kewaro. BROWN DRAWSTRING PUHSfc taming ration books ano persons longings. Phone 37 S24.

BRACELET. iPATSY MOORE 1 Aunt Martha I on April 1J. Keep 2 aM. LOST VICINITY PORTAGE AND side. Man wnst watch.

Roiex tory. 41 15. WEST K1LDONAN. SPANIEL with black and white front. 51 512.

Reward SINGLE STRAND OF PEARLS, VI Ity Royal Alexandra, fnone: after S. Reward. LOST RED IRISH SETTER, WI blare on chest. Reward. 46 0J.

LADY'S GOLD BULOVA WRIST WA between Eaton ana Bay. J8 973, LOST, FAWN COLUE. MONGREL long tall. Reward. 401 121 LOST CAMEO BROOCH.

FRIDAY tertioon. Keepsake. Phone 501 66. 16 LIVESTOCK. PETS, hLPPl HAMBLEY ELECTRIC CHICK 1MM del.

Call. Write or Telephi Hambley Spec. Hir Mating Approved Appi 100 5tt 25 100 60 16.75 1 85 4.70 Hamps 15.25 1.11 20.00 16 00 1.75 N. H. Pull 26 00 13.51 11.00 6.00 3.25 Ckls.

10.00 Gtd. 100 Live arr Puileta 6 Ai Hambley Special Mating Approvet from Porilgreed Sired Matlngs Hambley chicks won 3 firsts, on si at Brandon Winter Fair. J. J. Hambley Hatcheries 601 Logan Winnipeg Ph.

33 Brandon, Dauphin, portage. Swan MINK ROYAL PASTELS. ClV.N lll 1161 pure Harry Moore bloodline SI 72 pelt values. We offer a III number of trios of these wonc mink far fall delivery 1046. The: in no way related to eny other i offered at lower prices.

Ours an world's best Royal Pastels. Our is Inoculated 100 from Fromm's cine. You can see these mink an at Eldorado Ranch. 517 Bonner Av North Klldonsn. Phone 503 663.

ANOTHER BIO YEAR FOR POUL keepers, good markets ahead, have your sprirg order now, we and satisfy wiih breed and de dale right now we can give Immi dflJIvery on limited quantity st Bray Hatchery, 1441 Pacific Brandon, 604 Weatherdnn Av. nipeg. CHICK STARTER (SHUR GAINi pounds S3. Laying mash iShur 82.50. Chick scratch S3.

Hen 81.80 Growing msih 100 lbs. 82 50 ity and all fwst grades of Flot Iba. 82.80. 49 lbs. 81.53., 24 lbs American Potatoes 100 lb.

sack ltng Brothers. Phone 28 805. PUPPIES; PURE BRl'D COCKER lets; Collies; Springer spaniels; i Pups and others. Canary singer hens, baby turtles; new shipment fish; canned puppy food; bird supplies. RELIABLE BIRD CO.

Donald li Cumberland Phone MILLERS CHAMPION CHICKS BCK now for Spring delivery, will greater satisfaction for you nex Call phone or write for iee ti catalogue end Calendar. MILLER HATCHERIES 258 Main St. Ph. S5 058. 1944 BABY CHICKS APPROVED lor made chicks; Barred Rocks, Kampshlrea 315.25: White Rocks.

I Wyandottes 818 25: 100 live an Immediate delivery ALEX TAYLOR HATCH ERIE! Phone 33 353 SOU IF VOUR DOG IS NERVOUS AN rltable, try giving him Karswood ditlon Powders once a week. 6 of every 100 British dog expert Karswood Powders to keep their In the pink of health. Sold at stores and pet shops. RELIABLE "STARTED" CHICK Ages up to 3 "weeks for Imm delivery. Barred Rocks: Hamps White Rocks, unsexed and coci Chick starter and supplies.

RELIABLE HATCHERIES Donald Si Cumberland. Phone 2 OAKLAND CHCKS We have a limited number of 8TA CHICKS, up to 3 weeka old. B. and New Hamps. Oakland Hatcl Winnipeg.

IBA1 860 Logan Avei. phln or Rrandnn. BEE KEEPERS SELLING OUT. feet equipment tor highest offers 580 colonies, with or without sufficient honey for feeding. Gt teed diseas free.

Ruanak, Roblln Charleswood. 390 NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS 4 oia tor sale. Number of tin fi also coal oil brooder for 500 Water utensil. Apply 153 Wl Street. Klrkfleld Park.

OIL BROODERS We have a limited supply of Oil ere available for Immediate del Write or phone for prices. Os Hatcheries, 856 860 Logan Ave. RED AND BLACK COCKER PUP a Grand Daughter ot Champion hill Trader, by a son of Interns Champion Live Oak Sandstorm, toba Kennels. 55 Isabel St. PRAT'S "PICK NO MORE" prevent outbreak of Cannibalism, Jar.

80c Hansey Chick Halcherlei Ph 50 030 1104 08 Main St 3 REGISTERED GOLDEN HETRI puppies xor saie. i lemale, 1 ma months old. Apply 586 Burne 73 370. R. O.

P. SIRED WHITE LEGHORN lets. I weeks old. Thrifty, ext stock 60c each. W.

Rose, Lot 18 1 West Klldonan. 3 GOOD COWS, 3 AND 4 old. To freshen in a week. 813! 8150. each.

Dineen, Tralee Charleswood. COCKERELS, HEAVY BRED. 810 100 Taylor' Hatcheries. 863 I 33 353. 3 YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS, SPI ers, T.

B. tested. 3 miles west 1 Station. Faurschou. COCKER SPANIEL PUPS.

MALI female. 86 and 810. Mrs. Sadler, field St. Klrkfleld Park.

Man. REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL 9 weeks old, beauties. John, Patt 1855 Notre Dame. WANTED LIVE HENS. STOPPED Ing.

Phone 52 646. after 6. S3 193 WANTED PAIR OF GUINEA Fi or setting eggs. 53 864. FOR SALE.

BOSTON BULL PIT pure bred. 206 18 17 HAY AND FEED LANDS 12 TON MIXED HAY APPLY Bshruk i4 miles south and 1 mill of Dugaldl FARM PRODUCE READY FOR SEED DRILLS l.OOr shels choice recleaned 10. A. barley germinated 96 per cent days. For particulars.

Phone Graham 6V Son. 41 533. SEED POTATOES ORDER tj Jarsen Brothers 20 Ross Av. 23 125 and 22 MI7 19 GARDEN SUPPLIES EARTH FOR SALI Phone 201 108 BRABANT BROS. SPECIAL MIXED LAWN DRESSI! bags 81.00, 81 75 yard: free spre sodding, seeding.

Black loam; dressing special mixed. Free weeds; garden manure. O. P. Gardiners FOR BEAUTIFUL LAWNS.

and driveways. Potting soil, and Mack loam. sod. leaf mold dera and gravel. Phone: Pomm and Sylvester.

37 207. PHONE F. G. JENKINS SONS evenings 47 706.1 Winnipeg's landscape contractors, for estima your lawn or drive. Also the shrubs, soil and fertilizer.

OR SODDING. SEEDING. lawn dressing, cinders. Trees and leCees trtmmid Est i Oar 45 5.VS Night and day sPF.CIAU YARD LOAD OF den manure 85 R.ark earth. I dressing, sodding, and cinders.

3112 :r.7 DETCHUF.LD BROS .16 551 SOD I seeding, soils, diesslng. garden uie. cinders. Tree rtmoved Sargent..

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