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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 19

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WHEAT PRICES ADVANCE ON BIG EXPORT TRADE Wheat Sales of Otar 2,000, 000 and Rye 1,000,000 Reported at Seaboard Liverpool market closed Wet ta 1W up with exchange S4.U, thli tlgurti at H.53H per bushel for May, for July and I1.47T4 for October whtat. Sproada weret No. 1 Nor. wheat, 4 ovart No. 1 ovar) No.

I Ii undorf No. 4, 11 undar No. SO underi No. 42 undtri No. C.W.

oata, evari No. barley, undar; No. rya, undtri No. 1 N.W. flax, undar.

Raealptai 1l aara, whtat M1, ata 27, barlay flax SI, rya 7. Latt yaar 221 cara whtat. The market yltldad a llttla to profit taking; In tha final trading. Nat re aulta were up to off. Latest reports from tha eeaboard were of nearly 1,000,000 Manitoba, worked for export.

Tha market waa strong and active throughout tha whole course of trade. May was exceptionally atrong. There waa good buying In this month by aea. board Interests and eonsldrrable abort covering. Offerings were liberal on the sjpturns and trade on a large scale.

The distant months were not aa active, being held In check by the improving crop weather In both spring nd winter wheat country. New Tork reported sales of 750.000 wheat early In tha day and (OO.Ono rye. It waa alao stated that fully 1,000,000 rye was worked overnight, Winnipeg receipts have been quite large the past few days. The movement from the Interior which waa held bark prior to the opening of navigation Is again In full swing. Over P00.0O0 bushels of grain have moved out from the lake terminals and there plenty of storage space available.

In the coarse grains prices were firm to strong In sympathy with wheat. Reports from the United States Indicate much reduced est average. Old etocVs are fair but not burdensome. There ta export demand for barley as Well as rye and May barley waa very strong, also July rye. The flax market ha a better tone.

Argentine markets are firm and Europe Is absorbing heavy ahlpmenta at advancing prlcea. Flax has had a long dull period and may do better from gsow on. It was another big day In the cash Wtieat market. All gradea were In good demand at premiuma and spreads i to It higher. Offerings were fairly liberal and a large volume of business transacted.

There was fair demand for coarse grains with offerings light and firmly held. Local Cash Prices Theae vrieM fttwsTf tlia quotatlona oaeh train a at tha tlmt ef closlnf the sStiaiea fen eW ast Prav. Wheel Ka. 1 North aVo. Northern 1 No.

3 Northern No. 4 No. 6 No. 6 TfA Track Vo. 1 Pa rum No.

3 Durum No. 3 Pur urn No. 1 Tough No. 3 Tough Ne. 3 Tough No.

1 Smutty No. ffmuttf No. 3 Smutty No. Rejected No. 8 Rejected No.

3 Rejected nnte 147 1 145 ts Claee 147 145 134 123 112 100 88 145 152 147 137 137 135 125 127 125 ISO 129 128 119 126 124 121 134 150 127 300 iik 113 101 89 144 51 147 1ST 157 155 125 127 125 119 150 129 130 137 125 122 152 128 125 500 57 55 48 4 5 SSVj 2 77 5 193 189 172 167 194 102 102 99 98 97 105 dsxtes No. 1 Red Durum So. a Red Durum No. 3 Red Durum No, 1 Kota No. fl Kola.

No. 3 Kota Screetilngg Ok to No. 2 C. j. i NO.

3 a aattJjsaa)sa efcat. 1 yVed Baawaalaiajiawag No. 1 Feed No. 8 Feed nai ejected rack Barley No, 3 W. exeats) 4) ee awge No.

4 C. Rejeoted Feed l'rack a aMaM Flax Ho. 1 N. W. e.

87 53 51 48 56 82 81 76 74 82 193 189 a. c. w. k. r.

w. Dejected track Rye ro. 1 c. W. o.

2 C. W. Ko. C. W.

J. 1C.W, Dejected Track MWMI 171 166 iaa 101 101 97 96 101 Grain Trade Notes W. K. ReM aa Co. Ltd.) Chlcag Journal Commerce With eely four daya left before lease and shorts snutt ancover tnelr Sana aa te May cob tract deliveries, these whs have as outstanding eoatracte are apparently keep ing out at the market, while longa and shorts evidently have entered aa endur ance aeateet.

The market ee far this week has sees akeotutelr mdlgerent te ewe, and there Is nothing te Indicate that It will reflect aaytkleg but pit con dltlens tka halaaeo of the week. Leading local ahlpper aald outelde mar Btete have again entered Into eompetltton with Chicago and are egtrlng corn to the seat btiow Chicago parity. Thta le particularly algnincant. he eaya, as It shows they still hsvs corn te eelL IXX1AN There le ne inflation In wheat erlcee and this suggests advisability of genetructlve position. LAMSON Believe foreign requirements ad uneertalntlee of growing crop eondi gloee warrant adherence to long side.

BENNETT Think breeder cask Inter at needed to sustain prlcea aa long as rop conditions remain favorable. Thomson mck. Think new crop (rices are In poeltloa to reepead te any ehanse la crop newe. HUL.BURO WARREN Wheat eeema to Be waiting for a new Incentive. If.

CO. Locale la wheat conttaua as Sreeelvelr bearlah. KXfORT KBWS (W. K. Beld sad Ltd.) Broemhall raulee Although the new rops In Europe are generally making eat tatactory progress, end the weather re' e.ntiy hae favored the seeding of aprlng erepo, nierehante are Importing foreign aorta la ever Increaetng ooantitlee.

Liver pool sold another full carae yeeterday be eldee a large number of parcels of ell varieties of wheat. Franxe and Orrmany, especially are eipeottd to take further large quantttlta of wheat and rye. Italy la thotght to hove a fair aupply of native wheat left ever and will not need to mv perl much of foreign aorta. Liverpool Market opened to klaher with Plate ahippere offering at 6d per quarter advance. There wee a fair dtmand for Plate whata, and linpnrtera are burins, pew sellers ere In evidence end st 2.15 Bra.

market waa to 1 hiititr. Greece Coed rains reported after Bortod ef rather esvare draught. THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1927 Exhibits at Pure Food Show sons "Aw 1 "ULW iT A. i wmsn lafwysyeiiWinaiiaaja Here arc two atfraotive displays seen by the thousands people who are this week findiiiK rood Show on the einhth floor of show opened Saturday and continues all week.

The display com ajsj II I nSBi JUT V' delight and intercut in the 1 nre the T. halon (Jompany store, i ne APRIL 27, 1927 Prav. Cln 142'g 140 129? 5634 60, 8294 81i 68 193S 1975, 2021, 102 103 Last Yr 157 155' 4 135', 50 D0g 47 6C; 60', 2 20': 90 52', 90', 1 a. 142'g 140 66 56 M'g S3 31 M4 193', 1974 2024 102', 1021 4 C'ose 143' 140 129)4 5'4 5H 50' 4 834 82', 194' 4 193', 3 103(g 104 sat 5i! 1L a i. 9 iilll a prises over 30 booths, most of them exhibits by well known niaiiii facturers of foodstuffs all over the world.

Winnipeg Grain Market WEDNESDAY, WHEAT May July Oet OATS May July Oet BARLEY May July Oet FLAX May July Oat RYE May July Oct. Ocen 143 140f140H 130Vt 130'4 HH M', 50g 83 81ia 177g 102'a 1031.4 87 Kind 141 1304 57', 564 Wt 84' i 82H 89', 4 194'a 18? 2039, 103H IO414 87 American Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT July apt CHICAGO WHEAT May July Sspt MINNEAPOLIS 0AT8 CHICAGO OATS May Sspt ODt. CHICAGO CORN May July Sept CHICAGO RYE May July Sspt MINNEAPOLIS BARLEY May July DULUTH FLAX May Produce Market Graded Potatoee (Jobbers to retellerat Manitoba potatoee, per cwt. $1.10 Vegetables fjobbere te relailera Manitoba green onlona, per doaes bunchea .55 American leaf lettuce, per .60 Americen radlshea, doxen bunchee 1.00 Calltornia celery, per lb. JO Teaae cabbace, per lb 4 atanitoDa turnipa.

per tfwu 1 50 Menttoba beets, per ct Manitoba carrota. pef cwt 3.00 Manitoba paranlpe. per cwt. 4.0U Manitoba oaione. per cwt 6.00 Washington rhubarb, per box 4.00 now Wboleaale prices, smsll lots delivered to dealere: Lake of tha Wooda Siva Ttnaaa 9S lb.

eacks Two 49 1 b. saoke 4.70 rour 24 10. eacke 4.75 Weetern Canada Purity 98 lb. earke Two 49 lb. saeka reur S4 io.

sacks 4.76 Oallvla Raval Hauaaholg 98 lb. aacks 68 4.70 4.7S 4 70 4.76 Two 49 lb. sacks .4. Four 24 1 b. sacke Maple Leef Mills 98 lb.

sscks Two 49 lb. sacVa rour 24.1b. eacke Quaker Flour 98 lb. aecke Two 49 lb. eacke ..84 65 4 70 4.75 rour 24 10.

aacke Kollod Oata Per each, 80 lbe. MHlfeed Maalteba (Delivered la car lota, nst cssh Bran, per ton $27.00 Shorts, psr ton 29.00 gs skate bswsn Brae, per ton $27.00 Shorts, per toa 29.00 Alberta Bran, ner ton $28 00 Shorta, per ton 30 00 Ray (Freeh baled) Spot prtcee for well cured hav. good st dste of Issue aad quotsd by two loading bouses: No. 1 timothy 0. 825 00 S'e.

timothy 2300 No. 1 red top 1800 No. 8 red top 16.00 Winnipeg Daii7 Produce (T. I. Corto ft C.

1 41.) Battr Ko. 1 rrmry butttr, b. Wlnnlpc ,45 en (Prl' to Dominion 0vfn mtnt tr(Jnc. Mtrlctly frih, not vr 6 nayi Flxtrnaj, dotn. ran! rtum)4 91rft.

dnln, cai returned 24 84condi, don, cm raturnad SI REDUCES DISCOUNT BRUM M.S. April 87. The W.unnal Bsnk of ftelgium today lowered Its die oeant rete from I li III percent Onen 133', 13614 1327, 134 131 130 43 43, 44 48'4 715, 77', 81 IOIS4 7 76(4 75 222 i ll Prav. H'qh' Love Clce Clots 134'4 133', 133H 133 1 3614 136 13412 13414 134'4 1339s 1321 a 135! 1334 133H 1314, 130H 130, 130', 130! 4 129', U92 43', 43 43', 44 A3, 43H 43' 45', 44', 44H 453 4 4434 45H 45' 46! 4 44 44'g 44, 72 71 71 77J4 76', 76', 77 81', 81J, 81', 103 103', 102 102 IOU4 102 101 87 96 Sfl'g 77', 76'4 78 77 75 76 75 223 222 221 Crop Reports l.ETHBKIPUE, April 27. Reed ing of eheat and been baa been reaueied throughout Southern Alberto ader a eerl a of delav gus to wet and windy weather, Thie week will aee thoueanda of acres seeded, as most of the land Intended for erop la summerfallow.

thinday brouiht considerable wind, which, In turn, made lighter soils drift and In acme areae Immense eloude of earth obarurod the sky. The soil drift problem is ens that la living dry land farmere real concern, el Ihough atrip aummerfallow and erop rotation baaed on awaet elover Is holding ths Isnd even In very bsdly affeoted eeetlona. Theas strips are planted SO ta SO rods apart, breaking the force of the wind and preventing the sell tram moving, A cloddy surface la ales proving helpful although thle Is not altogether effective. Deeplto eome drifting and tha late spring, conditions ars excellent for a good crop. Winter wheat end rre fields ars looking slightly beaten by ths wind, but they will recover.

I GRAIN BOAT REPORTS 4 a FORT WIM.IAM, Oat, April tT Seven grain boats cleared Tuesday tram the ports of Fort Wllllsra Port Arthur with .1,305,000 bushels, stl grains being reprssented la the cargoes. Tha Pansy look a full cargo ef barley to Buffalo and the Saskatchewan a full cargo of Dai to Chicago. Ths Midland King finished unloading onal Tuaeday morning sad elsared wltn wheat for Port Oolborne. Sis veaiels ars loading grain and els mere are due here light. The Canadoa te eipeeted to doofc wlth coal.

Following ta Tuesdsr's report on movements fn the two harbora: Cleared Mathewaton. fort Colborna wheet, o4a, rye; Midland ng. Fori Colborne. wheat; Panar, Bug Morris B. Tremslns, Bttffsle.

wheat, rye: Kdmonton, Montreal, oata, barley; Megog Montreal, wheat, barley; Baekatchewen. Chicago, fias; Huronle, Point Edward. Hour. In port Vandoe. O.

N. Wilson, Brlonl doe, Renvoyle, Bayten, o. Mather, loading grain; W. Frans, making repairs. Grant Hall, vice president ef tha Canadian Par ifla Railway ayatom will return from tho Pacific roast Thursday nlslit at 10 n'rlorlt.

Clinrlt a Murphy, general manager western lln8 who arenmpanled him Wcat, will return on tha official train. Local Livestock VNION STOCKTARDg. Winnipeg and St. Boniface, April 87. New arrtvala at the Union etockyarda up to 9 o'clock Wed ntaday morning cenaisted of T70 cattle, 285 calvta and 2.215 hois.

Railway reports shew a further 82 ears of stock to arrivs la tha yards today. Activities on today's cattle market centred ohlcfty ground butcher cow Urn olaea of atock linking a broad clearance and realiaing atrong prices, a feature due to the pieeence of outelde ordera. There waa only a fair movement in tne killing eteer division this mornlug, and comparailvely few offerlnga were eligible to acll up to $8.50, the rank and file going wihin a apread of $7 00 to 8.00. There are a number of Utile caul, en the baby beet order coming forward ehow Ing fair quality but lacking flnlah. and klndi, which are selling from $8 00 down, ehould be held back for further Unletting In order to real lie mors attractive prices.

Light stacker cattle are meeting with a good reception end aelllng generally i a atrong market. Veal calvee continue to eell on a Arm b.ilt, with the beet handyweights going from $9.00 to $12.00 end common to medium grades from $4.00 to $8 00. The hog market wae uneettled end weaker, packers bidding $9.25 for thick smooths, or 25c below the close of yeater day. with sows being priced 60c lower at $7.50. The aheep end lamb market waa not eitabllihed, due to the lack of receipts.

WINNIPEG. Man. Aorll 26 Receipts Cattle 225, hose 4A5. Btrers fholra $8 25 $75 8 no 6.75 6.00 Fair to Good 7 no Medium 6 25 Common 5 50 Butcher Belters Choice $7 25 600 8 00 7.00 e'alr to Boo.l Butcher Cowe Choice $6.25 6.00 4.00 2.25 $6 75 6 00 4 75 3.60 I $5 00 ITitir to good Metllunl Cannere end cullers Dalle flood $4 2S Common 3.50 Oien llon.l $1 Med rt 80 Common 300 Stocker Steere I'holr. $5 75 Fair to good 4 50 Storker Heifers 400 $5 00 4 00 5.25 JfvOO 5.50 Choice Pair to 500 4.00 550 4.75 $6 feeder Steere fhnlce Fair to S.5U $1000 7 00 3.50 00 8 SO 50 6 bO 8 00 .8 00 S00 800 nn 5.50 6.25 Calves Choi's ciood $12 00 9.00 600 $10 45 9 SO 900 8 V) 50 9 75 6 50 800 8 00 Common Moga SHect Racon Thick smooth Heavies Kxtra Henvlea hop Hosa t.iKhta and feeders RntiRli.

Fowl No. 1 Kon. No. 2 Stass 6.00 Ijimbe Fair to good Common $12 00 9.00 Sheen ralr to (cod Common $7 00 500 SPRRNKKTATIt KAI.KS Reported up in 5 pm. Tues, A4ril 26 Rillrher ttleere No.

Av. Wt. 41120... 4 4 70... 4 1120...

1060 price No. AV. t. Price 7 50 7 50 7.25 7 25 1 00 6 50 8 50 8 60 8 25 8 15 8 00 800 8 1CSS0 2 tMO 3 4 H0 61010... 21020....

7.7 1 5 960... 6.50 HMy Bref, Steers and Heifers 640. 9 00 5 700. 7 Ml a 6.0... 5 130...

6 960... 8 5 2 9.V)... 3 1020... 6 5 810... 65 200...

4 250... 240... 2 520... 0 160... 10 155...

5 150... 4 470... 2 4JQ 8.50 2 640 8 OO 590... Rutrhrr Belfrr 8 00 7 75 4 7 50 2 7 25 1 1040.... 7.00 2 860....

Select llacone 10 45 8 200 10 45 5 190.... Thick Smooths 9.50 S5 190.... Neavlee 9 00 2 230.... 9 00 r.rt a llravlra 8 50 1 290 Ughta and Feeders 9 75 12 160... 9 75 8 110...

Hhnpe 9.50 2 140.... Nona 8 00 1 8 00 2 200... 7 00 6 50 6 75 6 .50 6 25 600 6 50 1045 10.45 9 50 800 8.50 60 8 50 950 800 8.00 REPRESENTATIVE SALES CASH GRAIN, APRIL 26 No. 1 northem No. 5 northern No.

3 northern No. northern No. 4 No. 8 No. No 6 No 6 Nrfi.

2 northern toush No. 2 northern toueh No. 2 northern toush No. 5 northern toush No. 3 northern toush No.

3 northern tough No, 4 tourh No. 4 toush No. 4 toush No. 4 toush No. 5 toush M7 1H1 1X5V 12J'.

1 12 100 10OS 132H VI 124S 124S 114 154 115 115S 1 r5 '4 No. toisrh No, 3 Durum No. 3 Durum toush No. 3 Durum toush 105H 146 4 141 142 52 50' 50' 47 444 49 i Csrs oata No. 2 W.

toush No. 3 W. toush No. 1 feed No. 2 feed Rejerted No.

1 feed toush No 1 feed toush Csrs barley No. 3 NO. 3 mm No. 4 n. FCO.

4 tough Tough rejected Beleted eat Touah rejected 49 82 8214 nov 794 7414 2 Town rejeoien esveeaweeeeeaeaMe 731, Cars rye No. 2 )01S No. Ne. 97 614 Cere rt i KO, 2 189 CTDCAOO MAMCsTT it giro WT (R. A.

Mothetets IAd.) Bgge Sbot firsts 03 234. Fuliiree, Anrll 2d, Mar 25S. Nov. Ttacalpt ess toiay 27.447 eaaea. Recelpte lest year 24.557 cssea Butter Spot esttgs 44.

spot standards nttnrs, April 44, May euw, lier. 43V4. Recelpte butter today, 7.472 tuba Receipt laet veer 7.A27 tuna. Became 80 Weak Could Hardly Stand sirs. Wra.

Palmar Tomahawk, Alta writes gryrirja; I ha4 long; spsQ ef siekaass sad bejems an waai I axrald hardly saaod. I could not sUan at niffht as tha least llttla nolsa wooJd wake ins op. I triad blood tonies aa atliar Bsrva pills, but they did ma bo food, aaa i wag getting worse. I wrote lay saothar abont my fitkm, sad eae seat me three boxes si XHkt the Ant txrx I wag fecllne; mtx Ji bettnr, so I kept on until I had user tha tiree) boxaa, and now I foal as wall as error j. oja wnen 1 was a jovng girl.

Prine SOe. a box at ail dealers, BtsJllkt dieaeA mi vamaIt ef virile Tha T. Mil burn Co lAtaJWd, Toroata, I nrn Index to Classified Headings 1. t. s.

4. S. 7. S. S.

10. It. It. It. 14.

It. 1. 17. Births. Engagements.

Marriages. Deaths. Flortete. Fanaral Directors. Moaunaento.

Card st Thanks. la Memoriaaa. Fraternal. Ut. Found.

Tenders. Notices. Daaelng aad Social, Personal. Help Wanted. Male and Female.

Mala. naleemen and Solicitors. Asents. Roys Female Domeetie Mrnations Wanted Male. Female.

Teachers. II. to. tt. St.

Pet Stock. Horse Cattle and Vehicles. Cost! and Wood. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES For 1 or 2 daya per dey For 3 to 5 daya, per day For 6 daya, per day For 1 month, per month For 3 monthe, per month For 6 monthe, per month For 12 monthe, psr month BUSINESS Birthe, Knsasementa. Marrlagee, Deaths, Card of Thanks, $1 00 nay Ineertton.

In Memorlaro Notices for 10 count tinea or leas. 10c per line for each additional line. The Tribune will not be responsibls of Any sdvsrtlssmsnL DCBINO Bt'SINFHS 1101 Kfi 8 in. till 12 p.m. SUNDAYS 9 a.m.

till 11 p.m. PHONE 24 331 and ask for department or Individual desired. The TrilbiLDee RE PRESENT ATI VS.S New York: Verra At Conklln lit Madison Ava. Chicago: Verrea A Conklin Inc. It B.

Jackson Hlvd. Detroit: Verrea Conklln, Ill Lafayette Blvd. San Francisco: Verra; Conklln, 681 Market St. Toronto: E. J.

Guy, 401 Royal Bank hlriga. Montreal: C. A. Abraham, 131 St James St. I ondon, Eng.i F.

A. Smyth, 14 40 Lud gala Hill, EC, 4. Vancouver: Frank E. Psyson, 111 Winch Building. 1.

BIRTHS PINCOCK At Oanaral hoapitaU on Ajtrll Vi5, io lr. and Ura. rincock. a dangntcr. DEATHS Te vnot'E On April 6th, at tha Oanaral hoapttal, Thorr.aa Kdtar Araua.

IS7 Chfrainut ita principal of Lord 1 Airk arhool, In tha 66th yaar of hia av. Kamalna In cara of tha A. B. Oardlnor funaral ltoma. Punaral aarvlcaa 8 p.m.

Thursday at Tonne Unltod harh. In tarmant In tha family plot la Kim wood camatary. LAM Tha funeral of tha lata Sarah, frHoved wlfa of John Lamb, of Hirnpla wtit Kim on an, who paaa oH away at tha raaldanca on tha i3rd In waa hold Taaaday aflornoon, at 30 o'rUich. from Thomaon'o funeral horn 669 Broadway. Intarmant took placa In Klmwood camatary.

Kl WARDS Tha funaral af tha lata Uoraa Kdwarda, who paaaad away at hta lata roaldanca, 725 Flt on tha 82nd waa hold THaaday artarnoon, at 2.30 o'clock, from 81 leuko'a church. Interment took plaoa In Elmwoad came tery. For farthat aarUcalara oaJl Thomeon'a, 81 001. KASKIN On tha tMh at har lata realdenca, 188 Arllna toi, Maxfarat Ann. widow or th lata b.

u. t. Kan kin, aged 60 year. Punaral eervlce will ha held at Thomeon'a funaral ho ma. 569 Broadway, Thuraday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Jniarmant In tha family plot in Kim wood cemetery. 1 ft I OK On April 96th, at Weolay aolleta, Frank mra, ava yeara, eon of Mr. and Mr a. Thomas W. Price, of Metireaor.

Man. Tha ramalna ware for warded Wrdneeday mornlnc from the Clark lsaatherdale funaral ho ma to ko Oreaor for Interment. NOTICE IS TUB MATTKR OF TH EHTATB OF (lE'ROK A. TITTTLW. I.ATH OF THE CITY OF WINNIPEG.

IM TH FRfV VINCB OF MANITOBA, UtTIKDD FARHKR, BCai ABU, LI. All Claims ssslnst ths ahovo ICstste must he eent to the underaigtied. at the Bank of Ham Hon chambera. in the ty of Wlnnlpea, in the Province or Manltoha, duly varined hy statutory ueojaratlon, en or oerore tne mat aay or aiay. a.u.

it7 Dated at Winnipeg. Manitoba, this S6th day of April, A D. 1327. P1TBLADO, HOSKIM OOMFANT, Solicitors for rierence McRae Bredie and Ada Esecutoro. CAXADIAN KATIONAL SVAILWATS (Westera Begteai) ealod Tenders will tie received at the office of the Chief Enslneor.

Wlnnipes. ventll IB ereloett nooa. Toeadae. the 10th gay of May, 1M7, for eonetruMInn of a Paaeenger station ana rower sons at Edmonton, Aiosrta. Plans, speclfloatlono anS form ef eon traot mey be sesn snd form of tender ob tained at tne onioee on Chief Engineer, Winnipeg; XHotrlet Knglners.

at Saskstoon and Edmonton Division Inglnera, at Kaglna and Cal gryj C.t Agent, at Moooe Jew. Tenders will not bo eoaetdered anlees made on the form eepplied by the Aetlway fompany and accompanied by en accepted cheque en a ehartared benk equal tn five peroent of the value ef the work, payable to the order of the Treaeurer, Canadian National Kanweya. The Inweat or any leader not aeees sarliy accsptea. W. A.

K1NOST.ANO. Oonerel Vsnsgsr, Winnipeg, April 19th. 1927. moviNCB or Manitoba DErAJsTMKNT OF FCBI.IC WOF.BS FAIB WAR ACT. ltlS Tha Fair War Bnard havlnr lubmlttiH!) rertatn rvrnmen4at.ona to the Hon.

tha Mlntetar of Publlo Worka In eehedula form, oopy of which may ha aea tn or may he obtained on application to the Bureau of Labor, Parliament Bulldlna, Winnipeg, Pablln Not lea fa er by ilven to alt whom It mey roncei fi that tha afore meTidnnetl Mlntetar of Public Work! will, on Friday, tha Twenty ninth day of April inetant, it Two oorit In the afternon, at tha Farlla mtnt Huildlnir, Wlnnlpv. ait and hear all piraone In favor of or erelnit i ha adoption of the herein before men Honed rerommendntloni of the ir Were Board; after which the aald Mlnlnier may make eurh orders as In hie discretion may sea fit. All pereone Interested will govern them eetvea accord'inaiy. Pated at Winnipeg, this Twentieth dey of April. 1327.

MrleBAN, Teputv Minlettr of Publtt Wafa and Chairman Pair Wage Poar4. Mlaerllsneoue. Mlirellaneoue For Pale. Mkecellaneoue Wanted. Muelcal.

"lothing aad Fnre, Radio. Aut4tmobilra. Autos and Motor Trucks Auto Acoeaaorica, (larasea. II. Hoata and Marine Boppliea.

1 Machinery aud Karm Implements. I I. M. Bicycles aad Motorcyrlea. Rooms.

filrnlehd. hoard and Ftnoma Ronmins tlouaea. Hotela. Sultee. Furnlf hed Unfurnished.

Real Kitate. Houses to Rent. Housee for Sale. Karma. ntorea and Offices.

Market tlerdena. B.C. property. I.nta. Muburban Property.

Warehnues Trackage. Sischangea. VV'anted to nent. Property Vtanlcd, Rueineea Opnortunitieo. Finance.

Mining Inveattnenls. Business Announeemente. Summer Resorts. 17. so.

$1. Per Mne. CARDS t.00 1. 15 1.71 1. 40 for mors thsn ons Incorrect Deathi 1IA( MIl.l.AN At 454 Wllllsm on April z.

M.lmlin MarM Ulan, ascd 8 rears. Funeral aervicea will he held at Kerr's rhspsl, 120 Adelaide on Thursday. 28lh April, at 10 a.m., and burial will be made In Urookaide cemetery. 8I.OAN On thf, 26th Inet mt tnri I. Prairie.

Henry Hlnan, formerly of Winnipeg asrd SO yeara. Funeral vice will he 1 eld at 2 p.m. Friday from Thnmaon'a funeral home, 669 Hrnadway. Interment In llronkelde cemetery. COCHRAN On April 23.

at 187 Balmoral ni. wuiiam Frank Cochran, 75 vesre. Kemains In care of tha A. U. tlardlner funeral home.

Funeral 8 pm. Wednesday from Christ church to St. John'o comelery. DOWNFg On April 26th. at the Oeneral noepitai, joeepn Moti.

6.w Maryland 62 yeara. runeral 2 pm. Thuraday from the A. B. "Jarrilner funeral home.

172 Kennedy to Brook elde cemetery. NtlOENT On April 19, at Great Falls. r. umm ouiiint, aseo ml yeara. Funeral 4 p.m.

Wednesday from (tie A. B. Uardlner funeral home. 172 Kennedy to Klmwood cemetery. (5.

FLORISTS THE ORCHID 87 071 01 268 PH. 44100 RES. 46 407 Crescent Florist F. C. Pound, Prop.

Cut Flowers Designs, planla. 93S Orosvenor at Stafford 0 6. FUNERAL DIRECTORS The J. THOMSON CO. Ths Oldest Most Rellshls Undertakln, Parlora S01 MAIN gT.





Clsaslc memorlsta sttractlvs prices. Off. B'i 073. Kaav terms Res 81 778 flO. FRATERNAL A meeting of all fhoaa Interosted In the formation of a lodse of the 1.0 r.

In tha fit. John'e dletrtrt of Winnipeg, will torn held In tha HI one Uall, Main and Atlantic Monder. Mr 2nd at p.m., All Odd Feiioai affiliated and non afniliated welcome. Wm. Plrh.

Robert Puff Grand MeeUr (Jrend Perlv, Ql. LOST WILT. MOTOR1KT TVHO PICKr.rt tN lured Italian srey hound nn portage Ave. leilerday kln.llr phone irtn. LADY'S WHITE WRIKT WATCH.

InttlAl "O' on strap. Finder pleaae Thone Itewaitl. liOPT WI'WN PKKI.NKHR IMt'l, AND were to "rrunev." heeeril. I'h. 50 87, LAWN HOWI.INO MF.riAU 4 NAM Kb ensreved.

rintter pleeee Ph'tna (Ilte VM AVT VM.Iiw ''AN A Iroin see Wsrsaw, I'hone 46 J3'J, tt. 12. FOUND FOUND A WONDBRFCf. F.I.RCTR1CAL eihibltlnn st McDonald Wllleon Electric, ouv rorx Winnipeg, no free prises given sway. Music 15.

DANCING SOCIAL Native Sons of Canada FIRST ANNUA WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Mnrman Hall, 275 Bherhrook fit. Friday, AprU 29th. it pm, 10 Valuable Whist Prizes 10 TiiMcMa fUkn frmn mmbra or At door Victoria Lodge L.T.B. No. 20 FINAL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE TravalUraf Halt, Bannntyn Av.

Thtiratleur. Apr II 28th. PrlE Fot Tmt Prlie TTtl'l UOOd Pr)taV fiOfMl title Admlstrton fOe. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For plamond. Old OoJd.

flllvnr, Muitetl lnir. f)hnr Bro. eip. wtchniakra ftDd JiwfUn. 711 4j Main HL KuU 1911.

VIP1T THE WrnONAIsD WIMeRON rtrtcl ihuw, 309 Fort St. EduratloDal. intorpfltiriaT. An anhtbitlon. not a aala.

fra priBt a awav. Muslr. (16 PERSONAL YOU ARE INVITED "To Visit The McDonald EBectncafl Show 300 FORT ST. rRACTICAI An exhibition, not a aala. Fifty beautiful free prlsca hflnv riven away to vialtnra.

Thta ehow com me mora tea Ifcnonald Will on 20th, annUeraary of electrical aar vicn to tne citfaena or Winnipeg. BRICK AND STONE BUILDINGS JACKED UP ALSO MI'VKD FOUNDATION EXPERT ooNHTRurrrBU. IXT I S' ADVIHB TOU IF TOUR Rtmj IN. I is KISKINll OR HRACKINO. ESTIMATES CHEERFUL.LT GIVEN H.

A. JACK 260 Magnus Ave. Phone 52 482 'CAMP' ABDOMINAL BELTS FOR MEN AND WullKN "FISHERknit" Elastic Hoisery FOR VAR1COHB VEINrf MADE BT FIHHKR AND Bl'HPB LTD. Booklet on Itequest 1.24 8 11. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES For old gold, ellver.

falee teeth, erovlna. snd anythinc ef value. Muelcal Jowelery 70S Mala SU Wpg. Man. rn.

van. Hatrgreeelng Farlora and Beauty ghoppe. All sxperts la eh arse. 339 Densld Strset. Phone S7 0S0 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED Trlehe Systsra glvss lifetime wrlttea gear, sole Free Dim.

Treatment, Free Book let. 341 Homeraet Hlk. Ph. 88 665. Kltta Ei ifmi.

l'aorlaala. Brvthama. Itch. Halt Rheum. Pimples, Chilblains, Bona Polaon Ivy.

etc Works like masle, 60c, $1.00 and 4l 75. Liberal eample. 10c. Mra. F.

Metireaor, 8 nrotis nt. fn. oonoo. Hieh Class Wsrdrobe Store Mrs. A.

E. Plunkett. S44 Elites Ave. Oriental Rug Rrnsiring Csrpeis cleened. Art Mendlag CoM 1461 I I Dmnmrn OB A.MJ HEALTIIWTN' HOME FOR MATER nlty snd waiting esses; slso minor ourgt cal ooeretlons.

Sneclsl care slven ehll dren; only graduate nuraee tn aiienaance. 168 Maryland en. rnoae oe jo. T. A.

BEI.LAVIE. WILL NOT BE RE. oponelbl. for eny debte Incurred by my wife. Nellie Be avie.

ehe Savin left mv nard and oed on April lurd, IW), (Blsned) Angelo Bellevle. WILL ANYONE WHO SAW MAN etruck by motor car en Meln St. at York Ave. on the eva. of April 13m laaL pli notify Mra.

Bond, 879 Fur by St. Phone Stl 398. BOB MW.r.T MB TONIGHT AT THE Me Donald Wllleon electrical show. Lot's try snd win one or tnelr free prises, music Dolly. M.

C. BLATLOOK. 868 COLONT ST. moving to 6IB Bsaewood PIscs, May 1st, tuts, tstlorlng, drsssmaking. 47 BUI.

DRRSSMAKF.R. KXPKTtTENCEr), FIRST claaa work at moderate prlcea. Ph. gf, 149. Mrs.

Bynolh. Bte. 22, JZ7 Kennedy. BOOKS. STAMPS, PICTURES.

ETC Housht end Bold Vsn Cteland. Ltd, 8S6 Main St. BALDHEADED MEN. NEW HAIR. 10 60 daya gueranteed; pereonal troatmenta Frank 171 Rherbrook, Winnipeg.

VACUUM CLEANERS OR POLISHERS rented. ,1.60 a dey. Loeh Bnrka. SO 364. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Bt saperie.

Studio, 489 Portage. ELECTRIC BATHS AND MASSAOB BT appointment only. Phone S8 444. 'WHEN SNSWERINO ANT OF THESE either In writing, phone er In a personal Interview, kladly ansa' lion that yon saw ths ad In The Tribune. 17.

HELP WANTED Male and Female YOU CAN EARN S10 TO S2S A WEEK in your spsrs urns si some writing shew rsrds. No csnvssslng or soliciting. Ws instruct yoa and auppl yen with work. Write todey. The Menhenltt Company mo uuuiinion nutimns.

Toronto. Male WANTED 8 TOUKO MEN. EXPFlR en e. atennsraphere: will alas conolder im ienc neRinner. Atuai nave ability I answer lettera without dictation when nereneerv.

Knowledge or auto acreasnrlee. autnmohiles and tntrtcata nerta ii.M i automnhllee eeeentlal. Apply at once to AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED to fill poeltlone eity and eountry garases stations, only few week training needed, fit von aa aula tri etorase battery, alactrlcal esperu. WS aleo ontTHiayins. piaatsnns.

Writs call for free catalosue. Kmplovment ge uept Hemphill Prartlral Trades ouoiia. onu stain WANTBU rCVPKRIENCDn SHOE Mle.inan. tate ko and eaperlence. Apply llox 214 Tribune.

(lonrt A A MKfHANlr! WANTED. Anplv slvins full parllculsrs of ssper lento le Boa 810, Tribune. or Male 19 Barlbeninii elafldld c. enrtunttles. Ilia and Wam.

Clly and Country shops. All year round (, employment. flood wages. Only 1 wssks required to learn. Tools free.

Wrtto sail for free catalogue, Hemphill Barber College. 630 Vain St. Winnipeg. Female LADIES 1 LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE At the MARVEL Largest academy la Canada Complete Course $50.00 Positions Guaranteed Make as mistakes, leers under Madam Lamer, aeenelate ef Do Oulles of Minnespodls. Madam Lamer has trslnsd and 75 ot the hairdressers ot Isnltoba.

Wlnnlpega best knowa bssuty eulturs teacher. Write or call for parties Lare at MARVEL BEAUTY ACADEMY 3M DONALD WINNIPEG. COR. POPTAOB AVE, ANO DONALD ST. MADAM LAMER.

MANAOERBM WOMAN WANTED POIl HOUSEWORK, furn, La.H.K. rm, rant free, la exchante for 8 day'a work per wek. All aaua. work paid for In ennh. trood Jon to ra 1 labia woman.

J3fl Kennedy Ht. 25149. WE WILL PAT YOU IIS TO 120 WHS ly for your epere time at home, jeotbaog to sell. Faectnetlng work. Write at once.

No obligation. The Auto Knitter Co, Dept. S3, Toronto, ont. WANTED EXPERIENCED SrKOS) aleehady. attate experience and pboagj number.

Apply Box 815 Tribune. Domestio 1 insK CAPABLE OIRL FOR OEN'ERAL tAL BOOS work, aood plsln cook, small tereneea. 7S6 Westmlnstsr Ave, KXPKRIKNOBD MAID FQ smsii eungaiosr in ittver Heignte aiasrtei. 'hone 44 see. YOUNO OIRL AS MOTHSSl'sT SELF.

its. 14, Silvia Apts. Mrs, D. Qulggla. Phons 28 076.

a OIRL WANTED FOR ROtTSEWORst. Apply 617 Nswmsn St. Phone A3 795, WANTED, IMMEDIATELY COOK general: family of 4. Phone 42 077. ia aViiiTcn eaaaBBaBsBBBaBaBBaag Kale RETURNED SOLDIER.

MARStTD, Tt'l oulrea work of any kmd. aood tnask driver, painting or odd Joba. A. XX SaraV aer, do scks. 1 9 STONB BASEMFNT BUILT.

OMSK Soore sldewalka, ebimnera, gsneral rise pslrs; rsaaonable. s. Hayden. B8 506. I.OU8B PAINTINO, PAPER ANOXNtJ, Roome S3 up.

Ma rr led mas wishes work. fcetlmate rree. Koberteon. 08 936. YOUNO MAN WITH BEST OROOBRT experience, wanta work, good reterencs.

Apply Box 165, Areola, flask. YOUNO MAN. 86, 10 BANKING eaperience, desirss position, good, refer enevs. box mvrt, TriDune, TOUNO DANISH MAN WANTS WORM or any kind. Box Wi.

Tribone. KAt SOMININO, PAINTING, PER ROOM, ee.w np. rnone Bl aoo. Female 3 EXPERIENCED HOTEL WAITRESSES open, housekeeper. English, widow wita boy, 12, eity or close In chamber melde, 8 eletere, 18 and 80, tor eouatvs hotel worrf.

Home Agenrv, 744 Somerset block. Open svsalnss. 81 889. DRESSMAKING. COATS.

RBLININA. slterstlons. children's elothee, erabrolderiV sv.ou per aey. fnone oowor. WIDOW DESIRES POSITION OF BOUSgV keeper to widower er bachelor! sity pro fsrrsd.

box sun, Trtoane. JUNIOR TYPIST, WILLING TO LEARN errice duties Box Tribune. 20. PET STOCK RELIABLE BABY CHICKS All broede, beet egg layln, strains. Plara your order now.

lncubatora, broodera. hoppers, rountsins, hatnhlng fooda Reiianis nird uo. ava fortase. aV3 U44. I.OVFI.T BOSTON PUPS.

WELL MARK ed. S10 up; Poms, Poodlss, Terriers, S4 snd aa: Kittens. Rshblts. nulnea Pit plgeone. Canaries Parrnta, Flnchss, Oold fleh.

Turtles, Llsarda, Wh. Rsis snd Mt, e. Hellsble Bird 406 Portase. 2B044. BABT CHICKS BRED TO LAY.

HATCH ing sgge, custom hstchlns. Buckeye sad Wisconsin Incubator. Free aiex. Tayiore Hatcnery. vn.

ooeno. HATCHING EOOS HOLTFRMANH dork mating, S5.00 aettlngs; winnere at all principle ohowo. F. Corrlcan, corner Keewatln and Manitoba Ave. BOSTONS.

FOX TERRIF.R8, AlftB nalee, Perslsn Kittens. S3 up: Psrrors, Canaries, Rsbhlls. Uol.lflah. Miller's Bid stcrs. jbu Fortsss.

293. RABY CHICKS, ALL VARIETIES, record etratna: brooders: feed: aunnlle. B. 8. Miller Chlckerlee.

380 Portage. 69 893 CHINCHILLA RABniTS. P.l.OISTERED burka for aala and at aiud. 47 605. 21.

HORSES, CATTLE' I AND VEHICLES FOR SAT.B TK4 mocret. farmer wevne, Itimh (lellverv waaone. nultt wacona, 2 and hnrea cultlvatora iiouha, barrowa. 1X1 1 Sulherlano.

FOR ffAl.rT HORK. PONIK. WAflOK" harneee and tint rackn; eien bullrtlnn 31i 1 on eklda. Apply rear 19 Lombaud, Th, 2.447. 22.

COAL WOOD STOVE SLABS $4M BOC euttlnse. tttt kindling tiCt OI.X3D COAL AND COKE CLARKE FUEL CO. 8fi 55 PRY POX CfTTIMH FOR YtAI rl cord cord delivered, calcu, Box US) Spru. a HI. I'hon.

ti 11X ITHORKAIASnN I 1 32 11, 27 2. WTOn. gtfrbe front peeled wood at So a cord. 0.

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