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The Caledonian Mercury from Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland • 1

Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LECTURES on the TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF EAST LOTHIAN. Archerfield, 21st January 1835; Gentlemen, exposed, as they (unserved to be, to the indignation of the country There is, howepr, not much probability that the Tory Ministryjpuld hang together in spite of a resolute majoipy of Reformers in the People's House andfk- may be as well to reflect for a moment onwhat would follow their dismissal. A new Administration must, of course, be formed without delay. We cannot see any great difficulty in'iprocuring one, entitled to the public confidence. If Lord Melbourne and se-vm-ol rf -his late colleagues, reinforced by some THE FRIENDS of GIBSON CRAIG rehavc invited hirh' to DINE with them in Hill's (Cross 'Keys) Inn, DALKEITH, on THURSDAY next, the -22(1 January.

LORD DALMENY in the Chair. Dinner on the Table at Five Tickets, 5s. 6d. each, to had at the Inn. Dalkeith, 17.

1835. DINNER TO WM. GIBSON CRAIG, Esq. rflHE FRIENDS of Mr GIBSON CRAIG, JL in the WESTERN IS TR IC of the COUNTY, have invited him to Dine with them in Kippen's Inn, MID CALDER, on TUESDAY the 37th enrt. Dinner on the Table at half-past Four o'clock.

Tickets, 5s. to be had at the Inn. BROTHERS, in Hamburg, Con-MlJL tractors for GREAT LOTTERIES OF HAMBURG, published and drawn by authority, and under guarantee of -the- Hamburg beg. to -inform PuWioJhat Tickets- of the. Lottery, of 10,000 pickets only, are'iiow spiling, at -the -first cost of The Lottery contains thVfdllowing Prizes, viz.

Raneomarks. Bancomark's. 1 Money Prize of. 100,000 100,000 TO THE LOYAL AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH. Gentlemen, THE contest in which we have been engaged is now at an end and I am aoxious, in taking my leave of you, express, my sense of the kindness which I have met with at your hands during its continuance.

In offering myself to you as a Candidate for the high honour of Representing you in Parliament, I was actuated by no motive of personal ambition, butsimply by a sense of the duty incumbent upon every man at tnistime to labour, each in the sphere of. his own infiuencci for the establishment of those political opinions qn he believes the good government and welfare of the country to depend. .1 have, only to regret -that the: opinions which I entertain have not. proved to be in unison with yours. I beg to offer my warmest thanks the Friends who have supported ably zealously and to all for the courtesy and respect with which they have received mp.

Anil now, Gentlemen, in taking my leave of you -I must lie allowed to assure you, that I shall eyer feel it my duty, in whatever situation I may be placed; specially watch over the privileges arid. advance the interests of the City of Edinburgh. -Mrave'th'e honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient humble. servant; RAMSAY. DiU.TiorisiE Castle, 19th Jan.

1S35. TO THE LOYAL AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH. Gentlemen, Plan ornE Ensuing Session-. In. no way, perhaps, caiman independent journalist be more usefully than, in attention, not only to thefjrobable" designs' artdrnovements, of political pafties, but to the measures which it may and thpfe which it certainly will be, necessary for thefLegislature soon to.

discuss and settle. With bis conviction, at the hazard of whaome may consider the premature agitation of Jjsrtain points, we have endeavoured to keep thefublic eye. upon ulterior measures. On the ver; Vlay of -the announcement of the dissolution Ipthe, Ministry, we preferred making an appeal tcrje Reformers be up and stirring, in anticipafeoa of the inevitable dissolution of Parliament, to speculating upon the latent intrigues and treacheries of the Court. Soon afterwards, we warned the.

electors, that the men they were about to choose would probably sit for some years The Hpuse of Commons and that it would be $ifse, to search mpre deeply into their pojjiical character and yiews.than could, be inquiry whetherthey were for' Wellington or against him. Some of thtr more pressing measures which the next Ministry' would be expected to adopt were, also indicated. Last week, among the first things to be. done, the choice, of a Speaker mentioned, and the absolute necessity of discarding Sir Charles Manners Sutton was enforced. It is now alleged, that Mr Abercromby is indisposed to take the chair, on account of weak health and Mr Ber-nal, the attentive, experienced, and impartial Chairman of the.

Committees, has been mentioned as the Liberal, candidate. There can. be' no difficulty in procuring a Speaker who would unite the suffrages of -sincere against the High Tory, Sir Charles Sutton, who so far forgot the.appearance even of impartiality, as to become, while he was vet Speaker, 1 Do SO. 000 50,000 1 Do SO, 000 30,000 1 Do 20,000 20,000 1' Do 10,000 lo.noo 2 Do. 5,000 10,000 4 Do 3,000 12,000 7 Do 2,000 KOfiO 20 Do 1,000 20,000 40 Do 500 20.000 1500 Do 108 162,000 2000 Tickets gain 2 Tickets each at 10S 432,000 it phrenology SntulaneXt the 24th Llosy).

ia the Rooms of the North irv, at Lectures, Tickets for this an' be haJ. price 1 wo Shillings anu th. Academy; a so at Messrs Smith, Hanover Street. street an extensive So- Casts. daily trom time to lour natrl, will lie in attend- give inflation that m.a? uiKd.

s. HUMBLE, Secretary. oKTil lil.ITl OF LECTURES 111 ESTABLISHMENTS OF RELIGION. ot the above the 23d inst. at lAV.

TOT CllAfEL, by I. BROWN, NEW CLUB. MEETING of HB SSi. hH on Monday the I-VI, ruarv, at Throe odor Club, St llhh JnmiryJS3a. CELTIC FANCY BALL.

T0 THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. WILLIAMS respectfully beg If "tovTto intimate, that they are I. assortment of FANC IA- r.i, will he reatly for inspection at Weir nf a few davs. 1 tvitpiiTV- FULL DRESS UNIFORMS, at one oaj Vlvnur.E SEET, i i'ut January 1835. DirTIIRFS.

SALE OF JIAU.M"'" Mil 0 15. TAIT to it i a that the EXHIBITION COLLECTION of all" 11IIJM.W l. Tn VV nl'KN. The ALfi TuKe pu SA UKUAI, ar uuevv. 111'' IIasovek Street, Janunrv lz.

IrfrPlCTITUES, BOOKCASE, AND LIU 1 J. G. K1NNEAR, Esq. 5-tj 11 TUT bes-s to intimate, that the i nnRARY. PIC- kS, BOOKCAskr and TLlBRARY TABLES K1NNBAK.

coroiuemw t.J..,. or and will be continued during the tour iii" Jai's, at One o'Clock- (-nice One Shilling; are now ilio li.iil at tlie place of Sale, and oi juesws ouuu Sim. Glasgow. ill, rjTKKET, Jan. 1830.

EXTENSIVE SALE AT FflRR KsT No. 49, New Biii.msc-.s, North Bridge. fESSRS FORREST CO. beg to remind the Puhlie, that, in consequence ot iur st's Removal to London, to eommeiicd business 54, Strand, the entile Collection of SILVER kTE. JEWELLEriY.

WATCHES, anil Sl.l) PLATED WARE; also, of the valuable Cnl Eleeant CABINETS, OLD KciiNUri F.LES, FOREIGN CHINA, EAST INDIA fiG.S, CLOCKS, and numerous Articles of Curi-(, will continue on SALE till the end of next week, t'Mcat prices. NOTICE. hllK SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate, that lie has been aupointeil Successnr to his late 'r, A.ent for Messrs REID CO. PORTER LONDON, and that be shall take an 1 inrtnmty of waiting personally upon the Custo- who are in Lie mean time respectfully requested Invaid their Orders to the under-noted address. CHARLES MORRISON.

SnoitE. Lhith. Jan. 15. 1835.

C. alone authorised to receive the Outstand- CIIALEUR BAY TIMBER. is Soi.r. by auction, on the Sands, behind the Old fvl inn, on Friday 23d instant, nt twelve o'clock, rS43 VRl.I.niV PI'K JT 932 Feet BIRCH. 32 DEALS, llieeiltirn mrirn or ll.n Pn.itiim PpaT- "ay Chaleur, and of good scantling and qua- Vplyto Messrs HARDIE CO.

nr JAMES DUNCAN CO. Brokers. Immediately thereafter, on the Sands, 3100 Feet QUEBEC RED PINE. J. D.

CO. 10th Jan. 1835. KI'ni AND LONDON STEAM SHIPS. These Splendid STEAM SHIPS -Will Sail from LE1TII ami LONDON as under FROM T-TT-TTTJ UiDnhTTD I A- AiUaibe, Saturday, Jan.

24, at .2 o'clock p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, at 3 o'clock p.m. pi ST KATHERINE'S DOCK, LONDON, very Saturday Evening. Irpiytn iAulLn1K CRICHTON, 50, Shore, Leith, At the PaCKEX OFFICE, 25, Prince's Street, EtlillljUhrll.

CUICHTON, 28, Queen Street, Glasgow. LONDON AND EDINBURGH STEAM SHIPS. The A WATT, AND II 0. sal Steam Ships, SHAVEN for LONDON, as fol- PIES w'att rrlay 24th January, Saturday ai.t T. Afternoon.

LONDON for EDINBURGH. I FfiCE A wttDAY Evening. i'lack, Edinburgh. w. HAMILTON.

HOUSE FOR SALE. I'tS: "r's t-. I tatv us the NEW titov 1 'ilC tWto attache! haW Particul, 7 b-v Mrs tJI'I1111-''' a.y be made to 8 1 In. a flattering majority of your suffrages, 1 am placed in my pruuii tiuiiiiim.i ui sentatiye in Parliament. In the contest, which has just terminated, our success has been owing, not to any merit of mine, but to the justice, of the, cause, we uphold, and to your strenuous exertions in its support.

I beg your. acceptance of my warmest tlianks for the kindness have received from all of you durin the canvass, and I am pleased to think that the connection which has now been between us will a.fford opportunities' for farther evincing the respect I have such good reasons' for entertaining: to ward's you, and, for, I. hope, confirming your confidence me. It shall' bc'rh'y endeavour to' discharge my duty honestly and firmly in the Bpirit of the professions I have made to- youi for, which, I trust hYy'past life is a sufficient guarantee. I need hardly.

add, that I shall always pay that attention to the interests, of East Lothian which this great. County is entitled to look fur at the hands of its Representative. I liaye.ithghonour to remain," Gentlemen, -'Ybur much obliged and. ver.y -faithFul servant ROBERT FERGUSON. TO" THE f.

ELECTORS OF PERTHSHIRE; Perth, January 19. 1,835. Gentlemen, fT is with the highest feelings of respect and and gratitude that I. congratulate you on the happy result of the arduous contest in which we have been engaged. In electing me-your Representative in the Commons House of Parliament, you have conferred an honour on me, of which any man might bo proud and my conduct, I Most, will show that I am duly sensible.

But personal gratification was neither your object nor mine. A sense of duty, in the present juncture of public affairs, impelled us to undertake the contest, in which your firmness, zeal and perseverance, have achieved so signal a victory in favour of the cause nf Liberal and Reforming Policy, a victnrv which-practically refutes the idle cry that had been sent abroad, that a re-actinnon ttve sunject or neiuiui spread'itself amnngat-you. I entered the contest on public grounds, and without any feeling of asperity towards my Gallant Opponent, or" any of his supporter's, anil have studiously endeavoured to conduct it in the same spirit. In general measures I shall of course act on those principles on the strength of 'my attachment to which you have chbsen 'me your Representative in those of a local nature, it shall, ho iny especial end earnest desire, as it is my duty, to do all in my power to promote the interests of this great County, which, ash rig a I have the honour of being your Representative, shall hae a paramount claim on my attention. I have the hon iur to remain, Gentlemen, Your obliged and' faithful servant, F.

MAULE. NOTICE. LL Persons indebted to the late Mr JAMES tCINNAIRD, Baker, Cramonrl, are requested to make payment to Mr John Robertsnn, solicitor, York Place. And all having claims against Mr Kinnaird, will please lodge the same, and affidavits thereon, with Mr Robertson; Edinburgh, 22d January 1835. LOCALITY OF THE PARISH OF SOUTH LEITH.

NTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN to alksooC-emed, the Right' Honourable rancis Earl of Moray, an Heritor in tne ransn or onnui Leith, has executed a Summons of Wakening and Transference of a Process of Augmentation, Modification, and Locality of the Stipend of said Parish, raised at the instance of the now deceased Rev. ROBERT DICKSON, Senior, Ministerthereof, upon the 20th day of June 1794; item, of a second Process of Augmentation, Modification, and Locality of the Stipend of said Parish, raised at the instance of the said Robert Dickson, upon the 29th of March 1811. That the present Process has been raised for. the purpose of having these two Localities (in which the Minister and both the Common Agents have died without a final scheme being obtained), Wakened and Transferred against the present Heritors of said Parish, as well as against the Representatives of such Heritors as have died or ceased to bo Heritors, subsequent tu the 20th June 1794, and conjoined with a third Process of Locality now in dependence, so that the rights of the various parties may be ascertained, and the whole Processes brought to a conclusion which Process of Wakening and Transference will be called in Court on Wednesday the 20th day of May next. H.

INGLIS, W.S., Cummon Agent Edinburgh, 20th Jan. 1835. CELL'S DALBY'S CARMINATIVE FFECTUALLY removes those alarming Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels to which niiilHrnn nf nil HCTPS are SO liable. In the Cholic, and similar affections adults, it often cures when other means fail. the last fifty years, this popular medicine has met with'a very extensive sale this has led to its being counterfeited.

Parents are seriously cautioned against these deleterious preparations, winch are now commonly offered for sale. The onlv criterion of its being the original and ge-miine" DALBY'S CARMINATIVE," is its having the name F. Newbery" engraved in the Government stamp on each bottle, price Is. 9d. Sold by F.

Newbery Sons, 45, St Paul's Churchward, London; Scott Orr, 67, Prince's. Street, Allison, 100, South Bridge, Apothecaries' Hall, Hanover Street. Edinburgh and the respectable Venders of Medicine in the Country. 1 Mk particularly for Gell's Dalby's Carminative." Stourbridge, 26th November 1834.. i.

Gentlemen, "fiC BEG leave to hand you a case which I thinlt -merits' public notice. A person of the name, of Samuel Walton, living at the Heath, near Stourbridge, had been afflicted with a violentscorbutio complaint from alihil.d. Having been to the. sea, trying inedi-cines proscribed "by several medical gentlemen -without ffopt. ho has boon completely cured by taking four 4s.

()d. and two. 2s. 9d. bottles of your ANTIr SCORBUTIC DROPS, and is now as free from the complaint as though he had never been afflicted with it.

Any further particulars may be known by personal application to the'said Samuel Walton, or to me, from whom the medicine was had, and I can refer to several other cases where it has been used with success. I remain. Gentlemen, Your obedt. servant, G. COLTMAN, Chemist and Druggist; To Messrs John Lignum 28, Bridge Street, Manchester, These Drops are sold, in moulded square bottles, at 2s 4s.

and lis. each, by John Lignum Son, Surgeons, 28, (late 63) Bridge Street, Manchester; SCOTT ORR, 67,. Prince's Street, J. BAXTER, 4, South Bridge, and 34, Hanover Street, -J Tlsilrlnn. successor to T.

Butler Co. Edinburgh; Nelson, Baxter, and G. Macleod, Glasgow: side, Edgar, Ayr; Ranken. and Son, i.v. Ttnrr.

Apothecaries liall, White- Hendry, Paisley Fraser, 103. Hamilton Street, Greenock nfriRs: R. Carr, W. G. Carr, Berwick; Davison, T.

-c nt K. Walker, uoosson, ISerland; Webster, Fewster, Durham Lodge Co. t-caster; and all respect--ifile Medicine Venders. Of whom also may be had, Mr Lignum's Improved VjEGflTABLE LOTION, for all Scorbutic Eruptions, n-rfce 2s. duty included.

Mr Lignum's SCURVY OINTMENT maynow be had of tiw above Agents, price H. 9d. each Pot, duty included leadine Liberals, were to take office, and proceed at once witn tne measures wnicu cur uuuu uvu-hmisf assures us were in nrenaration for the ensu ing-session, -we have no doubt that they would receive nearty support irom niajuuucB mc House of Commons and out of doors. They might safely defy another sudden ana uncanea-for dissolution, by taking immediate steps to improve the working of the reform act, and for the prevention and punishment of bribery. The late throughout the country have proved -the.

necessity- machinery of the act, and ot -protectisg tne mueyenucm. as to secure to him the benefits its authors intended it to confers Bribery has been profusely and the difficulty of punishing the guilty is notorious. To give the reform act fair play-to make the representation real is all-important, and it should be one of the very first things attended to after the House has been regularly set in motion, and the address voted. If our representatives will look the actual state of things in connection -with the late changes steadily in the face, they will see that the safest and most politic course is the manly, direct, and popular one. They will, in fact, treat the King as unfairly and injuriously as the people, if they do not at once speak out, and tell his Majesty that the country refuses to be governed on Tory principles and by Tory Ministers that it is not the change of Tory for Whig merely that they Hunt hilt ovvvl irnvwnmpnt for the mallV- want, but good government for the many- hive no rio-lit.

tn snnnose that William the Fourth will support any set of men in their unconstitutional design to govern in defiance of the House of Commons. There is no recorded instance of such a since the Revolution, except that of Mr Pitt who, in resisting the coalition, knew that he had the nation at his back, and that the day the Parliament was dis solved would be the first of his complete triumph over the Opposition, His case has no analogy to that of the Duke. Wellington shrank from meeting the first Reformed Parliament. He has played his only constitutional card, and risked all upon its turning up a trump. The game will be soon declared against him and he must retire with his gang, or commence the same struggle which in the seventeenth century ended in the overthrow of the Church and the Aristocracy, the beheading and expulsion of Kings.

Even Tory obstinacy, folly, and wickedness, will hardly bring matters to such a pass again in this country. Spectator. Whto and Tory. Look at the places, pensions, sinecures, and Church preferments of the present Cabinet and its subalterns, compared with those of the last and their subordinates, and a fair estimate may be made, from this evidence alone, their respective propensities to good and evil, in reference to the interests of the people. The-official salaries of both being the same, are recourse n.iaIenirito consideration.

The present pensioners "will stand indebted to the country as follows His Grace the Duke of Wellington, pensions, places, and interest of grant L.JJ, IU1 Lord Rosslyn, pensions, places, and sinecure offices of himself and son Lord Ellenhorough, sinecure office of Clerk ot Court of King's Bench Mr Goulburn, pension Sir George Murray Sir Henry Hardinge Mr Herries Mr Planta Sir George Cockburn Sir Wra. Rae Lord Roden, pensionas late Auditorof the Irish Exchequer 7,014 9,625 2,000 1,209 1,400 1,350 1,500 1,630 660 2,700 L.62,192 Thus, then, we have pensions, places, and sinecures, to the yearly amount of L.62,192, exclusive of pensions to many near relatives. Of this class there is received by the brothers oi the Duke about L.15,000 a-year by theBeresfords, L.9990 bv the Somersets, L.3374 by the Stanhopes, L.900 by the Sahsburys, L.491 and by the Mansfields, L.1000 a-year. The father of the suckling Lord of the Treasury, Lord Lincoln, has a lease of Crown lands worth, it is said, L.7000 a-year, for which he pays L.2000. This expires a couple of years, ami if the Peal Government should last so long, the Duke of Newcastle will be able to make another good bargain.

No wonder, then, that the present men should grasp at power when they have more or less at stake, exclusive of their salaries and patronage, pensions, places, sinecures, and profits amounting to nearly L.S8,000 per annum- Let us now look to the late Administration. Lord Auckland, pensions on civil list and 4J per cents. Marquis of Wellesley, late joint-chief Remem- braucer ot Irish txcnequci L.6037 There are but twopensions, and the only one of any moment is that of the Duke of Wellington brother, obtained, too, in the days when the Noble Marquis was a Tory. There stands a ba-. -lance, then, against the purity of the present Cabinet, of L.o6,10S per With respect to church patronage, there are, in the families of tha present Cabinet Ministers and their subordinates 207 livings, worth, at the average value of all-the livings in Englaud and Wales, as estimated by the Ecclesiastical Commission, or Il.i0)sixty4wotliousandniiwlmndred and twenty pounds.

In the Beresford family there are two Bishoprics, one worth L.20,000 a-year, and the other about L.15,000, not included in the emoluments drawn by the relatives of the Tory Ministers; neither has their large Church patronage been included. In the families of the late Ministers and their subalterns there are 34, livings, estimated in value at 10 336 or less than one-tenth part or tne Church patronage of their Tory rivals. There are here also two Bishoprics, probably worth collectively as much as the Tory preferments, but one of them, the Bishopric of Derry, taken subject to reduction. Whoin hissenses, canexpect Irish and English Church reform from men thus circumstanced They have a great vested interest in ecclesiastical abuses, and if their consciences they were Turks, and not Christians, they would struggle to maintain them. Examiner.

The BERBSPOBIs'--Tney have made a bitter bad fight of it every where. Their last exhibition was in Coleraine, where they were defeated hy a London Alderman to their heart's content. We insert in the fourth cage the worthy Alderman's speech. It does one good to read it. it is besides, a pretty plain answer to the cant of ZMeiJuseiL liberally by the Orangemen on the present important occas ion, A derman Copeland might buy all of Coleraine, including the two joint EKMIT me, at the close of the contest in which we have been pnjratrod, to take this oppor tunity of returning to my numerous Friends my warmest thanks for the.

honour of their support, arid to the Electors at large, my acknowledgment of. the courtesy with which I havo been universally received, have. now for the second time been unsuccessful in attaining the honourable station towliich I aspire but I can boast of increased strength, and I see defalcation to a great extent in the numbers of those who formerly supported my Honourable I cannot believo that the Representation of Edinburgh, will long continue in the hands of Gentlemen who are strangers to your interests; and, I that, sooner or later, the voice of the intelligent and influential portion of the Constituency by which I haye had thehonour of being supported, must prevail in securing the return of Members whose independence, knowledge of your affairs, leisure to watch over your, concerns, and 'zeal in promoting the prosperity of tins Metropolis, qualify them to become your real Representatives. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient humhk servant, JOHN LEARMONTH. 6, Moray Place, Edinburgh, I9th Jan.

1835. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF BERWICK. Gentlemen, the wannest feelings of gratitude I offer you my thanks for the high honour which you have conferred'upon me by again electing me as your Representative in. Parliament. In continuing mo in that distinguished situation I Feel that you have asserted the independence of the County, and I know also that the exertions which you have made in my behalf have arisen from your love to that cause to which we are all zealously attached the maintenance of the.

fundamental principles of the British Constitution and from your knowledge that I shall in Parliament faithfully represent your sentiments at this momentous crisis', when all that is dear to us is at I am Jiot, -however, -on-hat-a-nnnnt the Lmb oitlior-ttr-tb- great body of the Electors by whom I have been supported, or to those among you who so kindly pressed forward to -supply the want of a personal canvass on my part, which the circumstances of the contest rendered impossible. I need hardly add, that n.n efforts shall be wanting, on mv part faithfully to discharge the trust reposed in me, and thereby render myself in some degree worthy of your future exertions to continue me in my present proud and distinguished station. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your much obliged and very faithful servant, HUGH PURYES HUME CAMPBELL. Greenlaw, 20th January 1335. TO THE ELECTORS OF FORFARSHIRE.

Gentlemen, is mv duty to announce to you, after II hnvp thnntrht; it nn me result ui pwn ji 7 riht to signify rriv retirement from the contest lor, your representation. 1 naye.iaKeu una such of my friends as were within reach, and able to give me their advice), because in the face of a majority like that which has been exhibited against rue, I con-, .1. -l k. mtlinr in the useless ceivea runt i simiuili uui prolongation of the popular excitement, or in the farther exposure of my friends to the labour of and annoyauce of a second day's exertion. This explanation, is due to those of my supporters who could not be parties to the decision, in order that they may.feel assured, has proceeded from no reluctance to continue our efforts, to the uttermost, if they could have contributed to any useful purpose.

To pretend that I am not disappointed at the, termination of our struggle, would he idloand untrue but I am so, far less for my own sake, than tor tnat or tue great cau r- r- .1 nnil nnlilw, nP.ICP. in.WUlCn I or luture goon guvtmiucn. believe the best interests, of our common country are deeply involved. For myself, the occasion has not. been without its advantages and.

pleasures. .1 have such a knowledge of this important district, 111 have no trifling interest, as I might never have otherwise attained-I have formed which.l trust will last my life and I have gained the honour ut.a support, which must render even this unsuccesstul struggle one of the brightest of rriy recollections. With respect to the. causes of my failure, say little You have ample means of judging among yourselves, from whence proceeded those breaches of pledge-and promise, by which alone I have been and I believe that it would neither extend my credit, nor elevate mv character, to indulge in mere insinuations. But I shall at least leave you with the consciousness, and with a persuasion that I shall therein receive justice from the honourable even among my enemies, that 1 have, in the course of this eager conflict, done nothing ot which I have the slightest cause -vo im To those who have firmly and fearlessly given me their votes and aid, I have a debt of gratitude to express, for which language fails me.

The difficulties with which we have had to contend, and by which we have been for the present overborne, only double my sense of the value ot such assistance and it is to the knowledge of the existence of such men among we, may still trust with confidence for the protection and stability of those institutions under which we have hitherto lived, and gloried in the appellation, of British subjects. I take my leave of them now, with the warmest thanus of my heart for the distinction they'have conferred on me, by their selection of ms to represent the great principles, to which and not to myself, I know that their exertions were devoted, and which, I trust, however poor may have been my means of. doing them justice in my own person, have at least suffered nothing from any want, on my part, of energy or honesty. I remain, Gentlemen, Your very grateful and obedient servant, JOHN STUART WORTLEY. Forfar, January .15.

1835. PARISH OF STEWARTON. tTOTICE is hereby given, that the Rev. -i i a i i 'p STEVEN, Amounting together .880,000 AH the Money Prizus nre payable without nny dcriuRtion whatever, and ns every hnlrl or nf one nf the 2000 first drawn Tickets, cither drawn a Blank or a Prize, is entitled to the Receipt of two undrawn. Tickets, as per Scheme, those purchasing tine Ticket may thus obtain three Prizes, andt if fortune proves favourable gain Banco-maiks 180,000, nqua to Sterling L.13,000, Those desirous to purchase at the first, trifling cost of are requested to diiect without delay for full Schemes and Tickets, but only for whole.

Tickets, ro-the above-named Contractors. Urine Brothers, in Hamburg. p.R, A full Scheme and any desirable information win always be received with the Ticket or Tickets; those remirtinii- L.10 note will receive likewise an crder for the Balance with the Ticket, provided the order be received before a rise in price may have been published BOCTOR SOLOMON'S CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is the most approved Medicine extant, for the radical cure of Nervous Disorders and Diseases ef Debility, and the relief of those whose constitutions have been impaired by intemperance and youthful imprudences, ansiety of mind, and the habits of a fashionable life. It ia a most valuable remedy for such diseases as are attended with the following symptoms, namely, a groat straitness of the breast, with difficulty of breathing, palpitations of the heart, sudden flushes of heat in variouii parts of the body at other times a sense of cohl, as if water was poured on'them flying pains in the arms and limbs, hack and belly, resembling those occasioned by the gravel the pulse very variable, sometimes uncorti-jnonly slow, at other, times very quick; yawning, hiccough, frequent sighing, and a sense of as from a hall or.lump ip the throat alternate fits of ing and convulsive the sleep unsound, and seldom refreshing, and the patient often troubled with 'horrid dreams. has been said by interested individuals against medicines that are advertised 'but the great efficacy of the Cordial Bairn of Gilead is demonstrated by, its gentlo operation, and its control over the sources of'debiKty hence unexampled demand.

"also, THE ANTI-IMPETIGINES, or SOLOMON'S DROPS, which purify the blood, eradicate scorbutic humours, arid restore the system when impaired, by the imprudent use of Mercury, have been found' the great and only restorer of health' and vigour in disorders where Salivation has repeutedly failed. Sold by Messrs Scott Orr, No. 67, Prince's Street, and Mr Allison, 100, South Brirhre, Edinburgh; Mr Neilson and Mr Baxter, Glasgow and all Medicine Venders, in bottles, at -lis. each, or Family Bottles, price 33s. containing equal to four of those at lis.

by which the patient saves Of whom may ha had, price 3s. Dr SOLOMON'S GUIDE td HEALTH, which, may be consulted as the silent friend in Consumptive or Debilitated Ca3es with assured confidence of success. THE LATE JAMES MURRAY, Esa. (Foreign Editor of the Times.) The writer of the admirable articles on foreign affairs in the Times is no more. He died at Brighton a few davs ago, after a lingering and painful illness.

Mr James A. Murray was born on the other side of the Tweed, and educated at the University of Edinburgh, where ho was contemporary with the present Lord Brougham. Originally intended for the Scottish Church, he was urged bv some private motives to change his profession. ''He adopted that of literature. For several years he continued to report in the Times newspaper, and in 1818he was sent as their foreign correspondent to Ais-lajChapelle, where a Congress was then sitting.

Here his, zeal, activity, and- information, secured him the high appreciation of the proprietors of the lending Journal of Europe." A memoir was published during the sittinn- of the Congress, on the subject of secret societies in Germany, bv M. (le Stourdza, a Councillor of State in the Russian service, Greek extraction. This pamphlet was not intended for general circulation, and great precautions were taken to prevent it from being made public. Fifty copies only were printed for the use of the Congress, and' while the w'ork was going through the press, a picket of soldiers' was stationed in the printing office, under a Russian Councillor of State, see that no more were. struck off.

Notwithstanding these precautions, Mr Murray procured a copy of the. work, and it was published in extenso" in the Times newspaper a few days after. The, publication excited, the more, interest, as the pamphlet gave rise to numerous replies; to one cartel ori the part of the students, and to an almost avowal that Wmnomi- Alnxarider himself was the real author of it. Mr Murrav afterwards proceeded to Italy, Spain, and Portugal, on behalf of the Times journal, and nt length was selected as the person most capable of conducting the foreign department of that paper. His knowledge of foreign politics was sufficiently accurate yet it was rather derived from books than from an intercourse with the statesmen who.

had -ruled the destinies of Europe. Mr. Murray understood well, the principal modem languages, though. he spoke none of them with fluency or correctness. His English style was pre-eminently dis-.

tinguishod by polished vigour. The greater portion of the articles on French and German politics in the Times newspaper proceeded from his pen and though they did not evince the power, strength, and sententionsness displayed on all occasions by the ptincipal editor, still they were characterized by a more elaborate polish, and a hearty though not so" nervous a phrase, Mr Murray's greatest fault consisted in being a theorist, and of that worst species the puiely dogmatic and inconvertible. In political opinion he was what we would call an enlightened and 'Conservative reforming Tory private life a simple and kindly hearted being. For the last six months he had ceased to write in the Times, nor will the proprietors find, it an easy matter to supply his loss. Sunday Herald.

Two fine specimens of the Bohemian wax-wing or chatterer were shot a few days ago in the vicinity of Durham, by Mr Proctor, and are now in bis possession for preservation, as well as three other specimens of the same bird, shot about a. week ago. This is the only species of the genus ever met with in it is never seen but at long and uncertain intervals. In the breeding season it retires to the mountainous districts in the 6Bth and 69th parallels, and very little is known of its habits. More Dissolutions.

The advices from Prince -Edward Island state that the Colonial Legislature of the colony had been dissolved by Sir A. W. Young, the. Governor. It is.

rather a singular coincidence that dissolutions of several of the Colonial. Assemblies, should have taken place at about the same period as that of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada. was to meet on the 18th inst. for the despatch of intriguer as any red Tajrist among the' Peel and Dawson crew." At all events, lie must not resume his old.

post far better appoint Mr Cobbett, or any of the Members fpr Mary-lebone Xet him get his Peerage (which we always. thought it pitiful to refuse him), and to the other place. He may there head the rump of the Tory faction, after Sir Robert Peel has prudently retired before the majority of the House of Commons that is now forming against him. After the election of a Speaker, the next point of importance to- be considered is the address. This document should be carefully drawn up, as the basis of all that the reforming majority may afterwards enact, and without much regard to the kind of paper which the Tories may put in.

to the hand of their puppet. Other addresses have been the servile echo of King's speeches let this one be a national A mere formal difference, just, sufficient to force a division, would be regarded, by the country at.the present time as a mockery. Now is not the season, for trifling. The days for sham debating are gone by. Neither would a bold declaration of, hostility to the existing Ministry be politic or statesmanlike.

Many waverers, who want a fair excuse for voting with the Court, would object, Vith some show of reason, to what would closely resemble the factious resolution.of mere partisans. In this way the Minister might gain a triumph, -ivwhiclv. gross mismanagement on the part of the Opposition could alone give him. There is' 'Bba'Ae'wTfy advantage should not at once be taken of the superior position held by the Reformers why their case should not be firmly and fully as well as respectfully stated, and the reasons for the distrust of the Horse Guards Cabinet manfully avowed. The Constitutional right of the King to appoint his servants would of course be admitted.

It would be proper, however, for the House to give expression to the national regret at the dismissal of the Ministry from whom much good was expected: and which dismissal might, in the absence of any other intelligible motive, be fairly attributed to a misapprehension on the part of- his Majesty in regard to the liberarmea-sures the Ministers contemplated some of which, as we are informed by Sir John Hobhouse, they had actually matured for presentation to the representatives of the people on the first day of the session. Hie more important; or uiese uicasui ca might be especially named. The reform of the Irish Church Establishment, on the principle laid down in Mr. Ward's resolutions and which, ac cording to Sir John Hobhouse, the late Ministers had unanimously adopted should stand at the head of the list. The, only difference of opinion on this subject among sincere reformers now is, whether, in the circumstances of Ireland, it be just and politic to continue the establishment of the Church of Blood under any modification.

But that it must undergo as searching a process of reform as, Mr Ward and the late Ministers were prepared to apply, no honest Liberal can doubt. Corporation reform might come next in order. On this subject also the Melbourne Cabinet were prepared to act with vigour and promptitude. The reports of the Commissioners are, we believe, completed and a bill was in the course of preparation to be brought in by a Ip.idinn- Member of the Government when it was broken up. The commutation of tithes, and removal of the internal abuses of the English Church, as well as of the grievances of the Dissenters, should he put prominently forward in the address.

1 riese are among tne measures which the Commons should assure his Majesty the country expects from his Government and then it-should be distinctly stated, as the ground of refusing confidence to the Administration, that the past conduct and the present professions of the men who compose it, compel the belief that they will use the power and influence of their respective offices to thwart and retard, instead of. promoting, the reform of ecclesiastical and civil abuses. In, this way, not only would the heaviest blow be dealt upon the OrangerTory, Cabinet in the most direct, and constitutional manner, but the formation of a trimming, half and half Ministry, would be put out of the The. House of Commons would have pledged itself to the support of a.certain policy, which the new Ministry would be forced to adopt as the condition of its existence. We do not believe that Sir Robert Peel would retain office in the face of such a demonstration as the carrying of an like Bu if he or his successors should resolve to.

push matters to. extremities, to extremities -they must come. It would then be for the House to execute its bounden duty of refusing the supplies to, Ministers, and to -place the, public money under the controlof Commissioners responsible. for its dis. bursement and custody to the Commons alone.

Not a shilling of salary, of course, would be, paid to the recusant Ministers. In the meanwhile, the-Mite of the late Ministers in the Commons, though in Opposition, might bring forward their own measures, pass them.thrpugh the People's House. These it is true, be rejected by theLords; but it would, be of great advantage to let the nation see clearly who were the obstructors of good measures to have Ministerial go-betweens out of the way, and the Beers Clergyman of the Parish ot fitewartoii, in hid Avr, has raised a Process of Augmentation, Modihcat on, and Locality of his Stipend, before the Teind against the Patron, Titulars, and- T.ctomea. of the Teinds, Heritors and all others hay, or pretending to have interest in the. Teinds of the said.

Parish, which will be called in Court on Wednesday the twentieth day of May next. -j-'x JOHN ROBERTSON, W.S. Edinburgh, I3th Jan. 1835..

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