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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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New Spring Styles of Hats Arriving Daily at DEWENTER, THE HATTEREand FURNISHER. READY FOR SPRING. ust spring aod summer we completely exhausted our stock oflichD woolens, and, of course, wo lost a few sales, but times wore bard then and money was scarce. They're better now, and we anticipate a busy season. Therefore we have bought heavy and are prepared for it.

We have received all our spring goods and will be -lad to show you the latest selection of tbe handsomest spring good, ever shown in tho city. The prices are nominal. TUCKER THE, FEPLRL STRBET TfllLORS, MONEY TO LOAN Personal, Real Estate or Collateral Security, Any Amount. Anj-Tlmo. E.

B. Overslihicr, 327 Fourth Street "DAILY JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 1. Drink McLin's Kolatona. Goo.

ImmeVd condition li reported about tho same. To Mr. aad Mrs. Bort Glflln of Mich- i'gan avenue, a daughter. The Rov.

Douglass I. Hobbs has been sick for several days. Tho Bridge City Gun Club hold its first ahoot at the park yesterday. Tho Kov. W.

R. Lowo Is able to be out again after several weeks' sick- noas. Goorgo Kennedy will opon his saloon on tho West Side, Saturday night. Extensive Improvements are being made in tho Adams express office, on Fourth street. Ed Kois who was operated on for appondlotus by Dr Hatco is reported steadily Improving.

Mrs. R. C. Taylor will entertain a party of friends tonight at tea. She will be assisted by Miss Flora Taylor.

You ought to see tho now Dun lap for spring; they are very new id atyllah the and'Furnlsher. Who ever heard of Schwab Co'a 4 men's shoes solllnjr for before? Eoho answers, Sample Shoe Co 322 Fourth street," east side. Insurance and few hundred dollars of local funds; also Eastern money In any amount, to loan on mortgage M- Closson, No. 319 Pearl street. Ladles, be sure a'nd como to our grand opening Saturday March 2d, and get a box of fine candles Boston Sample Shoo 822 Fourth street, east eldo.

Our method of doing business Is guch that will wia the admiration of every fair minded person. No Him- flaming and your money back if you want Sample Shoe 322 Fourth street, oast side. Awarded Highest Fair. DPL MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Crta t' Tartar Powder.

Free from Ammonia, Alum a iny other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. HITCHED BY I1IGHT. The 'Squire JVil'oi HIM the PoHlpoucrt Marrinso Ceremony or Tluklc anil lirooltie. The marriage of George Tinkle and Anna Brookio was solemnized Ot 8 o'clock last cl? hi at the home of the brWo In Soultztown. 'Squire Frank Might pronounced the brief legal service aod only a few witnesses were present.

Tinkle has been induced to contribute $150 to Frances Mlnnick, a nineteen year old Howard county girl who bobbed up a day or two ago In time to have Tinkle arrested and to postpone tho wedding that came off last night, sho alleging that ho betrayed her. Tne weddlog would have taken place tho night before last but for an alteration that had to bo made In the marriage license. Tho paper had been made out to the young man and Anna Parse, when in fact, the lady had no right co any name but Brookio, that being her divorced husband's name, and she having failed to have her school girl oamo restored to her. The correction was made, and tho last block to tho wheels of the matrimonial machinery was thus done away with. STOLES MONEY FOUND.

Tho Itobbery of DrfiKBlst J. JE. Erivlu Jtovlvcd by the Finding of of HIM money. The Camden Expositor tells of the finding by D. P.

Crlpe, living near that place, of a handkerchief Ing a considerable amount of small change. Tho tind was made Monday, and it was at once thought that It was part of the swag thrown away by, the fleeing robbers when pursued by the posse of clti2ons the morning after the daring hold up at J. Erwln'a drug store In this city. Druggist Erwin was notified of the discovery. It Is thought by many citizens of Camden that more money may bs found when tho snow clears away.

JLouger Out of Slelit. Fourth street is now to be seen with the naked eye. A force of men under street commissioner Jamison made a great change in the appearance of the thoroughfare with a few hours's work yesterday. Milo J. Ford, a Pan Handle fireman, and Miss Jennie Reiser, were haplly married at o'clock lait night at the bride's home on Railroad street, In thepresance of a company of friends and relatives.

"The Rev. H. Norris officiated. The happy couple will go to housekeeping at Fourteenth and Broadway. "A to thf Is Sufficient." I suffered terribly from roaring in my head during an attack of catarrh, and because very deaf, used E)y'a Cream Balm and in three weeks could hear as well as E.

Newman, Grayling. Mich. One of my children had a very bad discharge from the nose. PhMlolans prescribed without benefit. After uslug Ely's Balm a short time the disease was A.

Corning. N. Y. Price of Cream Bilm is fifty cents OLIVER B. TUTTLE ADDED TO.

THE LONG BOLL OF' SELF SLAYERS: SENSATIONAL Brought en Beapectmble Citizen to Bul- Terrible Committed Yesterday nlmtloB; Ihe Method EmployoiL-A FumllT Left to Mourn m. Mid Father 8md Oliver B. Tuttle, aged 46 years, took hli own life yesterday by DJJ. The deed was committed about 9:30 a. in the woodafred at hie home, No.

1717 Broadway. A half. nch rope was used, and, it waa Mtened to a brace between the joists of the floor above. When found by drs. Tuttle, the victim wae still struggling.

Hie feet were about eight nches from the floor. Mrs. Tuttle at oncoarouaad the neighbors, and while rash self-destroyer was still alive, he was cut down and every effort made to save him from the conse- eiicee of his act. All the efforts of physician, relatives and friends availed nothing, and death enaued within five' minutes after the writhing form was taken down. The deceased leaves a wife, a son aged 13, and a daughter aged 9, in comfortable circumstances.

The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon. The exact time and place will bo announced morning CAUSED A BIG SENSATION. The announcement yesterday morn. that Oliver B. Tuttle, a well re spectod citizen, had taken his own life, caused a most profound sensation.

The suicide was generally dis cussed. The body as Jviewod by many curious people at Krccger Strain's undertaking shop, was not that of a man who deliberately planned and carried out bis own execution. The mind of the rash suicide was undoubtedly at, fault whon the rope was adjusted about his throat. 01. Tuttle's reason was probably dethroned, the cause being a severe and prostrating attack of la grippe, with which the dead man had fora week suffered.

Just before the -fatal visit to the woodshed. Tuttle complained of a terrible pala in the head, and told his wife that ho would go to the woodshed and try to work it off. Mrs Tuttle finally became worried at his long ab- eence and ominous silence, and went to investigate. The sight of the form of her husband in the last Strug. glos attendant on a terrible death by strangulation, almost frenzied her for the moment, and tier screams were heard by Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Maxwell, -neighbors, who at once hastened to the spot and ren. dered ail the assistance In their power, taking the still warm body down and using every means to restore respiration and life. Medical aid was also hurriedly After death Coroner Downey viewed the body and it was removed to Kroeger and Strain's morgue on Broadway. From the surroundings it is supposed that the would-be suicide stood upon a box while placing the fatal noose about his neck, and then kicked the support from beneath his feet.

The deceased was a carpenter, but had for some time been working in the oar repairing department of the Pan Handle shops The aged mother of the dead man was wired at Chicago of the terrible occuraence, and she will be here today. Relatives at Anderson were also notified. The old mother had visited her son only last week, and had left him in apparent good health. The bereaved relatives have the honest sympathy of the community. Almoit Unman.

Prof. Bartholomew's Equine Pardox at the opera house last night. The performance was very much enjoyed by those who attended. The wonderful display of equine intelligence falls but little short of reason itself. The horses are capable of doing almost anything and understand every word of command.

All the features are pleasing, and it to be hoped that the performances this evening and Saturday evening and Saturday matinee will be well attended. me Modern Inn lid Has tastea medicinally, in keeping ith other luxuries. A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form, purely in composition, truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a physician; If constipated he uses the gentle amily laxative Syrup of Figa. The case of the State vs.

P. B. Titus, In which the ialoonlst it charged with illegally selling liquor. has been set for one week from Tuesday. of We never engage in a newspaper controversy.

We set the pace! If its too swift for our home competitors or strangers they need not attempt to follow. The wonderful success of our Sale of Sample Shoes has set them perfectly wild. One persistently advertises that he sells his cheaper than Otto does his samples. Another claims they are not samples at all. Still another claims that they are old goods.

Now what is the result? I simply put the knife in a little deeper and the people, Otto's- frineds, get the benefit and our competitors will either squea! harder or attend to their own business. New SampUs Daily. OTTO Great Shoe Sale! Two'Thousand Extra thousand extra copies of the Journal were printed today in addition to tho large regular edition. Advertisers recognize the Journal as tbe leading daily newspaper the city and the best medium for reaching the ppople. LEGISLATIVE NOTES.

In tlie House tf the Appropriation Vav Lions Cllir Indianapolis. Feb. 2S. The House this morning went into committee of tbe whole to consicerthe general appropriation bill. It was decided to cut the appropriation of the Central Hospital for the Insane from $260,000 to a reduction of 10 per cent.

The clause fixing the appropriations for the Northern Hospital for tho In. sane was taken up. The bill makes the following appropriations: Malmie- nance and repairs, conatruc- tlon and equipment of two annexes, $20,000. The section was quickly adopted. Representative Remy, chairman of the committee on benevolent institutions, moved to reconsider the vote.

He said that it was not necessary to' appropriate more than $10, OCO for the construction of the annexes. The vote was reconsidered. Representative Remy proposed an amendment reducing tbe amount for annexes to $10,000. He 'said a visit to the hospital had convinced him that it was not necessary to build two annexes. The chairman, after having consulted authorities, held ihat tbe motion, to reconsider had been out of order.

Without Having reached an understanding the committee arose. The Legislature will adjourn one week from nex; Monday. Many important bills have not yet been finally acted upon. The Govercor has signed 24 bills. Tbe Senate bill amending the libel law passed tbe Houae today under the suspension of the rules.

It is now ready lor tbe Governor's signature. Directly, In a time trial at the track at Fresno, Feb. 1. reduced Ms record for two year old trotters to 2:0714, although the'track was wet and. slow It Is announced that the half Interest recently purchased by Riley Grannoa In the racing stable of W.

M. baa teen resold to the latter at an advance of J100, Grannon deciding that he did not care to be aa owner. The Richmond (Va.) Riding Driving Association held a meetlDK recently, and decided to hold a race mttt- Ing this spring, the week previously to the'one at Baltimore, lid. trill place-each day. THE ODD WAIST CRAZE.

One ot Most Sensible Women Have Ever Indulged In, It was certainly a benefactor of the human is, the feminine part ho first started the fashion of separate skirts and waists. lu France, where all economical ideas have a start, it has been for many years the custom to make two waists for each, skirt. When the gown was for house one waist was cut high-necked, the other low. The skirt of a dress almost invariably would outwear the waist, and thus having- two waists was, from more than one poiut of view, a n-rcat economy. The separate waist need not be of an)' one particular material.

Velvet, satin, cloth, silk, or any novelty jroods one nnd all are made up. "The velvet waists arc undoubtedly the newest, but they entirely for house wear that the silk waists "and those of all lighter materials are more -used with street costumes. Nothing 1 fits under a cloth coat or jacket so well as a silk waist. Ilenec great popularity." These waists have quitechang-ed in appearance since the first ones without lining's or bones were introduced, and are DOW made as carefully, fitted and boned with as much precision as any waist that is made. The back is now cut to 1 show any seams, is sometimes plaited in at the waist or shirred, but always with plaitinpr or shirring sewed ilat and firm.

The front is made in several ways, and always with a full look from the shoulders over the bust, and fitted smooth and tight about the waist. The sleeves are larjre and generally the of mutton style. The collar is made with a small band', so that over it can be worn collars of any color or material, -to which are fastene'd the lace or chiffon fronts, The waists this year are worn outside more than inside the skirts. They arc cut to give the long-waisted effect, and are pointed just a little back and front, nnd finished with a band of the material or with belt and Ion? ends of four- inch width satin ribbon. The striped black and white waists are extremely smart They have no trimmings but are generally worn with magenta, cherry, or royal purple velvet collars and These are appropriate with skirts of any material or, color.

A new sort of silk, that looks as though it had been shirred in white shirring 1 and which comes in beautiful coloring-s. is the latest novelty for these waists. It is so-full and crinkled in itself that the plainest of patterns suits It best. A white ground with a colored stripe is this material particularly desirable. The waist proper is tight fitting, and has two outer pieces in the i back, and in the front bas a full plastron extending from each shoulder and falling in a blouse at tbe bottom.

The I sleeves are clecidelv new and of the T. World. bet I know enoug-h to come in when it rains," remarked Mr. Weary Watkins, in the course of a heated discussion. is a miprhty good thing- you do," retorted Mr.

Hungry your name would be mud. Leastways mostly diananolis Journal. AJTOSEXEXTS, OL.VN'S OPKKA IIO1JSB S. B. Fnitorson, Thursday, Friday and FEB.

28. and MARCH 1,2. and Saturday Matinee. EQDINE nnd Uneqnalcd 24 Educated Horses 24 Do ever)ililng but talk. ReflmM,;, amiislnu iir.ilsoa Drover ono mlllio'i IJLTSOUS.

Thfi only nn-nt by all elusion, tbitt never bud an favorable ciltlclsin. Kvo-ilnu prices and 50c. Matinee Children I3c, Scats on sale .11 Jilinston's Drug Stoic. OI'ANS OPRRA HOIJS 1C. s.

B. PATTERSON, IUJUGKK. Monday, Athletic ExWblti'onr Given tlic pupils ot Prof. J. Pitzlin A Drll lu Bag Punching.

Club Swinging ancD- Exercises. To Conclude with An 8 Round For points only Ixuwoen P. J. Plttlln amT. Prof.

Stumer ol Chicago. Advance sale now open. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Miss Amanda Stewart entertained'- tbe Dumas Club at tbe home H- B- Turner Wednesday night. The ladies of the Ccrletlan will hold a fair next week in the Jus- lice buildiog on Broadway.

Mra. Sol. Cohen entertained the- Wednesday afternoon Koffee Klatcb- club at tho rooms on Fourth street. A number ol friends of Mrs. EnyarS- perpetrated a surprise on her Wednesday evening, tbe occasion being her- birthday, The funeral of the late Mrs.

Harriet- Larimer, who died Wednesday, will from the house, No. 519 street, at 2 p. m. today. F.

Wagner. Albert Freimel wict Jos. Srusenmeyer now know how tti feels to be a full flsdged cltizaiv. Their Coal adoption occurred Mlea Kaonie of North- street was 15 years old Wednesday and twenty young friends gave her pleasact eurprlse. A handsome gold? ring waa presented to the jouthfut hosteee.

Refreshments were served..

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