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The World from New York, New York • Page 8

The Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE WOULD: SATURDAY, APRTT, 8, 1893. SEEKING flPPICR NOT WORK. DUlmUlU Ul I lUlJ, LWl 11 brlltlant censp.fH'rcorrespondent. Some Familiar Fl-rorcs In (he Hold Lobbies in Washington. oaco cmrM les wao a LIo was I nt Consul to Com.

Ho Is a eood ju.K-e«.f whiskey. Is often seen at the bar In r's. mny be tlally wn about FOR AND ABOUT'WOMEN. FEW SURVIVE OF THOSE WHO SAT OX 'MVJliMKD'S BENCH," of Colvrlfl 11 ho and to Tlielr Own fact Jor, IVllilcAl unit horlal lEeU- tlons Before unit Aflrr a in WASHINGTON, April Ci5 aiO a busy Hie ujia; roeftrti At-2 to iDddfoUUr promote sight or men wbo lire wiiaout Is source of constant Ct.lrBi am nrj. the two or ty a SiiSj.M over nci it sii HELLAIliK.

r.ati-^ Uor.n II- ij valuable ruOTOOBAPH OF THE IM-STARKED BAROXESS TETSKRA. Ilntunr It New York, nnd Itnmiintlc Story Mny tt'on a J.nilr'i Life anil 1'rlnro 3)n7Tllnc Trncedy. recently como to New York a i ruislaa Lite Hussars liowrveJ uiucr tU- 1 late crown Prince Ku. or romantic suicide Veisera was the sensation A 1-. 1 He has amon; his pos i £TApu of tne Baroness Vet.

'x TiVY" ibis i ijiure ibe fa tl? r.TJ'.lvc. "Llcii was then jn iV. 1 In IStfs whet sometime held a tlirrc. lie paid niai'r cctnpany ot the Hu.u:r*, to whleli tne as was attached, -Hr5 in sulto tbe officers of met tbera at balls lor tbe to ne- In early uorsc- ef ths desert. c-f these ex- sale c.ttpanlon ot the wjtir escort that Uarones, 1 l-y tte iromi-n of the Kast for TDTALLT Thflr existence 13 to Le precarious, yet mamjf, most them, to present an Appearance IEIEI support they nanj oa to and of Its pleasures year liter year.

All A lew wear gwd clothes, clean Uaen, drive In carriage-, lo occasional dinners; others are pasvs and they walk ana are r-g and blear-ejed, yet tney on iiiuatle men ce'. tbezr; litre In Wtshlncioa there are sosje well. known ot nil types. are alike In one oaiy. Tney toil not.

neither do tucr spin asy-th'ln? bat yu In fact, all but cae or two, Lc- lorcto ot. ciironic and dtSct-stt'ien. They sit around the eJge ILe whirlpool hoplEz that so msyartfv their clutcaes. Borrowing Is tbMr In most cosses, anl woe new Conzressman or fresh oHce-seekcr wbo la bejull-a by or.e ci for lie win have to 6uy Lts kaowledse ol tbelr Jt a card nutter to clatsify aua tcealn ibelr proper olaees. An Indelnlle quality ot Mcencss perir.ea.ics tbe crowd.

jet each oirfers the otncrs. Tbt-y pictureique acd well worth the of tae of. auman nature. Among the characters who rnako their headqujrtf rs at tno Arlington Is a lall, erect man with a gray mustache and beard. Ills immo ttlgians.

For many years he hac qu 0 DllTlD n2Tcr Purchased drink. Thin record, it Is eaiu.was destroyed on Jf" 1 who gave him told him ID treat bis friends lor once, llo li acpunly, dlgmned manor old-iasu- kino, 1 him ana was attracted by bis bearing as be fiiood at the ice-water er a pretty thin, JS ft. 1 088 "latec ot him that ho borrowed a quarter Irom a congressman urlD1( 1C hardly Along with Wiggins at the Arlington may mnn llT 1 11 ratl) uently referred to as Sbl irreverent habitues JOUM w. LOOP. place.

lie was once a famous divorce lawyer out is now aitior tbo uoiii now aitior tbo uoii iby wltu' noihlni; but his past and a cheerful amile ot or tbo seoret Be of now SOUK OK TUB I1KI.1CA have U-en mado in ttic old Indian Iri Walnut Grove, il.iriln's Terry. llonells ttcause be a little boy In that town, and Dounelly tecauso expert ioc.ewbatcoarjrnilil.-i theory of the Atlautcnn crlfln of the mound-bullderd. Jewels have been taken this ancient tuid eireralda and like Irom the curious whorl-like carvings tLc-lr settings, lound alike In ancU-ni Irish ornnmentH. known to liavn oeen made from 1-h'jL'iileian i-i'tternn they are Ijund everywimru n- l-bwulclans bad trade, it Is supixjs.vl that AtlaniK the sunken coutlrient, deallnus the smcman to tbo eaitwura and the to the wc-etu-ard. Ttic Is being rarrlea on slowly at Kerry tor fear some or thy precious bo loil or nverlookeil.

One skull ivliicli iound caremcly larev, nearly twice as big us tbe normui, and tlio dome or tlie skull stems lilnher thuu would be expected 01 pre-lilstorlc man. dnrts, arrow-lwarts anil hatch 'Is, IjenuHfully cniuned and with drilled holes, liavu 1 tounj lu proximity to human bones. RKHOVIKO TI1K UOUND. Two cup.llto stones havo also boon found whose uoo la conjectural. Several of tbeso laYi) boon found iu tuo neighborhood or the tnouou, either on ino uunaue or In thu eartb, but so worn that It lb dinicult to tell wdether bey had beon shaped artlnclally or wero lucky Htotieu concave, natural Bhapos.

Iloneg have been rnuiid In plenty, wdlcd causes lo tlniik hat tho tiimuluB was not no niueh erected to he memory ol a uroat chlet as It was a tribal emetery. However, It inuy navo been tdat, wcru on tho mound.tomb 'f tlio chief to be his servants lu ibu snlrlt forld. Valuablo Undo of Jewels, bonos.cups, ear- ends Him the- Ilka liuvo uiso bui'n made at lotiiidsvllle.vv.Va. 'I'du tumulus there Is tho arso.ft lu tiiu part or tho country. It Is ver Otis hundred feet high.

An Hutlro Niiliurlmn Vlllucn Threatmiail Amili.rxliiilun. CHICAGO, April ntght tuc gain ent out without warning all over tlio bin uburuan vlllauo of liavouawood. A row mo- neiua lator tt was turned ou, and the town vas thus ihrcutonud with nsiibyxlailoa, An lurm commluuo was nastily organized Uy W. Ilasuoit and CharluH- '4'ruan, who tarieu out on bloyoies to warn the sleeping ilmbuiinta. Mrs.

AL'ues Hoan and itsorvaat. uiployed by II. II, Andcroou, two of tho iauy prrapuH arceoiod la Houses wborellguts ad been lolt bumluf; all olguC, are la a orlt- aloouduiou. rlul of tlio Crulnor Drtrult I'oitponoil. Ifrierlil.

TO WOIILD.I NEWPORT, H. 1., April speeo thu cruiser petrolt waa tu bare been made but a heavy equal! of wow mode 1C luipoBBlblo to see tbo ronifW- and- It poatpongit will to- tj it- I rlncu and LI? for the H.ironcss, eiiit-tit. Tbli pruvo'hCd Ills struck her Arabian steed, -s tLe fli-ry aulaial broko Into 1 WIQ.I the puriu-'d. uy tuu linear. Vor tali mad i was kept up, ili'-e liirer Nl.c readied, when tin: i Hie twelve-font b.inl; l-'o rlvtr.

4 ere lie Lccatne fastened lu atd nai Orowocd. Ills fair rider, fuusieJ. nas swept from tho saddle. Iris down tne river vt'hcn the threiv I.lm.seif Into th i Nile to rescue U'-r. He managed to keep her from sinking br.ia» lellats threw him a rope and both rrcre saved.

Tnt- l.idy to him tor 6iv. log me and nouuht him to accept some revord. lie rf piled tUut would bo amply recompensed It sbe wouln tfcuro for him nth" pLotfi-rajiIis or tlio VelS'Vu bad been t.iUt'U lor Count Jlrc Vallvy. the (110 so. of tlto picture, tho EUflrdiniau in returning tu, Austria, where U-la the captain or Ills troop, thu Crown 1'rlucj Hujolpa, that the Ilnronesa was oelui: wooed by another.

I'rlnco liudolph instantly secured his IfltLtr'ji command to go to Cairo to Inspect tlie iron's lliere. In recognition for tho timely hint of tbo, I'rliicc liudolph called tho attention ot his latlicr to the heroic tent whereby thu Hussar Had a lady's Hie, and tho racdal fur Lravcry given him in conaequonpe. I'rlnce Ifudolph aKo caUied tbo Hussar to u- uttachcd lo his retinue, und nt tlio tlmo ot tho tragedy tho Llfu (Juurdsman ivas tho few cognizant of the exact facts. He stales that tho lovers had passed tho Igiit, In the liunllns chateau. Tho jiaroncsa drank poison vliil, and must, beon di'ud for scime- tlmu before I'rlnco Itudolph sliut hlrnsfff, us he had broken off ull tuo froiii tho plants with which tho rooms wero decorated und had placed them nil atjout bor body as lay upon the bod.

Then be bhoi liimsi'lf. Thu accompanying portrait ot the uaroncss reihcra Is taken from tha Identical plioio- which llio Llfu Uuurdsiuauaascrtb that 10 received In Cairo. THE BARONESS MARIE YON VETSEBA. IS A DIPLOMAT. JJISS JIICKS'S DESIGN, by Ii Worlil'n ralr lo Adorn a Mrs.

candaco Whoolor, who das charge of. du decoration of tlio Woman's Jlulldlng at no World's Fair, vlsdea to havo Homo or tho York executed from designs ty Now YorK art students. Kosho has just selected a frieze or tho assembly room by Miss Amy Hicks. is design la of conventionalized pine and Inches wide ana IB Inches long and opeat. It Is for a stencil frieze, and will bo lone In sopla and cream.

Ills still her own iroperly, being simply loaned to tdo Fair. JllSs HlckB4s a tall, slender girl with golden air, rosy cbeoHs ana big blua eyes. Hhe la a upll anil also a teacher at tho School of Ar- Ist Artisans en West Twenty-third street, 'here lutlu tlmo (luring tno day or evening hat she mny not bo found there. Two mornings a week she touches a class girls ininotal designing, ornamental archl- ectural work, dcBlgns for lamps, Ac. Ono veiling week sho das a class of boya.

Her was gained while she was In tho cm- loy ol tho Bnynes Mosaic-Tracery Company, lere ado made designs tor all klnda n( metal antl learned the artistic at well aa the radical aide of designing, ono of her dc- I-JOK soU for The only trouble wltu women who wish become practical designers," uam Miss loks, "Is that they grasp tbe idea so ulckly in tbe nov'tuning that then find hard work to stlek to It until they become ulster of the details. I believe Hint women to especially suited for thin They u.vo o. griit. lor emtuifement and an Inherent rilBtlcaenw. But like everything else, to nako a success, the foundation work must goud and thorough." Mlsa Hicks just now eludylog wali-papor, II; and book cover designing.

Sho is nork- ug hard In a life class at tbe Hcuool of Artist rilsans. Him decs lauascajio work In tho ummer both water colors and oils, in aria oho studied under diaries Chupiia la a ortralt clatu. She pretty, ambitious and ery much uncreated In her work, Mho was orn Jlrooklyn and bos lived la Mow York tho last four years. Just iltt Thing fmi't Not Orlcliuil In Alitolin. The women of Alaska havo a means ol tarn- discipline which might bo used with effect tuoir ewwra In more genial climes.

hoir husbands act, la ways' are dlBplcoB- ug to tdo Alaskan Indies, they douotfllug ouiottold utonsllB abpur, nor do they giro if lain lec'turos. rotiro Into a corner, uulk spcechlesBly and absolutely neglect Ibelr household elMbs not being among Alaskan hus- haods ua Itlr I'nlmtrt IIotT Slie Scruri-n Her Own Wny. II. florruee usually havo your own v.iy, for you go about It In such a (pilot, ncctlve inunuer that nobody realizes wlmt ou are atmlog nt until you gut there. You ro proud and reserved, and loud of novels poetry and the liUher things of life.

Yot have a happy knack of economy, making a great deal out ot a little money. ar has a thorough masculine character, llo Is fond of field Kports, li a success- fill and a popular man, mid wlthjl doniestl and Imppy In fala marilcd life, llu Is entcr- prlslii); wlih concentration nud sirongtu purpose, and Is in somo business which brings him lu contact with great.many people. Xfiiobia n. some time ID your llfo you liavo a good deal of troublo and a ilhs- brought upon you by another. You i aro proud ami reserved, with good reasoning powers, which you do nut, exercise.

Your greatest fault is that you arc to hnadstroun; you will not listen lo advice In your choice of frluuds. Through inking people, at their own valuation you havo ottea been deceived, and often will be again. A case. In point is yuur marriage. Somo time under twcnty- Ilvoyou marry a mauvhn IB by tar your Inferior, but whom you persist in sotting upon a pinnacle and worshipping.

Mm. K. onty finds "Jordan a hard road to travel," bccauso sho not only bears hor own real and fancied troubles, but those of her friends as well. Bur, sho has real sorrows, of deaths occurring near tho sauiu time. She Is nervous, sensitive and excitable, nud so trunk and credulous that she Is cnmly imposed upon.

of her energy sho often goes beyond her strength. Sho marries young a man sho bas known for somo tlnw und upon whom she is very dependent. A. J. are so nervous and Irritable that It looks an though you wero a victim to dyspepsia.

You aro a man of very high kloala and aspirations, whose talents have not been cultivated as they should havo been. Your natural bent Is towards study, llut while unnttod for a higher sphere In llfo ibrough lack of cultivation, the conscious-ness of wasted talents makes you feel ihut ou should have occupied a moro elevated position, and so renders you discontented. Drucu up nnd make the best of things as they are. Ono should rise above, not bo depressed by, an unfortunate environment. Vou aro logical and methodical, but luck push and energy, or you would not, bo whoro you are to-day.

You havo lose a good deal of money through another person. Or, If not already, you wilt so Icso it, which will give you chance lo uso the philosophy the Palmist la advising you to cultivate. Something better In lu store lor you, too, a cbaiiga In middle llfo rendering tho second halt bap. pier und moro fortunate than, tho first. Minor niid Marguerite, Lakewood Elinor Inherits a good deal of money ana marries a man lo whom sUo is engaged a long while, sho Is a woman who enjoys being protected, which her husband does to perfection, phe has a good memory and is ambltlous.ln which sho will be saUsfled, on bor band Is marked a bad accident when about forty.

ilnrauorlle Is a born aranat haughty and unapproachable, exciting rather Vhe admiration than tho nfTcction of people, bhe baa a siliotlo tastes and fond ot change and excitement, growing restless If remain. Ing long In ono place. Many men wish to marry her, but eho will none of them; but when tho last ono seems to have loft in tie- ipalr the right one turns up, "Wheu the half-gods leave tho gods arrive." FOR A UBBBTY BELL. Women Invited lo ftoiul In Their Trlri- Itn Itucmt. The National Society ot Uvo DuughUrs of tlio Involution propose to sond a novel missionary about, ho world to preach thu gospel ot liberty.

It Is to bo a Columbian Liberty Hell, made ot any historic articles gold, silver, broiKc, copper or nickel that cat, bo recant and are contributed for that purpose. It will first go tho World's Knlr at Chicago, ttud ut the close of tho exhibition will pass from placo To place where any groat patriotic celebration Is Dclnir bold, returning to the headquarters ot thu society lu -Washington, 1), O.i when nut in use. It Is proposed that tho boll shall ring at sunrise and sunset, at. o'clock In tlio morn- me on the anulvvraarles ot the days on which Broat events hivvo ooourroil nmrlclnif Hio world's progress towards liberty, nt la o'clock ou tlio birthdays ot tno "creators of liberty," at 4 o'clock it will loll on the anniversaries ol their death, it will always ring at o'clock on Oct. 11 In recognition ot the ot-gaulzatlon on (hut any ot ibe Daughtora or the American llovolutlou.

It Is proposed to ciwl tho bell oH April UO the anniversary of. George Washington's In- auguratlon first President 01 contributions ot, suitable metals and ot money for tho laming ot the boll should bo cent to the Liberty national Dwile, New York Pity, and duplicate letter ihouiabe, notincutlpn ton Miss jf ft Desna, 1,803 tweitue, Wneblngtoii, C. WHAT CAN I DO, DOCTOR? An Interesting lintcili of Aumrora to Tliln Qnuntlon. of Thf irnrM What would be goon for faceT Tbe peelaonmy for.liead, nlthallltle bj After bathing with warm water apply camphorated cold cream. r.ittlnrnf The Warld: I would like hannlen.

remedy for tlon. lilo not digest mj properlj without medicine. Avoid hostowhllo eating: masticate your food thoroughly and If necessary take ono or two grains ot pure pepsin. A. require systematic treatment under tho direction of a physician.

will havo pimples on your (nco Just ns ionic ns you persist In eating frloil food, pork nnd griddle cakes. Their removal n.nybo effected through strict attention to your diet, 'systematic exercise and bathing. To Ihf Ktlllur of Tint World; It sulphur ben.llclnl in the uath, and If so In what quantlt; ahoulil it be used A sulphur bath Is of benefit as a stimulant and atitl-pnrasltlc, From two tu three ounces of precipitated sulphur should be used tor a thlrtj'-nve-falloii bath. 'a Editor uf Tit Will tou kln-Jlj Inform me what should be dono far a sprained wrist Apply a hot load and opium wash for two or three hours, then bundago tho wrlstond leavo It for several days. After tlio HUlnimna" tlon has subsided uiasjagu and passive motion nro lu order.

TV Ihf Xiltltir Plonso glTD mo a preaariptton for fleah A remedy lor llcah worms and blackheads was given in The World of April a. To KMtor of Wurtil Wllj-on kludlr Inform mo which Is the nnlcl and beat rainody to wartu Irotu a poraon'a (Inter. I a.m atlas caustic, but It seems alow work? The quickest remedy for warts is removal by tho knlfo or scissors. Is recommended us a vary active remedy. Tn thf.

Zftltnr itf The Worlil: Will you pleaio Inform me If Bright', dlaea.e la curable The pcuto forms ot Hrlght's disease are curable. In chronlo cases tho prognosis Is always unfavorable. To Ihf ftlltor of The Wartilr Will you advise me where I oin liayo a examlaatiou inado In New York without At any one ot tbo numerous freo dispensaries. f. should pay very careful attention to your diet, avoid seasoned food, and.

stimulants ol nil kinds, taKe plenty of exercise in tho open ulr, ana sleep on a moderately hard bod In a cold room, Tu the Kilitnr nf Tilt World: I am muoh troubled with eioeailTi perspiration of tho face. Kindly advlua ma waat courtfo to pur- 10 to atop it. Bathe tho face two or threo times a day with Infusion of vf oak bark. Alter dry- Ing thoroughly dust with a powder composed of salicylic add, ten grains, calcined magnesia, two drams, and talo powder, two ounces. To lh' Kilttnrafm rrorW Would anjraonou.

harm como from putting b.l- ladonna Into tbe eye. onoelai whllof How long would the effect of one application laatf Belladonna should never bo put Into the eyes unless ordered by a physician. Serious results arc apt to follow. Tho effect ot one application usually lasts about twenty-lour hours. To tilt Tlie TTarlil; lease Inform what la good for a painful oal- olia on tlie bottom of tbe foot Use tho remedy recommended tor hard corns In Tho World, of March £5.

th Killlar ef Tim ITurW I am trouble! with a tkrolililnit tiyaoold. What can I do to rellem Itf Take five grains ot phenaoetlno and repeat three hours 1C necessary. J. V. WntTUTBR, U.

D. WORLD'S FAIR STOCKINGS A NEfr WAT FOR OCR GIRr.S TO SHOW TI1RIR PATRIOTISM. nistlnctlrn I'rdal Attire for tlie Fnlr Fent of Chlcnco, Nrw York, Itoston nnil Other llicxo for Clil- enffo Cnma In Kxlrn I.tirga 1VIII the Idea liccotno I'opulnrT An briefly stated In Tho vyorld of yesterday mornlnif, Lord Taylor hava conceived unique Idea In ihu way of World's Fair stockings. A particular pattern lj dedicated to thu women of each of several of tlio leading cltloa In tho United states. Tho fancy ot tho Chicago (tin first to.

llcrpecullnr characteristics were cnrolullr studied, mid then ihr sioclMng was Invented. It la a Itttlo uurtllnc, but no doubt Hhe will lite It. Its boot 13 In black, upon which tlio words World's Talr ol IHUa," in violet loltera, oro worked at tho top of the lumen. The pirt of tho stocking Is In yellow, with blaclrn; rea sun as Us decoration, and In violet letters, Hall columoia." Tlila dcalsn 13 also made up In other color combinations. I.ora Taylor Kcntlr but (Irmly decline to atato whether Chicago Blockings aro mado lu extra largo sizes.

Tho Now York girl Is cxtccted to buy a stocking In palo blue, with laco work llnea at tho sides. The words "World's Fair 1803 decorate the Instep. Tho letters are wrought by hand. They aro in opon work unusually line. 1, PHILADELPHIA! HALTIMORE; 3, NZW OXI.KANS; CHICAGO.

The girls ot tho far West have tho most patriotic stocking of all. it has been dedicated to Montana, but then that Is no reason why other Western girls may not display it- Tho Instep Is striped, 1th linos In red. white nnd blue. Tho upper part of tho stocking Is red. A white band separates the top trom the instep.

Tho Inscription Is: Souvenir tho Columbian Kniuultion." Down on tbe heel of tho stocklnir tho date "1803" Is lound. Very precise is tho stocking for Boston. Hcd, white and blun perpendicular clocks, straight and fine, ornament tha sides. of tho World's 1'alr" Is lettered upon the in various colors on a black or colored ground. Thoro Is a pale violet stocking with an appropriate inscription for tbo Philadelphia maiden, lialtimoro ana New Orleans have special designs, while tiioro aro other souve.

nlr stockings any patriotic American girl may wear, no matter where she DOSTON; 3, MEW TOBK; 8, MONTANA 4, CHICAGO. ono design has tho boot In Waok, flnely ribbed, with Us top of yellow and tbe words Hall, Columbia" In magenta separating it rom tbo boot. Then there are tan stockings with red ana stockings which look ns though they had beon out from a piece of tho American flag. Thcro are pink tons, tops imlncnce tops, and each reveals tho fact that Is for patriotic girls enthusiastic the WorlQ's Fair. WORM'S FAJR SOrjTBNIB OLOVE.

Tho material Is Halo thread and they range price from to 82 a pair. Beside tha lockings there aro World's Fair 'souvenir jlovos-sIlK gauntlet affairs, with tbo in. crlptlon wrought on tbo embossed, cuff. Will this souvenir stocking idea spread, and hall wo, perchance, havo Graver Cleveland nd ohaunoey Depew hosiery foot-gear collections? before the year la out tbe dry-goods houses may be displaying signs like this: 1 Borbetf This Day Only, OUo. per Pair.

To Itcinnve Ink To romovo Ink stains trom colored table overs dissolve teaspoon of oxalic acid lu a up of hot wAtor and rub tlio stain well with ho dilution. On Ocean Steamers Royal Baking Powder has been adopted for use in lieu of every other leavening agent. Primarily, it saves labor and economizes food; but'it also affords a more.accept- able cuisine. It makes bread not only peculiarly light, sweet, and more wholesome than yeast bread, but imparts tp it peptic qualities that render it agreeable to the frequently disturbed digestive organs of the ocean traveler. Besides, Royal, Baking Powder is the only leavening agent possessing preservative qualities which give uniform results during the whotaof an ocean voyage.

These are useful hints for housekeepers. IRONECKB SHOOTS HIS A HrooUlyn Bnloori'Kecper May UaTa to Fnca Chiircfl or lltirdar. Frederick Kronccke, a saloon-keeper of No. CUD Wytbo arenue, Ilrooklyn, shot and fatality wounded his wife, Wllholmlna, yesterday. and his wife bad frequent quarrels owlmr to tho presence ot his In- iia sister In tho bouse, and tho ulster waa finally compelled to leave.

The saloon-keeper had been drinking heavily ot late. After luncheon yesterday II rs. Kronecko and some friends were chatting In the dinlntr-room over the saloon when her baby, which she had left in a bed upstairs, began to cry. started to upstairs, but her husband Kruffiy ordered her to let tho baby alone. Sho Insisted on colog, however, and Kronecko rusbcd to the saloon, put something In his pocket and lollowcd her.

A minute Inter mere waa a shot, and the friends rushing Into tho bedroom saw the woman clasp, in her husband's arms, tlio blond streaming from a wound In her hcaa. Tho woman was removed to the Eastern lils- trlct Hospital, wnt'ro It was said sho could not live. ronocke wns locked up, in spite ot lih protests lint he did not know the pistol iM loaded. SOPHIE INSANE. A C'ommllten for Ilnr Person and Properly Will llo Mnineil.

Hophlo Hnlpcrn, irho wns arrested In Now York in February nlillo rushing through tho streets, bait dressed, with a big knllo In her lit Hand, was adjudged Insane yesterday by a Jury In the supremo court, DrooKlyn ISnrtleU Trill, on application, appoint a commhH.lon to take charge of her person and estate. Thu story of Ilalporn, all that Is known of her, lias been told by Tho World. Sho cum') iroin I'arla to Now York In July, She was Lorn In llusslaand has qnallMed ns a nurss. In which capacity she was employed In I'urls. In Now York Miss Ualporn lia.1 In her possession, since Her arrest, sho hns crown worse Instead of belter, and In court ynsinrday 8hu apiiearod in be a complete mental and physical wreck.

She would not, walk, and it lour women to parry her into the court-room. Uurleg tho proceedings she, sat waving her bauds and throwing her body about, ami appeared to know or realize but little ot what was going on. TOO SICK TO TDK, A Sad Scene Is Occurring Bosioess Booses. WORM OF A lELl-ZirOWS E8GUSH mmim IT, MIckneM nieam LOM ar Title and Jioi. -I to People Who U'ork-Cnra tontlon and a Careful Watch Hymplomt Dollari and 1 Tnlunble Opinions o( Iltird tVorkera Who llr.M 7P C'unnot Get Itrtnrni l' In Good Working Order.

There la a point wbcrt nature can nilnn more and demands a rest. Then tlie r-oot ra ferer, worn wlih toll and broken In to make room tor another, pcus in tlie office, the iu i occupations, In every branch of m-hjin 1 1 (Jnlcl! consumption they Bornetimrs oil Thin is not exaggeration. Any one ho tho Biibject knowa that every word of it is A well-known English writer, who was Interviewed by tho Now York Herald, has It: "Tliomon of America are derj and the women are absolutely But the nverniro American In too and Is at a constant tension from mo to night. The retult la the frequent down of an overburdened system and ths spread eilslenoo of those fearful tho dlRestiva orKana from which all America EMILY RETURNS WITHOUT ALBERT. Tim Youthful Klnpers Sonnrntntt ciuue tlin 1'iillco Wiint lilt, Emily Jlltchcll, who doped with Albert, tlio elevator ot tlio Alplno apartment.

house, Thirty-third street, auil llroaflwtvy, on Friday last, ana went to Washington, returned to this city on Thursday, and was sad because, her younif utisbnnd was to bo arrested on tlio cimrgo of linvlnR stolen clothing from various tenants of tho apartment- house. Mrs. Mitchell, tho mother or Kmlly, when she learned tho younz couple wero In vtushlnxton telegraphed ror them to return and all would, bu jorctvon. Kmlly was met by her mother and a friend, imt Albert mm- Eicd with tho oroivd and tavcd himself ironi arrest. Mrs.

Mitchell refilled to speak about tho case yesterday. It Is underwoo.l that called at lawyer's onico yoatordny to havo tho marriage annulled. ARTIST BEAKD'S FUNERAL. lj-lit Eminent ca Irmlnlnns Serve raV-l'enien. Tha funeral of tho lato James II.

Beard, tlio arllst, took placo yesterday afternoon from his lato residence at Flushing. Vpon the casket was tils ptilleUe, anJ on eliher side of It palms. There was also a portrait ot himself pnlntcn by Buchanan liccu, tbe artist poet, llecu and. Huara ou the staff of i.on.l.ow Wallace during the wnr. Tho pull-boaters, nil Academicians, wero liter- stack, James Ji.

Hart, WarJ Kns Jo su nT Wl ood Worthlniton WhlttrcdBe, J. o. lirown and yiamr Tho burial waa In I'lushlni- cemetery. JIR. Tt'RKES'S BAY WINDOW.

$500. TaxmT Tlmt Sum t.i Hull, I It on Ills cw Avenue T. Yorkcs, tlio Chicago street railway millionaire. Is about to bunu a lino houso for himself at KHth avenue and Slxty-elijUtU BUOPI. llo asked tlie Park Hoard yesterday for porml89lun to bulln a bay window on the avonuo front li-i root WMP, and oxtendl out mot tram tho buimini; line', rer.

ttto rco tua prl Tno house will hnvo a of or, Physicians Prescribe It For Bright'a Disoase and Kidney Complaint; troublea and Stomach ills. It's nature's purest panacea; Bottled just as it flows from the spring. Not doctored with drags, chemicals, or ingredients oi any sort. A blood specific a nerve tonic; a strength builder. To be had at the druggists, A handsome book mailed free, BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS BEDFORD, PA.

E. Stanley Hart Selling 1S2 rranUlft Hew Torktlty. li I A5I NOT WELL ENOUGH TO WORK, Men and women who work ontrbt to thli. They cannot got a fair return for lift hard work unless thoy ro In good workmen, dor. Any fleeter will lull yon that If the ntrm 'ii stomach, liver nnd kidneys art kept in prow condition tho wholo system will In a ot itii) lo moot tlio strain that Is dally made upon it.

(, Is only In tins way that strength of body nilnd can bo preserved. Thoro Is no necesjilyi' for any man or woman breaking down whlla tl' work and thus losing money, time and cir.plor, mciit. Core and attention to tbe points Honed anil a constant watch for dautreronr symptoms mean dollars and cents In tbo lott'' run. You cannot afford lo one of thostun-l fortunutes constant complaint is: tm not ivoil cnoub'ii to work." In Hits connection the following words of Mrs. Oraco nenilerson, No.

344 Olst nro of special interest. She said: Whon I graduated from school somo fin rears thure was not one among mv class- matos who was In a better state of health I was. After a trip abroad I returned to homo, married and came to New Vork to lira, W'lthinaycar ana Iwnscom. Veiled to my own living. Having eonie fluonce, and being naturally adapted for sucli aa occupation, I secured a position teacher in of tho public schools.

Tho work Is particularly trylnittonpsrsonof sensitive disposition, ainll foil tliat it wns having its effects upon me. My norvos, usually very strong, hail lecoino so weakened that tbo lonst unusual otvurrooce wouH came mo tho eroiiost annoyance. Mr jtrongtu bejati to fail appetite waa poor. My nhysician told mo lhat my only bore of galuiiiK health wns to rest. My moans would not allow of my doing sucbarthlng, heuce I bad to nnd Borne meiliclno tbat would tone up mr system.

I found such a remedy, and inert it constantly for nearly nve months, When I be. (tan to uao it I weighed but 103 pounds, wlnca waa some forty pounda lea, than when I bogan teaching. In four months I gained tblrtr ana felt perfectly well, as shown by ruy picture. I am iruly a convert to tbo Benefits tu (falnod from iislnc that wonderful Palno'scolery compound," Men and women wlio work hart to make a living cannot offer! to run risk of serious illness. They need to teop systems In good condition in order to do their and make success of life.

By the aid of tho (Treat com-1 pound above referred to they can do this and tnus avoid the straining, wenrlwj effeots of con- slant toll, which tens to break down the Health. OST, FOUND AND REWARDS. "SS 1 a ltB Time, Mo, Third and Subsequent 302 rf per lino. No extra on nVKRTISKR found blaok-and-Un f.mal Ulf i NO. 385,983 mrar 320 St.

I.OST ACHTS, VESSELS, Dally, 25c. a line; Sunday, 30c. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, Th. fccmtKul jnobt "ItOMOLA," lUot- af lilj nnil nonlj equipped, FOR BAIitC. Ainorloau roilstryi flrit-olsis condition! 1T6 loet 7 Inchon i beam in ftot 1 Inch compound mglas, no 13U Know tour.

For farther parUaulirs aad permission to nspoct spply to II. LJIUW1J. rulltut llalld. SI, Neil Yrrk. OUTl'IT, with Joanoj rowboau, rlvorliuui In imbllu Uulug Pttccnon.N.

J. HEW PUBLICATIONS. EOI'I'IUN, pobtpslli for'JUo. THE HUMAN HAIR. I h'iHblall'Pt.

Prlee. HO JY the uaw edition of that famous book, ABUU'I' LAWVIIBa. 60 oon't. 'ntJflonsN. for novel.

MR. frllJUU' ST" l.MRRPtw the author, at IlAltllY SK STORAGE OF FURNITURE ISCELLANEOUS!" aoc. aSSfiS.P^v&fSSrS 1 ABuU'l' off Tvllttru 1 novel. Mil. frlljuU' 8T" lj A8E AND EXPHANm.

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