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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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MANHOOD The world tdmltti perfect Man I dijrolty, ormnncuUr development alone, tat mbtle and wonderful force known SEXUAL VITALITY willed Ii the lory of pride of both old and yonng.bat there are thoninndi or men raftering the menial tortures of ft (battered nerves, and texuKi power -who be cored by oar Magical Treatment which may Ee taken at home under our directions or we-will U.K. fare and hotel bllli for thois wfio with to ccine here. It WG to care. WeZiave no free prescriptions, free cure or C.O.D. fake.

We toiTo capital and Kuaramoc to cure erery ease we treat, or refund every dollar you pay us, or lee may be depoalted In any bink to be paid at Wlien a cure effected. Write for full particulars. I LODD POISON A SPECIALTY, 1 WrCltflMUl I ODdnrrorter. tlary VLOOD JfOiSON peraancDtly curcdlnlo to days, Toucan be treated ni nomoforsame price under sameKuaran- ty- 1 'you prefer tocomohero we wijlcon- IracttopnyrallroodfarfandhotolbUls.and Doehsree. if we full to euro.

If you have taken mer- mny part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallinc out. It It this Secondary KLOOO POISOX Wo solicit tbo most obstinate cages and cnallcnce the world for a TiilB diHCOBo ys baffled tha skill ot the moKt eminent physicians. S5OO.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute proofs Bone sealed on Address COOK KEMKDV CO- 4J33ila.oalo Temple, CHICAGO, FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These -ire the genuine FRENCH TAJTSY WAFERS, imported direct from Plans.

Ladies can depend upon securing relief from and cure of PAINFUL AND IRREGULAR PERIODS regardless of cause. Emerson Drug Importer and Agents for the United States. San Jose B. F. KEESLING, 304 Fourth St.

Logansport, Ind. WHAT IT MEANS. Logansport Is Learning It, Learning Fast, Proof Sot Lacking. Everybody has It. That tired feel ng.

Don't know what it means. Keeps you awake at night. Destroys daily comfort Wcariej the body, Worries thft mind. You would nhake it off. You would be healthful and strong.

So you can. First learn what it means. Some say it is bad blood, hers eay It is a lazy liver. all wrong. Tired feeling, means 'ired kidneys.

Just as lame ba -ks means lame kldncja. And backache jneane kidney acbo. How GO we knoiv It? Because Dran's Kidney Piile cure it. And they are for kidneys only. How can we provo ill' Because port people fay so.

Here is a cafe in point. Mr C. B. Percell. of 330 Eel River Ave salesman at the Trade Palace, says: "for a year I had severe ai tacks of backache an other syptoms which conrlnced me that kldooys were efleetcd The pain was the stnall of my back and beeatn rather dificouraginK to roe in the latter par of tbo day after on my feet or if I took cold always attackted the kidneys more than aoy other part.

I used several remedie- tha were recommened for the kidneys but they were none of them successful. Then 1 notice' Doan's Kidneys Pills advertised in the papers I a tjo.x at B. F. Kecsling's fltoe. had an idea they would suit my complaint am this they proved to do.

Before 1 had taken i box, the backache was removed aad there ii ii'it the slightest symptom of kidney ailmen left, I thluk Doan'i Kldneya Pills are all ris and endorse them as a euro for lame back." Doan's Kidney Pills are for fale by al dealers, price 50c per box. Sent by mail on receipt of price py Foster-MiIburn Co N. sole agents for the U.S. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. EXCURSIONS To Indianapoli Nov.

14, 16 and 18, via Pennsylvania Lines. For I. 0, 0. F. (Grand Ku- Nov Lodge, Nov.lTth aid 18th), low rate excursion tickets will be to Indianapolis, November 25th and.

18th from ticket stations on Penneylyania Lines in Indiana, and November 17th from stations not exceeding, 100 miles from Indianapolis Return Hcketi valid Friday, November 10th. PBUIT IN THE BIBLE. Concluded from 2d Page Station. Run by Centra! AB Dtilr, CHICAGO DIVI8IOS DAILY. Leaye tor Chios go'3 pm: Arrive from Chicago :00 a BRADFORD AND COLWMBD8.

Lccve lor Bradford "1:15 a "1:45 pm- m. Arrive from Bradford am; pm: IFFNEIl DIVISION. Leave for Kffner a 5 Sunday only, Arrive from a 8:30 a Sunday only. RICHMOND AND CINCINNATI. Leave for Richmond a Arrive from Richmond til.

-00 am INDIANAPOLIS AND LOUISVILLB. Leave for Louisville :55 a :05 m. Arrive from Uiuliville a m. J. A.

MCCULLOUOH, Agent, Logangcort, Ind. LOflANBPORT NO. 1A.8T BOUItD. Kastorn Express daily in Mail and Kipresi daily 9:48 a Atlantic Express daily Fort Wayne A coo Ki Local Freight Ex Sunday 4:18 TriBT BOUND. Western dally 10:24 Fart Mull Dally and Kxpreta dally 2:40 Paclflo Express daily 11:38 a Decatur Acco Hi-Sunday a Local Freight it-Sunday 7:35 a BTTOR DlVIUOn, TrBBTHDm, BBIITUII AKD OHIU.

WB8T BOVKD. 16 8:90 a. a Ho. 87 3:30 p. BJUST BOUXD.

Ho. ...8:05 a. a VO.M—.........™..Le»Te» 1:45 p. 4 10 74 3 1 5 11 75 VANDALIA LINE. Time Table, In effect Sept.

23,1897. i.oK*m»pert, FOR THE NO.RTH 6 a. m. FOR THE SOUTH. 21 a.

m. Ko. p. m. For complete Time Card, giving all traini ittttions, and for full Information to through oars, addreai 1.

C. BXHWORTH, agent, Logansport. or 4. FORD. General Passenger Agent, St.

LouJi. Mo. E. W. Time Table, Peru, Ind.

Solid trains between Peoris and Sandusky Indianapolis and Michigan. Direct con- caotlons to and from all points In tde United Itatas and Canada. 4BKTVB SOUTH DIP AST No Indianapolis £xp daily 7:10 a Mail i a (daily except Sunday) No fc Indpl'i Erp ex -36 No Passenger except Sun 1S1 BcobMtw local except Sunday, WORTH BOUHD. when be said, "I long for my bed, no( that I may lie awake often and to hold communion with my God." It means what the old colored man said when he was accosted by the colporteur, "Undo Jack, how are yon?" "I is very painful in my knee, but, my heavenly Master, I'm cause to be thankful. My good Master just gib me nnf to make me humble.

"And do you enjoy religion as much now, Uncle Jack, as when yon could go to church and class meetings?" "Yes, I 'joys him more. Den I truss to de people, to de meetings, to do sarmcnt, aud when I hear de hymn sing and de pray I feels glad. But all dis ain't like de good Lord in dc heart, God's love here. It means sunrise instead of sundown. It means the JUemuon statue made to the stroke of the morning light.

It nieaus Christ at the wedding in Cana. It means rhc "time of the singing of birds is come." It means Jeremiah's "well watered garden." It means David's "oil of gladness. It means Isaiah's "bride and bridegroom." It means Luke's bad boy come home to his father's house. Worldly joy killed Leo when he heard that Milan was raptured. Talva died of joy when the- Roman senate honored him.

Diagcra died of joy becauso his three sous were crowned at the Olympian games. Sophocles died of joy over his literary successes, and religious joy has been too much for many a Christian, and his soul has sped away on the wing of hosnmias. An old and poor musician played so well ouo night before his king that the next morning when the musician awoke ho found his table covered with golden cups and plates, and a princely robe lying across the back of a chair, and richly caparisoned horses were pawing at tho doorway to take him through the street in imposing equipage. It was only a touch of what comes to every man who makes the Lord his portion, for ho has waiting for him, direct from his King, robes, banquets, chariots, mansions, triumphs, and it is only a question of rime when he shall wear them, drink them, ride in them, live in them and celebrate then). Religion For All Times.

You think religion is a good thing for a funeral. Ob, yes! But Solomon's orchard means more. is a good thing now, when yon are in health aud prosperity and the appetite is good for citrons and apples and apricots and pomegranates, Coine in without wasting any time in talking about them and take the luxuries of religion. Happy yourself, then you can make others happy. Make just ouo person happy every day, and in 20 years you will have made 7.SOO people happy, I like what Wellington said after the battle of Waterloo, and when he was in pursuit of the French with his advance guard, and Colonel Harvey said to him, "General, yon had better not go any farther, for yon may be shot at by some straggler from the bushes," And Wellington replied: "Let them fire away.

The battle is won life is of no value now." 3tly friends, we ought never to be reek- lees, but if, through the pardoning and rescuing grace of Christ, yon have gain- ed the victory over sin and death and hell yon need fear nothing on the earth parable of the proYJigaJ son the finger er orchards in the fact that tie trees ring was ordered pnt upon the returned tore 12 manner of fruits. The learned wanderer's hand before the shoes were translators of onr common Bible gay it ordered for his tired feet? Are not shoes means 12 different kinds of fruits in one more important for our comfort than year. Albert Barnes says it means 12 finger rings? Oh, yes, but it was to im- crops of the same kind of fruit in one press the world with the fact that reli-1 year. Not able to decide wHich is the gion is a luxury as well as a necessity. more accurate translation, I adopt both.

"Put a ring on his hand and shoes on i if it mean 12 different kinds of fruit, ic his feet." If in sermonicor exhortatory declares variety in heavenly joy. If or social recommendations of religion we put the chief emphasis on the fact that for our safety we must have it when the door of the next world is opened, poor human nature will take the risk and say, "I will wait until the dcor begins to open." But show them GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER the radiant truth, that the table of God's love and parficn is now laid -with all the fmits which the orchards of God's love and pardon and helpfulness can ic means 12 crops of the same kind of fruit, it declares abundance in heavenly joy, and they are both true. Variety? Oh, yes! Not an eternity with nothing but runsic; that oratorio be too protracted. Not an eternity of procession on white horses; that would be too long in the stirrups. Not an eternity of watching the river; th-ac would be too much of the picturesque.

Not an eternity of plucking fruits from supply, and they will come in and sin the tree of life; that would be too much dowc with all the other banqueters, the heavenly orchard. But all mau- terrestrial and celestial Oh, fetch on De of varieties, and I will tell you of the citrous, and the apples, and the at least 12 of those varieties: Joy of di- waluuts, aiid the pomegranates of Solomon's orchard. In Pilate's Orchard. But having introduced you to Adam's vine worship, joy over the victories of the Lamb who was slain, joy over the repentant sinners, joy of recounting our own rescue, joy of embracing old friends, orchard and carried yon awhile through joy at recognition of patriarchs, apostles, evangelists and martyrs, joy oi ringing Solomon's orchard, I want to take a walk with yon through Pilate's orchard of three trees on a hill 70 feet high, ten minutes'" walk from the gate of Jerusalem- After I bad read that our great- grandfather and great-grandmother had been driven out of the first orchard, I made up my mind that the Lord would not be defeated in that way. I said to myself that when they had been poisoned by the fruit of that one tree, somewhere, somehow, there would be provided an antidote for the poison.

I said: "Where is the other tree that will undo the work of that tree: Where is the other orchard that will repair the damage received in the first orchard?" And I read on until I found the orchard and its center tree as mighty for cure as this one had been for ruin, and as the one tree in Adam's orchard had its branches laden with the red fruit of carnage, and the pale fruit of suffering, and the spotted fruit of decay, and the bitter fruit of disappointment, I found in Pilate's orchard a tree which, though stripped of all ita leaves and struck through, by on iron bolt as long as your arm. nevertheless bore the richest fruit that was ever gathered. Like the trees of the first orchard, this was planted, blossomed and bqre fruit all jn one Paul was impulsive and vehement of nature, and he laid hold of that tree both arms and shook it till the round all round looked like an orchard the morning after an autumnal equinox, and, careful lest he step on some of the rait, gathered up a basketful of it for ihe Galatians, crying out, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." The other two of Pilate's orchard were loaded, he one with the hard fruits of obduracy and tue other with the tender fruit of repentance, but the center tree (how will I ever forget the day I sat on the ixact place where it was enter tree of that orchard yields the intidoteforthc poisoned nations. There in old England the hollow of a tree vhere a king hid, and there is in New a tree in which a document of national importance was kept inviolate, and there have been trees of great girth ind immense shade aud vast wealth of mirage, bet no other tree had such value of reminiscence, or depth of root, spread of branch, or infinitude of ruitage as the center tree of Pilate's irchard. Before I pass this day from mder it I would like to drop on both and with both hands outspread nd uplifted toward the heavens cry out vith all the nations of earth and neav- "1 believe in God, the Father Al- michty, Maker of heaven and earth, nd in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our jord, who was conceived by the Holy 3host, born of the Virgin Mary, suffer- under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, ead and buried.

He descended into ell. The third day he rose from the ead. He ascended into heaven and sit- th on the right hand of God the her Almighty. From thence he shall orne to judge the quick and the St. John's Orchard.

Now, ic this discourse of the pomolo- of the Bible, or God amid the orchards, having shown yon Adam's orchard and Solomon's orchard and Pilate's orchard, I now take you into St. John's orchard, and I will stop there, for having seen that you will want to see nothing more. St. John himself, having seen that orchard, discharged a volley of Come! Come! Cornel and then pronounced the benediction: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Then the banished evangelist closes the book, and the Bible is done.

The dear old book opened with Adam's orchard and closes with St. John's orchard. St. John went into this orchard, through a stone gate, the black basalt of the isle of Patrnos, to which he had been exiled. That orchard which he saw was and is in heaven.

One person will err in speaking of heaven ae all material, and another person describes heaven as all figurative and spiritual, and both are wrong. Heaven is both material and spiritual, as we are both material and spiritual, i While much of the Bible account of Larce of the world's best for sin! economy in 4-pomid Ail Made only by THI! X. K. PAIRDAXK CO3IPAVF, I New York. Boston, Philadelphia, or under the earth.

Let ail the sharp- heaven is to be taken figuratively and shooters of perdition blaze away. Yon spiritually, it is plain to me that heaven may ride on in joy triumphant. Beli- na 31 s0 a material existence. Christ gion for the funeral! Oh, yes, but re- said. "I go to prepare a place for you." ligion for the wedding breakfast, re- Is not a place material? God, who has done all the world building, the statis- hannonies, joy of reknitting broken friendships, joy at the explanation of Providential mysteries, joy at walking the boulevards of gold, joy at looking at walls green with emerald and blue with sapphire and crimson with jasper and aflash with amethyst, entered through swinging gates, their posts, their hinges and their panels of richest pearl; joy that there is to be no subsidence, no reaction, no terminus to the felicity.

All that makes 12 different joys, 12 manner of fruits. So much for variety. But if you take the other interpretation and say it means 12 crops a year I am with yon still, for that means abundance. That will be the first place we ever got into where there is enough of everything, enough of health, enough of light, enough of supernal association, enough of love, enough of knowledge, enough of joy. The orchards of this lower world put out all their energies for a few days in autumn, and then, having yielded one crop, their of foliage dropped out of the air, and all thetr beauty is adjourned until the blossotufug of the next May time.

But 12 crops in the heavenly orchard daring that which on earth WB call a year mean abundance perpetually. The Heavenly Orchard. While there is enough of the pomp of the city about heaven for those who like the city best, I thank God there is enough in the Bible about country scenery in heaven to please those of us who were born in the country and never got over it. Now you may have streets of gold in heaven. Give me the orchards with 12 manner of fruits and yielding their fruit every month, and the leaves of the trees are for "the healing of the nations, and there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads, and there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giv- etb.

them light, and they shall reign forever and ever." But just think of a place so brilliant that the noonday sun shall be removed from the mantle of the sky because it is too feeble a taper. Yet most of all am I impressed with the fact that I am not yet fit for that place, nor you either. By the reconstructing and sanctifying grace of Christ we need to be made all over. And let us be getting our passports ready if we want to get into that country. An earthly passport is a personal matter, telling oar height, our girth, the color of our hair, our features, our complexion and our age.

I cannot get into a foreign port on your passport, nor can you get in on mine. Each one of us for himself needs a divine signature, written by the wounded hand of the Son of God, to get into the heavenly orchard, under the laden branches of which, in God's good time, we may meet the Adam of the first orchard and the Solomon of the second orchard, and the St. John of the last orchard, to sit down under the tree of which the church in the book of Canticles speaks when it says: "As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste," and there it may be found that today we learned the danger of hankering after one thing more, and that religion is a luxury, and that there is a divine antidote for all poisons, and that we had created in us an appetite for heaven, and that it was a wholesome and saving thing for us to have discoursed on the pomology of the Bible, or God among the orchards. Ills British clothes to mark him for an Englishman.

While the chairman was making little speech of introduction the author reader sat with his legs crossed, holdin his chin in the palm of his hand an smoothing his cheek with a slende forefinger, surveying his first American audience with a delightfully disinter ested air. He was attired in convention al evening dress, with the familia square cut, open collar, and wore brilliant red carnation in the lapel his coat If his audience had any misgiving as to his ability to please them, the vanished at the first sound of his voic soft and with the quality tha carries. His are not the methods of th professional elocutionist. He rarely ges ticulates, usually standing either with arm behind his back or with his righ forearm resting ou the upper edge the reading desk, grasping it with hi right hand. Toward the end of the read ing he rested his volume on the uppe edge of the desk, as if to see more clearly The stronger emotions of the fina leave taking between Rudolf Rasseiidy and the Princess Flavia affected him and nt, knew it, for he read the chap ter "If Love Were All" in a dull mono tone that gave every evidence of self re pression.

This was the only note of disappoint ment. And it was summed up by a gir in the audience, who declared audibly that'' Sothern ought to give him a per formance of 'The Prisoner of Zenda, so he might hear him do that He was at his best in the crisp humor of the Dolly Dialogues. And, after all he was Anthony Hope reading Anthonj Hope's York Press. The Allia. The Allia, where Brennns and the Gauls defeated the Romans, is a small creek flowing into the Tiber, not far from Rome.

The defeat of the Romans led to the capture and sacking of the city, and no much damage was done the invaders that July 16, the day the battle, was ever afterward consider ed in Roman annals an unlucky date, and no public or private business was transacted on that day. 0 ODDFELLOWS. Charity Brings the Greatest Link Xotes. One of the most Important lessons to learn iu Odd Fellowship, as in all other relations of life, is to realize how "more blessed it is to give than to receive." The largest measure of usefulness and the no blest achievements are gained by what. do for the world and not by what the world does for us.

In service is the largest Fellows' Herald Bordentown lodge is one of the mosl prosperous in New Jersey. It is 55 years old and has an invested fund of $17,000. The grand lodge of Kansas has decided to abandon the Deboissiere hoim; and will erect one under its own direction. A tax of 10 cents has been assessed on each mem ber to start the building. Many of the encampments and lodges are already preparing for the parade and drill on the occasion of the meeting of the sov ereipn grand lodge in Boston in 1S98.

Eijnboldt lodge, Xo. 574, I. O- O. Cincinnati possesses ac autograph letter from Victor Humboidt authorizing the use of bis name. The oldest Odd Fellow in Indiana ia John Steward of Kokomo.

Ee joined the order in Allentown, N. in 1842. He believes he is the only Odd Fellow now living who had a personal acquaintance with Father Wildey. Bro. Kber S.

Andrews grand master HOWANTHONY HOPE READS. No Brp UO ezoept a rum on Sunday. ntM um.a'nei*! BktaMT, tlokil atemt, L. M. W.

or a F. ligion for the brightest spring morning and autumn's most gorgeous sunset. Religion for the day 'when the stocks are up just as much as when stocks are down. Religion when respiration is easy as well as for the last gasp; when the temperature is normal ae ae it reaches 104. It may be a bold thing to bxrt I risk it, that if all people, without spect to belief or character, at death passed into everlasting happiness.

TO- ligion for this world is suoh a tarary that no man or woman oould afford to 4) without it tics of scars so vast as to be a bewilder' ment to telescopes, could have, eome- where in his astronomy piled up a tre- mendons world to make tie Bible heaven true both as a material splendor and a spiritual domain. I do not believe God put ail the flcwsrs, and all the precious and all the bright metals, the mniic, and all the fountains, the orchards in this little world How much was literal and how oh was figurative I cannot say, bnt John saw two rows of trees on each it differed from.o»fa- The Noted Doecn't Do HLi Best Hero Jnstice. When Anthony Hope ended his first reading in America, in Brooklyn, the other night, he had created one mild sensation he evidently did not count 012. Ic came he besran to read a chapter from his most famous romance, The Prisoner of Zenda." A distinct gasp of astonishment; and mild disapproval up toward the chandelier oTerhead when he called his heroine, not "Flab-via," as we are wont to pronounce i brjr' with the long a. There was scarcely one of his auditors on that occasion who escaped two sensations.

Tha first was on his -entrance from the doorway in the rear of the stage when he came forward toward the table in the center holding four volumes in his hand. He walked as if he was entering a drawing room where some one was playing sof music and not at all as if he was about to make a first impression on the readers of a nation of 70,000,000 people. The interviewers bad given the that Anthony Hope resembled his most lovable young hero. Bnt it a middle Aged, sharp featured man eras rnqtnrt with only of Michigan Odd Fellows and Bro. E.

Hj Whitney grand sex-rotary. There are 11,000 Odd Fellows In Virginia in 191 lodges; increase last year, about 200 members. The entrance of Odd Fellowship Into South America was effected in 1847, when a dispensation was granted for a lodge at Caracas, Venezuela. The next year Vera Cruz came forward for a similar favor. The order in Maine has 20,879 members in the subordinate lodges and 8,304 Ke- bekahs, a gain of 132 in the former and 1,383 in the latter.

One of the matters of legislation passed at the recent session of the sovereign grand lodge was a resolve allowing subordinate encampments to parade in their old uniforms during the session of 1898. It is estimated that the assessment on the lodges will nest year yield $26,000 for the Odd Fellows' Orphans' home of Pennsylvania. Iowa Rebekahs report a gain of 23 lodges and 1,063 members last year and a total membership ot 17,833. The grand lodge of Nebraska appropriated $200 for the transportation of the remains of Harry Hotchkiss from Cartagena, South America, where he died three years ago, to his home in Lincoln. Mr.

Hotchkiss was a prominent Odd Fellow. The Indiana Rebetahs must be long steppers, as an exchange sayg they making "rapid strides." Bryan Boeton. Nov. Bryan of this city laat nigrht nominated Thomas Riley, a well-known member oi Suffolk county aa for Oae of Alabama's Women. Mrs.

Lelia Seton Wilder is one of the leading women the state of Alabama. She is the owner and manager of Wilder Place, on the Tennessee river, near Qecatnr. Wilder Place is one of the finest plantations in the south, containing, as it 1,600 acres of rich laud, a part of which is under cultivation. The remainder is heavily timbered, Mrs. Wilder is a widow and a heavy taxpayer.

She manages tie entire plantation and employs over 100 negro laborers, who raise abundant ootton AH the way From the Missouri River to Buffalo, Railroad Operates Trains over its Own Tracks. Having- leased the tracks of Gran Trunk Hallway between Detroit and' Suspension Bridge and those of the Brie R. from Suspension Bridge to Buffalo, the Wabuh will run its own trains irom ETaccaj City Omaha, Des Molnet, St. Louis, Quiocy, Hannibal, Keokui and Buffalo, being only road frerr Missouri and Mississippi points having own line and train! running Into Buffalo. Through cars from Kansas City.

St. Louis aad Chicago to Buffa without change The Central Passenger Association 1000 Mile Interchange, able Rebate Ticket Isforeale at principal lieket Offices The Pennsylvania Lines. It is honored one year from date of sale, for xchaiisre 'i icktti- over either of the following named Lines: Ann Arbor. Baltimore Ohio, Baltimore Oliio Southwestern, Chicago Eastern Illinois, Chicago itrWoBt Michigan, Cincinnati Musklngum Valley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Dayton, Cleveland Marietta, Cleveland, Canton i- Southern, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago St Cleveland. Lorain Wheeling.

Cleveland Terminal Galley, Columbus. HocKing Valley Toledo, Columbus, Sandusky Hocking, Cleveland Steam Navigation, Detroit. Grand Eapids Western, Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley Htishurg. Evaneviil'B nsyilie Terre Haute, fort Wtyne 4 Flint Pere Marquette, Grand HapHs ic. Indiana, Indiana.

Deeatur Western, Lake Shore Michigan Southern; Louisville Natbville. Between Louisville Cincinnati and between St. and Bvansvllle Louisvite, KvansvHle St Louis, Louisville, Henderson St Louis, Michigan Central, New Toi Chicago i St Louis. Ohio Central Linee, Pennsylvania Lines Wen of Pittsbunr, Peoria, Deeatur Pittsburg Lake Erie. pitMburs: Weeteim, Pittsburg.

Lisbon Western. Toledo. St Louis Kansas Vandalia Line, Wabash Kailroad, Zauesville Ohio river. The price or tickets are Thirty each. They are not transf erable If the ticket used in itsentiretj and exclusively by the original purchaser, a rebate of Ten Dollars paid by the Commissioner of the Central eenger Association, E.

A. Ford, Gen. Agt. Piusburg, Pa Sept 30,1887 ITTLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cored by tbMft little Pllla. They also relieve Distress from Dyxpejnta, ndigestion and Too Hearty Eating, set remedy for Ditiiness, Natuea, DrovA Bid Tastefai tke Mouth, Coated in the SkU, TORPID UVEK.

Tfcf futfy VegetoUfc.

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