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The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California • Page 8

Bakersfield, California
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BAKERSFIBLD CALTFORNiAX, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1925 COUNCIL CANDIDATES OUTLINE POLICIES AT LABOR BOARD MEETING i m' IT rlght or do Jt at all- JLJ To the average American citizen tbero arc two ways, tho right way and wrong, but to me there is only one way, tho right wav." So said Mayor K. Stoner, incumbent councilman trom tho Seventh ward'when hu spoko boforo a public meeting In the Labor temple last night at which the candidates for City Council positions were introduced and given tho opportunity to present their campaign policies to the people. Praising the present regime the jnayor said that two years ago found tho council in a deplorable state of affairs. Since that time the operation of tho city has been raised to its present state of efficiency through tho installation of the city manager plan and through tlio unified action of the council in every way. "In the present council," said Mayor Stoner, "there has T.nvor been 'kny quibbling or argument juirt never hns there been an instance of mud-slinging." Up to Voters Speaking of the 'proposed dls-meorpo- ration of the Bakersfleld Municipal Water the mayor said: The council could not agree on tho water question so the matter has been placed to the people In the coming; elections of March 24.

In such a case the council cannot do tho thinking It Is up to the people to decide whether or not they desire this thing. The people must 'think the matter out for themselves." To those not familiar with the operation of tho present form of city government the mayor said that it was jiot up to the council to run the city. 'Sjoave the government of the city to tho cttytmanBger." he said. Since the adoption of such plan the city has been run more efficiently and at less comparative cost than ever before. Concluding, Mayor Stonor rested his campaign upon the three words typical past career and pledged to be continued If re-elocted, "Do It right." Hotly Argued 'Though no apparent political Issues are felt to be present In the coming election tho voting of tho people on tho question of public ownership of a municipal water system was hotly argued both for and'against by candidates in their, election speeches.

Heartily in favor of tho proposition, C. A. Griffith, Incumbent first ward councilman, said that out of the 267 large cities In the country owning their own water systems, 257 had found them i to be suoeessf ul. "Bakersfleld," said Mr. Griffith, "Is one of the only three cities In the a group of 10 'largo California cities, that does not yet own and operate her own water system." In announcing his jpampalgn policy the speaker warned the public that now It ever was tho time to carry through the building of the Union avenue "Through a ruling, of the railroad commission," said, "It will cost thTclty but $12,000, the Santa Fe rall- i road being compelled', to make up the difference the 'total which Is estimated at $42,000.

If the people wait tot a new decision-by the commission It will probably mean the reapportlon- tnent of the financial burden of the project. Bakersfleld may then have to pay at least one-half of the expenses." fHla campaign, Mr. Griffith said, would on the progressive development of Bakersfleld and reference to JOT pant record on the council, pommon Sense P. L. True, opposing Mr.

Griffith In First Ward, said that If elected he would "use common sense In the office. "I belibve the people what they want," he said, "and I am In favor of every public Improvement that Is desired by the people. I believe that If accepted by the people from my ward that I can apply to the office the fundamental principles of good business, and though progressive In my views I am heartily opposed to actions of a radical nature." Basing his speech on the subject of taxation H. H. Brown, from the Second Word, sold that In this fast age if eome stop la not put to the upward trend of taxation a national crash will bo Inevitable.

"I am for a bigger and "better Mr. Brows said, "and If elected will do all in my power to Iceep the costs of operating the city as low as possible without sacrificing efficiency In BO doing." For Better City TV, J. Carlisle, Incumbent councilman from the Second Ward, spoke briefly on-his candidacy, saying that It was the flrst time In his-life that he had ever made a public speech. His cam- paign'policy, he said, was the Improvement of by and with the i consent of the people. Declaring himself to bo in favor of One Thin Women Gained 10 Pounds in 20 Days Skinny Men Can Do the Same All weak men and All nervous men and women All skinny men and women Can grow stronger, healthier and inore vigorous and take on solid flesh in 20 days just by taking McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets four times a flay as easy to take as candy.

And what a lot these flesh producing tablets have made. Ono druggist tripled his cales In one week. Everybody knows that nasty-tastlne, evil smelling Cod Liver Oil Is a wonderful vltallzer, flesh producer and health creator. But wants 'to swallow the stuff, when these wonderful 1 Cod Liver Oil Com- Tablets, are juct as good and BO it to 'take. box Of 60 tablets for 60 cents and skinny man or woman doesn't least 6 pounds ih 30 Hughes Drug Store, Stone, Globe Drug Company, food druggists anywhere In sure, and get McCoy's, the orlg- fe-i UMl (genuine, and don't forget there DOtbiiur good to make underweight chll- ilrong robust.

tho continuance' of city improvement suoh as lias been can-led out by the present council, II. Cnrlock, Third Ward Incumbent, based his whole campaign, upon that Issue. Opposing the present Third Ward councilman in tho coming cloctlons, Dr. Thomas Wynne held that if elected lie would take special pains to see that "labor" received a fair deal and that he would stand for all that the ward cnlla for. Favors Water Project Jn his speech for re-election, Councilman O.

T. Austin of the Fifth Ward based his campaign upon the need of a munlcipally-owncd water system and tho of council of which ho Is n. member. He also placed himself strongly in favor of home industry, pleading for the patronage of local industry wherever possible. Tho only candidate present for Sixth ward honors, Elmer Martin, produced a platform of Integrity and sound judgment built upon 32 years residence in where he has token an active part in the local business world.

"I will do rny very best- to follow the laws of tho council," he said, "and I will boost tho city. I would rather KO into office. If elected, without having made any election promises to the people, anci then help operate the city as a business proposition, for thn failure of a candidate) to fulfill electioneering promises Is bound to make for the candidate hosts of enemies." Mr. Martin has for the last IB years been a land owner in thin city and is thoroughly familiar with tho phases oC public street and property improvement. Opposing Mayor Stonor In the Seventh ward, B.

H. Scott, vigorously opposed the purchase of what he termed a second-hand water supply for $1,500,000, suggesting that It would be much cheaper for the city to build a now systom, free of all the faults of the present ono, with the money. Ho also suggested the purchase of broad tracts of land by the city to bo given gratis to large manufacturing firms desiring to locata their plants in this city. Paving Plant As a plan for freeing the people from the menacing, grasp of tho paving companies, as he expressed tho candidate further placed himself in favor of the municipal ownership of ono large pavIng'Tlant which would do all of the city's street work at -reduced costs. M.

Hendsch, also running in the Seventh ward, made he declared to be his rnalden speech, saying as an old resident of the city he was In the race to win. He placed himself in favor of the construction of a civic center and pledged himself to the people if elected. The candidate de- clardd that ho was not-In favor of the present election of councllmcn from wards but deemed It best to elect tho men representing the people at large. This, he said, would eliminate friction between council members and political hurts and Jealousies. Running as a candidate for the Fourth ward, Ira Ijakey pronounced himself a booster for the city and a proponent for a Greater Bakersflelfl through the progressive upbuilding of the city.

Business Session J. R. Mclntosh, president of the Kern County Labor Council, presided at the meeting, naming IS. A. Klein as secrc tary for the session.

An executive mooting of the council was held following the public audience given the candidates, in which labor council declared itself as desiring to give an unbiased support to those candidates whom It felt would best serve the city. "It is not our intention," said Mr. IVTcIntosh, "to suppont one man in favor of anoUier merely because he carries, or has carried at one time, a card In the local unions. No matter If our best friends carried cards arid ran for council offices, wo would feel that if a better man was running for office, a man who would serve the city better, ho would receive our hearty support." No action was taken at tho meeting in regard to the suggesting of candidates who were most favored in their candidacy by the unions. OUR SETS OF TEETH are very carefully made, not only to fit your mouth comfortably, but to match your own teeth perfectly.

In mechanical dentistry, the making of removable bridgework or false sets for either jaw, we claim to no superiors. Examinations are free and our prices for strictly high-grade work are known to be decidedly reasonable DR. W. I. BURNEY 1421 Nineteenth St.

Phone 173 Ask Your Neighbor Bo many thousands of womon have boen restored to health by K. I'lnhhum's Vegetable Compound that there in hardly a neighborhood In iuiy city, town or hainJot Jn this country whorcln some woman has not found health in this coocl uld-fauhloncd root and hc'rb remedy. If you are suffering from some womanly ill, why don't you try For a great many years Lydla. J5. Pinkhani't) Vegetable Compound linn been restoring sick women of America to Iieulth und Adv.

JUST TO AMD MB Will Leave Tonight and Return Near End of Week The thrre-dsy fnnforence rif the Second District nf notary International, which will open in Fresno tomorrow will claim a large delegation from tho Bakersfield, Tuft and Delano notary Clubs. Most of the local Uotarians find their wives will leave for Fresno tonight mid pcvernl will make tho trip for tlin last two days of the conference. H. W. Thomas, secretary of the Bakersfield Club, and Everett King, chairman of t.lic lornl conference committee, completed nrrangcnicntfl for the delegation.

for the Bakersfield Hotary Club will be at the Fresno Hotel. TIip sessions of (lie confcronco will be held in lino Fresno auditorium, tlio first, to open at. o'clock tomorrow morning. The first, number Is to bo a pngonnt, shoving the trend of Rotary around Dr. John V.

WrKonna, president of Ilic Fresno Club will deliver the address of welcome and W. M. Ferron, president of the Las A'cgas, Ro- tnry Club will respond. District Governor Tlnrry S. Mason will make his conference address at the first session.

One of the important matters of business to be disposed at the conference will be thn election of district governor to succeed Mr. Mason. Tho following Bakersfield Ilotarlans n.nd their wives are planning to make tho trip to Fresno: President, Wilt and Mrs. Wilt; Messrs, and Mesdames H. W.

Thomas, Everett King, Leslie King, George B. Crome, .1. Dibble. A. Hughes, Howard Cravath, Fred Gunther, Harry Hake, Don Preston, Walter- nemvlck, James 1C.

Thrasher, Charles Webster, Frank Whittakcr, W. W. Colm, Howard Tales, A. C. Dlmon, and Messrs.

Joseph nodllck. John Stroud, Louis Allen, Fred Huher, Percy Neate, W. E. Wilkinson, and Hugh Jewctt. i The hair in violin bows Is obtained from white horses, the best supplies coming from Siberia.

Aged Druggist Is Beaten by Robbers (Associated Press Leased Wire) LOS ANQELES, March G. Voeckoll, 65-year-old druggist who on five occasions in the past two yeTLrs thwarted attempts of robbers to loot his store, was found lying behind a counter in the place late last night, his skull crushed by repeated blows from a heavy club. Ho was still breathing when brought to the receiving hospital, but surgeons said he could not live. United Xetes Leased Wire) ST. LOUIS, March "The present generation Isn't had: It's just different, and so Is everything else In the world." In this manner Mrs.

M. S. Bannister defends the flapper ago. She bases her statement on observances extended over the IDS years of her life. have seen generations come and go, and each new one seems better than tlin others," she said.

"The modern girl and boy are quite different from the kind wo were In England, but times were hard In those days following the Napoleonic wars, which left all Europe suffering for many." Grandma Bannister celebrated her birthday yesterday. PRINCE DESTITUTE BUDAPEST, March Alexander Hohcnlohe-Oehrlngen has been discovered sleeping, ragged and destitute. on a park bench. A policeman discovered the disreputable looking tramp and dragged him off to the police station. There the former German prince identified himself.

MEETING POSTPONED TAFT, March Due to the fact that the Holy Name Society Is holding forth with a program tonight at St. Mary's Hal! the Knights of Columbus have postponed their meeting to 'Thursday night of this week 7:50 o'clock. 4 The largest American educational Institution in the Near East is at Birut, Syria. Husband Testifies in Trial With Face Covered With Bandages United yews Wire) TX)S AXGEL.13S, March An in- dlctmont charging Mrs. Bernicc Dny with throwing acid in the face of her husband, Darby Day, has been returned by the county grand jury.

The true bill accuses Mrs. Day also of assaulting Day with Intent to do bodily harm. Her sister, Carolyn also was Indicted on a charge of Balding and abetting the attack. Day Is the son of Darby Day, millionaire Chicago insurance executive, who is now here. Six months after the marriage of the young couple they ongagfd In a violent quarrel with the alleged acid attadk as a result, Mrs.

Day says I that she did not Intend -to injure her husband that she Imd Intended to use the a.cld to commit suicide if a reconcilatlon with young Day became Impossible. She swallowed poison after the episode but recovered. Day testified before the grand jury Tuesday, his face covered almost completely with bandages. Side-Door Busses Are Designed in Berlin (Associated Prrss Leased Wire) BKITLIN, March 18. Berlin has found that its motor busses are top-heavy.

Since the streets have become congested with the growth in the number of automobiles there has been an Increasing number of accidents in which the busses have figured, and some have upset with serious consequences. The authorities are now considering a lower vehicle, with side instead of rear doors, and a covered roof to shelter in rainy weather. Since 1S9G In India more than ten million people have perished from bubonic plague. A California business man who toured Europe last year said: I found a Bank of Italy Letter cf Credit to be the cheapest and safest method of obtaining money Barikqfltaly Savings -Commercial-Trust Capital and Head Office San Francisco Branch Jk. 0.

Plmon H. P. HOGAM Majjtjwr AfelaUiit Manager ,1. I). Ltlins Oililar J.

H. WITH HOW Trust Officer Assistant Cflahlor East Bakersfleld Branch V. J. B. OLCESE A.

B. IfCC'l EU.T Vice PrpBldtnt Aulvtajit Cashier IITH cement 'The almost phenomenal Increase in the nac of this cement in construction work ii tangible evidence of its many merits. Tbe properties that make it plastic and waterproof canf-r be forgotten or ground into each particle in the proccM M't two it Monolith Portland Ctmtnt, kith trtde wniform PortUud. Tin ethtr it Honolilk Flftlic WOttpnof Porltmd Ct- tiomt. In mJttmifrom your be MONOLITH PORTLAND I Jth HoocA.

G. Butblt Pbont: TRinitv 7036 WATERPROOF STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M. Again They Gome! The "Burlingames" the Sport Hals Ever. Don't Wait.

Conic Today. MILLINERY FLOOR The Artist Plucked a Rose from these beautiful new Rayon Crepes and called Dreams" Better let the -window display tell you of their charm. This "Silk Towii" leadership goes on it must not falter, and to have these exclusive things is that which we desire most. These crepes arc full IJ6 inches wide; the patterns and colors wonderful. And rtfo the price is that Unmatchable fk I Redlick price; yard J- $7.50 Broadclo Seems like a small price for 1 r'l THE STYLE ST Naturally the saving started snapped them up at pricef- more for quality of this kin lish broadcloths in all sizes, SPECIAL IN SILK-TOWN "Dolly Varden" Zephyrs Juaint little stylos of real Suglish tone, iii the absolute- fast colors.

THE YARD 45c BUY A BOX OF COLGATE'S Bouquet Soap 'ie sweet scented soap of such sll-known, quality; It comes 3 Cakes in, a Box for 69C Do not overlook tlie sale of Hosiery KAYSER, VAN RAALTE AND HOLEPROOF. in Chiffons and Sheer Silks. ALL COLORS; $1.65 A SALE OF BOXED Stationery White, and light Salmon; regular price is 35c the box, and tho quality is splendid. THE BOX expects a crowd Thursday morning when this event gets under way 9c a Yard for 956 Yards of Curtain Scrims ho ug ht JU st windows in spare rooms, kitchen and odd windows where a drape will add much to.the surroundings. BLUE BIRD AND OVER-DOT indeed very pretty.

(956 yards will not last long at 9c per yard.) Fancy Wash Crepe Dresses 47 of them for Thursday morning that will make a stir in the Basement Store. A sample line full of class and quality. Snappy frocks that conld as well bring the $10 for which they were originally intended to be sold. Peter Pan collars grace the style with profusion of new wash lace 'trimmings outstanding. Special Each 86.50 Pa.jama Chcx White and evening shades In a De Luxe quality which is most desirable for undergarments and children's wear; full 36 Inches; Extra special Thursday 25c "Pebble-Sheen" An entirely new silk warp fabric in sports, stripes and new fancy figures, with a choice of every spring A dollar would Opening a Case of the Famous "Gaze Marvel" Tissues Thursday at a pricQ Hmt will make sharp selling.

Genuine "Gaze Marvel" Tissues in stripes and plaids as beautiful as colors can be woven; and absolutely tub proof, remember. Sheer, fine cloth, characteristic of the line. Full 32 inches wide. Our usual special pi-ice is 59c; in most stores G5c. Extra special for Thursday, yarfl Thursday's Price on 265 Pre-Easter Hat-Models IN THE BASEMENT STORE- MILLINERY SECTION A sample line of $6.60 to $7.50 Hats, in fancy shapes and In every imaginable spring POKE, TURN UP BRIMS, SIDE BRIMS, ROLLED BRIMS AND LARGE MODELS With Georgette, Net and Straw Combinations; ornament and flower $3.95 48c 100 Acme Ice Cream Freezers Will start the season Thursday with a bang! 1 at $1.39 No one is going without Ice cream this summer.

Acme is the best In the world. These are the full 2-QUART SIZE, and a child can o'perate (HOUSEWARES SECTION, SECOND FLOOR) ACME FOR THURSDAY ONLY Boy's Navy Denim O'Alls Well made throughout, full cut; regular line in all ages from 5 to 16 years, for playtime and service. Thursday, the pair BASEMENT STORE.

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