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The Newcastle Weekly Courant du lieu suivant : Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England • 1

Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

No. 8238.1 1 W. Q. Price Sevenpence. advertisements READY MONEY.

Newctistie.upon Tyne printed and by JOHN: BLACK WELL Street TO BE LENT. Apply to Mr Chater; Sul.iilor,.Wewi:ast!e. liMESi4lIM: AW African Repository," Which iBhe avovrid-and aclroqwlcdged organ of the sentiments aod pIdbs of th'srciety. From these documents hn has drawn so'ldrrrclv the suspicion acadziwst ros THa rsoMorxow or ikb riwan abtb. Bl.iCKBTT srtmBT, itw rcfii.

STOLEN or STRAYED, from Walker, on the 1st a small ilnrlt BROWN JtYJLOE', without Horns. Wii will give Iufomatioir of the same to Mr Mitciiell, Publican, High Newcastle, shall receive all reasonable Kipciises, aiiil receive a Ueward for their Trouble; and if detained alter this Notice, shall be prosecuted as' the TO BE J6BT; A nd entered upon at lf33, jl Small, neat HOUSJS, deJightfuMj titnated at A Hope Terrace, Alnw'iclt, at' nrereDt occupied by Mr-Griffith. Apply to Mr Smith, Bookseller, ALTON FARM, iu tfee Parish of Corbri.lge, to be LET, arid entered Vpon at May-day neitt, containing 528 Acres, or thereabouts. For Conditions and Particulars apply et Malfen OBce, haia whence a Person will be sentto show'the Farm, and where Offers in Writing will 6e received till the 3rd'Day of January, 1SS3. Matfen Office, ISth 1682.

Law directs. J. and M. Bank. London.

Ho. 2.700. The oii'Saturday laist, alot between Newcastle, and Matfen 'feast Names-g I Watch-is much chafed rroni t'se. Wenevar.will give. Information of ihc ihove Watson.

Watch Mak-r. Cnth Market, Nowcai HATTEKS1' -TjUIME UPLAND KENT: LAMB, constantly on uiodtraic Terms. Apply to Jos. Humble, Woolstaplor, Bird Hush Yard. Newcastle, 1-Hh Dec, IS3S.

of his having misrepresented those sehtfbfehts and plnns. The follonine are extracts: The superstructure of the Cojomcafion Society," be at taint ana seems to prove, "rests opon "1st. PertecuiiOTi. It. declares that the whole coloured population must be removed to Africa; but, as the free portion arc almost unanimouilyt opposed to a removal, it seems to be the determination ofthe society, to make their situations so uncomfortable and degraded here-ais to compel them mi grate; consequently it'discoiirnges their education and.

improvement in this their native Iiouie. 1 is highly penal in the slave states to teach slkves to read; This is persecution. Sid. Falsehood. It stigmatises coloured citizens as be-inil natives of Afrfrn.

and' talks of sendincr them to their native land when they are no more related to Africa than we are to uitm JsruaiD. "3d. Cowardice. It avows, as a prominent reason why coloured citizens ought to be removed, that their continuance among us win oe dangerous tons as a people tnis is a nnei upon their character. Instead of detnandiup: insticc for thi oppresseil class, the tociptv calls fnr'lheir removal "4tH.

'Infidelity. It ilcnies that there is power enougu in tne gospel to melt down roe prejudices oi men, and insists that, so lonir as Ute people of icoloiir roniain omonrr us. tec must be their enemies! Every honest man should abhor the doctrine." p. II. I am prepared to show that those who have entered into this conspiracy against "jurrWi rights are unanimous in abusing their victims their mode cf attack unanimous in proclaiming the absurdity thatoiir free blacks are natives of Atnca; unanimous propapmug the.

hbM they cannot be elevated ininrovcil in- this' country unanimous in an. posing their instruction unanfmons irt exciting the prejudices of the people against them yinxuihicds in apologising 'for the crime of slavery unanimous in conceding the right of the pleiitrrs to hold their in a liriitreil bondage; unanimous in their hollow pretence for colonizing, namely, to evengelise Africa unanimous in tlieir trtfisinoiire for the measure a lest Hip blacks shdnld rij' to avenge their accumulated wrongs. It is a conspiracy to semi itlie free people of colour to Africa under a benevolent that tho slaves maybe held more securely ill It is a conspiracy based upon fear, ojiprpssion. cnd.pilwjfVvjhidrdraw most from tfie.rre'uti'c'&''rt& by duplicity, wliicn'rcally upholds tlieSiit'b system, tthich fascinates while it destro'cs, endangers the vifety and happiness ui nitt cuum-ry, wntcn no precept oi me mine can Usurv, which is iniplacable.iii its spirit, which should p. 1(5.

In short, it is the, mnst coiujiendious and best adapted scheme' to tlpbold the slave system that human ingenuity cau invent. Moreover, it is ulterlv and irreconcilably onncsprl in the wishes and sentiments ofthe great body of the free people tyiuui, rvpeiiteajy expresficn in ine 'nosr. puoiic manner, but. cruelly disreaarded hv it. Again, Our coloured population are not aliens, (as the ro-lonizalionists assort): thev were bor.l on our soil: thp.a bone of our bone, and llesh oi" our flesh their fathers fought or.iveiy toaoiueve our mriependence during the revolutionary war, wilhout immediate or subsequent compensation thev spilt tnetr lilooilTreely during the last war; they are entitled, iu fact, to every inch of our southern, and much of our western territory, having worn themselves out in its cultivation, and received nothing hut wounds and bruises in return.

Are these tne men to stigmatise as foreigners Colooiraiionisui generally aerun In asserting UiBt the peo. pic of colour rimnot be elevated in this country, nor be admit ted to equal privileges with the whites. Is not this a libel np- im, Humanity aim justice a nuei upon rcpuiuicanism a lir.el upon the Declaration of Independence libel upon Christ, anity Al! men arc born equal, and endowed by their Creator with cettain inalienable riirhts tin-iontt which are life, li berty, and the pursuit of What is the meaning of that declaration That off men possess these rights whether they are six feet live inches high, or three feel two and a half net tier iney weigh tr.ree hundred or one hundred pounds whether they parada in broad-doth or flutter in rags whether their skins 'arc jet black or lily white whether their hair is straight or woolly, auburn or red, black or grey. "Now. what a spectacle is Dresented lo the world' lhp American pcoplp, boasting of their free and equal riclits of iheir abhorrence cf aristocratical distinctions of their repuhli.

can equality; proclttintitifr, that all men arc born' equal anil endowed with certain inalienable and that this land is an asylum fur the persecuted of all nations; and vet as loudly proclaiming that they are determined to deprive millions of their own countrymen of every pol itical and social right, ami to send thorn to a barbarous continent, because has given them a sable complexion. Where exists a mere rigorous despotism What conspiracy was ever more cruel The Colonization Society, therefore, instead of being a philanthropic and religions fnsiiiution, is anti-republican and aiiti-clii'istian in its tendency." But wii torn for a moment to a well-meant and powerful effort, by a gentleman residing in tliis country, to dissipate the mist which envefcipee Ihc Colonization scheme, and to exhibit it in its length nnd breadth of evil. We allude to a pnmphkt by Mr Charles Stuart, printer! at Liverpool by Egerton and Co ent'tled Prejudxe tincihle; or lite practicability of prejudice ny oetrcr mentis man oysavery and exile in relation t'o the Colonization This purnphlet is prefaced by a letter from Mr James Cropper of Liverpool, in which be fortifies, fry his respectable authority, the strong, and as they appoar to us, conclusive of Mr Stuart-It would he impossible for us to foliow this pamphlet, anymore thou the work of Mr Garrison, into all its details. We may, however, hereafter resume the subject. In the mcon time we would merely oberve that those details ate fearfully portentous.

Suffice it lo say, that the broad facts of the case, as 6tated by Mr Stuait, nnd borne out by the evidence adduced by Mr Garrisun, ars thesL: Out of the whole population of Che United States about thirteen millions upwards of two millions are hpld iu a most degrading and brutal state of slavery, under laws even wore tiian those of the slave colonies of Great Britain. About half a million more are free persons of colour; free, however, only partially, beine subiect to ma'irrnant exclusions and ito-neco- tiotis, merely because they differ in complexion from ten or eleven millions of their fellow-subjects. These, two oppressed of an I in who not it are rjHK GALLERY will OPEN on MONDAY ll.e 1 j7(h of with an Exhibition of Paintings by'cc.t Master, can-nniy distinguished Master ii-cteri from the Works, ill' the of the Lombard ami' Italian Admission, One Shilling each Person. awijivn Tickets, Fire Shillings each. Historical and Descriptive, One Shilling each.

H.B. Should any Visitor be disposed to purchase any of the Paintings, ihc Proprietor vrill have no Objection to part with them a'a Piicc proportioned to their Merit. Vor Particulais enquire of ihc Custode. ANS CARLISLE BAXI.WAV. -KvTOTlCE is hereby given, that a further Call of 10 per titrate in tne 1 Xii.

ana ISLE RAILWAY COMPANY was made by toe Dimeter of said Cocripauy, at a Meeting hdd this '7th Day of Member, 18S8, and the said, Directors did direct and ap-' p.jini that the Monies, payable under and Virtue of such ftrll, shall be paid to Robert Boyd, the Treasurer. of ie said Comuauy.atthe Rank of Sir Matt, W. Ridley, Newcastle upon Tyne, on the 8th of Jan. next JAMES LOSH, Chairman. Kfttvraatle uoon Tvne, Dec.

1, .1889. The Treasuver has Arrangements for the Receipt of remits, paynrue as at me cans or on- SarW-and. Newcastle Messrs Forster and Cti. of Carlisle; ant Sit Curtis, Bart, Robartaand London. Sato from MOO WANTED, on.

the unex-i coptiouable Band'of three Obligors, fi per 'Cent Interest. For Reference, apply to the printer, ANTED, an ASSISTANT to the Grocery anu Qpitll. Apply to iyarnits ana ouieius. TO SWTORS. ANTED, by a private Family, immediately or at Christmas, a Person experieneedin TUITION, of respectable classicaland mathematical Attainments.

Letters, Post-paid, on Tyne, will raeet.Attcntion. None4 need apply auony-rhously. TO "7 ANTED immediately, a -COACH BODY MAKER, and also a COACH SMITH, who will be preferred if he has a Knowledge of turning patent Axles. None need apply but steady and ver'firetrate Worlunen. Application to be tnade At Usher's Manufactory.

Newcastle, 12 th Dec. STAN TED. at Candlemas a steady middle- axed and active PERSON, tone from the Country would be preferred,) as plain COOK and HOUSE-KEEPER, in a small Family, where another Servant is kept. Applyty Letter, Post-paid, to B. leftafc tbe Post-office, Newcastle.

N.B. A Person who may not have filled the Situation of nut who can bring testimonials ot being capable' of so doing, would not beobjected to. ANTS a SITUATION as GOVERNESS to Younff Pponlii under the Aire of Twelve. s-Lady from Scotland, who is caoable of feachmcr all the usual Branches of JSducauon; with whom salary is not an unjeet, una wno can give the most respectable References. Application may be NOTICE is hereby given, that the GENERAL MONTHLY PETTY SESSIONS FOR BAM-wnrtGH WARD will be held ot the' Blue Bell Inn, in Belford, on Wednesday the SGth December instead of itiesilay (being lyjjristnias jjay).

GERARD- SELBY, Clerk to, tin Justices of Bamburgh Ward. Alnwick, 8th December, 1833. sjawcjSL "aajii! vross 'jpa'jaiB BB8BIOKB, 103S. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, will be holden at the Guildhall, in said Town, oa edkisday, tho Second Day of January next, at Ten o'Clock in the' Forenoon of the same Day where and when the Court will nit for the Dispatch of Business and where and when all Grand Jurors, Petty Jurors, High Con- Serjeants at Mace, and Constables, Suitors, Witnesses, persons bound by Recognizances, and others having Business at the said Sessions, arc required to attend. And Notice is hereby further given, that by a Rule or Order made ot the July Sessions, 1S28, all Notices in Cases of Appeal, are required, ia i sartied! ten Dayt at ths ieast prior io the holding inerg General Quarter Seirtons of the Puttee.

By Order, JOHN CLAYTON, Clerk Of the Pence. Guildhall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Dec 7, 1835. COWKTT 01' WOHTB'OM'BER'IjANU. wntxxa QtrAXTsn. sessions.

rOTICE is hereby aiveii. that the Winter Gene- At" the Pence for the County of JMorthurnberland will be holden at Moot riaiii near xsew, ciissle upon Tyne, in tlia ssid County, on Thursday the Srd Day of January uextai the Hour of Nine 'o'Clock in the Forenoon, when and, where the.Couri will for. the DispatcIi of Business and all arid Petty Juro'rE, Sheriff's Offi-csrs, Suitors, Witnesses, Persons b'onml by Recognizance, and others having Business at th Sessions, are desired, to puraotuat in their Attendance. And Notice is herehy given, that: every Person sumtnohetl to attend on the Grand and Fejty Juries, who fails in his Attendance, will be 3ned, unless prevented by Illness, in which Cs.a Medical pn.Oath -Jli be renuiiBd: fe. yiirticalarly requested, in' "O'rScr Ihoi the'GraorJ and Petty Jui tos may bs detained short a Time as possible, that such Persons aa-intend to prefer.

Bilisof Indictment at. thesaid Ses-sions will send or -InstrucUoiw for the same, to Mr T. J. Turnbull, at the Clerk of the Peace's Office, Wcstgate Street, I Newcastle, on or before the Tuesday preceding lha said Ses- sions. And it is requested tliat the Magistrates will' desire their Clerks to transmit to the Clerk of the Peace's New- Citstle, all Recognizances, Convictions, Eanimfltionsj and other Documents, sis Days at least, before the said'Seislisns ooromence, thiit the same may be entered ahd rcady to.

be de-. livered tc tit Chairman, to prevent any Delay of Business. Personsi prosecuted far any Misdemeanour by 'having been committed or held to Ball for'such Offence twenty Days before the, Sessions 'at whieb' such Indictment shall be found, shall plead. thereto, and Trial shall proceed at tije Court, Vn Cause shown, may allow further Tunc tor pleading or ,1. By Order, R.

jBERT THORP, Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the.Peace's Office, Newcastle, Dec. IS, 183a. assa a. SAvxaow, eVROBON-CHSXROFOaiST, 3Toia Hull, EEGS to return hissiucereThaiiks to theGentrj and Publicof North aud South Shields and their Vicinities, for the liberal Eneouraeement he has been honoured with during his' nbort Stay in these -Towns, and begs to inform fhe'm, that' owing to the numerous Solicftations ho has received tVom several of He Friends (resident in Newcastle) to visit that town, he will prolong his Stay in this Town until Wednesday next, the 19tb Decamhei He hopes, therefore, that those who lahour tinder the Torture of SOFT and HARD CORNS, BUNIONS, DEFECTIVE NAILS, Sx.

will araU.thomseJves of the Opportunity, by placing under his Care, the full Expectation of. speedy Relief, without the Pain or luconveuience. The hhthlv rcsuectable Letters of Recommehdatid'h. which he has brought from the Neighbourhood, to several influential Gentlemen in. these Towns, as well as the numerous Testrmo- iads which he has received trom Medical antt other trenue-jnen.

which may be seen at Mr Bookseller, 'North Shields, he trusts, will fully entitle hint' to the Confidence of taose wno may nonpur aim with their fatronage. Mr 17. juay be consulted daily at Mr Tonwii'sj Gnbinct Maker, Tyne Street, North Shields, from 10 o'Clock til! 1. 1 GitANB ntSOOVEKYi CUKE FOR PILES AND FISTULA. Mr Davidsov, of Hull, the celebrated Cheiropddist, having, fcrairreat Number of Years, devoted his leisure Hours to the Study of anotlicieutiiid perfectly safe Remcdy.foi''th'e'H.emovaI;' na mostoisasreea.Die anutoo prevalent uomplamt, enorally known as the Piles, he ha3, he is happy to state, aC A.eugta urougnt nts atuaiescoasausractory vjonciusion ana he Cases of long the intestinal varicose Tumours, or hemorrhoidal Excrescences, sometimes become so troublesome as to render their Extirpation necessary, either by Ligature or Excision, remove; the same, without-the least Pain, and restore the Sufferer to fall Enjoymeat of, pristine.

Health, in a very short Period. From the numerous difficult rCflses that have corrie iinder-his Care. at arid Sunderland.aiitl all of which he has treated with the.mostdedided unequivocal Success, he is emboldeueiftp offer, to the. Afflicted hislWmedy, and ut a Price few can oiject to, for the -signal Benefit conferred. A very alarmicg Disjase, kuown as the ytsiula, for theiinperfect Eradication.

of the Suffarcrhas often to submit to the Knife the: Operator, to his superior Means of which efTcet: oiitliont Cutting, or even the least and. the Patient, by odoptlng' Treatment, will experience the supreme Happiness of fee ine its beneflcinl Effects, in iinorovine his Health, and Jin a short Period, for ever extirpating tho most latent Vestiges iof- mis piuruui vuiupituni-. xils jMiUicufesrvvuMf fc; y. Ointment and Pills, prepared only by himself applying vvhich, and implicitly following the plaiu and. brief D.irectious.that ac--.

company the same, wiu enable all those Afflicted with Fistula and Piles to administer to their own Relief, with Safety and Dispatch. Respectable Persons wishing to hecotne Agents for. fho. Sale of the above Medicines, will, on Application to Mr Davidson if by Letters, Post-paid), be treated with a liberal Allomancn. Agentfdr Sunderland Mr Smith.

N. As the above Ointment and Pills must be used to-gethor, they will be sold 'at Mr Residence, at Mr Tuii-tjWs. Cabinet Maker, Tvne Street, North Shields, in Boies at 10s. 6d. per Pair (Duty, ineliided), with complete Diree--tions for using the same.

Worth Shields, November SSthi ltsaa. bimo-5sTan, mver; Coi.AiM'ra. AS a mild and effectual Remedy for those Disbrdere which originate in a rhorbid Action of the Liver arid Biliary Organs, namely, Indigestion, of Appetite, Headache, FlatulenrieS; Spasms, Costiycness, Ailfectioiis of the Liver. Jl tXON'S AKMBSlMIOOS (Which do YBi coniaiit Mermiry in ashy Skupejbzve mat with more general Approval than any other Medicine whatsoever. They unite every Recommendation of mild Operation withsuccecful 'Effect and require ito Restraint or Confinement durinstheir Use.

lii troniriaf where theConssouence of redundant and vitiated Bile ire SO prevalent and alanriihgjv -uv a un invaiuaoie Rn eiuctenuufceit'. "fa pecnUarb! caletiteil of the Table, to restore the Tone of the Stomach, and to remove most Complaints occasioned i of the Bowels. In Boies, at Sis, M. 63.,. and 28s.

Sold hv J. CoiiranfOffic' Pilgrim Street Newcastfe Jahnsoriy Gateshead KB arneep-North Shields Allen, South Marwoad, isamderland Murray, Durham; "Jetmet, Stockton IJarungton Dlckinsonil Heiharn lUorpeth; and most Dealers in Patent Medicines. DIXON'S flMPROVED'SLTKIRiP 88fc 80 BEG to aunotiucu to Hieir FiicikIs and the Public, their. Intention ol commencing a BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, in Chi'stcr-le-Sueet, after the Christmas-Vacation, and hope, by Assiduity in every qf Study, as welt as Attention to tho Health aiil Montis of the Pupils submitted to tiiair Charge, to meet a Share of the Public Patronage. Cards of Terms to he had on Auolicntion to Mr Atkinson.

Printer, Chester-le-Street; if by Letter, Post-paid. SEBGKFIBS SEMtNART. THE Public: are most respectfully apprised Hikl the Business of this School will terminate on the SOth arid re-commence on'the 21st January. WM. MIDDLETON.

shh stmv. GEO. okbstjbb, a. as. Of QucutCa Collcye, Oxford, and.

Matter of the iSndow'td Scrnoi ol Stamfordham. orlhumberlimd. ECEIVES iiito tiii House a limited Niiiuber of JLt. upus, lor tlie Purpose ot luiuon. Terms, SO Guineas per Annum (Washing included.) December Exirgeon, Apotliecary, and Aooottchenr, BEGS Leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he.

has commenced Practice at No. 2t, Ellison Street, Gateshead. 13th December, 18S2. WUUAM BROWW, Kait' Cutler, Btreaser, Perfumer, A'o. 14, CoUingwood Street, opposite the Turf 'Hotel; Wewcaa(tt.

BEGS Leave most respectfully to ibforni his Frierids and the Public, that he has commenced Business in the above Line, in the Shop of the late Mr William Slnton, where he hopes by a strict A ttention to Business, tp-secure that Patronage and Support which it shall ever be his constant Study to merit Dec. 18th, iaS2. s.ot&3 aeolBb xm Under the Patronage ttm. JSarl Grm. fOnH WaiGHT respectfully informs bte.Jfrie0.ds.

5tS and tho Public, that hewill hiive in a few a new nnd elegant Selection of JEWELLKRY, PEARLS, Oll-MOLU CLOCKS, and MOSAIC GOLD ORNAMENTS, Sic, at a low Price, to which he most farnestly solicits their Attention. Newcastle, Dec. 6th, 1832. rrmj of mAxso-vontae. Sohri XLavasay stadCo.

ESPECTFULLY intimate that they have ar-Jl, rived at Newcastle, with a Number of PIANO-KO HTES, of their own Manufacture. J. R. and having had long Experience in the first Manufactories in London, their Instruments cmbraceall the lalctt I mprovements of the best Makers, and, on Inspection, will he Ibund equal to any in London, andatsucb Prices as may not again he rfl'ered to the Publicj. Piano-Fortes exchnnned on rem liberal Termi.

Are on Sale at Mr Hall's Buildings, Newgate Street. N. B- As Mr R. will tie leaving the Town in a few Days," cany Application mil oc requireu. OBOEOBB BItOWW BEGS to inform the Publir, that on SATURDAY theSJgnd he will expose for SALE, at his Shop in the Butcher Market, Newcastle, tho CARCASES of TWO reinarkaolc line HEIFERS, Fouraud a Half Years old, bred by Mr Dudgeon, Spylaw.ncar Kelso, which obtained so much Admiration at the Highland Society's Show, at Kelso, and to which a Premium, as Extra Stock, was awarded.

They were got by a short-horned Bull out of Shetland Cows of tho smallest Size, the Dams not weighing More than Twonty-four Stones when fully fed. In tho mean Time these remarkable Animals will be exhibited al Mr Race's, Barras Bridge, atn moderate Sum for Admission, the Proceeds of which will be given, to the Lying-in Hospital Dcc. lj, IS32. THE TEETH. Antiseptic Anridijrc Cement, for filling; and restoring Decayed Teeth, and Incorradifilr.

Artificial Teeth. MR a. C. STOKES, Surgeon 2tehUnt, Kipudosi, 1BATEFUL for the very extensive Patronage which has distinguished his professional Exertions since his Arrival in respectfully informs his Friando and the Public, that he may be consulted, for srmW Time longer, at Carliol Street. He particularly culls' Attention to his Method of restoring DECAYED TEETH with his celebrated ANTISEPTIC APODYSK (TBSfENT, which is applied in a few Seconds without the slightest Pain, Heat, or fti rz.yaijjtcv,, ana immediately becomes as'hard as me.sound Part ol the Tooth, renderlnir it as useful as ever, and arrost- ing the further Decay.

incorrodible. Artificial teeth supplied, 'trcm one to a nv plete Set. on the most modern-Principles. S. Bentlst to the King, AS invented a Composition, Which is iiioorruo-: lible, to supersede, the Use of Human Toih' made of this Mineral wilt never chantre Colour Ar arc the most Natural In Shape and Colour to'the Hahian Teeth, ever attempted by any former Experimentalist, nnd may be fitted on the united Principles of Attraction, and Atmospheric Pressnre, from one Tooth to a complete Setfen masse or on Plates of Gold, fa Vnrietti ofiSneeirnimji maylwsemj.

His CORTEX is now generally and, highly recommended by the Faculty in London and Puns, for The Nature' of this invildablc ShCciflc imch.hiii. ik-uiiilJ' when placed in the carious Tenth, become as.hard as tho na. tural Enamel, lasting for many Years will prevent further Decay, cures the most inveterate Tooth-ocho instantaneously and fastens loose Teeth. Also Diseases of the Teeth and Gums of iitrral Persons, and Children's deramred second Deotition. have churned his particular JSvcrv Operation in DentyJ Surgery, as usual.

Mr S. Heithc bees to state he can receive no further Armti. cations by any Person who-is not truly professional and well-established, and only one treatsd with in each Town to be instructed in the late Improvements made by him in his Inventions, Fee, One Hundred Guineas-J Mr S. H. hap- now completed his Engagement with his nrofessionul Friend in ivou-cujite, ann can now itevote the whole of his limb to those Patients who hnve hitherto been disappointed, and to ft ty tnay be seen al Home from Nine "till Four 2Vo.33, Blacheli Street.

Those Persons prejudiced in Favour of natural Teeth, and Teeth made of other artificial Substances, can be supplied on his improved -Principle. ff0 Deposit is required, Mr H. entirely depending; on his Mecliatiical and burptcal Operations for giving Satisfaction. Charges as in Pans. S3, "Blacken Street, Newcastle, to AiacBisaoioiB ovsnana.

THE Committee for Erecting a District Chtircbin the Township.of Walker, are ready to receive Plans and' Estmiatcs for such Building. Accommodation miist he provided for 400 Persons on' the-Ground Floor, with Provision for creeling Galleries in future. The must not exceed from- 4800 to JZ 1000. With Viow. to the Selection of Plans entirely on, tlieir" own Merits, It is requested that the Name of each Architect may be sent under a sealed.

Cover, as that of the successful' Candidate wdl he alone divulged. Plans to he sent, Post-paid, on or before the'Mth Januanv Walkeif' Church Committee," Vicaritae Long Benton. Walker, Deb. loth, 18S2. THE Creditors of the late Mr JOHN PROCi TER, requested to" meet the Administrator at the Office of Mr R.

Procter, in Fenklc-street, on Tuesday the 8th of Jahuafy next, between the Houreof elaveu and twelve in'the Forenoon, when and where a full Statement of tho Estate und Effects of tli9 said Deceased will he produced, and, at the same Time, it's proposed to pay a firstand final Dividend thereon Alnwick, Dec. 10, 1882. A XL Persons who stood indebted to the late A MARGARET HAYLINGS, Crocs Keys, Head of the Side, Newcastle, ait the Time of her Decease, are hereby requested immediately to pay the same to Ht Henry Davison, Sun -Inn, Gateshead, othenvise Proceediugs will bo issued against them without further, 'Notice. And all Persons who have any Clalni against tho said Margu'ret ate requested to send in their' Accounts, with the 'Nature of their curity, to the said Henry Davison, Who will discharge the same. Gateshead, 'Dec.

12, 18:12. WHEREAS JANE LANDELLS, of Gateshead, in the. County of and WILLIAM GRAHAM the 'Towri and Coiinty of Newcaa-: tie upon Tyne, Wholesale Hafccrdasheire and Dealers in Straw. Plaits, have, bylndenhsre of bearing- Date'the lenth Day of December I'nstnnt, ifsiignedoll Uieir personal Lstateand Eirccts, as.wel! joint as several, unto Johu Wilkin, son, ofthe said Town and Wholesale Haberdasher, and Alexander Heed, ofthe same Place, Dealer in China and -t-arthenwarc, in Trust and for the equal Benefit 'iff the joint and several Creditors ijf tlie said Jane LijndeUs and Wifliara orahnm Landells, who shall respectively sign 'the same, and accept, of the 'Provisions thereby made 'and Notice Is hcreW of lies at the ou, ot. mcnoias cwctl0 Creditors, whether within TwiSEM.

to same, piomns irora tne uate thcreot, wt(l oe ihT- All DehhVdue to the said Graham jointly or se-' or to fi! to the Aislghees, St. Nicholas' Church Yerd, I Newcastle December, FOH RIO 0E JAMBIROOmxCT. tilfc fine, new, oppered GEORGE jmmt. L-l Al John oung, Master, 6(l Ton, Registc-, will lp.r bot the Middle of January, IfOjj. MASRA8 AID CALCUTTA DIRECT l'be tine, new coppered Barque SANDERSON, 300 Tons Rpgislev, lc thc M.ddle of February TOR BRI8TOX.

DIRECT, he regular trader BRISTOL, George Clark, Muter, will cleat in a lew Dy. The line neu HtiVfaX9r' will clear about the of January, I8SS. )N ,..,1.1 Bell, Mastar, A small Cargo of Su Petrrsbu-gh ll WOOD DKAI.S, Pt lone. Quality WHITE For further Particulars apply to THOSTl. GIBSON and 78, QuAyoide, Newcaatla.

(One Concern. 6th December, 1892. WHALE-rUHIMG SHIP FOR SALE TO BK bOIjf HV PRIVATKniKTHipr a ouip or Newcastle on Tyne, Burthen nir Keeisler. S7S Ions, witli all h.r fctk in MatertaU. This Vassal is well known as pooaessing most desirable Pro.

pertiaa for the Trade in which she haa been engaged is doubled nw-, iuu Mirongiy lomnM. ne Ship in excel- excel-River mi iwui, iuu uj ooun, curp, and tiear, are -vwj, great ran neir, and complete Rap ect. The eaMl liaa tor Inspection at St Peter's Quay, River ror luthtr farueulara apply to Captain Palmer, Board. arts it 8c(WMMiMa Tfmt. 1 and persecuteri are rapidly increasing.

1 herr mcrease useful Aiierients for Persons affected with Gout, and rf be ternlies the slave party. 'To remove the free class," say taken in such Coses when a cooling Furaauve mi at-they, "is mercy to ourselves, as they form a perpetual source teoded with Danger. In Reloxation of toe "Sowe'T trfaV CrtRt.lp. shal! hf rpwMrd-d for their TrouMe. A TO'BBfcKT, And entered fo on tlie mh of May next, for such a Term Years mat be aareed on, THE FARM of KETTLEBURN, in the Parish BelfDrd, anil Coiinty- of Northumberland, containing 210 Acres, or thereabouts, now occupied by Mr John Sinton, Offers, addrcFsed to G.

Selby, Solicitor, AJnwick, or to Mr William Lowrey, of Bannoor, will be received until the 3d -Day of January, IHSS, and the latter will, on Application, flirnieh further Particulars. Mr Cuthbertson, Ddchcnl Wood, will show the Farm. Bai moor, Dec. A SIX OCTAVS CABINB'jl- AN SqCARE FSANO-FORTE TO. BE SOtX CHEAP.

FOR A VERY CABINET PIANO-. XJt FORTE, in a very, elegant Rosowiwd Case, having six Oitaves, all of the latest improvements, and warranted tosSand ju likewise an extra-sized Square Forte, with six Octaves, French-polished. Metal and all the latest Improvements. As tlie Instrumeitla arc lo he sold very cheap, an earlv Application is recommended. The Pinno-Fortes may be seen by applying at No.

19, West-gntc-strect, little above-Colhugwood-street FOR SALE BYPRIVATE CONTRACT. A Desirable FREEHOLD and TYTHE-FREE FARM, called Bito'oiisjrAW Bin, pleasantly situated near Haltwhistle, Northumberland, containing Forty.five Acres, of Lund, with, an unlimited Right of Pasturage tipon "Haltwhistle Common (I60p Acres,) Mrs Ann Hope, the Tofta'ut, "vrill show the Land, and may be Ifhovnuin Application to Mr Red Lion Haltwhls'ljp; -or Carr and Joblinir. Sr- Jicftorrv TO BE SOLD BV PRIVATE CONTRACT, A LL that well-established and very valuable M. WHITING MANUFACTORY, situate at ihc North Shore, Newcastle- tipon Tyne; to which is attached a largo Quay and Timbeir Landing, sixty 'I'ards in- with a powerful Crane, well adapted for the Timber Trade a Saw Mill Steam Engine, of ten Horse Power, and Machinery complete, with large Warehouses, and Accommodation for Deals, tee. behind.

There is also a Button Maimtinctury upon the Premises, occupied by Mr Joseph Lister. The Sale of this Property presents a favourable Opportunity to any Person' who possesses a small Capital, undisdesiruus of being engaged in Busint ss. The Concern iiwcll-eawblish-ed, and may be carried on to a considerable Extent For further Particulars apply to Mr Thomas Chau-r, Solicitor, Newcastle. N. B.

This Advertisement will nol appear njain. or tasMa of wooi.jisjir add usiiii "Prom Triday tlto X4th to, Tuesday and Wednesday, tho ana -arucuiTioDr. TO ME 601,0 BV AliO'l'ION', On Tuesday and Wednesday the Ifftanrf Ittrt December, at ten tfCtoch, By MR. THOMAS S.1IA!,!,, On ths Premises, No. 3.

Sandhill, (onMnile the Fish MurheiJ i.v to son' nil: LL the REMAINING STOCK of Woollen A1 Cloths and Cossinieis. Friezes. Habit i'l-inK. mcrinocs, iviDDons, nosiery, naiercasnny, ic. together with a Quanlity ofrcady-maile, and u'her Cloths.

Catalogues to lie. hurl on Monday Morniny, tit the Auctioneer's, Arcade. The SHOP nr.d A RE ROOMS lo he LET. Apply on tin' Premises. Newcastle, December 13, 1HS2.

O0Os7 T( BJB SOLD BY AUCTION, At Mr Small's Sale Kooni, Royal Arcade, on Wednesday lOtK December, and t'ollowimi fa, al llo'Clock, BY' MR AN ARsortment of PLATED GOODS, comprising handsome Epcrgnes- and Sailed Stands, Wine Coolers, elegant Claret Pitchers, Soup and Sauce Tureens, Waiters, Liquor and Claret Frames, Tuble Candlesticks and Branches, a splendid Arg.inrf Three-light Lamp, Sntillcr Trays, Tea X'rn, and a Variety of Cotl'ce and Tea Sets, Toast Trays, Salts, Ink Stands, Ac. The Whole with rich Silver Borders and Ornaments, etc. Mr Scaife begs to inform the Public, the above" A nicies are all ofthe best Sheffield Manufacture of an old-established and respectable Honm, the Partnership in which having expired is ihc Reason of the Stock being thus disposed of. -May he viewed on the Tuesdaypreceitiog Use. Sale.


10, Piccrdy place, lathe ensuing Mon'thof February, THE genuine, entire, and celebrated Collection of PICTURES and- DRAWINGS, mostly of the Ancient Musters, which. was formed with infinite' Taste and Judifrncnt, regardless of Expense, during a Priod eaceedjng Haifa Century, by the late JOHN CLERK, of Eld in! one of the Senators of the College of Justice. Also a remarkable Collection of Prints anil Etchings, comprehending the choicest Works of the grealest Musters, and some very fine and rare-old China, Coins, i A- in- Preparation, and will be had a Mouth of -Sale, otall.tbo prinoipal Book and Print-sellers in London, DiibJin, Manchester, Leeds, arid Glasgow 7th Dec. 1833. AkSMCmTH TOSINPISE ROASJ.

MOTKI.E is hereby given, that the ue.xt Meeting ofthe Trustees ofthe said Road, is appointed to he held at llie House of Mr Burn, the While Hart Inn, in Hexham, on Tuesday the 16th at 13 o'Clock at Noon. By Order, W. HALL. "jVTOTICEis hereby given, that the Annual General Xxl Meeting ofthe Trustees nf this Road is appointed to be hold at Mrs Dees', Shjn of the Highlander, on Thuisilay the 3d of January, 1833, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, lo examine tho Treasurer's anil Surveyor's Accounts, and olhcr Business relating to the said Road. By Older of ihc Trustees, Dec.

8th, 18S2. JOHN LEIGH TON. 3POBTTET.ASSD TTJRrcfJiVTr vj 30AD. OTICE is hereby Ttiven, that at a numerous Meeting ofthe Trustees ofllns Road, held at Mrs Deps'. Siirnoftho Hich'ander.

on Tucsda-, the 3d of Dr-rrmlipr. it was ordered, that One-Half of the 'Toll Uiken nt Ponteland ioll Bur he taken at lvtrkley loll Bar, for all Horses, or other Beasts of Burden, "alienor unladen, and lor every Horse or other Beast drawing any Carl or Carriaee. travelling to or from i.cnunub ami 11, mi; 1 jiii uu U'- laftt'll ill. jroniClUUtl Toll Bar, for Horses, 'belonging lo tbe' Inhabitants ofthe Township of Ponteland, oiinnd alter llie First Day of Janu. ary, 1B33.

urtler ot the I rustecs, Dec.Slb, IS33. JOHN LEIGHTON. 16 the Editors of tho "STewcaatlc Courtint. Gf.nxlemen, CRE880N held his incetine at. the Music Hall, on Thursday cveninc, and vbu have favoured the public with a report of the proceedings.

Vou have had the good taste. not to repeat, the abuse which Mr Creston heaped on Mr James Cropper, of Liverpool, and myself nor shall 1 repeat what 1 have heard of it. The character ol llie Csiloni 2ation Society is a question to be tletennineti by facts, and not by personal crimination; and by facls alone shall my judgment be determined and should the investigation which 1 am pursuing, lead me to the conclusion that this Society it; entitled to the support of the friends of tbe blacks in England, I shall publicly avoiv it. tti the mean time, I earnestly solicit my riends not to regard the web of sophistry and abuse with which Mr Creston attempted to cover my questions, lior the vote of thanks, which was moved lo him at the close of- his calumnies against a mau who has no private ends serve, but colmly to examine the evidence that may be adduced, anil then to judge righteous judgment. Mr Cresson, 1 am told, laid considerable stress on my declining a personal explanation with him.

My reasons for this course ol conduct Mr Cresson, bad he been candid man, would have, stated. to the meeting. I told him that the question was not one of a personal nature with mo. had made it a public one. He thereforehadthepublictosalisfyandnotme; and as my health was in state which precluded me attending the meeting, I was- left to discuss the question with hiin, if discuss it-1 must, on the walls of Newcastle, for there, and there alone, .1 could meet This statement he did tne the injustice to garble as well, as my letter, from which ho read just as touch as suited his purpose.

I have now done with Mr Cresson; and until I.can 6pare time to collect other materials, I bee favour of your llie followint? extract from the Anti slavery Reporter, which I have this moment received from London, I am. Gentlemen, Your humble servant, JOHN FEN WICK. Newcastle upon Tyne, December 10. 1832. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY.

We continue to look with some solicitude for the appearance ofxbe mass of evidence which was laid before botb'liouses of parliament, ill the last session, on the subject of colonial its publication is still While expecting it, we -take the' opportunity of turning' our' eyes, for a brief space, to the L'uitied States of America, in order to mark the progress of the question which ousmpies our thoughts in that mighty portion of the family of matt. Die apparent apathy with which it was -too long regarded in that country, as in this, seems to be giving place to an intense acitation of the public mind, obviously bit? with -iruportantresults; and, while the wicked and anti.chrislian prejudices of colour. are' acquiring, in. one direction, a deeper and sterner, in another, a more uncompromising and determined hostility to slavery and all its fearful adjuncts is taKing root, anci sprcacuig itseit wioeiy tnroughout tne Christian part, of the American population. This feelinc seems of late to have been strenrrthened hv the fuller developement of the principles and plans ofthe Colonization society, wmcn, mougn ror a ume-aimost unnouced its course, of late come forward with 3 startling boldness in the avowal of its deliberate purposes'- arid of the cruel and unjust expeuients Dy wnicn, itis uuegeu, tnose purposes are to oe cttect-cd and the real tendency of which, it is strenuously maintained, is not to lessen, but to aggravate and perpetuate, the worst evils of nezro slavery.

Various publications have recently appeared in America which profess to expose to public reprobation the flimsy pretences which serve to disguise, froth superticral obieryers, the innate and essential defonnities of the system of this society, and to deludo many benevolent Iridividtials into yielding it tlieir countenance and support. These' works are not eeherallv ac cessible to the British reader. One of them, however, is now before which undertakes effectually to expose the iniquity of this colonization scheme. It bears the following title on African Colonization or au exhihi tion ofthe doctrines, nrinclbles. and nnrnoses of the- Amerlpjtn VUiouit.iuuJ wKetuer, w.un toe xcsoiuuons, aaeresscs, and rernonstranct'S of the free people of oolotir," by William ut xiuawn, in x.ngiana..- i This earnasure is conducted bv Mr Garriuyn vuitti -t

eSfecf, end his from' sbiirces ivhich tiij- TOBE UiT, tor such a Term of Tears a man be agreed, wperi, and to Commence on. ihn 1st iwri THE finding of ROPES for the HettoB Colliery Roilway, and for toe Drops at Sunderland. tiiioimation may co nan on Application at the Hctton Colliery Office, and Tenders lo be sent on or before the 87ib December, 18S2. Hetum Colliery Office, December 1SS3, TR- BB JLET, And entered on lS itav-dav next, of DAMDYKES, it. the Cbajpeiry of Granthngton, and County ol Nortoumberkndf.imw in the Occupation of Robert Snowdon, cotiwining S20 Acres, or thereabouts.

A Persona Ltomi Arcot hnw thi, and rey, lurlherKsi frsmity'BfcTnioYrii on Applicaiic5riorS -Arcot, Dec. IS, 1x338. at die Bel TO BE LET, And entered upon at SJcy-Dattnext, TODBURN FARM, in the Parish of Loug. Northuuiberland. teas.

Henry Burn, of Linden East Fanu, will show the Pre raises, aud fur ther Particulars may tie known on Application to Mr John Tote, East House. East House, Dec, ilth, IS32. Bt! for such a Term of ears ew rsay he agreed upon, and en- iererf to on the Mk of Ufau.MSS, FARM, iB thjefParirOi oCEHingbaMi, 4Li containing 6S0 Acier oriafet, adajjtej totbetfultlvation of Wheat and 1'uraipo, with a suitable'Pottion of'Cld Land Pasture. Also, the healthy STOCK FARM of CARLECROFT in the Parish of Alwinton. The Shepherd on the Farm will show Carlccroft; and John Collmpwood, of North Charlton, will show EinkhaU.

Mr Foster, of Scraiowoori, or Mr W. Forster, of Burra- uu, mi ute tanns, acraniwoott, wth Dec, 18SS. TITHE. FREE FARMS. TOBELBT, For such Term of Years as may be agreed upon, and entered to on.

the istfi of Miu next, gWARLAND FENCE FARM, containing -211 NEW MOOR HOUSE FARM, containing S76 Acres. The abeve Farrosare in the Parish of Felton, and well situated for Markets, being equidistant from the Sea Port of Ato-mouth and Morpeth, and in the immediate Neighlwiirhood of Coals and Lime. a Jacob Mills, at Swarland House Farm, mil shofc- the Premises, and further Information will be given by Tate, Biltou House, near Alnwick, who will receive Proposals in Wntinj; until the Slh of Jan. next. Swarland Park, Dec.

12, 1SS2. TO RE T.P.T And entered upon the t2ft May next. This Mill contains one Pair nf andone Pair of Grey Stones, all five Feet Diameter; a Cvl Itnder Corn Screen, and other requisite Machinery for doing extensive Business; and is situated in the Mrdstof aliuS Population, attached to the neighbouring Collieries of Benton, Killingworth, Bsc kworth, Willington, amongst whomThe Produce of the Milt and Farm Jan he. vpnderf vSth i trouble. The Dresent Tenant will ix wc jLaeimses, sua lurmer Particulars mav be known rtCZ '-rawrom and bon.

or at ihf niFnf citor, North Shields. "oou" TO BE IjET, And entered ihf if ibvo THE following FARMS, situated in the Pariah of Tp. of Northumberland, for. such' erms of Yeare as may be agreed on Dicsmgton East Houses Farm, containing sj'o 2 SB Penny Hilliarrn sin SI The above Farms are pp. iLtairf Hay and Petty toe ZT rtSl IA tfte" ad within.

short Disterie of ji great, rropomon ot Uisaineton East Houses I' arm is Old Grass Land. "6m jiasi; Robert Reed, of Dispington, on Appliiation. will show Ute l'TrlJ'11, Wu for erPartied-. Xto Armstrong, of- Heddbn-on-the-Wall, ilattendatDtssingtonlmon the jJ6th Dec. unlil 4" Clock, to receive Proposals.

Heddon-on-the-Wall, Dec. ISth, IgSi. STOMACH MO BOWEL SSOJUlPAttiTS. rrr-, rD Ximton of Turkey BAxsSarb, pHIS Preparation possesses all the Properties of -t the Root, combined with such Aromatlcs as are found to dimmish its Operation, but which render it as" exceed-' mgly useful Medicine, in a Variety of AtTectfons where a Cordial Aperient is required. The Circumstances under which' is most particularly recommended are, when, grinirie 'Pains felt the Stomach and Bowels; it will also found a' SOOd Carmmattvo for reh'pvintr' tnasp.wbo.hnvp hpp it, n.ui, j.

can seiaom oc cftccftsrf it has proved itself to be more useful than Medicine, its first Operation being to carry off the acria Klefe tcr, which is the Cause of tlie Disease and uftenvards by the tonic and astringent Properties which it possesses, quieting the inordinate Action which has existed. In Bottles al; 3s. aud ts. 6rf. Sold by Blackwell Coumnt Office, Pilgrim Street: Newcastle; Johnson, Gateshead; Barnes, North Shields; South Shields; Marwood, Sunderland; Murray, Che-i Hoggelt, Durham Jennett, Stockton; Cud-worth, Darlington Dickinson, Hexham Davison, Alnwick Lnlorpiith and mostDeersjn j'atcnt Medicines: Nai-ces, Nov.

22. Our young King returns here iviih Ins pretty sposinu to pass Christmas, when the festivities' "at Court will be most brilliant. It'js hoped Queen Chtistine of Naples may have as much influence over her hul.wnd as her sister-in-law and namesake of Spain has over hetl two Ferdinands may owe their popularity to" the two nas. Prince Metteruich is doing alt he can to get the Duke of Tuscany to marry one of these Princesses, than he should have a sister.of the Quecu of Belgiun the idea of an alliance with Louis. Philippe and any p.

Italy, 'alarm Austria very much. WttTOB A BBAEr Dec. WN VV. 5, NW. i Arrived, Foreign, Catherine, Bn Pctersburgh, tallow.

Mameluke, Mason, Archangel, Carmarthen, White, Memel Mulmave Castln. Cnnn. 1 Chester Symmetry, CowcII, Miramichi. timber, nl. Foreign, Aim and Sarah, Purvis; Rover, Fowler, Jeree Reynard, Scolt, Embden: Haabet, Thompson, Harsen.

Jane, Lewis, Charente Fern Sodskende, Jacobsou, Nakskoo Chace, Robinson, Dunkirk: Wilheltnina, Liep, Kapsal Christina Maria, Wolf, Flensburg, coals, ike. Arrived Coastwise, Tyne, Clarke; Esther, Wise, London-. Rock-liliu, Taylor; Jessie, Edmonds, Hull, goods. James, Mi', lar; Ann's Increase, Mcintosh, Dunbar. Curlew, Milis, Arbroath: Eliza, Phillips, Dundee: James and Ann, Hare; Margaret, Cole, Ipswich: Swift, Mason, Montrose: Lark Marsh Riches, Sillies Harriett, Scott, Yarmouth William', Richardson, Berwick: William and Nancy, Tindale- Alliance, Lemon Wanderer, Chamberlain Eliae, iukev, Frederick and Alfred, Evetts, Lynn corn.

Cleared, Coat't-wise, Britain, Wise; Esk, Purvis; Tyne, Clwke, London, goods. Also 20a colliers, STOMERXAITO. Cleared, Foreign, Brillliant, Letbe, Bordeaux, coals, Arrived, Foreign Stamfordham, Leekie Sisters, Guine, Quebec, timber. Arrived, Coastwise Williams, Heads; Brorapton, WiUinger Active, Jameson, Newcastle: Thistle, Thompson! Turner, Fisher; Thomas, Dolchen, Whitby Exchange, Newton, Hull: Bri- tannia, Eastland; John and Ann. Osses, Cheehester: William and James, Jarrett, Bridlington Endeavour, WaterSj Shoreham: Robert and Margaret, Coulson; Hartlepool Elizabeth, Spain, London Gipsey, Hutchinson, Scarbro', goods.

Freedom, Donaldson Vixiter, Sto-thard; Navigator, Wake; Hare, Greenstade, Southampton Novar, Baxter, Inverness Wintlhiiro, Dobson, Rye, timber. Cleared, 126 colliers. BTOCETOJsr. Arrived, Foreign, Rebecca, Anderson, St. Petcrshurgh, hides, deals, Arrived, Coastwise, Tharats, Hill, London: Alice, Elizabeth and Mary, Carter, Leith Berwick: Sisters, Pickering; Tyne, Harley; George, Rlchey, Newcastle WoodiSeld, Morrison, Lynn Lily, Brown, Cardiff: Violet, Vcrrill, Cleared, Coast wise, Paragon, Hudson Ties, Sherwood, London Navigator, Warpman, Hartlepool A)" Lawson, Sunderland: Sisters, Pickering; Leven, uupoi, tsuraon, ixewcastie Stockton racket, Wood, goods.

Also 22 colliers. COAX. KKCHiKTGB, S.OSSOrSvt, Friday Wallsend Bewicke Co. 80s 3d a ekl Dotlour Do. Brown's IBs Cd Do.

I6s 6'd Do 18s 6d Do. 18s 6d Do. Gosforth fs 3, Ht-aton 196 3d aOls- Do Hilda 1 D0. JolijrTi Killingwortli 19s 3d a 19s 6d Jo. Ncwbiggen 17s o' Newmarch 19s 6d Do.

Perkins 1 Wsi Do. Riadeil's2usSa Do. Walker 1ft 64 Ditto Het Do. Lambmn Sis Do. Russell Hetton 21s a 81s 8d Do.

Stewart's 21s Do. 17s Do. Adelaide 20s Do Butterknowl Do. Musgrave Do. South Durham 19s6d DoTeesi20sr3da208 9d Great wich HospitaUds 84- Adairs jtriserf Beaumont 17s Char lotto I76d Chester Main': 16a 6d 'Dean's Prirhroitc 9d East Percy Felling If Bin 17s64 Garesfield Tssfid Hebburn 19s Holywell IBs 6d Kenton 18s tJi of-Redheugh 16s6d-s Pontop Windsor I7s.

6d Sbiix: Thackrah Main ltte .64.. Tanfield 18s Sd Tivrhley, 1 169d Wtist Hrt Bell's Primrose I6b t. Barnslcy Ws6d Harilsy jps ard's Netherton Main. 17s Silkstone, Field, ixtA Primrose small 14s-i-88 ships Wallsertd Co. 20s 6d Do.

Bell Brbw'rt'i, Do. Callertohl6s6d Do. Clark 18s 6d Ditto forth 19s 3d a 80s Do. Heaton 80s Oo. Hotspur 18 -A Do.

Hilda 19s Do. KUIiugworth 19s 6d Do. "NewbittS'a 17s Do Newmarch 19s 6d Do. Northumberland Do. Riddeli'aSOs Do.

Walker 19s 6d Db. Hettoii RuasellS Hetton 20s 6d Do. Gordon 19Sd Do. Tecs 20s 9d Do. 'BmMiM dei-sonldsSd Do.

Greenwich HospitilSgj 18sal9s Kenton West 18s Sd Ponton 17s td' South Holywell IBs 6d. Tr 18s 6d a 16s 9d West Hartley 18s vlackSffi stone. Field, and Co. 19s MBjfii ft shins arrived. BTOCJM.TirerisbATi rnncnK fiSti Bar Reht- Itiulnp.

Die 6 3 per mt. RcdorLi Xo Ute -Worthy and Independent JTroc Buj-josao, atnS to the InJioblttint Jtoueeholdsrs, and other Bloctora of WewewiUa upon lyae. heartfelt Aeknowlcdge-U iiiehls'are dde 'to y'ou for the triumphant Result of Euertions this Day: earnestly request a Continuance of them, in my' To-morrow. A Repprt having been circulated bv some, that I had.form-ed a Coalition with Mr Hodgson bv others, that I had formed with Mr Attwood 1 ieg to assure you, -that I have neither directly or indirectly.becn 'a Party to any such Proceeding, wUh'oitbcr of the Gentlemen who are Candidates for your Favour." I havcthe-Horiour to rcaiain, Yoiir most bbedicul add obliged humble ATTw WHITE RIDLEY. Committee Hoorn Dec.

State of 13a Toll, Seo. S3. Sir M. Mr Hodgson, 1,858 Mr-Attwood, 818 Ito tho Worthy nad Srsdopoudont SaeoWM of ITewisrisUe upon no; GayTtutas, proud Sltuatton wIiithTjhold on this Dav's i A proves that the which cxpreased in your-oupportwas wwi rounaeu. nave rnc pleasing xiuty or tendering ybutoy Thanlui.

for ypnr Exertions ia pur corambn The Same Spirit yshich hsvo hitherto displayed, will enable, me to-morrow Evening, to congratulate you on the Glorious Termination of our Struggle. I-have the Honour to bsrGentlcrrjcri, Your-muchiobliirea Servant, i '-1SS Attwood v. 'BO? Newcastle, Dec. J8, 1832, spo -rasa mammv jam iwwaiesiWDRjrs' sic- vono or virss wata GENTLEMEN, On Examination of the.Nambers Jf who have 'already polled in this Efectlonin Comparison with the total Number registered and entitled still to Tote, I find that though I should be able, uport a Certainty, to reduce the Majority at present against rhe co-'a very small Number Indeed, is impossible to recover the Ground which has been lost, and consequently impossible to carry the Election, tinder these Circumstances, do not intend to trouble you any further, at present, in'tSo Matter. A CombiDation, such as Appears to be always in Reserve, and in State of actual Readiness for Uc, between the open Enemies, and very moderate Friends oi all your Rights and Wishes, has been found toy strong for the Freedom of unprotected by the Ballot, nnd in the present State of the Elective Franchise, There remnins nothing for you, therefore, but Submission to 'the Perpetuity of a gross Perversion of the public' Representation of the Country, which, despite tho Reform' Bill, should seem to be your Destiny, or a Continuance of a Struggle to prevent it by a further Extension of the Reform itself, to such a Decree its will make you in Effect what you are- not at ure- 'scl, free and uninfluenced Agents in your choice of your puDnc ocrvams.

As respects myself, Gentlemen, have only to express my Thanks for the unbou'glit Zeal of your Support, and my Admiration of that Zeal, Is still greater than my Gratiiude. As respects the Parties who mny falsely deem they have obtained a Triumph, I wish tbey may never find it one of. thoie fatal Victories which arc so much more' ruinotiB than would have been Defeat. I wish that they rtiiy never find that they also may yet go further, nnd fare "worse; that Opposition to Truth and Justice can never be more than delusively successful and that, if they persist in prosecuting an eternal Contention with the People, they may regret too late, amidst a Scent of National Convulsions, that thl, InfpKf: iniinnr.p nf: RrrmWlin- tipn has been allowed to pass away. ji nave inc Honour to Electors of Newcastle, Your obedient and- faithful Servant, GHAS.

ATTWOOD. Committee Rooms, ISth Dec, 18S8. aATESKPAa. Gbmttjswen, XT remains to offer my sincere anil heartfelt Thanks JL for tho Kindness with which you received me, for the Confidence yoti have rcjiored in my Hsnds. I feel that the Power now possess js yottrls, to be employed for your Benefit, for tlie advantage of our common Country.

With every Sentiment of Respect and Gratitude, believe that Iain, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obliged Servant, CUTHBERT R1PPON. Gateshead, December 12, 1938." no VB3B pass a vsmssxammws raxansma op the sonoam oT.mpsjfs'sstc tfl ENTIjEMEN I retJirn: my. fc'eavtfslt Acknow. JC ledgmente for the conferred, on mo this returning me as your Memiicr to a Reformed Parliament it will he my conidin Study to exert every ErTcir-1 gy 1 possess-to serve you faithfully. Allow me to.eoogratulate! you, in haying rctimifdyour Member in a Manner the mosti truly honourable' and cratifvinc: ha trees into Parliament npr fectiy unfettered, and'yet possessing your Confidence, which hd never win violate; 1 vrEKi'LEsrsp, 'J -T haTOeHorJPur-tobe, F.

G. HOWARD. Morpeth; Tuesday, Dec. HO), 1838. wm comw.

ON Account of the PqlliiiE fo. two Members for Parlioment, for She Southern ofthe saia Comity, taking placft on tho 20th, the County Court will be adjourned to Thursday, the 37th when and where all Persons concerned may attend on that Day. C. FENWICK, -ass SBjifc'B eoBmmjaa T3 ESPECTFULLY inform his Friends and Sup; Xi, porters that Conveyances will leave the George Inn, Pilgrim Street, on the Mornings of Thursday and Friday, the 20th and 2lst Instant, (tho Polling Days for the Southern Division of Northumberland,) to Hexham, Holtwhistle, Stam-fordliam, Room, Newcastle, Dec. 13, -18SJ, TO TOE BiBCTOItS.

Of TEB woKTBaBBr 'oivsaxraa "or-tecs ooxtsttv osr somTamasBBKLAxm. GeBTtKMEN, TJY the DiBBolution of the late. Parliament yon are JD called upon, for the first-Time, to exorcise, your Prrvi. lege of choosing two separate Membfrsfbr the Di-vision of Northumberland, and the Shoritf having appQinted StUurday, lie ISth for the Election, I bee respectfully to Inform 'jrou, I shall on that Day have the Pleasure of presenting myself to you at Alnwick, nsa Candidate for the Honour of representing you. 1 hat-c had so many Onpojtunitics of making known to you my PoUtlcal Opinions, that I will not, oh the present Occasion trouble you with any further.

Explanation of them. I-Wvethe Happinots of thinking, from the Infercoiirse I had Pleasure of hcdding with you during my recent Visit to the County, that my Sentiments on the principal Questions which now occupy Public Attention, are in Unison with your own, audhat my. Conduct, during the six Years I have had a Seat has: been honoured with your Approbation. Baliet that such is the. Case, and the very flattering Reception i so lately experienced from you, inspire me with the Hope that my Pretensions will obtain your Sanction, and that 1 l-T-rb? ty0" Choico, in the proud Situntioii to which I have ventured to aspire; I have to solicit from my Friends the Favour of Uieir Attendance at Alnwick, on the Day of Election.

And I hsvo the Honour to With tlie utmost Gratitude and Respect, Yoiir most devoted and obedient Servant Whitehall Place, 7th December, .1832, OWICK- Of the Ifortbern OlyJMon of tho County of Korthumtwrland. Gr.NTOT.MFS, npHE Parliament being dissolved, I have now to JL request the Fulfilipcnt of those' Promises of Support which I received so extensively when I had the Honour of vi6itingyou upon inv Canvas. My Political Principles aiid Views on the Policy of the Country have been laid before you in my printed Address-and the voiy -nnmorons. Promises df.Support. which I have subsequently received, lead me to flatter myself, that those, Principles apd, Viows are approved by a great Maiirity of this Division of County.

AMw' Wi to'rcinind you, that this is niy first Attempt at Entry on public Lite; aiid that therefore your personal Attendance in my Favour on the' Bay 'of -Election wiU materially increase lha Confidence with whlchil shall ask tlie imnor-Unt Trust of, as well astho Honour receiving- that; lru5t ntouti.Hands, if you should be pleased to confer, it. ejatlhiient'-: -Yojir mdst'obeaient arid fnithful Servsnt. Chilhngliam Castlc, OSSUL6TON SO -7B1 a, t.eve oi you lor tfte pteseut, I shall carry witty nie a' Heart impressed with the warmest Sense" of the kind 1 Reception which I have met with from every one. 'Although the Result of the Poll this Day has beon'ditrerinf to what' I was in Hopes would have been, yet. I have "no to regret, aspires, tp the Representation' of ton: ooruuKii, as.

it nas oeen; tuc. means or bringing jne nc'-quanited with tho grrat Wbrtli of the'Ihhabitanfcj, and tins ob-tafned for me a pfersdnal Ihirddildtibrt to- many, whose kind Reception and Attention to ins will be rememhered with Gratitude, and will reiuaihagrcat Inducement.tome, upon any Occasion which may oflm Plnce. The in, which have been. engaged, has becubne ipurelyiof Principle and as we have no Right to suppose that a "better Piiociple Is lo be found with ourselves than ia the Breaif of others, I trust that ivery Recollection of the' Con test will be buried in'the Desire of doing what Good may be in our Power to doe another, 'and the Enjoyment of that Harmony, so desirable to promote the Happiness, not only of ourselviis but also of all around us, -i which induced me to appoar its a Candidate for the, Borough, will at nil Times find in me a staunch Advocate; and whether ita Riiard to this or any other which may eoncorn ttse Townships of South Shields and Westoei if mi "Exertions on' my Fart' clin be of the smallest Use, nothing will be more grateful to my Heart than the Opportunity of -miking somesmatt Beturn for the Civilities which I have received, "Ratified -as mv Prije woUid been dt the Uesof'iio' the Confidence; of the.MMmhy of the Electors stiIHn! Cojictrys Good i -and the Goiwwousness of doing bis cn both. -fSSto1 r.VX.MtiKBK, '9, COI.J.IKO'-VOllIJ NKWCASTIX.

"Oi ESPEL'TFlJLLY informs; the Sporting World, JLa, ttiat lie lias uetarromen to oispose ot tuo; ttemainder ot his large Stock eery cheap, fvr Ready Money The Stock. consists of varying in Price from" '1 to 20, a60 of a'Nimibcr of Single Guns, Rilies, Several- Pair of Pocket Pistols, also Case of Duelling Pistols, Flasks," Shot Belts, The above arc warranted of superior Make to any in. the Neighbbarliiiod. Merchants and Capteins of' Ships will find (hisa de-: ijirable Opportunity of purchasing an excellent Artitle cheap. pacTBC-soa pma ntflWBAJffCB coaiPAJsnE', Jewry, and ttonrnt Street, Xomtow, 40, High Street, Southward.

OOO.OOO. npHIS Company: is founded upon the Principle of a A Division of its Vtotatsoithirdssto the without their i currir a.s Ony Perianal tiability for Zones, and One-thlri to theSbareholders; the latter receiving annuatiy 8 lair uatc or aavancea capital. The 'Interests, of thoGorapS'oy upon Tyne and its under the iramdlate.Supcrintcndence of the fol-lovring Committee of Proprictorfii-avOBT. MARSHALL, aiid WM. UEDHaADjif by whoin all Glincns for, promptly tniade' by the Company Notice is hereby given, Thirt Inshftiriecs which expire at Christmas next, should be renewed withinftecn Days thcre-ofter, orthey will become.

Receipts for such Renewals are now ready at the above Offices, aud with the respective Agents to. the Company throughout the United Kingdom. WILMER; HARRIS, Secretary. AGENTS. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Mr Edward Solicitor. Alnwick, Mr Matk Smith, Bishopwcafrmouth and Sunderland, Mr John Cameron, Linen. Diaper. rnvxaxoar or hb covirair or '9-cmiuutC' SATURDAY, the 15th InBtaut, having been ap-pointed by the. High SlierifT for tlie Nomination of Candidates -for the Representation of the Northern Division of this County, MR BRA DDYLL most respectfully solicits tho Attendance of his Friends at the Hustings at Durham, at it o'Clock in the Forenoon.

of. that Day." uorliam, 1 1 in uec, loov. KORwms-Ris BXVIBIOW OS" T3B COWKy? OF ir. Bruddull's tJomnUttee "OEG to call the particular A.ttenlinn of the Friends ot that Ucntleinan to toe llenucst contained in his Ad dress of tbe litli Jnsiant, tliot they will be pleased to give an eariy mteniianceai tne oiuercnt t-iaces Jor taking the Poll on the 18th and lpth Instant," cuch Attendance being of the Utmost Importance when the Polling is limited to two Days. Durham, tlth December, Or DTfKEM.

SIR HEDWORTH WILLIAMSON'S Commit-leo rospcrtfully inform his Friends, that the I'olt for the Northern Divisional County will coinnieiicc at Durham, Sunderland, Manchester, Whichhhum, Chcster-ie-Hlrcet, and Snut hields, (the six pplling Piocps appointed for this Division,) on Tuesdayvthe ISlh 'Instant, at 9 o'Clock tne morning, anil mat it must Close at lour Clock in the afternoon of following Day. The several Parishes and Townships ql lotted to each trf the polling Places are already ofliciallv announced, and before the Pnhlir. The Commitlce earnestly request ah Attendance at the. respective polling- Places on Tuesoi; Morning, as it is v.ii; mis, nil. 4'IVCVUII CUrXllllg Up IO ine iron uim on nenviuriits ouccess tjtnerwise certain can possibly be Committee Room, Durham, Dec.

13, OF OORHAIH: NORfKBUW DJVISION. HPHK COMMITTEE for cotiducting I he Election JL of Mr Hedworth Lnmblon, respectfully inform the Electors, that the Polling for this Division continences at-thc mx flaces appointed by the Act of Fariiament namely Durham, Cliewer-le-Strect, Sunderland, South Shields, Whickiiami. and on Tucsilay, the at. nine o'Clock in' the'Morning, Leave earnestly to solicit an early Attentfaniic of the' Friends" of Mr- Lambton, at their respective Polling Places. F.vety-possible Attention wiil' t)t "paid to provide 'ibr the Coliyoyaniic" of the.

Non-reafdent Electors to -the Polling Places; bat as 'ft may be difficult -to effect this to the Conveyance oi each Individual, they avery'Gentleoiun, -who is a-Fr(cnd' to Mr Hedworth Lambton, arid that great. National Cause, to'suppoi wliicH is the leMliug-Motive of lus seeking a Seat in Parliament, will kindly -use' his' personal Endeavours to-facilitate the Attendance of Voters, from his own immediate And they, further take' tlic- Liberty to ivill make -for his own ulWepdance'-without'waithijr 'dtl fietie'eerit The r4feF: fissment, that tile High Sheriff at. what particular Places the Electors of each Township are to attend to Foil. Mr Hedworth Lambton's Committee Room, Sadler Street, Durham, 1838. BIVI3IOBT fTtHE Polling Places appointed for the above.Di-,jL' vision are Durham, Sunderland, hick-ham, Chester-le-Street, and South Shields.

Certain Parishes and Townships are assigned to each PollingPlace, and-proper Polling Booths appointed therein, and noTSJector can Poll at any other Polling Place or Booth hut that to which the Parish or Township is assigned in which the Property he votes for is situate. The following is a List of the several Parishes and Townships assigned to each Polling Place, and also of tho Parishes and Townships allotted to each Foiling Booth, I. DURHAM BOOTH No. I. Uurham, Bailey North, or St.

"Mary-le-1 Saint-Giles' Broom Cockcn Casso Coxhoe Castle Eden Easington, with Thorp Haswell now Bailey South, or St. Mary-the- Less Crossgatc College in Durham Elvet Borough and Barony Frarawellgate Saint Nicholas DURHAM-BOOTH No. 2. Hawthorn Sberburn Hutton Henry -Hnlara Kiellde, with Whitwell House Kimbiesworth House Sheraton, including NeBbitt and Htilam Shotton Shincliffe, including Croxdale ond Butterby Sunderland Bridge (Northern part) Trimdon Thornley Thorp Bulmer Wingate 'Whitwell House Mbbvsley Moorhouse Monkhesletlon Murton East Nosbitt Pittington Quorrington Rainton East Rainton West Shadforth 2. SUNDERLAND BOOTH No.

1. In the Parish qV All' Persons named in the Register of Sur.tarfontf whose Surnames begin with the near the Sea. Letters A. to N. both inclusive, and whose qualifyiiig' Property is fn the Parish of Sunderland near the Sea.

SUNDERLAND BOOTH No. S. In the Parish of) All Persons named in the "Register of Aitndsriotii Voters, whose Surname begin with the neartheSea. Letters O. to both inclusive, nnd whose qualifying Property is hi the Parish of Sunderland near es- ANn'Aiso, Blshppweannouth Cold Hesledon Bishopwesrmouth'Panris Dalton-le-dale Burdon' un jjj'j liiaA jj ij DOTH No.

3. Offferton. Dawdbh Fulwell Fotd Hylton Herrington, East arid Middle Herringtbn West Monkweonnouth Monkwearraoutli Shore Rychope Southwick Seaton and Singley Seaham Silksworth TuEstali LANCHESTER, Doaraisniim tantieiit) Bubfield, with Xanchestcraad Lanchester Hamlets Benfieldslde BbBhbladcs and Kyo Billihgside East and West Burnop ond Hamsteek "With Lanchester, and' Lanchester Hamlets 11 Callierly Conside and Knitsley 1 Esh Ebchester Edmondbyers Edrad'hrlsley GroeneroJV i Healovfield Holmside, with Lanchester "ahd Lanchester Hamlets Iveston Kyo Lanchester Township and Hamlets Langley Lini2greeii(in'TanficId) Medomsley -Miiggleswick Roughside and Rowley (in MuggleswickV Slitlpv Tanfleid5 LWitton'Gilbert Hunstbhw'orth Chopwell -T Ji lO. 71, Craw'crook VUUIJC Ravenorth (in Lameslcy) ot-ella Swalwell (to Whickham) Whickbatit jt-amesley.) Ryton Winlatdn 1. v'StT l-aaooamon "PF'ti Jjittle Hetmiv' Newbbttie Warden Law ET BOOTH No: e.

Morton Grange Ouston; Pelton Piawsworth Paihshaw ESTER. LE TREE ioarmston 1 BiddickNbrth Blddick.Soitti, Botun Moor Birtley' Hariraton 'Lambton Great Uswbrth Urpeth WalHridge ijumiey jjittle 6. SOUTH, SHIELDS Boldon Cl(doh (in.Whstbutn) gtdaitton'Utd i "n1 Nether Sonto'Shieldri Clcaaoft of discontent ontl excitement to the slave." Their first object therefore is to expatriate, if possible, the whole of Ihc free class, tiiat the slaves may he more easily kept under. The scheme, indeed, is wholly impracticable and visionary, even if nt, nvit wining fu lillu vui, -il tilt" toll Ol IHC UiUlll- tatioll Society. But they are not willing.

They protest loud, ly, and almost universally, against this cruel project of cxpa. triation. Their almost universal feeling may be traced in the resolutions top ctilnuretl classes have adopted and promulgated in ail parts of tlie Uniicd Slates. Of these tbe following is a fair specimen Rpsolveri, That ive ItoM truths to be self-evident thlt all men an- created and endowed by their Creator with certain innlicmiMe that aiming these sre life, anil the pursuit of That it. iK (he dpct'dcd opinion of litis meeting, that African colonization is a scheme lo dram the better informed part of tbe coloured out ul these United States, so that the chain of slavery may be rivtuprl more tightly but we are determined not.

to be cheated' out of our rights by the cufanizu-tionists, or any ollif-r st-i of triPti. "That wii vi'inv tlm co'intry in which we live as our only true and proper home. 'Vc arc just as much natives here as the members of the Colonization Soricty. Here we were born hen: bred here our piivlio.M an rnobt pleasant associations here is all ttiuL binds man to eattli, and mrikes life valuable. That we arc freemen.

Mint wu are brethren, tbat we are countrymen and fellcMv-citizens, and ns fully entitled to tbe free exercisi; of the elective franchise as any men who breathe and that wc dcinand an equal share of protection from our federal government with any class of citizens in the community. That us citixctis'of these United States, and for the support of these resolutions, a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we rto mutually pledge to each other our lives, otir fortunes, and our sacred honour. Here we were bntn here we will live, by tin: help of the Almighty and here we will die. and let our huncs lie with our fathers." P. 3a.

This stubborn of the coloured classes to the plan of banishment their native country has led to the to i-ontitmplatc still more decisive measures, with a view to compel their expatriation. tlie Virginia House ot Delegates the language employed was to this etiect It is idle lo talk aliout' not resorting to said Mr Broadnnx, a member, every body must look to the introduction ol force til' some kind or other and it is iu truth a question uf expediency, of moral justice, of political good faith whether we shall fairly delineate our whole system on the face of the bill, or leave the acquisition of extorted consent to other process-is. The real question, tbe only question of magnitude to be scttltd, is the great preliminary 'question Do you intend to solid the free persons of colour out of Virginia, or not? If the free Negroes are williug to go, they will go if not willing they must he compelled to go. Some gentlemen think it politic not now to insert this feature in the hill, though they proclaim their readiness to resort to it when it becomes necessary tbey think that for a year or two a suflicient number will consent to go, and then the rest can he compelled. For my part, 1 drew it better to approach the question and settle it at once, and avoy it openly.

i have already expressed it as my opinion that few, very few, will voluntarily consent to emigrate, if no cosiruLsimv luKA-snaK be adopted. I will not express, in its full extent, ihc idea I enteitain of what, has been done, or what enormities will be uerottrated lo induce this doss of persons to leave the Who does not know that when a free Neyro, by crime or otherwise, has rendered himself obnoxious to a neighbourhood, how cosy it is for a party to visit him one night, take him from his bed and family, anri lo rum tne gentle admonition oi a severe HacellattoiK'to induce him to consent to away? In a few nichls the dose con be repeated, perhaps increased, until, in tho lanrmnp-e of the ohvsicians. nitanlum suit, has been ad ministered to prottuce the desired operation uod the fellow then becomes perfectly willing to move away. tndeec, air, all or its j.ook to force oi some aina or other, direct or indirect, or physical, legal or illegal. Many who arc opposed, they say, to any comptilsory feature in the bill, desire lo introduce such severe regulations into our police Jawa such restrictions of their existing privileges such inability to hold pruperty, obtain employment, rent residences, as to make Jt impossible for them to remain amoDgst us? Is not this force 1 Mr Fisher If we wait until tbe free Negroes con sent to leave tho State, we shall wait until time is no more.

I Hey never will gite their consent and, ne oenevea, tne House amended the bill as nroDosed. aud the compulsory prin ciple were stricken our, toisclais of people would be forced to leave by the harsh treatment of the What a revelation, what a confession is here the tree blacks taken from their beds, and severely flagellated, to moke them willing to emigrate 1 And legislative compulsion openiy advocated to accomplish this nefarious project Yes, the gen tlemen say truly, 1 tew, very tew wui TcirtmutHB ciuaeui. emigrate'' they never will give their cojrjsent' and therefore thev must be excelled by force I is trub, the bill proposed by Broadnns was rejected by a small majority; but it serves to illustrate the spirit of the colonization leaders." P. 71. This is really too bad it makes the very blood to curdle in one's veins The only rav of consolation which wo discover breaking out fvpnp trite it r.tnA in flip institution of Anti.Slaverv So cieties in the United States, formed for tho very purpose of denouncing -and opposing abominations, ana or extinguishing slavery altogether.

We have before us the account of one recently established in New England; the objects of which are declared to bo. "to endeavour, by all means sanctioned ty law, humanity, and religion, to effect the abolition of slavery to the United States, to improve the character afad condition of the free people of colour, to inform and correct pqblic opinion in regard to their situation and rights, and obtain for them equal civil and political privileges with the whites." In their address they denounce the principles and plans of the Crv lnnfariHnn.Khp.iettf..iti the vprv strongest terms of We trust that no friends ofthe AntUSlavery cause in' this country wlll he found to: lend sn' ear to any of the. Insidious una suuiea io -am tssjawiw ituiu nt88J4. PMiWiK.Sr new 3 i -I- per. vent.

JtBB, 94. Oinsols for Account Centi Beducet S84--S "pw: Cetiti- -JS Coat. Rttdut. etMi nwttim "US.

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