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The Dayton Herald from Dayton, Ohio • 5

The Dayton Heraldi
Dayton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAYTON EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1S99. I Financial For Rent Miscellaneous. DR. FRANCE CO. Fcr fnie-KralEstate.

FOR SALE Houses in all parts of The Celet rated Sj ecialists ol The France Medical Institute WW Wanted-Sltuatlin. WANTED Position as head miller in a roller mill, from 50 to 200 barrels' capacity. Can give good reference; 27 years' experience. Will work for reasonable wages. Can come at once.

Heck, 25 N. Main st 11 9 WANTED Situation as bartender. Have had large experience. Address Bartender, Herald office. 11 6 will make regular monthly visits to (YTOfJ, and can be consulted their Private Rooms at the BECK EL HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, From loa.

m. to iop. m. oas day oaty. Take elevator.

CONSULTATION VRZZ AND STFICTl.Y CONFIDENTIAL. THE FRANCE MEDICAL- JNSTIYUTE, uthsh'imZlb'' Established US6. Larrcat Practice. Moat SJOO.OOO OO. Our racara ol wonderful cures la second to none In the world.

During Ute ri year we have aoccesaluli treated more than 15.000 people. Our pracUca not only axtauue throughout the cinltsd States. Canada and Mexico, but also includes inanv fercisru counwwa. Our long experience, laraarkaJble skill and universal success (or the pant alaeteec years In thou. entities uj to tae tun cuainnuioa ol aniictea.

I many, Including physkuans oJ uurope as well as Anxrica, as bain the moss cmxk plete and successful trsatatent known to tha aMdical world, kir tilseases ol mtr. aiid aoaiec. NO MONEY RtQUIRtD OF tUSPONSIALE WH1 WE TREAT WE POSTTIVELT CUBE UN0EB OtAtANTFE, STOMACH AMD BOWEL DISEASES, sack as iy.MSaia, CoostiMtuw. Mies, Dtarrhta; EVE AND car DisEAses, utfORHiTies and sckuical dicas- CN vnHUiHlL AiMl tUM, KJuoaiatic, fuxrt ana Liver Diseases: BLOOD A0 SklN DikEASCS. satb as Scmlnla.

liken. Eaesu, upies, Frsckies, etc; Fk-MALE DISEASES, enssrlnllf Uums Wck sts bailied lbs kill uf other ahyaidaas. tnurin, Mia, kjjvrvjkk armaaeatlT cer4 a saw, sdcatiNt; ems.i. IkaiN, I3HNAL AND NEkVOt'S USeASafk Paralysis, LaMiiar Ataxia, Nraralfia, Sdatka. Laasaso, neailaclw, DiuiseM.

Braia aad Nerreai Etbanatloa, Ssl-aaj Irritalloa. CANCER Cl'StO WITHOUT TUE USE OP A KMPc. klONEV AND bUOOER DIS EASES, Brlthfi DUea, DudMles, Iailuaiatloa el tae Vniier, EnUrM Prcatatt, (rtqatlt aai arlbkllsr L'rioa-tios, ate TmfOAT, LUNU AND NASAL biksASZS, sack as Catarrh, BraachlUs, Aslkau, Coosaatdoa, Dealosss, etc cared kv our orisal sysiea el 'me ueatoeat. It costs eo ajore to asploy aa exsert Itaaa to ruk fear llle with sa iaexserieoccd I MEETINGS FOR MONDAY. NOV.

6. Journeymen Barbers' Union, No. 22, meets this evening in Gorman Hall, 130 4 South Jefferson street, at 8 o'cluck. Screw Makers' Union, No. 23, meets this evening in Central Trades Council hall.

Iron Molders' Union, No. 45, meets tlila evening In Central Trades' Council small hall, at 7:30. Plumbers, Ga3 and Steam Fitters meet this evening in hall, corner Main sad Washington, over Lindeman's Washington street entrance. Non-Partisan Club meets this even ing uoom central Block, over Harden's Variety Store, at 6 o'clock. Meeting of special importance to ev ery voter In the club.

Socialist Labor Party, Section Day ton, Meets this evening in Reader's Hall, corner Wayne and Fremont avenues, at 8 o'clock. General discussion of topics of Importance at this time, Public welcome to club meetings. International Printing Pressmen Colon. No. 54, meets this evening Hullencamp's block, Jefferson street, 7.30.

Carpenters Union, No. 346, meets this Monday evening In Old Guard Hall. Stationary Engineers, Dayton Association No. 37, meet this evening at 113 East Firth street, at 7:30. Wood Carvers' Association of North America meets this evening at 7:30 In Florida Hotel.

Laborers Not Allowed There. Railroad Company Wants Protection. Ralelgn. N. Nov.

6. The Ohio river and Charleston Railroad Co. will appeal to Gov. Russell for protection fur its gangs of negro laborers in Mitchell county. The residents of this county escorted three gangs of labor- era to the border line, and told them nut to return under pain of death.

It the boast of the people of Mitchell county that no negroes are allowed to live or work there. Up to date, the boast has been made good. The situa tion Is serious, and blood may flow if thy railroad company brings its col ored laborers back. Hives ar a terrible torment to the httl folks, and to some older ones. Easily cured.

Doan's Ointment never fails. Instant relief, permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. A den of crime has been unearthed in a house at 17 Wilhelmstrasse, Ber lin, Germany. It has been discovered that young girls of good families, 15 to 17 years of age, have been enticed there as models and seduced.

Then they disappeared, and it is believed they were murdered. Several well- known artists are implicated. Mnti Yennjr Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks, has put me my "teens again, writes D.

H. Turner, of Dempseytown. Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegetable.

Never gripe. Only 25c at Geo. Latin's druij store. TIME TABLE, The Cincinnati Miami Vaiiey Traction Co. Hamilton Dayton Fast Line.

Taking Effect August 13, 1893. (Subject to change without notice.) Cars leave Dayton, corner Third and Main streets, for Calvary Cemetery. Aiexandersvuie, west Carrollton, Ml-amas'uurg. Franklin, Middletown, Tren ton, Busenbark, Overreck, Hamilton. HECRO TnCATHL'OT nv rnDDCCDAVrVCVri; 5ach person smrfylnt-for nedical treat- 1 I Ul WV1IVL.J1 vmUMVi.i ment send or brinr from 2 to 4 nuniH ol urine, which will recelvs a careful ciacrulccl and microscopical We bav cured thousands of cases wo have never seen questions.

Correspondence, Consultation and Examination free and strictly confidential. fJ names published without tha written consent of the patient. CALL, OK ADDRESS 1 i for is Aelr 8 to Icial 119 ma-ieso era-ifoto re-will the lec- pn-Ded Sep pern -la Sis lis he ey be to id I- MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned to honest salaried people on their Individual notes la sums of 110, 25 and up. New plan; also on household pianos, horses, vehicles, warehouse receipts, or any good security without removal. No premiums charged, and nothing taken out In advance.

Payments can be made to suit the borrower. Every payment reduces the Interest. Business strictly confidential yoti need money, investigate out plan before making a loan. Open daily, also Saturday evening CENTRAL LOAX WM. 11.

nOYD. Rooms 7it7ij RciboIJ li'li'g. DO YOU NEED STOREY We will lend any amount from $10 up. On UouselioM Furniture, Pianos, horses, carriage ot personal property of any kimi. without removal ironx your possession.

Loant can bo carried as long aa desired, ana payments cun be made at any time suit the convenience of the borrower. Each payment made will reduce th cost of carrying the loan. We can sav you money by our terms on loans ol any amount If you appreciate low rates, courteous treatment and attea. tlon to your interests, you will call on us. ve cnarge you nothing In advance.

All business strictly confidential. No publicity. Ofllc also Monday and Saturday ixians mat' at Carrollton. Miamia-burg and Franklin. GEM CITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO No.

104 Couth Jefferson Sr. OVER MAKTIN'3 PIANO STORE MONEY to borro and to loin first mortgage sccnrlty on real estate Judge Frank. E. Third st. 11 25 WANT To lend 11.000.

pffxsecifs on or address J. B. Lehman, at 723 N. 119 MONEY TO LOAN "Straight" at from 5 to per cent Interest, payable reim-annuaiiy. Address Box 504.

Hay-ton, giving location and full dsacrlp-tlon. No agents commlsaiona 9 20tf SALARY LOANS! We loan money to government employes, clerks, bookkeepers, talesmen, railway emoloyes. firemen, policemen, teachers, city employes and alt other persons holding permanent salaried petitions, upon their individual notoa without security or endorsement. Al! bubiieas strictly confidential. Rates reasonable.

Payments rasy. CENTRAL LOAN 711-712 Relbold Bldg. W. II. BOYD, Manager, Open all day and Saturday evenings.

7-25 tf MONE To LOAN In amounts to suit borrowers and on favorable terms. C. J. McKee, Davlcs Building. V24tf fflOEUEV To loan In any amcint to suit the need ot the borro tr, on furniture, pianos, hotses, wagons, without removal from your possession, st the lowest possible rate of interest on chattel securities.

We accept either weekly or monthly payments on loans, to suit the convenience of the borrower. If yon owe another loan or furniture company, we will pay them for you. and allow you to return the roonty to us In small payments, and each payment made on your lfan will reduce the cost of carrying same in proportioa to the amount so paid. DAYTOX MORTGAGE M.H CO J. IU ATM AS, Manager.

ins Fouth Mala Room No. X. Davlea Building. Second Floor. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate Becurlty In sums to suit borrower, at current rates.

ProKh ft Prugh, Rooma 12 and 13, Kuhns Building. 10 letf MONEY TO TX) AN On weekly dbt- ments on household furniture, real es tate or personal property. The Dayton Loan upstairs r.t the touthoast corner of Third an4 Main sts. W. O.

McCabe, Manager. tf Lost ann Found. LOST On Main between Second and Fifth, a small finder ring, w'th two emeralds and two diamonds, rind-er please return and receive reward at Room 30, Davies Bldg. 11 LOST Two silk umbrellas out a bugey, either on Holt. Rlvtr, Brl'ige, Ludlow.

Main or Third sts. On wooden handle, the other A liberal reward if returned to Herald of fice, or 330 Ml ldle st. 11 6 IX)ST Gold watch, with fHien hearts attached, on October 26. Finder please return to M. C.

Thompson's millinery store, East Fourth end receive reward. 11 9 LOST Opera on Monday night either at Opera House or on Brown st. car. Card in case. Miss Kenney, 127 N.

Broadway, Lexing'on. Ky. Leave at Herald office and receive reward. 11 7 LOST Package containing a bia optrich tip, black Jet buckle with bril liants and black velvet, done in a tissue raper, on East Second be tween Jefferson and Main, or on Main, between Second and Third. Return to Herald office.

11 7 LOST A locket containing flowers made from hair and initials Inlaid on Mother of Pearl. Finder return to Purchasing Department, National Cash Register, and receive reward. 11 6 IX)ST On Fourth st. between Wilkinson and Jefferson, a pair of gold rimmed glasses, on Thursday morning. Reward, if returned to 141 Maple st.

11 6 IXST Pocketbook, green leather, no clasp; containing white pearl handle knife: few other trinkets; lost in front of Elder ft Johnston's, or on Main street between Fourth and Franklin. Return to Elder ft Johnston's cloak room, and receive reward. 11 6 "LOST POCKETBOOK On Dayton Western Traction Monday morning, cu second car coning to Dayton, containing a $40 certificate of deposit, and nearly $5.00 in change. A reward will be paid for return to the Traction depot, on Fifth st 11 7 FOR RENT Green house, 110 ft. by 12 ft.

Small cottage and garden ground. Location good. Money rent or ehares. Terms satisfactory to the tenant. Call at once, Mrs.

H. E. Talbott Oakwood. 11 8 FOR RENT Desk room on ground floor, at 129 S. Main st, Lowe Building.

Private room in connection, P. L. Sagebiel. 11 10 FOR RENT Bakery doing good work. Stabling.

Dwelling of rooms and 6how room. Centrally located. Will give a long lease or tell on monthly payments. Terms iu all respects easy and reasonable. Address care of Herald.

1 11 7 FOR RENT Suitable place for dairy, situated on Cincinnati street mile from corporation line. Dwelling house of six rooms and summer kitchen; stable for 20 cows and 5 horses; big barn: well adapted for dairy purposes, with 65 acres of land or less, to suit renter. Enquire of MATH. GLA-SER, Cincinnati Bt 11 27 or Rent Business Rooms. FOIl KENT Store Room, 10i South Jefferson street, now occupied hy the Family Supply Co.

Possession given at once. Leopold Rauli. Telephone 80i. 10 30tf WantedTo Rent. WANTED TO RENT A five or six room house in East Dayton or River-dale; must have artificial and natural gas, Holly and soft water.

Address J. care Herald. 11 4 WANTED To rent a nice furnished room, with all conveniences; will accept two boarders as occupants. Call at 333 West Fifth st. 11 7 WANTED Furnished room, with out board by gentleman, in nice neigh borhood and private family.

Address J. C. this office. 11 7 WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms for llghth ousekeeplng. Apply to L.

233 W. Fifth st 11 10 WANTED ROOM An unfurnished room; down stairs preferred; private or hall entrance; central location; by lady employed during day. Ad lress R. care Herald. 11 7 WANTED Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping.

No children, and rent prompt Address Tenant, care Herald. 11 6 Bus'ness Opportunities. WANTED PARTNER With one to five thousand dollars to invest in good thing. Adress "Partner," care of Herald. 11 7 For Sale Miscellaneous.

FOR SALE Cemetery lot on high ground, beautiful location. Address O. 0., care Herald office. 10 6 tf SALE A Becond hand rock- away in good order. Will sell cheap.

Call 23 Riverdale st 11 8 FOR SALE A dairy of 17 good cows, wun a route 01 3a gallons ot milk, every day; this dairy Is inside of corporation line. Will sell all, or would sell route and cows. If you want to buy and mean business, call on II. Gebhart, Real Estate Agent, 1341 E. Fifth street 11 6 FOR SALE A bran new safe, just unwrapped; suitable for private family or physician; alsolutely fireproof.

Ap ply to 9 West Second st. 11 10 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, email confectionery and cigar store; old stand, cheap rent Address Candy store, Herald office. 11 6 WANTED Horses to winter on Warner farm, Brandt pike, one half mile north of Valley 6t First class care. $5 per month. J.

D. Artz, 110 N. Main st Telephone No. 362. 10 21 tf FOR SALE A good, tailor made overcoat.

Dark, medium size. Will sell at half cost. Address Tailor Made, care Herald. 11 6 FOR SALE One square piano; bard coal base burner; 1 bedroom set. with springs; 1 bed with springs.

15 North Perry st 11 7 FOR SALE Several pieces of furni ture, matting, beds, etc. Call at 626 Superior ave. 11 10 FOR SALE Seven good cows and horse and wagon, and all dairy fixtures. Address DAIRY, care of this office. 11 10 FOR SALE A first-class Garland base burner; hard coal.

Enquire at 22 Clover st. 11 7 FOR SALE "Radiant Home" hard coal base burner stove, almost new. A splendid heater. Will sell cheap. Wm, F.

Haas 115 E. Third st 11 6 FOR SALE The best oven ventila ting soft coal open grate stove, called the Fire on the Heartn; used a few months. At less than half rrlr-e. at B. CHRISTIE'S 8TOVE HOUSE.

118 East Fifth st. 11 8 4 FOR SALE Grain and tobacco warehouse. Good location; within 20 miles from Dayton. Office work now paying $100 per month. Price, $1,000.

The price of property can be made in one year by two good, energetic men, or one man with family of one or two boys. Reason for selling: want to retire from business. Terms reasonable. Address WAREHOUSE, care Herald office. 11 9 FOR SALE Brick, lumber and joists from Old Union Depot Call and see Philip Minnigan, Union Depot.

11 9 FOR SALE Large, new cotton top bed mattress, custom made, cheap. Want gasoline cooking stove, with Improved burner, cheep, cash, or part exchange on stove. Address Box 245 National Military Home. O. 11 6 Horses.

Carrl aes.Etc. FOR SALE A good family horse and harness, almost new rubber tire buggy, spring wagon. N. Ohmer. 11 10 FOR SALE Horse.

5 years old, or trade for one older, but must be gentle. Inquire 102 Linden ave. 11 9 1 N. in of the city on easy terms at from $700 to 1,500. Carl L.

Baumann. Kuhns W. cor. Fourth and Main sta. 9 22 tf FOR SALE The G.

B. Harman farm Greene county, about 5 miles from Dayton, Is for sale. For price ami terms, see us. Young Young, Attor neys. 11 IS FOIl SALE An elegant residence wltli modern improvement a -1 o-d a in every respect; largo lot, location North Main opposite High School.

This property has been placed in my hands to sell quick at private sale. Call on C.MOSES. 11-11 FOR SALE Residence property In East End. Good yard, stable, etc Best neighborhood. Size of house, seven rooms.

Address S. L. care Herald. 8 lOtf FOR SALE Building lots, within a few steps of Wayne and Wyoming st. cars; will sell cheap for cash If sold at once.

Inquire of Paul Herman, 1712 Wayne ave. 11 7 FOR SALE Neat, 9-roora brick residence, in Central Dayton, for less than $4,000. A rare chance. Inquire 9 Ea-ker Building. S.

B. R1CKETTS. Telephone, 54S6. 11 10 FOR SALE I have a good lot on the highest plat In North Duyton; will sell dirt cheap. Inquire 306 Troy st.

11 10 FOR SALE A number of homes in Riverdale and Dayton View, at low figures; both large and small houses. Buy while prices are low. Call at 9 Eaker Building. S. B.

RICKETTS. Tel. 54S6. 11 10 FOR SALE House of sevn rooms, Holly and soft water, natural and ar tificial gas; most desirable location on E. Third st.

Inquire on premises. No. 2155 E. Third st. 11 7 AS GOOD AS COLD.

READ THIS CAREFULLY-For We Can Sell to you the most complete little 6.Rccm House it has er been our pleas ure to offer. Co and look at it. Compare it with any other house you have ever seen at the price, or even lor tZ.vVv, then come and see us. This house is lo cated on McKINLEY STREET. between VAN LEAR and GARFIELD, iourth house lacing south from Van Lear.

WILLER McCLURE. Room 40, Da vies Buiding. FOR SALE 5 room house and sta ble at a great bargain, located In Ml pmi City; owner Is going to leave the city. Additss R. care this office.

11 7 FOR SALE Fine 10 room residence In South Park, all modern conven lences; lot 50x200; will trade for dou bio house. Address C. It. this office. It FOR SALE Residence property on South Wayne avenue.

Apply at N. W. cor. Fifth and Ludlow sts. 7 Stt For Sale or Trade.

TO TRADE 12-room double frame house, excellently located, renting at 1300 per annum, for a single mod ern house, or a vacant lot; preference given to Dayton View or Oakwood. Address Box 903. Dayton, O. 11 10 Miscellaneous. WANTED Pumps, door locia and wringers to repair; satisfaction guaranteed.

Geo. Qrabedinkel, 311 Wayne ave. Tel 481. 11 10 ALL KINDS OF COMFORTS MADE neatly, promptly, and at reasonable prices. Adress MRS.

care Herald. 11 7 WANTED Piano and organ pupils wanted by first class teacher. I give the same instructions for 35 cents as other teachers charge $1.50 for. Will also exchange lessons for dressmaking or plain sewing. Address E.

Instructor. Herald office. 11 10 WANTED Your sewing machine to put in order. Best equipped shop in the city. All work guaranteed.

Call up telephone 3G9, and we will call for and deliver all work entrusted to U3. For-rer Schaeffer, HE. Second st 11-10 I WANT to buy any amount of good clean second hand furniture, carpets, stoves or anything In the house furnishing line; will pay cash. Call or send postal to W. B.

Lambert No. 218 E. Third st, opp. Library Park. 11 7 "STOVE REPAIRS Grates and linings, and cross-pieces, and covers for any cook stove or range; also fire pots and grates for anv base burner at B.

B. CHRISTIE'S STOVE HOUSE, 113 East Fifth st, near Jefferson st 12 2 WANTED Ladles' dresses to clean; new process: will not Injure the most delicate shade or the finest fabric. Also skirts neatly repaired. Call at No. 40 Bridge st.

1 17 WATCH CLEANING or main spring. Bfc; clocks cleaned, 20c to 40c; called for and delivered free. Mjm springs and work euaranfed one year. Jew- tlrv repaired. R.

J. WARN, 132 South Jefferson st, opposite I'ony uonse. 9 30tf WAR DECLARED And we are paying good prices for gent's cast-oft clothing. shoes, carpets, furniture, stoves, all kinds of tools, also feathers. Orders bv mall promptly attended to when called or card sent to.

Storage for rent. Jacob ft Margolls, 341-343 E. Fifth st 12 1 ALL KINDS OF FUR remodeled Seal cloaks a specialty. Call or address Miss H. Rode, 413 S.

Main st. 12 25 WATCH CLEANING or main spring, large clocks cleaned, 40c; small 15c; called for and delivered free. Main springs and work guaranteed one year. R. J.

WARN. 132 S. Jefferson st, opposite Pony House. 9 30tf If Wanted -Help. MALES.

GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Don't prepare tor any civil service or census examination without seeing our catalogue of information. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. 11 4-11 11 MALE HELP WANTED Big money in selling attractive Holiday goods; easily sold; lib eral terms: credit given; freight paid.

Write at once for samples and full particulars. Address John B. Shepp. 1031-1033 Chestnut st. Philadelphia, Pa.

11 11 WANTED Cash boys at Trailer's, Fifth and Main. 10 16tf WANTED Either man or woman for general repairing only on gentle men's clothing: good wages and steady work to right party. Call at Joe Kramer's, 323 E. Fifth st 11 7 WANTED Two dairy hands and 2 farm hands. Call on II.

Drldgman, Dean, O. 11 9 WANTED A first class young dry goods salesman; none other need ap ply. Address Dry Goods, care Herald. 11 7 BOY WANTED Call Monday morn ing. Grossman, 12 N.

Main st. 11 10 WANTED Man to represent incor porated concern, and take orders. (No books.) Address care Herald. 11 7 WANTED One more good man, with horse and buggy and $50, at No. 1341 East Fifth street.

11 6 WANTED Three first class house painters at once. None but first class workmen need apply. Call 46 Mc-Reynolds street. 11 7 WANTED Fifty boys to rehandle tobacco. Apply 16 W.

Ziegler st 9 8 tf FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED To table size leaf tobacco; steady employment and good wages; apply to The Miami Valley Leaf Tobacco Company, corner Hartford and Campbell streets, Edgemont 8 ltt WANTED At once a laundress at Montgomery County Children's Home. Steady employment to the right party. Call at Home, on S. Summit st.

11 6 WANTED A girl to work in kitch en; one who can sleep at home, call at East Third Street Crossing Restaurant li i WANTED Woman about 40 years. to keep house for elderly lady. With references call 309 Park st 11 6 WANTED A good cook; no Wash ing or ironing. Arply to 543 W. Sec ond st 11 10 WANTED Competent nurse; also cook; Bee Mrs.

Harrie P. Clegg, Oak-wood Oakwood. 11 4 tf WANTED Girl for second work at 141 W. Third st 11 6 GIRL WANTED For general housework; no children; must come well recommended. 11 W.

Monument avenue. 116 WANTED Experienced saleslady at Mearick's Cloak House. 11 6 WANTED One good waist finisher. Call at Room 19, Canby building. 11 7 WANTED A girl for general house work In family of 3.

Inquire 208 S. Jefferson st 11 8 COOK WANTED To assist with ironing. Apply S. W. Cor.

First and St Clair. 11 7 50 GIRLS WANTED At S.OneilPs warehouse, 30 Logan to table size leaf tobacco; good wages and steady employ ment. 8 2ltf WANTED Two good experienced girls for dressmaking immediately. Call at 204 Lafayette st 11 6 WANTED A cook. Anply to Wil liam H.

Young, Room 25 Callahan Bank Bldg. 11 6 WANTED A gllr to clerk in a small confectionery store, 435 W. Fifth st. Call from 3 to 5 n. or after 8 v.

m. 11 6 Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED Several good Installment agents wanted. We have the largest line of goods In the city. Big commissions naid.

Call at 30 W. Third st. W. J. Ambrose.

C. F. Adams Co. 8 21 tf Wanted To Buv. WANTED A gas or steam engine and boiler, 7 to 8 horse power; must he cheap and in good order.

Address John Gebhart, New Lebanon, O. 11 9 WANTED To buy a large sized re frigerator. Address R. C. care this office.

11 9 WANTED To buy a good youn; bird dog; must be to hunt. Address R. J. Wells. Dayton.

32 Louis building. 11 7 WANTED TO BUY Several mules. not over 56 inches high. Address X. this office.

11 WANTED To buy a shed or barn 30x50, or larger, in Edgemont, as it has to be moved there. Address C. care of Herald fflce. 11 Clairvoyant. PROF.

DUNNIHOO. the wonderful mind and hand reader, tells your past, present and future; tells your lucky days, and numbers in your planet. Address on all subjects. Ladies, 25c; gents, 50c Hours 9 a. m.

to 9 p. m. Moved to 319 E. Fifth Bt. near Brown.

11 7 of WANTED A place to cook. In small family by first-class cook. Best reference given. Address COOK, care Herald office. 7 POSITION WANTED By a girl to do housework in a small family.

Inquire at 1327 Dakota street. 11 7 For Rent Houses. FOR RENT Several new 5 room bouses in Dayton View; well located: modern conveniences; rent 12.00 per month. M. S.

Benn Jefferson Block. ii 6 FOR RENT House In Oakwood, on Rubicon avenue; formerly occupied by E. E. Lawrenne. Seven rooms, bath, furnace, and all complete In every way.

Apply to Mrs. H. E. Talbott. Oakwood.

Telephone 1215. 11 8 FOR RENT House, No. 131 Best st, six rooms and summer kitchen. Holly water and artificial gas. Apply to C.

V. Dustin. Court House. 11 6 FOR RENT House. A good.

warm. 7 room brick house, bath and modern improvements, with good stable and large porches, located only five min utes' walk from the Court House. Call at 35 Lehman st. 11 8 FOR RENT New brick house of six rooms, bath and furnace at 321 Rich' ard st, near Brown. Enquire at Post office.

11 10 FOR RENT 6 room house In North Dayton, $8 per month. Call or address T. A. McCabe, Room 4, Davles bldg. 11 7 FOR RENT A six room house loca ted in Oakwood.

to a nromDt naying tenant, with small family. Call on Mrs. A. Parker. Central on Oak- wood Hill.

11 7 FOR RENT A good five room house with a large stable and 1 acre of ground. Will rent reasonable to the right party. Call at 218 E. Third st 11 10 FOR RENT Six room house, with barn, at 28 College Miami City; beautifully located, between Third and Fifth street car lines. Inquire 9 Eaker Bldg.

S. B. Ricketts. Residence. 104 Eagle st.

11 7 FOR RENT Modern house of seven rooms, 115 Ringgold st, both kinds of gas and water. Cheap to good tenant Inquire 612 East May st 11 7 FOR RENT House No. 543 West Third st. with all conveniences. In quire of A.

Zitter, 37 S. Jefferson st 10 21 tf For Rent Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished front room at 113 N. St. Clair st.

11 16 FOR RENT Furnished room for rent with or without board at 145 Park St. 11 6 FOR RENT Two unfurnished and one lurnisned room witn or wunoui board. 159 Park st 11 6 FOR RENT Two nice offices of four rooms each, corner Fifth and Ludlow sts. 11 2tf FOR RENT Two front rooms up stairs, furnished and with bath; with board or without; two front rooms down stairs, unfurnished. 132 S.

Lud low. 6 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. with board. In private family, suitable for man and wife, or two gentlemen. Location central.

Terms very reasonable. Address A. O. care Herald office. 11 6 TO RENT A nicely furnished front room on first floor, porch entrance, with gas fuel and water privileges.

Suitable for two young ladies or hus band and wife, without children. Call or address 93 Sprague 6treet, city. 11 7 FOR RENT An elegant furnished front room, down stairs; front or side entrance; suitable for two men or man and wife. 318 S. Jefferson st 11 7 FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished front room for man and wife or two gents; furnace heat; bath; hot wa ter; board close.

Also hard sort coal stove for sale cheap. 122 Maple street 11 7 FOR RENT Four nice rooms, two below and two above; both kinds of water in the kitchen, and a nice front entrance. A good barn on the lot References exchanged; but ten dollars per month. 821 W. Third st 11 7 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room with bath for gentlemen only No.

8 Clay st 11 10 FOR RENT A nicely furnished large front room; both kinds of gas; hall entrance; private family; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Call at No. 43 Green st ,11 10 ROOM FOR RENT A nicely fur nished room; central location; hall entrance; both kind3 of gas. Reference required. Call at 222 or 220 West Fourth street 11 9 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen.

Private family. Inquire 48 Walnut st 11 7 FOR RENT Furnished room for light housekeeping. Call at 30 Frank lin st, between Main and Ludlow. 11 6 ROOMS FOR RENT On first, also on secona noor, witn ooara; natural gas, bath, hot and cold water, large wardrobes; to man and wife or two young men. Also roommate to share room with a young gentleman.

Reference required. Apply 520 W. Fourth street 11 ROOM FOR RENT A very pleasant room, lor a nice young gentleman, in private family. Front hall entrance, larre closet, furnace heat: use of bath. Central location, wltnin five minutes walk of Court House.

References re quired. Address MRS. E. Herald office. 11 6 FOR RENT A choice apartment of 2 rooms and bath, in the Insco.

has. Insco Williams. Callahan Building. 9 9 tt Gotnolet liutittu i It kind In U. S.

Cmrfni. ne keseoratea rTance I ui acknow leJfr-5c PNTIC6 TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. PR.VATK AND SEXUAL C.8HSES tared amler i fursulataaliorHUaf Last Mantae SpanuKrrttoa, Seailsal WuIhu, cifectsot Veuihluf It-alacreuoes 13d Seinal Exccuas, Iterveos Debility, tl haasle Vitality, CeoluskM el latas, Averttoa to Society. Lass ol Maaory ana Eusrfy, latattntj, ate, aaidtiy as oerauacatly aired ai ariiiMl aa urcr-laii'at treat. neat.

Ooaorrbaa. SyvalLU. (Uatt, Stricture. Uydrocelc sua Vekocai. cared la the saorttst scasikie tine, wnaad tsa ess at sjercarr or hisarosce froai iiucn Care uara(Ue4 haa etkars kava tailed.

Lev cfcartes, aai cmiaJttke trc. corretuusotiwt sacredly coaiiatotiaL Toe Fraacs Systasi el Lacal TrtataMat wits Pa4 for Mea la puutlrdy tk. swat caaislet aod saucsr ,..1 I L. I 1 10 F2A.NCE. after years et aipcrkLoca, has dlscevarcd tka raasi4l cm kuowa ior all cuease aetaluv te toe iu.

reaiale dlwxses sost cared hr a saw awtkdd. The care fat effected ky tnmt treatatest. Eatlrelr harreless and easily applied CON.miLTATlON' AND CORRESPONDENCE FREE AM S1RJCTL CONHtcTOAL. Write lor book of iOO pages and list of 50: Went Union Depot. TIMS CARD NO.

40. Taking Ifiect Sunday, May 14, 1899 CINCINNATI. HAMILTON DAYTON RAILWAY la us Cincinnati Division, TItAINS LEAVE GOINO SOUTH. 4 Cincinnati Ex 4:40 an 11 St. L.

it 8:20 am Kinper a Cincinnati Ex 10'05am 1 Ind. ChL 12:03 pm 49 Cincinnati Ex 6 Cin. ft Ind. Ex 3:00 pra 3 Ind. St.

L. ft C. Ex. 6:13 pa ina. st, I.

C. S'n 8:00 a TRAINS ARRIVE FROM THE SOUTH 2 Cincinnati Express 5:55 am ToL anl Det, 4 Cin. and Ind. Ex 66 Cincinnati Ex 5:25 nm 10 Cincinnati Ex 6:25 pra 64 Ind. and C.

Bt 7:65 pm 12 Cin. and Ind. Ex ..11:30 pm 60 Toledo Sunday SpeeM 6:38 am 64 Sunday Special 12:15 pm 68 Sunday Special 7:80 pm Tolr1o Division. TRAINS LEAVE GOINO NORTH. 12 Toledo ft Detroit Ex 2 Toledo Ex 6 6 Toledo Det Mall ft Ex 9:45 am 4 Toledo.

Det. Mack. Llm 2:35 10 Lima Express 6:35 pm 69 Toledo Sunday Spec 6S Lima Sunday Special 7:35 pm TRAINS ARRIVE FROM THE NORTH 7 Det. and Tol. Ex 4:25 am 11 Lima Ex 8:10 am 1 Toledo ft Cincinnati 6 Toledo ft Detroit 3 Det.

To'. 6:10 pm 61 Lima Sunday Sceclal IVrho Division. TRAINS LEAVE GOINO NORTH. 302 Mall ft EX 7:00 a tn 356 Delpnos Ex 6:35 pra TRAINS ARRIVE FROM THE NORTH S55 Delphos Ex 10:00 a ra 357 Mall and Express Iron ton Division. TRAINS LEAVE GOING EAST.

202 Ironton Man 256 Chllllcothe Express 6:30 pm TRATNS ARRIVE FROM THE EAST. 255 Chllllcothe Express 9:35 am 203 Ironton Express CHAUTAUQUA LACK ROUTS, tin ttieo; Suidaf, Juaa 26.) l-etve. fEAINi I ArriT. am rrbnu, VnilM, JUOT, At-lon, Totrogitowiv vrrv, Jamectttm mi I iierme-dlate xprm from Boston, Kaw York, Bufiato, littibar? and UtAjt'-rti Cibao. Varion, Gallon, Ak-ioii.

"i'oaneit wrv Jam-loirn. F.lmlra, Horn'lteville. Binvharaton, WarerW, Aew York, Roton ana Inter mediata 2:55 am am 8 .00 pm 12:41) noon N. B.TTalns marked ally. otner trains dally except Sunday.

All All trains run by "Central" Standard time. Baggage must he at the Depot Bagw gage Room ten minutes Derore ths leaving time of tha train which It la te be forwarded cn; oiuerwise it will re main over nntu tne next train. P. LUTZENBERGER. Agsnt W.

T. STARK. Snot. Union Depot and Joint Track- 2 ind. ft CIn.

Ex 1:52 pi IS St N. Y. Lla DH. FRANCE S- CO. 38 Union 'Depot.

TIME CARD NO. 40. Taking Ifiect Sunday, May 14, 1839 Dayton Union Station. ennsyivania Lines. Trains Run by Central Time.

TlUfckX OIT1CEB at Union Station, Third Street Sta tion aaa ar 3 vam intra rwwr. tOaily, except Saadaj. Fboh Dattonto uatb saura TRAINS LTCAVE GOINO EAST. 10 Spring. Col.

7:15 urn 310 Col. Spring. Ex 9:35 a ra 14 Col. Pitts 312 Col. Spring.

Ex 814 Xenla Acco 5:10 pm 20 Col. N. Y. Ves 302 Xenla Acco 6:45 pra 2 Col. N.

T. Lira 9:58 pm TRAIN3 LEAVE GOINO WEST. 5 Ind. St. L.

Ex 4:30 am 21 Ind. St. L. ChL 9:25 a ra 301 Ind. St, L.

Llm 3:23 pm 3 Rich. ChL Ex 9:18 pc TRAINS ARRIVE FROM THE EAST. N. T. ft St Ex 4:30 am 311 Xenla Dayton 21 N.

Y. St, L. Lim 9:25 am 313 Col. Ex "11: 25 am 801 Spring, ft Rich. Ex 3:23 pm 315 Col.

Ex 6:00 pm 3 Spring. Chi. Ex 9 18 TRAINS ARRIVE FROM THE WEST. 30 CM. Rich.

Ex 7:15 am 14 St Ind. Llm. SO St. L. fe N.

Y. Ves 5:35 pra 802 Rich. Accommodation 8: 45 pro 2 St. Louis N. Y.

9:58 Chicago lJk ty Ticket Office. No. AV Thlra sr Telephone 577. Cincinnati Division. TRAINS LEAVE GOINO SOUTH.

37 Nlgnt Ex 4:40 am 29 Clncrrnatl Fast Lint 11 Southwestern Llm a 5 Cincinnati Ex 11:05 am 19 Cincinnati Ex 3:05 pm 33 CIn. St. L. Ex 5:15 7 Cincinnati Ex 35 Cin. Sunday Spec 7:45 am TRATNS ARRIVE FROM SOUTH, 4 ClnclTiTiatl Ex 9:30 am Clev.

N.Y. Bos Ex 2 Cleve. N. Y. Ex 8 Col.

Carey Ex. 4:10 nm 2 Springfield fast line 8:15 pm Southwestern Llm 2 Clev. gr N. Y. Nfeht Ex.Il:05pm SO Springfield Sun.

Spec. 6:38 pm Cleveland DivUloi. TRAINS LEAVE GOTNO NORTH. 14 SSOTMieflelrt ft Cel. 46 San.

N. Y. ft Bo. Ex. 9-53 am 2 Cleveland Y.

Ex 2:00 8 Sprlngfi'd. Col. Carey Ex 4:1" 22 Springfield Fast 18 Southwestern Llm 28 Clev. A N. Y.

Nlcht Ex.ll:05pra 30 Springfield Sun. Spec. 6:30 pm TRATNS ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 37 Night Exnreps 4:40 am 29 Cincinnati Fast' line 8:00 am 11 Southwestern Llm 9:05 am 6 San, Col. Ex 11:05 am 19 Clev.

ft N. Y. Ex 3:05 pm 33 Boa. N. Y.

ft Cler. 7 Carey and Col. Ex 35 Sunday Special 7:45 am Dayton Union R.Itv TRAINS LEAVE GOINO WEST. 17 St. L.

Chicago Lira 7:00 am 3 Indianapolis Ex 12:05 pm 5 St. L. ChL Ex 6:30 pm Sunday Special TRAINS ARRIVE FROM WEST. 10 ChL. St L.

ft Ind. 0:00 aa mi I tT WEEK DAYS. A. M. T.

M. P.M. 6:00 12:00 6:00 6:30 12:30 6:30 7:00 1:00 7:00 7:30 1:30 7:30 8:00 2:00 8:00 2:30 8:30 S.00 3:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 9:30 10:00 4:00 10:00 10:30 4:30 11:00 11:00 6:00 "llO 11:30 5:24 To Trenton Only, Ex. Saturday! To Trenton Only Dally. To Trenton Saturday Only.

SUNDAYS. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6:00 12:00 6:00 7:00 12:30 6:30 7:30 1:00 7:00 8:00 1:30 7:30 8:30 2:00 8:00 9:00 2:30 8:30 9:30 3:00 9:00 10:00 3:30 9:30 10:30 4:00 10:00 11:00 4:30 'lOO 11:30 5:00 5:30 To Trenton Only.

For tickets and Information apply at Ticket Office, S. W. Corner Third and Kaln streets. Hie Dartoa Weslen Traction Co. a TIME TABLE Ticket and Express Office, No.

15 West Fifth Street. Telephone 1292 Cars leave postoface for Soldleis' Home, New Lebanon, Johnsville. West Alexandria and Laton. A. M.

P. M. P. M. 6:00 12:00 6:00 7:00 1:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 8:00 9:00 3:00 9:00 10:00 4:00 10:00 11:00 5:00 11:00 Combination car.

All kinds of express matter carried, large and amalL All cars run through to Eaton. Last car leave Eaton for Dayton at 9:30 p. m. Connections made at West Alexandria for all points on Cincinnati Northern R. and at Eaton with the P.

C. C. St. Ry. Special rates to excursion parties.

VALENTINE WINTERS. General Manager..

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