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Daily News from London, Greater London, England • 5

Daily Newsi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY NEWS, THCJKSDAY, SEPTEMBER .7, 1871, 5 nave had no fear. Experiments had been, made THE POSITION OF M. THIERS (PB01I AN OOOABIONAli VERSAILLES, TuEsnAY The unlooked-for apparition of M. Thiers in the Assembly has set the Royalist sections of that body in a state of feverish excitement. They are thinking of making it an excuse to pick another quarrel with him, though there is nothing in the proposition Yitet, whioh was voted by a large majority, to prevent the President of the Republic showing himself there whenever he chooses.

A meeting of 117 members of the Right will be held to-night in the Hotel de France to discuss in what form it will be expedient to show their anger at M. Thiers intruding upon the Assembly." Another meeting of the St. Maro Girardin section is to be held in the Rue des Reservoirs to protest against the incident of yesterday, and take steps to prevent its being set up hereafter as a precedent. This unceremonious conduct of the head of the State does not enter into the ideas of those parties at Versailles who are working to bring about a restoration of Monarchical institutions. Whenever he comes to the Assembly it is their desire that he should be announced by drum and trumpet, escorted by a guard of honour, and received by the bureau and a deputation of the Chamber, The higher the fence of etiquette is raised around him the easier will be- hereafter a transition to the pompB and shows of Royalty or Imperialism.

Were the Assembly less absolutely sovereign, there would be somO' meaning in the outcry of therurals against the confusion of functions which' ihey allege will come of the President of the Republio remaining a member of the legislature, though, unless in cases specified by Vitet's law, a silent one. But in point of faot, the powers of M. Thiers, who, I have already said, is not excluded: by that law from listening in the Ministerial benches to a debate, are not greater, if indeed so great, as they were when he was Chief of the Executive. It was then an understood thing that the executive was, subject to the control of the Assembly, wholly confided to him. He had all the patronage of Government, and commanded the army in person, yet nobpdy once objected to his playing an active, much less a purely passive part in the Chamber.

On the contrary, whenever there was in the early part of the Session a storm brewing, M. Thiers was expected to come down and exoroise the demon of discord. But the honeymoon phase is quite over, and the Assembly and the Head of the Executive Power have entered into the aigre douce stage of matrimonial relations between ill-assorted spouses. Several deputies in M. Thiers's hearing took his fast friend, Barthelemy St, Hilaire, to task for what they termed the astounding apparition of the President of the Republio in his old place.

M. St. Hilaire, who is a man of few words, merely replied that M. Thiers thought the Chamber was going to discuss the Bill for increasing the imposts on textile fabrics and raw material, and that he wished to be present at the debate. The anniversary of the 4th September has passed off quietly throughout Prance.

Bows were apprehended in most of the southern arid a 'few of the northern towns. There was a great deal of "'tall talk at Lyons, Livourne, Toulouse, and Bordeaux. Club orators enjoined citizens to celebrate the fall of the Empire, in the teeth of M. Lambrechfs circular. Bat when the day' came, all the patriotic effervesenee had subsided.

There were a few flags hung out at Toulouse, and laurel wreaths suspended on the capitol, At Bordeaux there were speeches delivered in the Theatre about Washington and the contemporary sovereigns of Europe; Cmcmnatus and the Caesars, and the martyrs of liberty whose bones are obscurely buried at Cayenne." Tho municipal councils of the southern towns when itcame to the soratch, idrew in their horns. They issued proclamations, in whioh they exhorted the people to abstain from celebrating in the streets the anniversary of the last revolution. Police spies employed "by the Monarchists were, they said, endeavouring to foment civil war, ia order to crush all the true patriots, and it was for the latter to defeat these manoeuvres by rejoicing peaoeably in the bosom of their families. The similarity of those proclamations is quite remarkable. One might suppose some Head Centre drew up an outline of what the mayors were to placard, with a view to avoiding a collision between the National Guard and the line, and at the same time exciting to hatred and contempt of Versailles.

The best thing M. Lam-breoht did was to telegraph to all the large municipalities on the 2nd that the Prussians at St. Denis were celebrating with great rejoicings and "discharges of artillery the capitulation of Sedan. M. Jules Favre writes to the Delate to deny that he ever wrote to Lullier the letter beginning My TRIAL OF THE COMMUNIST WOMEN.

firaOM OUB SPEOlAli COEBESPONDENT, VEESAILLES, Tuesday Niqht. The interest in the trial of the misoalled.peiro-leusea, which I yesterday telegraphed was small, has been raised to a diapason answering to the tone of public opinion, by the unexpected fact that three women out of the five indicted are sentenced to death. I heard an elegantly dressed lady loudly express her delight at this result. A la bonheur, she said, De Boisdenemetz is another sort of judge than Colonel Merlin. The truth of this observation is indisputable but whether he ia a better sort of judge is a question on whioh difference of opinion is admissible.

About the facts there is no substantial dispute between the accusation and the defence; and therefore I do not think it necessary to analyse in any detail my notes of the evidence given, It is perfectly dear that at least four out of the five prisoners at the bar were guilty, in the words of the indiotment, of having, either as vivandiiree or ambulance women, formed part of a band whioh attempted to change the form of government, incited to civil war by arming citizens against each other, and which committed devastation, massacre, and pillage, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris." This is the only count justifying the punishment of death and it becomes comparatively immaterial to consider whether it was sufficiently proved that the prisoners drank wine which was stolen from private houses, and whether one of them had a guilty knowledge that three handkerchiefs presented to her by a lover, were the produce of robbery. What shooks me in this case is, that these women, after having been gibbeted to the world as monsters who for a stipulated salary went about Paris pouring petroleum down cellar areas, and setting fire to it, and who are not proved to have done anything of the kind, should be tried with all the solemnity of a court-martial for attempting to change the form of government," and on that count be condemned to death. The indiotment itself is ridiculous, and the verdict living as I do in Prance I cannot adequately characterise with a due respect to the chose jttgee. If ever those extenuating oiroumstances" whioh French courts, civil and military, frequently grant to the worst criminals are justifiable, they are imperatively oalled for in such a case as this. Nothing special was proved against the prisoners.

They formed part of the feminine element of an insurgent army of 200,000, and that is all. Of course, they were guilty of participation in civil war, and are therefore liable to capital punishment according to the articles of the code whioh de Boisdenemetz' court-martial relies upon for their condemnation. But these women were arrested, have been brought- to trial, and are capitally convicted upon false pre tences. The blood-thirsty public was taught to believe that it would see in them hideous and extraordinary specimens of female monstrosities, far transcending the tricoteuses of 1793, The sober fact is that they are the most common-place women possible, of a low class. Prom irresistible influences they took part with the society in which they moved, and with their lovers, who commanded their sympathies just as much as husbands would have done.

But there were thousands upon thonsads of women in Paris in the same case. If the sentence of the court-martial is justice, informers may furnish materials for similar sentences whioh the Court-martial force of Prance would take years to pronounce. This wretohed Court-martial, with its ridiculous sentences whioh will never be executed, is one of the consequences of the giganticmistake of Versailles in not recognising the belligerent oharacter of the Paris insurrection, and making a compromise whioh might over and over again have been effeoted on statesmanlike as well as humane terms. It is idle to say that a regular Government could not treat with rebels as long as they had arms in their hands, since we know that M. Thiers was in treaty with Lullier, and subsequently lent a favourable ear to a proposal from some Republican mediator, whioh was only superseded by the unexpected entrance of the troops into Paris rmder the auspices of the famous and well-rewarded Ducatel.

Instead of oalling women like the who cast in their lot with the insurrection, monsters, I say they would have been monsters if they had not. It would be to ignore human nature, and especially female human nature, to think it possible that any woman connected with the Federal rebels should have had sympathies apart from them. And when you come to suoh a olass of women as Retiffe, Papavoine, and what knowledge can they be expected to have of the Bordeaux pact and the sovereignty of the Versailles Assembly What authority oould they know of btjyond the Hotel de Ville and the Mairies, and did tbey not see the red flag floating upon all of them They had a recollection of as overthrown Empire and a Bepublio succeeding, and when they saw their husbands or lovers (and for penal purposes, having reference to the irresistible influence exercised, is little difference), defending Paris and the Republio against what appeared to them a rebellion at Versailles, who can blame them M. Thiroux, the young advocate who distinguished himself at the late Communist trial before Colonel Merlin, presented the defence of the girl Retiffe. He began by the obvious remark, that public opinion and the press had already condemned the women as petroleuses, whereas not one of them had ever touched a petroleum barrel or jar, or handled a toroh.

Between the prisoner's as they really were, and the legendary petroleuses of misled public opinion, and the almost equally ill-described petroleuses of the indiotment, there was an abyss. What was to be said against the characters of the prisoners? His client Retiffe, at the age of 19, had quarrelled with another woman' and committed an assault, for whioh she was sentenced to twenty days' imprisonment. She had no other "judicial antecedents," so much sought for by prosecutors and how unimportant was such a trivial oircumstance as this to the present prosecution. There was nothing extraordinary in her being a vivandiere to the Communal troops. She had exercised the same calling during the Prussian siege, and then it was esteemed a highly honourable one.

If he were asked why she joined the Com mune, he would answer that she was forced to do so by hunger and misery. In those dreadful times she was, like almost every body else, out of work. She resorted to an old calling to live and if it were a crime that she carried a keg and poured out brandy for insurgent troops, bakers, and outohers, and grocers who served them with food were equally culpable. M. Thiroux then repeated the legal arguments lately offered by M.

Dupont de Bussao asrainst capital punishment for political offences, arid against the aoctnne of complicity advocated by the prose cution. The Judge-Advocate before this Court-mar tial, a young captain of Marines named Jouenne, is a very different person from Com. mander Gaveau. He gets into no squabbles with counsel, ana asks no questions of prisoners or witnesses. But when it came to his turn to speak he read an elegant academical speeca against ttte decadence of the age and strong- minded women, and in particular pronounced a philippic against a certain governess named Mdlle.

Miohel, who, he said, was the author of a new morality, and read to her pupila eijjtere of Koussoau instead of the Songs of Solomon, All this to the wretched prisoners, who probably cannot read at all, or very little, must have been like Fielding's sermon to Jonathan Wild, to the Greeks foolishness." The prisoners not under the wing of M. Thiroux were scarcely defended at all. Of the barristers assigned to them, two, MM. Auge and Marchand, who, for the oredib of the order, may, I hope, be able to furnish a good excuse, were reported by Captain Jouenne as having gone into the country. A third, M.

Denis, appeared to-day too late to be master of the case. The Court appointed as official defenders a lieutenant of infantry and a sergeant of gendarmerie. The latter said nothing and the lieutenant offered a few irrelevant poetical phrases. Their clients were sentenced to death. Surely, if the law requires counsel for prisoners, it should make provision for the defenders having sufficient notice to know the case.

The lieutenant to-day confessed that he wbb not master of it. A SUNDAY AT BOULOGNE. TO THB EDITOR OP THIS DAILY HBW3. Sir, Your Correspondent, in his lively description of Sunday at Boulogne," gives a graphic account of the troubles he met with through arriving at that port without a passport. too, enjoyed Sunday at Boulogne but I provided myself with a "permit" before starting, and it may be interesting to some of your readers to know how easily this is to be managed.

I oalled at the Charing-oross Eailway Station and asked for a form of permit to land at Boulogne. It was at once handed to me, with a word to explain that I should take it to a magistrate to get it signed. I knew no magistrate, but I took it to Marlborough-street Police-office, and in les3 than five minutes it was passed up to Mr. Knox, Bigned by him, and stamped by the olerk. A fee of one shilling was Charged.

This document, like my ticket, "was collected on my landing at Boulogne. On my return I had merely to give my name to the officer at the head of the gangway, who held in his hand an alphabetical Hat of all the names on the permits collected. On finding mine duly insoribedthe officer made all the room he could forme, exolaiming, Passe, monsieur, a-al right." I endorse all yoiirCorreapondent says about the liveliness of Boulogne. I believe it to be the moBt enjoyable sea-side place within easy reach of London, and you are not plagued with extortionate hotel charges. At all events I wasnot.

My family of two adults and a child of eight years Bfcayed at the Hotel Victoria two weeks. They were well lodgedinthefirstfloor front, and werepexceedingly well nourished. They had soaps', roasts, and excellent poultry, mostagreeably varied. There was, besides, an evening meal with tea before going to bed. For this I was aharged three pounds per week that is to say twenty-five shillings each for my wife and mother and ten shillings for the little girl.

I should add that on leaving the hotel there were no Bmirking faces waiting to be remembered" only the very little and very pretty daughter of the hostess smiling and wiBhing us (in excellent English) a pleasant passage across. I am, sir, your obedient servant, T. O. LODGER FRANCHISE. TO THE HDITOB OP IHB DAm? NBWS.

Sib, In your impression of to-day appears a paragraph on "The Forthcoming Eegistration of Voters," and in whioh it is said that the lodger franchise will form an important feature. I hope it will be so but however it may be in Borne partB, I don't think it will be a very important one in the borough of Finabury, if the indications in that respeot are the same throughout the borough generally as they are in the parish, of Islington, in whioh I reside. I don't know whether or not it is yet too late for the purpose this year, but being a lodger, and having a desire to become possessed of the franchise, and being legally qualified, I have looked carefully for soma weeks paBt in every direction for Borne notioe calling upon lodgers to send in their olaims, but have seen nothing of the fond, and consequently don't know at all where to get the necessary information for the purpose, and I suppose many other lodgers are situated in that respect the same as, sir, your obedient servant, Sept. 4, ONE UN" THE DABK. RAILWAY LIBERALITY.

BO OCHB SDITOS Off THH UAILT HEWS. Sra, The managers of the South Eastern Rral-way have, in their wiBdom, so ruled, that season tickets BBued from London to Blaokheath or Lewisham shall be available to Deptford, but deny the same concession to holders of season tickets between London and any other station," so that even those residing at Ladywell, for example (the next station beyond Lewisham) would not participate in the privilege. I oannot understand why the above first-mentioned atationBBhould be speoially favoured, and on my writing to the Secretary for an explanation he gave the following answer, "the privilege of travelling over that (the Greenwich Eailway) was conceded some years ago to the holders of season tickets between London and Lewisham. and London and Blaokheath for a certain object," but what that certain object was, or is, he does not Bay, so that I am still left in ignorance and wonder. Any comment on an answer so vagua, and an arrangement bo unsatisfactory, would, I consider, be superfluous but what reason there should be for special privileges being granted by any railway company to the few, while the interest and convenience of the general public is ignored and disregarded, is beyond the comprehension of, yours truly, (J.

Q. Sept. 6. INDEPENDENT DUSTMEN. to traa kditob of inra daily iraws.

Sie, I have lived for more than ten years in the parish of St. Paul's, Deptford, and during the whole of that tune I have never known the authorities toamnW means for collecting the refuse from the houses of the inhabitants. We are at the mercy of the men who go about collecting dust, and who will ba paid for what they take away, and, should there be anything they don't liks, it is left to accumulate about the premises, or an extra fee iss demanded for removing it. Only a few days ago I applied to two of these men pasBing my house to tako away about two bushels of dust, andbeoanse there was some paper, taicoa trom a small room bad just repapered, they refused to do so without being paid double the amount I usually give them for so doing. Our highway rates are heavy, yet this is what we have to put up with.

It is. of vital importance, at all times, that the habitations of the people should be kept clean and free ti. .,1. uum we uiivj uuu xiuw uuuu tk vjuubttuou ox cuoiera may beexpeoted, it is very necessary that this should be the case. xoursrespeciruuy, jj.

DIPHTHERIA. TO SHU KDEEOB Off TK8 BArDY NEWS. Sra, The foHowinK is a true storv. When James Chipperfisld, a labouring man, 42 years of ago, of the parish of Skeyton, left hiB home on Saturday morning, August 19, for his work in the harvest field, he left behind him a wife and eight children. On Sunday, August 27, juu auu jiuut vi wo uuiiureu were ueau ana ouriea, ana another little boy, nine years of age, was apparently dying when I called at tho house on Saturday last.

Let any of us picture to ourselves, if we can, a household of ten persons suddenly reduced to four survivors in a few days' I mi a i -i uurc i luau waa gouu uuuuanu ana zaxner, ana naa worked twenty years or more on the some farm, had done his duty in his state of life, The cottage atands on a bin, on dry and light soil, with no treeB about it. The apparent cause of this waste of life is, a usually; defective drainage, filth Tercolatms into the well water. I Soint to four parsonage houses around ma here where eaths have occurred entirely from thiB same cause. I believe the same evil exists in thousands of houses where nothing of thekindissuBpeoted tillsome severe iHnapi breaks Ji mi vuu tum wutwb uu viuuius. people ssemeu panic-stricken, and not a man could be found willing to enter the house and remove the poor man's dead body, After waiting some time at the ohuToh, my curate went to inquire into the cause of delay, and found the poor woman in the road, wringing her hands, not knowing what to do and he, with the assistance of the medical man, who happened i.u au wi uiurc, gmi-Lururcu una omce lor tne living ana dead.

Now, Sir, I have a twofold object in making known this sad story. First, to prove how necessary it is that we should have in every district an arbitrary authority who not only may, but must, inspeot all housea and premises periodically, inquire into drainage, and order what is necessary to be done, with a simple and direot mode of appeal from his decision, Bay to the nearest magistrate, who has no personal interest in promoting or in setting aside the inspector's order. Secondly, I should like to raise at least, to be vested in trustees, the interest of which should provide the poor woman's rent, now a widow and nearly ohildless, during her life that rent whioh the strong man's arm earned yearly for her in the harvest field. I feel sure I shall have no difficulty in obtaining this if you will admit this letter. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, W.

J. STBACBT, Rector. Buxton Vicarage, Worwioh, Sept. 4. The Lobd Matob on MttnioipaIj Government.

In the course of a speech at Cardiff, on Tuesday, the Lord Mayor of London Baid "The Mayor of Cardiff knows well that we who are at the head of corporations have important, pressing, and responsible functions to discharge, and I may Bay upon behalf of municipalities generally, that I hope the day is far distant when the ancient mode of self-government will bo put aside by any of the modern notions of Government. I think we have only to look at a neighbouring nation, bo long allied to ourselves, to see the advantage which we and all other oouutries that possess forms of self-government have in the occurrence of any unforeseen catastrophe for meeting that catastrophe by our own. effort and by onr own means, rather than trusting to what may be thrown up by ohance in the front." A Lawless Town. Topeka, Kansas, August 22. A week ago, in an election row at Newton, the terminus of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Bail-road, a Texan was shot and killed by one McClosky, tho Texan being the aggroBsor, Since that time MoCloBky haB been appointed a polioeman, and there has been a feud between him and Texans, whioh culminated in a general fight on Saturday night, in whioh MoOlosky and a Texan were killed, and two others mortally and four seriously wounded.

There is but little law in that region, and more trouble is anticipated. The Texan drovers oongre-there in msatietbffm Titnu, August 23, THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION AT MILAN. (FB0H A B0VTNQ COBBBBPONDEtra.) MILAN, Shot. 2. Having been told at Como that an Industrial.

Exhibition of manufactured articles from all parts of Italy was to be opened herewith great pomp and ceremony upon the second bf the month, I arrived yesterday order to witness the ceremony. I had anticipated some difficulty in rinding accommodation, owing to the crowds which I supposed would congregate in the city but I found no sort of difficulty in getting a room. Indeed, Milan and the rest of the world appeared to be taking the whole affair oxceedingly calmly. The newspapers, whioh I diligently perused for information respecting the opening ceremony, contained nothing, except a notice that it would take place at 11 o'clock precisely, the next day, and that the Prince of Carignan, and the Ministers, Visconti-Venosta, Correnti, and Castagnola, had arrived to take part in the proceedings. In the afternoon I drove to the public gardens, where the Exhibition building had been erected.

There was a crowd round it of fifty or sixty persons, and exhibitors were going in and out to give a finishing touch to their wareB. At one door a notice was put up that those who wished for season tickets must bring their photographs on sheets of paper, to which the ticket would be attached; and here there were two or three enthusiasts, photograph' in hand. After diligsui search, and a certain amount of modest assurance in addressing everyone who appeared to hold an official position, I succeeded in interviewing a gentleman wno, presume, was one of the Committee, and who was good enough to give me the following details The Exhibition has been got up by a committee of Milanese merchants a few thousand pounds were, ia the first instance, subscribed by them and their friends, and then long wooden galleries were added to a building which already exists in the public garden. The rest of the money which was required has been advanced upon the security of the anticipated receipts. The Exhibition is to consist exclusively of manufactured articles.

It is to remain open during the whole month of September, and, if successful, it is io be followed by others. It was announced that the- ceremony of the opening was to take place at 11 o'clock, and I only learnt, a short time before that hour, that an entrance the building, in order to witness it, was only to be obtained by invitation cards, One of these, at the last moment, the proprietor of my hotel was good enough to get for me. On proceeding to building, I found a crowd outside the gates, and passing through them, I managed to squeeze my way near enough to see and hear what passed. Shortly after eleven two Court carriages drove up, containing the Prince of Carignan, the Mayor of Milan, and the Ministers. A band, whioh was placed under some treesj immediately struck up the national air.

The invited guests all stood round the door of the central saloon. On getting out of his carriage, the Prince took up a position inside the saloon under a portrait of the King. Then commenoed those well-known and dreary proceedings which, whenever I see them, make me thank Heaven that I was bora in a private station. Commander Beretta, the Vice-President of tha Italian Industrial Association read a speech, in which, after dwelling upon the origin of the Industrial Association, he explained that, for all practical purposes, local exhibitions limited to certain branches of human activity are far superior to-universal and general ones. The Prince and the Commander then shook bands, and the members of the Executive Committee were introduced, and their hands were grasped in succession by the royal palm, the owner of which, being a very stout man, mopped his face with his handkerchief.

I imagined that all was now over, but the Commander Castagnola, the Minister of Commerce, was not going to bo outdone by the Commander Beretta. He now stepped to the fore, and, bowing to the Prince, produced from his pocket a roll of paper, which he proceeded to read. His speech was a second edition of that of the Vice-President of the Italian Industrial Association. Like him, he enlarged upon tho advantages of local exhibitions, and he wound up with a few eut-and-dry compliments to the Princes of the House of Savoy, "not only valorous soldiers, but friends and patrons of the arts of peace." The Ministers, the Executive and the Mayor of the city now formed themselves into a procession, with the Prince at their head. About 20 men with standards marched on each side of them, and, thus accompanied, the cortege marched through the different galleries, every now and then halting when any object of particular merit was to be pointed out to the Prince.

A little before 1 the Prince drove away, the different officials relapsed into private life, and the standard-bearers staggered home with their flags. This afternoon the public has been admitted-on payment. Although the whole of Italy has been invited to send its industrial products, very few towns in the Peninsula, with the exception of Milan, have availed themselves of the invitation. The Exhibition is essentially a local one, It consists mainly of Milanese furniture, Milanese boots, Milanese carriages, Milanese pianos, and Milanese-' pots and pans. There is a little Roman jewellery, a little Venetian glass, and a little Florentine pietra dura.

Of machinery there is hardly any. The only thing which appeared to me worthy of special notice was the cabinet-work. Some of the inlaid cabinets and tables are better than any I 'have seen either in Paris or London. On the whole, this Exhibition does not give one a very high notion of the progress of the different branches of industry in Italy which it displays. It is like the Chinese wall, which, as Dr.

Johnson said, is worth the trouble of seeing if one resides near it, but hardly worth making a journey for the express purpose. I wonld far rather myself pass an hour in looking at the cathedral, or the ballet of the Scala. But, of course, tastes differ. Next to the cathedral and the picture of Leonardo da Vinci, the most remarkable sight in Milan is a policeman. The guardians of the publio peace are arrayed in high shiny hats, black trousers, black gloves, and long black coats reaching nearly down to their feet.

The official who invented this uniform must have at some time of his life had difficulties with the law, and thus sought to avenge himself upon its ministers. The Loudon School Boabd. The London School Board, although in the midst of its six weeks' holiday, held a general meeting yesterday at the offices in New Bridge-Btreet, according to the terms of the third Bchedule of the Aot, which provides that not less than one ordinary meeting shall be held in each month." Sir Thomas Tilison was called to the choir, and there were fourteen other members present. A proposal that gome sohools in Chelsea should be taken over, in connection with a letter from the Educational Department, led to a long discussion, the Education Department having interpreted the Act to mean that when private schools alone were meant the Department need not be oonuulted. It was urged that this would make a great difference with regard to ragged schools, and if that interpretation were admitted the Board might do whatever it pleased with that olass of schools.

A short discussion took place on the subject, and on tho motion of Mr. Currie, seconded by Mr, Tabrum, it was referred to Mr. Gedge, the solicitor of the Board, to draw up a scheme in order that it may be submitted to the Cwnmittoe of Works. The Board then adjourned until Wednesday, the 27th and it has been arranged that the report on compulsory education the most important Buoject witn. which tho Board has yet had to deal will be considered at the meeting which will be held on Wodnesday, the 25th of October.

The Sub-Committee on Industrial Sohools will meet at a.m. on Tuesday next, tho 12th inat, i LTOTCHEON IN GLASGOW. You don't know my friend MoPhusky, tha -6u 1 xuoiuB is yours, enen, for there ssnota better fellow in Christendom ttan the same MoPhusky. I have seldom known a uasman Whn waft Tint. a.

stanan6 nn.ff.nM 'n soul, notwithefcandiog some surface blemishes that qualities. MoPhusky, I admit, has these sorfacl blemishes arvnoirfarAkTo ir a bleaded with Glasgow slang, Biung is nor pretty. He has a laugh you might hearthree streets off, and he laughs very often, atenninf? zii. Coat na ma? do srraafn -inaKnt i i tonan "Ha. ha." He is intencoi ue would be very angry if I called hia nationalism tirnvinnmlinm- TTc xt.v tne boots ara th finoof.

world Glasgow, the finest city the Clyde, the anest nver. when ha name rj. other day I took him round on a little expedition! of sight-seeing. Hyde-park he laughed to scorn. aemanaing in a tone of contemptuous triumph whether I had seen the Glasgow West-end Park, with the ripplmg Kelvin flowing at its base.

I would not wound MoPhusky's feelings by hintintr that tna last timfi 111 nrl ,5 aot ripple because of obstructive soap-suds. No London clergyman could, in McPhusky's estima- uuM wnom ne lovmelv denominated our Wormim rwj its ineffectual fires before Argyll-street What waj Westminster Abbey compared with Glasgow bataedral One forenoon, I remember, McPhuakv v. tium gieuBy Dar witn snobs oa One Bide and Tiaintfirl mnmor. ai jr UOUGl, WO wandered disconsolately into dark parlours, where dubious waiters served lumps of flesS inundated with hot water into -wliinfi ff Tt.j moth 1UOLWU. Further west wo fared little better, and MoPhusky, who is of an economical disposition, nearly lost hia rtj 4U nUn It St nomjjoi uiiD uuBtgos.

vome to ulasgow, at last ho burst out, "and I will show you how to lunch The capital of the West is un to dint the matter of lunches she bangs everything in that line." I have already hinted that one of the weaknesses of MoPhusky is his addiction slang. As my barque neared the. coral strand of Greenock, lo, on the eminenceof Prince's Pier, the bushy red headof MoPhusky. His stentorian shout, How a' with you rang in my ears as I came ashore. In another instant my fingers tingled with taeheartiness of his hand-grip, and I was nearly unset by the soundingslaphedealt me in his warmth of greeting.

Glasgow bagmen do not salute you with a languid How d'do From Greenockto Glasgow the artful McPhusky discoursed of everything save of luncheons; the luncheon sensation was to come upon me like a sudden thunder clap the middle of a serene day. It was with conscious pride that as we quitted tha station he pointed out a large building with tha simple observation" There's Davie Brown's." was evident that McPhusky could not comprehend the possibility of a man existing in ignoranoe oi the speoific uses of "Davie Brown's." Not to know who "Davie Brown" was, argued oneself unknown.and I said, Oh, ah, indeed;" ina tono as if the said Davie and I had paidlet in the bum and pulled the gowans together in boyhood's joyous hour. Now for tho luncheon thunderbolt. It was dexterously sped by ove McPhusky. I'ns takingyouto lunch at Lang'B first thegreatLang's, you know." McPhusky clearly meant this startling, intelligence thus abruptly commurdoafed should! impress-me very deeply, nor am I the man to baulk another in any reasonably conceived expectation.

I bore np against the blow with soma apparent difficulty, McPhusky the while contemplating mo with a certain grim satisfaction, muttering something about the immortalitysecured to Lang's from having been described in Punch. Here we were at the portals of Lang's. Lang's is in QueenHstreet. The display in Lang's windows is disappointing. It consists chiefly of cakes, plum, sponge, seed some whole, some out in hall to expose their richness.

A thrill of horror ran through me at the bare thought that McPhusky might be contemplating to lunch me on cake. Visions.of Dutch butter, dripping, and lard -not to say pomatum drifted across my perturbed, imagination. But re-assurance soon came. The interior of the spacious, saloon-like shop was full a little too full, perhaps, for comfort, with the thermometer at 80 in the shade, but the ventilation was excellent. I have a systematic way of doing things.

Efforts to obtain a bird's-eye view of such a scene might have been attended with difficulties on account of the bottles on the upper shelves, and the result would, after all, have been superficial. I set about working my way through the place in a thorough and methodical manner, with the promptings of hunger subdued by the responsibility of the situation. McPhusky gloated over his triumph from a coign of vantage near the door. Turning to the left as I entered, I found first the tea and coffee counter. The rich cream, in connection with which thoughts of Simpson" would have been flat blasphemy, was ready, for use in great shallow silver vases, each with its ladle taking a tremendous header into the milky depths.

A punch bowl, wherein in days of yore many a brew had doubtless been concocted of the famous Glasgow punch beloved of Baillie Nicol Jarvie, was now full to the lip of sugar. Close by wera seemingly complicated but practically simple teapots and coffee-pots, surrounded by a vast acreage of cups and saucers. Self-help is the order of the day in You want a cup of tea. You lay hold of a tea-cup, decant from the retortlike tea-pot the'desiderated modicum of the beverage which cheers but not inebriates, help yourself to cream and sugar, and, oup in hand, drift away to another counter to purvey for yourself whatever your heart may take delight in. Passing the region of tea and coffee, I reached the country of minced collops in cups.

Portions of haggia sent up here their fragrant odours, dear to Scottish nostrils portions too of hashes, of hotchpotch, of tho dainty amalgams of meat and vegetables in which Scotch cookery, still bearing the impress of the ancient alliance between tho rampant lion and the fleur de lis, mightily excels. And then at step I was in Sandwich-land. Time would fail me to tell of the variety of sandwiches iaia our: in pues on me ciean pj.auors on toe counter of Sandwich-land, and each platter baoked by the label setting forth the kind of sandwich. With a long breath, and a pause to collect my faculties, I invaded Sandwich-land with the heroio intent of eating right through it, and out at tha further side. I am afraid I did wrong.

I should have made the undertaking one of painstaking appreciative study, returning day by day to batten exclusively on one particular kind of sandwich each day. But as on Lang's list there are at least 250 different varieties of sandwiches, and as Lang's is closed on Sundays, such an emprise would have occupied the best part of a year, and with all the good will in the world, I could not see my way to spare the time. As it was, when my Herculean labour was over there lingered on the palate a strange confusion of reminiscences. Por I had eaten a tongue sandwich, a beef sandwich, a brawn sandwioh, a Turkey sandwich, a Yorkshire bacon sandwich, a potted bacon sandwich, a grouse sandwioh, a Gorgona anchovy sandwich, a Dunlop cheese sandwich, a York ham sandwich, a scolloped oyster sandwich, a trout sandwich, a black game sandwich, a stewed fish sandwich, a rye bread and beef sandwich, a rye bread and tongue sandwich, a potted shrimp sandwich, a roast mutton sandwich, a mango relish sandwich, a spiced egg sandwich, a Hamburg sausage sandwich, a ham and egg sandwich, a Belfast bacon sandwich, a Grayere cheese sandwich, a brisket sandwich, a shrimp paste sandwich. At this point, although there were still worlds of sandwiches to conquer, tint! tn succumb, and Mr.

MnPhiiHlnr gfte perhaps of serious consequences, was at my 4- rvnui vn4T. 1 I assimilation of the strata by a dram. Then for the first time so concentrated had been tnv enaririaA nn tha RArtrltvin.hpR if; dawned on me thatAere was a shelf above the sandwich sounterjMb which stood innumerable bottles, each labellPvith the name of its contents, and with the price thereof per glass, while the appropriate glass, a skittish foal, stood beside each staid bottle-matron. M'Phusky, with a throughlthe sandwiches, I should drink through the a i 1, enabled me to resist, After tho consumption of a clear soup urn, whence gentlemen helped themselves to a cupful just as they had done to the tea and Then to a counter on which, in great bowls, were purple and golden seas of claret-cup jwun apparently conclusive results, which showed! uok sue cotton would only burn and pot explode, and thev staked their livn them. Tha flames had unread to beds containing boxes of cartridge's, and Messrs.

Vhjuam and Edward Prtw (wmmioi? Selves in drawing the boxes from the fire. It wans proaable tuat, had they left them -where hey were, tit a naTtTidcron wmiA msin -J MAW.QtJ ULISQ warned; as it was they exploded, and the unfortunate gentlemen were in the most literal way to pieces, The whole works were thus destroyed, and more than half the people employed fwere killed or wounded. Such, a calamity must ibave important results on the manufacture. It is Itnre, as the Coroner said, that the railways have 'carried gun-cotton without accident, and that experiments have elaborately proved its safety. But "the second explosion, to which the Messrs.

Pben-Txce were sacrificed, was not caused by bad cotton, tut by a mistaken opinion as to the behaviour Of good cotton in certain circumstances. The 'people of Stowmarket will never feel safe again with any stores of this material near them and it may fairly be doubted whether it must not always he kept wetted, as the stores at IJpnor now are. At any rate, we need yet further knowledge of it before we trust too implicitly to it. Mb. Gladstone has received at Wakefield a welcome such as Yorkshiremen are famed for giving.

Let others lament that the Fiest Mmis-mt of the Ceown does not isolate himself in the jrecess; for our parts, while we read with satisfaction of his paying visit after visit to friends, and doubt not that he is accumulating the strength that will be severely taxed next Session, we can -nly be glad that he permits himself to meet his countrymen in the freedom of social intercourse, amd speak to them of those things whioh lie near their hearts. The Pbemiee's address to "the "Wakefield Liberal Association was marked by a comparative avoidance of controverted topics, and there was nothing in it at which a reasonable Conservative could take offence. Mr. Gladstone was far from proclaiming the divine right of the liberal party to shape the policy of the country; lut he desires that its title to do so may continue to be acknowledged onte ground of its greater desert. This is a wholesome doctrine for the present imes.Hewouldnke,however,tomeet with worthier opponents in Parliament, for "you cannot have one of the two great parties in this country seriously depressed in its moral tone without the contagion spreading to the other." This is not the first time Mr.

Gladstone has expressed the same sentiment, and it is well worth the Impartial consideration of those in whose power It is to apply a remedy to a notorious and growing evil. As at Whitby, so at Wakefield, the Peemiek could not forget the deep interest the nation has in administrative economy, and he asks why both sides of the House of Commons should not co-operate to secure this object. The Conservative leaders have an eminent example in Sir BobertPeel, a statesman "who showed a strictness of principle and a firrn-jness of will in matters of finance whioh enabled both Liberals and Conservatives under Sais Government to compete to bring a judicious economy into operation, and Mr. Gladstone topes his successors will follow in his steps. Well, within the bounds of prudence, we will hope 80 too.

The Pkejueb glanced rapidly at the Various elements of the country's progress and prosperity under the regime of Free Trade, Sightly ascribing more of the national advancement to the liberality of our fiscal and commercial policy than to the improvements effected in the mere inaterial agencies of production and communication. It was natural after such a survey to refer Jo the French Treaty, the beneficent arrangements of which are menaced with destruction. Looking at the terms in which Mr. Gladstone expressed fcimself, we cannot doubt that the Treaty is in imminent danger. His language, however, was forbear-Jng and dignified.

We are all sorry in the prospect losing connections whioh we prized at the same iime it would be mere affectation to pretend to forget that our commerce has attained such a position that we are not dependent on tho markets of any ne country whatever. We know that if our own irade is partially diminished in consequence of a Jpolicy of restriction afc "Versailles, Fiance will be ihe greatest sufferer by that policy, and we regret ihat she should be led to adopt it at a time when she needs all that development of her iresources which freedom alone can give, in order lo be able to control the tremendous difficulties Vhich lie in her path. With reference to the rejected Ballot Bill, Mr. Gladstone repeated his conviction that it will speedily become law. Liberals of Wakefield have received the Peemiee very cordially he in his turn spoke frankly on important topics and each party has good reason to be satisfied with the interview.

Ws have no sooner come to the end of the in- quiryinto the lamentable catastrophe at Stow-jnarketthan we are confronted by a still more horrible aooident whioh has just taken place at Wigan. It is another colliery explosion that we Jiave to record this morning a familiar phrase to the millions of this oountry who have no friends 'crrelatives snatched away fromthem by such dread-iul casualties, and who hear of them with a vague yegrefc as of misfortunes which cannot be presented. We earnestly hope that the number of men supposed to have been killed by the explosion sixty-nine is the rough estimate formed on hs spot will be found to be exaggerated; but there can be no doubt that fearful sacrifice of human life has taken place. The first exploring party that went '-down thehaft succeeded in saving the lives of a men but successive explosions followed the (explorers had to save their own lives by a hurried (escape and then, as it was considered certain that all in the mine were dead, the shaft was pricked up. The magnitude of this disaster prevents speculation as to the cause but it is not improbable that the anarsed atmospheric changes to whioh we have of late been subject may have had much to do with it.

We need not seek, however, to anticipate the ijncpairy which will doubtless be held. We only another calamity has come upon us, and that in this fair and holiday season there has fallen over a wide district in England the blight of death and despair. THE COURT. vBALMOEAL CASTLE, Sept. 4.

The Queen went out, attended by Lady Churohul. Tie Duke of Edinburgh, attended by lieutenant Haig, fims arrived at Balmoral. Tho Eev. Dr. Watson has left the Castle.

Professor lister arrived at the Castle in the af tornoon, "fend opened a small gathering ia the Quean' Barm. Her Btojesty is progressing favourably. The Eight Eon. W. E.

Gladstone left Wakefield yester-wlay for Ha warden Oastle, Chester. Sooth London Working Men's College, BXiACxfbxabs-boad. The winter session of thia institution will commence on Monday next, when Mr. A. F.

Bobin-son will open a new class in freehand drawing, mechanical and building construction. On Tuesday a new elementary class in French will begin under Mr. Eossiter (the Honorary Secretary of the College) and on Friday a new olass in English History and Geography. In October Mr. Thomas Hopper will commence new classes in Physics and Steam, and in Mechanics, theoretical and Rjplied dear and loyal friend," whioh appeared ia several papers.

He threatens to bring an action against the journal whioh was the first to publish this forgery. The Verite, suppressed two days ago by General Ladmisault, has reappeared under the name of the Constitution, The second of a series of articles by M. Jules Amiguea figures side by side with the 41st letter of Alceste, for whose 40th the ViriU was suppressed. The type, staff, and politics of this journal are, without any attempt at diaguifie, handed over to the Constitution, whose pubuoation is duly authorised by General de Cissey. The Liberie asks what is the use of subjecting journalists to a state of siege regime when they can so easily evade it St.

Thomas's Hospital. We are requested to state that this Hospital ia now open for the reception of patients. Alleged Illegal Confinement ov a Gentle- maw in A Ltotako Asylum. An account of the manner in which Thomas Wilson, a gentleman well known in the Isle of Man, was got into alunatio aoylum known as the Crichtpn Boyal Institution, Dumfries, has created some attention. The Isle of Man lima hau been supplied with further information on the subject, particularly with reference to the medical gentleman who signed the certificate alleging Mr.

Wilson's insanitv. but in deference to the wishes of some friends of the incarcerated gentleman it withholds these particulars for the present. Meanwhile our contemporary publishes a letter from a legal gentleman employed in endeavouring to effect Mr. Wilson's release, and a 00Py of a petition whioh has bean presented to the sheriff of Dumfriesshire. The former says "It was only after considerable difficulty that we managed to see Mr.

Wilson, as Mrs. Wilson refused to give an order; and you may form an opinion of the difficulties to be overcome when I assure you that it is a fact that Sir William Brown, a man hieh in our nrofes- sion, wbb bandied about from the Board of Lunacy to the arA 1JI uuuua, VIM) VMd tut UA UiUUbUD UOIURI UO UUUIU obtain even an interview with a client of his who was confined in that asylum for two or three years, and who was at last found to be perfectly sane and dieoharged. I may add thatMacCulloch and Marshall, of Dumfries, are men of high standing, arid also that, unless Mrs. Wilson shows cause Why he should not be, Mr. Wilson will be discharged at the expiration of eight days from to-morrow" (i.e., the 17th inst.) The petition shows that the petitioner, while he reserves to himself all right and action competent to him to question the legality of his having been placed and detained in the asylum, produces a medical certificate by Dootora James Murray MaoCul-loch and William Marshall, physicianB in Dumfries, dated 24th declaring the petitioner 1 to be sane and fit to manage hia and also a certificate by Doctor Samuel Laird, physician in Douglas, in the Isle of Man, uwiwuug wiaij cue petitioner -ia noc omy periecwy sane, but that there exists no cerebral disease to warrant further The sheriff of Dumfries has signified his approval of the gentlemen in question to certify as to the recovery of Mr.

Wilson, and notice has been issued upon the wife. The Pbbe Sunday" Movement. The Free Sundav Societv held the first of its fortniehtlv meetings on Monday evening, at the Oolet Sohool- room, uommeroial-roaa iSaBt. Ur. ilowkett occupied the chair, and delivered the opening address, during which a telegram from Dr, Baxter Langley arrived, expressing regret at his unavoidable and unexpected absence.

The meeting, whioh was very huge, was addressed by Mr. W. F. Oowell Stepney, Mr. P.

Walter, Mr. P. A. V. Le Lubez, and other well-known advocates of the "Free Sunday." It wob announced that the next meeting wonld take place on the 18th of this month, when Mr.

Mylea M'Sweney will leoture on "The Mythological Origin of the Sabbath or Sunday," and to whioh tho admission will be free..

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