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Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland • 4

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-T-Ttril-riiir- i ir -mim MISCELLANEOUS. xSierSie(iS haSbe'en so audaciously kidnapped. was permitted to be made, but it seems at year in the receipts of the Dublin and Meath had been 373 16s lOd, which, in the case of pianos on -JBtttion'3B grid ffl OTSSDT, Acsust 3Jst-J vmmtoi irarnrjei lsa.930ni7.r the programme for the' InteanedSe 'EMBfin -eiSaSnerda fn-r. frtr bova I cantile pursuits. SrFioirdir':" PUBLIC NOTICES.

A I THE last Sis Nighte A Of the world-renowned CAEL H08A PEBAC0MPA2TY THIS EV jJJ' AuS 30a (t 8), Faust Mr rto? Mr To-morrow (Tuesday W'MarW'k fc Wednesday Next Thursday-' Carmen. Friday "Don Giovanni Saturday (at2) Carmen Pnce-Prrvate Boxes, 14. 2i, and 3 guineas. SmL1 and Gallery. ET oS6'16 rar's, 4 and 6 Westmoreland street 7s 7 30 to Pit Stalls and Is extra, and to Pit and Gallery 6d ertoa.

-MO-NDAY JiEXT, Sept 7th for Six Nights ohlvl, Miss VIOLET CASEEHOK and Comm ercial Correspond enee, Chemistry. snd 5farral Py tB ewth deadweight, of torn, uiu, At.opiM vueiKwiawjuuiwvuii'UfWt orjrroeCTB3appiyto Kaokrock College, Dublin. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BLACKEOCK. Classes to wenare Candidates for tile Matncalation and Arts Examinations of the-Boyal University will -be resumed on WEDNESDAY, Scptlst. CtorWie qay vrijl be resumed -alsctlie Classes ior i i teHcindiaii'Gvil Service," tli'vrofllwicliaiKl nouc-glasa iiave ran out, aud the Entrfir.e.

th Attorafi' Aonrenticea. 3. -i Sandharst -Entrauce, the Attorneys When set at liberty he lost no time in pre paring; to teit the feelings of the Bolgarians:" fowardsliim. On regaininghis freedom onRus- sian soil, the (Jzar's Goverinent knowing that the attempted revolution in Bulgaria had collapsed, Prince Alexander, who was ignorant of the turn affairs had taken, started for Germany. On Friday morning he reached the Austro-Russian in the afternoon he reached the town.

of Lemberg in German Poland, where he was made the object of an enthusiastic evasion. Telegrams sent thence on Friday night-announced that the Prince wowld not return in any haste to Bulgaria, and it appeared to be settled that: would spend some time in Gemmny. Quite unexpectedly, he departed on Saturday morning at an early hour for Bulgaria, another unlooked for event in this unprecedented chapter of surprises. That he will meet with any opposition from the Bulgarians is entirely out of the question. The conspirators have either been imprisoned by the indignant populace, or they owe their freedom to the fact thai their flight was timely.

Nor is it at all probablo that Prussia will interfere to prevent the restoration of the ruler whom the Czar so heartily detests. The conspiracy was odious, and its authors are now covered with contempt because their aarmg plot miscarried. From the first moment when it was seen that the counterrevolution had the sympathies of all Bul garians, the Russian newspapers repudiated on behalf of the Czars Government anv share in the intrigue. It is still pretended that the interets of European peace demand tlie sacrifice of Prince Alex ander to the enmity of Czar Alexander. fflucn a suggestion might have some appearance of expediency, though it would ne at riSht' Put forward a fortnight ago.

But Russia's nosif.ion bps nrtk Vmo-r, strengthened by the Bulgarian coup d'etat, and the chances are that the victor of Slivnitza will emerge from his present difficulties victorious. We fend it difficult, indeed, to make anv adequate acknowledgment of the muni- nuenc sympainy wnicn tne peoole of thai narh Canada over which Dr Clcarv. Bishop of the Most Rev Kingston, presides have exhibited with the Irish National movement. His Lordship has forwarded, through the Most Eev Dr Croke a further contribution to the IIIUU A iIJWV tnentary Fund of 360 odd. This is the third subscription within a very short time of tne people of Dr Cleary's diocese to the Fund, and if there tvas anything wanting to enhance its value, we have it in the letter with which his Grace the Archbishop of Cashel accompanies the generous transatlan tic message.

As Dr Croke reminds us, it was only on Friday last he sent us a cheque for 1(50 from our friends in Australia, and to be able on the day following to forward another cheque for nearly three times that amount from the banks of the St Lawrence is a very gratifying proof that the Irish cause has staunch and generous supporters at the very ends of the earth. We would recommend the letters of the two distinguished Prelates as useful reading to some of the politicians across the Channel. It should be interesting as well as instructive for them to know that the Dominion contributors are not exclusively Irish or Catholic. As Dr. Cleary tells us: Scotch, French, and English Presbyterians and Anglicans have united with us in paying this tribute of sympathy and sustaimnent to our long-" oppressed country and her Parliamentary champions in the supreme effort now made to vindicate by peaceful anr? strictly legal methods her imprescriptible "right to self-legislation.

All have been moved by a common conviction that the "system of law-making wjiieh has rendered "Canada signally loyal, prosperous, and united, despite the diversity and old-world "rivalry of its constituent peoples, casually, "as it were, thrown together, and which has "converted-the Irish settlers, who were discontented at home and dis. "gusted with British rule, into heartily loyal, law-abiding, and most exemplary "subjects of her Majesty in this' Dominion, ought to be yielded UDgtadg-" ingly to Irislinien dwelling on Irish Much might be Written, as Dr. Croke ob serves, on his lordship's eloquent and sugges tive letter as a text, and not the least significant portion of it is the passage which the Archbishop so forcibly emphasises. Our acknowledgments are duo also to the Most Rev Dr Conway and the priests and people or the diocese ot huilala, who have contributed over a hundred pounds to the Fund Many parts of the country have now proved tiiat they are not unconscious of the urgent importance of such a fund as we have been enabled so far to conduct so successfully, and we are not afraid that in the end a single'parish will be found to have failed in bearing its part in the good work. The sent, the prospects of a hard and bitter win- ter, and the consequent necessity of a keen and active Parliamentary warfare, should inause the people to sustain the Fund with aH.

the encrgv of enthusiasm. We have certainly no reason to complain as we stand of apathy or illiberality oa the part of our countrymen, and the fact that uui. jl" uuu iiaa tiicrtuy LtayiicLi uiusc uji seven our Fund has already reached close on seven tUousaud pounds is a cheering earnest of the satisfactory-pronortions it will have assumed when thp -rime has sumved for brmin'i tn a close, The shareholders of the Dublin and Meath ia i ComP' who held their li-yearly meeting on Saturday, must have felt how tt-w-, w.o it 1 I IRONMONGERY. SON 41 ffiJIoSteatiorcto their Iirgo and Taried Stock of House.Iroamuigery, Fnrniture, Gas and Sanitary Fittings liters. Xawn Mowers, Peraiab-nlators, etc, etc J.

EDMUNDSON AND CO, HODSE UENJSHEBS, mONMOSGEBS, Gas and Sanitary Engineers, Electricians, etc, etc, HcmsesSrrnishad on the'Three-Years'System. 33 to 36 CAPEL-STREET, DOTED. 6861 AUSTINS- PRIZES MESSRS AUSTIN AND CO, OP WESTMOEELAND STBEET, Have at present, we to sav. the largest annl most varied Stock of Athletic and other Prizes in theOitv. while the nrices which are marhad nr.

each article will favourably with any other; 4u MiB jLause oepuueu select prizes for the forthcoming meetings should certainly take a troH through 'Messrs Anstia's Exteusiv6Show Booms Spore. S3S THEiOBIGINAL IRISH LACE DEPOT, 76 SRAPTON-STREET, Has always on view the Largest Stock of ALL THE VARIETIES OF IRISH LACE, Marked the.lowest Prices in Plaia Figures. EETAIL WHOLESALS EXPORTATION. BEN LINDSEY, Proprietor. 6589 FREDERICK VODREY, FOTTEEY AND ENGRAVED GLASS MANUFACTPBEB, GLASS, CHINA, AND LAMP MBBCBANT.

DINNES SERVICE, 13s.9d, FIFTY PIECES, 13s 9d Mftroce, Band, and New-Printed Patterns and Colonrs to select from. 12 Dinner Plates, 12 SrrpjKsr ditto, 12 Cheese ditto, 6 Dishes, vsrion Raises, 2Vegetaible Dishes and Covers, 1 Sauce Tureen and Stand, 1 Butter Boat. Bich Ornamental and Enamelled Dinner Service, frrom27s6dto20. Grim TeaSerrica. from9s to 10, CUnEreakfast Service, iro 21b fco 15, 37 MARY-STBEETi WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, 19 M00K2-STREET, DUBLIN.

POTTERY WORKS -RERE OP MOORB-ST 1HE 0 R'S MIX UEE, Composed of THE FINEST TOBACCO. Sold only by E. TURNER, CHURCH-LANE (CoHesfe-eroen). Late af -Haaly's, Graftozt-i 500, GOODBODTS TOBACCOS. P.


ium wie Public, that they have taken the commodious premises Hmmu i 1. -r JTr3 rij nuiui ware uwu SUXKCOiy nbTeu- np for their work. Operations havealready commenced at and Messrs GOODBODY are now pre-raradwsseceive orders, which should be sent to the abovealSSreSa. Messrs, GOODBODY take this opportunity of expressing their gratiinde to the many who wrote them letters of encouragement on the occasion of the recent fire. They trust that they willeontinne to receiTe the patron age they have Iritherto with the iraprovement in the pesitkm and internal arrangements of their new Factory, heSfe to maintain the hjgh reptrea-fioE which their Tobaccos have always enjoyed.

Please address as above. DUBLIN CITY OFFICE 4 Euatacetreet, Dublin, Ageafri-JOHN B. Aembtboss, LIVERPOOL 11a South Castle-street. Agenfe Wlii.CtiiLBSHB. LIMERICK 31 M.


THE NEW MARLBORO' CLUB Eclipse3 anything heretofore offered to the public; THE PATENTED SPEIN FORKS Entirely obviate vibration. Ihe 5-mila ChaiBpioniihip of AU England was won on a Jlarjboro Tricycle. Purchasers should call and try a Machine CARSONS' BICYCLE AND TEICYCLE SHOW ROOMS, 'S aaa. BACHElOrVS WALK. 648! HODGSON, CO-'S TXHET and Other Prerffl.rirfmB TBOTTEE oil haa-hflnn 1fnr Irahlfefor upwards of 30 years.

Benders' tise hair soft andgloasy, keeps the sedp clean, imparts adelightful iragajpcevand gives oniversal Eatisfacfton. In bottles, fin. So, Is, and la 6d each, i Mra. H.and COS CAKBOHC TOOEH POWDER poifisses very remarkabls antiseptie proptie8; andis iBvStfhahte for cleaning, 'streragthenrng, and preservihe he1eetfi ahffGutrZBbiess each and- CCS Perfunses are fire' besfcTalne toowit BottJes, lsansl2s 'each MTHWaSfK-Thfe: each. 3, and CO'S COSMOLINE CEEAM.

Esfpe-ciaTly recommended-for the grewth of the Bottles, Is. CO. jivite special attention to their CufflwFlaTOivriBS.feer;'gua. pare. Sot-UesijoVtdrseacbr M-MiSTyanffdCrS ABGENT0M ELATE SOWDEE jvhfeSdestroyrsirver.

tcfsTeBeTeseTery-paitielji U.c&t1b9tttrsa-W uuf uckj, jy.u. w.i dHpuuu U3 root? ot priwent.ucay, anrngdtieMf'aati'-re ateittfi'grarhafrw-orijgrnai eoiomv Bottles? '3s5 bIOTJGESTWr Rfterineseiie CQ'S WhichXTrrSeieaegcienCT -1 GREAT -AUTUMN "SHOW. D.JEEMifeTT Begsteaimorinc-ehiBretrmsiromtieEivg andiFrench Markets, where he has pnrchoaed an extensive selection of all the LATEST NOVFLTTRS for nrnHAnf; nnH SeasonSjincludiBe; the following Specialities FTJE CAI, in Wolverme, Mink. Sknr Be I' uwuwuuig SeasonSjinclndiEg the following Specialities coon. Mustruash.

Otxsssum. Whiih Babbit, black and brown, romUs ftTfe, srta FUR TEIMMIN GS, in real Bear, from 2s Bd. Special Line in BEAVES, at 4s edrworEh 10s lid. Special Line Black worth Is 0d. Vry Special Black and Brown FISHES GOAT TBIM- MING, 6Jd per yard.

Ladies' and Children's HAND MUFFS, from Is lid. Special Lmein LADIES' SEAL BAG- MSTBSS, Lined Satin, SHver Mountings, Sslld. L039G, SQUIEEEL TIES, Black, Brown, and Natural exceptional prices. A GermanMannfaetorer's Stock of Children's -POTTE. XN.HANDS and JACKETS, from3s Ud.

Very Speeial Lot LADIES' CCEIr CLOTH JACKETS, 6s lid; worth 14s 6d. LADIES CUBL CLOTH DOLMANS. Trinrmed Astra can, 19sd. LADIES' LONG OTTOMAN CLOTH and DIAGONAL CLOTH PALETOTS, from 6s 6d to 50s. 200 Children's SAIN CLOAKS, all sizes, Is 6d aach: worth 2s lid SPECIAL.

Our Special One Guinea CASHMERE-COSTUME Trimmed, Striped Silk PluBh or Velvet, will he' found much improved. Special 250 Pieces ALL-WOOL CASHMERE "XVDL, all shades, 6d; worth Is Ojrd. Special Display Ladies' and' Children's EELT HATS, trimmed and from Is 64 to 6s 6d -each. A very recherche-Selection of Bird Wings, rOsprey, Beads, at very rnodaratepriees. D.




PROOF PRICE S7s. WATER BOOTS, yVRTHUR -WEBB has now by special arrange- vAv.uoi.Kt7 aaiz ui but, tTOeerprOOt i. Boot in Leiuster, Monster, and slight exception in Mnnster, ABTHTJE WEBB makes Waterproof Boots to measure oune a. Lieasaerjor a small eztra charge, and repairs Boots with Waterproof Soles. Gentlemen ordering from -the country will please send a tracing of thefoot oa niaepeace estraior postage.




PBESCOTTS Steam Dyeworks. 8 Lower Abbey street and 83 Talbot street; Dublin. Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothes beantSfiilly Cleaned and Dyed also Damask, Cretonnes, Chintz, Carpe'tVSuss, Sheepskin Mats; Travell-sag ServaintB' Liveries. Gentleaasa's -Suits beautifully Cleaned ia three days-Coats cleaned, 2s (id; trousers, Is 6d; and vests, Is. Blankets cleaned andatoved, 2s 6d per pair-white curtains cleaned.

Is qudte cleaned and finished, lsd "eacbi EBBScorttfa are the Largest Works in this country. Our vaus collect goeds on receipt oi post card. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES. PIM BROTHERS, LIMITED, -Have been appointed Agents by several -of the principal rnanufactnters for the1 sals pi Bicydes and Tricyejea. A large Stock now on.

view AT 74 -SOUTH GREAT GEQSSE'STBEET. Eepahs carefully andaonlptly executed. 03d" Machinea Ja PIM LIMITED, SOUTH GREAT 'iatjsGiBi jwagsis; aug so, mo. Mr. Gladstone's fiiTa coHvictioii, and itnnvmfwin Ka 1 J.

iv.ii:M Bifte Thpasfc NfOfik 1 tWj'boo fha falli raiiy'rjieir rorcesior tne next appeal to comrtry will be; Eke15 the Irish; a single plank. That the late Prims Minister expresses the view of iris followers is apparent from the on Friday night. Sir. yxr TI 1. -1 and which roused tlto ringing cheers of the Radicals.

Tiu. i protectors, tlie Totkb. It will be motto of the Marquis of Salisbury to- make the scheme of Land Purchase to which his! Crnvamm an via 1 v. v. uu.ujk tJUllllbUOtX (iO favourable and- acceptable to the-land lords as the latter desire but while' their ranks include men of Mr.

Addison's sturdy type, any settlement of the Irish Land Question by whiclx a fcuicy price is to be secured to the landlords will not bo a matter of plain and easy Home Rule, as ia now generally tbaceded, came to grief at the polls in England in consequence of its corifusion with a Land Purchase involving a waste, asthe-Unionists malignantly urged, of himdreds of millions of the British taxpayers' money. As Boon as tlie British taxpayer findfithat theJrish landlords must-be our- 11, iT faon if accomplished by the Tory Government t-t- iT Vioc jujj. Xllillj uc vyxjLi cot afew to snake up his mind defioitek kjt i i. ovj -aimiiii liic yuxse xur nuu, ne Will on Mr. Gladstone's unencumbered ronosals.

Mr. Sexton, without having seen or known anything of the pamphlet which has caused so profound a stir in the kingdom, justified in his speech on Friday night the abandon- merit of their Land Purchase Bill by the Libe rals. He Uterallv -killed with rirlinnlp sn. of honour" tdiichliasstirred all that is chivalrous in the character of Mr. CSiamberlain.

We may here observe that Mr Sexton's masterly effort divided with Mr Gladstone Pamphlet oa Saturday the at- itoot-ion of the British: newspapers. It is praised by friend and foe alike, and indeed, considering that we live under a political system 01 cnticism, as weu as government By party, tne encomiums lavished upon the speech are a striking tribute to the eloquent irishman. Some of the Tory organs are excessively bitter, but scarcely any of tnem are so vitriolic as the London corre spondent of the Daily Espres-i, who shares with the editor of that newspaper as Times correspondent the honour of heaping more" contumely and filthy libel urxm his rcountrymen than the most rabid anti-Irish Englishman. Even' the Itforninq Post, the official organ of the Primrose League, and a newspaper largely in the confidence of the rtrovernraent, refers to the speech as one of great length and considerable power." Perhaps the highest tribute to its power is paid it by the Times which, while editorially mute, devotes as much space to the speech as if it were the utterance of a politician of Cabinet rank. The Dcelht Neics, while finding fault with its length and the relevancy of some of the passages, declares that the speech of the- member for Belfast abounded in strikiiur and brilliant.

oratorical effects, while its arguments were keenand strong. The Glasaov) Herald betins a lengthened description with a remark upon tneenectof Mr. boston's reputation for good debatnig powers and a rich, humour- oris way he has at times of scalping mi -enemy." Very flattering allusion is made to the speech by the Manchesfei Mamhifr's-London. Correspondent. The most signal feature of the debate on the Address writes the Correspondent, "was Mr.

Seston's speech. House, we are tola. assembled, no doubt, in the expectation 14 that the eloquent member for Belfast would "repeat his favourite and much approved performance of replying to Mr. CJaamber- "lain" and then, "Mr. Sexton did not Si, appoint those who had attended in the e-r- "pectation of hearing smart things iut for tne greater part of ttte speech he was se- "verely argumentative, and hi3 speech was probably the more admired on that ac- count.

passages, as he de- ascribed the sufferings of the people of Gweedore, wero marked by genuine elo quence." The London Correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Post considers that Mr. "bexton has reduced to a science oratory in which argument, pathos, effusion, and re partee bear equal parts. When he is al- lowed to pursue the level course of his ar- "gument, jb ss a calm but very distinct "and eddying stream "of lucid criticism "Such to-night was his defence of the Glad "stone Land -Bill. Interrupt him, and you spiM teiiuuie wn or superior 'S i 1- "a lcd'uuls OTlumns umaentaal FVCJ- uiiousiaes as -tnU fxmra "Politicians stiflopen to convictions will fin.I i -n. oi.u,uu, ut irisa case puDivsnea r.nis-moriraig one trom the nen of Mr.

vjiaaswine, tne osner n-om tuo lips of Mr -r- ---i. uciwQ. Ml'. Sexton IS -m-rrio Irish orator has anwared afrU .5 Burke. Jlanj- fera ha.w.

hsA more rW.a- iorce auu i. or ariruraentasive rfoTtot but noiit; ot ineiu a In. Sexton duos, those qualities of exquisite pathos and. scorn which, were nw, i- cttaracteristica ot tne style or- ins eouTjtrVrtian. As it is.

Mr. Siutton a mustrious -among-the it not for a countryciaii trie l-aiMjbsfc-witharid rivals. Last-night-he had-a-grea them nii-u riS the signs the flow may not be -c ivi the day i pemapa not so very far og' -wheh the tellow-oo-antrymeu tor wtiom Mr. Sexton so pathetically pleaded will be relieved from the evils ana errors wmua nave weigaea vroiully npdn their country." PftusTiE AiEXASfDjBR landed on Bulgarian soil tmcf.ArrlsLV. a.nrl was rfffpitzDd of the populace, by tlie officers of feKe'armv.

-l rioada of thft J. nxull wo lively demonstrations of welcome and devo one ot the' strangest dramas that ever attracted the- gaze of Europe. Unry aweek mtfervefied -betwean I 1 Sent to all ports of the country. IaU-iJsrtitaaiit agpacaxaoja to- 4 ana 3 esranersiana sweet CRAMER'S Three Years System aow-ab-farined a world wide celebrity, and it -readMsribe ocfadniss of 2istla8s pianos CRAMER'S Three Years System is, as- fouews when-axi instrnment selected, anathe-sijes agree oat. the amount te-payable fifJS (TOBrtts-lyirSto.

OBAMEKS Three. Years Sje-iWhswlawe adoptsdijnewiat ainuls svstae, "bai iseaJy C. and Co, who cany it eat on alarge sad libeelJcSje: CRAMER'S Stock of Kaaos are a class cash mostenanentssstors bwrngkept as WALTHAM IiEYEE WATCmg Obtained Highest Honors at all EshSoltions, Assxrs HOPKINS ABB HOPKINS, LOWES O'COKKSLXrSXESS 991 (Late SackTiHe-streetJt IS THOMAS STSSEI, DUBMN. MBS. JO.

"AN A of the late John Eebe, Begs to 'inform her. Frianris and the PuhHc ene. rally ihat the Bosxnesa is cooMnued aa mutt at aboTe estabiiahmeat (uader her manageaiasii), under the swtip riamr, JOHN BEBE AND CO. With the assiatacee of steam Machinery site is en-abledto get up andhoidlarge Stocks; thereby iriSuriES th driais io good itnder "when delivered. GUINNESS'S Stont, BASS'S aad Castlebelhxhais Ales, Jasnesoa'a, Roe's, and ther approved Wmskers, French and British Brandies, Ports, Sherries, ClartA Ciders, Cordials, Special attention is- directed to GUEGTESS'S OE1E.

HEATED SSS. PORTEE, jot Invalids and Famihes at 2s 4d per dozen All orders errtniatetft! reoarje thaniful and prosxpt atteocton IS Registered Telegraphic Aqdressh "Behe." Dnblia. 0'CONNJJLL MONUMENT (Eegistetefi). QUALITY iits its Hhtsfarious tie SECOND SO NONE. SoleProprietora HUDSON AND CO, HOME and ESPOEI 1SBSCBHSSS, 9 NOBTH WALL, DUBLIN.

Casks, Bottles, and Cases are Jjsaadod Uie O'Connell Kcnument" (EegisteredlraBe Mark). NOW OPEN, G. ttOOKrs RANCH ESTABEISHMEKT, 7 AND 8 HARRY STREET, GEAFION BXBEET. HAMILTON, LONG, AND 0, TiTWTTBP, MacufactnrerB of MINE A A EE IN SILSEEED C5X1KDEBS, PEEEECTLY PURE. Soda Water Lemon Soda Lemonade Seitier Water Ginger Beer Ginger Alo Kali Water Lithia Water Clwnipagngides SPAEKLISG T.TME JDICE 3 LOWEB SACKVTLLE STREET, 107 ftBAFSEON STREET, DUBLIN, AM BATHMLNBS AND KINGSTOWN.


Mild-cured Hams and Bacon greatly praised by purchasers, and astonish them at the very low prices-Special terms to large consumers. Observe name- and address-. BSACEEH, S3 CAMDEN ST. pgTlS 2SSSSRS HENRY DENNY SONS, THE LABOESI BACON CESEBS IN SHE UNI2aSD KINGDOM, Beg to tail paiticrilar attenBon to tfcsir LIMERICK MILD CURED HAMS AND BACON rtAUTION TO THE BACON TRADE AND. XUE JrDBLIC.

ADMISSION OF INFRINGEMENT: OF TEADE MAEK OF HENEY DENNY AND SONS, A Wholesale Bacon TraderinItaiilui, asingaBraaii Standard Limerick Mad Cured" of an Oval Shape' on Bacon, not Manufactured in Limerick, and Mssrs Henry Denny and Sons, of Waterford and Limeriek, ccmplahrtag that same was a colourable "irnftatioa of their Brahd Mild Core. Denny, limerick" and, tiB said Trader consenting to -withdraw and dis. continued jtae use of said Brand, and tin. dertaking not to use same azain. asA mar.

ing a sum of 50 towards' expenses and costs iacansd toaowii socu uuxznguusBb, ana also rrawMiwiyt the publication of this adariaaion at to osiiensOTe hi consideraJaon of Messrs HenryJDenny and Sons diacoB-tmning fiJieatanea leprocaimis: MessjaHerrryDerusy aad SOTIwerry.givejjciiceio the Trade and the Public of this imitation of their Brand, and- cmKoo any Trader anv iirrrlnVe-raent of their Trade Mark Eights, and particalariy i gmiunv fintiwjj but, UIlA nwncjtMk OH Tilly paCOU QnfT' mee than en bacoa actually 'cured in laraed Dated this 9th day of August, 1SS6. iliaNKY pENKY and.SONS, Iiimericfc. 5929 JIMMEB BOOK ASBHALTE. J. RjSpHARDT, lilMMEE ASPHALTE TMPOETEE AND Mines, Ijniiner, near Hanoveryaid Vorwohle, in Bruaswicfe.

Laid by ezpeioenced workmen in any part of the country at specially low quotations. Extensively used for Footways, Flat Eoofs, Tennis Courts, Brewery and oicer eic Medals Awarded Bremen, 1S77; Hanover, 1873; Brunswick, 18SI; Amsterdam. 188a Offices 14 ST. ANDREW STEEEX, DTOLLN. 438 ED IRISH The undersigned will sucbdIv any amukiitv of rsd.1 livered.

orvjaft kilns any Brick, qrperTed goods to order from Arehrteets'or BuiMery' tica3jsrOTiitte 1., POETMAENOCK EBiaEaiid TEEffiA OOTT A a small eoiapany is considerable, aad in- fesestsially sapports to some extent, notwith standing dej5re.SsT.onj the contention of the Mdlajod Company. Add -to this the apprbptiated tf payment of costs the Bail' way Uomruissjoners Vtaciurry andTyou rmdrt impossible for the directors to recosamend any dividend. The Chairman, rn reviewing the decision of the Commissioners, went over much, of the grormd traversed in the report of the directors, and contended that, haying regard to the traffic and the convenience of the public, the third train was mora neeessarv thanit had ever been. We should not liketo say 1 anything against the convenience of the public, butaaa matter of fact, by the action ot the Railway Commissioners, the public have suffered the inconvenience, whatever it is, and the liability to having such a result lorcea upon them must have been in the contemplation of the Meath directors when tbey invited the inquiry. Wherever the fault lies, the shareholders of the Dublin Meath line now that in spite of their directors the convenience of the public has been they have lost whatever advantage accrued to- them from the third train, and they have lost also a good round sum in costs, which have gone to the Railway Commissioners andths lawyers and others engaged in the inquiry.

Surely some better result than this might have been secured if the difficulties had only been approached by the two boards in a friendly give-and-take spirit. The project to establish ia Dublin a Home for Catholic Working Boys, which his Grace tne Archbishop initiated lately, has received the sanction, aad will, no doubt, will receiv the practical support, of the mass of influential Dublin citizens. The requisition-to the Lord Mayor, published by us on Saturday, in which, his lordship was invited to convene a public meeting jrt furtherance of the movement; bore the signatures of the great majority of the employers, leading merchants, and professional men of the metropolis. We are glad to notice that the industrial classes were represented on the list bv the officials of many trade organisations. ObviouBly this is as it should be, for the proposed institu tion is for the beneht ot the humblest and most defenceless of all who earn their bread by labour.

Protestants and Catholics have united on this occasion, as in many charitable undertakings heretofore, to do a work that is not'osily of benevolence to the children of the streets, but of high importance to tlie community at larcre. It is not plea sant to think of hunrirpda nf vendors and the like srowins tin to a pre cocious boyhood, neglected and ignorant, their natural good qualities crushed out by the hard struggle for life, and their characters tainted by the vice and squalor of their surroundings. The Hon the Recorder of Dublin is, we axe pleased to see, one of the signatories of the reqrjisit-ion. From his experience of the criminal classes he could, we venture to say, adduce arguments in support or tins project that would somewhat startle the well-to-do people who fancy that all things are nicely ordered in this best of all i- TT CTUiiuu. ougu a nome as it is pro- posed to establish and we are su-e hat effect will be speedily given to the proposal-- i.

1 P0381 would materially help to cut off the source of i givea itiirs ana corner-ooys to the community, and criminals to the jails. Refuges for working boys have been tried fully in other countries, and the good that they have done is unquestionably great. We arc sanguine enough to feel certain that all the conditions of success will be fulfilled in the case of the Dablin Home. It will be mainly, if not altogether, self-supporting, but the aid of the citizens is needed at the outset. There is no presumption in saying that it will be heartily granted.

A terrible earthquake shock has swept along Southern Italy Grperp i along Southern Italy Greece. Naples, Brindisi, and Athens have been shaken by the visitation, and two towns in the Morea are reported as having been laid in ruins with heavy loss of life. Greece appears to have suffered considerably, but the reports are two meagre to convey anytinng like an accurate account of what has taken plaee. It is clear, however, that we must expect some harrowing details when a full account of what has happened comes to hand. All we know for certain is that on Friday night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, a vast seismic wave undulated along the northern shore of the Mediterranean, shaking towns, tumbling down houses and cnurenes, injuring an immense amount cnurenes, injuring an immense amount of property, and causing several hun- dred deaths.

So far as thered, the earthquake does not anomarh its fatal consequences the recent appalliaf visitations at Ischia and Java, but the extent of the wave is in itself alarming. The special cars of the United Tramways Company carried to Rail's four days of the Horse Show nearly 23,000 uave aLreaay referred to the very satisfactory way in which the traffic was conducted by the company, and the pleasure of the shareholders that all went well must be enhanced by the fact that the hard work of the manager and staff during Horse Show week resulted in a substantial addition to the company's receipts. The Guardians of the Clonmei Union are making a very commendable effort at classifi- their care. "Sstem auover the country is one i -i oBBm bu ub specially aesigned to spread the contagion of immorality. Our workhouses are standing menaces to social decency.

The paupers are flung together in such fashion fWK31! t11111 sucIlfas tfaafe- Parity of youth becomes swiftly contaminated by contact with the depravity maturity. The Glonmel guardians are alive to the fivik nmHHr A- m.a fj ey can. hope they will succeed, and -we hope 'if they do that pher unions will imitate them; but we doubt our worin0ttse system is capable of reform I strikesusthat obliteration is the only frS T' accolP i could-be organised. Way was there no military band in the Park yesterday 1 This is a question which may be fairly asked, seeing that some thousands of city folk, youag aad old, gentle and simple, assembled on tire ground in expectation that the pleasant and enjoyable experiences of yieviuus junoays witn the mUisaty per- cijjcvjcu aoseuce or tne Dana, tor wnsca up to the present no reason has I i I i i i a countermand: was issued. An explanatior is needed.

Fatheb White, of Miltown-Malbay. raises a nice point under the Land Act of 1881. It is explained fully in the rev gentleman's letter in another column, and may be briefiv stated thus. Father White is the owner of a farm, which he purchased that lie might convert the house into a school. He applied to the Board of Works for a loan, and on the Board asking for Ms lease he produced his last rent receipt, urging that he was a present tenant.

He did not get the loan, and the Question is. is a i equal to a tenant for a number of years with power to renew If so Father White must get the loan, and he does not despair. A coseespoxdent complains of the state of afiairsin some of the stations of the Great Northern Railway on Sunday evenings in the neighbourhood of Dublin. He says writing last night I was this everiing a passenger from Balbriggaa to Dublin by the train leaving Balbriggan at SO30, and on arriving I found great difficulty in reaching a carriage, owing to the crowd of semi-intoxi cated idlers who had congregated on the platform, and whose only business seemea to be to obstruct intendtng.travellers. I may remark that about one-feurth of the carriages were in utter darkness, notably the ones.

At Skerries I endeavoured ts get into a lighted firstrclass carriage, but hero again the crowd non-travellers was so great that it was impossible to get along the platform, and I was compelled, ia company with many ethers, to- complete the journey in darkness." Such is our correspondent's rvininlaint; TTa Very nrooarlv aska Krionlrt siib a stfa things exist on one of our principal railway lines 1 We would certainly say in reply thai ft should not. The manager of the line will of course, look to the matter. Nationalist voters in the city and count who have received objections should atonc forward the papers to the National League or in the case of the two county constituen. cies to the Saidpnal Registration Association, 1 Lower O'ConneH-street. As an alternative they should consult the officers of the National League Branch in their district.

This is most as rh Tfirfos scattered their objections broadcast, has. nig tnem tne ma3onty oi cases upon frivolous and untenabk grounds. These objections, no matter how silly or contemptible, are sti'l sufficient to pi-m; ur3 me uiaquauncation oi a voter ir instead of commnniriating with the National Associations, so as to have his rights preserved, he neglects to do his duty and pays no heed tc the notice. Ev-rv friends of his who received -objections to take prompt action of the kind that we have sug gested. The Nationalists must not allorc themselves to be tricked out of their votes.

The Inspectors of Irish Fisheries Sir Thos Brady, Major Hayes, and Mr. A Hornsby -commence this week a second series of inquiries into the decline in the productiveness of tlie fisheries of the northern coast ui Ireland. That there has been during the past ten years a serious diminution in zhe supply of ash not alone on the northers coast, but ail over Ireland, is a well established fact, and has resulted in extreme distress among large numbers of those dependent on the fishing industry as well "as marked scarcity in the supply of a staple article of food. During the last month the Inspectors held inquiries at various points along the north-eastern coast into the nature and extent of the falling off in the supply-land the causes to which it was attributable. The present series of inq dries, which will commence to-morrow, will be held at several localities on the north-west, coast.

extending from Donegal T-l Swiliy and including some of the most im. L. C1 .1 mi i F' usning stations, me result ot tne S03 will be laid before Parliament With a vieW, felisin? f. soon as PP some remedy for the decline complained It is to be kiwi that. fiprATi i.

who from local knowledge arc nualified afford information will attend these inquiries, as the Inspectors are anxious to procure the best and most reliable evidence on the matters under investigation. The forecasts of our weather prophet foriasi week were strikingly realised. On Monday morning he called attention to a report of Ta hurricane having passed over Jamaica, West Indies, and it was then stated that would take either of two courses one, recurving to the north-east off the Carols coast, which would cause it to advance directly towards the British Islands about Thursday; ana tne otner tnrougn tne imssisssppi Vaiiey from the Gnlf of Mexico, which would make ta-ke a more northerly course across the Atlantic, and a lonser period to a.c:rm-ir!isi the journey. During the remainder of the wee-t, nsnermen, particularly those od the west and north-west coasts, wen autioned to look out for the storm In Thursday's forecast Saturday vra; fixed as thedate of its arrival and on Fri day boatmen on the west coast wen advised not to be tempted by a sudden spe's of weather to venture too far out to sea. on Saturday the warning was reiterated, ar.c that morning at seven o'clock the prognostications were fulfilled.

The Dublin forecasts were no less remarkable. Almost every day during the week showery gusty weather ws3 foretold and with accuracy. As to the storm which visited the west coast on Saturday llim-lllll' wn tt-ominn -r-ae Vv, Mp- teorological Office, although wind forces of and 3 respectively were recorded at YalentB 1 11 i i 7 tt an respectively were recorded at VaientB anf Belmullet, while at Malin Head and Mullaghmorc they were 5 and (. The main storm is now on tne west coast, ana "Hi pf54! as predicted, north-eastward, so that fisher men will experience very severe weather oa the west and north coasts. Ox to-morrow the Board of Governors Richmond Luuatic Asylum will proceed to the election of an.

assistant medical officer to! that institution. It is at all times disagreeable to tlie public journalist to introduce tits question of religion in connection frith apr pointments to public positions, but it occasionally happens that the duty must be faced, however unpleasant its performance. Odj very recently there was a vacancy in tM superintendentship. We did not interpose one way or other. The Board made then choice, which was that of a Protestau' gentleman thoroughly qualified in every wsj for the post, and we were satisfied.

Tut superintendent of the Asylum is allowed assistants. One of these, like the superin tendent, is a Protestant. The other. has got an appointment elsewhere, and hence the vacancy. whs we ask now is, that tho Boat" shall be good enough to select a Catholic re the place vacated by the Catholic, provia.

of course, a capable Catholic be found anions the applicants. We do not believe thai t--w; is anything mreasonable in the request. patients ia the asylum are almost all CaUic-lies, and it is not too mueh to ask that tj shall be at least one member of the media staff of the same religion as therasel v. are satisfied the Board will find one 5 capable Catholic at least among the -to the position if they take the re- quire, and we would beg of them to themselves to smm JitHo inr-on-f r.icKCc i0 assume themselves that what we stwe i- tnj 1 hen, havTBg, found him, we hope tr.ey sirs him their snnnort without feehry fD they are stEasaing a point. THE CTESifS THEATRE.

To-night and' during the week the tcr.3 tJrarna, The Outcast," will be prcdi: it Queents. Mr. Saar Reynolds and iU tem the drmmatis ptrsona, and scrae ebsBical applianees as -brought into reiisi'11 to develop tSbe-Taripae realistic situations. aim ner Oomio Opera Company TIEEN'S BOTAL TBEATKE. Lessee tm Easiness Manager Mr WWhitbread.

This (MONDAY) EVENING. Production for Six Nights Only of the Great-Sensational Drama, THE OUTCAST. In widen Mr SAM BEYXOLDS and POWEBFCIi DBAMAT1C COMPAJSY will apnear. During tie course of the Drama win be realised A2s IKON FOUNDRY In full work. Commence at 8.

Prices 6d to 21s. Box plan at Mansfield's Slusio Warehouse Grafton street, where seats can tie secured. MONDAY NEXT, Mr CHAS HAXOrTOS And his Celebrated Comedy and Burlesque Company. DAN LOWREFS STAR YARJEIY THEATRE. JJubHn'e Leading said Popular Besort.

EJfORMOUS DOUBLE COMPANY, The Grandest Combination 22 Dahlia City. Everything to amuse, nothing; to offend. TO-NIGHT (Monday), TO-NIGHT. Tremendous success of the bewitcing seric-comics, THE SISTERS GROSVENOE. Number 1 Number 2 Number 3." Important engagement of the American Sketchists and Boxers, KELLY, and BLAND.

Enthusiastic reception of the marvellously cleTer CBTJiKSHANKS FAMILY, Wire Walkers, Pigeon Charmers, Double Jugglers, First appearancs of the comic niggers, KENYON and SANDFOED. The POWEBS. Miss KITTY VBENN. Last Traek of t3ie splendid specialities LES CORDKS TRIPLES. Nest Monday NeHylarrell, Madame Awliaa, and others.

KINGSTOWN. OYAL SABINE GAEJENS, Cnder ths drrectkin of the Kiagstown Amusement Committee. OPEN ATR. FEXE Weather permitting. On THIS DAY (Monday), 30thAugust, Postponed from Thursday last 02 account otthe weather.


OPEN TO TUB VfOELD. THE SECOND AKNlfAL CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Will be held at BALL'S KEEDGE GROUNDS, DUBLIN, o- SATUEDAY, 11th September 1SS6, Ctorrrraencirg at 12 o'clock siarp. Entries Close on TO-MOEEpW (Taesdsy). CHAMPIClNSHIP EV3SNTS. 190 Yards Flat 12d 220 Flat 440 Flat Hajf Mile Flat One Mae Flat Miles Walk "FTi Jump.

Long Jump. Bnrmjng Hop, Step, and' Jump. Three Jumps (staaiSiiig). Throwing "lis. Putting 161b, Pushing 231b.

Slinging 561b. Throwing 161b Hammer, 3ft 6in handle, froaj 20 ieet scratch line, with Unlimited run and follow. Standing Hop, Step, and Jump. Tug of War (Teams of sis a side), for the Championship of Ireland. Entrance fee 3s for each team Gold Medals will be given to the winners, and Silver 'Idedais to t-be Members of the Second Team.

OPEN HANDICAP EVENTS. 1WJ yards ircai 320 Yards Hurdles SMrt 7 171 44J Yards Flat VHandkaps One Mile Fiat 1.000 Yards Sieenlechase Lorar Jump, confiiiecitotJiose who hare nereraccom aEshed 21 feet in competition. Hop, Step, and Jump, confined to those who have nerer accomplished 43 feet in sanpetition. CYCLING EVENTS. (Under Laws of I HaIf-mileJ5icye3e One MEe Bicycle TwoMaesBusyele fHandicapa Two MilEs3ricysJe Entries Close TO-MOEEOW (Tuesday).

The Committee reserve to themselves the rightof refusing any entry or withholding the 3hampianshrp Cross ia any event where "the winner may fail to teach the standard. Special train and Hotel arrangements will be made for the convenience of competitors and, if possible, of visitors. Entrance Fee, 2s fid for each event. Competitors travelling over 50 miles will he charged aly2s6d for eacn event. Entries close To-morrow (Tuesday), Mr Crowley, George's-street, Cork.

This event has been added to the orkjital pro. gramme in consequence of representations made by some affiliated Branches. Entries, which can be sent-in on ordinary notepaper, win be received by Mr OCrowiey op to Friday, 3rd September. 6878 I NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION LIYEEPOOL. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS.

Darling, the Ashantee House and Hammockmen, the uiaias jLMory auu Jwfiery, tapianaers ana snerr tsem-deer, (ijpsy Encampment, Machinery in motion, the imuan Pavilion performances by Procession of Animals aad Native Dances Canadian Tobogganing Slide; Japanese Eickshaw Biding. Every 1 1 uiinirtaaons oi tne urouiius tnoa-saads of Coloured Lamps. Admission. Is. A EXCUESION.

ASIDE By Sea to Greysiones. County Wickiow, and Back. On WEDNESDAY, 1st Sentember. 1RSB. a PassnrnroT- Steamer wiiileave the Custom House quay, Dublin, at II a Kingstown 12 noon, arriving in GreystoneaLS); is! j.

vxua iiio- jc ut ati iurivujg iXingatOYTB as i UUD lin, 7 pE, EETUEN FAEES: rom Dublin. Bridge, 3 6d; Cabin, 3s; Steerage, 2s 6d, From Kingstown Bridge, 3i: Cabin, 2e 6d; Steerage, 2s. Children Half-price. Nors. A Discount of 6d each allowed on Ticket purcaaiea uetore day oi saifiBg, which are available any Austrian String Band wBl accompany Excursion, a.

freshmeuts Board BENWICE AND CO, C'tSce 23 Eden quay, f857 HOLIDAYS, HEEE DAYS EXCUBSION TO AND FEOil WATEEFOKD AND COKE. New Steamer Saltees every THURSDAY EVENING. Cabin, 30s, including rations and sleeping on beard at night in port CLYDE SHIPPING CO, 35 EDEN QUAY. p4263 IRISm; MANIJFACTDBE, SEAMBOCK LABEL, AND PURPLE LAPPING PAPEBS, the caiiK anir other Examinations, For Prospectus apply to The PRESIDENT, JJniTersity College, 6102 Blackrock RISE Mr BDMOND JOHNSON Begs to draw public attention to the fact that he ia by far the largest employer, of skilled labour in Ire-land-in the foUowing lines iDIAMOND SETTING, GOLDSMITH'S WORK, SIXVSBSMITH'S rWOBK, WATCHMAKING, and ha trusts to be favoured tvith not only a cen. tinuaacE of thit support which has been accorded hia Irish productious, but that on increased amount of-patronage nay be giveri' by the Irish rrabhe fco his effort sin above lines.

"THE JEWELLERY FACTOBY, 04 -GEAPTON STBEET, DUBLIN. 6458 WALTHAM WATCHES. MrEDMON his great-pieamns io diaw- itt attention to the abova wonderful tirnnfeMTuma ing attention to sibove wonderful tiniekeepeiBffa larcfl stock nf whih ha Vti in The mAV07ntQ Yuintr mi A a on ayrilrr it. .1 tncyasre mtercaangeable, taid a written jraaracfree -will Send for price list and all particulars to the JEWELUBBY FACTOEY, lEDMGND JOHNSON 04 QRASTOJf-SXBEET, Proprietor. If B.

Silver Lever Wat. niiiion. 2 fts (Vi a good gound Watch and Bplendid timekeeper. .6458 A A XU xi rHOTOGEAPHY. INSTBUCnONS FBEE WITH EACH SET PCBCHASED.

Complete Outfits from 2 2s. Best Sensitized Paper per sheet, lOd. Printing, Retouching, and MountiugdoEeior Amateurs at very rates. Lancaster's Cameras always in stock. Agentsfor the Eastman Paper Negatives.

Alberts and other Plates Is per dozen. Back Grounds, Interiors, and Exteriors beaujafully painted, Ms 6d each, Our New Patent Camera is the lightest and most portable Camera made, combining all the most recnt improvements. ROBINSONAND SONS, OPTICIANS, 63 GBAFXON STREET, DUBLIN, And I72 BEGENI BXBEET, LONDON. TOURISTS' FIELD GLASSES. ObsebtB-NINETE EN NASSAUC, DUBLIN, NEW EES-pfiULAE, OPERA, RACE and FIELD GLASo, corrsisting of adaptation of Mr E.

SOLOMONS' famous Lenses, securing a' complete absence of the colour, distortion, irritation, and fatigue to sight possesses the eitraordinary range of several miles, has simgcaseomplete, price Two Guineas. Double tmfira i.t,(? BSaT ifu, wateh pocket, yet nvalling in power some of thelargesi made. Alarce collection of Birmc.niirf ilMsoa TO light aluminum, ivory, etc The small, powerful Waist-coat Pocket Glass, 7s fid and 10s 6d. Also the Portable Glass, price 10s 6d. improved great power, of all sizes; fromlGs6d microscopes from 3s 6d.

The celebrated Specteeiea which preserve and assist the sight to old agj Repairs and country orders promptly attended ta u.wiwvu 1 ucvcaaiij to Mr SOLOMONS, Optician es-teblished in Dublin 62 yearsX Boss hot: visit tkb Provinces, thatailarticlesof his manvrfacture canONLT be had from him at NINETEEN NASSAU-STREET, Dubrhentrnce by Hall Door), within one door of Daw-son-street, that he is not connected with any person of same, similar, or other name. Mid employs no-Agents or Travellers. Observe NLNETEENHASSAU-ST. Dublin. IokceL ELECTR0 PLATE.


23s Do. ANDREWS' DUBLIN WHISKY, 3dEDAL, DUBLINlSSo. AM STREET, DWBLLN. TO OWNERS OF HOUSE PROPERTY, TOWNiAJfD CQUNIBY. Tenders famished, free of charge for HOUSE PAINTING, PAPEBHANGTNG, GLAZTNG, The Highest -Testimaraals for Capacity and the Beet Work: promptly executed.

Charges reasonable. WXTLlArRIARTIN, PAINTING CONTRACTOR, 18 STEPHEN'S GEEEN, NOBTH, DUBLIN. Boom Papers istest Designs TO STRANGERS IN DUBLIN. TO- PRESERVE THE SIGHT, i wii i. a me; iwwwMtjaBcu uairBwer oeesi inroctuced, I aB ia resHag' iann; or distortea.isWE.

Tfeose who stariy. or who -mabe in-TiTiiftrf at fin cv troTt- -roiii Au-. ZTStVSSl -juijuvi, xf ti rjn. uavuiuma waiasr, lastaoiisneti over hu years. THE-RENT QUESTION, CgROlI OUB SGBKBSgOSDENT.) Letterkenny, Siturday.

Yesterda-ff. ad t.tM,..r0lr!-9 of here, jHj. John Boyd, presid es, niiwi iinateji. qiBcussiori on the resolution form'alated bv of directiDrr attention in it. .1 iwef ul: uiq eviccor, mvingTrjegara to the present -agricultural denreasion and the position roll, aecouded by Mr.

Ward, the resolution was unanimously adopted. TRESPASSING ON EVICTED FARMS. (Srplt OUR Mitchelsfcown, Saturday. At'the MitcriRlftbltrrn JU fore Mr. 5 Eaton, James 0 Geran, am was cnarged the suit of Mr.

-Suckiey, P. with t.v,j,to4 jfariflS oh Uie Gaitee estates 'at BiUerough. SL: Standtsh Grarlv vrhr. Were-- PerSlStentlv trninot, 1 deposed to hsvfcg ivuu "wuuaur, cattle twice ontheiarnwi A a lottos .1 Vu wnen thev visited the tarms Lafc inidnignt uorns vere sounded tteouprh the Ae and his sarty were uZ ZIL 7 hpok the'cattle frortt tham. they were r33L patro1- Mr- Batea, in fining 5 P-vails, and mearf to land quietly and -amon tlimv, land quietly and inexpensively among them- selves without calling the aid of the Rail- way commissioners those gentlemen whose arbitration necessarily means to some of the litigant companies the loss of many hundred noiTnd.

h. without J2 j. giviuy SittlB taction to either. In the case of the Dublin and Bleatb, a costly inquiry was held as to the justice of the demand made by fch Wirl land, which works the Dablin and Meath, that tlie third tram should be struck off on tlie ground; that there was no necessity for runnijsg it. teurely this was not each a com- formers would be repeated.

Much disap-plicated matter that a little arbitration "at Pintaient was and expressed at the un- home" could not have disnnsi i a-v owuirj-.

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