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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Clark Co. New York, 1. Atlanta, Dallas, San Antonio, San Francisco, Chicago, St. LouU. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday.

Eatered as second class maucr at the post office at Blythevllle, Arkansas, under net of, Congress October 9, 1917. Served by the United Press SUBSCBIPTION KATES By can-let in the city of Dlythcvillo, per week or per year In advance. By mall within a radius of 50 miles, per $1.50 for six months, 85c for lliree months; by mall In postal zones two to fix, Inclusive, M.50 per In zones reven nnd eight, $10.00 -i-per year, payable in advance. vs. Individuality A writer in the current issue of Tlie American Architect complains that the federal government, in standardizing many of the smaller nostoH'ice buildings that it is now creeling in all of the country, is running the risk of up buildings that may not local i-cquircmcnls lit all.

A building designed for a smalj New Riig- land, town, not be able-for a towb in and he questions whether 'any one design can 'be will-be adaptable lo all country. there is a jrical deal but it. probably will i collision' with our uvor- Doubt- 3 build these small, pbstoffices all from onu plan; and the taxpayers, doing about all ho can right it is a'pity (hat individual de- signs'cannot be liail in every caso. 1C that were possible, the federal build- could add'a 'great deal of 'throughout tlie i 3 A Vanishing Aristocracy When crippled little Philip Snowdcn up in the British Parliament to announce a pending- increase in the rate pf taxation on British land values, he "farther along a pio- cess that began about the time that Napoleon WKS 'fHiling down to St. Helena.

The tax increase, of course, was (le- vised to gain more revenue for the government. One of its chief effects, however, will be to turn the screws little 'more tightly on the landed proprietors whose vast estates liavc given Vi a tone to English civilization since the ays Elizabeth. Taxation has been ruining the landed gentry. Each year some of the old, families ijuit the manor houses whore they and their forebears '-had lived for two or three cimtnries and seek cheaper and less pretentious '-quarters. Some of the estates arc divided into small holdings.

Some are bought by the post-war 1 rich; some pass to wealthy Americans. It is quite certain that Snowden's new tax, if it goes through, will still further narrow the steadily-shrinking circle of landed aristocrats; and as this class vanishes, the English civilization that we have known, and that our civilization stems from, must take an entiivly new The Dangerous Minority More than 75 per cent of all American motorists never have reportablc auto in other words, have any traffic trouble inure serious than u.scraped fender or a hubcap. About 20 per cent more average at least two serious Inilfic violations in their careers. And the small remainder more than four per i-ent of the most of the deaths, injuries and property damage ascribed to These figures, made public recently by trafl'iq safety expert, provide some real- food for thought. They seem to imply that there is a certain small percentage of the population that is simply unlit to" drive car at any time.

Most motorists have no trouble at all. A fairly group lias some trouble, could probably be trained into better ways. Hut a simill minority spreads death, injury and destruction lavishly. Some way must found of getting that small group oil' of the highways. Traffic safety will not he in sight until they can be done.

Meanwhile, tlie or- 'dinary motorists will have to put up with restrictions that he really does not need. Arkansas and Illiteracy between (he census years of 1010 and 1DJP as Inability of persons over 10 years of aye to ami reduced In Arkansas from 13.1; pu cent ot Ilic population to G.c per cent. In other words, In 20 years it 1ms been nearly cut, in half. This progress has brought praise anil comiiicnctalimi Irom the National Advisory Commiticc on Illiteracy, nnd should be highly gratifying to llie people of Arkansas, Because the great. Improvement in public school facilities In Arkansas Iras been made within more recent, years, some persons Hud occasion for sralilictl surprise In being told that Aikatuas has never been one of Ihc states where illiteracy is most prevalent.

Ever since this slate was ranked forty-sixth In the Union in an educational survey made by tlie Russell Sage Foundation, there tins bscn confusion on this point. On the basts of certain factors used in that survey, which was made la-fun; Arkuiibas' present educational position had reached, tills state stood, almost at the bottom of the list ns regards provision for public school educa- (lon. But as far back ns the census of 1310 there were states with a higher percentage of illiteracy than ours, and in the 10'JO rensus illiteracy wns shown to be less prevalent cur people than In other states, In some cases less than half as prevalent. Comparative figures for Ihc 1930 census are not at hand, but. there, is no reason to suppose that the relative standing of the stales In this respect has been greatly changed during the decade.

Gazette. FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1931 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark "I'm always pulling some holier. I could have had thai job if I hadn't mentioned heinj; a college graduate." WASHINGTON LETTER BY RODNEY nilTCIIEK NBA Service Writer federal de ficit may conceivably run close to- a billion dollars and insurgeht' mcmbcrs of Congress will lead a hot fight to bigger taxes on wealth lo meet it. Biit tlie now is that regular Republicans nnd Democrats will cooperate In staving off any tax incrcajo until after the next election There may some question whether it is good business lo increase taxes at the next session Instead of having the treasury borrow money.

Tlie argument -that current expenses should be met 'rein current revenues Is met with he contention (hat, increased tax- Iowa, have publicly announced their stands for tax boosts. Even that arch-conservative. Senator THngham of Connecticut, has declared for a blanket increase in in- taxes, although he drew fire fiom both lh-: Republican politicians who want- an increase less than anything and the Progressives who want especially to tax the rich. Would Tax Hirh More Proposals for tnxiuj tlie higher income brackets and boosting the so-called "dcathtaxrs" are always popular and will gain plenty of support in the near -iwcially as their advocates -poinl to tbc Increasing rciicentrntion ol wealth in the hand? ol a few. In rcsvcct to income taxes it is be portion of Ihc bleed will have a lightly milky color.

However, Hie fat Is usually lak- '11 up by the tissues us rapidly develops and either Ftorcd away used up promptly by the cells the production of heat or to irovide energy. The amount ol at lhat a 'person uses up in his )ody Is, of courfic, regulated by he amount of carbohydrate or that he Is taking up and islng at the same time. I It Is Interesting to realize that lie chemical changes that have described are going on all i he time, changing (he form and laturc of various subsla'nces in er to make them available for he needs of the living cells MOTHER NATURE'S CURIO SHOP TODAY IS ANMVES48 SOMETIMES OCOJA. hMSM -MO 7Ali BUCKS 1HE EtV) FOR BOTH NEWiV-SCKN O9OSSUHS TO VISIT TO SKNATK On May 1911, Vice I'remier Vlvianl, Marshal Joffro and Am- lassartor Jusserand visllcd Hie United Stales chamber lo pay Ihe cspeets of the French govern- A demonstration followed such had- not been since Lafayette was the attest of the (Jnttcd Slates in 1822. The sena- ors clapped hands deafeningly nd rose, Ihe gallcrios shouled nore deafeningly still an rose, caning forward and waving, while nembers of the House, standing at he back of the chamber, surged orward.

Tlw visit us shook hands with 'ice President Marshall and. stood leside him, looking with evident ileasure at the.wild scene betore hem. When the npplaus.3 had as ted for several minutes Mr. Sfarshall tapped for order. When 1U.

Viviani concluded Ill's iddrcss to Ihe Senale, shouts ol Joffre!" filled Ihe chain- I llavc mi Iost alt interest that I finally decided a few ber, and the inarshal turned and l' cll urch. I could give at least a years back to stay at home and aid with a smile: "I do not speak rca sons. at least I think rea-! Icok after my IOD, English Then r'alstn? his sons l' lis ias happened. To be- I've always been a great believer in land he called 'Vivent 1 11 with tmm 5' business which Pieaclurs preaching hell, fire and CHURCH EXCUSES By George W. Jtals'-Unis!" With a 'military sal-i a11 my mc except the time I literal brimstone burning.

ute he was tone. U3e for 1 think 1 could hen they quit preaching that stop with that one and be perfect- and uegal preaclll such stuff a's ly safe, but I'll say this i have heard the last few times I that the position the Church has to church, how in the world Mallard Duck Stuns West Coast Air Pilot taken on a great many subjects can they expect one to love his such as prohibition, Sunday blue: neighbor as himself? And if you laws, and what not, has had L.I-L hit nn nnf rhrnk- hnu- rnrlri vrii OODEN, Utah, this I cfre( on mc too IHl cn ne nott you tale to your collection of novel avi-1 ation experiences- Now as to Prohibition. There be expected to turn the ether? None ol that lor me. I say look out-for Henry Hotienbeck, veteran Na- seems to be at least several sides and let the other fcllqw do tional Parks Airways, pilot, i to the question. There arc the drys.

saruc- So I think rwill stay out wns cruising along between den or you might say the Democratic I Church ttntil these quesiicns and Pogafcilo on a scheduled rim side, nnd the Wets, which is ar all fully settled, when suddenly he was partially partly Republican ami partly Dim- I thought Mr. Cooliuge almost got( stunned by a blow on the head. locratic with a sprinkling of "let 'er the wet and dry proposition sst- Aftcr the pilot steadied his ship, 'go either way" crowd. Then there is tied. Then Mr.

Smith and Mr. Hoo- glanced down- in cockpit it he bootlegger and his following, ver took tlie question up. I think it and discovered a large mallard i which may large or may" was finally turned pvcr i Ismail. Of course, not all of them Wickersham and helpers- tur- dnck, dead. Failing to find work, a despondent college graduate is reported to have eaten his diploma.

To be sure, it represents gcod many courses. es would retard the nation's ecun-1 iK out that whereas las omic recovery. year a $200,000 income was taxei But there is no quest ion about i nbout $39,000 in this country i the politics of the situation. wns tnxed S3S.OOO in England. Hoover and Mr.

Mellon.on the one on the other hand a hand, will to kept busy enough I taxpayer with two children And explaining thai, huge, deficit with- $4500 income paid S314 in En? out also having to explain a in n( i 5513 Fr nn( an( i on ly increase. In fact, the avoidance 25 this year in. the Unilod States, of a tax boost between now and! some students of government election time, considering the rgl that with only some flclt's can be made to look perrons showing "a taxable in- rather like a triumphant piece of comc on lc i return in this coun- fiscal skill. trj- would be wise to establish a Dcmccr.ils Hjht Increase broader^? in order lo lessen a On the other hand, the Demo- present widespread Indifference to crats are now trying to attract the, federal affairs. Congressman liam- supnort of business themselves nnci seyer points out, however, that if feel they can't afford to be in, vc had an cstato lax at tlie Britany way responsible for a tax in- sn es government would crease- That, at least, goes fnr ,,,,11 si.200.000.000 a year instead The bird craslkM through the.

in the we hav; nished by Mr. Hoover. I don't know cockpit windshield, struck Hollcn-iwhat you might call the semi-rtrys. just what they did hut a fellow beck and dropped by the flier's some of the same kind as the wets. tuUI mc ilicy reported "yes" and side.

The pilot claims thai the Then there is the Kiln-drys, and "no" on the subject. This fellow al- Wrd must have passed through Uiejthe Sun-drys, then some dried in so said he had a plan that would propellers. -the shade as you might say; then work, bul so many cihsrs have good there is.wliat you might call the plans it seems like no one knows Read Courier News want ads. Idcor clrys. They have it so badly which plan to try.

Hoover traveled lo Cape Henry, Virginia, to honor tlie landing of John Smith. The fact he got wet there indicates he might have got John mixed lip wllh Al. Democrats and lor the present pally management which represents the Ideas and of Mr. John J. Raskob.

Hence, one finds Pat Harrison, ranking Demo- OUT OUR WAY By Williams of the slBD.COO.OOO now collected by both stale and federal governments. Differ on Dciiril Tile difference of opinion about crat on llio Senale Finance government's best fiscal course miltcc. recommending that the gonicu-hnt reminiscent of con- c'oflcil be met by diverting Ihe payments llial would ordinarily bo applied lo retiring the national debt. Hi.s slatcnient. Issued by the party's national cosnmlltec, fusion among the nalion's best financial minds in past months as to how large a deficit thero would be.

The cfficial guess nine months ami the official guess now COME soo'u. GOOD JOB 75 THOUSAND ROUMDS GoTTWo THOUSAND FIGHT OF 13ORN nn oc out that the country, Ihauks to differ by abnut. $1,000,000.000. Last and past treasury sur-1 August Secrelarv Mellon nivjuard- is years ahead cl the Tcdly admitted that a deficit was debt retirement program and that thrcitcnrd wliicli probably would il c.iii afford lo slow up. require restoration of the general I'resident Hoover and Svcrilnry, p(.

CC nt tax reduction on 1B29 Mellon have opposed suspension of: incomes and President Hoover payments into Ihc i prcmplly repudiated the idea, fund -amounting to Slll.r.Cv.030 ijy huvvever. a pi year and have planned kci-p Koins on shoil-tenn borrowings until business niHl mere taxes are turned in. IJy huvvever. a probable deficit of $100,083,000 was generally admitted. Subsequent in- rceascs in tho estimated dcficil av- crascd nearly $203.000.000 a month llul Hie baltle lor liisln-i in- an( v-n the tcmiiorarily (axes and estate, removed reduction was and taxes will so on this year and (lie first two pay- same.

Varioius members cf me nts on 1330 incomes will be re- -rcss. Senators of: durini; tlve n'cscnt (iscal fj'alio. Cr.iizcns of cMiinates liavc placed Wheeler of Montana and the deficit at MOO.COO.COO by June ccutly Ccngressiiian i.f 30. Fat Provides Reserve Store of Energy For Human Body 11V nil. MORUIS risiir.jiv if the Ininian bring Mrili Joarnil of lh? Association, a Fat Is utilized by Iho i tly largely as a source It rrnirlbntes manv lalicnship to tin 1 in 'be lakcn.

By relieves the a'-sluilblion. i tion of a larjre anioun'. Inriraic or sugar- I Tfi a certain exlcnl 1 1 in spathii: is ired for buildup i the Mipportcd by fat to the human bony ly diet, lud tin'. f.on on any is hkelv lo hp in occurs nnl only nncier condi- 1 "lions of famine when people follcw mnvi'r rrdnnns formulas. Ihc body to live on tlw fat that has boon stored 'up hi times of plenty.

Under such circuui- fnl will be found v. in (lie blond, which Is carrying in frr.m one part of (he body to an- other. i Wiicn fat in tb? form of butler or beef fnl rr niutilive oil is lak-' into tin- body. It is split up in I the inlestinrs aurl chanced Tally acids or Ihen. Ihe action of the cells in the walls! of the the fnt is into a new form In which! is carried by (he blcort nnd poiiled in the body.

If the fat in i 'n the Wood is in Ihe. fluid; HAVE YOU MET THE LADY WHO NEVER READS THE ADS? Go into her kitchen. The shelves arc filled with familiar brands oi soup and soap and foods of all sorts. Her electric iron and ice-box have been advertised regularly. So have her rugs and towels and table silver.

Somebody must have been reading "the ads" asking for known the Goods giving them leadership. Few women now are content to miss the marvelous comforts of the times. Almost every one is planning to make next year easier and pieasanter than this yoar. You read the advertisements with interest because in them you find the freshest news and the most practical ideas about keeping and about all other branches of the modern art of living. Naturally, your interest and your confidence grow when you see the same product appearing over and over again.

Improved better now than ever, but an old friend, anyway. Something you can rely on to meet a need, and do a job. Follow tlie advertisements in thin uapcr cureiully. They arc full of interest in fads uml useful ideas. They will save you time anil money and bring you better thinys.

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